Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1896)
Oregon City Enterprise. Clackamas Co. Directory. COl'NTY orncKRs. Willis. flonlon K. IUy linrk ot Courts, aherifT, ivontor. ioww, Arbixtl Siippriuteu.leiit, SiirTfror. Coruuor, ;.imnjlKlonr, lieu, f. Morion K. ('. Msdjook 8 M Kmsly M. 1. Mxr i.C. Brn.lli-r II. S (ill.mii I), w KUinnirvl i K. U Hoimsn Frank Jk-ir FRIDAY, 11, ISM. SPRAY OF THE FALLS. Cliftir bottoms lit Howard's, 10 cents. No. 8 copper-bottom boilers, t3 cents t Howard's. Pbosphates. all flavors at the Novelty Candy Factory. Wait for the grand opening of fall hats at Mi Goldsmith's. Money to loan on pood real estate aecwityby A. S. Prvsser. Blank note, receipt aud order booki t the KsTiiRrRiPB office. Use "lU'STINF." for floor. Char tnian i. Co., agent. Circular free. The latest in visiting cards at the E.s iiRPKist Orrics. Prices to suit you. j Howard buys and sells second hand school books. Second hand store near depot. Ladies' ready-made wrappers, cheaper than you can make them at the Racket tore. Have you ever tried the Willamette f team laundry? If not, try them and you will be a permanent patron. Rice 8 lbs. for SS eta., Flour cts. eck. 30 lbs. dry granulated sugar one dollar. The Red Front. Use OXIEN for your "nerves" also for coughs and cold. Pamphlets free. Chariuan A Co., Druggist., agent. Wedding stationery, the latest styles and finest assortment ever brought to Oregon City at the Entkkpkiss office. A bicycle for ft. 00 cash and $2.00 per week : new or second hand. Have a bicycle talk at Huntley's Book Store. Munyon's metlicinesare the latest, and Charman k Co., the up-to-date drug gists, have a complete stock. Pamphlets free. A big cut in prices of Shirtwaists, Sweaters, Neckties, Hats of all kinds, Underwear and Hosiery at the Red Front. Poison Ivy, insect bites, bruise, calds, burns, are quickly cured by De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, the pile cure, t C. G. Huntley, Druggist. You laundry don't have to send your to Portland. You can have thorn Ialln,lfrpi1 rwrft-i-t At a re;mnnhlp p. at the Willamette Steam aull,,rv of Oregon City. ' 25 uswits Tot the Oregon City Estkr rvum from now until November 6th, in cluding full election returns. All sub scriptions stopped at data unless other wise ordered An bicycle in our store, new or second hand, can be bought for $5.00 caJi and $2 00 per week. Only present stock on these terms. Have a bicycle talk atHuntlev's Book store. Dr. L. L. Pickens, dentist, does all kind of dental woik. Gold crowns, porcelain crowns and bridge work a SfeciAy. All operations guaranteed for 5 years. Call and get my prices. Office in Barclay building A. C. Strange will beifin the fall term of school at Mink, one week from next Monday No better recommendation of Mr. Strange is needed, than the fact that he is continued in the same position term after term. The last catalogue of tlie University of Oregon shows a remarkable growth. The state university s laboring wisely and successfully to fulfill its high mission to the people of the state. It may be truly called the friend of the people. Address for information, Uniyersity of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon. State Superintendent Irwin has issued and sent out the following state diplomas and state certificates to Clackamas county teachers: State diplomas Mrs. Anna Wells, Clackamas, and Miss Anna C Hicinbotham, Viola. State certifi cates Miss Ednetta Chase, Oregon City ; Mary A. Biikner, Oswego, and Shirley JBuck, Hubbard. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. DR.' CREAM baking Most Perfect Made. 40 Years the Standard. mm All 'ihtkoih Indebted to Charman A Son are tequested to call and settle at once. When in need of groceries, Hour, food or family wood, call on C. K. Nash, op posite Seventh street stable. New, fresh goods at reasonable prices. Free de livery. The Novelty Candy Factory will oHn the oyster season Sunday, September dtll Families will be supplied in any quantity at reasonable rates. Solid oys ters guaranteed. Sewing Machines cheap. Want a sewing machine? tiet a good one and pay five years guarantee; til down $5 per month until paid. See Uellomy ifc ftusch about it. Karl's Clover Root will purify your blood, clear your complexion, regulate your bowels and make your head clear as a bell. '.V., 5iV., ar I a dollar. For sale by Geo. A. Harding. It doMi't matter tiuicb whether sick headache, biliousness, indigestion and constipation are caused by neglect or unavoidable circumstances ; De Witt's Little Early Risers will speedilv cure them all. C. G. Huntley, Druggist. PeWitt's S.irsaparilla is prepared for cleansing the blod from impurity and disease. It does this and more. It builds up and strengthens constitutions im- pared by disease. It recommends its self. C. G. Huntley Druggist. Maggie May Wickam, inlant daughter of W. M. and Abbie Wickham, aged 9 mouths and 23 days, diet! in Oregon City, Tuesday, September 9th, at 2:43 a. ui. The funeral took place at the family residence on the nest day at 10 a. m., conducted by Rev. A. J. Mont gomery. Rev. I. O. Driver, senator-elect from Lane county, and well known preacher and platform orator, will address the citizens of Oregon City on Tuesday even ing, September loth. Dr. Driver held Bob Ingersoll level in a debate, and has the reputation of being able to whip the devil any dav that be crosses his path. On Tuesday he will refute all arguments and statements made by Dr. Barkley on Thursday night. There will be a republican meeting at Eagle Creek on Saturday afternoon, Sep tember 10th, at 2 p. m., when a grand jubilation will be held. Hon. T. T. Geer, the "Waldo Hills Farmer," can didate for presidential elector, will ad dress the meeting. The M ill topor Quar tette, of Portland, will lurnish the mu sic for the occasion. The voters of Clackamas county are cordially invited to he present. Ladies especially in vited. West Side Local. Chas. A. Moehnke was visiting rela tives in Highland and Mink last Sunday. Mrs. James Ward is at present spend- f a ew da)8 with friends at Highland :a i several are leaving tins part for the , hop fields. We wish them a bappv and j profitable trip i Mr. Parker has finished off the outside ! of his house with ornamental shingles instead of rustic, which gives bis dwell ing a very neat appearance. 1 be sound ol the steam wood saw is heard early and late over here at pres ent. Judging from the big piles of wood people are expecting a cold winter. We will never have good times again until each invividual tries, and at least partially succeeds in Betting bis affairs in order, no matter bow the election goes. Jane Jones, accompanied by her brother Clark, drove to Highland last Friday morning and spent Saturday and Sunday with their sister, Mrs. Robert Rutherford, returning Monday A number of our singers gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Simonda last Friday evening for a practice. After singing for some time all were invited to partake of some delicious watermelon. Prof. C. W. Durrette intends to move from Gladstone to this side this week so as to be nearer his school, which opens next Monday. We are pleased to have him among us again. Ife will occupy a dwelling adjoining McMillan's store. Erastus Smith made a trip to some where in New Era precinct last Saturday evening, returning in the "wee sma' hours o' the night. It is supposed that he went to talk on free silver. No doubt he bad a "fair" audience which must have been very attentive to the silver orator on the ratio of 1 to 1 . Master Walter Taylor celebrated his 7th birthday on the 3d inst by inviting 12 of his playmates to spend the after noon with him. The time was spent in playing games and listening to stories read by his mother, Mrs, Taylor. Ice cream was served at 4 o'clock and at 5 o'clock the party dispersed, having hnd a very enjoyable time. Instead of the regular prayer meeting Wednesday evening, Rev. Oilman Parker preached a very impressive sermon in the chapel to quite a gather ing, his text being "Set thine house in order, for thou slialt die, and