Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1896)
ELSIE'S GRANDMOTHER. Thimgh her until feature Th erobodlmi-nt of rest, Lid th saint of whom w dream In th heaven of th bloat, Yr ahe't weary! Many a day Ha ah marched with llfn'e fray Ihronf ; Thorn she hired har dropped awajr Whr niust aha lira oa ao long! Koarteil of nnrlghted wrongs; Frightened hjr fha world's dark frown; Life's hid ft- is done; she longs Kor tha curtain to go down, tifctwlr with oa. h poaceful breath ! and years crept toward tholr ram. Yet aho neror anka for death ; When Ood wtlla It, lot It cum. IVsircat, am you near tha end Are your lured onoa dying fasti Eavn 7011 not on little friend Who will lor yon to tha laatf- Oh, when life' great eddying whirl Lata roa nt stranded somewhere, too Hay I hare aoma little sir I v ' To lore me aa I love you! -Robert Borvrlr Hale in Youth's Companion. taken down a riflo thitt hiwl Monptl to Suo't brother, who bitil also olTi'nxl up hi lifn oil tho altiir of tho omi, lo ln In viiiixii to hi muter a a inomia of dVftMts iu Jimt aurh cuiorgiMiPitu this. "What you (fwino to do, Daro?" tho pirl pontistod, coining doner and Inyiiitf hor hiunl ou hi arm. Ditvotthook aovor nl rartr'.dco into tli cylinder of the Winchester uud waited iu nilcuou, aj piuvntly not win tlmt Su hod touch' od hint Ouy a few inoro moment to Wait and thou tho hut not in tho com- monplaoo littlo traHly. A loud pound inK at tho rickety oaliiu door noil a do- risivt imperative voioo dcmnuilcd . "lli, iu tlnT oimu up, or wo'H mako pliiitor of jvr olo door. " Tho throat wu Burnished by ovoral ftrotig f iili'tivo and nccompauiod with mora vicious pouuditiK. Thou for aiwwor went tho apitoful snap of the Winchester, followed by surprised howl of pain, inoro rolublo profanity aud f(xUtots iu rapid retreat. Dave wa a onward, and he had al- a wont to tho window, and way borne tho roputatiou of itrnuit, though a knotholo in tho ahutter review cowardice ever aiuo he had crawled : d ! aitutition of the cuomy Then ever U10 side of hi dugout cradle to ! though tho aperture tho rifle iiRaiu spoke wallow aloiiu with tho midcrfoot world ! with deoiHive, leaden emphasis, and co tho white Mnd before hU parents' j wheu tho smoke cleared away the man cabiu door. Though country born and 1 iu8ill behold 0110 of tho Uwiesers lying lnvd, a piuwing thunderstorm rtruek Pn f freshly hotnl ixilato Jiiiu with terror, and tho sicht of tho , WWA wuil another limptxl painfully Mack water of the "crick" caused a I n war w o rotratiu( tna Tomarkablo auilation of hi knoe. He ! la the short ileuoo that followed the was a coward pure and simple. Tho I' hot tho arid ttHiraphy of Honey bristlinir of a coon routed him nncondi- Path tomed to flash before Davo' tionally.and a determined possum could vwion, ca-h perlia"ty tatiding out rob tho henroost before his Terr face, strong and clear. Tho lino, white aand, Indeed. Daw was a coward, and hi covered everywhere with fat leaved cousin. Sue Spivey, laughed uproarious-1 prickly pear and cactus that bloomed iv when the poor follow perpetrated his ! ptrpotually in big butter colonnl flow initial and only act of boasting. Hel"; the bright, blaaiug sky, tho heat had said to bor ono day Tory solemnly that rose up aud hung heavily over man nd no doubt sinoerolv: and beast, tho many insects that sat out REAL ESTATE TK ANSr'Elt.H. Furnished Etery Wot k by the CUca.. ma A list 1 net & Trust ('uinimnjr. A KEDEEMIXG ACT. William Harlow and wife tn the Crown rHr Co Aug 2, 'IKl W V a tract of Uud in sec 8 t 4 s, r 1 e, 10 aero more or loss $ Aloo several parcel of land in I ho town of lUrlow 10 J II Sevier and wife to Mrs II J Kandotph Aug 21 '11 W ), u tract of land Hilimtod in Clai ka urn county containing 71 v acre John Myers and wifu to J on 11 in Homier Aug 2-t 'Otl W I) lot 7 In blk 158 of Oiogon City Karl OtiHW and wife to A U liar- bank Aug 18, m y C D, the im 4' lUrriilrli'n .Kotlcf, NOriCK I IIKKKIIY tltVKN THAT TIIK ii'i.lrrl"ivl baa laeu, lir or. lor nt in rouni; oouri hi v a kiiuaiooiiiily, Or'ii"li, duly ai'iiiult"l eaiKiuliU ol tha nuie ol r ivdorli'i levera, ilen.'