Oregon City Enterprise. SCHEDULES OF TIME , o.c.T.co.'HtrriuiuiiH, Al.TilM A N II ItAMUM, ItaiaN hikU.il'D.MI.KN a HI) ll.HHMN( I Lear I'cirlUul 1 trim lrvat rWk tl t W A. M. 'k'i , MiiiiiU) V ) A. M. ai.il im .! m!lli I imUuiS MA. M. wk lf mi i'.ui 1 r. Hi ttri-1 1 .t..vt Oraacm Olf lor I'd' I land ( .,11 . 4 .,. ... D M) r, numur. fMl lltiitt, (ihhI icroMMMlNllniia mid Inw mint, Mn way Iramhl bamllDil, NnorjIrJ r U ou Unili fialghl. MOIHIHIN I'At'lKII! RAILWAY. Kimrii mn no. Calllii.iila Kiinn.i (ilimiiiilij 7 H . m. koeebura; l.wl (wjr lallnua) Itup. in. Halow l' nn eV7a.w, UI'TM sou pp. rt...r)ml .tI (nay elallulia) I 77 m allium! Kliinea itiiruuilil IM.p.pi I v . w. aunt I' aa Ufl I'o.TAI. rU.lle'l'UI.K. ' nYkvi'TiikN raririu ii.paq, Mali rlnaaa iiiii i North, i At i 01. ml T p. m. Mall euara win Humli, a t7 a. ill au'l 7 m. Mall Ififlliulxllroin h.Tili . .. Itrlta in. Ma. I dial' buci lii'in Kouih, I i. U, f. m. T rr ll'.l.a'llt Llr-S. Mall ' lui JciU.li'1 aid Uia'tUulli g tool, la, 17 lam, ami 4 tft . In, M drlo.ee lie Milwaukee oiilf, SO a. m.. t tu a M Ma. I nlT liotn r.iitUnd, II a. m. anil I It p u. aim ftot'Taa. Orafou (lltirlr.l'ariie. Mullnn.UlMraland M"laila Imim at li . and artlvaa allim. 'Vim-V (Mr lo lrr Creel, Wai. Hark.. Mral" HtiK.k.l tiiiin Ml I la. and I iilinii, laavaa al k a m. M.m.lay, Wv.liir.e.lae and r'i.4r, and raiiiMnoii lii'ilin ila al :k. m . (ira"U t:iiv In Viola, laifan anq neiiaa.i loata Olla.'U Clljr f rl.lay at I uu I'. Sulfur I and ud ' al Mouday, Woliiraday and m.. learlne, Vluia aaiua neri al7 uua, gt Oravm, lily lo Wlllamaila, Wil nli a. arrloaal u wa, in II W a. in. daily. u.n-ral '1-lifaiy ind"W u opea on iiiii ti.Mu iuui II a. in. A.l M'.re.n.., pi ' ' h U.t al Hia "of ! I'toaivlly a..l off kunJay, aa uu "ll.a 4 e. A' ..!. e.i mall I hat la dvard an I fallal" arrltr o ll m., a. I'. I'-ln mil 0m on M cluck or :tkHirio oar ' " ru.Aitrrit ri.ta t. ' ' litis i-rriu amxik IDItn. J w nu ' Iugu " 1 1 u -H t ' i I v. ni. - J is i I uu ' 4 0" l .0 IN a iu J it - a.u kumUv v laava 'is' y t ni. In rl-.fl uu and I u.t. j arm nui Via. m. 7 l " HO w . " . I uu a.m. ' . t. 0 - ,. II l 4 Hi " IM " t ii 1 " i l ik hi. nr niiHI t n'rlwk i Jai.u r k. !. C. A MII.I.KH, M TT. KKIDAY, oritifvl'.U HI. I WW. Tllkt NRttkPkPKII A Immiuiiation Aost. In no Imilrr way ran lnnnli(r tiun bo avt'iirml lor a aUlo "f hh Ihhi, limn lliruimli llio rulilinii ol M fViTjf tiny nti'liii'r IUtiiiit4'tl aiuoiiK tlx airal.lo clnaa ol iwoiilit. Wlmn AIImtI Toaier. (MH-ri-lary ol llio tni:ci Aaa.H'latli'11, wi-nl Krtl lul yrr. In1 tinik lolia ImuI i!,0"K nipira o( (Irrtfou ii Vl'ra, iiil.lhhi'J in Vali'Mik api-llmm ol llm elkli', lliat lml iviiiiuiIhIimI in liia ollli-n. WIiimi Im rfrln"l SoiiiIhtii t'al llurnia, lio liivnn In iliairilinln llii-ni l llio rail way klaliona, giving out one or twoiliir.Ti'iit .ii'r lo rm li Imliviiliml Them iiM'iii 'T ni'iv"l ! tI v. ar.it. 1 It u Mtniiinhinit to inml ao many mil, who hal lu-viT litmrJ ol lliut faf otriun.l.On-iion In thew littler ilny a of human enliuhteiiiiient. enili nKi'l tn! that thuy look upon the lUahy Imhhii tiri'iiUr ami the Klih tiuiKiicI im iiiiwi.iii.iii ap'itl with ilmtriH. Muny of tl.i-in have Iwn bitten by helnu in (IiiitiI to emlii'Kle to koniB uriil, Know lioi.T 'liiKU Hlru k'n ilixtrirl. hikI they re eoliaetieltaW win J of other Indili'e ineliU llmt aru:eelile.l. Till) kveruuo cilliell liaika iipoii llm regularly iHUe.l nwiaMr ol rily or town, h the true Index to il proaiierity, aiirnmmlinuH mul vjKai-ihililii'k. Tho