Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 17, 1896, Image 5

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
O. (;, T- I'O.'H NTK.AMKIIH,
A.1"NA Nil lUS'lKa,
" -Htrl.KI, KAI.kM .Nil INUKCKNImtll
l,tavn Cortland. Taylor ln-,. k i (l C A M,
ik di.?., iiiinlar uni A. M, mill li.nvn.
(in K' li 1 Ity I n kmIi-iii 11 :m A. M. HiHk dura
mnl In .111 mimU)r.
Jc rl ur n I im Imivn (iipyini niy lor rinilmul al
V 13 a..k lny a ami Jim I', M, Hutl'lay,
fail limn, RiMNt ai'riiiiiiiilNiliiiia ami low mine
No way lirlKlii h. mil,., I, rll.eelal lalea oil
IIiiiiiiuIi I rn 1 11 III,
Hum 11 hmimii,
alllnriila Kmrnu iiliruiinlil 7 :l a 111.
Kiirl,uiK Uval lay alatlnna) . I i , 111.
Haluill l'Nialiiir 11., Ul.
iil'lll SUI'SII.
Itilnr l.'X-al (war alatlmia) 77 a. Ill
alllitriiia r.iinv.a itlitonilij V p. ui
HaUm rma 'tiaMr 4 bo n. in.
N n tuaax rti iri: an."ii.
Mall rlnwa giilliff North, I VI) i 111. aliil 7 t. in.
Vail cIumo . ,11111 Smith, a '.J a. 111 ami 7 au.
Mall il in rllniinl limn North a. 111., u In m.
Mall Ulaliibitliid lii'lil Smtlli, a. lit , 4 i. In.
a ser aim iLariau
Mall r l",. ,ii rmiuml and dial tllnilli
H,lnla, IV iiiniii, Mini 4 I' i. in,
MailrliMoa ur allla.ukce unlr, a 11 a. at..
4 Ui ai
Mail artlvaa liuiu fontanel, II Ml a. 111. am)
4 IS p aa.
mi cm tta,
0rp,N'ltrliiF.Ir,Oirua. Miillnn Lllirral awl
M,,lalU Iraiaa al U ui. auU arntn a( u m.
Iimaou lilt lii Iwiavrr (.rank, Wink. Clak.
Mra,li, lltiM.li. I'm, u Mllla. ami l.,ll,.n,lave
al a a 111 Miodaf, Wi-.hi...)r and rnaar,
ml imuriia mi lolinwlin ,! al 4 .it i aa
(llr, n III) in V,na, l"in ami ll-Jlahd
Irarea HfJ1.l1 Illy M,,Ula), Hnlliralay and
Friday at l.uu ,. in , Inavlnt Vlnla aaaaa ilaya
I 7 U)a. r
f,H,i I lly In WlllaniKllK, Sta(T.J ai4
V 1 1 ( v I i ) . aerlvua al u an a. 111. and iravea al
II Ml a. in. daily.
Gti,-ral ,li iv0iy a inil'iw li nrwn a Sunday
Innii loin I' a. in. A'l ..li, r. .Ii,. into ia
tma al ll,o ,l,ti 1 'iuln,lly aci.l oaT Snatar,
aa mi iillivf ilaya.
Ail r.t.MI mall Dial I. 'I-I". ami lalla In
im mi V an a m . R. I'. Iixlu Mill cine on 13
'clnrk "t 4 li in-iiic rai.
fiMKaina nail". a
luimm ruxa
I, 'l
7 Ml
I a. la.
7 I '
a imi M
II M "
1(1 M
II "
1 . III.
V U)
11 si
1 ; in
I I .p.m.
'j in -
a ui
4 '!
h m "
m "
a in
7 i -
v uu
lu Ml
4 ."i
V la
Miiinlay raia Ipava army hnlir lllllll n'okar4
m. lu arllvrt uu ami altvl JaiiUMlT k, l'i
C. A. Ml l.l l. U, ki rt.
KUIHAY, JI I.Y 17. 1H'1.