. 1, Ail itiii havliw rlaim aaaili'l ll lte are nolliud to i-natnt llieiu 10 me, uiiiy rerineit, at the mra ol . K, t'ro all nioy al law, In Un 1'itv, wllhlll ill uioiiiiii n o il 1 lie i. 01 t a iioilos Oirgnu City, Ore"ii, Amkii.i Mih, IhikV aUHVHIKVr.HK. s hl'inilnx. lUK) of at ae' of soc :ft, t 1 1, r 2 e, 40 60 "Toe purteo yo' honah an happiness I 'ud th'ow away my wuthloss life. " Orduiarily Dave's speech was unpol ished and provincial, but on this occa- ion it rose to the dignity of what he , idlt the occasion demanded. ; Sue knew full well his timorous dis-! Twition and would have thought it safe to count on his poltroonery in any 1 eveut. But a day was sadly near which proved to her the full worth of the poor fellow' grandiloquent assertion. 1 ' Long before the late unpleasantness j And until this day Honeypath was only a siding, whore occasional trains took , . water and passed each other. Two or , three log shanties, without special pre tensions to any architectural dissimi larity, marked the site of the town, dis- Mary Kgan to Patrick Caulev Aug M W D all of lots 7 and 8 in blk 17 in the Ortvon Iron Steel Co Firat iild to Oswego J C I. Miller to Kli.aU'th ' Miller Aug 2.i, W I) a tract of land con taining 227.WI acres, mure or Ion 1200 L V IKvth and wife to Mr A K rine, Au; 20, 'IK! W D all of lots 1.2. . and 10 in blk 2, in Darn ell's ai!d to Oregon City 0 F IVOuite ar.d wile to Chas. Woolen July 8, W 1) aWt4 0f sec 8 in t 5 s, r 1 e 100 acres John llari'isborgor and wife to Frank Muanbrugger Aug 15 '1H1 W D all of lot 5 of blk tl of the town of Caiiouiah J I Kenner and J W Jones to Sarah K Hughes Pec 14, 'm. V I) a parcel of land lu Oiegou City 600 20(H) i:ic'iir'a police. VTOTIt'K I IIKKKIIY IIIVKN 1 lllolerilmird Una iMI, aMMI THAT TIIK Itolllleil bv Ilia """i'j, ii v iMi'Kamite poiiniv, tirva 111. at. eeuior ol Hie Unt all! ami Iv.NuiuiiI ol luao niorinor, uixsiaten, AH xriiua liarin rlalim aaiuii me mi id 01 aal.1 loan Hlormer, do rvaaml, are heroliy no lilo l in iiro-enl Ilia aaiiu only vurllled lor iayiiieut 10 Hie iiiidural(im. or ai 1 no oinve 01 nrowiioll ,V t'lilip I. Oroa t'llr, (Iroiioii, wiililu all 11100 lha Irou the date 01 inia 1111111SB, Hand. Aumul IS, IstM. AI.Hhltr 11AUIUNO ION, Hkownill A CaNI-nalL, Klei'lllor. Atloruera 101 eaoeuior. I .'I, V is TN TIIK NAMK Of TIIK STATIC L t" 1 u anJ. oil ol yonar' 425 in the furnacelike sun, rattling shrilly with Tery joy. Then tlie dense, shade of the murky shadowed swamp and the big scaly back scorpions and dainty mul- THE CLACKAMAS ABSTRACT A tieolorod lizards that played an eternal TRUST CO. are the owners of the copy right lo tho Thorne system of abstract indexes, for Clackamas county, and have the only complete set of attracts in the game of hido and seek among the rot ting rails of the old snake fence. The trio hail disappeared into the swamp, and Dave calmly refilled hi rifle, waiting as though lost in thought. Presently from tho rear of the cabin came the harsh command : "You cowardly bushwhacker in there, come out an right like a man! If ye don t, we U burn ye an yor shanty an the gal with ye. " There was no opening in the rear of the cabin, the logs were thick and the chinks were well stopped with clay, so county, can furnish information as to title lo land at once, on application. Loans, investments, real estate, abstract etc. Ollice over Hank of Orcuon City. Call and investigate. Address Ihjx 377, Oregon City Oregon. Legal Notices. Indigestion Cured Depressing tunes depress the mind : 1. ainfci,,., i, fmm h ..a I tlmt Dave conld not mrnrn a l..H.m an. ,,,e J'SMtlon Is disturbed. Two Of three wmetmbla swanm that harked it anH I swer to this brutal challeniro. He tin- ,,UWH l" - iie and Liver the arid waste of sandy bottom through gcred the rifle nervously and lookod at Cure will restore your health to a nor which the glistening, polished rails of : Sue. mal condition. 