coiitfiniiliitivo cm migriint limy ileHire to locitlu either in or nenr inll or lingo town, mid to form fuiiHla.'tory hlea of the mlvmi tHgea of the plitfe, ho I'arefully m-aiiit tho coliiniim ol the lonil newii'iiier. lio Ih Mtixlled that if Jhe kt ill not gelling otit boom edition, It will not lie c-on-tiniiotiHly every week. He nda tho imtrket Hitd crop teorU, tho ihurth nd lodgo notice, the. country eorreHiiond enee, dvertiHementi mul loel new, gnil coinoi to thu coiii IiihIoii tlmt the country it flviliied, mid tlmt the iui rounding will unit bin Ideal ol a new home. A yUmmli iliritribulion of Or egon neWHiBKir in the Kant, would do niorB to bring tlohirnlilo cliuw of now pooplo to tliis "tte, than could bt ac comiilikhfil throngb any other method. Why Lithiation ia Exiknhivk. It la an unduniahla fuel tlmt litigution in tho circuit courta, In the most expenaive lie iimtU-r tlmt uliould have been tried in few hour mii., ,,f flulitlng over It for a lew lu). For tho iW which It I coaling the county to try lh ua the parllea only have to pay a 12 trial fen under the ayatem now In fon e by the aliituter, J'hla uUeruooii the cao it be. lug argued to the jury and eaoh side la given an hour. They wanted a much lunger time but Judge Mollride would not allow It, laying thai there were few ijotiatloim lo be djix uaaed," , Tim above item explain how ronU roll up in Clin k- ainaa county on account of trivial caae that come up for trial, ami the tatpny era have to fool the billa and lay U to the rxtratagance ol county ollii'lula, Under tlin axlallug alaluto regulatlona, any indlvldiiiil, who baa a peraoual pile againat anolhnr, by the invealinent ol a few dollar in fma rait bring a anil I that will coat the taxpayer bundled of dollar. IIi'llt.KM AcgiiiTTKn. f.aat week whan elm city couuull revoked H, J, Hai'ohliT'a wlmm licenae, Iih deiuanded a bearlrg to refute the charge made agulnat him On Friday night Mayor Hlralgbl called a meeting of the council and llaei'bler In a jalher oftVimlve way, denied the rlmrge brought againat him, but Chief flnrna added hi tevtlntiny lo the character of the houae lie had been conducting., liapoblur then i began to heap abuae on Chief Ilurna, who ar tcau'd blrti or) a wunanl charging him wild the rohla-ry of old man Fgel, who coiitlui'led a bakery a couple of year ago at the rear of Khlvely'a or houae. Chief form had been holding the war rant all Ibia time, willi the expectation of finding the other man Implicated, who hail lieen mlaaing ainre I Iih occur- reiuVof Hie rubbery.'' 4 Haerbler' aunt went rMH'iirity for li In apiearance Mon day la-fore Kecorder ltyan. At the hearing MV. Kgel teailflud that early In the looming ut aa be waa ojiening up hi bakery two men roughly laid hold of him, and threw a lack over hie head ao that he could not eee anything. One of the li en held him while the other went through tin pot-kola. Ho rocognixod one of the men aa Handera.w bo baa Nome rupnlation a a crook, arid thought the ntrWwaa llaechler by tlin aouud of In voii-o. Kaeihler' relalivea, however, leaiiflNl that be waa out of the city at the lime the roblwry la laid lo have ta ken place, aa there waa no rebutting tea tlmnny to disprove thla aiaiement, he aaa diacharged. HonnKa ami Fakiii. There baa la-en I ol audi a lilgh order, and their orlgi nal aeiiiiinental prodiuaioni hold their audlencee la lyiiipelholiu touch with them, Huiiday evening thev oowJuctod the choir aong aervlce at the Congrega tional church, and every aeet in the large auditorium