Oregon City Enterprise I'ATKN TO RKHKMHIlll. Weilneailny, (Irtnlnr7 - Hri'iton Nlal Kir liirclK at Hnli'in, lu uniillliiia linlll Tnee day, Oi'IiiIht l.'l, I'riilny, Oil. V.'l. A ti 1 1 1 1 rtl riiiiyiiiillim ol I'larkiiinaa "nil ty ClirUlliui Kiiilcitviir union in niri-l in (iri'Kiui I lly. Three duy 'h hi. Monday, Nov. 2,-rirriilt omul fur Cluckn- mm ciiiiiiiy cunvi'in-n. 'J tixmtMV. November '!. t'rcnlilniilml cleo- Hull III nil alatei of the I nliin KUIDAY, HMTKMIIKU II, lHWd. IN TIIK ( III lt( IIKH. All III MIiiImIith In Tln lr I'ulplta l.nst Miiniliir .Niinii'roUM Ntrr It-fa. For Ilia Aral limn In nil tint lnllllatiN of t'liurclivi In Oregon ''lly niMH'llyo pulpits, mnl Niivuritl wciiik. Ilia principal II llo J tliulr to- tlicy wnra all grtNiloil willi fair atiilloimti. I'MKHIIYTKHUN rllDMI'll, At tlm inoriilnliiK wrvlee 1 1 n pastor, ltcv. A, J. Montgomery ilullynreil nrr lnon on Hi milijm't, "tun ( Soil Control Nature)." Me iM'imi liy Raying, laliixl ri'iiiilil foi rain, or ilufit it happen ccllllltllnlly T I lu Rttl'llllllt'll to nhow that man In furciMl to ln'linvo logically una ol lliraa thlnge: Fiml Tlm laws ol Nuturo aro Indo liiltlt ol (Iml SwoihI Nature in din (1mI. TIio llmt two irn mill avidiint ami trim, ml miiiit m (Tdittxl . Tlm logical uV tliirtlutia of the inlnUtcr worn jira-t icul . kihI greatly liiUircnU'il hl lirarnra, who gave Ilia Rtrlrti'al attention, while ha iluM'anlml on llio (iod mul Nature. wonderful work of m, a. ( iiti in ii. At Ilia morning service Iti'V. H W Klryker discoursed on 'Spiritual Cava Iwwllnri." "What Dix'-t Thou lli-rtt Klljuli?" waa hia text. After reviewing lie tolil how tlm iruiln-t Klijuli hail hackaliildcn after alitylng 4' H) proved men ol lUal, ami want into a cava ami prayed that hia life) might Im taken from hull, hilt (iod apoke mill) hlni, mi I aaid What I'lH-atThoti Hero Klijuli?" Thu iiiforcnro mailu hy Ilia minister waa, we houlil not ruler a cave ami aluit o'lr eolvraout from Ilia light of Heaven We (inter a aplrltiial cava, ainl aluit out ourmlvia fruin Ilia Btiiiahino of God love. Ha mentioned various, ravel Unit limn won U! go Into; lha caves of eel'l neea, worlillini'M ami envy. I lie man w ho felt ill toward 1 1 in hrolher waa In spiritual rave, ahul out fruit) tha aim light of liod'i love; ami (he man who 1 diaaatlellitd with (ha way tliiniia move In the church heraima ha cannot have hia own way, la shut out from thu sun ahinaof (iixl'a lova. The minister do- criticd tha interior condition of the spir Hualcavo. Il waa Inlmhited with kliiny aerMiitr; litards, hula, gohlina, etc tilled wllh daiknena ami waa a veritahlu den of hormra. TIio heanira were ex horted to keep out of theiw diaiuiil cavea and continually bunk in the iiiihIiIiiu ol (iod 'a Uve. BAItlliT HII Hl II. the auliJiH't ol Kev. .M. I.. If nnn i t non IiihI Sunday uiorninn, waa "(iointt out full and Coming Hack Kmptv," and text waa in Hnth, The principal tlioiiL'lil hroiiiflit out waa the fuct that Naomi and her liuxlminl and two aoua liuleii w ith iilunly, left their honiea and kindred ai.d iolii to the land ol Moali They went down (nll-hamlod. There Niiomi hint her huahand and two aona They went down for worldly gain lull handed and camu hiick cniily liiunled. lie allowed that it did not pay in the end to at ray from the path ol rectitude, and proved that rlKhteouaneaa waa the proper tiling, ami after all there wua lota of tiuth In thut old adni;e, "That