J Oregon City Enterprise. Published Kvery FYIdny. CHAtS. MKSEKVK, Pl HI IHIIKR AND I'ROrKIKI-OK. elUHMCNlHTION HATKN, Jtie JUT. 12 ( lit months. ) 00 Trial uluH'rlpllDtl two months. A dlscom t of SOornls on all mibporiixltiiiii for neyear. IS ceuis lor nt mom In, 11 (nid In SdTSilCss. Vl'-ertlslnf rates f Iven on application. RutMrriters will find lhe 1H ui expiration etam, .l on ihclr p rs loilowi-'f tln-ir name ll asset- not cna.mel w.tlnu l wie sf ira p-smiil, kiudly notify us sud o wilt to k -I vr it. Cntered at the Port Office In Oregon City. Or. at seeoud class matter. FRIDAY, JCLY17. 1X. A-3ENTS FOR THI ENTKKI'KISK. of Nebraska, was nominated Fur president on tlio llnh ballot, ami til persuasive elo quence ilid Hit work. J lis populistio pro clivities gulled the conglomerate maw of democracy, populism, etc., that Is called a plnllorm, The doctrines hich theconven lion sends forth with il endorsement, ami of li iofi ihe candidate is aneionent, dan gerous as they are, may, thnoiigh the peril enl ad votary they will receive, in conjuiio- lion wild Hie conditions which prevail the Tiikiik is no necessity for the sound money hard times, resulting from dcuioctialic mat- democrats to nomimiii' il lickc.l of thriron n " Ir I had been an American," nays I.a houchere, I should have been a protection 1st; being on Knglishiuan 1 am free trailer." Thai tells the whole stor In a few words. The republican parly Is for protec tion because il is I he American policy, and because a departure mini ll implies the graining of an advantage to foreigners nl the expense of our own luhor and enterprise. Bearer Creek, Dauby, Clackamas, Mllwaukie. Colon Mills. -Meadow Brook, New Kra. Wllsonvllle, Park Place., Bltdstona, Stafford, Mullno, Cams, Moialla. -Marquam, 6'iuevllle Aurora, Orrille. - Eagle Creek, Damascus, 6aridy, paJmon, Currinsville, Cherryville, Marmot, Pr T. B. Thomas vieo. KUIKhl A. MuWr Oscar Wisslnnvr U J. Trullliiiier ( has Molman W. I. Newberry Hcurv Itilev F. L hussell T. M. Cross J. 0. Osae. C. T Howard R. M Cooper Annie Snihhs, E. M. Hsrtman B. Jennings He -rr A. "nyder L.J Perdue H. Williern J. 0. Klliott F. GtEtsi-h Mrs. W. M. Mrlntyrel (ieo. J. Currin Mrs. M. J. Hammer Ailolph Asohotf administration, thedeprewion in business, and Hie widespread home distress llud fu vor in the sight of the peoV. Arthur Sewall, the nominee for vice president, is a Maine ship-builder, of marked free silver inclinations. He rVaims to have not had Ihe least idea thai his iiume would be presented to the democratic convention as a candidate, and confesses thai the sensn. lion of being nce-pcesidenlial nominee on Ihe ticket of the democratic party is decid edly pleasant. Mr. llryan is iiolonlv the you line oamli- dale evea noniinaled lor president of the I'nited Stales, but the first presidential can- didateever named west of the .Mississippi river. He is not the first man, however, whooftes bis nomination to (eches made before the convention. The platform, replete, with vagaries, is enough to disgust the solid democratic vot ers, and cause them to vote for McKinley. In oppiisitioii to the regular democrallc lickel. It would only he throning their voles away, for each vote would count for the demo-populist candidate. Ily voting the republican ticket I hey will have the as. m rm He Ihul their vote will count lor lis full value for sound money. ' The way to build np Oreson Oily Is to sire Oregon litj people jour patronage. PATRIOTISM, PROTECTION, and FKOSfKRlTY. 0B PKESIprST WILLIAM McKIN'LEY, of Ohio, ros VICI-PRKSIPEST GARRETT A. HOB ART, of New Jersey. STATE REPUBLICAN TICKET. For Presidential Electors T. T. GEER, of Marion county. S. M. YORAN, of Lane. E. L. SMITH, of Wasco. J. F. CAPLES, of Multnomah. A W3ISE FROM HADDOCK. In another column is published a whine from Maddock regarding the serious charges made against him in last week's Enter raisi. He does not deny the charges of bribery and corruption that have been made against him, but tries by weak subterfuges to divert attention from the good prospect be has of getting before the grand jury at the next term of circuit court Regarding Ibe statement that he reduced the cost last year one half for publishing the tax list, Maddock knows that the credit for that reduction is due the Entekpkisk. for the publisher of this paper realizing that tbe price heretofore paid the Courier was exorbitant and unjust, proposed to cut the rate