Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 11, 1896, Image 5

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0. 1!, T. CO.'H NTMMKKMi
Al.l"H Ml lUMuftl,
tH f.aiUMI, aal.nl i Ml IKIiKrilKMINI I
!. I'lirllaml. 'I y I. .r alri'i.i il.u k ai n ( , a. 41,
. y, riiuiir u i A. M, ami i,...vu.
( i iii 1 1 r I i 'Inn n mi a, i.
Ml J I '..III nil ilnV.
iiiii.mii la. ve Oirirriii cily 'r I IhikI al
il ID . an.i g ;m I', , huii.I.ix.
faal llnm, ihii ai'muiiidallmia ami low rali.a,
Nil May fliHuhl lian.llnl. Hpnt'lal Mk'a oil
III renin h IrrljIiL
Kdl 1lir.H1 VACmt'. RAILWAY.
Callforiita Xinreaa (Uiriiiiyli)
Hiiaclmri Ijri'al way alailiim)
Balwlu 1'aB.alltfi.r
OI'TM Hull HI).
Ko.rliiire l.iiral way atalliuii)
( alll.iniU fcipreaa (iliruuili)
Kalilu r .ai uaar
7 11. m.
1 I ft" p. Hi.
.7 hi.
77 a m
4 p. in
4 bo p. iik
v aoi'TMKHM rai'irio atii.aoan
' Mall cloan (nl i. f No' Hi, II 76 p iii, ami 7 p m.
Wall ou ana uiiina; (t.nilli, M a. in ami 7p hi
Nallili.iill.iilnlln.nl Ni riliia. m., u Ifi a in.
Mail dlatr.bml In tu roulli, a. in , 4 p. in.
T ar iii;ii.inic lim.
Mall rloem Im I'nrtlaud aid diairll ulli f
Mili.la, riiiHiii, and 4 4.1 p. in.
MMilrliMat I r Milwaukee only, a IS 1 m..
4 4(1 n. lit.
Mail pfilvai ln.m Poiilai.d, II M a. m. and
4 18 p ui.
ilia aonia,
Ori-i mi I'lljr In Kly, C'arua, M'lllnn. Liberal and
W.ilalU lraa at 11 lu. and arrive! il II m.
iirrinn I'llr In larr treek, Mink, Clark.
Meadow llri.i. I'nli'U W Ilia, ami I i.ln.n leavea
at a. m. H lay, Wediieaday and rr.day,
and retiirnauii lullowlni ilave al 4 aft p. m
irr..n I'llr l Vli.la, Uifii and l( nil a ml
leavea urr"n City Monday, Wmlnrwlay and
frlday el l.uu p, ui., leaving Vlula aaiuo daya
al 7.uua. m
Ortia-nn t'lly to Willamette, Hiaff. rl and
W il.oiivllle, arrlvoa al lu Mia, Uk aud leavea al
II au a. in. iiaiiy.
U ni rl ttihveiy oiod'.w II p"0 on miiuUv
(rum II) lo II a. m. Al !' r .li.. p 1 ml. Ii
b.alllitf ilunr la runipllv ai I off euu'er.
aa un ml vr d.ye,
A i Ka.i.rn mall tliat la drleved and l.llet"
arrive oil i a m.. K I'. Hula eill c ilia on VI
o i 1 .a or 4 l.ia wino oar.
t II. I. AM K fl K f.Vl.U U V.
Orciron Citv Iintcrnriso l'""l,y '''''i'1'"1- i'iwM'"A-crit
" J 1 the kni'na nan liruiiiiion '.Im alri'iila. Oil
Kumliiy nlit Im wan am-alml (or va
Kruni y ami pliiicd In ll.n i lly jull, wlnr
I'ra hint w. liul.iTU.ii anil I'iitcu hi'
iiiiiIiiiiiI liim yiialtirilay for Urn uirniMi
ul u rliiiiiiiiK wIii'Iiht Im wan rriiilml
in mil, ami aa a ri'ault lln-y ilirluri'l
lilm a (rami. I In hum lurin'il out u n I or
ili'rnil to Imivii llin I'll y. wlili'li limliil.
