Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1896)
CLACKAMAS COUNTY THE ENTERPRISE COKRESPONl). EMS MVEFl TUE HELD. A Former Resident of Stafford Shot Old School House to he Made Into a Public Hull. STArrHi, Jiilv 20. V are lill having K iiksks ratlirr hot inds ml burning sunn, bihI whnt is slilt more uncommon in Oregon, warm nights, but no cyclones as Jet. It ia estimated that lull one-half of the early wheat is destroyed baked by the re markably hot days when just in the dough. For four dan the mervurv stood at il'de- Hrees. Today it rose to that figure, but it is j quite comfortable this evening. Hid l'hillips and family who have lived ! upon the old Hayes place for the last three I or four years, are going to give it up and seek pastures new. Farmers are beginning to think that the old rhyme concerning Maumee pataloes " Thry grow small potatoes in Maumee, And the; eats 'em tops and all, in Maumee," will soon apply to the Willamette valley. Hay has come in an average crop and grain which was sown before tbe last rains is looking fine. We see by the Oregonian that J. K. Haynes, who lived in this neighborhood a number o( years, and removed to Klamath, was accidentally shot by a companion last week and died after twenty-three hours of suffering, The boj l got together last week, put stout j kills under tbe old school house, and slipped I Miss Flora llluhni, one of our tulglit young girls, who has been absent In Tort- land for some time, we are glad to say is j nmong us again. I August Hlnlim ha rented Mr. Jewell's ! place in Highland. All right, August, and the proer thing to do but we won't tell the rest. Acmi.rsa. ; kfli News, ' Kkiso, July '.V Seeing that the Kntkk frisk has no regular correspondent here, 1 lake the liberty of sending a lew items. , The people who were worrying in the lat j spring on account of too much rain are now? Til K CHAUTAUQUA. Cantlmicd From First Pago, of llui auditorium, w ho could not obtain seals. In the iimrnitig Prof. Wetlierboo d lived otio of tlio most practical ad diesscs ptcVtited before the assembly. Ilis subject watt physical training, and bo delincd tlio diU'crcnce between true and (also physical culture, and Ins ad dress was replete with many vtiluahlo nravirs for rain, as so much warm weather ' Hiiggostiona. In the afternoon Edwards is very detrimental to ttinid crops. ; Davis, o( Oakland, California, dcliveied Parlies of campers, on loot, on bicycles, , liia masterly production, "Tlio Scicnco I in carriages and heavy wagons, may be t,f Art" (illustrated.) Tlio lecture was heard at all hours, both day and night, j KrMiul. litii.joo. original and impressive. . ... . , thoonoK ami Mors wero mlvuiu'o.l, ., i , i v '. 1 as he delved deep Into the mvstcrica o( Messrs Johnson and Nelson are progress- . ;-" ' ing rapidly with their work of opening th. and science, ami uncreated the au- county road. j ilienco with kin profound reusoning, Sunday last the young folks ol this place : ho were occasionally carried away by conducted a character meeting which was Ilia (lights of impassioned eloiUi'nce. largely attended. Such meetings will be He rlaimed that there waa no Hitch a held weekly hereafter. thing as genius that it waa talent : that Prof. J. A. Putt closed a successful tour , mwc ,lllui,ive; ,mt u wouM (, monitis term ot school at tuts place last Sat urday. The total number enrolled was 4'.'; average daily attendance for tirst month 34; for the lat month -4. Warren Donahue, whose leg was ampu tated some lime ago, I doing nic ly. Marriages, deaths and births are strangers here at the present time. Kklsoiti. Krdland Notes. Kc.Dt.AXD, July 20. Kedland Is still at the front, both in people and in work, Harvest will soon commence in this town. Mr. Tolifka bad given them the privilege of , mln . of ftnr ' putting lu They are going to tit it up for I ." , ,. - , . . . , .. . . ,. ., , ' ervd at II. F. I. inn s hall last Saturday even- literary purposes. The young people show k commendable spirit, but they always were of the progressive kind. The school lot is left vacant (or the new building. Teachers abound in Stafford. One. or two or three interview the directors almost j every day till to them grows to be a bother, and visions ol ptarty pleading school ma'ams I trouble their dreams. ' Miss Ida Francis, of Tualatin, called upon friends in Stallord last week. We see by Fehlerville items that Ed Sharp i is still able to be about there. Some parties from this neighborhood