50 cents tier bottle. the grand trunk line writhed and sinn-! "Oh, Dave, don't open the door, " she For ssle by C. G. Huntley, druggist ateo. Along tHat glowing metal high-1 P'eaueu, meeiiug me earuoet loon Dent way troops of both armies passed and on her face from beneath the brim of repasaod, gated at curiously by the fow Dave s frouzy slouch hat, "I ain't afeer- old women aud senile males left in the ' ed toe bum " nllagn, but exciting no other emotion iiis lips Diancned, cis kneos were than a. blank curiosity that died out 1 wobbly with fear, but be had not for even before the white mist of the fine : gotten the one boast of his poor, pinch- sand stirred by the soldiers' feet had ed We, nttered so long ago. "Toe pur settled behind the retreating bands. tec' yo honah an happiness I 'ud throw Dave was a native of Honeypath and away my wuthloss life. He ottered lived with an aged father in one of the 1 the words again monotonously, Auger- shanties. Sue dwelt with her mother in ing the rifle that was held limply in another near by. Dave's father was a bis shaking hands. iiot blooded southerner, whose patriot-' Poor Sue! There ism answered to the first call to arms, tat Dave was timid, fearful of the smell of powder and refrained from action, preferring to suffer the opprobrious epi thets which were liberally bestowed up on him and the contempt of the county iMinwaiu a I. .. I . ... fe ... L .. . fioui&aAi IV losing (IV UJCH UUI Vt UUI, was no answering laughter in hor soul now for those gro tesquely sententious words which broke in husky mouotouo on hor hearing like a last prayer. In that moment Dave, who had al ways been a coward, who had all his life long borno meekly tho scorn and Adinlalatratwr's Notice. "V-OriCs- HEKEBY UlVIX THAT THE i 1 unueraixued baa beau aoiuiuiej br Hi couoty court of Clackemaa oonuly, admlulatia tor ol tbe eitafa o( L. II. Hobbi, uecvaaod. All purxnu haTiUK olaiiui ai D.I I lie eatate of ial4 dirediot are hureby ooiiDrd lo pruaout tbe ume duly TcrlUcd for paTuieal 10 tue un.ler aUued at hia oltice In Oraaon City. On-aon. iihia an montln Irora lb. a dale, or at ib offloa of Urowuall A Campbell, Urefou City, Uri-ffou. Uaied thla 101b day of Aujuat, ISM. L. U rDRTKR. Bownll A CmriKLU A.imlulrtrator. Atlorut-ya lor aUiuiulatrator. -H. HI Nhiiiiiiom, In the Circuit Court of Ihe alato ol Oreaoit lor (.'laokainaa 0 lluly, Samunl ll ilil.worlh, tilalntln. a. Charlaa M. Van Huron and .Uair Van Huron hit wife UJ Jubu I. loir, J.'IfUiiiiiiU To I'liarlM M. Van Huron aud Waty Van Uureii, in wur, ueiviiuania ; or OKK- hirohv reunited mai'iiM au la. aair ihoium, lalul II led agnlual yuu in Hie above emitted anil ouor Kloretbe lira I ilar of Ilia iwtl lerinuf -a d ourl 1 .1 uitliie exiliailon of aal I -uminnn., 10 nil: II y lha dr. 1 M Ul. I.Y lu M 'T. Illli r. Illl. ami II Von (ail In a.i.'r, ti'aiuilir will lak )n.imul ami derive in aai.i auu acam; y.u fir i,.e 11111 of fsjx wiiii lute eat thereon al the rale of S tier rnil. wr annum Inun he iih day ol February, lax); r llio aum ; im.ju with lu'ero.t ilmru.ui i the rare nl a nr rent, nerannuin tram the lai day of Juue, M; Ine aum n Willi lu. teroal Ilie.e.'U ai tue rate uf ier i-ei'l. r an num from the lat dar of he ember, inn lar the iim ol n JU will Hiiereat ihrroon at the raie or wr re it l er annum f 0111 the lat day of Juue, hd; lor in an. 11 ui Hi. js IIH luler t I at Hie rate of S prrcenl. tier all ium imin Hie I I day ol Ow-emlier, IKIft, to the Wih day of r'ebruary, li; mr