'I'IiIn la a year of liiflmli'lit iliaannalolia
ami riMirKuiilr.iillon aiiioux imlilirul pur-
, tit'M, ami ( Im kait.aa county iliiimx riita
are no ex o piloii to tliu rulu, A iniH-t-liiK
of tliu (liiiiiiM'rnllc rounly ii'iilral
I'oniiiiilli'ii wun Imlil limt I'rl.liiy alliT
noun, ami It wuh vnrv tvlili'iit tliat
iiimiiUt of I lii'iii oonlil not iiniloratt
Itryan'a X'iiiliatio Mima on "Hut"
nullify. Only nina iiieiiilif ri of I In)
roininilliiH Hum prrwnt iiii.'linlinCliair
man J. K. IIpiIk' ", ami Hucri'tury A. V
Cliiim-y, Tlii'y with V. II. Vuuxlian,
of Molulla; Ir. J. II. Irvine, of Candy;
William L. lUnkncr of A Ijprnulliy ;
C. M. Tuolii, o( ('aunuiali ; T. L. Tiirmir,
of Klaironl: V. It. Il,vlu and J. W. Cole,
of Ori'tton City. Cliairman lloilfi
liamlcd In lilt lntur of rfai(natloii, Ut
lug In autiNtuiH'i) tliat lie wiui mialu-ralily
(ijiM)B.(l lu Hit) plank of tin) Cliiragi)
plalforin, which ilin'laina for the unliin
ll.xl rolnnK" of ailver on a ratio of 10 to
I. Aflnr aome ili'lmle Mr. Iltdr-a na
lirnallon waa at'erplrd. Vr J. II Irv
ine and C. M . Toole alao nalgnod their
plmca on the coinmitice fur the aame
ri-aaona exii-M-d hy the former chair
man. J. J. Cooke, who ia a free ailver
democrat, waa elected chairman to inc-o-i-d
Mr. Ile-Iea. A report waa current
on the alreeta that Mr. Cookn would nol
arrept llie place tendered him. How
ever, Mr. Cooke informed an Kntkr-
I'HiaK reiHirler, that he would call a
meeting u( the cuminittee to convene one
wecklrom next Saturday, and if they
di-aircil him to continue in that poait'on
ho would or gun no for active campaign
work. There I" aald to have heen aapir
ited diacmwlun U-tween the guld and
ailver nlandard ilemoi-rata. Cheney,
Vaughan, Turm-r and lleckner reprv-t-lited
the ailver force, hut the hitter
made a mlatnke once, and voted w ith
the Hound money ili-mix-ralN. The aound
money fuel ion wanted I he ailver men to
atep down and out at one atage of the
giime, hut they could not w-e it in that
light. Il ia rumored I lint J. W. Cole,
who la a aound motii-y dt mocrat, will
alao reaign hi place on the coir.mitti-e.
Tuav Si'rki.y Will. A new illuatra
lion of killing Iho ginwe that laya the
golden evg la furniahed hy the illegal
rnilure of (.allium In-low the ruck placed
In the Cluckauiaa river, Oregon, to aup
ply the Cniled Sutra government hatch
ery Willi egga, aava tliu Hulling (inr.i-lte.
SiiH-riulenilent llnhhnrd auya that
cumlx-ra und otliera cntrh the aulinon
iuiendcd for uae in the work of propaga
mm an i'xm bh tiieireggN ami unit are
mat mo The rack la placed In the river
In-fore the Midi U-gin to aacend to their
apawning grounda, and without it the
Imtrhcry could not Imi atoi ked. The
aalmun often remain In-low the rack
Nome wecka hefore thev are ready for
the proccH of artiliciul fertilization, and
Ihuy collect in pools of (realer or leaa
deplh in the intervale ht-tween thtir
altacka upon the ohHtructioua to their
AMceul. Men who are mean enough to
dinregurd both the law and common
aenae, reipiiro the prompt and vigorous
aervicca of the flali wardena, and we
have iiiflicient confidence in the Oregon
authorities to hclievo that they will aoon
put a atop lo thia nefarious practice.
aaa Laars
ii arixama aan ua
'o a m,
7 ."ar '
a ii "
in ui "
li ii "
I.' U "
I lv., m.
1 ia -
s u "
4 -0
1 . II "
I w "
7 i "
lu0 '
aiM-anana ri.u
fl m a. m.
7 l
a iaj "
v m "
lu .iu '
1 1 41 "
I p. in.
a. o
3 l "
4 l "
M "
a u
7 u
10 11
kundar Cara Irata etmi T limif 11 ft I It V n'rliK a
1 1 llarl un and -I n Jai n ri i. Irm.