one-half, both as a measure ol justice to the taxpayers and a capital campaign argu ment for the ensuirjg election, thus aiding the republican party to ,'ullil its pledges of economy and to make more sure Maddock's re-election. He is decidedly oil in his state ment that be w ill make a saving In the cost of publication of tbe tax list by his contract made with Bain. The rale paid the Courier by Samson and Ganong was 50 cents per line, while the Enterprise charged 25 cents Vastoi it raising funds with which to build an auditorium in w hich to bold con ventions and other large gatherings. Inde pendence buit an auditorium modeled on tbe plan of Ihe Chautauqua building at Gladstone park to afford a meeting place lor tbe state encampment of the G. A. 1! Ibis year, and for other slate gatherings that the place eiects to entertain hereafter. While Oregon City has a number of halls some of them of fair size, yet not one of them is large enough to accommodate slate gathering such as has been held here or that may be held here. With its con venience of access, and many attractions Oregon City could become tbe convention city of the state had w e proper hall accom modations. These great gatherings are an advantage to any town, and esecially to a place having the advantages of Oregon City, that only need to be seen to be appreciated. It would be one of the best advertisements and one of the best investments that the citizens of Oregon City could make to erect a great auditorium convenient to tbe center of the city. iiv the lime Huin divides up with the gang he will not make so big a stake mil of I the lax list as an outsider would suppose. KstwH'iully so if the court commissioner should decide to cut his bill down atvout two-thirds. The Three Sisters will not be able to branch out and become a county pa-' per on the prolits from the lax list this year With the advent of Hrownell and Hayes j into Clackamas county politics the republi can majorities began le decrease until at the lale election the party nominees were liter ally wiped oil the lace of the earth, and not by populist votes either, hut by republicans who were protesting against Hie way tiling were being run. noted belle; and she ha retained her youth ful appearance to a remarkable degree. Many are the stories lohl of Hie romance id her marriage and subsequent blew lib Major McKinley; and ll is true Hint Hie Major Is as devoted lo her now mid she lo him as when Ihev were lovers. Her heiillh does not prevent her Inking nu ncllie Inlur esi in politics, ami hn I n strong a prolec lloinsl as her IniHhnnd Her Insles me nil Very nrllslic. Mis. Ilol.mi la forly llve yenrs old, Iml has Hie cnninge of a woman ol Ihirly. She Is e.iignriic, ami her dice I most eoressie. She I sincere, willy, nnd nu Ily a Human ol cultuie. The Ho- lurlsaro Presbyterians, ami Hie McKinleys are Melho.lisls.New Yoik I mlepeudent. MAIUMMJk'S MIIINK. TIIK PtKMiNAL FACTOR. The overhauling that the Enterprise gave the for reventie-only republicans last week has met with almost universal ap proval from republicans all over Ihe county, and the expression is heard on every hand that had this work been done a few months earlier the republican party would not have met with the defeat it su tiered at the late election. There is a strong desire on the part of the republicans of Clackamas county to cleanse the party of its leeches and barn acles, and restore it to Us old time ajluity and strength, when a nomination nits an honor and an evidence on the part uf the recipient ol his integrity and the conlidenie the voters had in the man, and not as of lat?, in too many instances, an evidence of a good wire puller and ward heeler. The republicans are in thaf majority in this county, and if they will but assert them selves at the primaries and convention the party can tarry the next election bv a hand some majority. Among the potent causes of the personal popularity of William McKiuley is Ihe in tluen:e exerted by his noble inanliood-his pure and unblemished character, sus tained by the record of an honorable I lie He is esteemed by the people as the cham pion of protection, honored as a brave sol dier of the war for the union, but his stron gest hold upon the popular heart is that he i ters, offered lo do Hie iwrsonitles that slerllng manhood winch is , hn-. with a guarantee to circulate UMicopies On.. ox Cnv, June II. (To the Editor ! I notice in lust weeks En minusa a