Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1896)
Oregon City Enterprise lUTWt TO KKM KM l; It, MdmiIhv, Hi, 7,- I'nil.ala iiitirt t'onveiiea In 1 1 M'" I lly. Wwliifwlny, Hi.l, ll- ('oiiiity rmirl lor l lm kKinm iiiiiiily inerta, Winlni'xluy, (i toiwr 7 -Orrtfun Huie Kmr meet at Hnli'in, In oniillnii until Tuea- tiny, Oi'iulirr 1,1, Monday, Nov, Clrrtill court for Clark- hiaa cciunly pnnvenea, TlleaiUy, November 3.-I'reiltleutlal alio Hull III ill alatea i if tlilt t ' li Ion HIIDAV, HIITKMllKIt 4, JWifl. The rurlUnd. ItivnHiini near Ilia roinnr of Main linil Ni'Vrnlli HlriM't. Cli'Hii, bright, well tiirnlliel JIiiIiik ruoin ami private rooui tili'Kiinlly flttml up, liny oiw rd lite mutt dkillfiil rook on Ilia ('wnt. II your mnal onlnr tlm- not pit' you, Jut li't inn know. Himt illnimr in tlio city Intituling a gla uf v. Inn lur t" roliU, 11:30 Id 4 . m. OyUira w-rvml In very stylo, 0m'ii tiny bikI eight, (ilve The I'urtluiHl trial. I., Itri oHirii, Proprietor, Hum. II. I.. llaralrv. Hon. II. I.. lUrklny, of Woullxirn, nHinlwr-plocl ul Ilia (ata lrgllatiir), will lilrcM tlia ill ! ul Oregon City at hlilvrly'i hull, Thumilay, HciI'IiiImt 10, al H o'rlork . in., on tlilt ptibjwt ol rr coinage ul mlvnr. Mr. Hark ley it a fluent Rn'ukir and a frrn silver rutili cn. Inliri mi'clally Invlicl, lly rlir ol I'uiiiiiiltlfo. Inlor Hlolrlt. A litwral rrnl will ! ullVreil to any one rnluming to tun a lorn face or a hail liwir nit coming Iroid my ilre of Ixml niw. A rlean with i-vi-ry alieve ainl mtt Infitrtixn with every hair cut. I now o' upy nrw quarter In tint Kill A I'olehlmk. Heo linger, the Imrlxir, lie will e'Uin, For llii l.ung. I!lilir Alriu V. rUoer wiilna from Portland, Dr., ' There In no Mieilii inu fur llm throat ami lung lliat I ran rec oiimeiKl lo mliilHtent, public n'uki'r ii. alngor, with ths rotillileurw thai 1 ran llm 8. II, Cough rum." M renin a ImikIk J-'or hy C. (i. Iliiniley, ilrugitiet. Mood Nan I tig. (let the "team wiknI aaw Ul cut your woo.l-1 the rhruHnt and quickest JVin'twiiit -"til llm rain tt hi and yxir hkh1 geta aoaked unl.i it out I hunt. Will go to any rt o tlio i-lty or ' jhiirh. A'hlreMor :ll on J T. U. IIaskin. ( r t'if Khliirju. "I atn Co yearn old ; have hail kidney iliaca and t-oiitiMtioi for 1'5 yearn. Am now well u'd your K. It. Head ache and l.iver Cure mm year. I'aed tl holllraat fill rent rai h. J. II. KnlgM. Ituliedift., (r." For nule by C. d. lliinth')', driitik'l"t. Cure I'mup. "My three rliildtvn arn all anhject to cioui; 1 4oligrailipil to San Kranciwo, irot a liulf a ilotrn hotlle uf S. 11. Couxli Cum, It in a Hir(ect rrinedy. ( hxl liliwa youforU. Yniira, elc, J. II. CHoriita, Grant I'arwt, Or." Kor aaln by 0. . Huntley, druk'itint. Iluy A Home. I liava a lioime and A lola for le only 6 hloi'ka from Muin ntret, a good well wilh pmriB in wanh rooni,T) young Iruit treel that will toon bn bearing. Will aellclieai, purl down, balance on cany ayuient if dimired. 