not live" Among many other things he said : "We are not prepared to live until we are pre pared to die. We make a mistake when we set our temporal or moral or spiritual affairs in order, that we may live; we ought to do so that we may be prepared to die." PERSONAL NOTES. Mis I.aura Convert of Clatskanlo la visiting her sisters in this city. Dr. T. L. Ball returned from a visit to Astoria and Seaside last Friday, C, D. Lstouretto returned Tuesday from a short business trip to San Fran cisco. Frank Welsh, a prominent cltitoii of Highland, was a visitor in the city Thursday. Carroll Ward, of Viola, and Mr. Ham itt, of Canyon Creek, were in Oregon City Wednesday. Mrs. Peter Nuhren and children re turned from an extended stay at Long Reach last Saturday. Miss Pauline Yost and Mrs. A. Cook, of Portland, were guests of Mrs. 11. S. Moody last Sunday. Mrs. William Ramboaiid little daugh ter, are spending a few days rusticating in the Molalla country. E. Merese and family returned Thurs day from Tillamook, where they spent the summer on their farm. Misses Echo Samson and Ivy Roako left Tuesday to spend a few days ou the Samson farm near Marquam. R. H. Currui, a member of the well- known family for which Curriusvillo was named, was in Oregon City Tuesday. W. M Wade, a son of W. II. 11. Wade of Currinsville, and a worthy chip off the old block, was in Oregon City Tuesday. Miss Josie Chase has arrived from Colfax, Washington, and will make her home with her aunt, Mrs. It. 1). Wilson. James Roake has re'urned from an ex tended visit to California, and is better pleased than an ever with Oregon Citv. Joseph Diuiick was up from Portland Sunday, and visited his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Iur dom. Mrs. T. W. Clark and family returned from Bandon Tuesday, wheie they have been spending the summer with Mr. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. R. Prior left Saturday, to take their annual outing at Long Beach. They will remain for a couple of weeks. Prof. S. W. Holmes and family will occupy the dwelling on Madison and Eleventh streets, recently vacated by Mrs. A. J. Monroe. Charles II. Logus, of Portland, and II. S. Moody left Tuesday for Linn county, where they will spend a couple of weeks bunting. Miss Celia Goldsmith returned from San Francisco Monday night, where she has been purchasing millinery goods, and visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Kees, formerly of this city, left Oswego last week for Cen tralia, Wash., where they will make their future home. P. F. Morey and family, who have been spending the summer months at I their country place near Oswego, re turned to the city last Friday. Attorney (J. B. Diuiick spent Sunday at Hubbard wi'h his brother, who is se riously ill with a spinal complaint. His condition is a little improved. Charles Luelling now officiates as deputy county recorder in place of his j sisier, .miss uuve, wno is aunnomg me state normal school at Monmouth. Miss Ora Thompson was up from Portland Sunday and spent the day with her sister, Mrs. W. W. Stovall. She left Tuesday to yisit her parents at Cur vallis. Claude Hoffman and Arthur (Jiiiiin left Saturday for San Francisco, where they expect to enlist on the battleship Philadelphia, aud become full-fledged marines. Miss Mollie Hankins has been in stalled as financial secretary of Aber- nethy Rebekah Degree Lodge, No. HO, in place of Miss Shaw, who has removed to Dallas. L. C. Sparks, of Vancouver, accom panied by Misses Florence, Effie and Lennle Snodgrass, spent Sunday with his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Bacon. George Warner and family returned Tuesday from llwaco, and will remain in Oregon City during the winter. Busi ness has closed down in the llwaco can nery for the season. Miss Lola Schaub and brother, Warren, of Jacksonville, Illinois, stopper over a day in Oregon City while making a tour of the coast, spending Thursday with Mrs. W. II , Burghardt. Attorney A. L. Frazier came up from Portland last Friday on his bicycle to look after some