C. A, atll.l.r.K, M TT.
p m. l i
Hi ra Uivna Mink. The Oregon Cily
stockholders in the clnii f the Hlue
Hlver Milling A Mining Company, aro
feeling pretty yoo-l junt now over the
prixiin-i l in Iho Hlue river mlnea.
They are now contldcnt that if tliey do
not mitke a auliafiu tory sale of the prop
erly to the New York pnrliea, they can
ell'.vt a sale lo Knjii-h cpitaliata
Their chiinia adjoin the Lucky Itoymlne,
which was rweiitly purchaaivl hy Kn
Klinli capilaliala, and are equally aa
rich In every rea-ct. The following
diapatch from Kiltrene to the Oregon
Ian gives aoton inforiualion as to the
progreaa of work In theae mlnea: "Man
ager W. It. hauler and Superinlendcnt
Huiilh, with a force ol prnciical mini-fa,
started this iiHirning for the Hluo river
mining camp, where they will hegln ac
tive work on the Lucky Hoy mine, which
waa recently purchased hy Kngllah cap
Italiata, through the agency uf Mr. l aw
ler. It is their Intentlnll to put the
mine In condition to fully demnimtrate
Its worth and lo yield revenue as soon
as poaaihle. The same people have
hoinhi l aeveial other promiHiiig claims
in the Hlue river v'cinity, and the show
lug made hy I lain development work will
to a great extent itotcruiinu their action
aa regards the other claims. It Is con
lldelilly expected that the properly will
fully meet expectation, ami In a short
time he a source of N't'1 revenue. Much
general public Interent is taken hy the
people of the country in the enterprise,
which, If aucecsHful, will mean great
deal to the general welfare o( the coun
try. The ownera of the clainiB have
long heen trying to get capital Inter
ested in theso Illinois, believing that to
be the only thing necessary to make a
rich mining camp. They have consid
erable faith in preaent prosHcta.
Tim Samk Cbhti.ic. -C. F. Lauer us
sinned the duties of his new position to
day aa marshal of the cily. About bis
first olllcial act wna to arrest the extra
ordinary cripple who is selling lead pen
din around the Htreets for being drunk
and disorderly. This individual when
drunk In quite nuly and is inclined to
make the most of what weapons nature
has provided him with. Ho ia quite an
original cripple, his deformity consist
ing In having his loft leg crossed in front
of his right, making his step but a few
inches in length. The Dulles Chron
icle. Tliis anme object of deformity was
doing Oregon City h few days ngc, and
after selling ft In pencils proceeded to
till up in royal stylo. He finally became
obstreperous, and Chief of I'olice Hums
and Ollicer Shaw picked him up and
between the two of them, carried him
olTtothe city jail a coiiplo of blocks
away, The cripple threatened diie ven
geance on the way to the city lodgings,
but he was very , meek and lowly the
next morning when he was accorded the
privilege of moving on. Lator The Sa
lem Statesman Bays that on Saturday
and Sunday a man who appeared to be
Mohk Ahoi-t lloi-s. Hop glowing is
one of the lmrtant industries of Clack
amas county as well as contiguous lo
calities in the state. II. J. Miller, the
well known bop buyer of Aurora, was in
Oregon City Wednesday, He represents
Frank I). Miller, of New York City, and
they handle considerable of the output
around Aurora, Iluttevillo, Needy, Har
low and olber sections. Mr. Miller sins
that the hop prospects look gloomy, on
account of the tree silver scare, over
production etc., although the yield is
equally as good as last year. He has
closed several three-year contracts, at 6
cents for the first year, 7 cents for the
2nd and 8 cents for the 3rd. He has
also mado some contracts to take the
product of bop yards continuously lor
Ave years at 8 cents per pound for each
year. To all growers who have made
contracts with them, he advances from
four to five cents per pound each season
for picking expenses. He states thai
picking lias begun in a number of
yards, and that by the 12th bop picking
will he in full hhiBt in the fields in the
vicinity of Iluttevillo ami Aurora.
Hound Ovbk on A Chakuk or Rack.
K, Thomas was arraigned before Jus
tice Dungan ut Molulla lust Saturday on
a charge of rape, prelerrod by Ruby Can
non, who resides neur Wilhoit Spring.
The defendunt is a mnrriod man, and re
sides neur Silyerton, Marion county,
with Ids family. The crime is alleged to
have heen committed last February,
w hen the defendant was boarding at the
residencoof the young lady's parents.
