Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1896)
i) ft Oregon City hnterprisc. OIIKllliN CITY .iCrU KKH Ma)nr. Ris'iinler. tlhli'l ill I'i 1 1 ) AMimanr, Trnaiumr. ttlly Attorney, trout I'l'iiiinUalmirir, Nup l. nl Wamr Winks, lllly Kinfliinnr. )wi m l liimn - T '. ' J ) 1 1 , lllmiii -Urmii'il l.w. nut ('kin K lln rn K N 1 1 It II I.. 1 1 l in a 11 K , hi m il C. llalms'k, Jr. W II. Mimi.ll II. II. I I I ni Jnllll I. ( llllllllli, J J I IKIH, II. K' lair, llnnry Mel.lium, J. W 'i rr. I.. l or . M..IUII. lletilK'll tuni'la flrat rYsducaila) iif ') miiiilh III oily hull KKIItAV, KK NT. Ml I Kit 4, IHim. i - . -i CHAT AHOUT TOWN. It Id till) lll'st, it'll always ptltlt, AUay Urn Niiinn iiml always mini. ('In vein ml Itiiklnu Powder. Fur sale ly Marr A 1 ( t I i . TiHiililira '.'' fnl a wt at lluwaid's iSi-vrntli utii'xl, nirir depot. Ifyuil want miwliiu iniirliliin for .'') ro lu lli lluiiiy A lliiscli's. Watch fur Hi" in" (nil styles. Notice of um'iIiik later at Miss (iulclsiiillli'a. OH on Howard fur cook stoves and heaters Hcvclitli slrrct, nur ili'Ht . Cliarmaii A Son will pay llm blithest market rit-a for niIu(inii, liiu! fruit, ''KlCi Fresh oysters In any stylo at Ilia Nov tdty ( 'muty Kartnry, on ami alter Hun day, Hr itin i r lltli. Waiitml, a girl nut under ID yiara of ae to work for lur lxrd and ko to iliiMil Family of three. Apply at tlila ultli n. It. lan Lyons he purchased the klm Iiiiiiw! alp) lot on tlm corner of 1 1 tit ml Jarkirin streets, paying lliurufor tlm auiu of I'i'iO. Twenty four klmli of tobacco, nuta, (reali candies, riitara, ami (rwah Iruila at Ilau William on tlm cornnr of Seventh ml Center street. Ii. Hall Iim all kin. la of dental work which lie guarantees to I first-class, ml at prices lo iiilt llm limes. Olllee In Courier ImililiiiK. A dollar saved I xtl'ial to two dollars pained. 1'ay up your auWlpllon to the Kntkki'ki anil nt Ilia llm IhmicIII ol tliu reduction In prlcf . A cool drink of that soda water or inlimrrl water that I). Williams keeps on Iim at III notion store on Seventh street will relreali you. Try glass. IiandriilT i iluo to an eiilecblcd stato of thriskln. lUtl't Hair Hencwer nuickens tlifl nutritive function uf iho akin, heal IriK ami preventing tlm (urination of dan druir. IVcipIt! of tho illy and vicinity ahould encourage the boy all tliey can, thereby helping to huild tiia Y. M. C. A. of our city. Watch for program in next week' Issue. A trial subscription to the Oregon City Kntkhkiuhk, (hit leading ncpacr of Clackamas county, until Novemlier Otli, IncliiiliiiK full tilectum returns, for l!f) cetllS, "Hoy will Ui liya,"bul you can't afford to lono any of them. Ho ready for green apple season by having I o Witt 'a Colic and Cholera Cure 111 llm house. C. (i. lluntly I'ruggist. Kor iliet place to hitch your liorura war from (he motor line and place to gut tlrat r I unit oh of repairiiiK or lioro ali(MiiiK call on S. F. Scripture' ahop on Fifth atreel. Tho wholo aystem ia drained and im. dcrinined by indolent ulcer and ohhi ore. DeWitt'a Witch Halve Bpecdily heal them. It i" the heat pile cure known. C. 0 .Huntley DrunKint If dill', fpiritlea uml atupid ; If your blood ia thick uud gluiiixli ; If your up petite In capricioii and uncertiiin. You need a Haranparilla. Kor lient remilt take IieWitt'a. It recoininendH itnclf. V. (. Ilunlley, PniKirlHt. Don't tri flu away time when yon have cholera murium or diurrhicu. Fi(lit them in thu beKinmnu with I) Witt' Colic A Cholera Curo. Ihm't have to wait for rcHiilt, they uro in HtiintaneoiiH and it leave tho IhiwuIm in heiilthy condition. C. 11. Huntley, I)niin,'lst. Tlm concert niven by the Silvorton miirino Imnd, Sunday in front of thu '.tiu't rio hotel wiih nppreclated hy all who heard it. The band in full fllrcmrth coiiHlHtinK