Ine aum of lltaluu paid lot late., with InleMI tbervou at lh rate nl t ier rem. n r aiiniim iroia the Sutb day of lXoinlwr, Ivij; tioou ait.irurya few and the roaia and diaburaiuuie ol tuli ami. Alau a dreree lorrcl n a re lalj mnrUate eieouied nr ine aaiu iioiauoaiit 10 the Jarvia-C uikllu Wnrlaare rruai Company and by them aaaisued iu tniapiainiiu luaeriira aalil I'lalnllll a claim, bain It uiou eatate .1 ilale lu the oounly of Cievaainaa aud atate of (Ireo 1 and mora uar. boinuled and de.onbad aa foilowa, to wn: A trai t o laud lu Ihe uoitheru Part ol Ihe ueoif irvm diuiailou land c aim and IhiIu part 01 eeolione I an I U lowuahip i eoulh, ranee I oai of Ihe Will. m. lie mer d an aud aeoiioua e ami r. lownahl i ao nh, ran e I eaal ol tbe Willamrila mrrtdlau, and uoundl aud deaerlbe.1 aa fol owa, in wit: H ulnulna at Ihe atMiiiiweai corner ni ina oniheeal itwrtnr of the norlueaal quarter of eeitioa 1J. toenail id 1 uuih, raua-e I weal uf tbe Mil ainetie uierl Han. ami ruuuine Ihencw north M . aerecaeal?J.i ruam 10 a point in ine eai ixiu ilary line of meaaiaoro. Irvlu iloiiatlou la d alalm ju.hj rhaine a u:h of the nnilliea.l corner ol the norlhweal quarter of ihe aouthwoat uuarter ol evctiou . townahlp 4 aonlh, rin I eaat of Ihe Wilem.-tle meridian; llnuica no III ebalna; thnr wat arhalua; ineueetuilh .0 ohalui: thouoe weal Alrhaina, thence south SO cbaint toplaoe of beetuulim, coulaiulut IM.97 acret more or irea Aud dirvrtliif lale of aald pr pent In man- nrr provi.led ly law, and annlirelifln ol the prorvada to parmeol ol the claim of ihe nlaln. lllTlirre u. lurludlu co.., d aburaeraeula uf suit, and attorney' icea bert-lu. Hrreice ol ihia aummntij la made upon ynii by publlcailun p irauanl to order of llouorable 1h mo A. ML'Hri.le, J 11 due ol l ie circuit court ol the alale of OreKon for Clai kainaa county. Dated tue Sib day ul Ap II. Invn. UKO. W. IIAZKV. Attoriier for plaintiff SIS-14 Chamber of Couimoroe Uulldliu, I' in land, oni in. s it, V II 1)0 YOU NKK1) ANV Doors, Windows, Moulding, Window Glass, Oil OTIIKIt llllllillINd JIATKKIAI,? :fl() TO: c. H. BESTOW H CO. Low Prices. First-class Goods. Corner llth and Main Streets, Oregon City, Oregon. OREGON CITY IRON WORKS Now and Enliirjjntl Shop with nil nliuiu'e8 for MACHINE WORK & CASTING. All work executed in tlio ht-Ht iimnner jmnKihlo. teetl on all order. Prom ptiiHH gtmran- horror upon the battlefield. He was not 1 opprobrium attached to the character, a philosopher and could not plead in ex tenuation of his uenrrality that the martial slaughter of his brother man was a crime and that the wholesale sao nfloe of human life was immoral. Dave was simply a coward and accept ed meekly the oLhqny which tho con dition imposed, not even the tannts and -cutting sarcasm of pretty Sue Spivey being able to rouse the instincts of bat tle in his craven soul. Before the strife ended Sue's mother was gathered to her final rest, being put out of sight in the little sandy graveyard, with only the comment of the two remaining neighbors. And then Dave and Sue toiled early and lute in order to wriug from the starving acres ' an unvaried livelihood of yams, corn tread and bacon, more often tho corn he whom heretofore nothing could arouse to a senso of his degradation, calmly arose to tho very pinnoclo of her oism. "I'm coming out," he called and shooting back tho bolt he stood on the cabin step beforo them. ' 'Fall back and give him a show ; he's coming out, boys!" She clung to him, pleading: "Davo, don't I There's four to one. Don't go!" But he pushed gently backward into tho room. "Bolt the door behind mel" he said and passed out Sue stood motionless in the center of the room waiting for it to begin. Dave pulled the trigger of his gun and turned the corner and instantly four weapons barked with ono voice. Sue heard something heavy fall bread