Oregon City Enterprise. SCHEDULES OF TIM IS 01'. TCO.'K h'IMHKIIH, A l.tiltt A N II IUm.'N, 1MN I-,, Mil iMMH.tll 1N, IH. N,K, I I.cxvn 1'urllainl, 'l'n (.r hIii'mI H-b at n 4-, , M. i" il. jr., Mm, la. vim A, M, mi, I l,.v. Oi.(f. lit liy i jiia, . ,(,., Ml i .Wan, day, ' llnliin.il, a In. in liirKiin riy 1,11 1'ii'llaiiil al 'i It at i,ia aiiii H : I', M. Hun, Iny. Kaal limn, ,u aiTiiiiiiHlailiina ami low ralna. n.i a iirmiii ,an.ll.,. rl.... al lain .,11 IIikiiiiiIi Irt.lglii. HOI IIIKIIJI I'AI'Irll.' RAILWAY, mmTii koi hii, I'allfnriila Kmrriaa iilirniiahl tioB0l.11 1 k li al ay alatl.ina) Hrtlvlu 1'Nl.alitfi r lll'TII mill Nil, Knrrlniri I,i,iia (way lallmii) 1 1 r,,r ufa K,i,idm llniiiilij Mali m I a.uair 7 l in. II M i. III. .7 a. 111, ( n a. m v 4 . i. in 4 Ml p. in. ,1'OMTAi, HCIIKIUM.K. at aot tiiaan Montr aall.an.ri. Hall rli.ana uln Nutili, a 'Al I' 111. ami 7 p. in. Mall 0I1 oca ai'Hia; Nniiih, a M a. 111 ami 7 i. m. Wall ill. llll. iilfl In. 111 Nuribla. 111., Ill I', a, 111. Marl dUtlib'H.'l In in N111II1, a. ui., 4 '. III. T AaT ailis.ai.ailkll' 1.11. Mall rl. ,' lui Inrll, nil aid ilmrllutlli Hlla. VI noon, anil 4 .' . Ill, Mailrlifva li r Milwaukea only, 43 a. in.. 4 4.1 p. in. Mail i nltea limn I'm lUiul, II SO a. in. iml 4 IS p. nt. ina mil Ta, Orrimi City to Kly, farm. Mulliio. Liberal ami Miilalla Icatva al li ill. ami artlvra alii m. dally. i in ,,n Clly I" Heerr (reck. Mink, Clark. Meadow llrH,k, I iiIiiii Mill., ami I ..lion l.av.a al A a. in. Monday, Vtnltiraday an, I rrnlay, ami raiuriia mi i,ll,,Mrliii ilava al 4 lis p. m l r k , , I lly In Vluia. I,.n ami Vrilleint Iravea Oreifiii l.'lly Monday, tt rduraitay ami Friday al l.uu p. m., leaving Viola aaiuo day, al 7 uua. m (irfn tlty tn Willamette, Hialt rl ami Wil.i.ntll , arrl.uaal In iwa, in. ami !( al i a. in, ilarly. (Km rl d.liv.iy iii,,.w la opn on niiiiday Inuu lu lu II a. in. A ' lull. r. .Ii,, , "I lul l h ' li. a at tin. iii.nr i .ii,iiiiil)r aii I iifT Suti'ar, M mi oiler daya. A I t.H-r. tn ma, I llial la ili latr.l ril l lalla In arrive uu V ? a m., n. I', train will ci-iiio uu li 0 l--a i.r 4 I'm rrtno car. WII.I.AUK1TK fAl.lJl IIY. IPli wnU li. Hhe mill! Unit li would like very ninth lu Kl.t woi k in some 'uiiilly. Mr. iiml Mr, Lyon luM liitr she cihiIiI Kliiy iiiiinlli If iiiicriidiiiiry, until aim I'ouiil ol fl ni it ciiii'luvMiiiiit, and her Imiinl wmilil tout her iiollilnif. A II or h) i it Iiml Im'iiii tlii'in fur llircti or four tlit yn Mrn, J,yoim olilnlnml ti lnrn fur Iht In at Cuiu'IiihIi fiimlly, iiml hIhi Inii'iiili'il in (ii to wurk in llin ih'W jilui'ii on llin ni'Xt ilitv, Hlin walkii tlown town with Mm. l,)'oiin mnl lit-iir tint Iti 'l I'mnt i.tnru hIiu ini-t it younn mmi wiili u Kill, wlili li itiri'i ttil Imr vlnilily, mihJ MHiHiy alliwwunl wun lukt-n Willi tali nl Imk of lit'iiiorrliuk'n of llm lun. A'. Iliu Iioiikii dliii lni'l hiiiiIIht rti-vurn lit luck, wlilrli coiiiiiii-ly inmlrutci Iht. Hllll WMr) Bflll tu till) Ori'Klill City lion- iitrtl for Iri'iiliiifiil, Klin hIu(vI tlmt tint yuilMK limn ulin liift Iiml hi'oll it Very tli'r filt'inl nl Iiit, mill It in iru:iiiinfi tlntt tint iini'Mrli'c uliix-k, broiiKlit on tl rriiut urti fonKi'Mllidi of tint