Hon ealy la thu Ileal l'olicy." He aaaerted that it Wiih a ureal mlatiike for a man in liunineaa or (Hilitlcal life to eiiKHK0 I" lunHlioiiuldu venlurea for li'iiiporury gain. Trouble and grief reaul ted sooner or Inter. Abraham Lincoln waa a mod ern example of a rinlitnoim life. Temp tntioiiH ciime to in i n i nt orn aa well aa other people. Sometimes a milliliter was exiedud to keep certain things back for die suke of certain puriahion era. That temptations came as atrong to mtniHters in this reapect as to other liyes. The object of the Reruion aeomed to load to the idea, that It pays to be rlghtuous. CONOHKOATIONAL. In the oyening Dr. Cowan's aubjuct was the "Iticycle as a Huformur." He Mpoke of the bicycle as being here to stay, and thut it was doing a great work. It whs having a nurul iiilluencu tliut was already being fult lu the religious and secular world. That the Americans as a rni'o had been deteriorating physically, and that thu bicycle was filling the long iiei'ili'il want of physical exurcixe and fresh air hy the inhiibituiils of the crowded city; that hundreds ol young men and boys are getting their flrat lea Bonn in economy and thrift, by saving their earnings to purchase bicycles; the liquor dealura' buHiuess was suHuring in consequence of the wliuol cruzo. Many of the young men, who formerly spent their Sundays around beer joints and kindred places are now gliding among the green fields and In the opeu air. While it is regretted that the bicyclist is prone to absent himself from church' on Sunday, it was hoped this tault would be overcome in time. The speaker con- aliliirtifl It twien tlivnlnKU liomxhiiik riding on Numliiy, aa lo rldii a rilcyi'ln, l''nr in llm luriiitir IiihIniicii tlm man mid lioran wurti Imtli violator. On Ilia Wlllllll, It WHO I'T'lVl-ll tliut tllll llll'J'I'lo witu grfiit reformer There wua nn iiniiauiilly hirun attend ance lit the goK'l ii.i'elliig, held ut the Y. M.C A. gytiiiiuaiuiii at four o'clock Huiiiliiy iiftuniiiiin, tlimrge llowiird wua the leader, and Kev, 'i'lioiuiia lloyd, of I'oillaud, the avmiKnliat, delivered a aplendid addreaa. The atlendaiice waa larger than it had linen at any tlma dur ing Ilia aiiiiiiiinr. The Chrlatlan Kiideuvor I'nlon held a roiialug liieetlug at the lluptiat cliuri h at (!::) Ill the alternoori. Mrs. K. II, Andrew waa the leader. Tlicao meet inga will hereafter he held once in every three month. f 100 Iff ward. $ 100. Tha reader of lliia puHr will be pleiianl lo learn tliut there i at leant one dre led diaeaae tliut nclencn has been ahld to cure in all It tiigea and that la catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure U the only punitive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a coiiatitutlonal diaeau, require a con alllulloual treatmniit. Hall' Catarrh Cure la taken Internally, acting directly rin the lihtod and iniicu aurfai'ea of the ayatein, theruhy deatroying the foun dation of the diaeaae. and giving the pa tient strength by building up the con- atllution and aaalnlinc nature In doing it work. The proprietor have ao much faith In Ita curative powers, that they oir.ir HH) for any rami that it fail to 'lire. Semi for liat of tealiinonlala. Addreaa, K. J. Chunky A Co .Toledo, 0. HuMliy Drugglata, 75e. I lull's Family i'ill are the beat. A tailoring Man'a Home. For a crHiji, who deairea to alop pay lug rent and to riiiae Iheirow n vegelahlea and fruit,! have a aplendid piece of