8. F. PCHIITI HK. fluiiMoa Made Hilfe-lit. MurroVr, tb mlutor, baa removed lii nliop to Seventh street, near tlio dniot w here, o'llorn cbh bo left for puintniK, piiper-huiiuiiiK and cah'iminit- I'1'''1' to Biiit tlio timea and all wiuk honcHlly and eflirieiitlr dono. if Undertaker and Kmlmlnipr. H, L. Hoi man undertaker and em bulmor. (iradnatn of liinbalniinrf col' lego. Full Mock of cimketa and voirina at priocri to unit. UtuhirUking parlor in Wiuuhard block opi)onitu courlUoimo. tf Avoid CoiiHiiniitl(iu. by stopping that coogh. We know of no bettor remedy lor ooiigha and colda than the 8. li. Cough Cow. For sale by 0 i. Huntley, druggiHt. liiHiiranre. If you want to know anytbinu about Fire or Lifo InHiirance or H uililiiiK ami Loan AKsooiation, call on H. T. Kladon. Jlu baa it at Imh finger chiIh. Wall Taper. HuhI. Htock ol wall jiapor in Oregon City latent doHignii and pricea to unit the tiniei at U. I.. Holman'i in Wmebard block opponilo courthouHe. tf. ! Dr. Vaiidvrpori Thyiiic, tbo H. 11. Headiicbo Liver and Kidney regulator, takes tlio lead with us. For Bale byC.U. Huntley, ilruggini. Money to Loan. ' I have f:i.r)0to loan on good cleared j farm land. C. II. Dye. ROYAL Baking Powder. , Highest of all In leavening $trtngth.-V. 8. Oovarnmiot Raport Will rill lllg Coulnii t. It. I, KiihihiII, of 1'uikpliirit and W. F, Jonen of lliln city, who am the owner! of a logging camp on the Klokomin creek finar Ciillilamet am very buay get ling out I, (Hid, OM) feet of hemlock loga lor nblchthiiy am under contract with the Wlllainette I'ulp A i'iiHr inilla of thlM phtcu. A liuinher of Oregon City young men are employed at thla camp, among whom am linear Joneii, of Abnr nnthy, who led Ut week.aud llm follow lug: Floyd Jamea, I.e Jtiaett, Hart Kaublon, Imh llimbey and Caby Mar- ntoli. Mrw I'ndurtukliiK Koora. County Coroner, V, N, (imllrey liaa o mi nrd an undertaking room on Main treel near Tenth ntfeet, where bo will keep In Mock a lull Hue olcolllim, cnnkctn and burial roUa. Ilia price will be found reanoliabln, tl THE WOMAN IN COURT.' A IMHi(raai WIIbmm anl a Two JC4(4 award os CruM Kiamliwtlfm. TImto in an agnx'lneiit among Inw- yera not to put a woman ou the wlUxw itnnd If it ran be avoided. "I alwaya ubMi'iia women," anya a lawyer of eiperienrA "It kwpa them h ann li on, tut I never uan them nnleaa my ram la dcaperato. " A lawyer tire cd for renaona pnwrrea an Inipomoiml attitude by n tlrlng tichlnd the law. It la a and but long iwtnbliiihed fart, It 'ina, that the law wlwn It fcirblda a wife Utlfylng In ber bunbatid'a favor Intimate her Inability to enk the truth, for, doubt htm, aome perwuial T-& aon aim may fib aKnlimt him m oath If aim will. With the lt lnU iitiona In tlio world, a woman will atrtUi oonclu loiia limteadnf fiwta. 1 l r Incntnl ti-ud-ency I to form arnno preccinrelvMl theo ry, and the fact urn unooiiwiounly twidU'd to nupixirt It In ronwqucni'o of thin"1 mental Idlo- aym-raxlm women wiiuiwaea am er.-1 fully "prepared." Afur a lawyer ha elimlimt. d the I aiU anil he until from her iiarrntivn and ha ruthhwly nmugni hit mnnai impunnuro io uie mutter iihe him 1' i.tiflnl to to the b iut aiipni'iablo quantity iuid ha endeavor ed to throw into relief the fwU uf im ixirtaliee to III lide, he fold hi hand, oloaea hi eye and trim to real!" then and there all lit trk of faith. "I t me give you my dying ivlvice, " aid Kufu I'hiMiNv, "Never cr a exam- Inn a woman. They cannot diiut grato tlio atory they have once told. They cannot eliminate I he fact Unit 1 for you from that which ia agaiiiNt you. They go for Uie whole tiling, mid the day, June in, 1873, at II o'clock in the moment you Ix gin to cn examine one fitrvmxin, thut a telegram wa found of tbi'in, iimtcad of being bitten by one 1 lying ou the hallkcex-r'a table in the rattb-Niiake, you are bitten by whole ' limidhalL It wa directod to the wor bomdfuL I never, except in a cnxe ab-1 ahipful the mayor of Crunbridge, waa aoluti'ly dei-rate, rriw