k'T'ii""' (ijiiiini, thui lying durmniit In lier itynlfin. A I'iioiiiiiition I.Kt ri hk. A tlntre wcro no rtillKiijim Hiirvki'H lit tlni Coiirro- liulioniil ur IlKptUl tlnirrlii'i lunt Hiiniltty to nttmrid tint iiHtiuiiKl coiivimllon In linliiiiiHoliii on Hfilrnili'r Sii'l. Tim mifrtitnry wun limtnirii'il In wml Hi" IijIIiiwIiiK Ifllur to mminl moiify tlfino cnttM lliroiiitliout tint itliilt'; "All l''i" cmlH In llm Hlulrtwlio urn tliKHiil'iHlli'il with llin liflriiyl of tli I'ltrly himI Hi ln t IiiIitiihIh in Him CliiriiKo conviinlion r Int'ilfil to iiiri-t in iiiuhh (onvtuilloii tit llm city of I'orl litinl, AiiKUHt Wml, Ht lit, in., til Anon IntJI, corntT HitoikI Hllll (Ink Htri'l'tH, nl wl ilnli-Kitti-H will lui ai'lfflf'l to ii'.rHtnt tliijiliiiiiocriiry of llm oliilt! t tli Imliun- iiolm toiivoiillon. Tlt iiimtH conven titm linn ln-nn tllfil MfU-r coiifieni:o mining llm IfntliiiK ilrinm-mlii of the nlutotnil lliin loltor in itdilrewtiMl lo yon, uMHiimiiiK tlntt you urn in yiiiilliy wild llm rlni:iiulii wliicli liuve lniri'J tliu iiiovt'iiiunt. Il in not infant lor llione wlin li'ttl tliut tliy liavo U en fully and iromrly r-irtiniiiit4!i liy lite aitioH of llin C'lili-HK') coiivflillon. Tiik Coi n ry Hon KtMi.-Tlitreiiicon-al,ral)lu kirkiiiK ttinoriff intcrfitled NOBLITT'S STABLES Livi;ry, Fw;d and HaleHtable ORECONCITY. WJCATKU BKTWr-.K.N THE IKI'OT 1IKID08 AND Double iiml Binilo UiuH, and Had- (llo liorncH ulwavri on hand at the If.iimui ,f liau A If ifWIitl lttiri a.fif I. A h tllllH "iK'lt .,, .',.... ,.. , , i wun in.; utini iur jinrnn him:k Inforniution rr-KunliiiK any kind or io k promptly atU;ii'lol to by piTHon of Inter. Horses Bought and Sold. Horn; liounlud and Fed on reason- bio trim. pHrlitu ovur tlie road fund, w hit li liaa K'it down no low tlntt roud work ha to be paid in county warranU. I'tit tliU VfiiiliK, tfiniHTaiicii niintliiK wait Indd j wan all taiint'd by payiiiK Hidricy Kmylli at tbu latlor plitt'o. Tlnrn wait tuimio by ' about 9'JiKMi for Hit) iinproviiiiinnt of the a npfcUl t'liolr, and aflvr a priyur by Itcv, Wall, and a lolo by Mi" Ivy Koakn, Mih, Monroti, who prrnirlcl, in- lrolui'iii llin aiM-akcr of tint cvnnluK, Mia M illy I'.rouli'tttt, of (it'ryui lvr teat wun, "I'rt'Hunt your Itoilit-a a l.lvini Sai rilli M I nto the Iird. ' Slio ttald tlmttioonti had cvi'r hnard of a fullt-n aii(i'l, who had turn re'lifiiiml, but that Ihi'ie wan a cliunco for lint falli-n until to aiinii, Hint miid HllTil WrTt) 4,000 IkNI prnftani followern of ChriM, uiioiikIi Molallu road out of the road fund. In June tlit county court made a apci'lal contract with Smyth lo do a ft-rUln amount of t xi ayutinu mid to cover a cer tain dinlaiire of the roadway with crin-liml rock. lit wan probably lie tt'inlfl Hint thin work idiould be paid out of Hie county fund, and in fact Mr. Smyth fXpfctfd that it would, ho It in anil, However, there wrw a large num ber of road hillri to be audited at the Aiik'ii"t term of court for work done in to Climb the liipior trnllic, if they VoUhI , July, but thin lurK hill wan put in euily riicht. She raid that no one ever beard ' and oidered paid out of the rond fund, of a Ki'i'l miliKiu kieH-r, and Hint the j Aa a