land, one acre on Ahenmlhy road moat ly im proved, bullae, chicken -yard, g'Xd W ell and wiuie fruit, due mile and half from Oreguii City. School houae and church of a mile from plack, three brick yanla ami aaw mill near by. I'rice part dim n, balance on time. Trade or Work in part pay. Impure at place or addreaa (i. W, Wai.iihun, Oiegun ('ity. Hit- Portland. Iti-iiH'iied near the coiner of Main and Seventh street. Clean, bright, well furiiiehed dining run in and private roome elegantly lilted up, Haye one i4 the moat skillful ciMika on the Count. If your meat crder dis-a not pleane you, junt lei me know. Heat dinner in the city including a gluaa of wine for 25 rents, 11:110 to 4 p. in. Oyatera served in every style. Open day and night. Give Thu l'urtlund a trial. I,. HccoMcii, I'roprietor. Oouil Sawing. (let the Hteam wikmI saw to cut your wood ia the chcupeat and quickest l'un't wait until the rains set in and your wool gets soaked until it wont burn. Will go to any part of tho city or suburbs, Addreaa or :M on T. H. Hankins It u j- A Home. I have a house and 4 lots for sale only 5 blocks from Main street, a good well with pump in wauli room, '.'5 young fruit trees that will soon be bearing. Will sell cheap, part down, balance on euay payments if desired. S. F. PcKII'Tl'BK Nf it I'mlortaklng Itoom. County Coroner, W. N. liodfrev has oHined an undertaking room on Main atrvet near Tenth street, where he will keep In stock a full line of cofllns, caskets and burial rolwa. His prices will be found reasonable. tf Houses Minle lli lftlit. Murrow, the painter, has removed his shop to Seventh street, near the depot where o'ders can be left for painting, puperdiuliging and calciming. Trices to suit the times and all work honestly and elllciently done. tf Undertaker ami Kinbiiliiier. It. L. Holman undertaker and em balmer. Orudnato of Embalming col lege. Full stock of raHketa and cofTms at prices to suit. Undertaking parlor in Winehard block opposite courthouse, tf Avoid Consumption. by stopping that cough. We know of no better remedy lor coughs and colds than the 8. U. Cough Curo. F'or sulo by C G. Huntley, druggist. Insurance. If you want to know anything about Fire or Life Insurance or Building and Loan Association, call on II. T. Sladun. He has it at bis linger ends. Wall Taper. Host stock of wall paper in Oregon City latest designs and prices to suit the times at It. L. Holman's in Winehard block opposite courthouse. tf. Dr. Yitiiilerpoel'H rhysic, the S. B. Headache Liver and Kidney regulator, takes tho lead with us. Forsule by C.U. Huntley. druggist. Wood wanted at this othYe. ered hero or at Gladstone. Doliv- Dr. Price's Cream Baking: Powder Awtrdtd Gold Medal Midwinter Fair, Sin Franciica. MA MAN' OL'TIMO. They ('limit Ml. I'Ht, VInII Crater Lake ii n il Hare an liilerealliig 'Irlji. The Kntkhi'Msk mentioned last week that an account f)i thu Maamit' trip to Crater Luke would appear in this week' ibmiiii ami below is given l description of a part of the journey written by one of the party from this city. I'erhapa aahort description of the re cent excursion of the Mu.iiinaaand others to ('rater l4ike will he of intercut to some of your readera. Our puity had arranged for a special car from 1'ortland to Aahland and for commissary wagons with cooka, driver ami the linceanury outfit of provisions, utensil and tents, from Ashlund. The first afternoon was Hjx-iit at Ash land getting provisions and