and church parlor waa occupied, ANoTiixa Hraaar to hn Im-iiovitw. Tim city council coinmitUfe on atroet and puhlia properlv ha awarded the contract for Improving Keventh alreet between Miiln and the railroad track to John htuait f';r the aiim of 177144, that being I hi) loweat hid. T. H. Lawrence' bid wa the next hlgheat, 7W 80. I'ida . . a. I were ubiuituxl ny I'an i.yona anu Smyth A Howard at ao much per foot, which would aggregate a couaiderablu i higher figure. The aKaamentJi on abutting proorty were adjuated to auit the figurea of the contract aa follow: O.AC. K. It., W.72; John Welch, )tKii M. K. church, .l:"1.67; M. A. Htralton eatale, .'.VI.2H; Klixaljnth Fucba, $i:U)4(l; total, llCiuiU, which w ill include the ex perinea of luperin lending, etc. The ordinance declaring the akaeaament waa ordered puhliahud by the city Council. And Oregon City will aoon have another Improved atreet, thla time with cruahed rock. The work excavation liegan Tueaday, and the aame will be rapidly puahed toward comple Ion. Tu Watkm ItaeaavoiH Kxamikkii. During the pant week the water com munion let the water all run out of tho .. . j , j reacrvoir, In order to make aoma trifling rejiairi that wore neeiled. The reaervolr lacked three leet of being filled (o the top, but it look keven hour for the mi menae Volume of water to diicharge it- .'ll. The examination after the water waa turned otTahowed tlmt the ruaervoir waa In excellent condition, only a few trilling repalra lielng nieded. The com miaaion I well pleased with the auo- atanlial work done on the reservoir, and reallie that the clly now haa a valuable ecqnleition lo It water lyateiu. The reaervoir not only guarantee a g'Hxl wa Ur mpply and ample fire protection for the ieople living In the upr part of the city, but ai-rve aa a valuable itore houe of Willumetta water, that could he uaed In any portion ol the city in caae of an emergency. OaxooN RAPTiaT Stat Coxvxntios. Next Tuenlay, October .Dth, the Ore gon Uipliht convention and minialerial conference will convene in Salem to re main in aewlon five day. The Oregon an nnuaual iiumU-r of holHie pl"g (,'ity Itapiiat clmrcli luia elected the fol through town during the paet few daya, lowing delegatea to attend thla conven- and make a practice of holding up (he alreet pedituiian al every corner for a few cen I a to buy aoiiietbing lo eat. Home oj them play the fnkir racket with good aniT-eM, aa the unwary nicker Mill bilea aa in the daya of old An etiler- Inxtiry that the taxpuyera have lo pay (or. Thla fact wua plainly demonatrated In Clataop county laat wm-k. According to the Aalorio Kvoning New, it coat just f'.HI lo try an ISO cne, which hud been on triul two daya before thecircnit court, and Judgo Mcllride'e patience waa bo coming very much wearied. Ho re lieved himself a follows: "Gonllumon It would havo been cheaper for tho county for me, before iho beginning of tlio trial, to havo directed tho clerk to have drawn a warrant for the full amount of the claim of the plaintiff and not hud tho rime tried. It cobib tho county $18 per day to try this caae." The New further commenla: "What hie Honor really did mean waa that the caae waa being unneceaHurily long drawn out by tho couiihcI ami that it was a lit- . -i .. - . . ; 1 1 ..I . ! . . . I . i.. it ,., ' primng inimp anil i-iiii ina ii nan I 1 .... . I ... . 1. ..I ..... pit am up iiiai pan ui pi ini itm -it rjv glaaaea, and iilfi-ra the aume for aale at a minimum price and the uiiMlaiectiug rualomer think that he ia gelling aoine thing fur comparatively nothing. Hut thul ia when' be la taken in. The ahiewd fakir probably hua a dor.t-n ir in hia pocket, for which he likely paid in a allver crane market the aum nf 23 reiila. The gohl watch chain fakir ia very e crelive and cutitioua. He ipota hia in tended victim, and caulloiialy informa him that he haa come inlo poaeeaaion of a aolld gold which chain, and ia afraid to take it into a jewelry alore or let any onii olao eo it. The victim conclude that the hobo haa atolen the cheap plated attair, and pay about four timea what il la worth. Theao fakira are no doubt working other towns in the Wil lamette valley, aa they have been Ore gon City. St IT AllAINIT Cl.ACK AMAa Col'NTY. Coroner W. X. (iodlrey, through hia attorney, C. I). I.atourelte Hied a auit .Monday in JuticH 8i-huehel'a court aifitlitHt the county judge and conimia aionera to enforce the payment of f 11.50, allcg'-d to ho due for hia aervicea aa coroner iu the iiHpicht on tho Iwdy of tho late Mrs. Icnt. Mra. I.enx wua tho un fortunate inmate, of the Ciladatone hos pital, who auicidod by drowning her self in the Clackamaa river. When the body was found two or three daya after ward Mr. Godfrey took possession of tho aame, aummonod a jury and hold an in quest. Tho court rufuavd to allow that part of the bill relating to the coroner' ollluiai fee, claiming that au imueat in thia caae was not necessary. The caae will be heard on ilk equity merits be fore Justice Schuebel next Saturday. From there it will likely be appealed to Judge Mt-llrido to get bis law decision In the matter. The object in bringing the suit la to determine just in what caaes a coroner can legally hold an in quest. It waa necessary to bring tho suit in tho justice court, as no case in which the amount involved is less than fiO can be begun in Ilia circuit court. TlIK DkMoSS E.NTKIir.tiNMKNT. Tho Oregon favoriU.'S, tho PoMoss family gave one of their excellent entertain ments at the Cougregittional church last Saturday evening, They are old resi dents ol Oregon, and are al ways listened to willi delight. They are now on (heir lHth annual tour of tho United States, and have been received with great favor in Europe. They aro without doubt tho most talented quartette of combined in strumental vocal musicians now travel ing in the United States, and those who do not hear them miss one of the oppor tunities of a life time. Their music, too, tiou: Kev. and Mr. M. L. Kugg, Mr. and Mra. I). 0 Ijilourettc, l'.ev. and Mra. Gil man Parker, J. J. Hurgeaa, K. A. Smith, (i. W. Hwoihj and Mra. L. C. Dring. air. and Mra. A. S. Ureaaer were elected aa allernalea. On the pro gram Kev. liibnitn I'.irkr ia down for a lepoil aa aecretary of the bwid of man agera; Kev. C, A. Wooddy, will nqiort on the l'a.illc Itapliet; Mra. M. L. Prlpra aill lead the dii-cussion on foreign missions, and l.ev. M. L. Kugg will con duct theStindav evening prayer meeting. Itrst anil Cheapest liiMiruncf. Savo money on your insurance by call ing on K. K. Martin, who representa the only Mutual doing business in Oregon City. You cannot afford to keep on throwing your money into policie and pay Inrni 3 to 5 years premiums in ad vance and then have the company fail. The Oregon Fire Kellef association will stand the closest investigation. E. K. Mahtin, Agt. Commercial Itank Nock. PTJRELT VXOETXBIX. Tm Cli., I'' k ad tut lamily Mli-- tin w Iha wrntM I Aa Lrra. thai. bra. iric fur all diaaaaaa ijI laa livar, bt.M)ah and SuUaa, Mtgalala llx jf and i.rvni ' w 1 1 ia anu ravaa, kfAiAal- rrca vnn, lu,mxL (.oMPl.Alprra, Kluni.aa mm, LAvnima and u . . HAD IIHKATnt Kofbm It an unplaataril, atjiliin aa bad Maatli; an. in nearly avrry U cmnra from Ilia h, and lan b ao 'aMly lorra. ImI if ftm will lalia SiMM'.Mft I.i v. a la..i'f.A..a ilo inA iwa'I m aura a rratar1- f.