cxamino a woman." Judge IlarroU luia givan thi'Mi rub for croea iXiuiilruiUoli : "Kiret NeiTT axk a quint lou of whii'h IheaiMwi'r might barm you. "Second. Never erne eximiino any wit in over 'ii inlnutiA "Third. Never enw examine a wom an." Them I a w hiplaxh to a woman' x--h that will crack through thu curt (wt cnxx examination. "Did the in Xi'iiilinit give you thia um brellu?" "Ye, but I Jiaid for it" r!px-he of Ihi aort, that any nimble wilted woman can toe from the tip of her tiuigne, make lawyer nuxleet mid ;ti(igi nliy. Theae am ailvaiitngta lie- , fom the law trot lightly to be n linquiHli i San Franciwo Kxiuniner. IU Mali llrr Take It OfT. A man found hin.Hclf nted Uhind a1 hat , if uch large projxu-t.o . that he ; cmld ai-aree y ace the Htage at alL Aft- cr vainly endeavoring tocj.tch a glimpee I of Uie per he dirtermin.yi that tlin only tiling to do wa . gvt tta. woman to n n.ove her hat Madam I ho a.ti.1 in t he,K,l,tet tone, "would , v,mt a..k.ndatotnk,K1JT yourhat? W prevent me fnn mving the perform-, anoc. " No, IvlU not, waa tne re tort from the woman with the high hnt The man uarpMl the rebntT very calm ly, and he made n vain cflort to see the stage for awhile longer. Finally be de termined to try it again. "Miuhun, be said, "I have paid for this seat, but by reiiNon of your high hat I am unable to see tire stage. Will you oblige mo by taking It off?" "I have, paid for my seat, mid I in tend to wear what I please, "waa the answer nveivod. A hiqipy thought struck the man. He reached for his silk hat and put it on his head. Immediate ly there was a cry of several voiooa from behind him: "Takeoff that hat I Taku off that hatl" The man took hi hat off, but tho woman, not knowing what ho had done, of course thought that tho re marks were intended for her. Sho was mad, thoroughly mad, and, gathering herself togctlair, she left her sent and tho tlieater, and a smile of satisfaction swept over the man's face. Rovongo wa sweet Florida Citm'U. now a Foa flots Itlit of rteaa. Reyniu-d is a knowing nnimaL Tho faxes am much tormented by flens, but when the infliction becoua too svero tliey know how to g't rid of tho insects. They gather from tho bark of trees moss, which they carry to a stream that diH'pena by degrees. Hero they enter the water, still carrying the mos in their mouths, and going backward, begin ning from the end of their tails, they advance till tho whole. Ixxly, with tho exception of tho mouth, is entirely im mersed. The fleas, during this proceed ing, have niKhcd in rapid liasto to the dry parts, and finally to tlio moss, and tho fox, when ho has, uccording to his calculation, allowed sufficient time for all tho fleas to tako their departure, nnn... Itta Minfltll Thfl nifUUI flonta off down tlie stream with ita bur- j .Ion ,rf flo,u. n,l whim it is out Of ItUlID- lug reiuh tho fox finds its way to the bunk much relieved. Excitant, MANICURING AT HUME, On llrausb uf a IIimIiim That la Con tantlj Jurrpftalug. Of the greatly incrciiwd and mill In ereiiNlng iiuiiiIkt of perann who have their lunula utt inlcil to by irofeaiiioiiitl inaiili'iiri , a ooiinldernhln number uirw have llm work done at bonio. Among the c iiHtoniim ut tlin liirgn iimiilcuriiig ftalpihnn nU there are aluiot a miuiy men aa womi u. TIiomi v. In urn baiidi are fared for at homo are nearly nil womoti and regular cuatomera. OjxiraUiri are nit to them at any deirol hour from tlio manicuring rthliMiiiiuta, and them aru now