everything ready to leave early tho next morning, Thi is a very pleasing little city situ ated at the foot of high hill and at one end or aide of a beautiful valley. The hualnea part of town, Including the woolen mill and flour mill, I situated down in a little depreaalon on the small mounlain stream and al'ing two or three narrow and crooked street. On each hie of the streets are narrow wooden sidewalks not in very good repair. Most of the stores carry small slock and are not very well lighted owing to low ceil ing and to old and ugly wooden awn ing in front of many of them. A view J from the residence portion of the town it would apiwar to be a very picturesque and progreaxive little city, but one is much diaapiiointed by the slovenly and ancient appearance ol the buaineaa streeta. The Chautauqua grounds are near the center of tha business part of town but do not compare at all favorably with our liesutilul park. In fact there are no ground aa we would view it and the an litoriuin waa quite a dinaptxiintment toua. The latter Iibh a similar arta-ar-sin e to oura from a little distance hut it la much a naller, ia encloked clear to the ground, hua no opening except a couple or llnee doora and tworowa of windows about aa high as those in ours but these openings were covered withclotli instead of glasa. This leaves no ventilation except the doors and it seemed to us that it must be exceussivcly watm for an audience in there on a warm day. Il ia on a side hill and the ground sloies to wards the platform, thus (living everyone an unobstructed view of the speaker. This city seems lo le prosperous, there leing several new buildings and w ill in time outgrow all the unpleasant features. It has pleanty ol pure mountain water and an excellent water system and there are some sulphur springs In the edge of town which are utilized fur baths. The next morning our party consisting of to 40 persons in all left this pictur esque little city, with our several wagons ami live or six on bicycles, and after driving up the valley two or three miles, past beautiful farms and orchards, turned into a canyon and climbed over a high mountain range, taking until the middle of the afternoon. We cumped that night at Hunt's, about "1 miles from Ashland. Our commissary wagon was heavily loaded and had trouble in getting over the mountain, so that we did not have supper until after dark. After supper we all turned in on the ground under the trees, with our blankets, and early the next morning we were on the road again. The second day we passed over another liiith ridge, and late In the alternoon came to tho picturesque lake of the woods, nestling at the base of high foot hills with Mt. I'itt looming up in tho background. Here we exchanged our wagons for pack-horses and took a side trip to the summit of Mt. I'itt. This mountain is 10,1100 feet in height, bus one lare and two small glaciers and numerous other patches of snow. 1 1 is very rocky and rugged and much of the scenery ia very picturesque. The valleys wero all filled with smoke hut we had several good views of Mt. Shasta and of a number of small lakes around the base of Mt. Pitt. It is not a very dillicult mountain to climb but it is not easy to reach, owing to its distance of some 10 or 12 miles from the road and no trail through the woods. A substantial brass box was left on the summit, containing a record book in which our party of thirty all registered, and