of M piece, ia one of the bent or'unlzullunH in tho statu. Dr. J. W. Wolch of this city was formerly member of thi bund and fleniHtod thu boy in their playing nhilo hero. ThrcnliinK mucbinu mull will find at the Kntkiii'iuhk olllce perfect record anil receipt book. Itlunk spuco for runorditi ciich diiya work, amount and price und arraiiKd in duplicute form so that it can be unud an a receipt ua woll bb memoranda of tho work, Mont com plete thinu ever gotten out. Muchino men who uaed this book last seam in have ordered fortius year. Hunt by mail for 75 conlD. If you have ever seen little child in the agony of aumnior complaint, you can realize tho diuiRer of the trouble and appreciate thu value of Inatuntaneoua relief always afforded by Do Witts Colic and Cholera Curo. For dynentry and diiirrhiea it is a rollablo remedy. We could not afford to recommend this as a cure unless it were cure. C. U. Huntley, Druggist. W. Ford I liiilldlnu a nix room cottugo on tlm Went alilu llm n, id Mr. ami Mr I'ulur Wlnkln, of Hide mi Hi pt. 1-1 a dmlKhter. Kii'hIi oyali'i In any atyln at tho Nov elty Ciiii y Factory, on mid ufler Mine day, Hi'jileuilier llth. County Clerk I'lxuii laaui'il a mar rliiK" llceiiae Keptniiilier ilrd, to Ifciiry A, Waldron, of New Kra precinct, and MIh r.llml II. Itatlen. Tliu Exiv.u I'M l mk extend coiiKratiilatlona. ('Iiaile A, Moeliukn I duliiK mmio repalrliiK on hi properly ill Hilliact ml dltluli. II" I painting hi houne, piiltiiiK up a lien t board fence and having well dug u that Im will ha comfiitlahlu In tho fuliirit. Many ilav' work i lut by aick head ache, en lined by ludigeittiun and tumach Iroulile. DrWHt'i Utile Karly Itinera am thu luunt eireclual pill fur overcom ing such dilliciilile. C. i. Huntley DnigiiUt. Tha Novelty (landy Factory's big fountain I running alinontduy and night and tlm pioprietoi are aervlng their ciiatuiner with tlm fluent Icenieam aotla, Artie uda, Williolt mineral water, root Immt and carlmiialed orange cider. Theuriea of cure uuy Im dincuned at length by phynlclaun, but llm nuffitrer want quick relief; and (Inn Minute Cough Cure will kIv It to them, A anfe cure fur cldldrHii. It in ' tlm only harmlau remedy that produce Immed iate reaulu," ('. (i. Huntley, Irungit. Mr. K. K. Martin, of the Seventh at rtf t cli nturn Im aucuretl llm aervice of Mr. M. Catlin, formerly a trimmer in a leading Fanleru palablinhmeiit, but later from llldeieiideiHe, to aanint her in pulling her fall millinery ituck before the puhlle. A party, couainiing of Forent Andrtiw and family, 1'rarley and Henry An drew, MiniCaae, Wilford While and Arthur Hufford, left Thursday for an outing at hipiaw lake, near Kuaring river. Tlmy rxHcl u remain for couple of week. J. H. Mooie, who ha tx-en reni'ling In Cauemah, ha pnrchaiHid proberty in I'apklace and will commence at once (he erection of romforUihlo dwelling hoiine. He ha moved bin family down already and I occupying a bonne with hi father-in-law until hi can be lined Kluxer, an employe of the Willamette Pulp and 1'iipcr Milln.ii building a tlory- and-a-balf cottat;) on In pruKrty at Canemah. The frame work I already up, and thu work ia living punhed to completion a rapidly a powtililo. The painter and planlerura will take poitnen- nion oun. All pttrnoiia intending to join the Chailtauipia clann thi year are cordially invited to meet at C. II. Dye'a Monday evening Sept. U to orgauixu and oidnr bovk. Thin, the French-tireek year I naid to lie the moat delightful of the cotimu. Cont ol liooki. f,F cont ol mag axine L, or II.Sil in the club. There will be the unuul m-rvice in the ltaptini church on Sunday . l'reacbing hy the pantor 10 :.')