vIMting nianimirea who devote tlimnwlvm mitlndy to home work. The vlxUIng nmnicure acjuirea the art In a manlcuriiiK eatnbllahnietiL An apt pupil ran lean) the work In two bt tliroo uioutha. Then aho aeta atxmt building uparouteof cuattiinnra. Wom en uaually have their hand cared for onco a week. They are not likely all to want the work dime at the aame time, and the vbilllng manicure endeavor to lay out a routa that can be covered without loa of time and which will keep bur oouatautly employnd. More and more parent now have the, bandi of their children, both boy and glrln, fared for by a manicure., oegin iitng w hen the rhild 1 6 or 7 year old. In the raao of children, the work li aa often done to cure them of the habit of biting the finger nail aa It la to beauti fy them. It 1 might to Inatlll in the child a pride In the apiienranoe of the nail, and thu to prompt It to pmMtrre them lu good order. Tbo work thu be irun la likely to be ooutiuuod for pur Mea of beautify lug. The iiuiiiIht of Hipln, men and wom en, who now have their fwt attended to by the chimjxidliit, aa they do tbeir hand by the niauicum, baa alio in rreawHl rnatly. The work nxm the hainU I done to beautify them; upou the feet, foroomforL It ia now required, by th law of Juno 8, 1H5, that chimp, oduta uliall iiiimi an rxaiuination by board of examiner of the) l'edic 8iciety f n,,. stateof New York. Home htoii h(,vu t,,lr f.t rm fr nt bourn, but IU(., tl1, Kn.nt,.r numU r k" to a luanl runll( (.ta,iiHhmeiit. in which chimp. iliUnU Biw, , eiiinliPYHL or to a chimp. odiKt'a entuhliMliiiieiit New York Sun. AN ABLE PRACTICAL JOKE. II fritl rontlilrratila Kirltement lo a t"nlrrllr ltj. The Cambridge ( Kngliuid ) ludepend ent l'niui retell the ntciry of the hoax rM lrat'Hl uxm Urn civic und uuiver- ity authoritn at l uuitiruige ou too (xviutioti of the vimt of the lute hah of 1'irxin to that country. It wu ou 8atur- aigncd by Lieutenant Clobmel Hmniluui and n-ad a follow: "Hi imperial majiwty Uie nliah of I'eiKia ilciun 1 vimt your univeraity Uiwu Itxluy en route for Loudon by fa cial, arriving at Ciikbridg Rtation about 1:10 o'clixk. lie im-pareil with rm-ort and nxieption a fur a time al low." IiiHtiuitly evrrytxxly bi'Kan tumblinR over hi fellow. The town clerk waa acnt for, and meHiigea were dixpalched to I lie view chancellor, tint niciulicr of the oorjMiratiou, the rolunti-er ofllivr and Iheoook of St. Peter' college kitch en. The vice chancellor hurrii-d ou hi rolx'H, the aldermen and councilor did ditto, the volujitwm iVhiihh! their uui forum, and the cxxik U guu to boil and fry Nor were the Bunoral pnblio tiehind- hainL Flag were hung out and crowd gathe iu the strtn't Dr. Cnokaoii, the ; .1.... . iMM...m.,ilir Iriinu-i, ill ... 1U1 ..n ,;,,,.., lluiH hu , J t Thp Mr x, ' n, , ()f hMmf fMri aud t Th)u ,hB rojj that the railway offl- Umt t))0 w . ... . . , wu parent that the whole thing wa a hoax. The perpetrator of tlie hoax wow never (UmHivenHl, Uiough two persou w?ro ufU'rward frtrly nieiitioneU iu auineo tiou with it Iu the year of grace 1878 the era of practical jokoa waa punt, but had tha author of the ahnh'a vitiit Ix-cn alive in the day of ThtMxloro Hook they wight have lived in literuture. Inhaling Carbonlo Aold. Irofeor Ugolino Mosaoof Turin but UwUil the breathing of aolditvr during an expedition np Mout Roait, and found that the quantity uf carbonic acid ex haled by a man at a ho&lit of 30,000 foet or ao differ very slightly from