visited Gladstone last week and were very much pleased and entertained. Beaver Creek Items. Hiuvf.r Creek, May 20. An ice cream social was held at the residence of Henry Hughes last Tuesday evening. The pro ceeds will help to meet Christian Endeavor pledges and to purchase oil. The Christian Kudeavorersj wish to thank tbe attendants for their help and behavior. Children's Dav was observed at tbe Pres byterian church last Sunday evening. The music and recitations were well rendered, and all present had an enjoyable time. Tbomas Daniels has a new picket fence around his premises. He has been making . a great many improvements in the line of lug to have a social ball. Tbe evening was spent vcrv pleasantly. J. Murkock has purchased a new binder. 8. Kirtzchesky bas sold his extra hay to Gale A Goldstein, who are taking it from tbe field. We are glad to state that Miss Ora Wil cox, who has been doctoring lor lung trouble, is last improving. R. Mattoon and J. Rhodes, of Hebo, Til laniook county, are visiting at Mr. Mosher's at present. J. M unlock and son George made a trip to Mount Hood last week. Religious services were held at the M. K. church yesterday and also at the Dethel church. D. II. Mosher was in Oregon City one day last week on business. Quite a number of our people have been making preparations for a trip to the black berry patch thi season, as fruit is very scarce in this town. Gipsitv. ! sacrilegious to expect another Ruben- Btoin or any more of the great geniuses ; that it would be just aa proper to ask (or another Christ. In the evening the Corvallia Ladies liaml played their farewell selections, and tlio dice Club ol the Multnomah Amateur Athletic Club rendered sev eral selections, which were well re ceived and enthusiastically applauded. Dom Zuu'a solo met with ap proval, and lie responded to an encore. Secretary Levi Johnson, of the Oregon City Y M. C. A., had charge of the pro grain given by the Athieneum Club of the Portland Y. M. C. A., gave gym nastic evolutions which brought forth repeated applause. In the afternoon on the lust day of the aHscmblv the annual meeting of the atockholders of the Willamette Yullev I Chaiiliiiiiun Association was held in the : Auditorium, President K. A. Miller I presiding. Secretary I'ye'a Incomplete report, ahowe J that the receipts bud ! f (Kit ed up during this assembly to the amount of about 42,IHH, and tlieei j jienses as nearly as could Iw estimated, were I1MH). The notable itema of ex- ! jwnse were $;i.r0 for instructors, -r6 I for I lecturers, and K'SO for Htieclal features of entertainment, and the iermiiiiet improveinentH for this year will be paid for. Plans for future assemblies, Sun day observance, etc., were discussed, but no definite action waa taken. The gate receipts amounted to about tiO per Carlton & Rosenkrans, CHIN BY, ORECON. Millinery Wo liavo just rt'coivt'tl a new lino of spring milinory goods and can furnish you trimmed liat.-t or trim tliem to order on short notice Men's and Boys' Clothing Our hoys' and men's clothing has just arrived. lo not fail to see it heforoyou huy, for wo can save vou more money than ever hefore. CRRLTON St ROS6NKRHNS, 1 cided hit at tbe gieat musical concert held on the evening of July lOtli. She sung "IUv Iroaina" with violin obligulu I by Carlyle Ponton, and responded b j rousing encore with "I'.cn Hull." Mrs. ij. M. Strickler sung two solos one after 1 noon, that were received with great fa vor. She hits I (!) prominent In iiiiini cul circles at Salem for several Vents. Miss Heal rice Harlow made her mark us a piuno soloist, and whs popularly up pluinled on Woman's P.iy. JBlilir Li. PORTLAND TO THE DALLES I wife. She has been troubled with rhetl- ' mutism of the arms and hands for six fencine and clearing on bis ranch this year, momns, anu nas meo. many remedies Mr. Marlin will soon complete the new j prescribed for that complaint but found barn he bas been building on Mr. K iberts's ( no relief until she used this pain bulm, place. i one bottle of which has completely cured Mrs. Kate Studeinan has been very ill, her. I take ideas tire in recommending Hon to Cure Rheumatism. Arago, Coos Co., Oregon, Nov. 10, 'l3 -i wisn to iniorm you ot me greai gotxi ; cent nu)re ,,, yeuri an, leri, yt.( Chamberlain's Pain Halm has done my rt,m-inB an indebtedness of 47tl in- curred at the last assembly. After the! l!y tlif fast mill ciiiii- IllllllilltlS sti'iiiuers DALLES CITY REGULATOR it for that trouble. Yours trulv, C A. Bi'llokd. 