As Miss Cannon is only 15 y9ars old,
and according totheluw, is under the
age of consent, this fact was made the
base of the charge above mentioned.
The prosecutiou was conducted by Q. B.
Dimick, but the defendant neither
waived examination or made any de
fense. He simply sat still and listened
to the story of the prosecuting witness.
In consideration uf the fact that he has
a family, and is not likely to skip the
country, 'Hioiiihs wua hound over lo ap
pear hi fore the grand Jury hi the sum of
Ilul-I'n kimi. Hop picking will be
gin in earnent Ibis week, and pickers
aeein to be plentiful, notwithstanding
tliu low priri-s to bn paid. Kvery bout
up the river Is l-wh d wild paaaeiigeis
bound for tliu boo yard", and for several
duys the roads have heen f.iirly lined
wild wugou on the way to tle ho;i
districts, while many are traveling on
foot. J. 8. Kisley, of Milwaukee, waa
in the city Tnid.iy, and stater) that
they intended to begin picking their
l acre Imp yard Wednesday, Kiiley'a
are among the principal hop growers In
that suction of the county, and usually
hold their hups for belter prices. Thous
ands of s-ople go lo the bop yards for
the purpose of an outing, more than the
expectation of adding shekels lo their
exchequer. The aroma from the hop
bud is taid to poasess health-giving
proiertins, and a-ople in the hop yards
enjoy the outing to the fullest extent.
Y. I'. 8. C. K. Count; Convkktiow.
The executive committee of the Clack
amas County Christian Kudeavor
I'nlun met at the Conga-gational church
on last Monday evening to begin prepar
ing for the county convention which
will meet in Oregon City, October, 2.'! 2",
lH'.HI. Mr. W. (i. Reattie, the president
ol the union, will go to Kugene aoon to
attend the Stale University and there
fore tendered his resignation as president
and Rev. A. J. Montgomery was elected
to fill the vacancy. Mrs. F. K. Ikinald
son was elected to set as secretsry dur
ing the absence of Miss Musa Itarkley,
secretary. A programme committee
was app-iinted, consisting of Rey. A. J.
Montgomery, F. K Donaldson, Mrs. F.
K. DoualiUon, Mis Mary Mclntyre and
(I. II. Hestow. Mr. O. 1'. Yoder of
Needy, one of the vice-presidents came
in to attend the meeting and nqHirts that
the Christian Kudeavor work in that
part of the county il prospering.
As Oreg hi Citv bus no patrol wagon,
substitutes are often Improvised when
an ohatreierous Irunk Is picked up, who
cannot be kept on bis feet. Sometimes
a wheelbarrow ia brought into use, bnt
more frequently the two-wheeled hand
cart, used to carry mall ta-tween the
Kis'ollice and railroad depot, serves as a
"hurry up" wagon. The oilier night
Ollicer Shaw put a heavily loaded drunk
into the cart w hen the shafts flew up
spilling the prisoner out on the sidewalk.
The wayward prisoner was again picked
up, and conveyed to his destination,
hut w hen he came to himself Iho next
morning ha hud no remembrance of hav
ing been dumped otil of the municipal
patrol wagon. At any rate, the United
Slate-i mail cart serves the purpose ad
mirably as a municipal "hurry up"
Fok Hist A new hard-finished
dwelling house, seven rooms, pantry,
liuth room, wash and wood room. Will
lie rented completely furnished with
everything necessary for housekeeping,
or only with stoves and carpets. Amount
of rent not so much an object aa the se
curing of a family who can guarantee
absolutely good care of the house and
fixtures. Conveniently located and in
one of the best narts of the cily. Apply
at thia ofilce.
f-ivcry, Fi l and Sale Stable
Dniililo iiinl Hiiijlo Iti'H, and Had
die horses always on liund at the
lowest prici-H. A corrull connected
with tin; Imrn for loose stock.
Information regarding any kind or
stock promptly attended to by person of
Horses Boutrht and Sold.
Horses Hoarded and Fed on reason,
able terms.
MoumeHtal bronze CO.
lyillTK JtKON'ZK Monuments
will not Moss-rover or black
en. Aro artistic, cheap and the
niOMt enduring monument made.
White Bronzo i no experiment.