HinikK Ilia N i.i k Inane SlirtiT, mi
nl'l rrai'lrtil ui Clui kulll ia f.nllilv, (i'II
(iviT ihm li,f m ar Cinriiiaviltr ami
lirnkn !ua ln k I Im ilinlitiii'ii In' It'll
H4I Ulllllll Wl ll'l'l Ull'l III" II llf'llt U IIMtH
mail Han Hil yo.ira u( itv. Hk Irlt llu'
riil,li'in l liia lUiitfliti'r, Mm. M. Kan
illii, Tliurailiiy or'iiiiat lu (t llliix ill
tlin CliirkmiuK uml Iiiii I l il ixit n
turn In llii' i'viiiiin, a in'in li liiHli
lnti'il, a liiriii' niiiiilmr ill li" ilrvrawxl
tint 11 'at iii'iitlili'ira jniiiiiitt III lln liuiit.
Adi'r a ilill.i'iit Hnar. li. it.r limljr m H
(omul at llin Imit "( a rliiT Snnliiy vn
ill., wlicri- il liml illrll N f, (111 from
llm Imnk of llif riviT CirnniT ii irrv
wiih Ktiiiiiniiiii'il mi l 1JI1T tinliiiiiK aa in
iiiial, tlv' jury liroiiKliI in a m nl rt of
Hivl'lenUl (.illiii(. An iX4iiiiiiMlMMi ul
tlm i'oriiui rovi'altil Hi)' furl dial tlx
-iimiii' n.M'k 1 limki'ii in (li (all.
Mr. SliirmiT kh a iiniiiw of CUi kauiaa
cmin'y, liuviiitJ romu ln?ri in KM, h litre
11" li,ia illi'l rraiili'il imiat of Hill tillK"
lln livivi-a UI rli.lilri'ii, wlin rriiln in tli
Willaini'ttii viilli-y. llu- il'ii'a.l wa
I'Vi-c Mitmiii Miitl Imrifil uiiili-r llm
ani'iM of tlmt or.liT at Viola MuiiiUr
A Jim Dhivk.C. K. SiniililiiiK,
of N'rwlmr. lu liua a conirui t for tult
itiK two million fivil ol cottonwool) ikh
(rom tlii Sunt ihiii rivi-r to ()ri'oii fit v
or llw WilliHinMlii I'lllp A l'aMT Com
inny of that plarn, oil Tni'mUy Htiirlfil
tlmilrlvi), ami in i'oiihi'iiihiiw tin" Wil
liiini'ltn rivi-r at thin )liir Im filli'il with
fliialiiiK lot!, tunny of wltirli am lumliiu
oil tlin ImiikH uloiiK tli river ami on 1 lie
iNlaiiil In'low tlin hriiltti'. Tito rrow iron-
litiK tliu work In now tii'ttnieil lit
lliieiia ViMtit, wlti-ie tliu 111 uiit portion of
tlio lotfH are. In tliB rourmi of a day or
two tlie raltH w ill pain here, wlien all
the ikh whii:h are luiulini? loni the
river now, will Im ilialoiliieil. TIiIh tlrive
1h Boiiiewliiit of an iinpiMliineiil to imvi
Kiition on the river, hut Hteanihoul men
o not like to complain, uh the com
jmiiy owiiin, the Iokh in a heavy Nlilpper
ami a kooiI ciwloiner of the iliirerent
Siiletn Stutemiien.
Nkw Codntv Okkiciai.. The new
coiintv ofllcialH arm uettiiid Into the hur
im'hh in koih! comlition anil have their
work fairly HyKtemi.eil, The retiring
ollli'erH luive hIiowii a npirit of afcoinino
diition in Initiating their Hiit'ceHHora Into
the routine work. Kliner Pixon pre
niil,m in the clerk's olllce, with K. K.
Martin as deputy. In the HherlfTH ot
lice, J. V. (irout oineiaU'H an deputy,
MiNN Olivo Luellinir aHHmts her father as
chief clerk lu the recorder' olllce.
Treimiirer Shiidu in BHMisted in the cleri
cal work of the ollice hy 1). F. Mny;
Kii)erinlemlont 8Urkwenther is at hid
of1it;a up-atitira on Monthly ami Satur
day of each week.