without the embellishment of po- against the side of the cabin; then in tatoes and bacon, particularly during ; stautly the sharp, clear utterance of a the weeks after a hungry foraging party . Winchester answered the carbines again had passed that way. j and still again. One carbine only an- Ono day Dave was working among swered ; then all was still ; only the fret lhe young potato vines in an open arid ful warbling of a wren in the nearby field behind the cabin, when Sue ran , Cherokee rose hi dge breaking the tense out to him in troubled haste. "Oh, Dave, I'm pow'ful skeered!" she panted. "Skeered 0' what?" he asked, with out intermission of the bent labor. "Some some soldiers just went down the road, an they spoke to me sassy like, " She hesitated, and Dave looked op to see her pretty face scarlet aud her brows bent together in angry lines. "Well, what did they all say?" he demanded 111 hii accustomed slow drawl after waiting iu vain for her to proceed. "They 'lowed they all was a-comin tack." " Who was they ennyhow?" he asked uneasily, his face blanching in antici pation of the martial visit. "They was Mosby's men, I 'lowed, an they was five of 'em. " "Our fullers?" a little surprised and straightening his back. "Come on back to the house, Sue," and, shouldering Lis hoe, he trudK'.'d stolidly on before. "Don't you be skeered, " he continned as they reached the yard. "I reckon they won't do uothin. " ' Of tho two it would have been mani fest to the mast casual observer that he wag tho worst "skeered, " but he walk ed on till they reached the house, and Sue cried out: "Yonder they come now all five." Dave's face blanched to a sallow whiteness, but he pulled her quickly in aide the door. "What you gwine to do?" Sue asked aorvonsly, keeping near her cousin, but La apparently did not hear. Ue had silence of the drowsy afternoon hush, Anxiety conquering terror, Sue drew back the bolt, throwing the door wide open. A broad stream of yellow light and a rush of heat met her, passing over a figure on its knees that always trem bled at the sight of deep water. Dave was gasping his last breath. Bleeding and shattered, he crept to her feet, aft er the manner of a faithful dog, to die. In the grave gray eyes that wero raised to hers there was the light of the exal tation of a passing spirit, triumphant over the shadow of death which alreadf darkened them. His lips moved in th4 contortion of a smile that broke into an articulate murmur. "I done said that toe purtec' yo' honah and happiness I would th'ow away my wuthless life an I done hit " And Dave, with the crimson glory of his"wuthless life's" blood streaming from many wounds, passed to the judg ment reserved for him from the begin ning of all things. The wren shivered ont her fragmen tary song to heaven, the perfume of the Cherokee rose filled the air of the fad ing day, and the setting sun, streaming through the cabin door, touched the still figure of Dave, wrapping him in molten splendor as though with the face of a dying god. Poor Dave! Though a coward all his life long, he had earned the reward of heroism at the very end. "Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friend. " Detroit Journal. ' Cllatlou. In the county court ol the Hale of Oregon, for ha II t H ul (Maabain.a In the matter ol the estate of Philip Moore, do Ciaaed. To Ker. If. Moore and lo R. J. Moore and lo all other beiri ol the aa d eiat j, kuoaru aud uuinown: TN THE NAME Of THE STATE OF OHEciON X you and etch of you are hereby uo'.lfkd mal ine cuuuiy cuuri ill me alale ol Oregon, Inr e'lark ama County, alitiua In nrobaie. baa m..l. .,,,1 enterel and reodarml an order lu the abore en titled matter rei.nriD a.l oeraoui iutereaied lu aid eatate to appoar on September iJlh. WM, at tlie b iur of luiuock a. ul.iiiJ ihoar c.u.e. If any there be. why au order ttiould not Ibeu and there be made auihorlilnf and dlrec lu Ihe ad oiluiatraturof Ine laid e.laie lo aell the real liroputy 1 onmiie to aal I etai. whiah real hr (""Pert? con alati ol 210a raof land lying lu a body and deacrlbuda. foHowa; Tue ac'V of the .'