Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 04, 1896, Image 1

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    Oregon . City Enterprise.
vol :io. no. 'in
(ilrenll omirl mnivniiM lltil Mnnla? n aj(.
emixr ami third Mmla)r In April,
1'whala euurl In 'Inn dial Monday In oach
Ihmimlaalmiera euurl niiwla rlrat Waduoadar
liar Oral Holiday of each mmilli
I,. I'dltl'KII,
aaaiiuiTa cir c"i iity ri nHi'iim,
Onto tip 1 1 In l)riiiu City hank mi ni It .trcel.
0. T. WII.I.UMH.
A I'XmI llli.of bualneaa, reahti'iire mid auliiirlau
Farm Property lu trail. In anil mi eaay lrnn.
f Nir r(iitit1nii i,rmutly anawered. Ofnea,
ml iliHir K CauReld Jk lliiutlev'e dun acme.
(1 II. A II 0 I.ATUl'HK-ll,
(Hil'NHi:i.OltS AT LAW
furnl.h Alialrai'la nl Title. Ulan Money. Fnr
oloae M of la (.. ihI tranaael neutral
l.a atiiainaaa.
Will I'(th i im All im ara or tni Stats
Real Ketata and Iniuranre.
Ofllra on Main Street Iwl. Hlilh aud S.renth,
una.ioN riT. n.
M o'hiii.l. a. w. tminra.nl
l. a aaiK.aa. r t umrriiH
u.U iir.iMiKx.
i iKiMi'min a omrrii n.
Ortlretiu Harklry litilldtiii. nrrw City, ami
A O. ('. W. letni'la, Portland.
lAj Oeneral I.aw lliialnraa. Loan Mouey, t'rsa
Knrm lmM mortgagea, I'rulialii fracliro.
II. liVH,
ihji:nskm)u at i.aw
W ill I 'lerl'M ninil(n. aiak .luirarla. n.an
luuiM-f, ilia tiu au l I'auaiH't a iriiaia.1
law liu.lnaaa.
Offloa liat twi ailjiilnlni llauk of 0 r(na ('II jr.
oaauna htt. oaiuox
ao c a.iwi.u l. v. naraai.u
Oaiuoa ( it, - OaauoN.
Will pranllra In all Hi p.nirla nl the atal. 01'
fli-a, oail tlixii lu Cauflalil 4 llunllcj a iiu(
Ml I All Y rini.it.
Will prartlra In all rourla nl II a elate,
Jiiantaurw wrllteu In all lrallii rntu
palilee. AU irfU ul '.llle liin.l.UiU.
Co imiiotiae atinrialiy,
t'iaUlra iimiII Cniirl llimae.
TlUea eiamliml ami alialrarta maile Mnner
LobiumJ, Miirtatfra (ifiH'li4.il anil a
Flier) law bll.lliraa.
airraATa or titi.i aim
Ural catate liainllnl. In.iiraiiir wrllleu lu
llio llartliinl, ul llarllunl, I'alalllie. Ham
burg ul llrrluan
OIBoe one ioor aniitli of Mclhoillat Church.
Kurul.h. Alietiarta, ( liallia nl Tlt'e, lr.rrlp
lliui., Ixwna, Inaiirn rp, I'ay 1'aire IVrlii i
Hilda, ole. , no oilire uy.r Hank ul
(iret' ll CI. jr.
J. r. ( I.AIIK. l'ro..,ana Hir,
oaauoxriTY, .... oanion.
Will practice In all pniirii ol the atate.
Aliatracia nin.lo, Title riainliif i! and a general
law nilalncae tranaartotl.
(i nice with I. I. Porter.
Hallway Urallnn anil oollntriicllini, urMgna,
plana aiul oalllnnlca lur water anpply.
Drainage ami at reel Imprnvenient ol tnwni.
flpMlal allentlnn given Jo draughting anil blue
Willuintitto Illil., oppoaite rorilolllce.
Olllco hotira from 8 a.m. to 12: 1 to
6 ::i0 p. in.
Capital, 1100,000
TtuNaAira okhkha I, aANKiNO upaiNicaa.