W1101.KBAi.1t Rohiikry. A correspon
dent writing from Molalla under a recent
date, states that thieves are ahroad In
the land. The rohhers hroke Into Oliver
1 C 1 it ll ri aa itiiikii-lioiiaa ami rarrlml away
IU liitniN, ami ut I r ml Mimln'runr'a ri'ai
ilniicii, thvy ittiulo away with iilioiit f'.'l)
worlh of meat, i'1tin, iliiinl fruit ami
I'lullilliK Hill Iheilrpri'iliiliiiiiii ti nut
atop hrn, U'hlln ,Iiiiiiih Mel, ami lila
liinilly with iilli'lnlin;: tlin plinit! it I
Nreily, liliin jit rt of I r 11 I it r ii'M I11111.nl j
ill' mlfhiiiK, On tint Fiiitrlh of July,1
I '11 v 1 1 1 Williiiiii'a hmiMt witii rinili"! mi'l I
(..'lid worth of Krurerli N, alioi'a 11ml rlolli-
iiiK wern ciirrii'iloU' :,,ii I ,tr li-nn mi'iit 1
hiiiiNit hum it'N'i hrokmi inln on llm
I'nurtli. The i'orieNiomlt'iit wrilea that
wvi'ial piirlli-a tire niimh'i li-.l.
To IIavk A Fink Skw Kkniuksi k
Mi'nnib While lliothi-ri1, tint arrhl
ti'i'lN, luive ilmwn pluiia for a new t:',IMHI
ri'-l'lrtii e, to Im eret teil on dm :.irii.,r of
UanliliiKl'iii aii'l I lilrlii'tilli NlnwU,
fioitliiiK on WaahitiKtoii. The new
'Ui'llinii will Nlittnl dini'lly In fmnl of
the nun now iNi npit d I y (lie Citpuhle
trii't ('iiiiiniNNiniiiir. The IiiiHiiii will
Im a two-Ntoty friiine with a alone Iiiini,
Hu nt, and tint liml ll.xir will coiitxiu
live riKiina, and the wiirinl llinir five
rooiiiN. The entire tuilliii(j will he pro
vl'li'd with inrraNary cloNiita ntul hall'
way ini lu lini a China rlnNnt ami Imtii
to mi. The rihitiylure will tie of mod'
ern denitru, The inaiile HiiihIi i dmti will
hi) 1 at rmlwuiNl, axil and ti r with plaaler
a 1 ft oil (InMi,
I.unt 1 11 ( Irt'tcwi City ar on the way
In (ilailMloiitf Talk a mn ket lnx,k contain
iiiK It. K tit ki-la and otl:T niHtrii of no
value t any one hut Urn1, '.. It. Iille
I Im owner, ulwi no inn sioiiey. Kinder
ri'litm to Klet'lric holnl and receive re
ward of fiVliM.
rrnliule Court,
(i. K llayt-N, Ju'ln.
In tin- mi'. I nr of tJin I'Nlate uf I c iut
Inml, ilm I'awil, II tram Slraiht ailinin
iatratitr; tie' aale of Ute real iwtate o,n
NtHliti t.f lid acri'ii wiih onlerixi.
In the 0111II1T of It in eatate of Charlcn
lliirni'll. Hi'i-i'niw'd, M'. T, I'uiih-11, ad
iniiiiNtrator ; w (,-rniitt-il an order to
accept a eertain di-ed to rn'ry in
WaaltitiKli'ii cniinty.
Ill tlie lituller it the i-Mtite tat Ami-aiuh-r
Jlcliiirvey, iIi'i-cunoI ; l-nim rer
ovcrruleil ami il nrih'red that the nhiI
ailmiiMNl ruler have 11' dava ill wliU'lt to
mirwrr the auid aitiji'CtiiiliN.
lu matlnr of the ratule of I. m y A.
Sitil'li, ilei-nHnril, Kn-il T. Smith, clniili'
ia rtr ; the aule of tlin leal 'Min-rly uf
aaid rtitAle tn 'Lotiia II. Yiuler, Ux atiute
waa out United, haviim hid and amuunt
naid 4 17 lur tlie M priiilv.
Ili'lp Home Imlu-trj.
Tlxi true ftiuiidiitioii upon m hi. h to
Iwild up the proK'rily ol Oregon Oily
j in In fiittrotii: linine indtiNlrv and thua
k,fi our mutiny at home. In laundry
j wi:k "vcry dollar paid to ('hiiininen ar
I in i'lirtlaiid Uundiii'a' in prncticully l'"t
: in llit-v'.in Ctly cmhi inlly when jiiNt aa
'.',il wink at the aitine priieran he had
1 at the Willmui'tie Steam Ijiiindry. TU:h
' in a ih- li'iiue itiNlitulinii, etiit'lovitu;
aaly wdite help and i eupplied w ith all
j the latent iMtprnved mai'liineiv, mid
j itii; the Mr'fl NinK miller In utile V)
gaaianl-we ftMlclaiw wotk. A tiial of
Mir wotk and iricea in arked Ikt-hvery
vaemi to all purl a ul the city, l'own
loan i4Hr at V ilt'lm rt' ImiU-r ehop.