. to uei of tn eefi in ue'i 01 the ne'4 iirl U'J "'!a of tiienv!4of .ectlou W.alno thenw 't 01 ineiai.t .eiw'',of thouw'j of aee.21.ill iu towoalllo 2 aoilth ol Mute eaal i,f tha W,il.,n. etta meridlau, lu Clackauiaa county, Orenu, to aallaly tho 0. aims union sai l estate and Hie coals onu exiu,eiofduiltii,tra!lou. And you are luriher uotlimd that on said date at sal I time aud lo the county court-roo;n of Clacka- uiaa oiuiiir, urignn, me sue couuty court alt tiug in prubue, will came lo be beard Ihe said p-litIou, auj w.ll tuanauil thttiemake tthatuvar onier may oe juai su 1 prooer lu tlie promise, and you are therefore required lo appear al aald time aud place sad auow cause Ly an order rhould uol ti mWi aiiihnriiiuir and directing tha saie of said real properly berulubeiore de scribed. Tbis notlcj la publish 1 by order of th Hon orable Gor ion K. Hayes, Judu of the snore en titled court, male ibia 2i.u day of August, A. V. Witness my hsnd an I the eal ol said court this 2ltu day ol August, A. I). lxui. , KLMKK UIXOM, . -'s County Clerk. Nmiimoiia. In the circuit ooun of the state of Oregon, for Ihe couuty of Clackamas. Anne Greene, plsln:llf, vs, lis H. CSrorai, A. F. Grovei aud H. Goldachmldt, Uefeudants. UPON HEADING AND FIMNO TIIK AFKI dnvlt ol M. J, MacMahou, oiUirney for the piolntlff, and It stuslaciorily tbere froiu to tbe Judge of the circuit court of tbe stale 01 Oicgiu, for the county of Clacka mas, thai the deieudsiits, Ida II. Groves and A. F. Groves, have duprtcd from and reai le out of tbe slate of Oroirou. and caiin ,t m, li.nml anhin said atate, and 11 appearing from the allldavll aloresaiJ luat a good cause ol suit exists In this county aud sluts 111 lavor ol the p.ami II the.elu sad agaiusl lbs duieuiiauis and that the said deioudauuare ueceasary and proper parlies de lenuiuis ibeieto;aud It further appearing that a suiuuions has been duly made out and issued lu ibis (ouuly.auu thai personal service of tbe same csnuot be made upou the ssld defendants, Ida H. Groves and A. F. Groves, lor the reasons Hereinbefore contained, and by tb said allliia vit aud oltlcer s return ou said suinmous mailo to appear, and tbst the defeudauts, Ida H. Grovts and A. F. Orovei, alter due diligence cauuol be found within the slai of Oregon, on motion of M. J. MacMahon, esq., atUiruey lor the plalutiff, II is orjered that the service of the summons in this suit lie ma le upou the said de fendants. Ida II. Grnraa anil i v i:....,.. i.. uu,iuttiuu luqiaii iu 1UK TKKrnlSK, a Okrooi Cur Ek- uewspaper publiabed at Oregon j;ity, hereby daalgnaied as the newspaper tno.t likely to iiive notice to aant ,iiu,i.,i.. ,t,-i sucu publication be made at least once a' week xor an auccensive weeks. Andltlurtuer In like manner aatiaraninniw appearing, that the residence ol said dufen dauts, Ida H. Groves aud A. F. Groves, Is lu the county of Los Augeiea, stale ol California, It Is ordered that 1 copy of the sum mops, aud a cer tified copy of tbe complaint In this suit b forthwith deposited in the postolllce, post-paid, directed to said defendants in-ir ..1.1 r.i- of resideuce. r Uaied, August 29, A D. 194 'HOMAd A. McBKIDE, Judge of th circuit court i tha .1.1. ,.