slate. I incut pitri'orliig lo ho an Interview with me concerning Hie puhlMiIng of the dcllu-i luenl Inx ll-l. I lie slnleuienl docs not name the oilier parly In Ibe alleged Inter view, and it iH ars no signature. It appears to have been w ritten try Capital I. I will say, however, dial Capllal I, who ' ever he mny be, ha made a large dralt on his Imagination lor his fact in the case, talked with several persons about the puhli cm Ion ol Ihe las list, but lo none did I Inl;. mule such preposterous tilings a Capital I dreams In Hie I'mkhi-kisk. There is no se cret about awarding the contract lo publish the delinquent hl. The plain lads ate these : Iurlug the campaign I publicly staled I lint I ha I brought Ihe cost of luihllshlnir the annual lat list down to a reasonable fig ure (to ubout one-half what it wa under my predecessor); but that it was my pursue sllll further to reduce this exense. The EntskI'Risx ha charged .UI ceuls a Hue, cir culating less Ihau lmi copies in Ihe county weekly, and it wauled lo dn Ihe job for Ihat price Ibis year. Mr. Ilain, of Hie Three Mis. work for '."u cent a THE BEEHIME FIRST SM-114L CLEARANCE SALE the strength and the Ihe glory of the repub. lie. One of (he marked features ol Mc Kinley's career has been his devotion to his aged mother, to his invalid wife and lo the cense of womanhood everywhere His tender care of mother and wife has partaken too much of Ihe sacred privacy of home life to be noted Ij any great extent, and yet the mothers and wives of the laud have not overlooked it nor failed to honor It. What he has done for the general cause of womanhood, however, is widely known He has not sustained that cause in the ab stract only. Many times he has appeared as the champion of individual women, and has succeeded in obtaining for them Ihe rights andeqiiitiesuf v bich I hey were being unjustly deprived The New York Mail and Express records of him that he w as among the first slates- men in Ohio to advocate a change in the old statutes which made a married woman little belter than the slave of her husband and made hi in the owner of her property, even to the clothes on her back. In Ohio am the District of Columbia he successfully maintained Ihe principles that women em ployed in the public service should have J equal pay with men for equal work. He re peatedly fought and defeated attempts lo reduce Ibe salaries of women in government oilices under ibe siiecious guise of economy ; And in short, as the Mull mi., I Vri.. The object of having the delinquent tax list published was that all the people of the county should have due notice of such de linquency, the law contemplhtiiig that the sheril! should have It published in a paper of general circulation. In having the list printed in The Three riisters, Maddock has deprived nine-tenths ol the tax-payers of Clackamas county of all knowledge ol such sale, and they will thus be unable to tell If per Hue last year. The property descrip- "'rough some error they are being sold out tions heretofore given in tbe delinquent list or not- T,ie to,"l subscription of the Three only gave the owner's name, number of j felat"numbersone hundred and eighty odd, acres, and book and page on which the need was recorded, making the description ol a man's property usually occupy but one line and seldom over three lines. This year by Maddock's orders, (and he boasted of it at the time,) so as to make as big a list as pos sible, the descriptions are written out in full, as given in the deeds on record, making the description of a piece of property occupy from four to ten lines. Thus on a piece of property, the printer's fees on which were from 25 to 75 cents last year, will this year under Maddock's "economy" contract, be from 80 cents to $2 00. If he has made any aaving the figures do not bear him out. As to the relative circulation of the Enter prise and the Three Sisters, that can be left to the ppo.ile of Clackamas with tbe asser tion, which they will back up, that nine out of ten of the taxpayers of the county never aaw a copy of the Three Sisters. As to the Enterprise not being a " rep resentative republican paper," that too can be left to the voters of the county, as also Mr. Bain's " efficient service" rendered to the republican party; for all republicans know that be is a democrat in principle and fought the republican ticket two years and four years ago, and only supported there publican candidates at tbe