renult, many of the miiull bilin had chinch iiiciiiImt who voted for the old ; to lie p;tid in county warrant, and thoue pnrtiea wan but little better lliiin the j who had pnrchitM-d road cerlillcuteH, auloon keeper. That while they were I cxpet link! them lo b" eanlied for their i n hk-iiin nun ua i in l.aava - ...it.. I ; it., ii 1 Vt II. t.A nan a fAI.Ui ; nll"'ab iiininnr mm niiinmuiiy, iiitTv i were very ciooked politically; that there were two wnya to aiiipiena the trallle, one waa by iiioinl aunion, and Hint leual nuiiKiou wuh the only ante remiuly. She aid thai the liipinr trnllic waa dentined ri ' a in. f a. la ; i 7 11 " V in ' m " In r.i ! ' 1 1 i " Hi fl ' I: li n f. " I 111'. III. I ! P. t". I i 'J O II I.I " J .1.1 " 4 U " i " 6 .li 9 Ml -9 til " II ii " n in 7 ;n in- v it ' tin IU 15 " lu , U " riiiinl.ir c ira linro .'in v l.niir unlit 9 i,Vih-i 111. I It. rl nil unl . I --I Jal II l&. I. C. A, Ml. I. HI, f t-t-T. face, were ltd. All road work will have to be p.ii'l out of the, niiinly fund, until more taxen are collee'c l. lo ilchlmy Hie liovenilnrnt iitili'iH it wan ; KHIDAY, At'tM'ST .'I. IS'Ml. Mi Kim.kv and lloitAKr l.iAui aa KX'Cotinly Jililn J. Y. .Mel Irimi hun Ih'imi diking uu active interenl in the cnuipalatu wmk of the rotitilitj prciilcti- liul u cciinn. mid w an ihihIiiiik the move CliOHnKD tiik l'l.Aisa It bun been de nied Hut Mr. Stuutn cronned the plaina with John liiirtiin in lsTi. In annwer tu that ib'iiiiil, Sliial.t aayn be Ktarled fmlti t)i Miaritillri riv'i-r ill film lntllV of nantt.m.loinher u.nal ple.,,i,u, -')' ; JolM ,,,lrllill K1, f,y,Il)Vl0,, ,liM ly0 head Mn.n!rleltein.ve.yplei.,Knpeakeru((,;ttlIu a wj). ti) Tl)J nun hit enunciiiiion in very ("mm. rue ia the ihtiia'hter uf a miiiiter, who re aiden at liervain, mid in trying to ntiw MOLALLA-:- AVENUE ..STORE.. G. W. Grace & Co. NEW GOODS, Comjilt'te HtK'k of every thing needed in the home. New GoocJh Modern Pricem. ( ornerurocery. captain of the coiiiiiny at lite Htart waa W. li. T., Vault, who n'ter bin airivul in tlrnnn r.,ri (hit .t.u'tutiir nl Ori'LTim CitV. money ..noiiKh by lecturing to ctunplete j . . . ... ... , IimIht of tile Jackwinville Sentinel in her education Kki.l IX A Wki L. I'. 1. (.'iirrnn.a well known ciliien, re-idtiiK in that part of Oregon City known aa Kly, concluded to clean out hia well Tueaday afternoon an llm water waa letting very low in the bottnni, A abort ladder na pi need in Sniilhern Oregon. FleminK who erotnetl the plaina at the nniue time u na one ol the Hint eompoi-itora in the Spectator ollico. John Inirhin wan the only man of the eiiimlk'r.ition of 111 that had a rnniiiKe for coiivcyanoe of bin family aerofH Ihe Kinley and llol.nrt botlom, and hia dnuuhler let him j j,.,ina He wnaa mun of mitirilii. energy tlown try meaiia ol a w inilhirw anil rojn'. he had no aooner Kotien faiily Htarled on liia downward trip, when tlio old lotten rnw broke ami he fell to the Init io org-Aniie M leitltuea In every precinct lu Clackaman ' county, enH'ciaIly whem there are no j club orj;aiiir.itlionn. Mr. Mcldrum hint none to Soul hern Oreifon tu cimieleto a: aurveyinii contra. t, but the work which j'"'"- J. X- Harrimjlon ami neveral bo ao earitently beUAii will be carried on j other neihbom were itiimetlinlely mini to a aiii-feNilul innue. mid every precinct j moned, and one of their number wan let In Clat kaiimn counlv will bo nr1iitii.ed ( dow n to net the old nentleuian out. lie for Mc Kinley. "oiind monev and prolec-! '"' I'"" ilti" on olio ol tin) roiiuda of Complete ctock of Fine Family Groceries, Try my extra Choice Tea.