() a. m. and :V) p. ni. Sumliiv school at clone of the morning ermon. Subject of morning Hcrmon, "Love to the Unseen Lord;" evening, "(ioing out Full and Coming Home Fmpty." A generul' Invitation ia ex tended to them) aervicea. II A. Waldron, of Central Point, near New Kra, brought in some large enche Tuenday to the editor of tills paper. Thev were grown on upland and in ap pearance renemble the Alexander vari ety, but they are seedling from an early Crawford, planted in an early day by Mr. Waldrun's mother. They are a free Mono and of a innt delicious flavor. J . C. (iordon, of Mulino, was in tho city Thiirndiiy and left a sample of hop at thu F.NTKiii'itiHK office. He bus ten acres planted and ex poets the yield to be up to thu average, but ha not decided whether to pick them or not, but wi.l decide an noon as hu sees the hop buyer. If be cannot re u lino more than enough to pay for the picking hu w ill lut them go unpicked. I'rofoHsoi W. II. ltoyor of Portland was in tho city Thursday to seo what , coulil he done toward gutting thu Oregon City singers to take part in the rand chorus on opening night, Sept. 17, at the I'orllaud Industrial uxponition. He will be in thu city again next week to further tho plan and if successful in securing thu singers will begin at once with the practice of the chorus work. The main building of the Crown paper mills is receiving a coat of asphalt. Thomas K. Muir A Co., of Portland, are doing tho work, as they have the repu tation of using thu very best material. Mr. Muir status that while he has bis plant here, be will do any kind of woik in his lino at tho very lowest rates, such as sidewalks, Mooring, rooting, etc, as wull as anything elsu in his lino. Mrs. S. A. Kull, of Pomona, Cnl., had the bad luck to sprain her ankle. "I tried several liniments," she says, "but was not cured until I used Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Tnat remedy curod me and I take pleasure in recommending Hand testifying to its efficiency. " This medi cine Is also of groat value for rheuma tism, lame back, pains in the chest, pleurisy and all duop-suated and muscu lar pains, For sale by Q. A. Harding, druggist. j CITlf (OL.X IL C05Nll)KK1 Til Herenlll HI reel I mproveinpii t. Order Monte r intle Sewer Keinoceil. ml Tho regular monthly meeting of the city council wan held ut the council chamber Wednendiiy evening, Mayor Straight presiding, and there were pren unt Councihiioti orlr, liilner, Kocr mir, Cuple, Cooke and Moffntt. The liipior llcuiiff of P. Heinelgarn, Hill A (Join ami J. W. Charlton were ro unwed fur nix month. Thu liipior liceiinu of F. Treinbiith wa ordered changed from the former loca tion to the picnonl one. Councilman Henry Meldniui wa grained a leave of ahnmico for IV) day from July Int. Kocordcr Ityan presented bis monthly report, which was ordered filed. The report ihowvd that $.) had Until col lected a fine In the police court, and $1111 had been received from saloon li cense. Warrant on the general fund had licen drawn to the mount of The atreel committee reported that the newer on the properly of Mr. B. A Cliune, Dan William) and Dr. John Welch wore running into Singer creek, and on motion the aaina wore ordered removed. The itieet committee reported rue ommendation that Mr. H. A. Paipiet be lieriuittetl to release her pros-rty sold for anwnNinent of the Main street im provement, by paying penalty of ten per cent, and H Htr cent interest. F, Mover naked for balance of r re ceived for a horno, which had been Im iMiunded and sold. It wa ordered that a wai rant for $1.50 bo drawn in his fa favor, that amount be'lig the sum left over after paying the cost. City Kngineer Kinnniid, who had pre pared exhaustive plans for the improve ment of Seventh airect, from Main to the Southern I'aciAc railroad track, presented the same. The proponed im provement to he made with crushed rin k. The seciflcat ions