late election In consideration of being liberally paid for the work. Maddock's statement that he bas given patronage to the amount of 4000 to the E.n terprihe, is not borne out by the county records or the books of this office. The total amount of the tax list last year, and of the legal advertisements received from thesber ilTsoffice for the two years that Maddock has bad the office, has been less than $00. It could have been more, but Maddock saw fit to divide up his legal advertising with the other papers of the county regardless as to whether they supported him in the cam paign" or not. As he has never paid the Ehterpkise a cent for all the work it has done for him in the three campaigns in which be has been a candidate, he bas proved himself to be an Ingrate to his friends as well as a leech on the taxpayers. DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES. Since tbe last Issue of tbe Enterprise the national democratic convention has placed in nomination candidates for presi dent and vice-president. William J. Bryan, and out ol the forty-seven post offices in this county it is only sent to regular sub scribors at eight offices. Shenlf Maddock wasn't thinking of the rights of the people when he let the list out; his only thought was as to the amount of rake-ofl there was in it for the gang. The aggregate number of electors this year will be 447, of which a majority is These are divided as lollows: Alabama, 11; Arkansas, 8; California 9; Colorado, 4; Con necticut 6; Delaware, 3; Florida, 4; Georgia, 13; Idaho, 3; Illinois, 24; Indiana, 15; Iowa, 13; Kansas, 10; Kentucky, 13; Louisiana, 8; Maine, ; Maryland, 8; Massachusetts, J.i; Michigan, 14; Minnesota, 0; Mississippi, 0; Missouri, 17; Montana, 3; Nebraska, 8; 8; Nevada, 3; New Hampshire, 4; New Jersey, 10; New York, 30; North Caro lina, 11; North Dakota. 3; Ohio, 23; Ore gon, 4; Pennsylvania, 32; Rhode Island, 4; South Carolina, 9; South Dakota, 4; Ten nessee, 12; Texas, 15; Utah, 3; Vermont, 12; Virginia, 12; Washington, 4; West Virginia, 6; Wisconsin, 12. ami Wyoming, 3. As an economizer Judge Hayes is a de cided success. Especially so when the bill under consideration is that of some poor fellow who is not in roval favor and the court room is lull of country people. It is tben that his highness puts on his most se vere look and straighening up to give his dignity full sway, delivers a half-hour lec ture on the necessity of economy and re trenchment in county affairs. There are times though when his notions of economy are not so pronounced. Ex Shehikf Makoock has shown that he is not altogether devoid of shame, and that he realizes the disgraceful position he occu pies in the community, for so soon as the exposure of his work while sheriff was given to the public by the Enterprise, be got himself away to the seclusion of his farm and has not shown his face since to the taxpayers of the county whose confi dene he has so grievously betrayed. as governor and congressman, as writer and speaker, he has allays idenlilied him self cordially with the woman's cause, and not oi.ee but hundreds of times, has shown himself to be a Chevalier Bayard In bis atti tude and conduct toward Ibe olher sex " This chivalrous attitude toward woman is the outcome of a life wholly chivalrous in every respect It i to the Intliiene ex erted by tins purity of life and nobility of conduct that he owes a large ineasureof that honorwhlch isgiven him in every American home. Many who disagree with him in pol itics are drawn to him by their esteem for his personal worth This influence is sure to be felt during the canvass, ami will add many votes to the sum of those cast for tbe champion of protection The people will see in In m the type and living exiynplar of the manhood America honors, and will be proud to raise him to the highest stution in the land. San Francisco Cull. instead of Ihe i II of ibe Km mi lit. After Considering the mailer 1 let Ihilu have the job. The list is large this year, owing to Ihe necessity lor closing early lo transfer the j office to my successor, and I think a sav ing ofoue-Hiird in price is an important Item to consider. Political!)' I looked at the mailer in this way: The KNrii;i-inr is fur from la-lug a representative republican paper, or a repre seutative paper of any sort, 'though claim ing to lie republican, it has repeatedly and deliberately injured Ihe cause and ticket of the parly. Notwithstanding