The I1I111I I'miHci a.
JaiiM-a L. Francis, Alderman, Chicago,
oaya: "I reavril Ir. King'a New Jtis
oovery an an Meal Taiiacea for Ciui:hs,
ColiUau.1 l.uii( ('oinplaitilN, having lined
It in any family ior the laHl five yH, to
lliei't4-Iuioii of phyaicianH' preacriptioiis
or other iirciiurktioiis."
iiev. John d'.iirntiN, Keokuk, Iowa,
aril en: "I liiivd U'cti a ininiHter ot the
Metliixliet r.piNcepal C'lturoli for SO y'rH
or inure , and have never found anything
ho lii-nefirial, or that tuve ,ut'h
Hpeedy relief as J!'r. King's New IiiNoov
ery." Try (Ida Sdeal Coiik'Ii Kemedy
iioiv. Trial IhjIUimi free at Chariiiati &
Cu.'h diiiK Htore,
Our Sttiiiilliif at Heme.
"Four out of every Ave bottles, of med
icine wild in the hint five ycuts aro H. II.
iroodM. The S. II. Headache and Liver
Cure I una myself hh a gencta! phytic
If you are sick and want to get well, the
quickest, cheaiN'st and safest method is
to buy the S. H. remediei and use as di
rected. C. I'. IUix-h, druggist, Duftir,
Dr." For sale by C. U. Huntley.
Some IliirirutiiH.
Four pieces of land adjoining Clticku
nias IUmkIiU aildilioii to Oregon City, of
47, 30, -'(), and 11 acres each. All on par
tially improved, with bonnes, fruit
etc. Good soil, lays well and convenient
to school, church, etc. Are rare bar
gains. Have also a Bpan of fine mules
to sell cheap.
C. L. I.ivksay, Oregon City.
Indigestion Cured.
PepreHHing times depress the mind;
the digestion is disturbed. Two or three
doses of the S. I). Headache and Liver
Cure will restore your health to a nor
mul condition. 50 cents er bottle.
For snlo by C. G. Huntley, druggist.
Dr. VnnderpnoPs
Physic, the 8. B. Headache Liver and
Kidney regulator, takes the lead with
us. For sale by CO. Huntley, druggist.
Dr. Whito's hair grower, 15 rcntson
application at Farnswortli's. Cleans
your head and eradicates the dandruff
and makes your liair smooth and soft.
Iik tliim n inn tint lli'litly. firal
Knri'Wnrti l.tit ninn. mill lii raltl axaa,
Tin 11 I ok- nil viilin:" "f wnr
Trli k, al riitnui 111, auriiriwil
K',r an (In I rnnti'iiiii ami linln
Tliu Invi li aa runka Unit I alll III
Aa lli f wniil'Ll il rt llulit.
Ami II' fi r fiian lllllll Willi
1 tMitirt 1111 ttinl'iinli, rrnvn 11 hurt
Ami 1" v im "Hi' r. mi i't'T il'Hifa
Tli in il 'iinintf fi iti ra, Ixivn, nf thlnal
lttl'-k, llml uu irtM,ii riamil
I liurli'N Ni wUm Unlilllann.
1 Callfnriilan W lin Makra Manor bf Hla
Nlnillra m a Maturallat.
I "No, hoy. H ain't money that mak
1 my MM-kctM ImlK" nut that vuy, but It
1 fal I IIH I'M iilviiliiit." retiiarki'd a liruf
j J,,,!,,.,!, Kray l,, atili,il riincher from Men-
i iim Iiiii un he took ill the uliu'k of a liay
, rope thul 1M1I knrvlm for ImlL
To tell the truth, my breeches pock
ets mid my emit n-ket, too, aro preily
well Innii with iniili'Nkins. Within the
In nt yeur 1 h ii vn ihvi'ltiied Into a mole
hunter, and it pays. 1 fcuvo several acres
In strawherrii s at UkUih, and they liel
conslilnruhle uuii-r. I ared to put In a
lot uf time digging littlo trenches and
turning wuter this way ami thul, but it
was diNiijiNiiiillng to go out the next
tluy ami llml that I liml been irrigating
a inolu hole. I set Wutcll oil the little
I nwtii, and I nii li'iirned their habits,
fcine" tuna U la iHsitrouMo ut all to get
"In the flrNt jI.kn, I f on nil that a
mole never coiuci alrulght up to tha top
of the ground, but always on a slant,
ami yon will nv tint ground agitated for
innii time In f i, re he throws up his hill.