what it i at the aea leved or near it The professor ha also subjected himself to a rarefied atmosphere In the Phyio logionl iiiRtitutimi at Turin, aud found that when the pressure In the air was till 84 ountimeton (about 7 iuchos) of mercury, ho felt no inconvenience, but when it was reduced to 80 cent i meters (about 6 inches) he felt a great want of breath, and became unfit to make obser vations. Loudon Globe, Artlat Oould'a Ft rat Sneeeaa, Mr. F. C. Gould's first successes ns a curiciiturist woro iu BiirusUiplo. Un sketched the local jailer, nud thut im portant functionary went to the mayor. "He's heeu a cttricatoorin mo, has young Frank Cronld. Ho drawod a picture o me as a a Christinas pig wi'anorango in my mouth. I beaut a-goin to stand it, Mr. Mayor." "Take no notice," said his worship. "Ah, bnt ho's been a-cariontoorin o' yon, too, Mr. Mayor." Tho mayor thereupon intimated Unit he must warn tho young artist. Pearson's Weekly. The Moslem women attach such im- portauce to covering the foe that when tcu D BnrPn8e W1U10UI l vom. an will often catch up her skirt aud veil her face with it, leaving the lower lituba bare to the kueea. Society Directory, 'Ilia carila lor all " ila anil Me m ( 'larkainna County ar iiuMlilio'l l aaol auarr In tli KaTRxiiiaa II l ! t r Dial tha oflli'iir t tlia varl'Hia UAttn w II M ini tlia roributioua lliat niay b liaoaanrr liom t ma Uj lima. VUKINTIHAN AH'KMBI.V NO. 4, UMfKD . I. ', I . uu U....IB A. ar, Wi.ltil,ulV Vlllll at OrAriVM ball, On". V alilnf mamUir. molt come. I'llll.if itimmm' pii., n J. r n, M nraiair. M. A. MHTI-KTOK l'I'OK NO. i, I'K'llKE OK IIONOIl, A. U. V. W. Kwti tiery Tn.xl efimlii al Oranir ball, Oawav'i, Via 1 1 ar nii-uibar" mn.ta aa come. MakV Bk a, Jaxal luvieaon, h'H iiid' f. C ul II. FOUNTAIN HOSE CO., N'l-L Ki-tnlar rnretlnr arronil Wolnnilar In each ni'iiiin al cmclne neuu, caat alii Main atrvot, bulwri'll Hrvrlith ami Klglllh. J. W,miwa kt. He. II Hts.ioht, F'rm M. t. Qui, Foremaa. A. P. A. COCNCI!. NO. 4, HnM mi tha Drat and third Frldayt In each month at K. ol V, hall, Vlaltlrif mtmbrra aJ wawelcome; 1- W. Noi., Froa. MOLA1XA GKANOK, NO. 40, P. of H. M-al l Ihalr hall at Mul no on Wit eind S u Uty ol ch inenlii al 10 S0. m. Vl-ltluf tn rniiark ilwaji wa.ioma. C T. Howaro. MaBTH. llowa D.Ha.-'r. Mailer. Tt'AUTIN UKANOK, NO. Ill, P. of II, Hmi laat Halurdajr of each month al their ball In Wllaourllls. Oacaa Lax, far.e Ki.tiux, tkc'f. Maater. DAMAHCfll OKANUE P. OF II. NO. M, Marta on the flnl Halurdaf In earh month at IU o'clock a. m. al Ihi Uamaacaa arhnol bouaa. 8 C. YOl'NU. Maater. T. If. PTH, Btcretarjf. K. OK P. HTAK l-OD'iK NO. I. J. F. Klalrr C. C; Thomaa KellKin, K. of R. and H. M-eta ercrr Wlrn-lojr arenliif at II ociiirk In Caatle ball. I. O. O. K. biilldluf. Ilrolliera Irora other K.ol P. Iwlie Invited. OHWKOO LODGE NO. 1J, A. F. A A. M. Merit the aeeond and fourth HatiirdLjra of each month al 1 p. m. All Maaoua lu food Handing arr Invited lo attend. I). U. Uiaa. W. M. E. J. Keaix, Bec'y. Bt'TTE CREEK GHANGE, No. B2, P. of K. Meeta at their hall In Marqtiam, lecond Hat unlay In each month at lu a. m. Vlaitlni nirmbrra alwayi welcome. J. R. WHiTi, A. V. Davia, Secretary Maater. AbKR.NETHY HEBEKAH DEGREE LODUK NO iO. M .! the flrt and third F Iday In tbe month at ? :M P M., lu I. O. O. K. Hall. Maa. D. tl. !.. Maa. J. M. MauiKca. Herretary. S. Q. bT. JOIIN'U BRANCH, NO. t7, C. K. ol A. Meeta every Tm-ulay evenlna at their ball corner Main and Tenth Htreeta, Ort-inn City. N.C. Mi Hti.a.dec'y. 11 kbbkbt Hasan, Prea. WARNER GRANGE. No. 117. P. of H. Meet fourth Saturday of each month, at their hall In New Era. Go. LilaLU, M.ter in xkr Mabii. 