( gou, lor th oouuty ol Uackamaa. SM, lu-H Al(Beeaj Hair. T0TI('E i IIKKKIIV GIVEN THAT TIIK I under-Uo , ass gnei n the elata of ll mry Wllberu. Insiivin debtor, will .ill at public su tl in si lha ooun housa door In Ore gon City, Ores-ou, on SATl'HDA V, OCTOHER rd. Inwt, at 1 o'clock P. m , Ihe following described real alnte, Iwl. lulUf 10 aa d es ala, to w.t: traoil h gi. n u at a sinne n Hi 1 MMcr of the Foster and M Iws iale rnal. that ! V7V leet aoirh au I 3.11 f.'i'l a eat 0. the urthaai -oruer of the I h.llip F 'S'er dnuatliiu laud claim. In aei-ti in 11, 111 lownah n 'i aoiitii, ranee t eaat of the i 11 in 'it. me .iilaui uortn M da srs Ml nilniiii s, we. .a) fit to the uoriberly line 01 1 e r '-sier an 1 hii wrii .e roal; I .enoa 111 a north lasieny d recuon ahmg said n irlh eriy I ns iltl'a 10 I; t ieiiee 111 a nortiiw sieily direct on al llrnl Sllnl a 10 aald F'iBlor an I Mil- ankle to id, IU) lel, thunc I . as mlh westerly dir. 1 p 11 si a. to aald roe er and Mliaaukle Mad, llll)1, fen: Ibeni e In a aoulheaai -rly direc II in al rl.hi angles to said load, luu feel, to place ol begum. u Tract .'. It gin ng al a stotw III l ie renter of the tn t r and VI Uaukie rind, H at la , l ei anuth anu .J'jj te 'I woai ol in uoruivasl corner of lh" Pinllip loster donation Isnd Claim, In sec tion 31, towu-hlp 2 smith, range 4 eas of Ino v lllaiu II nur d au; tneuce lu a uuribwesterly uirvcu u ai r ui ansjivs 11 me rosier ant Mil waukiero d. l.sil et: li.ence In a soiiibweal- erly ulrec.iuu psro.lel to stnl road, luu leal, tneuce in " -nuuii sst -rly airectinn at riiiht an gles ! sa d roa l, i:sj feet; t lenc in a uurt eaatcriy din e. luu a. oug the ce iter Hue o; said road, IKHiut, i.i t in placiof bvg union. Iraot S. HoiTltiuii.g ai a atune lu llw cent ir ol the host r an 1 Milwau.lo roid th u Is 97'J loot aouth and .mi le.i e 101 the north, est c irn r 0 the I'bll Ip Foster don it mi land 0 aim, In euc- liuu Jl, tnwusiiip I s iu.h. ra ge 4 e.iai 01 the vi ili..ineile 1nur.d1.1n; t.iencul a northcn.prIy dlrecilon along d iner ilnn ol Ko t .-r and Mil W'ltikce road. 2 n lor beiriuning 10111: thence lu a unit oris rl' dl e-:ou at rig it gutith K .ater and Ml wsukie Mad. 11 feui; th nice 111 s n irlluoB...; direction parallel with -.d road, m fee;; t leneo In a aonlh a-t- erlydlre 1 .11 at Ig it auglei lo ssld road, Ul ie;l; tn lice lu a -niitiiMes erly directl'in along th center Hue of sai 1 road, M le t, lo Lie place of b'-slniiluir. Traet 4 Iletrliurni at a stine In tlie oenier ul the Fuitor nil i Mhwailkiu load that Is V,V lee I oiitu and 311 feei we t ol Dm unrilie tat corii'-r ol the i'hll ip r us er do lailon laud cinlin.l i Bc t on 81, iowuainii'2 s mill, range 4 eist ol the Wl.lauiutt' me'rldan; tbeuec n a sou-bM-e-terty iltreciiun al ng t:ie enu;er line "f th j Fost rand Milwauk.e road, 1 it) fe 't, lor b g niiuig poini; ilmnee in a uortliw tcr!y dlrecilou al r.ght lo sid rnsd, 13b f et; thence In a souih- wesierly dlieeiiun par illul wiln said road, lull fe t; ihiii'id In a south -a-terly dlreotluu si right a iglcs to said roa I l.'HI e d; tiieiiee lu a northeasterly direction along Hie cjulvr line o. aald road. l"o icet, to the piaieof boginn.ii. Tract A H glunlug nt s stone In the o.oitcrof tho Kostor ami Milwaukle road that Is U7U it'-t oiith and 'AM fuel west of the unribnasl rorU'ir ol thPnillii roitord .tuition laud claim, In auc- no i 31, township : aouiu, rmige 4 enl ol tin Wiiluinet e merldlau; ihcrieeiii as'iut'iwoaptrlv direcllnu a o ig th center Hue of the Foster aud Milwaukle road, io led. for he-liiu(ug point; theucj lu a noriliwu tirly direction at right aneles to said road aud along the westerly aide of II. F. Glbvui's 1 d, I.K1 leal; thunne In a aouihweslerly ilreclloli para lnl to ani l road luUf et; theuce In a s intlies-terly direction st right angles to sild road, I.hJ feot; theuce lu a uor.lie&ii.'rlii direction along thu center line of said r iad IUU feel, lo the place ril beginning, Tract 6. Ilegluiilng at a atone lu the center of the Foiter aud Milwaukle mal thai la U7'J loet -outli and 3ZU icet west of the nor beast comer o tue Phillip Foster d mallon laud olalm, tn sec tion 81, township 2 aouth, range 4 easi ol the Willamette meridian; thence