50 cent and $1.01 bottles for Bale by G. A. Harding, druggist. Don't Tobucee Spit Or smoke your life awav,is the truthful, but is now slowly improving, Miss Servia Thomas has returned to Port land, where she bas obtained a situation. Miss Barbara Herman is at home again, much to the pleasure of her many frieiu's. Mr. Roberts was hauling a load of bay wlipri nua nf lita hrtrho ant friirli tpne,) and dashing forward threw him off the load and I startling title of a book aliout No-To-Ilac, injured his side very badly. We under-1 te harmless, guaranteed tobacco habit stand be is able to be up again. j cure that braces up nicotinized nerves, D. R. Thomas has gone to Oakland, Cali-1 eliminates the nicotine poison, makes forma, where be will visit among relatives weak men gain strength, vigor and man for a few weeks. His many friends hope ! hood You run no plivsical or financial be will return with health much improved. I . ..vb,.!, i, ,1,, ,!,,, . ... j - - - - - - -- - - ' .-en It is probable that as a matter of con venience that camps next year will be numbered, and the names of the occu pant registered. Poring the past as sembly it was ilillicult sometimes to lo cate an individual among the 1(M) campers. Until rooms are badly needed in the park for the lienelit of the camtwrs. ami some improvements ...,...,.. .. r, ,,.,....,. S10l,, K, nnnie. in tlie water suniilv. i liiver Hint nil intiriiuiloito i,..n,ly approved, the following ollicers and j At ,.,,st two WrlH ,),, ,llr1jH,. , P,,,.,..,.,,.. .....I freiclit .rules l..w..r to abundant supply of cold drinking wa-1 thoe hiiiiIm tliiltl ly tin v dlnT line. ter. It is the intention of the man agement to fix up the lake and make other improvements in ami around the park. The minugcnif lit will profit by the deflciencea at each assembly, and the arrangmeiita and conveniences will Puilv lxmts, exeejit Sunday, leav ing Ouk street din k itt 7 it. in., iinik inn f'r.'uhir landings at Viincotiver, Caseudi's, White Salmon, Homl E. McNeill, Receiver. TO THE EMS T (iivt'H the clinici; tif TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL OUT board of directors were unanimously elected: President, Col. K. A. Miller; vice-president, Captain i . T. Apperson; treasurer, U. C. Lalourette; secretary, C'harles II. Pye; ground manager, II. K. Cross, The other directors re-elected, H'ltru .lunula Sr,ul i:i1iitiit, I'.irtu, I I K . E. Cliarmiin, Charles and (ieorgn A. Harding. II. CuiiheU j tj.0oii,tt more perfect. Wild Rose. BoKINGS, Borings Ereezes, July 13.-Too week.) As your correspondent has not bad anything in the paper or some time I will write a few items. The republicans of Borings are shouting for McKinley and sound money. The farmers are getting along pretty well with their haying. They are anxious for more rain now. If it don't rain soon they will not have a very good potato crop so tbey say. The oats are pretty short in this part of the county this year. Quite a number of the people of Borings went to camp meeting Sunday at Pleasant Home. A. Kalinan is fixing his house up, and has been clearing and slashing tjuite a bit of his 20 acres this spring. We think he is going to get a helpmeet before long. Mr. Welsh's folks are doing quite a bit of slashing. We would like to have some more good neighbors like them move in. School will begin here on the 20th of July with the same teacher, Miss Ellen Biers. J. Dufl's school will close at Kelso next Friday. Mrs. W. H. Boring has the erysipelas again, but is able to be around. Edgar Kichey has gone to the mountains to camp for bis health. W. H. Boring is tending J. H. Salter's! place this year. The Chambers boys are talking of going to Eastern Oregon soon. L'no. everywhere under a guarantee to cure or money refunded. Hook free. Address late for last , Sterling Remedy Co., New York or Chicago. Charman & Co., Druggist. Bilious lullc. Persons who are subject to attacks of bilious colic will be pleased to know that prompt relief may be had by taking Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhcea Remedy. It acts quickly and can always be depended upon. In many cases the attack may be prevented by taking this remedy as soon as the first indication of the disease appears. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by (i. A. Harding, druggist. Whooping Cough. There is no danger from this disease when Chamberlain's Cough Kemeday is freely given. It liquefies the tough mucus and aids its expectoration. It also lessens the severity and frequency of paroxysms of coughing, and insures a speedy recovery. There is not the least danger in giving the remedy to children or babies, as it contains no injurious substance. For sale by G. A. Harding, druggist, Mink Items, Mink, July 21. Harvest is rapidly ap proaching with a good prospect of a fair crop all around. Oats will be a little short, but wheat and peas are generally good. Fred Hettman, one of our younger citi zens, who has been in Dufur for tbe past year, is at home once more. A number of our young people went to Wilholt Springs last Sunday. Lawrence Hornschuh, who has been working on Sauvies Island for the last five or six months, is home again. Mrs. Switzenberg, of Portland, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Grossmiller. Phillip Lloyd, of Portland, was in our vi cinity last Sunday, the guest of Emil Gin tlier. William Gintber bad his barn raised last Monday. Robert Gintber, who bas been teaching school at Logan for the past four months, is Jiome again. ! A Recommendation from Los Angeles. 632 Cafctelar St . , Los Angeles, Cal., -After having Buffered for a long time from acute rheumatism without obtaining re lief, I used Chamberlain's Pain Balm and was almost Immediately relieved. I highly recommend this as the best medicine known. P. M. Hamilton. For sale by G. A. Harding, druggist. For the Kidneys. "I am 05 years old ; have had kidney disease antl constipation for 25 yeurs. Am now well used your S. 15. Head ache and Liver Cure one year. Used 0 bottles at 50 cents each. J. II. Knight, Rutledge, Or." For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist. Munyon's medicinesare the latest, and Charman V Co., the up-to-date drug gists, have a complete stock. Pamphlets free. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder World'! Fair Highest Award. Levi Johnson, general secretary of the Oregon City Y. M. C. A., had charge of the athletic Horts, which proved an in teresting feature of the assembly, not withstanding the extreme hot weather. The first attraction was an intensely in teresting game of basket ball between the Oregon Citv and East Portland teams. The game resulted in lavor ol the latter by a score of 4 to ,'. The Chemawa Indian boys badly worsted both the Oregon City school boys and the Monograms of Portland, in a game of baseball. There were interesting things every day on the bicycle track and baseball ground. One afternoon there was a variety of races. The fat man's race was won by Mr. Johnson, of Clackamas, who cairicd off a prize f-'l watch and chain donated by Buriueistcr & Andresen, the Oregon City jewelers. There was also a game of basket ball be tween Portland and Oregon City, which resulted in a score of three to one in fa vor of the former One of the most in teresting events was me bicycle races races last Thursday afternoon, in which Huntley's Victor bicycles scored all the prizes, or at least the winner rode Vic tors. Joseph Goodfellow, of the West Side, won both the novice one and five mile races, and received as prizes a ft! turtle neck sweater from Huntley Bros., and an elegant foot pump from H. C. Stevens. One of the best represented educa' tional institutions at the assembly was Grants Pass, Or." Call lor Warrants. Notice is hereby given that the fol lowing list of county warrants which were issued more than seven years pritir to July 1, l;ni, and taken from the clerk's office, hut not presented for pay ment, will he cancelled of record pur suant to law, if not presented for pay ment within sixty days from July 1, lH'Hl. No. .'1157, John A . Colder for f:l, issued July 7, 1KSX ; No. XIVJ, P, H. Noyer for issued Nov. fl, 1HSH; No. 3742, J. A. Confer for 1, issued Pec. 5, IHsH; No. 40-15, Lucien (ieer for 2, Issued Feb. (I, IHHil; No. 4:llli, Henry Kerns for .", issued April 2, IHHil; No. 4412, Jacob Kerns for 5, issued Muy 1, 1HS!; No. 4ti57, Jacob Kerns for $5, issued June 3, i. F. HoiiroN, Clerk, Jiy II. S. Sthasuk, Deputy. Our Standing at Hume. "Four out of every five lxttles of med icine sold in the last five yuais are S It. goods. The S. II. Headache and Liver Cure I use myself as a geneial physic. If you are sick and want to get well, the quickest, cheapest and safest method Is to huy the 8. H. remedies and use as di rected. C. P., druggist, Dufur, Or." For sale by C. G. Huntley. Cures Cretin. "My three children are all subject to cioup; I telegraphed to Hun Francisco, got a half a dozen bottles of 8. B. Cough Cure. It is a perfect remedy. God bless you for it. Yours, etc., J. H. Chozikh, For sale by C . Firt clans meal Nerved for This is the limit Scenic limit1. 