legal matters. He came up on the West Side, and reports the road fn excellent condition. The family of C. A. Woody, editor of the Pacific Baptist in Portland, have re turned to their home at Gladstone from Ocean Park where they have spent the greater portion of the summer. Hon. G. E. Hayes, accompanied by Mrs. Hayos and little daughter, left for their Oregon City home on the 8 o'clock local Monday, after a pleasant visit with Salem relatives. Salem Statesman. Ex-County Treasurer M. L. Moore has returned lrom an outing at Newport, to which place he was accompanied by bis family. They report a pleasant stay by the side of the roaring ocean. Norman Marrs, who has for the past two years been holding a resHnslbl position In the store of the Aberdeen Packing company at llwaco, has been home for the past week visiting his rela lives and friends. K. K. Charnun left for Newport Muii day to join his family, On the way he will visit his estate in Polk county, El more farm. Accompanied by Mrs, Charman and Miss June, be returned the latter part of this week. M. F. l.anta, a Needy school teacher was in the city Monday. He will attend the Albany college during the coming school year. As he has proven himself a successful pedattogue, he will no doubt acquit himself creditably at (hat institu tion. The MarstWld Sun has the following concerning our former well known townsmen: T. W. Clark, of Bandon, was in town last week ou his way to San Francisco to make arrangements to dis pose of the output o( coal from the Itlv erton mine. Mr. and Mrs. (I. N. GiUon, of Seattle, have lieen in the city f ir several davs, the miosis of Mr and Mia. C. A. Miller and other relatives. Mr. (iilson was a visitor here last spring with li e mem bers of the Seatto city council, of which body ho is an important (actor. The camping party consisting ol Grandpa Holds, Mrs H. F, Cross, her son Percy and daughter I Mlly ami Mis Elsie Ilouck, together with Mrs. Cross's little ones returned Monday from a pleasant three week's outing on the head of Fall creek on the upper Clack amas. Miss Bessie Evans, of Oregon City, visited Mrs. II. l. Jones last week. Miss Evans will soon move to the Grove to continue her studies in the Pacific university. She will continue Iheelo- cution class which was o favorably re wived last year. Washington County Hatchet. J. M. Somer, a leading Albany at torney, was in Oregon City Wednesday. He has the proud distinction of being the only republican, elected on the leg islative ticket in I. inn county last June, receiving 120 majority in face ol the heavy populist vote rolled up lor the other candidates. Miss Mina Kelly, one of the clerks In the register's department of the Oregon City land olhVe has a two week's vaca tion, and left Friday night (or San Fran cisco, where she will visit Mrs. N. W, Lawrence. Her sister, Miss May, who has been stenling the Slimmer in Cali fornia, w ill return home with her. Hon. George O. Rinearson, accom panied bv his family, returned from a two months stay at Newort last Friday. They had a most enjoyable outiu at this popular seaside resort. Mr, Ri nearson is an ardent supporter of Me Kiiiley and Hobart, an I llrmly 'believes that they will carry Oregon in Novein- .r. Miss Ana I! lird, who has been one of the efficient teachers in the Ktstham school for the past two ycirs, aud who was re-elected to the same position, has resigned to take the place as teacher of the first grade in the Sellwood school. The board of directors o' the Oregon City district will meet this evening to elect u-actier to till tlie vacancy. Mrs. II. E. Chipman, ol this city, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Moores, of Sa lem. Mr. Chipman was formerly mas ter mechanic of the Oregon Central A Eastern Railroad at Yaquina, but is now connected with the Pacific Bridge Company, who have the contract of building the addition to the West Side General Electric Company. Miss Hattie Cochrane, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. James Robin son at Sacremento, Cal., accompanied by her