-cs Richard Freytag. Main and Fourteenth Streets. tion. Ilelow In Kiven a copy of a docu ment now receivinn aiunaturehl n K. T. ltarlow'a ntore, uml wliicli in Immhk clr diluted lu every precinct In thia counliy : "We the nihliTNini'd leiral voter of the county of Clat ktiuian, without regard to pant political ilili'orc ncc , believing that the prenenl crinia ill the humiiieng anil pnlilicn ol tint country, in which a coin lilnulion of ull 'ho ailvocateR of the varioun formn of "Hat" ami cheap money threittena to deepen the tleprenniun tlironnh which our Mtopln have ao luborlounly ntru!lled, by nddiliK lo the Uliffrtuintien now uttemliiitt biiainena tritnnitctioiiH, the blight of it ilehitaed ami fluctuating currency, demanilH the united eir-Ttn of all patrioliu citicena who hitve niillicieiit forti-niijlit to perceive the impeiiiliiiK tlanitcr, to avert it, and tore More prosperity lhroii)huUt the bordern of our hind, and helievitiK further, Hint the hordes of "lliitinm" ami repinliutioti can bent ho overcome by the election ol William McKinley to the prealdoncy of the I'nited Stalea, we do hereby nwtociuto oiirHclven together tuitler tint mime of tho Mt'Kinley ami Hohart IUKue No. of CluckiinmH county. And wo declare It to bo to our intercut and piirponn, both im ImlividuiilH itnd iih an iiHHociation, to li ho all honorable meitna to accompliHli tho election of McKinley and llohitrt, ' ami we invite all whonro tu accord with ur in holding tlicflu viewa to tuiito their eirorta with ours for the BceonipliHlinient of thin purpose. Wo, therefore, iuko upon them the importiinco f organizing McKinley and Unhurt lcui'iics in their Beveriil precinetri. A Sad, Sad Stoiiv A couple of years a",o Mr. and Mrs. Ihin I.yont), of this city, w era viHltimr aoiue relatives' In the a lute of Washington, ami attended a bociiiI (jiilherinu ono evening. Hecently a yonnij huly citino to the I.ytm'B resi denco in thin city, and told her tale ol woo. She hud met them at tho party abovo n-.enlloned, ond hh her peoplo wore In destitute ciri'tiniHtuiiceH the childron wore put out to riiHtlo for theniHelvea. Sho hml been doing Iioiiko work tt hero over hIio could obtain employment, but had failed to get pay for her Iimt nine weeks sorvico in a Portland fumily, which left hor destitute, having only 15 oeuts when she arrived in Oretfon City. She wuh very respectable appearing young lady, having plenty of clothinu and a the ladder, where he hud rained himself up from the bottom, and in answer to the lmpiiry if ho waa hurt, replied Hint both legs were broken. He calmly told them to get another rope, nnd directed them where to find il. A stick wan fastened to the end of the roie, ami he was hauled to the top atritlo the slick nnd holding to the rope with both handc. When he was lifted Uhui the ground his daughter were