I tils I have given ll patronage to Ibe amount of ulxoil fl'st) during the past two year. Mr. Haln, without profuse expressions of republican ism, lias, nevertheless, done very efficient ervlce for the republican cause In this county, and begot no patronage from tbe party. Now, a a matter of common fair nessbelw en men, I deemed It lie.t that he should he awarded the publishing of this delinquent list, especially since il would be such a saving lo the taxpayers. Accord ingly the. contract was entered Into on Friday,-June 27, after which Ihe Entehpiiisk sought variously, by hook ami by crook, lo get the ll.t for itself. .Mr Mescrve say: "I saw I was In a fair way to lose Hie lit." etc. lie never bad tbe li'.t, ii 1 1 I , therefore, he could not lose it; ami Inyheopininii nl all the lending and rc r,.Kt,triii,'M ,.i . i, hi;. ...... i. ..... - - , i -- , ...... ., nr sb, iiih Fllliuril j to it on political or other coiishleruilons. The Kntkrprise i certainly al liberty to I dig up my record and publish anything ill nuds. I court investigation. I speak for myself and carry my own responsibility in tins as in other mutters. E. C, Mil k. (.TURIN KKPI.1K8. Commencing SATURDAY, JULY 11th, spocial roductions will bo oiferod through out our ontiro stock. Wo havo dono an un usually good business sinco wo opened in Oregon City and aro so woll satisflod that wo havo placod very hoavy ordors on fall goods. They will commonco arriving in August and wo must mako room for thom. The first week of this sale wo shall dovoto to odd lots and broken linos Now. thn chances aro, among thoso linos, you will find just what you need, if you do, you can mako a half do a dollars duty. TADLE No. I TABLE No. 3 Kvrrvthiiig- on tliir.tal'l.'.'.rivnK I ('Ii,,j,q. .",',I,viiK If you ur il U'f'ro not gmii to tell ymi wlmt'n illinium t. , at I v luun.iin Hii kor-i tlicrt'. I'iiiu,. mnl hit fur )-nir.-i lf. jtm will ! tin. ),H, r. TABLE No. 2 All en at I'.l iTHti. Vmi iniirlit not think we wi ro truthful if (. tnlil voil the rich IxiriHiliilit ii'H in ("tore fur vim. TABLE No. 4 All nil this tulile l'.l cents. Iruve your iiM-kftlaiiik lit Vmi will rcj-ri't it i( ymi iln. ! ..iit lu'iiii'. THE BEEHIVE Caufleld Block, Oregon City, Oregon. "U TH0 MAOAII.MiS IN ONIi." THREVIEWfREVIEWS SI'IHIT OK THE FMCSH. A great deal has been said about the excited people who ruined Win. McKinley's lawn, but that is the least of their depredations. They have torn oil the shutters of his house, whittled at bis doors, broken down his stein, and swarmed in and out of his house as if it were a hotel. Children run in and out of the halls, young people crowd the parlora to practise campaign songs, a lot of telegraph operators have taken possession of an up. atairs bedroom, and a lot of newspaper cor respondents have monopolized another. For the next four and a half years the Mc Kinleya will lead a dog s life-Yamhill He- porter. There wss not an intelligent leader among tne eastern delegates lo the Chicago conven tion but knows that the country is wholly dependent upon the republican party for sound money and good government during the coming four years. They pretend to be so deeply interested in this that they have braved the opinions of a majority of the party, and yet so bitterly partisan were they and so desirous of the applause of the convention that the bulk of their tirades was a denunciation of republicans. Kussell ol Massachusetts made tins the dislihguisli- ing leature of bis speech, and Governor Mower scarcely less so. That these same gold advocates are playing directly into the hands of the men whom they declare "will destroy the country" is so plain as to need no demonstration. Chicago Inter Ocean The republican candidate for vice presi dent is an enthusiast for good roads, and as Sew Jersey leads all the states in road im provement, it is fair to assume that Mr. Hobart is a good worker when he lends a band in a public movement. The wives of Major McKinley and Garrett A. Hobart are both lovable and winning women. Mrs. McKinley. whose health baa , long been delicate, is stronger to-day than sue tias been for many years. The doctors, however, despair of her complete recovery ; and in the event of her occupying the White House next year most of the social burden of entertaining will fall upon Mrs. Hobar. Mrs. McKinley Is the daughterof tbe late Jaroea Saxton, a publisher of considerable reputation, and she was born and