Iiana mailt). Itllla illacnnnti'il. Miikea cob
Iflctlona. Iliiyaaml avlla exi'hangii nil all polnta
In the I'lillcil Hlulca, Kurope anil Hong Konir.
liepnalla rerolveit aiilijncl to chock. Hank
open from 9 A, at. to 4 r. M.
U. C. LATOUKKTTK, l'realilent.
F K. DON ALDHON, Caahler
Oldest BanklBi Boise In tie Cltr.
Paid up Capital, W,000.
Hurplna, 2U,H6U.
raaainiNT, - - Tiioa. chabmam.
i:a rHaamiNT, eo. a. hariiino.
cabiikk. a. e CAtiriai.n,
A general hanking buatnnai tranaaoted.
Uopnalta receiveil aiihjuot to chock.
Approved bllla and nntee dlaeniinted.
Countjrand city warranta bought.
Lnana made on available aeourlly.
Rinhange liought and anld.
Colleolloni mailo promptly,
Draltaanlil avallanle In any part of the world
Telographle eiahangea fold on Portland, Ban
Franolacn, flhloag.i and Now York. '
flleroat pal J on time dopoalta.
Wanted-An Idea
PmtMit Tnur Mpaa; f her mav hrl
Who ean think
of enme elimtle
thing to iMMnlf
you wenllb.
nera, Waahlnguin, D. C, for (hair gl,l prlaa udar
ami lilt ot two hundred lureiiUoni wautad.
Uv; .-.li ,
KHYAI. OK I.l VKKI'OOl., iliwi larKnat buaineai In the world.
.SOUTH DltlTIHII A M , law-at anaela In tlie worlil.
Hl'.NOK I.ONI)ON,nilrat puroly (Ira l:iauriire company in the world.
-KTSAOF II A IITK( HID. lariat and beat Amerli an Company.
CONTINKNTAIi UK NKW YOHK, on of the beat Ainerlran companlei.
Cnll on me) for Mnllnua. (and
The latest in CLOTHING and
Neatest Styles of Dress Goods.
Shirt Waists, etc.
Novelties in every line.
Pioneer Store
Tiios. Charman & Son,
Oregon City, Oregon.
Edauards Bros.,
Successors to ELY BROS.,
099 Molalla Avenue
Flour, Shorts, Bran, Oats, Wheat, Spuds. Etc.
Cash Paid for Chickens and Eggs.
14 ow you Can Save Money
When your children need a laxative or stomach
and bowel regulator, buy
Fifty doses lor twenty-five cents. The season for
colds and coughs is upon us. In order to be pre
pared for an emergency, get a bottle of
Baby's Pectoral
DR. ' J. H. IRVINE, Proprietor.
of crockery In Justly a housekeeper's pride,
Everyone run have It, too, at mimll coat,
ti in Ily hy taking mI vutititiff of the brilliant
crockmy lil lit offered In our stock. You'd
bo astonished to see what 11.00 woulil buy
Hi our establishment. Oil, I pieces that one
must li very oidl not to Im delighted with ;
brenkfaiit, dinner, ami tea twit that are
wonders of art .beauty, anil unlqiieneas; an
iixaorlment tliat gives the purchaser every
thing to cIiooih from, are our crockery
Htt ritc-t iiinM . Ken here: 1(K) piece dinner set,
Ann decorated, for $7 7ft.
BCLLOMT 4 BUSCI1, Tie HooscforEita
Leading Agency
In Clackamas County.
lao for Hlottara and Calandore
At Commercial Hank.
The best in the market. Price 25 cents. For sale
at the CANBY PHARMACY, Canby, Or.
TIIK TK tClltlH MfcKT.
tints Enlertiiliia I In- Teach r Associ
ation An Interesting
Sesalnn .
The regular monthly nutoting of tlie
CUrkauiaa County Teaclmre' Aaeowa
tion waa luild in the churcli at Viola Hat
unlay, AuifiiHt 1H!I, ami waa called to
rdi-r by the prunidoiit, Hupt. II. G.
The mlnuti'i of the previoti meetini,
at pri-part'd by ttie eccretary, Mine p'an
nie (i. I'orbtr were read and approved.