crying and wringing their hands, but lie told them to keep ipiict.aa he would lie well and sound within a couple of weeks. Ir. I'aine was called and found that Hie left ankle was fractured and the other one badly cut. Mr. Currin is over I'rO years of age, an I It wan astonishing to note the fortitude he displayed throughout the entire ordeul. Must Havk Honk Somk Si'oktiiisi. Otto Freytag ami Seward KnamUHric n, two young men of this city, mounted their wheels last Saturday at 5 a. in. for a reeord-mniishiiig trip to Mt. Hood. They reached Sandy in time for breitk fuat and carried lunch to do thorn until their return to that place, eating their supiKtr at the timber lino at (i p. in. Sunday at daylight they began the as cent to tho summit and upon arriving there put their names in the Manama box and viewed the Kastern Oregon seonery along tho Columbia river, the Willamette Valley not being visible on account of clouds. The return trip to the timber lino was mndo in a short time and the boys found that the time consumed by tho round trip had been 5 hours and 40 minutes. From this time tho run was miulo to Sandy in time for supper, then started on homo reaching this place at 11.-15 p.m. They hud no ac- idents and report having had a most enjoyable trip, tho roads being in good condition tho greater part of tho way. Tho PowellH Valley roud was chosen for tho homo run, thon along tho Clackamas roatl this way being considered the safest for night riding, Itoth these young men work in the Oregon City Ico works, and went to work Monday morning nono the worso for their long rtdo. To Hold a Convkntios. At a nioet- ingof the"i)atioiial" or "sound money" democrats Monday afternoon, in room GJW Chamber of Commerce, Portland, it waa decided to hold a state convention on August 2-nd, to elect eight delegates and preservation, nnd he paid Fii'-h strict attention ami care to the large herd of cuttle under his care that he brought nearly ull of them safely to fl.,.,.n a. ,.l lit,.., Karu tli.k fmimlu. thon of the wimIIIi tlntt he altcrwunl ac- tpiiied. Independence West Side. Xkw Y. M.C. A. lirii.niNU It looks lory much now as if the Oregon City Young Men's Christian Association would have a building ol their own at an earlv date. The hoard of directors held a meeting Monday night, anil the ex ecutive committee were vested with authority to lease 40xtti feet on Ihe rear of the lot where the association building now stands, next to the railroad track. Mr. Wygunt has ollcred to lease this piece of ground to the association for the term of ten years at a rental of 10 per month. This is the best offer that the association has yet had for a building site, audit is probable that the executive committee will close the deal If they do, it Is pruhablo that the first of Jan uary will see a new association building, fully eipiipiH'd with a tint class gyna- Bium. In Hitiui.AM) Coi'kt. There was an important case in Justice Kandlo's court at Highland last Saturday afternoon. James Bouncy, Joe Carlson and Will Iledgecomb wore up before the justice charged with disturbing religious wor ship at a church on Mill creek in August Dili. Considerable evidence was ad duced both for and against the