nephew, Fred Charman, Jr., are expected home Saturday, They have been in California for the past two months, and will be accompanied by Mrs. James Robinson and two children, who will make a short visit here. Prof. F. L. Washburn, professor of entomology at the state university, was in Oregon City this week. Ha has boon making some interesting experiments with the mini deposits of several of the bays along the coast, and finds plenty of the natural food of the oyster. A car load of Eastern oysters will he brought out under the direction of the fish com missioner (or propagation in Oregon wa ters. David Caufield, M. F. McCown, Felix Strickland and Charles Noblitt, com posed a party that loft Oregon City Mon day afternoon for a bunting and pros pecting trip to Mount Jefferson. They took along a pack cayuse, which will be pressed into service as soon as they reach the terminus of the wagon road. They expect to be absent about ten days. William Andresen and Jack Baker re turned Tuesday afternoon from a delight ful pleasure and hunting trip up the Wil lamette. Last Saturday morning they boarded the Altona, taking with them a small rowboat and a camping outfit, and were landed at a point above Wheat land. They had a great time camping and shooting birds, and after leisurely floating down the stream and hunting along the banks, until they were half way down the river to the starting point, they again went on board the Altona and came home. j A party, consisting of Charles Drew, Rati Norrla, Charles Crlsswell, Lou Home and Rutherford Whltlock re turned from a bunting and fishing trip of ten duys'a duration to Mount Hood Inst Saturday. They only went up the mountain its far as Crater rock, but were successful In bugging a number of birds mid secured a good catch of mountain trout, but di.l not get any hucklelierrie worth mentioning. W. 11, Boat tin, Waldo Adams and llarley Sievens leave (today) Friday for Eugene, where they will take up a course ol studies In the state university, With J. 11 Carrlco, who has ahcady been a student at that Institution, Ore gon City will have lour representatives at the stale university, J. 0, Williams bad intended to go to Eugene, but ho has changed bis mind, and will proba bly attend the Portland Academy, Dr J. W, Cowan and family returned Friday from a month's outing at Clat sop lieach. They had a most delightful camping place sheltered from (he winds by a natural eiuliaiikment of sand, and haded by scrubby pines, while a splen did view of the ecean was allordcd lrom the lent door. The only drawback to their complete enjoyment of camp life, was that three of their children were ta ken w ith chicken pox during the latter part of their slay. A Milwaukee pleasure party, chap- ermieil liy ,ilrs. Irauk ills, and con sisting of Misses Rose and Anna Scott, Miss PhtNihe Cole, and Messrs, 11. Campbell, Frank Glover, Henry and Willie Scott, F. Cole and Prol. T. J. Gary returned from the Tillamook coast last Saturday. They were gone two weeks, and report a most enjoyable out ing. The fishing was splendid, and the Iwacli aud bAthing ail that could lie de sired. Rev. Oilman Parker occupied the pul pit in the baptist church at Eugene last Sunday. Mr. Parker is personally ac quainted with General Palmer, the dem ocratic sound money candidate lor presi dent, who is a prominent member of the First Baptist chinch of Springfield, Il linois. Although Rev. Parker is an ar dent piolectlouist, and will likely vote (or Mc Kin ley (or president, be has the highest H'rsoiial regard for Senator Palmer as a man and brother. Prof W. S. Holmes, superintendent of the Oregon City schools, returned from his Eastern trip Monday. His family are still at Union, but will arrive as soon as Mr. Holme secures a houv. Professor Holmes and family have Iknii away nearly three months, but a pot (ion of the time was spent ill Eastern Ore gon. During Ins absence he visited Idaho, Wyoming, I'tah, Colorado, Kan sas, Missouri, Illinois and Indiana, ami derived much pleasure from the trip. The professor icives it