in a north istcrly dlreciluu along the cmlor of tbe Foster and Mllwauale roa I, 92 4 foot, to the cooler of Ihe I'aukey road fur bigiuuliig point; ihauoi in a outhea-terly dlreotlon along the center line uf said i'aukuy road, IK) feet; tiienni In a north cnt irly directluu n irallel to the aald Foster and Milwauki rosd, 10 taot; thence In a north westerly direction parallel with aald Pan key rosd, 130 leet: theuce In a southwesterly direc tion along the center Una of said Foster and tlllwauki rosd, 180 feet, to th p.aou ol be ginning. Tract 7. The northwest quarter of the aouth west quarter aud lot 1 ol section M, a d the southe'ist quarter of the northeaat quarter and lots 8, 4 and 4 of section 811, all in township 2 south, rang 4 cast of th Willamette meridian, containing 157.71 acre. The Ift-t named tract subject to a n orlgoge ol about I17UU held by the fJomuirc;al bank. Terms of anle: Cash. C. B. AMI Til. S lis, v 25 Assignee aforesaid. R.EP'A.lIIZSTa- - - SPECIALTY. Priond tho lowent (o Ihi hntl in Portland. Pimp on Fourth Strct-t, near Main, Oregon City, Oregon. ROAKI5 BROS., Proprietors -ATTENTION We arc lieail-iuartors fur liiglitninK loo Cream Fny.trn. Scroen DoorK, Window Scroi'iis, liuliln'r IIoso. I,awii Mowers. Lawn Hakes, Wire. Netting, Lubricating Oil of all kiiidn. Habliit Metal ami everything in the hardware, line at prices to suit tho times. Also nolo agents for Simond.V celebrated cross cut saws. POPE St Mnlii mul Fourth StH., CO.. Oregon City. Who can think of unit simp to it WnntPii-An Iripa IIUIUUU nn iwwu iblng to patent! Protect vnnr Ideas: ther mar bring too wealth. Write JOHN WKDtlF.HUUHN CO., Patent Attor neys, Washington, O. C, for their l.l piis oSsr and list uf two huadnd InrraUon waolad. WOMAN The It very ruinnrkahlo and certain ndii-f civs on woman by MOOHH'S KJJVICALKI) HKMKDV has givi'ii it tho namo of Woinen'H in uniformly HiifouHftful in ri'lenvinir tho hi'inliiclioH and ! 1 1 Lt 111 I " "vn and HhortfiiH a woman's W,B if. TlioiiHiindHof won.on K'Ktify for it. It will givo health and Btronglh, and make lifu a plfiiHiiro. FOR SALIC It V THU Friend, backaches FOR YOU STEWART & HOLMES DRUG COMPANY. white collar line. Columbia River $ Puget Sound Nav. Co. PORTLAND, ASTORIA, FLAVEL AND ILWACO. Alder Street Dock, Telehono No. !!51. .sssx.-a,. .7, mil "a 1 , ! " I5ailey Gatzert, daily Astoria boat ruiiniiiK alternately weekly with 0. K. it N. Co.'h Bteaincr. H. K. Thorn pRon. Ono week Ioiivch Portland lai ly 7 A. M., except Sunday: runH throuirh to Flavcl, cnnnnctinir with 5:.'50 V. M. train for Oearhart Park, (iriincH and SniiHido. Loaves AHtoriu daily, except Sunday, 7 P. M. Next week leaves Portland Sunday 8 P. M. Laeaves Astoria daily (i A. M., except Sunday. Leaves Portland daily, except bunday, 8 P. M. baturdity 11 P.M. Leaves Astoria Sunday 7. P. AI. Ocean Wave, tho seasidora family boat, leaves Portland Monday. Wednesday and Friday 8 P. M. for Astoria, Flavel and Ilwaco direct. Leaves Ilwaco, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoon. Leaves Astoria Sunday 8 A. M., for Flavel and Ilwaco, with passencers leavinir Portland at 11 P.M. Saturday. Leaves Astoria Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday 7 P. M. Tickets good on steamer T. J. Potter and K. It. Thompson. All four boats for night morning to each other's docks for freight and passengers. u. q. SCOTT. E. A. SEELEY, President. Agent. TgrTTJTlThU Famons Remedy rnnia qnlnkly, permanently all lloll. n""',"", U'r""j W""1 Memory, I s of llrsln ' ,II MjtlMi llMwlueh., Wukefuiiieas, l.t Vltiallly. Nlslilly Kml Ksllycsrrlertlnatpo.kl.aji pnrhosi l fursia. h,mui nre. Riritleal hook, sefili.rl plain wraTHn'r, wllh IxsUmonhla and llnsiirojl stsnil, Nnrjgrvtm c,Z,llalUml liZZ? ! IlVfU. aaMIf aras.ala,aa44n.ilKlaasUCa, rma'--- -- t'orsaleln ooCHy,Oreii.,by (JtUUMAM 00, Urua'ni. r