defend ants. G. It. IHmick appeared lor the defendants, William Rtmney, father of one of tho defendants, represented the defense. It was a jury trial, which after being out for a short time, brought in a verdict of guilty. Justice Kandle imposed a fineof f 10 each on the defendants which amounts wore paid. Ohkhon Ctrv's Mt. Hood Kecori). Quito a record has been established by our mountain climbers going from this citv to tho peak of Oregon's hoary old monarch recently anil we give below a resume of these important facts: The youngest person to reach tho summit is llattio Church, aged 9 years, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler Church ; the oldest is Kufua Pease, aged 70; the heaviest lady is Miss Fannio G. Potter, the school teacher, and the fastest time ever mado was that accom plished by Otto Freytag and Seward KustmiBHcn who rotlo from here to the mountain and return in 42 hours and 45 minutes. Wall Taper. Best stock of wall paper in Oregon City latest designs and prices to suit the times at R. L. Holman's in Winehard block opposite courthouse. tf. pARMERS. .. Your team will have the best of care and Full Measure of Feed At ihe City Stables. W. H.YOUNC, Prop., Hucceaanra to W. H. COOke. Livery Rigs on Short Notice. Telephone No. 42. JOHN YOUNGEE, (EWELER, Opp. Huntley's Drug Store, All Kinds of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN Great Britain and America. Give me a trial. ' The Queen of Fashion THE FASHION PAPER OF THE DAY. Superb, Strictly Up-To-Date Designs, Illustrations and Fashion Notes, Sellable, Bright anil Clean, A year's subscription for Only 50 Cents,' Including, free, your choice of any one of th Celebrated McCall Baiar Patterns, and all patterns to subscribers ' Only 10 or 15 Cents. Send a a-ccnt stamp for a sample copy to TUB Met' ALL COMPANY, Eaal lain St., Nw York. AREMORWIJRING chant v Msrr v i re u orsicivs&PRicrs MOUMEtfTAL BRONZE CO. BRIDGEPORT. CONN WIIITK IiRONZE Monuments " will not Moss-cover or black-, en. Are artintic, cheap anil tho most enduring monument made. White Bronze is no exjerinierit. It has stood fur hundreds of years in KurnjK) and in not n fleeted by the weather. Correspondence soli cited. On receipt of postal cnnl will he pleased to call and bIiuW HamjdeH.aml designs. MONUMENTAL BRONZE CO., C. K. IjOSNEU., MOB, Sw. cor. AhIi and East 10th Street!, Portland, Oregon. Summer Goods at Cost To make room for fall and winter sto k. I am going to sell the remainder of may Hummer good at a price so low that all can buy. Full Line of Gents Furnishing Goods. All new stock and of latest styles. I propose to treat all customers fair and sell goods so cheap that no one need go to Portland. My expenses are the lowest of any store in Oregon City and I sell on the closest margain. Come and see my goods and get my prices. Opposite Hiutler'i Bock Stcre. WAY DOWN PRICES! Owxt F'onr 7"i Btcon sc. 3t Ilia Larl c (bring pall.) (ix.l Sr iiDcolor. I Ta 'Irom wclver) Txs. (irean Ton Tea li:at i it. 2Sa Our (iuunowiler Tea 12 10a. lor iSc.) txcelt Iht u.nal Vie Teu. trr It. Ipiait t offee it: tip. Linn or Arbucklaa 2 (or 15c tireeo Coffe. 