If yon step w illnii W feet of him when
becomes in the top, lie will Inirtmitly
atop work and tuu. It's no una lo try
to cut' I) him tbeu.
"Hulaiiiole Is tlin victim i f bubit.
If he Is illHliirhid at his Work at I
o'clia k IihIjv, be will not comn back till
4'iiictly 3 o.lia k toiinirrow. You cuu
set a wutth by huu uml di pend on its
lieing riKu Well, I wutrh anmnd lu
my berry pnlch and title thn time when
ever I Uinturb Mr. Mole. The next day,
when it In time for him to come back, I
lake my alutiiui iicur the hole. As soon
as ho throws up his little mound I lunt
my foot Uihind him uml close up the
hide. Then uil I hove to do Is to scoop
htiu out of the tliit uml drop him into
my iHB-ki't, kicking uml ncrntchiug like a
uixhI fellow. 1 kill him, stretch his skiu j
on u bhiugle, and a m.in here in the cily
.:ivn me fl upiwii fur them to tuukt
uurNCNuf. " Sun FraiiciNcu 1'ost.
Mram'a lnig Drink.
A western itn'inlx r i.f congress wut
recently wnh u party dincuMiing the ca -
piicity uf iiieii to drink strong liquor.
After liNti'iiiug to several atoriea along
this linn, he ttiid:
"Well, I don't believe any class of
men can bent these Washington negroes
uhi'U it comes to tlrilikiUK strMig liyuor.
One F'riduy uight lis I ciime home ufter
a night's ickshiii I tlmuglit I would stop
lu a little an li mpii near my bonne and get '
nbtiATii o of lager to iniike me sleep
sound, n is not a very sweii pi, but
it wus the only one convenient. While I
Wun emplying the big gliiNNof the frothy
litmid a IodkIi lisiking ncro, with a big
slick under his arm, walked iu aud de
manded a pint uf gin.
" 'What price?' uked the young xuan
behind tint bar.
'Twenty cents,' saitl the fellow, bev
ginniiig to count out a lot of pennies.
" 'All right,' Mild tin) bartender,
'where is your but lie;'
" 'I don't want iio boll la Jeat Laud
nnt ft glutis, huh. '
"The liquid wus luousureil off in a
big beer g hiss, ami without taking it
from his lips liuswullowed tlieotmtauM.
not even ileiguing lo lake a driuk uf
waler wheu ho had linii-litMl. Tha bur
(ender did not seem to bo at all sur
prised, merely remarking that the fel
low would probubiy take several eucli
drinks before ho finished lliu eveuiug. "
Wanhiugtuu Times.
A sister f charity is the first woman
to roooivo a decoration in Holland. She
was made a Knight of the Order of
NaKsno-Orungo by the two quutma of
There areiow 10 state federations of
women's okiba.
is worth more to me if I haven't
got your tiiiHinos.s tlmn your
trade. Without your respect I
cannot hope to get your trade.
I' ideas I sell a good bicycle and
sell it at a fair price an honest
price that is tlie same to everybody
unless I back up my guarantee
honestly and fairly, I cannot hope
to get your respect
For five years I have sold
bicycles in Oregon City, each year
increasing my sales and each year
reducing my prices, till today I
will sella better wheel for $"0 than
I sold five years ago for ifloO a
wheel that is not equaled by any
ottier wheel that I know of for less
than $75 Our guarantee is un
questioned. It is supposed to tie
limited to one year, but no
customer of mine has ever been
asked to pay for a piece to rephtco
a defective part on any wheel I
ever sold, whatever tlie length of
time after the sale.