8ec'. CLACKAMAS CHAPTER. Clat-kamaa Chapter No. 1 R. A. M. Resnlar Conviieatlou third Mouday ol tbe month at 7.n V' W. E. CARLL, H. P. II. A STRANGE, Soc'v. OREGON LODGE. No. J, LO. 0. F. Meeta every Thuraday even.u at 7:! o'clock r. a. In the Otd Kellowa' Hall, Main atreeL Memlera of tbe Order are lovlleA to attend. W. A. HEDGES, N.O. Tboa, Ryan, Secretary. eiVi inns- l niiiiR No. u& A. O. U. W. Mrta every Thuraday evenlns at Granire nail, vawegu. . i m u i ui.a.T.i 1 Come. W. W. To wel come. W. W . TODD. Jab. MAXKixn, Recorder. M. w, CATARACT HOSE . No. 22. Meeta aeennd Tueaday nf each month at Cat aract Enslne houe. W. II. Howmx.Prea O. II. BTow, See'y. 1. W O'comnblu F'rn MYRTLE LODGE NO. 24, DEGREE OF HONOR, Meeta every Friday In A. O. U. W. Hall. VI- Hl lie membera made welcome. Mr. F. I. Barlow, C. of H. 8. A. Giu.rrr, Recoidr. FALLS CITY LODGE SO A.O V. W. Meeta every Saturday evenlns of each month In A. O I'. W'. hall 7th bt. All aojouruiug brethren Coidlally Invited to attend. MAX bCHLLPlUi', M. W. Gio C A Li FT. Recorder. MEADE POST, No 2.0 A. R DEPARTMENT OF OREGON. Meeta drat Wednesday of each month, at Wil lamette Hall. Oregou City. Vlaltlng anir.idva mail welcome. C. A. WILLIAMS, Commander. J. T. ArTKiuoN. Adjutant F COMPANY, FIRST REGIMENT, O. N, 0. Armory. Third and Main. Regular drill night, Monday. Regular buaineaa meetings. Drat Mouday of eacb month. orricias. F.8 Kelly, - Caataln I. L. Plckena, - - Flrat Lleutenaut W, A. Huntley, - - Recond Lieutenant COLUMBIA HOOK AND LADDER 00. Meeta flrat Friday of earn month at Fountain engine home. C H Aa. Athiy, Prea, C. B Pillow, See'y, Chai. Rmm. 'rm OSWEOO I.OIHIE no. ss, I. o. o. T. Meeta every Friday evening lu the new ball In Old Town. J. C. llAtNKa, C. T, John Kseac, Sec'y. SUNRISE 1.01HJK, NO. IS. A. 0. U. W , Meeta everv aecondand fourth Saturday of each month at Wllsouville, Oregon. M. C. Yoino.M. W. John Tylis, Recorder. OSWKOO LOLUE, NO 9S, I. 0. 0. F. Meeta at Odd Fellow'a hall, Oaweeo, every Monday evening. Visiting brethren made welcome. C. II. NIXON, N. O. J. F. Kikliy, Sec ACHILLES LODGE, NO. 88, K OP P. Meeta every Friday night at the K. of P, hall. Vlaltlng Knlgnta Invited. JoKrH Lynch C. C H. J. 1 horn, K of F aud f. 1'IONEEK CHAPTER NO. 180.E.S. Meeta aeeoud and fourth Tuoadny lu each month at M i.ojIo tuuiple. V'nra alwaya welcome. Miss M. L Holme, Mlfa llATTII W ETHKHRLL, M. W. SeoruUry. W. C. T, U. OrcKou City W. c. T- I', meeta monthlv at homo.oi t:u m moera, nolle - of date given In local column. An Iriendu of the cme invited to atteiH. MK.S A. J. MDNKOE. MltS. M, L. DKKKIS, Pra Ident eee etury. HKKMES LODGE, NO 6, K, OF Prt Meeta eve y Frd ayevenlnv, a- 7:80oMock, In K. ol f. hall, Aurora. VUitiuic kulhta made welCJine. M. G. Smith, C. C, IIkvsy S'YPKB. K of R a-d S. ELECT Kit) LODun, ho 6j, A. 0. U. W. Meet, se.utid and nmrt Yieducsilny of each mo-itri at A. O. V. W. h ill. Vetting brother uin'le w-.couie, A. M. chunky, Thos. F. Ryan, KecorJer. M. W. Ml'LTNOMAH LOIHIK, NO. 1, A. F. & A. M. HoMa Ita regular communications on flrat anil third Satunlayanf each mouth at 7:80 T. u. Brethreu iugoodataudlug are Invited to attend. U. L. OKAY, W. M. T. F. Ryaf, secretary. OSWEGO GRANGE NO. 175 P. of H. Meeta the second Satnrdav of each month at 10 a. iu. L. A. Shipley, Master. It. L. t-TEVN son. 8ec'y. MOLALLA LODGE No. 0, A. 0, U. W. Meeta flrat and third Saturday In each month at ichool houae. Vlaltlng membera made wel come. J. W. Thomas, M. W . 