44 li t. (l.U). Lemon or Veulila 3c ol, brlrjf bottle, aara hall trio.. Even chanK T"bveo 20c poun'l, Oorneak. Tnbaeeo 'mnkinii 5 to pvtmj auit pipe JSe. Stork Salt pr lit) 1. Corking M .iaaKi tie aL, Beat gyrup 41c, brli.j ran. M ca Axle (retM I0r, dh ha t onantitr onlr. Ite-t li n ed oil iXki Kl.;l ant r M.ichine Oil 103. Turpi ntti e 6K !. brina- tu lor otL Finn lork PATTON'8 PAINTS trlct:y Br.t c-iuM aud we can aave you 10 to 20 pr ceul In pre. B-ehlve Baking Powler 20c; Jelly G'aiaoi S' oil. i Bt.oe thread 7a cemaut 15c, ihoeoalla 10c lo; 4 lb. Hall aolea, Holcltatber. ttc. Good band cd a f 1.00, nail hammer 4. Lr we-t prlra on ttcythca, lUkea, Hoa, Fork", BMnglea, Grain, Fd ttc. jo BUYS: 8 lb It ee, 10 It t Rolled nn'i; 1 lii. b.-at Cooanut; 1 beat aroint Giuver, Mu ar t, Porprr, A l.plce and Pei pe; 2 It, whole Pel per; S II tU.o ol Taplr- a: 10 lb. Gern e or Corn Mea ; li buuebea Matcbeai 12 lba. a.ltoda. ioc BUYRi 5 dot. Clothespin.; M lb. 8t-"e Pi.llb;l box Aotlfermentine; 1 Hthe .tone 1 Whl-k Brocm; 1 double haudln Uuket; 1 MIlkHtralmir. ?c nUYf): rpvna. t can Htrllr.ea 1 bar ur aVxp. I btr B irat Boap. 11 lu. br Tj.il et Hrar-.'a lb. Sntrl if Boap, 4 o. i-w'af Ire'i ! ll (brina b-itt.e.) S 11 aatoriei Tatk, 1 botUa Va.liue, 1 Wwbpan. I Kurnlahlnais, DryQooda, f lllinery , Ktc. I lyiundirwl whlta Shlrta SOc: Collar 10c; C'ifft I 20c: men Mlla Hn!k4rcMel tin, (about '-t ' pric); ineu'a heary Ovra 1 4oc, Browmea 2', chilu'i Sulu that wear $LM Cut prlcci on Shirt train tf", Sweaters, Ntcltties all kinds. Straw and Felt Hats, Underwear, Ladies and Gente, Stockings and Socks. BlaCutln Mllllnery;ityllh trimed sc Flower, cut to lie: big lot lr t B m naou at pric: w-h Silk wo-th S.nl it koin; Hilt H.hy H bboo lc yd: Handke chlrf ior.p: B k H Ufa l.'ic, JOc and 2 C lot ni.-u e:r. b oule-e I too a: Cro hel Cotton 4c; wblta Knit tltif Cotton SC balL A Penny rturw 1 Croch.i t Hook, paper Hairpin., Nee.tloa, H jkt and trta orPina. Slioeai nt Cut Frlcea: Bbya 1 and 1 at rc iargirrc up; ht d.oto it at 60c, 65 aul 71 ; muKi School Sno-.-a an I fine shnei nt cut pr c; lad e' atyli h ahowa bet er gra.la. than belor at 1.50, i an l $i5J; ebll.la' T ni l aliofa 40c; meu'a larg. .Vie: ra-n'i eloth I03 Iea:heraie75e; ladlta Oxford'! la Ua or I bock at Cut pr et a. Men', One ahoe. (1 3A np: boy.' tae $1 T up; men', ronna iboja f 1 .J5 up; byi' coarae fl up. Red. Fxroxit Trading Co. MAIN AND NINTH STS. OREGON CITY. Burmeister & Andresen, Are selling handsome Eight Day Clocks at $5.00. Other Clocks proportionately low. When you bay Agents for Pure Prepared Paint A houe you make sure the title is clear. Wher. you paint it use Ture Prepared Paint as it makes all the difference in the world whether the paint is genuine or not. Color cards free, quantity. Special prices in CIIARMAiN & CO. CITY DRUG STORE. -Telephone No. After the Winter is Over. After your feet are sore from wearing rubbers and overshoes, and the other shoes are pretty well worn and out of shape, ycu want to eet a new pair. If we are correct, then come to ns and we will pleae and ease you. We have received a fine stock of all kinds of goods for the spring seasan.and not only that, but to near throughout the otbor seasons. Our shoes are well made, comfortable and low In price. Krausse