Hooks, Stationery and Bicycles,
P. S. Old wheels for sale and
taken in exchange. Boys' and
girls' wheels $40, new.
livi-ry, FhmI and Snle Stuhle
: Mica re 1
Pontile? mnl Sill('ll! lli(.'H, nrifl HHll
din Ikithi-h ul w:ty4 on IhiihI at the
lnwest jtrices. A corrull conrtccU'd
with the tmrn for loone utock.
Iiiforniatlon ri-Kardiitu any kind or
stock promptly attended to hy person ol
Horses Boutrht and Sold.
Horses Hoarded and Fed on reason
hlo terms.
G. W. Grace & Co.
Complete Ktook of every thing
tnIimI in the home.
Tlie bent on the market.
In small lots or in car loads,
limit-union shingles cut to older.
I'.y outloH'l or mixed car lots w ith
Y. II. & L S. 150NNEY,
Al'liOKA, - - OUKGOX.
, ,
! Modern Prices.
1 :
( ornerbrocery.
Coill)lett tock of
I r 'l O
i fine r3miiY urocerie$,
Try my extra
Choice Teav-sss
Richard Freytag.
Main and Fourteenth Street.
Your team w ill have the liest
of care and
Full Measure of Feed
At lhe
City Stables.
W. H. Y0UNC, Prop.,
Hucwaanra to W. H. COOke.
Livery Rigs on Short Notice.
Telephone No. 42.
0pp. Huntley's Drug Store,
All Kinds of Watches,
Clocks and Jewelry Repaired
Great Britain and America.
Give me atrial.
Cross Husbands...
Are largely, the product of poor
Is a Just cause for profanity and
Do many men look after their
hair has been cut by an incom
petent barber.
DFS1CWS x PRtc-:s
1 w
Having the Iiwest P2.xpenFeH of any Merchant
in Oregon City, I can
In anything pertaining to
New Goods, Latest Styles, liest Quality. '
, Come in and examine my goods.
W. OsDOSlleHnflfl'lBllcnttR
Most Goods
llnatll (ul IHtnlUl. 100 jA.
Prrralaa lor WaiiU. Nc. lie ITS.
i Nw dDtiana, rraian effect, Nj t Oc a rd.
I Aira Ln.eoa. au atjril.h now. plenlr here.
I Ni-w aNfriinent prp-tv i-r.n'a. bouRhl direct.
Pin lot ljirea and Kmbro der.s cina prteva.
T IminlDa HnUiui., i oft'ir.iyi inr hlndunr.
I lalTi-taa, (ira-a Linciii, Film C,o'.b, l'ercallnei.
; i-l;eia., C'ambrl'H.
i Fma lot 8W:l Walata, ut prlr, 4.'," up.
N r aaaortmeut L ndnrwear ana Moaiery.
llandkareliwla.je. .V, 5, union
bnva I bi.ll beat Wil ls kllltt.ur ('"tton. 24
Y atievta Dote niMr. 1 kunrhes mnDiiU etirv- I
lupov, bottle vaanllne, ink ur mui:tUge. 1 pr
curllna- iron., VI pena, 12 tib bn-.k.
.. I U L Mtiilln, Snaner F annel, Print,
C VI Hitting Fiautiel, Cliee c CIjIU, Bullar
I'm'mllna limn mak.-r flue lut A 1 fo id, bed
rock nrl'-ea.
Maudnrd falterna. "elect itok. redttcpd prlw.
buy 2 i ad iH-nc.U or one with rnbt -r tip,
IV- I na
taper neeotea or pin. car i noa ani4 eyea
cncil atiarpeuer, 4 laie puclla. 1 al.
Styllah trimmed hau, real bratit'ea. no tnnrf
prirea; i anion Flat-, 10-; Ladiea' hallnra, lue:
. i,k Laliv ribbiiD. 1 ': ira-h -1111. (worth V) ic a
keln; rapa, hai, b 'by bonneta ribb"U, Tetl
, Ini-a, tlnw-l, c ocbrt cotton. kn tilDa aila, ' te.
I llnudreda of maDuf'icltin-ra' aamolea, lelr.
I wool and tlraw but-, tlx -av ux in p li-e, lraw
l aia la tin, laupilrrjd perca e ahirti hoc up,
twenb'ra 2V a id !mc. new linen e 'Ua-i 111' a- d
IV. waterproof rollani luc up. ttood aocat 5c up.
J Cut pr:et-a. i imr rood- befortbtiTlnir; boya'
l'low-,1 to , fl: hoya' buiton, 4 to i, fl.tU:
' cbild'a ranvaa, 79c; mn.' and ladlva' ranvaa
I i,iu- a.f trlmiutd. Il; bay aboes .' up; aiiea
DFCocl Front "I"r;ri cling; Co.