- lii.a raimUiva duvirdT, Il will alan Unntwa yuuf A;.anw,iuo.pai,'jaabd general Laajib. 1'II.FXI H" many lufTrr l.tura day a'ar day, aiakin Uta a burdan and r.M'lna aaiMrn. a nf all ieaMirr. ..w.ita If, Ilia t. m ..ffmt.a ffim FiIm. Vi irl.af a nayly In Iha hand m almt an tm who will uaa avktamali. CAliy iba rrluady that baa parmanantly lured Ik'AP aarula. SlHM.nn I lva rt'.l'l AI"a ia nn draMK. yuiiara nurga, Uil a ganllt aaaiauM l nallira. COMMTIPATIOM fillot j l wa ba rrnantrd aa a trifling ailinrwt in la. I. nalnra drn.an.lt lh aimrM regular ty raf lha iM.wrli, and aay devia!) fr'An 111 demand pare iba way Irflan In aerraia lLagaf. l H . fUila aa ft'eeaary In refflova ImtAira arrnraulalMraa i tm iha b"Welt aa ,l ia In eal rv alarp, and an keallri caa far atnarted alien a cnalivt kaUl uf budy iircvaiia. HICK IIKADAtllEI Thia ditlreaaing afftinUai nrmra avrat frarlienliy. The dieiurl.an.a re lha atnraarh, arlalng frnra Ina imnerfa.ly digaaled cmlenta, rAuaea a acerra faua at lha bead, arrompaak-d wllb diaagreaabla aauaea, and lh r orient aire what ia ariraiarly bavwa aa bak IfeadacKa, fa- Iba relief i wtnea laaa SlMMolra Li vu MatMLATtra tm Mamriiai. MAavrAXTvaaooaLT ar J. IL ZEUJN CO., I1iadal(iua, Pa. When you bay Agents for Pure Prepared Paint ! NOBLITT'S STABLES Livery, Feed and Sale Htable ORECONCITY. LOCATED BKTWEEN THE BKIDOI AND Utl-OT Double and Single Rigfl, and sad dle hornt slwayi on hand at the loweM pricea. A corrall connected with the barn for Ioom stock. Information regarding any kind or UVk promptly attended to by peraon of letter. Horses Bouvht and Sold. Horaea Boarded and Fed on reason able tesrmi. MOLALLA-:- AVENUE ..STORE.. G. W. Grace & Co. NEW GOODS, Complete stock of every thing needed in the home. New Good a Modern Prices. ( orner urocery. I'ndc rtuki-r and Kmhiilinpr. K. L. Ilolman undertaker and em balmer. (iradnate of Knibiiliniiu col lege. Full stock of caskets and coffins at prices to suit. Undertaking parlor in Wineliard block opposite courthouse, tf Money to Loan. I have H50 to loan on good cleared farm land. C. II. Dyk. Wanted. 75 Wood choppers at HatUorf Bros.' wood camp, Oregon City. SCHOOL BOOKS We carry in stock every school book vised in Clackamas county, and wo sell them at State Contract Prices. We buy and soil old Bchool books and can often savo you from 40 to GO per cent, on second-hand books. We have taken especial pains in buying school supplies this year to get bargains in slates, pencils, tablets, pens, ink, rulers, etc; and by buy ing in large lots and paying cash we get bargains. HUNTLEY'S BOOK STORE. ORKGON CITY, - OREGON. CompUte stock of Fine Family Groceries, Try my extra Choice Teav-ss!- Richard Freytag. Main and Fourteenth Streets. A houne y iu make sure the title is clear. When you paint it use Pure Prepared Paint as it makes all the difference in the world whether the paint is genuine or not. Color cards free, fcpecial prices in quantity. CIIAI13IAN & CO. CITY DRUG STORE. .Telephone No. Oregon Industrial' Exposition p Portland Oregon; ,''.' SEPT. 19 TO OCT. 17 The Great Resources of the Pacific Northwest: Agriculture, Horticulture, Fisheries, Mines, Manuiactures, Machinery, Transportation, Trade, and Commerce will be represented more 1 