0. W. Robrinb, Seo. OKKKON CITY HOARD OF TRADE. Meeta at Couil llouaa on Seeoud Moliilaf in each month. Vlaltora welcome. J. M. I.A WltKV K, It E. C1IAKMAN, Heeretary. President. OAVKI. ID()K. NO. W, A O. C. Mcetae!ond and fourth Saturday ernliiK at KnlKht al ball, Calil.y. VUltluaj brothert mad wali-ome. E E X P.. . Mawiock, Recorder. Maaler Workman COCRT ROIIIN HOOD NO. , F. OF A Meete the lat, 2d and 3rd Friday! of eacb month at W iuemxlle ii'H. A. W Horm, Go, K. Wn.muaT, Chief Kaniier. Recording Heo MEADK RKI.IKf CORPS, No. IS. DEPART MENT OF OREGON. Mra. Jcni'la Tla-olm, ' Prealdent Mr . T. W. KonU, ... Treasurer. Mr-. Edith C'ouae, - Secretary. Meeta on (Inland third Trniradaya of eacb month In Wluemeite Hall. Member! of cofpl from abioad, cordially welcomed. WACHENO TRIBE, NO 13, KEDMEN. MeeU Tueaday evenliif at A, 0. V. W. Hall. Via lung membera Invited. A. Aca, bethem. Cmai. Kiur, C.of K. CANBY I) DOE, NO M. L 0. 0. T. MeeU Drat and third Saturday enlnr of each month al Knlxht'a hall. Canny. Vltllins mimbera alwayi made welcome Cut Ksioht. bee. 0o. W, Kkioht. W, C. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. Willamette Fall! Camp No. IIS, meeta every Tueaday night In each month in Willamette ball. Vlaltlns nelnhbora made welcome. J. K. Moaaia, Clerk. I V. Tivuia. C. C. WILLAMETTE HEBEKAH DEGREE LODGE NO. S, I O. 0. F. Meeta the aeeond and fourth Fndar In each moolb at a o'clock p. m. In 1 O. O. F. Hall Maa J.C. BBAtn.IT, N. 0. du. M. O. Chabma, 8eo. JOHN A.BE0K, THE RELIABLE JEWELER No. 270, Morrison Btreet, PORTLAND, OREGON, IS STILL ON EARTH. For general repairing he standi without a peer. For first-class, re liable goods his store is second to none. Trv him ! RIPANS TABULES are good for headache, heartburn, hour sto mach, belching biliousness, torpid liver, drowsiness, lass itude, foul taste in the mouth, bad breath, constipation, indi gestion, dyspepsia. The formula by which they are made is in use in the greatest hospitals in the world and is prescribed daily by nine doctors out of ten. Three times in five when a physician is called he will write a pre scription the items in which! will almost exactly correspond I with those of the Ripans Tab-1 ules formula. ' Your druggist can supply Ripans Tabules in little vials for 15 cents or in a box con taining six of these vials for 50 cents. If he will not get them for you, address, with the price, THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO., 10 SfKUCE St., New York. IYIDE TWO -CENT STAMPS we will send you a Brilliant Gem of unusual color, UM , e THII Ml and a copy of "The Great Divide," so you can so what a wonderful journal it is, pro vided you name the paper you saw thi in. It's a real Jewel we'll send you. ADDRESS THI CREAT DIVIDE, Denver, Cole The Inter Ocean Is the Most Popular Republican Newspaper of the West and Has, the Largest Circulation. TERMS BY MAIL. DAILY (without Sunday) $4.00 per year DAILY (with Sunday) $6.00 per year The Weeklv Inter Ocean C 1 .00 PER YEAR." P 1 As a Newspaper THE INTER OCEAN keep abreast of the times m all respects. It spares neither pains nor expense in securing ALL THE NEWS AND THE BEST OF CURRENT LITERATURE. The "Weekly Inter Ocean As a Family Paper Is Not Excelled by