It had stood for hundreds' of yearn
in Europe and in not affected hy
the weather. ('orn sioiidenco soli
cited. On receipt of postal card
will he plea-ed to cull and show
cainpli.-H and denins.
G. W. Grace & Co.
Complete Mock of every thing
needed in the home.
New GoocJb
Modern Prices.
( orner urocery.
Complete stock of
Fine Family Groceries,
Try my extra
Choice Tea.3cs
Richard Freytag.
Main and Fourteenth Streets.
pAR.MEkS . . . '
Your team will have the best
of cure and
Full Measure of Feed
At ihe
Fok Minkks. Tbe necessary blanks
for filing on a mining claim can be bad
at tbe Kntkkchisk oflice, as well as blanks
for all other needs. Portland prices du
plicated. Muryelous Kesulla.
From a letter written by Uev. J. Gun
derinan, of Pitnondale, Mich., we are
permitted to make this extract : "I have
no hesitation in reon-unending Dr. King's
New Discovery, as the results were
almost marvelous in the case of my wife.
While I was pastor of the Baptist church
at Hives Junction she was brought down
with pneumonia succeeding la grippe.
Terriblo paroxysms of coughing would
last hours with little interruption and it
seemed as if she could not survive them.
A friend recommended Dr. King's New
Discovery ; it was quick in its work and
highly satisfactory in results." Trial
bottles free at Charnian A Go's. Drug
Store. Kegulur Biro 50c and $1.00.
For Young, Men and Youug Women
There is nothing that will arouse tbe
ire of a young man or woman bo quick as
to have inferior laundry work put olTon
them. They may dress ever so well,
but if their shirt front or shirt waist is
munsy their neat appearance Is spoiled.
The Troy laundry makes a specialty of
ladles' and gentlemen's fine work.
There can be no better work than is
done at the Troy, Leave your orders at
Farnsworth's barber shop.
Host ami Cheapest Insurance.
Save money on your insurance by call
ing on E. . Martin, who represents the
only Mutual doing business in Oregon
Citv. You cannot afford to keep on
throwing your money into policies and
pay from 3 to 5 years premiums in ad
vance and then have the company fail.
The Oregon Fire Hellef association will
stand the closest investigation.
E. E. Martin, Agt.
Commercial Bank Block.
City Stables.
W. H. YOUNC, Prop.,
W. H. Cooke.
Hucccnaaoraa to
Livery Rigs on Short Notice.
Telephone No. 42.
Opp. Huntley's Drug Store,
All Kinds of Watches,
Clocks and Jewelry Repaired
Great Britain and America.
Give me atrial.
The U. S. Gov't Reports
Aow Royal Baking Powder
svjterlor to ull others.
The Queen of Fashion
Soperb, Strictly Up-To-Date Designs,
Illustrations and Fashion Notes.
Sellable, Bright and Clean.
A year's subscription for
Only 50 Cents,
Including, free, your choice of any one of the
Celebrated McCall Bazar Patterns,
and all patterns to subscribers .
Only 10 or 15 Cents.
Send a 1-cent stamp for a sample copy to
Kaal I lib 81., Sew York.
' C. K. MINN KM., MOH,
Hw. cor. Ash and Fast 10th Street,
Portland, Oregon.
Summer Goods at Cost
To make room for fall and winter stock. I am
going to sell the remainder of may summer goods at
a price so low that all can buy.
Full Line of Gents Furnishing Goods.
All new stock and of latest styles.
I propose to treat all customers fair and sell goods
bo cheap that no one need go to Portland. Mjr
expenses are the lowest of any store in Oregon City
and I "ell on the closest niargain. Come and see my
goods and get my prices.
0;jcsite M'JeM Book Slort
20 Iba. D. O. arjfw, tl. '
Kood t our 7V tv k, Baoon So.
3 Iba. Lard r (bnn pail.)
Oood Mr tmeulorti T (from recalrer) 2Sa
(irte.i Taa aoc: Tea dual 2 lb. 25c
Our Gunpowder Tea (2 Iba. for 7Sc.) azcelathi
u.ual Me Teu, Uj il
RMt CiTp JutuB. Linn or Arbucklw 2 lor tie
lirMU CofTe ' II. $1.00.
Minon or yeuuit K ,, brim Dome, uts Dili
Q. aod Q. Tnbuco 20c pound, Corocak
Tobtceo (amoklDt) t to pound tad pipe 2Se.
Stork Salt M par 1(0 lb..