The aumi-annuii! Rlwtion of olllrerg re
etilU'd aa follows: Vke-preaident, A. C.
KlrutiK; n-crotary, Fannie (J. I'orUir;
IreaHtiror, L. T. Andnrnonj editor, Ber
tha M. Gibaon.
No now namei were added to the roll
of the annotation .
"How iniicli I'ayiiboloKy ?" wag the
inbj"i:t diactiHaed by Minn Jennie Rowen.
Hbe apoke of aome of the principles of
; the immortal I'eaUlozzi. Wlllard Aua-
ten HiKike on "The Raaentiala of Good
Citigeuabip." Every person who en
'joys the protection of a government
: should endeavor to do all in hi power to
i suHlain and uphold the government.
laws are made to protect aodety and
: should be obeyed." "How to Hecure
jtbe Co operation of Parents" was the
subject assigned Hupt. Btarkeather.
Children have implicit confidence in
their parents, ami if the teacher and the
school are adversely criticized. most of the
work done by the teacher will be thrown
away. The reputation of a teacher
should l made in a school room. Tbe
ubjiH-t was diacuHsed by W. W. Austen
and Robert Ginther.
On motion of Mrs. Karten the meeting
adjourned until 1 :15 p. m.
The Ladies Aid Society prepared a
delicious dinner for the teachers at a
cost of only 15 cents each.
Afternoon seaaion called to order by
8upt. Starkweather. Tbe unfinished
subject of "Cooperation" wa ana In dis
cuased. Mr. Quinby, of Viola, stioke
from the parents' point of view. A song
by Robert Uinther was much enjoyed
by the teachers. "Mistakes in Teaching"
was taken by Charles Rutherford. Her
bert Silencer says "education is com
plete living" In too many colleges the
mind is developed at the expense of tbe
body. What is tbe utw of a splendid
jewel in a shuttered casket? If by a
judicious question I can st.mulale the
mind of a pupil, so that he will search
for a written truth, I think that is much
better than telling him about it. "Tbe
best teacher is one who makes himself
uaelcss." Every time we do a right act,
will and conscience win a victory ; Ev
ery time we do a wrong act, will and
conscience are weakened. Evil hurts
the eyil-doer moat. Mrs. Karten spoke
on "Reading". Her paper was moat in
teresting, and will be pnblished later.
Messrs. J. Hay Jen, Mattoon, Quinby
and others spoke kind words of encour
agement to the association. Mias Mollie
Hankins, W. W. Austen and H. S. Gib
son were asked to prepare a suitable
program for the next meeting which will
be held at Molalla the last Saturday in
Following is the program as prepared
by the committee :
Song, "America" Association
"How Much Assistance should
be given Pupils?"
L. T. Anderson
"Music in the Schools"
Annie Ilicinbothnm
Recitation O. D. Eby
"l'riniary Geography". .Tennie Mayfleld
"Hiatorv" Bertha M. Gibson
"Rhetorical Exercises" C. E. Minier
Recitation Minnie Joehnke
Song, "Blest be the Tie that Binds"
Mias Eula Strange has been secured
to teach the fall term of school at Dam
ascus. This is the third term taught by
Mias Strange in this district and it re
flects credit upon her ability as a
teacher to be retained for another.
Chauncy Barney, one of our well
known pedagogues who taught in Union
diatrict near Damascus laat year, has
been engaged to teach the coming term
In the same district.
W. W. Austin, who taught a very suc
cessful term of school in the Teasel
Creek district near Molalla, has been
retained for tbe next term, commencing
Sept. 28th .
Lives of McKinlej and Hobnrt.
Every one feels more than a passing
interest in the lives ot two great men
like William McKinley and Garret A.