and estimates show that the improvement will cost $l.'K'il!.2(l, apMjrtiuned among the but ting property holders as follows; Ore gon k lalilornia uaiiroan company, ('W05; Dr. John Welch, fl:M.H; trus tees M. K. church, $Hil U0; eatale of M. A. Stratton, Mt'7 40 ; Elizabeth Fuch. $:iC73. Total cont, $lli. On motion the report of the engineer wa approved. The ordinance (or the improvement of Seventh street, according to the B(ocifl cations furnished by the engineer was read for the llrst time and ordered pub lished. On motion tho ordinance will coiuu up for final passage on the 15th of Sepu-mlier. This ordinance provides that Seventh street shall be Improved with cruslifd rock from Main street to the stone wall along the Southern Pa cific railroad truck, with ten-foot side walks and the proper curbs, etc. At the adjourned term of the city council to be held September 15th, it is probable tlutt bids for the construction of the proponed improvement, will be ordered adver tised for. The following claims against the city were ordered paid : T F Kyan, recorder $25 00 C K Hums, chief of police 00 00 I'.d I. Slmw, night policeman.. 00 00 F T Uriilifth, city attorney 10 00 Charles Katn-ock, street coin. . . Courier, printing P Hcmmolgarn, board of pris oners Charuian A Son, mdse 03 85 5 25 Electric Light Company 171 30 In the Interest of Music. It will he of great inteiest to all music lovers and those who wish to promote tho art in our city, to know that we may be able to procure the services of Mrs. Cuss. U. Harlow ns teachur huru. Hav ing been interviewed Umjii the subject Mrs. Harlow said if enough pupils could ho secured sho would ohui firstclass academy, such as Oregon City talent needs, touching all branches of voico- training, sight-rouding, solo, chorus, concert and operatic work. This would lie grand feature for Oregon City to boast of and all who attended would receive as good training as can be ob tained in the state. Mrs. Barlow is an artist in her lino, having studied since childhood under the best instructors in California and Kant. She has a magni ficent sonrano voice and is an acknow ledged fuvorito whenever she consents to appear. Took a Run. The wagon belonging to the Willamette Steam laundry took a little exerciso Monday afternoon in the way of a spin at A 2 :40 gait across the suspension bridge. The driver bad left the team standing on the West side to attend to his work and the driver of a passing wood-wagon in urging his horses to a more rapid gait, caused the other team to start off. They ran across the bridge and up Seventh street where they were stopped in front of Wiiley'a harness shop with littlo.duuiuge done. Oliver S. OhlBon, the Gladstone car conductor, J. A. Buck and Coroner God frey will loave today, (Friday) for the Ogle Creek mines on the Molalla. They will be away 10 days and expect to re turn well laden with yellow metal, and the proud owners of mining claim apiece. Highest of all la Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Absolutely puke In "A Fatal Campaign," (Heptember Midland Monthly, ls Moines) Col. A. (. Ilatry vividly deaciilx-n the pivotal battlen of Franklin and Nashyille. Mr. C. F.Mclean, wno wrote "Stevenson at Jrol" tells The Midland's of Senator Forakor.of Ohio and his charminv family, illustrating the paper with latent photo graphs. Christmas eve and Christina morning In liulhlehein and Jerusalem is the inspiring theme of N. Tjernagel. W. H. Moure, author of "The Famous Charge at Ft. Donelaon," discusses Ag riculture and I tie Mechanic Art at Ames. Frank W. Calkins'" Young Homestead er" are beginning to talk of book and think of love. The Editorial Depart ment reveal note of preparation for the October event, the beginning of "Grant's Life in the West," by Col. John