I ouklof Mulaaaet tte aL, Baal Bjrrup 4Jc, brief
Mica Axle a roeie loe, dm h:i o'lantltr onlr.
I e.l H .I.eJ oil GOc itLiluM Machiua Oil 10s.
Turpentine eOe m brmi- rn for oiL
tine atork fATlU.VH PA I Ml 3 alrlctlr Aral
laaa tad we can uf e rou lu to 20 par cent In
Bcehlre Baking Powder 20c; Jell? Olaieee 36c
Phot thread 7a cement 23c, tboenaili 10c lor
H lo.
Hail tolea, Holelealher, etc.
Good band enl aia $1.00, nail hammer 4.
LoweM price on Bcrthes, Kakei. HoeaJ Forki,
Sblnglea, Uraln, Vaad etc.
JSC BUYS: 8 Iba R ce, 10 Ibl Rolled o'a; 1
Ir. bant Cocoanut; 1 lb. beat .(round Glueer,
Kui'arJ. Popper, A'liplce and Pecpe; 2 Iba.
wbole Pel per; Iba. t4;o ol Taplina: 10 lb'.
Hermeaor Cora Ilea.; li bunctea MatCUta; 12
Iba. Saleodaj
ioc DUY81 dna, Clotheaplna; V lb. 8wve
loll.h;! box Antlleruientlue; 1 Huhea alone
1 Wblak Brocm; 1 double handle Baaket; 1
fo BUYS: $ rpiii, I cn garllnee, 1 hf
ar Boap. 1 bar Borax Soap, 11 In. bar Tol et
8 'ar, 'i lb. BriaTiiie Soap, I oa. S-wIdk U ei.
Oil (briuc b tt:e.) H 11 aaeorted Ttcka, 1 bottle
Vaavlioe, 1 Waahpan.
Furnlahinaa, DryO'Kxla, Xlllllnarrv
Laundored hMe ShlrU 5r ; Tollere lOr : Coflh
20c: meu'a Bill Uandkircl.lel 2o up, (abrni H
price); meu'a beary Uvara la IOC, Browoiei 2T;
ctnla'kHuitathalWfarlLW . ..j
Cut prlcee oo j
i. Stiirtwaixts, ,
' Ntckties all kimla. . ,
Straw and Felt Hata,
Underwear, Ladiea and Gento,
Stockings and Socks.
OlgCut lnMllllnery;atyll.h trlned Hat
$l.uu, 2ic Kluwera cut lo lie: bia; lot T Wet R n
naola el i price: w h Silk worth &e, at ie
akoin: Bila B by B bboo lcy.l. Haudkerchii-fa
2oup. Bi.kHlkla 15c, 20c and 2'ie lor nice em
b oi.ie-el too : Croihet Cotton tc; wblte Knit
ting Cotton Sc balL
A Penny Huya; 1 Croch t Honk, paper
Hairpiu , Needloa.U iuka aud Kree or Pine,
Bhoea at Cut Prlcem Bbfa 1 and I at
lie, i.'gw 25c Jl; ' hi d'a6lo H at 50. 66 an I
75 ; mi.aea Sorioo! Sho.-a aol line eheee at cut
prcea; lad e' atrli-b ahoea but er (relee than
bo lor at $1.50. $; aul $i',i; cbills' T"auls
ahoea ioc; meu'a larre -Me; nU'D's cloth los
ieihert.ne"oc; laditt OxKmi'a ia tan or lback
at cut pr e a.
Meu'a flne ihoee H 3S no: bor.' lit tl,B no:
meu'a coarae aboja f 1.20 up; boyt' coarae $1 up.
Red Front "TTmcIiiisj Co.
Burmeister & Andresen.
Are selling handsome Eight Day
Clocks at $5.00. Other Clocks
proportionately low."
When you bay
A house you muke sure the title is
When you paint it use Pure Prepared
Paint as it makes all the difference
in the world whether the paint is
genuine or not.
Color cards free,
Special prices in
-Telephone No.
After the
Winter is Over.
After your feet are sore from wearing rubbers and overchoea,
and the other ahoes are pretty well worn and out of shape,
you want to get a uew pair. If we are correct, then come to
ub and we will please and ease you. We have received a
fine stock of all kinds of goods for the spring aeasan, and
not only that, but to wear throughout the other seasons.
Our shoes are well made, comfortable and low in piice.