completely than ever before. -a . -. i Grand Band Concert Every Afternoon and Evening Special Attractions Every Night. Lowest Rates Ever Made on all Transportation Lines. AdmiHsiiui 25c, Children 100. For exhibition space, apply to Geo. L. Baker, Superintendent, at the building. K. C. MASTEN, Secretary, flie St. Louis He-Dun The Great National and Representative Republican Newspaper. Reduced Subscription Rates, by Mail, Postage Prepaid. DAILY AND SUNDAY, - SATURDAY EDITION', 16 pages, SUNDAY EDITION, 28 to 40 p.ges. One Yrar. 6.C0: Six Months, $3.00 - One Year, $1.50 One Year, 20O- Your team will have the best of care and Full Measure of Feed At the City Stables. W. H. YOUNC, Prop., Bucwaaora to ftH, COOke. . Livery Rigs on Short Notice. Telephone No. 42. JOHN YOUNGER, IEWELER, Opp. Iluniley's Drug Store, All Kinds of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired PORTY YEARS EATERIEXCE IN Great Britain and America. Give me atrial. WEEklY, Issued in Semi Weekly Swtions, 8 paires em h Tnei'day and Friday, 16 pHgen each week One Year, $1.00; Six Month, 50c. THE GLOBE-DEMOCRAT is universally conceded to lie THE BEST of Amet icau newspapers, and at tin-Be K EDUCED KATES it isalso THE CHEAPEST THE GLOBE DEMOCRAT pays for and prints MORE NEWS than any otl.er paper in the United Siates" It will lx inclipensahle during the coming great National Campaign, and the LOW PKICE places it within the reach of all THE GLOBE-DEMOCRAT is sold by news-dealers everywhere at 2 cents for the daily and 6 cents for the Sunday in-nes. Delivered to reunlur subscribers, Daily and Sunday, 15 cents a w-ek,60 cent a month. If your local denier does not handle it. insist upon him procuring it for you, or send your subscrip tion with remittance direct to the publishers. VT Tarticlar ntteniioun is called to THE WEEKLY G LORE DEMOCRAT issued in Semi-Weekly Kections, piirht pges every Tuesday and Friday, making it practically A LARGE SEMI WEEKLY PAPER FOR ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. This issue just fili the bill for the busy man, who has not the time to read a daily paper, and yet desires to keep uromptly and thourotlglily posted. It a-oes to every State almost to every postofl'ce in the Union. All America is its legitimate field. No matter where you live, you will find it invaluable as a news paper and home journal. Sample copies free on application to GLOBE PRINTING CO., St. Louis, Mo. The Inter Ocean - Is the Most Popular Republican Newspaper of the West and Haa the Largest Circulation. TERMS BY MA.IU DAILY (without Sunday) $4.00 per year DAILY (with Sunday) $6.00 per year The Weeklv Inter Ocean 1-00 PER YEAR." 1 Aa a Newspaper THE INTER OCEAN keeps abreast of the times in all respects. It spares neither pains nor expense in securing ALL THE NEWS AND THE BEST OF CURRENT LITERATURE. The "Weekly Inter Ocean As a Family Paper Is Not Excelled by Any. npIt has something of interest to each member of the family. Its W-t? YOUTH'S DEPARTMENT is the yery best of its kind. Its LITER. ARY FEATURES are nneqnaled. It is a TWELVE PAGE PAPER and contains the News of the World. POLITICALLY IT IS REPUBLICAN, and gives its readers the benefit of the ablest discussions on all live political topics. It is published in Chicago. ii Is in acoord with the peop'.e of the West in both politics and literature. Please remember that the price of THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN la . ONLY ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. Address THE INTER OCEAN, Chicago.