Burmeister & Andresen
Are selling handsome Eight Day
Clocks at $5.00. Other Clocks
proportionately low.
When Von briv
Color cards free,
After the
Winter is Over.
After your feet are sore from wearing rubbers and overshoes,,
and the other shoes are pretty well worn and out of shape,
you want to (tot a new pair. If we are correct, then come to
ns and we will please and ease you. We have received a
tine stock of all kinds of goods for the spring seasan.and'
not only that, but to wear throughout the othor season.
Our shoes are well made, comfortable and low In pi ice.
inilTr-: IHIONZP: Monnment
will not Moss-cover orhlack-
en. Are artistic, ch:ap anil the
most enduring monument mado.
White tironze is no exjriment.
It tins stood for hiinilre'l-e of years
in Kiirorx) and in not afrcctcd hy
tti weather. Corref K)iidenofr eoli
cited. (hi receipt of pontal carii
wil! t pleiinml to uull and show
ramjili.-H and desigriH.
Svv. cor. Ash and Ka-t 10th StreetH,
Portland, Oregon.
for the Money
buyi elb. of either Baao.Taploca, or 10 lb
0 ol Oermea, Cora Meal or Rollod Oat, 1 In.
tKhcpp'i beil Cocoanat or 1 la, pure ground
gplcei or 2 lbs. whole Pepper or V', Ibt. pure
Lard (Dtlnc pail), t pi-uoda K ee.
Ralair a, Dried Ant.lea or Prunea, per lb. S3
Kren ('hanite Tobarco, 20c a pound.
Coal Oil, 8-c per sal.; SUV4i (bring tan.)
Fine -all, VK a aack : cork aa l. Me per 100 lb.
2 n a t'ucoloreu or 2lb. Ga: podtrTea, 7.e.
Kqnat to utitil 50c srrfde. Tt;a 'ib, 15c a pound!
Lemon o Vauil a. per os. be, aare one-ball
price. (lrin Ixittle.)
Sewing Mcbine Oil. 4 ox. for M. (bring bottla. y
l'.i lb dry granulated Sugar, L
Gallon ca , Ant le-or S'iiaan. 20e. " I
Tab e Fruit, Vjc; Fie Ftuit. 8 cam for 20c. TMt
Iruit la worth nearly double. .
Biiii Sviuie, tt)c per gal. (bring can.) Keg, fl.SS
Cookiug MolaMB a, 4iic a gallon,
plone-r Biking Fow ler, bea. per pound 4fe
Lot ul VX- Splcea, cut to So a can.
i:'Otheolui,2e a dox ; Chimneys, 5c op.
Ilet ax bandit.. 2Ac; Sleuga haudlea, lue.
a la, cut, 4'y, wire, 6 penny up Sc.
Holla, lr, 2' and 3c; Bar lead V per pound.
i tui teat: oon. 5o; Jail lorkf. 4e up.
M Ik Mraliitr. 10c; Iiuat Pan, 10c. -
ah P.n . 4c up; Tin Fail. 10 to 20c.
Wnl e.h Bruh, lttc: To. t'.pli-k-, 6e a box.
W ni.k Broon, 1 c;C othmiai i-.
lu. g.'lavliig Son H. 5c; '' l DC be
2an i e Ven, la a, L oimen'i, Piri. BoopV
tog Syrup. Eyewater, etc., all cut to 1'.
Shoethr a i, 7c, b leaiher. bboeuaila, ate. "
i pouud aorted Tacki, Sc. , tm .
eachl-drxrciotheaplnar akimmer, chl n
ney c.eatier.can upeuer.aoap Uiab.gate hooki
1 rade lor Hay, Oata, Wheal, B-"in, Cblekenv
W ool, Egga, Butler, Pouuvt, r-hlnglea. etc.
Full atocK FAIIUN'S FAlMS. Very best
pal m and low.-it price. Hoilcl nil. one.
A house you make sure the title is
clear. When you paint it use Pure Prepared
Paint as it makes all the difference
in the world whether the paint is
genuine or not.
Special prices in
-Telephone No. 13.