Hobart, the Btandard bearers of the re
publican party of the United States, and
the men who are very likely to be the
next piesidont and vice-president of the
United States. And the way to obtain
this information from a reliable source is
to obtain Hon. Henry B. Russell's book,
who, by the way, is their chosen bi
ographer. It gives an impartial, au
thenticaland complete history of their
public career and private life from boy
hood to the present dale, with anecdotes
Incidents, riionaI rernlriiwncea, graphic
pen pictiiie and thrilling atory. Ibis
entirely new and origional work is pub
lished In one magnillcient royal octavo
volume containing frW pages. It Is
suiuirbly illustrated by a large number ,
of splendid illufl'.ratlons, and is hand-
nomely printed on tine tinted paper j Oregon, except those where the former
made expressly for it. It is very cheap rata was 25 cenU for the first ten word
considering the grade of tbe binding, 'and 2 cents for each additional word,
paper, etc., and Is sold by subscription and a few offices in Eastern Oregon and
only at the following prices: (Strong neatly all offices in Washington,
manilla cover, $1 ; plain cloth, $1.50; and Below will be found a list of the prin
in extra fine silk cloth, parlor stvle $2. eipal offices effected by tbe change. It
Charles Rutherford, tbe popular and will also be seen by the list that the re
well known Clackamas school teacher, 1 duction will apply on both non-com pet
who resides at Highland, has the agency ing offices. The former rate of 50 cenU
ofihe book for this county. Orders for in many instances, is reduced to 40 cent
the work addressed to either Highland
or Oregon City will reach bun.
The Ideal Panacea.
James L. Francis, Alderman, Chicago,
says: "I regard Dr. King's Sew Dis
covery a an Ideal Panacea for Coughs,
Colds and Lung Complaints, having used
it In my family for the last five years, to
the exclusion of physicians' prescriptions
or other preparations."
Rev. John Burgus, Keokuk, Iowa,
writes: "I have been a minister of the
Methodist Episcopal Church for 50 years
cr more, and have never found anything
so beneficial, or that gave me sncb
speedy relief as Dr. Ring's New Discov
ery," Try this Ideal Cough Remedy
now. Trial bottles free at Charman &
Co.'s drug store.
Farm for Rent.
A fine ranch of 'Mi acres near Redland
7 miles I rora Oregon City for rent cash
preferred and reasonable terms given.
100 acres under cultivation, 6 acres full
bearing orchard. Plenty of pasture,
good buildings etc. One of the best
farms in Clackamas county; is near
church and school. Renter must under
stand farming and furnish good rec
ommendations. Tools and stock sold reas
onable. ' Address L. Kbitsiievsky.
tf Redland, Oregon.
Oar Standing at Home.
"Four out of every five bottles of med
icine sold in tbe laat five yeaia are S. B.
goods. Tbe S. B. Headache and Liver
Cure I use myself as a general physic
If you are sick and want to get well, the
quickest, cheapest and safest method is
to buy tbe 8. B. remedies and nse as - di
rected. C. P. Balch, druggist, Dufur,
Or." For Bale by C. G. Huntley.
The People's Favorite .
When you are hungry and want an ap
fietizing meal one that is well cooked
to your taste and well served try the
Nickel Lunch Counter, This is no
second-class rastaurant, we feed the
best people in Oregon City and they at
ways go where they get full value for
their money. Give us a trial.
Gkoroe Bbos. Proprietors.
An Old Standby.
Clarence Porter is so well-known in
Oregon City that he needs no further in
trodnction to those wanting blacksmith
work. His work always speaks for it
self and his prices are always reasonable.
Remember his shop is opposite Pope's
hardware store, corner Main and Fourth
s'rtees. tf
From our place at Fisher's mill a dark
bay mare four years old, branded "F"
on left shoulder. A reward will be paid
for information as to the whereabouts of
the horse. Fiphkb Bros.,
Logan Ore.
Cow fur Sale.
A fine big cw five years old with a
calf four weeks old for sale at $30 Ad
dress or inquire of Xicholaus Strohacker
one mile from Fischer's .mill . Postollice
Redland, (;
For Sale.
A cottage, five rooms, two full lots,
fruit trees and a good well, city water
in yard. Cheap on easy terms. Good
location, 10th and Jackson sts. Apply
at this office.
Sixteen to One
That you can't get a better shave in
the city or a neater hair cut than you
can at Rogers'. 15 cents a shave, Sun
days and the holidays included.
Farm to Rent.
Oone of the beat farms in Clackamas
county to rent on favorable terms. Call
on or address.