left maps of the surrounding country for future climbers. After returning to the wagons we re sumed our journey, making a short stop at I'ehcan buy, on Klamath lake where there is an immensu spring of ice cold water boiling up in the edge of the lake, and one of the host fishing erounds in the world. The road then winds along near the edge of the marsh surrounding the lake, crosses some of the clearest and most beautiful streams of water that we had ever seen, finally leaving the low ground near Old Fort Klamath and follows Anna creek up to Crater Lake, Among the marsh we passed several large stock ranches where they had larger stacks of hay than we hud before seen. Several of us went through the old fort and saw some of the historical spots mudo famous by events in the Indian wars. All the buildings are rapidly Ifoing to ruin, the roofs of many of them having already fallen In and no one seems to be living around there except an Indian family or two. In following up Anna creek we passed along the edgu of the deep canyon throuih which the stream flow. It is very deep and narrow with ierpeiidici)lar rock walla on each side and the scene was so grand and awe-inspiring that we had to stop aeveial times to get out of wagon ami step over to the edge and ga.e down into the iliz.y depth below to examine it III detail. At the head of the canyon, about mile from Crater Lake, tha creek iasucs in quite a lurge stream like an Immense spring from the side of thu mountain. To be Continued. Society Directory. I he innl. lor all o" i-:n and Uxlic i in t laekim County are tiiil'li'lit-il i e ut c'larira in ilia fcxTanraniK II I- ep t d lliat tht fjflW'er f th varl'uia lod-4 w U nd Ilia conottioui Ian! may hv ueiKnury hum t me- Ui time. CUKINTMMN AH-KWM.V NO. Jt, L'MTKD AKTI-ANH. M i l e'r Wrdinadar tvanlni at Grange ball, 0en. V aldng inoioUr. m nla r m, fiiau Ziaaaka., A.UeAYlia, H crmaiy. H. A. WVTI.KTOE 1IIH.F. NO. i, UKOKKE OF 11 UNO H, A. O. V. W. M-Ha every Tin-id r er-iilii at Oriata hall, Oiweici. VU tin m ruitwri mnl we come, uav Hi aaaa, Jxxau Iiavii.im.k, k ii order. C ol II. FOfNTAIN IIOHECO., No. L Kerular mretina aecond Wednesday in each mnnlli at engine bti, eaut tide Mala atri-et, belwvrn Seventh and Klgnth. J. W,Htwat, Hen. II HraaiOHT. F'rra M. i. gciaa. Foreman, A. P. A. COl'NCIL NO. i, Meeii nn (he flnl and third Friday! In earn month at K. l F, hall, Vultlnr member! aJ waya welcome. 1. W. Nohl. Free. MOI.AI.LA GRANGE, NO. 40, P. of II. M' t ' their hall at Mul no on Hi enond Hi u nay m euh iimntu at 10:30 ,i. m. VI Itlnf m m'wia a'war- we om. C. T. ltowi, .ViaYH Howa u. He y. Maner. Tl'ALITIN GRANGE. NO. Ill, P. of II. Mei-la laat Saturday ol each month at their hall In Wllaouvllle. Oacaa LiaaaH, taaii Ki lkiihi, Bce'y. Maater. PAMASCTS GRANGE P. OF II. NO. 2M, Mm-ta nn the Aral Haturday In each month at 1U o'clock a. m. at the l'amaacria achool houae. 8 C. YOL'NU, Maater. T. It. FEATiiaan, Secretary. K. OF V. STAR LODGE NO. Kfi. 1. F. Rlaley C. C; Thomaa Nellann, K. of R. and S. Meeia erery Wcdui-aday evenlua at o riiM-k In ( aalle hall. I. -O. (). F. building. Rrothert from other K. ol P. lodge! Invited. OSW EOO UlPGE NO. 10U. A. P. A A. M. Meet! the second and fourth Salurdi.yi of each mouth at 7 p. in. All Maaoui In good ataudlug are Invited to attend. 11. H. Rasa. VY. H. E. J. Rt'aaELL, Kec'y. Bl'TTE ( KEEK GRANGE, No. 82, P. of II. Meet! at their hall In Marnuam. aecond Sat urday In each mouth at lu a. m. Vlaltlng m-inleraalweya welcome, J. K. White. A. V. Pavib. Hecretaj-T Maater. ALKRNETIl Y HEBFKAI1 DEGREE LODGE NO 70. Mceta the fir t and third F Iday In the mouth at 7 30 P M., lu I. O O. F. Hall. Mas. D. II. Glaus. Mae. J. M Meluscn. Secretary. N. G. ST. JOHN'S BRANCH, NO. 67, C. K. of A. Meeta every Tueaday evening at their hall romer Main and Tenth Streeta, Oregon t'it ity. N. C. Mn HELa.Sec y. Ilaaaaar 11 am a rtN, Pre Ilaaaaar llAKAri.i. Fn W ARNER GRANGE, No. 117. P. of II. Meet fourth Saturday of each month, at their ball In New Era, Geo. LazillE, Maater Id aaa Maui IK. Sec'). CLACKAMAS CHAPTER. Clarkamaa Chapter No. 1 R. A. M. Reenter Convocation third Monday of the month ul.Sfi P. M. W. E.CARIX.H. P. H. . 8TKAKGE, 8ec. OREGON LODGE, No. J, I. O. O. F. Meeta every Thuraday eren.ui at 7 SO o'clock r. M. in the (KM Fellowa Hall, Main at reel. Member! ol the Order are Invited to attend W. A. HEDGES, N. G. Thoi, Ryan, Secretary. PIG IRON LODGE NO. MS, A. O. V. W. Meet! every Thuraday erenlnf at Grange hall, Oiwego. Vlaltlng brethren alwaye wel- come. Todd. Jas. Manninii, Recorder. M. W. CATARACT HOSE . No. O. Meeia aecond Tueaday of each month at Cat aract Engine houae. W. 11. Howai.L.Prea G. H. RasTow, Sec'y. J. W OTonnelu F ro MYRTLE LODGE NO. 24. DEGREE OF HONOR, Meeta every Friday in A. O. U. YY. Hall. Vii- itiug membera made welcome. Mas F I. Barlow, C. of H. 8. A. Oillett, Recouter. FALLS CITY LODGE N0 i A. O U. W. Meeta every Saturday evening of each month In A. O I'. W. hall 7th SL All aojourmug brethren eoidlally Invited to attend. MAX eCHLLPlUf, M. W. Geo Califf, Recorder. MEADE POST, No 2. G A. R DEPARTMENT OF OREGON. Meeta first WrdneadaTof each month, at Wil lamette Hall, Oregon City. Vlaltlng uumrudvi made welcome. C. A. WILLIAMS, Commander. J. T. ArrERaoN, Adjutant F COMPANY, FIRST REGIMENT, O. N, G. Armory, Third and Main. Regular drill night, Monday, Regular buainesa meetings, Drat Monday of each month. officers. F. 8 Kelly, - Captain L. L. Pickens, - - First Lieutenant Yi , A. Hunt ey, - - Second Lieutenant COLUMBIA HOOK AND LADDER CO. Meeta first Friday of each month at Fountain englue houae. Chas. Athry, Prea, C, B Pillow, Seo'y. Chas. Bitzer, f 'rm OSWEGO LODGE NO. S8, 1. 0. G, T. Meeta every Friday evening lu the new hall In Old Town. J. C. Haines, C. T, John Krdse, Sec'y. SUNRISE LODGE, NO. IS. A. O. U. W , Meeta every second and fourth Saturday of each mouth at Wilsonvllle, Oregon. M. C. Young, M. W. John Tyler, Recorder. OSWEGO LOOGE, NO 98, I. 0. O, F. Meets at Odd Fellow'! hall, Oswego, every Monday evening, welcome. J. P. Risley, Sec. Visiting brethren made C. II. NIXON, N. G. ACHILLES LODGE, NO. SS, K OF P. Meets every Friday night at the K. of P. hall, Visiting Kulgtila mviied. Joseph Lynch C, C. H.J. Thorn, K of Hands. PIONEER CHAPTER NO. 18 0. E.S. Meets aocoud and fourth Tu-adiy lu each month at M oo'ii.i teii'p1". Vitors always wcidtne. .Siiss M. L. Holmes, Miss Haiti r, Wftheieij,. m. W. Devour?. W. C. 1, U. Orewn City W. C. T. V. meeta monthlv at homo-, oi the m mtHTa, uotio of date given in local oolumu. An frien.la ! the c iiie iuvited to attend. MR.S A J. MONROE, Mlta M, L. DRIGGS, Prd lUent bem eta ry. OSWEGO GRANGE NO. 175 P. ol H. Meets the second Saturday of each month at 10a.m. L. A. Shipley, Maater. 11. U mevenson, See'y. HKRMF.S M)tKtK, NO Ml, K, Of P Mee'a eve y Frd ay evenln, a 7 Win' l-k, Id K. l f. hall, Auroia, V'l.itlna knuhla made welo nie, U. 'I, Smith, C. C, llaaar Naviiaa, K or K and 8. KI.F.CTKIC Ul)(,K, NO '., A. O. U. W, )feet aecond and rourti aedneadar of each mont.iat A. O. I. W. ball. Vmltliig brother! ma'le w rome, A. M. ( iiaaay, TH'ia. P. KyaK, Knorlr. M. w. MC1.TNOMAII l-OIKIK, NO, I, A. P A A. M. Ilolda tta ritgular coininnnlcatlona on Drat and third HatunUyi of each month at 7:KI r. M. brethren lnjcxxl atandlna are Invited lo ati'iid. Ii. L. IiKAV, W. M, T. t. KVAf, Mecretary. MOI.A I.I.A lIDGE No. 0, A. O. t,'. W. Meeia Drat and third Haturday In earh month at achoo bouaa. Vlililn memlMira made wel come. . W. Tmomai, M. W. O. W. Koaaiaa.Bee. OKEoON CITY BOAKD Of TKAI'K. Meet! at Couit llonaenn Second Monday Is each month. VlalUiri welcome. J. M, LAWKKM.K, K. E, CHAKMAS, Hecretary. Frealdent gavel IXiue, No. 46, A O. I'. w Meelaaecond and fourth Hattirdarevenlnr! at Kolghfatball. Canby. Vlaltlng brother! made welcome. ax E. . Madikk . Muter Workman. Recorder. C0L KT K0IJIN UOOD NO. , P. OP A Meets the let, Id and Srd Friday! of each month at wuiamilM Hull. A. W lloaa, Gio. B. WiLEHAB-r. Chief Hanger. Recording 8ee Webster's ! International Dictionary The One Gremt Rtundard Authority, 1 DO wnwe lion. I 4. I'rrwrr, Juua I', a. o .i-.-rma Coort. BjT 0iid Poatai lor Speclaun Page, ate. SurctMrr ft the "Vaabridged." Kandard ofihrl'.H lioTtrrtnt-i kn i fr,ce. loe l h hii. , trmw Court, all tlie ; ul Ku(,rMI ( otina, ' an,i of n-ai-iy ait Uia ( TCIIWIUVUU, Wannlv lomiiiended by Mate H"rinienl mta or S.mi, an.) ( oUwr l-liifTUor aim iUuut nujuber. HE ECST FOR EVERYBODY CCAU3C , It la Hir to nnd the word wanted. . It la cay to a4xrtiiin the nronuncbitlcn. , It i ejy to true the growth of a word. . t II la eaiy to learn what a word means. 1 Thf ri'lrtin TlmrH-h'rraltl mvt! I WelMIAr'a lnlj,rnaOAil X.irtumarw In HA Brwrrit j in-in - ,-- in ff i , . nr:i if fi , , v " r.nfni... 'fir I nji't ks in irw,:-. o' , I,; r' i.rtl.v v.-itiu r. arM ilt-ftr.icnr,. I ' fn ;f Ih-rr b no J jini- iL In. ,a u-Kcrt i,-, ','ir.n i Coit 3i'lii' -iar- ii;ri ,a u... .eu I -r. it. i- C. MKhRtTjri-fK rnblt'bcra, .SorniJicW, Jji.ea.. V S. A. -xoxocooc-o-rvo RIPANS TABULES are good for headache, heartburn, sour sto mach, belching biliousness, torpid liver, drowsiness, lass itude, foul taste in the mouth, bad breath, constipation, indi gestion, d'spepsia. The formula by which they are made is in use in the greatest hospitals in the world and is prescribed daily bv nine doctors out of ten. Three times in five when a physician is called he will write a pre scription the items in which will almost exactly correspond with those of the Ripans Tab ules formula. Your druggist can supply Ripans Tabules in little vials for 15 cents or in a box con taining six of these vials for 50 cents. If he will not get them for you, address, with the price, THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO., IUSfrdce St., New York. tpUit Lit PORTLAND TO THE DALLES By the fast and com modious steamers DALLES CITY . AND REGULATOR Daily boats, except Sunday, leav ing Oak street dock at 7 a. m., mak ing regular landings at Vancouver, Cascades, White Salmon, Hood River and all intermediate points. Passenger and freight rates lower to these points than by anv other line. First class meals served" for 25c. This is the Great Scenic Route. All tourist admit that the scenery on the Middle Columbia is not ex celled for beauty and grandeur