W. Krnernon, of Missouri, friend and comrade of the general. Much in terest i felt in thi furthcoming serial. Evidently The Midland ha made a bit. Leading insurance agency F. E. Dohaldkom. Mrs. E. E. Dais, of San Miguel, Cal. says: "I am trying in a measure to repay the manufacturers of Chamberlain's Cornell Kemedy for the great good their remedy lias done me. For years I was constant sufferer from weak lungs and bronchial asthma. My rest at night was disturlwd by backing cough, so that I felt miserable the greater part of the time. Many remedies recommended by friends were tried, none of which proved suitable to my case. I did not experi ence any beneficial result until I began taking Cbamnerlain's Cough Remedy. After two bottles of the large size have been used I am pleaned to state, my health is better than it has been for years. The soreness has left my lungs and chest and I can breathe easily. It has done me so much itood that I want II who are suffering from lung troubles, s I wa. to give it trial." For sale by U. A. Harding, druggist. Insurance that insures F. E. Donaldson. F. R. Andrews, proprietor of the Ma pie wood gardens is at present running four wagons in the city supplying the housekeepers wilh fresh vegetables. They can give you your selection of any kind of vegetables in market and H?aches, pears, etc., will be furnished at reasonable price. Housewives will do well to consult Mr. Andrews before can ning their fruit. Uive your order to the man on the wagon or telephone No. 24. Largest insurance business F. E. Donaldson. Mr. Oscar A. May and Miss Etlie Simler were married last Sunday, Aug ust 30, at the residence of Horace Wil liams, relative of the groom, Rev. A. Montgomery officiating. A wedding din ner was served to the invited guests. Tbe groom is employed in the paper mills, and has fitted up the Wm. Bluhra cot tage near Molalla avenue where he and his bride immediately commenced housekeeping. Reliable fire insurance F. E. Donaldson. Last August while working in the har vest field I became overheated, was sud denly attacked with cramps and was nearly dead. Mr. Cummings, the drug gist, gave me a dose of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy which completely relieved me. I now keep a bottlo of thu remedy handy. A. M. Bunnell, Centervillu, Wash. For sale by (i. A. Harding, druggist. Free insurance blotters F. E. Donaldson. Camp Alderlea is again deserted, tbe families of George A Harding and F. R. Charman having broken camp and returned home lust Thursday. This camp is one of toe most pleasant and complete as to comfort and beauty of any around Oregon City during the sum mer months, its nearness to the city and hospitality of its members making a vibit there very pleasant remembrance. Best insuianco companies V. E. Donaldson. The Novelty Candy factory has just received new shipment of Oregon melons and other fresh fruits. The Novelty carries the most complete and freshest stock of fruit, confectionery ants etc., of any place in Oregon Citv and at more roasonable prices. Their ice cream and soda is just as good as you can get in Portland. Ten big insurance companies F. E. Donaldson. The best ice cream in the city at W. W. Slovall's Seventh street confection ery store, at the Reddoway stand. Five cents a dish or 25 cents a quart. The yery place to get cool soda water, cigars and candies. Give the place a trial when you pass that way. Dr. Price's Cream Rakinir Powder La7T L" VSyV ?! f ,er Awarded Gold Madal Midwinter Fair, San Francisco. I Powder New York Tribune. Leader of the Republican Party. Ait Tod Wiillm to Listen to i lumlM Tiik Nkw Yokk Thil'.vk' broad columns and large print make it the easiest paper in tbe country to read, either on the cars or at home. Henry Komeike, proprietor of the