as his opinion that McKlnley will be elected, although the; race will Im a close one, ami is confident that both Ii. li.nna and Illinois will roll up a in ij t itn-1 fur tlie republican staiidaiilliearer, Klerirlc Hotel Arrivals. F. K Ford, City, W Whiiten, " D K Walker, Woodhum, Mrs. W II Chapman, Portland, M M Koreff, Portland, () (t Iliiuiileson and wife, Portlulid, C E lidding. Portland, Miss Jennie Si-hramlicn, Portland, Dee Wright, Elk Lake, Or I Lygerson, Port. and, S A Coxhead, Sail Francisco, (l A Taylor, Portland, II I Johnson, Redland, A T Plowman, " Whurton L West and wife, Portland, J.V Coiinolla, Portland, S M Ramshy, Molalla, J M Tracy, Lrigan, F C Finn. Molalla, Jacob Miley, Wilsonvilln, N B Conrad, Tangent, Or, W M James, Aurora, E I) Donaldson, Denvor, Col., K A Smith, West Oregon City, II Andrews, and wife, Mt, Angel, I Rosenstein, Chicago, Frank Huitkemper, Portland, Eil Phillips, Spraguo, Wash., J Roland, Portland, K Capen, " J E Rohh and wife, Chicago, Addis Gallagher, Portland, Gun Lowengart, " R J Farrell, " J K Williams, " R Englus, Aurora, II E Hessey, Buttevlllo, W E Palmer, Tacoma, W H Rhodes, City, Barry Cronin, 8 P R R Co, John P Jones. Portland, C Dick, San Francisco, L M Galloway and wife city, J O McMillen, San Francisco, W A Mack and wife Palestine, O. Everybody stops at (ho Electric Hotel, on account of the first-class accommoda tions and good treatment. Notice. Owing to a Jewish Holiday, the store of I. Soiling will be closed from Thursday evening, September 17th at fl o'clock until Friday evening, September 18th at 0 o'clock; Allthe latest noyoltios, notions, hosier y and underwear for ladies, gents', and children at the Racket store. Call on Howard for cook stoves and beaters Seventh street, near depot. Republican Rally nt Pleasant Kill, A very enthusiastic meeting of llrw McKlnley club was hold at their Imail quarters last Tuesday evening, (ho speaker being Charles 'IW, a young lawyer of Wilsonvilln. Tim speaker re viewed (he money question In a very clear and concise manlier, I he theory being so plain that no mm could fall lo understand It, It was a inssleily address and carried connection to all his heaiers and at (ho close of the meeting three prominent populists signed (he roll of the McKlnley club and will hureufter iniirch under the gold ha r. The meeting was enlivened by Stirling cam paign songs by Mrs. Toixe and Mis. Jolly. At the close of the meeting Mr. Toomi pnqMised that they give threo cheers for Bryan, bill lliern were in) Bryan men there as no one cheered. Then I hey gave three cheers for Mc Klnley. It Is needless to say that lha McKlnley men were there the cheers were deafening. Great Interest Is mani fested at these meetings. The II I linn Oriental nuts ever brought lo Oregon City, are now on sale at Mrs K E, Martin's atom. Aline pattern at H cents per loot and finer grades at equally low prices. Men's heavy working slilits, nice selection at the Itackel store. all. Order M an works tlio city Imth morn iiic; iiiul iifli riitioii in our interest. I.eiivn instructions, fur 1 a i in to cull nl your dnor iiiul take your order for GROCICRIISS Wo ploaso othoro, ami would I pleased to have n clinttco to Ploaso you. (JiksIs delivered promptly. E. E. WILLIAMS, The (ir x'er. Masonic luililiii(. - riiono No. 3. H. W. JACKSON, Bicycles, Umbrellas, Cuns, Sewinff Machines, And nil kinds of siniill inn chines put in good order. No work todillicult to undertake Trices rcasonulilo. Shop In Caufield building Near Court House, Geo. T Howard, DKAI.KK IN .,ecoi(l land ood? Highest price paid for Furni ture, Stoves, ulc, etc. Good line of Tinware, Glass ware, Crockery, etc, always on hand. 7th Street, Near Depot JOHN A. BECK, THE RELIABLE JEWELER No. 270, Morrison Street, PORTLAND, OREGON, IS STILL ON EARTH. For general repairing ho Htanda without a peer. For firHt-claBH, re liable goods his Hlore is Bocond to none. Try him I SEE Davics Exhibit And have your photos taken at the gallery. Third and Morrison Sts. Entrance on Morrison Street Mail AND n lam.