in ' the United States. Full informs-i tion by addressing or calling on J. IN. UAK.NEY, Agent, Tel. 914. Portland. Or., Office and wharf, foot of Oak St. The Independent. NEW YORK. lim.ioiors, LlTKKAKV NkWHI'AFKK. and Family l.'lidenoininutional, imbiaaed and impar tial. A pata-r for clergymen, sehol ars, teachers, businea men anil families. It discusses every topic of the day relig ious, tliHolotfical, political, literary, aiarial, artistic and scientific. Its con tributed articles are by the most eminent writers of the English language. It employ peeialties and distin guished writers as editor of ita Twkntt oni Dkpaktmknts. I A pjer particularly fitted for lawyers doirUjrs, clergymen, those eniaired in business, young people of both sexes- men ana women who read and think lot themselves. A paper especially valuable for thoaw interested in Fine Art, Huumck, Music. A paper giyinir valuable informationj npon ri.HANca, Lira I.s(;ra!cc, Co mkrci, A paper for Kcvday Hi iiooi.'U'ckasua, those who have a Farm, Gakdn Hoi'se Plants. A paper for the family, old and young. IMPORTANT. The Inoepkndknt announces to ita subscribers, and to any who may become so that it is prepared to furnish any papers and magazine published in this country, England, France and Germany, at a very lare reduction from publishers' rate. This opportunity is onen only try subscribers of The Independent. Upon receiving list of paper or maaiine from individuals or readiuit rooms an estimate will be given by return mail. Ita yearly snhacription is $3.00, or at that rate for anv part of a year. Clubs of live, $2 00 each. - TRIAL TEIP " ONE UONTH. 2b CENT! Specimen Copies Free. THE INDEPENDENT. P. O. Box :T7. l iil Fa'ton Street. York TO THE Gives the choice of TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL HZ O "BT GREAT NORTHERN RY, VIA SPOKANE Minneapolis ST. PAUL. !Z7 TT UNION PACIFIC RY. VIA DENVER 01IAHA AND Kansas City. Low Rates to all Eastern Cities. OCEAN STEAMERS Leave Portland every five days for SAN FRANCISCO. Trains arrive and depart from Tort land as (o'Ioh'8 : Sew EAST a) . DEPART No. 2 For all Eaatern points 7:10pm No. 8 The Dalles Local 8:36 am. ARRIVE No. 1 From thri East 8:30a.ru. No. 7 From The Dalles 6 :00 p m. For full details call on or ad dress, W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Passenger Agent, E. McNEILL, Portland, Or. President and Manager. local'disease nd is the result of colds and auddea climatic changes. For your Protection we positively slate that this remedy doea not contain mercury or any other injur ious urug, ,1 la acknowledged to be the most thorooeh core for Nana! Catarrh, Cold In Head and Hay Fever of all remediea. It opens and cleaimea the usual iiaaaauti, allaya pain and inflammation, heala the aoree, pro tecta the membrane from coldn, rentoree theeen of taete and imell. Hrice sue. at Dnnnsirta or by mail. liLY BKO'i'HKHS, M Warren Street, lie York, Prom Tr.ZJovrMl of XmHelm Prof. w. H. Feeke, who makes a speciulty ut Epilepsv, has without doubt treated and cur ed more cases than any living Phvslclun ; hia success is astonishing. We have heiird of cuses ot ao ye.ua' Btamtirg cured rr him. Ha publish esa val aa bid work oa thia din. ease.whicla he sends with at. lArro Bnt. tie of hia absolute cure, free to any sufferer who may aend their P. O. and Express adtlre?.. Vre advise anv one wishing a cure toadclnat rrotW. B. ?U. f. 9.. 4 Cedar St., Hew TjiX MS Cur