largest Newspaper Clipping Agency in the world, testifies in published card, that bis clipping for over 4.000 client show that Tiik Thihinx contains,, "day bydsyand week by week, for more origin al matter than any daily newspaper in New York City." He proves the fact by figures. Thi Wikkly ranks tbe same. Business men find the market report of Tin Thibcm absolutely without an eijtial. Tiik Tkibcnk is the only news paper in New York City whose reporter actually visit all the different markets in person. Tin Tribini now prints tbe best and freshest humorous pictures of the day from the comic press of two continents, and supplies plenty of other entertain ment. By its special telegrams and corres pondence, its kble editorials and high literary character, Tin TaiBiwi main tains splendid position in the regard of Republicans and lovers of music, rt, and good books. Tin Tkibi'ne'b society news is known every where for excellence. Its fashions have always been of special value, and changes of style are, as rule, foretold in The Thiiicm sooner than in other newspapers. Tint New York Tkibi'ni is recognized, officially, as the leading newspaper of the Republican party. As for Farming and Labor, Tug Tri bune has for 50 years demanded, and I yet demands that very possible dollar's wortli of food and commodities, con' sumed by the American people, shall be produced by the American people. For this cause Tiik Tkihine labors in its various additions 365 days in every year. A man is judged br the newspaper he takes. He who reads The Tribune is wide awake, progressive, respectable and callable, worthy of the confidence of business and social friends. If you are young man you will live in rut all your life (except by catering to that which is base) if you feed your mind upon news papers, full of scandal, vulgarity and in anity. Think for moment of the people who read newspaper of that class. On the other hand, Tin Tribune has prob ably the largest clientele of the very people who can help to improve a young man's position, of any newspaper in the United States. Associate yourself with them. Mr. Horr continues to write for Tub Tribune. Sample copies free. Dailey, $10 a year. Sunday seperately, $2. skjii-Wkekly, $2. Weekly, $1. Tribune Almanac for lS'.Hi, 50 cents. THE TRIBUNE, New York. Sunday Services. ST. PAfL'8 CHlRt'M- KpiscopM - Rot. Rictiard Mt-rtor, Rectjr. Sorviu.ant 11a. m. aad 8 p. in. Sundity ereiol at 10a, m. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHl'RCH. Kev. J. W.Cowau Psstor. Service! at 10:30 a.m. am) 7:30 r. M. SuihIht school alter mnrniug service. Prayer meeting- Wednesday evening at 7:S0o,clopk. Prayer meeting ol Young People'! Society of ChrUUmi Endeavor every Sunday evening at 6:80 prmpt. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. Rev. M. L, Ki no, Pastor Morning Service at 11: Sunday School at 12-15; Evening Service 7:80; Regular prayer meeting Wednesday evenlug. Monthly Covenant Meeting every Wednesday eveulng preceding the first Sunday is the month. A ooriiial Invitation to all. 8T. JOHN'S CHURCH, CATHOLIC.-Rav. A. Hillehkand, Pas'.or. On Sunday mass at 8 and 10:S0 a. H. Every second and fourth Sunday German sermon after the 8 o'clock niasi At all other masses English sermons. Sunday School at i '.W r. M. Vespers, apologetic) ublecis and Benediction at 7:30 p. at. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Ret S. w. Strykek, Pastor. Morning service at 11; Sunday School at 10:00. Class meeting after morning service. Evening service at 7:80. Epwortn League meeting Sunday evening at 6:80; Prayer Meeting Thursday evening at 7:30. strangers cordially Invited. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Rev. A J. Montgomery, Pastor. Services at 11 A.M. and 7:80 p. M. Sabbath School at 10 A. at. Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor meets every Sunday evening at 6:80. Wednesday veiling prayer meeting at 7:30. 8eats free. EVANGELICAL CHURCH GERMAN H, E. Hornschuch, Pastor; J. K. Ehkkt Assistant. Preaching services every Buuday at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Sabbath school every Sunday at 10 A. M.. Mr. Zimmerman Supt. Prayer Meeting every Thursday evening REGULAR SERVICES AT U. B. CHURCH moruiug and ev-uiiigof lt and 31 eunday of each mouth. Sabbath School at 10, A, M. each Sabbath. J D. Surlu-, Supt. W. H. McLain, Pastor. EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHCRCH-L. Grsy, Pastor. Germno services every Sunday at 11 o'clock A M. English service! at 7:30 P. M Sunday tcnool at iuo ciocea. m. Loca- 'n: Store room next door to bakery in Bhlve- 'leys building, corner of Seventh and Madison ltrMta. EAST AND SOUTH -VIA- THE SHASTA KOUTE Of the SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. Express Trains leave Portland Daily. Hoil.ti i I Worth. s .'iiip. at. !,v Portland Ar s ioaTsl 1 Br.i. Lv OravinClty f.T 7 a a.m. 10Aa.m. Ar H. Kr.iirluro .t Hum, Til above trains stop at Fast Portland, Oregon City, Wrxwthnrn, Halem, Turner, Marion, Jrlferaon. A lliaiiy, Albany junction, Tangent, Hliedili, llnlsey, Harristiorg, Junc tion (,'lly, Kngene, Creswell, Drain, ami all stations from Koseburgto Ashland liiblusiT LINING CARS ON OOKEN ROUTJt. Pullman Buffet Sleepers. Second-Class Sleeping Cars Attached to all through trains. KOSEBl'KO MAIL 'Dallri. 30a.m. I I.r t -Ii A. M. LV p. M. Ar Portland Ar Oregon City Lv Koaehiirg Lv I ( 40 r . M 13 F. H (S OS A. 8AI.KH PAS-ENGKR. (Dolly. 4 I'l P. u7 Lt PrtUnil Ar I IS 1 a. 4 AO P. M Lt Ore, n Clly I.t 71 A. S:Ap. m. I Ar - l-m Lt I S W A. M W est Side Division. BETWEEN PORTLAND AND CORVALLIS. Mall Train, Dally (Except Bandar.) INK. 121AP. M. Lt Ar Portland Corral Is Ar Lt 6 20 rat 1.3ft p At Albany and Corrallls connect with trains of Oregon Cen Ml A Eastern Railroad. Expreia Train Dallr (Except Sunday) Itir.i. T.iir.u. Lt Portland Ar A. Ar McMlnnville Lv UOa. THROUCH TICKETS TO ALL FOISTS IN THI EASTERN STATES. CANADA AND ECROPI Can be obtained at lowest rates from L. B. Moore, Agent, Oregon City. E.KOEHLEK, K.P.ROGERS. Manager. Ass't 0. t. and Pass. Agent. No One whose life is worth anything can afford to do without life assurance. No one who needs life assurance can afford to take it before seeing the new policy of THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, L. Samcil, Geii. Mob. OBIOOHIAK BLO., POKTLAKD, OR. .The Prairie Farmer. IS THE Greatest of AH Farm Papers. It presents each week all that is worth knowing in current agricul tural literature. Each number contains more solid reading matter than any other agricultural paper, and covers a broader field, Subscription Price, One Dollar a Tear. It is the Paper for the People. Sample ciaUhlsc Offers for 1895-6: The Prairie Farmer ) Dnth Vmm m 7P!ir Wkkkly Inter Ocean) lOT $ 1.25. Tub PRAmni Farmer ) tj p3p m ChicaqoWkekly Times) W f0r$1.25. Address The Prairie Farmer, Chicago. Mr. A. II. Cransbr, of Ho 158 Korr St-Memphis, Ten a, writes thai bis wile bad can Cer wnicb, bad eaten two large boles in ber breast, and which (be best physician Of tbe larroonding country treated, and pronounced In enrable. Her grandmother auu auua uau uieu ot Cancer and when told this, the moat eminent specialist of Hew York, under whose treat ment the was placed, de clared ber ease was hopeless. AH treatment baring tailed, she was (riven np to dl 8. 8. 8. was recommended, and astonishing as lt mar aeem. a few bottles cured, ber soond and well. Our treatise on thtt dis ease will be sent free K any address. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO, AtlflU.G4 ; . .. - -r