L. L. Porter, Oregon City.
At church the deacon raised the tune
With nasal twang first low, then louder;
At home his good wife raised the cake
With some ot Cleveland's baking powder
Twas vainly hoped his tune he'd make
One half as good as her fine cake.
For sale by E. E. Williams.
Wood wanted at this office. Deliv
ered here or at Gladstone.
The 17. S. Gov't Reports
show Royal Baking Powder
superior to alt others.
The Redaction Applies lo both Compet
Ing and .Ion-Competing Onicea.
Beginning .September first the Western
Union Telegraph company put into
effoct new rates effecting all offices in
and the 40 cent rate to 25 cents. From
the following named offices the old rate
was 50 cents and the new rate is now 40.
Oregon Ashland, Arlington, Central
Point, Drain, Gold Hill, Grants Pass,
Glendale, Heppner, Medford, Riddle,
Siskiyou, Westport.
Washington Anacortes.Everett, Kent,
lake View, Meeker, Monroe, North
Yakima. Olympia, Puyallup, Roslyo,
Seattle, Tacoma, Wallula, Yakima City.
Astoria in Oregon, and Centralia and
Chehalis in Washington, the old rate
was 40 and 3 and the new one is
20 and 2. The Dalles, Hood River and
Grants, formerly 50 and 3, now 25 and 2.
$100 Reward. $100.
Tbe readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least one
dreaded disease that science has been
able to care in all its stages and that is
catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cnre is the
only positive cure now known to the
medical fraternity. Catarrh being a
constitutional disease, requires con
stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is taken internally, acting directly
upon tbe blood and mucus surfaces of
the system, thereby destroying the foun
dation of the disease, and giving the pa
tient strength by building up tbe con
stitution and assisting nature in doing
its work. The proprietors have so much
faith in its curative powers, that they
offer $100 for any case that it fails to
cure. Send for list of testimonials.
Address, F. J. Cheniy A Co , Toledo,
0. Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best,
A Card of Thanks.
To the Editor : I wish through the me
dium of the Extirpbis! to express the
grateful thanks of my self and fitnily to
the many friends and neighbors who
kindly assisted on the occasion of the
death of our son and brother. While
we deeply lament his sodden and tragic
death, yet our grief is greatly mitigated
in the knowledge that human sympa
thy was shown in so warm and kindly
a manner. May heaven's choicest bless
ings rest with those who came to
our aid.
Mrs. Maroabkt J. Smith.
Elyville Aug. 28.
Cheap Land for Sale.
1C0 acres of land, nearly all level bot
tom land ; easily cleared ; well watered ;
two fine mountain streams running
through it; fine trout streams; would
make a fine stock ranch; near public
road ; one mile and a fourth from Colton
post office and school house ; we have six
months school in each year; three miles
from saw mill ; large range for stock ;
can give good title. Price per acre $4.50.
For terms and further information call
at my place or address W. E. Bonsky,
Colton post office, Clackamas Co., Ore.
Repnblican Central Committee.
All members of tlie Republican Cen
tral Committee for the County of Clacka
mas, are hereby requested to attend a
meeting at the office of the secretary
Tbos. F..Ryan in Oregon City, Oregon
on Saturday the 5th day of September,
1896, at the hour of 1 :30 p. m. It is de
sired that all members of the Committee
be present s business in which all pre-,
cincts are interested will be brought up
for consideration.
S ,M. Ramsby,
Tiios. F. Ryan, Chairman..
A Laboring Man's Home.
For a person, who desires to stop pay
ing rent and to raise their own vegetables
aud fruit, I have a splendid piece of land,
one acre on Abernathy road mostly im
proved, house, chicken-yard, good well
and some fruit. One mile and half from
Oregon City. School house and church
i of a mile from place, three brick yards
and saw mill near by. Price $250, part
down, balance on time. Trade or work
in part pay. Inquire at place or address
G. W. Waldbos, Oregon City.
Worthy or Notice.
The S. B. Medicine company fa the
only one out of nine proprietary medi
cine firms Incorporated on vthis coast
since 1S87 that has not made ail x assign
ment. These hard times with new news
paper advertising contracts tor two years,
it speaks loudly of their merit. For
sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist.