Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 17, 1896, Image 2

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Kunily Popular a a Summer Resort
Prune Trees Hlosrinmiiig Close
of Dchnliug Society.
Snpy, Julv li Haying Is about done
ml lli crop is about an average one.
lUin is needed as Inte town grain looks
rather poor.
Tourists ami pleasure seekers are coming
out from the cities by the dozens to tlml
cool places in the mountains. Most of
them go up to Welch's where there is a Hue
hunting anil Ashing ground.
Mr. itigalowisdown from the summit and
reports that most all the snow Is gone, lie
has onlere.1 lumber here to build a house to
accommodate travelers.
ignite a number of people gathered in our
town to witness the illumination on Mount
Hood; but most of the people missed It,
as they came too late. Those w ho saw it
lay it was the finest eiseen.
The prune crop is. bound not to fail, as
Hermann Bruns has several French prune
trees in lull bloom, it being the second time
tbe trees have bloomed this season, and
as the first crop failed the second bloom
teems to indicate that it will yield a heavy
Miss Annie Donahue, who has been at
tending school in Portland, is home for a
two months vacation.
Mr. Whiting, of Hubbard, Oregon, was
the guest of Mr. F. A. Meinig during the
Mr. and Mrs. Ileitis have left for Port
land. Asa Thomas is preparing for a trip to Ba
ker City.
Saturday last a large crowd gathered at
the little school house at Kelso to debate
tbe question, that all nations should dis
arm and settle their disputes by arbitration.
After a lengthy and heated discussion the
question was decided in favor of the affirm
ative. This was followed by excellent lit
erary exercises, some of which are worthy
of notice. Miss Kelley, an accomplished
young singer, sang two nice songs. Ole Al-niisM-gger
made an excellent speech on the
value of time, which was well received by
the audience. The debate was the last for
this season. The following resolution was i
unanimously adopted : Resolved, That tbe
thanes of the Kelso debating society are
heartily extended to the directors of school
district No. 1!) for their kindness in allowing
us the use ol tbe school house in which to
hold our discussions.
Stockdnle, Kansas, are visiting relatives
here. They expect to remain the rest of the
Robert Miller, of Leon, was here a few
dnvs Inst week.
Mr. and Mrs. McOnrd, of Oregon City,
were visiting with YV. C. Ward and fanill
last Sunday.
The picnic on the llh as well attended
The band wagon and liberty car followed
by other vehicles left the village Tor the pic
nic grounds about 10 o'clock, where a great
many from other places were already col
lected. The program was begun bv singing
the national air, "America."' Prayer was
j ottered by Kev, tjuliuhy. The IVclartition
jot lndeendence was read bv Miss Olive
Tenny, one of the pupils of the public
school. J. A. Randolph, a ciliien ol this
place, delivered an address which, for choice
of words ami style of delivery, would be
hard to excel.
Arrangements for an ice cream social, to
take place in the near future, are being
made. The exact date has not bceu fixed
yet but about the -4th may be decided
upon. Something novel will be prepared in
the way of tables, waiters, etc. The pro
ceeds w ill be given to our minister w ho de
serves all we can do for him. and we make
this announcement early in order not to
conflict with anything else.
Entertainment by Hood Templars-Methodist
Camp Meeting llrglns Work.
Stafford .News.
Stafford, July 13. There has been quite
a number ol happenings since last I wrote
you. On the 27th of June there were two
burials at the Stafford public cemetery at
one time, and one ceremony, or.e being
Henry Schulti, a young man who two
years ago married tbe eldest daughter of
enr esteemed townman, Mr. WolHey. He
was crushed by a falling tree twelve davs
iwfore at or near Cleon, and lived ten days
In extreme pain when death mercifully
came to his relict. He leaves a widow and
an infant child. The other burial was the
child, a few months old, of Fred Scuatiz
and w ife.
On Tuesday the 7th Charley Schroeder
was buried here. Tbe family bad not
thought him seriously ill till the Thursday j
Deiore he died. His death was quite a
shock to the community as he had always
appeared to be a strong, healthy young man.
He was a brother of Gus Shroeder who was j
hit on the head and killed by a flying piece
of emery wheel w hich bursted while he was I
using it.
Rev. Joseph Gronde has resigned his
charge of tbe German Baptist church, and
wi'l shortly return with his family to Texas.
Rev. Reich le has accepted a call to Tur
ner. The addition to Mrs. Renter's house is fast
earing completion under the management
of the contractors, Messrs. Scheiwe and
Mr. Gage has not completed the kitchen
to his house vet.
Mr. Heflner has left with bis wife to visit
relatives at Astoria,
Charlie Larson returned on the 4th from
a trip to Liberty. He doesn't seem to be
favorably impressed with that country, as
he is said to have made the remark, " I
wouldn't be caught dead over there."
The lumber is on the ground for the new
school house. We expect to hear the sound
ol the hammer and the saw about the 20th.
J. Q. Gage started to Xestucca Wednes
day, the 8th, with a few more head of stock,
and will stay to cut and secure hay for the
coming winter.
Henry Gage, who had been at his father's
a couple of weeks, and while there made
himself a fish boat 18 feet in length, loaded
it upon his wagon, along with a new mow
ing machine, and started for his home at
Kestucca on the 1st, arriving safely on the
Ed Carpqpter didn't go east.
Grain is beginning to turn. Harvesting
will soon be here.
Harmony News.
Harmony, July ti.-(Ti late for last is
sue.) The Christian lleavor Society
elected officers for the euslkig six months
last Wednesday night. John Wise was
elected president. Win. H. Karr vice presi
dent, Harry Gitlord secretary, and Albert
Frankhauser treasurer.
Mrs. John Wise, who we reported ill, bas
recovered and resumed her place in the
Endeavor society.
Mrs. George Swope, of Oregon City, has
been engaged to lead the Endeavor meeting
next Sunday evening, July 12.
8. B. Millard bas about completed the
building of a large barn on his pla-e.
Hay cutting has been in progress for some
time. The yield is fair.
It is reported that the aphis is on the
grain, but not to any great eitent as vet.
Mrs. K. Luther has left for a two mouths
visit with relatives in Washington county.
Mrs. Dannals, accompanied by her son
Hiram, returned today alter a visit of three
days with relatives near La Center, Wash
John Tong, formerly of this place, but
now living near Damascus, visited with old
friends here a few days ago.
Miss Edith Karr is spending several days
with friends in 1'ortland.
tuite a number of our people spent the
ro-.irth in Portland, while others went to
Milwaukee, and after sending an enjoya
ble day there greatly exercised themselves
at the fire in the evening which consumed
three buildings. The hard work was in re
moving furniture, etc., and in keeping the
Haines from spreading.
Caniiy, July M Tlu Cni'liy Lodge. I.
O. ti. T. gave an iot cream aocinl lust
veiling in Knight's Intll. It "tin an en
tire success Imlli socially ami llmmciiilly.
The Canity huso bid loam mot the Mo-
lulu team on the Canbv grounds last
Sunday. At the close of the game the
score stood tl to 1:1 in layor o( Candy,
In our last communication the item
regarding D. R. Piuiick's business con
lamed an ctutiaraiing etror. Where it
should have read "popular liveiytnnn
it read "populist livery man." Mr,
Pitnick, not heing a populist, was not
very enthusiastic over tlio eiror.
Mrs. Mary Ncilteit and family have
moved to Portland.
William Klaetsch and familv have also
moved to Portland. Mr. Nickclson and
fatuity, w ho bought the place owned hy
Mr. KlikcltH'ti, am now in possession.
John Sims is olliciiiting as railroad
agent at Harlow in the absence- of the
regular agent there.
People wondered why John Aikins was
ao good natured while in town last Mon
day. It was a ten-pound girl that ai
med on the lltli that caused all the
good humor. Mother and babe doing
well. i
U.S. C. Phelpa has greatly improved ,
the appearance of his place by adding a !
fancy picket fence to his prcuusea in ,
front of Ins residence. !
The regular annual catnpmeetitig of
the M. E. church began here today. '
Canby camp ground is a lovely place on
which to camp. The association has
made many substantial improvements
lately, thereby adding materially to the
comfort of the cunipers.
Carlton & Rosenknans,
Wo liuvo just received a new line of siriii' mil i tifty
gootls and can furnish you trimmed lint or trim
tliem to order on short notice
Men's and Boys' Clothing
Our hoys' and men's clothing has just arrived.
Do not fail to see it heforeyou huy, for we can save
you more money than ever hcfon.
Kedluml Nous.
KK1.1.A.M.. July 1.1. -The Uedland tec-1 Wm ""'"'I'''" bi'niiy '' vWtmir
i. ..... o ...f .. i ii i... i at Springfield this week.
us v "rt t i m k fin i tp.i, nun mi nuti
attended went home reim.-imr i.vei ihJ lt,,v- Ibivdcn, of I'.li.l.il Veil,
iriMt.1 tlitti, tlw.v I,.. I !. ......,.. i...i.uv.,.l 1 preitcli lit the Aims
becomingly, and the lecture went off very
in html
Veil, will
house Sim-
Fehlervllle News.
Fehlcuville, July M. The weather is
very warm; dust is heavy ; grain, hay and
gardens look fine,
Farmers are all haying.
The "glorious Fourth" passed l rftly.
Viola News,
Viola, July 8. (Too late for last issue.)