1 kill . I .1 ! am tmirisi auinii tin scenery . tin the Middle ( 'nlnniliia is not ex- j J celled fur heanty and grandeur in: . the Tinted States. Full iifrnii) -1 tion hy uddreHsiiin or railing on i J. X. 1IAKN ICY, Agent, T. I. Oi l. Portland, Or., Olliei! and wharf, foot of Oak St. ! GREAT NORTHERN RY, VIA SPOKANE Minneapolis ST. PAUL. Low Rates UNION PACIFIC RY. VIA DENVER OMAHA AMI Kansas City. V to nil Eastern Cities. OCEAN STEAMERS Leave Portland everv live days SAN FRANCISCO. for ! Trains arrive land us follow : and depart ftntii Port AGFNCVnr - A rtnphttt of triform ion tnd at- .tract ill in. laws, .itowintf ntiw Utr I'Diain l-aiuitt, ( .mil, TfHt. j k Mark, CoPTMtrhlj, wit frti. . VMltaMUNS O. CO. 3U1 llra'idoaf. N.w Vara. the state normal school at Monmouth Profs. A. F. Campbell and J. M. Powell with their families, were in attendance during the entire assembly. As was also Prof. Mrs. E. E. ISalcomb, and about HO more Monmouth people. Pres ident P. L. Campbell was in attendance a part of the time, and was highly pleas-d with the assembly. Their head quarters attracted considerable atten tion, and many of the alumni of that institution called to pay their respects to Professors Campbell and Powell, The state normal school faculty take an ac- tiye interest in the educational work of the Chautauqua Assembly The Oregon City talent did themselves credi' at the assembly. Mrs. E. E, Charman, who has always been a favor ite vocalist in local circles, and who has been a pupil of Mrs. Walter Reed, of Portland, for months pant, made a de- Huntley, druggist. For the Lungs. Elder Alson W. fiteers writes from Portland, Or., ''There is no medicine for the throat, and lungs that I can rec ommend to ministers, public speakers and singers, with the confidence that I can me n. u. uougti cure." ixj cents a bottle. For sale by C. O. Huntley, druggist. Iiiillgchtiou Cured. Depressing times depress the mind ; the digestion is disturbed. Two or three doses of the 8. I). Headache and Liver Cure will restore your health to a nor mal condition. 50 cents per bottle. For sale by C. O. Huntley, druggist. Dr. Vaiiilerpool's Physic, the 8 . B, Headache Liver and Kidney regulator, takes the lead with us. for sale DyU.U. Huntley, druggist. No. I No. H No. 1 No. 7 For all Fantern point Tim Pullca Local 7 :llp in. H::ira.tii.. I' mm the KjihI From The Pallea S ,'lila.lii. l "Up in. For full details call n or nd ilrcHH, W. II. IiriiLIiUUT, (ii'ii. Passenger Agrnt, Portland, Or. HI t, 1 Loais oMnom The Great- National and Representative Republican Newspaper. Reduced Subscription Rates, by Mail, l'ostanc l'l'qiaiil. DAILY AND SUNDAY, - '. One Year, rt. (10: Hlx Months, :l X SATURDAY EDITION, 10 pages, (, Year, U,0 SUNDAY EDITION, L'8 to 40 page.. o,. Year, fJ OO WEEklY, issued in Semi-Weekly Sections, H pages each iiicNiuiy ami i riilav, One Year, $1.00; Id pages each Week Six Months, 50c. THE OLOIIE-DEMOCKAT Is universally conceded to he THE HF.HT of Ainer ican newspapers, and at these REDUCED RATES it isalHO 'I'll E CI I HAPEHT THF CiLORE DEMOCRAT pays for and tirints MOKE NF.WK limn any other paper in Hie United Slates. It will be IndispeiiHable during the coming great National Campaign, and the LOW PRICE places it within the reach of all THE fiLORE-DKMOCRAT is sold hy news-dealers everywhere at L' cents for tlio dnilv and 5 cents for the Sunday iHHiies. Delivered to regular subscribers, Daily and Sunday, 15 cents a week, (10 cents a month. If your local dealer does not handle it, insist upon him procuring it fur you, or send your subscrip tion with remittance direct to the publishers. gT Partic.lar altentioiin is called to Till; WEF.KLY (iLOJIK -DEMOCRAT issued in Semi-Weekly sections, eight pages every Tuesday and Friday, making it practically A LAROK SEMI-WEEKLY PAPER FOR 'ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR This issue Just fills the hill for the busy man, who has not the time to read a daily paper, and yet desires to keep promptly and thoiirotighly posted. It goes to every State-abnost to every poHtoflice-in the Union. All America ia its legitimate field. No matter where you live, you will find it invaluable us a news paper and homo journal. Sample copies free on application to GLOBE PRINTING CO., St, Lou In, Mo. i