Any. TJrSIt has something of Interest to each member of the family. Its IlL-U YOUTH'S DEPARTMENT Is tha rery best of its kind. Its LITER. ARY FEATURES are nnequaled. . It is a TWELVE PAGE PAPER and contain the News of the World. POLITICALLY IT IS REPUBLICAN, and gives its readers the benefit of the ablest discussions on all live political topics. It is published in Chicago is in aooord with the people of the West in both politics and literature. Please remember that the price of THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN tat ONLY ONE DOLLAR FEB YEAH. Address THE INTER OCEAN, Chicago. Geo. T Howard, DEALER IN ,.ecoid land Ijoodg Highest price paid for Furni ture, tStovei, etc., etc. flood line of Tnware, Glass ware, Crockery, etc., always on hand. 7th Street, Near Depot- The Independent. NEW YORK. A Rei.ioiois, Literary and Family Newspaper. Undenominational, unbiased and impar tial. A paper for clerymen, achol ars, teacher, busine men and families. It discusses every topic of the day relig ions, theological, political, literary, social, artistic and scientific. Its con tributed article are by the moat eminent writers of tbe English language. It employ specialties and dmtin guished writers as editors of ita Twetv one Departments. A paper particularly fitted for lawyers, doctors, clergymen, those engaged in business, young people of both sexes men and women who read and think for themselves. A paper especially valuable for those inUretited in Fix Ams, ."-ciKNcii, Ulan;. A paper giving valuable information uion Finance, Life Lxscrance, Com merce. A paper for Sunday School Workers, those alio have a tar, uardkn or Horse I'laxts. old and young. A paper for the family. IMPORTANT. The Independent announces to i's subscribers, and to any who uiy become sj thut it I prepared to fiirniti any papers and mag ni' ea published in tlil-i country, England, France and Germany, at a very lure reduction frm puiilinlx-.i' rates. This opportunity i open only to mbucriiiers of The Indkpexdext. linon receiving list of paper or magnum- from indivi'luuls or reading room an eetiinate will be given by return mail. I' yearly subscription i f3.00, or si that rate for anv pt of a ear. Clubs of live, 2 (X) each. "TRIAL TRIP" 0 KS7H. 2b CENTS. Sjei:iinen Copies Free. THE INDEPENDENT. V. 0. Cox 27S7. W Fultor. Street, . New York. CATARRH LOCALUDISEASE and ia the mult ol colda and auddea climatic Chang tt. For your Protection we poaiuveiy atate that Una remedy duea not contiiin mercury or any other injur ious drug. Ely's Cream Balm 'eL'rVli l is acknowledged to be the moat thorough enre for Natal Catarrh, Cold in Head and Hay rever of ail rem edit. It opena and cleanaea the nanal paeeaee, allaya pain ana Inruunmation, heala the aorea, pro lecu the membrane from colda, reetoree the aeiires. of taate and nmell. Price 8Hc. at Dnn-giata or by mail. ELY BKOTUEKS, M Warren Street, New Vorlc. COPVRIOHT. etoJ For rnfnrmatlon and free Handbook wrtte to MUNS a CO.. Stil Bhoakwat, nw Yohb:. Otileet bureau for aecurlnx patenta to America, Krery patent taken out by na la brought before, tbe public, by a nouoa given free of euaxge la tba $ rientifiaC JIwcwjw Laneat etrenlatton of any aetentlne paper In tha world. Splendidly llluatrated. No Intelligent man ahould be without It. Waekty. S3. 0(1 a veart 11.611 six montba. Addreaa MCNN 4 COt, Publish ikk, Stil Broadway, N Vork Cut. Sclentiflo American Ajency 1r 'V TRADI MARKS, i&!L DESIGN PATENTS.