brought up in Canton where, it is said, she was a To the hniTnii: I'leasc allow me space lo answer lleuveriiieul King in issiul of July l. lie seems much out of humor lo think any one would dare to resent his dirty statements. I have olher things to do than write newspaper arlices ; but whether I have one eye or less this need not bother (he gentleman, as I wifl not call on such a mass of Insignificance to point the way fur me. As to his assertions (nothinir morel md llrsl, and also in the issue referred to, I have only lo say Ihey are lies niiinufuiurei out of whole cloth. I challenge him to make a single proof. His opinions are nothing and should be credited as nothing. He has plonty of time to look alter other people' allairs as he pays very Utile attention to his own. He has something to say about run oing lor omce, wnicn nas no meaning whatever. King dim I cure anything for ottlce oh, no! The last nonulist conven. tion shows tills snooping around lor votes for assessor, After the second ballot Mr. Stout could have been nominated by accla mation, but Mr. King stayed In the fight with his live votes. No, he wouldn't have an ollice. He may have a half dozen badges on the seat of his breeches for all 1 know. and one would not care to know anyway. The gold standard seems to bother Mr. King. He likely has a quantity of silver to coin that he needs in his business. He make a promise ir sent to the legislature! he need not promise, as he is not likely to be called on. I'lease write again, Mr. King, possibly more so." Respectfully, Geo. J. Currin, Currinsville, July 13. (. . '."). vn. s A . A s'r !). . sVI", n. stf). sW. sin I 'A VIA sA A A s A A V v ai Vl ', Edited by Al fll kT SHAW. "faVIEMEYIMS T I OrV4i. , M "it'. at' CT7 seTV' O IIG FCVILW OF REVIfcWS, Its name Implies, gives in readable form the hest Hut appears in the other great magalncs all over rivi MONTHS $1.00. the world, generally on the sains date that they are published. With the recent extraordinary Increase of worthy periodicals, thee careful reviews, summaries, and quotations, giving the gist of peril Klical litera- ' " ture, are alone worth the subscription price. Aside from these departments, the editorial and contributed feature! of the Ktvtrw Of Ktvitwj are themselves KXfi p" ?; 3aS-l Vis-"" 'g ANNUAL uiacmrrioN $2.50. equal In extent to 1 mag-wine. The Editor's " Progress of the World" Is A an Inviluable chronicle rf the hmnenlnot rJ ii.i.t.. ... 1 ;Z? Sfy -II- t oiv. ,1,11 ijr 113 ji-,i paM, v 1 '(..a! Vt . va v v vr, A sA A s A A THREE RICINT AMPktt 25 cents. with pictures on every page of the men and women who have made the history of the mouth. Jb$ Littrary World S.1VS: "We are deeply 1 -a Impressed from month to month wlih the value 2 of the 'Review or Reviews, which Is a sort A of Eiffel Tower for the survey of the whole s A elJ o' Periodical literature. And yet It has a mind and voice of Its 25" 0wn. " sneaks out with decision and sense on all nobti ir.ru,. ., 'M Hie hur 11 1. 1 tin.,,,! ,, ,.l,..,...l 1 .1 ... .' . V .... - . luoiomiiiun ui ule rnoniiiiy magarine and V A (neuaiiy newspaper, it is daily In Its freshness; 2 It Is monthly In Its method. It is the world A under a field glass." Z SoldonaUN.wsSLnd. vei va vr, VN v. Single Copy, ag cents. 25 REVIEWREVIEW5 13 Alitor Place, New York. Agents find It the flout Profitable Hagazlne. va vt v. Letter List. The following is the list of letters remain ing In the post ollice at Oregon City, Oregon, on July is, mm: men's list. Millej, Jesse Miller, WR Wetzler, J K Woodruff, John Abrey, J Bauer, K II Collins, Win Coalman, 8 0 Kerbs, I, C WOMEN'S UHT. Clark, Mrs Sarah Hardenbrook, Kmma Craig, Mrs I) W Jones, Mrs Kate Werles, Bertha If called for slate when advertised. 8. R. OltKKN, P. M. Insurance. If you want to know anything about Fire or Life Insurance or Building and Loan AHHOciation, call on FI. T. Sladon. He has it at bis finger ends. Dr. Prlce'4 Cream Baking: Powder nana i rut nigh.st MUI sad Oipli Closing out Sale of Millinery Retiring from Uusincss . . . Larpst Btock in tl,o city both trimnicl and untrim metl HA IS must sell at any cost. Call early and tak'O VOlll' CllOlCC. PVnrvtliimr n.. 4.. .!... mi f 1 ' .. v....,b ,,, nil,,., iJlls is 1 havo croat banraiiiH Yw tl. 1.. j n oil iji;iih;. i means the jtcojilc. MRS. SLADEN'S, Parlor, One Door Houtli MethodlHt Church. STAR GROCERY T Dealer In 1 GROCERIES, CROCKERY, FLOUR, FEED, ETC. -a78