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mattoon were in Port
land last week.
Mrs. Bowdish returned to her home at
Kocky Point Tuesday, after a two months
stay here.
Mrs J. W. Karten and Miss Stella Karter)
visited in Portland last week.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Henry, of Colorado, are
visiting with Mrs. Henry's parents, Mr. and J
Mrs. Behymer. I
Lemuel Walker, of Woodburn, is visiting
friends in this vicinity.
Mrs. Karten and daughter Etta are at
tending the Chautauqua this week, and will
visit in Woodburn and Salem before re
turning home.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Palmateer, of Leon,
were here July 4th.
Nat. Rowan was in Portland one day last
Miss Retta Behymer came home from
Portland last week for a short visit.
How ard Hayden and Alfred Miller came
Jjome to spend the fourth.
Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. Hollingsworth, of
man's house. The day was spent in games
of various kinds. No end of goodies. In
tbe evening all went home, wishing that
the Fourth would so'june again.
Mr. and Mrs. GmsiiTnd children, accom
panied by Mrs. Cushon, all of Portland,
were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wourms
during the Fourth.
Will I'rnilt, w ho has been visiting with
his sister, Mrs. B. W. King, has gone home.
J. S. Forbes, of Oregon City, was visiting
in this vicinity the past week. And again
Ed Sharp, of Frog I'ond, bas been in our
neighborhood. He comes quite often now.
Business is booming here.
Mr. Collette, of Milwaukee, has pur
chased twenty acres ol land here from J. A.
Thayer. He has commenced building a
house thereon. Mr. Collette has brought two
men with him to cut cordwood for him,
and will soon commence hauling wood to
Oregon City.
Mrs. F. H. King, of Eagle Creek, was vis
iting here with friends one day last week.
B. Haist. who was staying with S. D.
Benell last winter, is now staying with H.
J. G. Fehler has on exhibition at his
house a bunch of wheat, oats and timothy.
The wheat is six feet long, the oats six feet
ten inches, and the limothv six feet seven
Inches. Who can beat that? and who said
that the Oregon soil is no good .
The last week's Entkiu'Kihe was quite
newsy. Let's have some more. Allow me
to congratulate you, Mr. Editor. Expose
rascality. Stay with them. Lav them wide
open. The honest man will be with you
through thick and thin,
nicely. At one moment there were, so
ber countenances, and the next there
would be heard laughter and cheering
Alter the lecture there was ice cream
and soda which was sold for the small
sum of Sc. The proceeds amounted to
A shower of rain passed over 'his place
last Saturday morning, but did not lust
long enough to do any good. A good
rain would be gladly welcomed bv those
who huve their hay made.
A good part of the haying in this (own
is tisished.
drain is looking well, but will be in
jured some by the dry weather.
Potatoes and gardens look well after
('has Itrooks is visiting his mother ut
! Hrid.it Veil.
School w ill begin Monday alter a va
cation of a week witli Miss Jessie Wake
Held us te.icher.
Mr. Ed. Trickv was in our vicinity
Thursday on btisinessf
Fall Creek Hews.
Leon, July 11. Mr. and Mrs. Jones and
daughter Ethel, of Leon, were visiting at
Mr. Hunt's the Fourth.
Fall Creek Sunday school is progressing.
The time of meeting has been changed from
10:30 a. ni. to 2:30 p. m.
Mr. Mitchell was up from Lents to spend
the Fourth with his family. They are liv
ing on their ranch so their children can
attend school here.
There was quite a lively time at Mr.
Hunt s one morning last week. Mr. Hunt
had started for the mill when his wife dis
covered the house to be on tire. As he was
not out of hearing they soon had the flames
extinguished, otherwise the (louse would
have burned, as his wife is not much of an
expert at climbing ladders.
Gardens are looking fine, but a good
shower of rain would improve them.
Robert Miller went to Currinsville one
day last week and purchased another fine j
horse. The Miller brothers intend to do
their own hauling now. They ar doing
quite an extensive business in their saw
mill. All kinds of lumber on hand not
withstanding the amount that is hauled
away every week.
Many new settlers are coming in. We
are glad to see them come the more the
Ed. Miller was up from Viola last week
and took home a load of lumber.
Ut. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World's Fair Highest Award.
the hot weather ol the last few weeks.
P. Linn failed to go to Eastern Ore
gon. And the brass bund did not play for
the exciirsio , as was stated in my letter
of June
Fred Rerkey, a boy of 13 years, shot
andVilled a large sized coyote a few days
ago. KeeDon, Fred, you are doing very
A. T. Plowman hag had very poor
health for the past few weeks.
Several of our citizens have been at
West Oregon City cutting cord wood.
They report rather hard work this hot
Mrs. L. I). Johnson and Miss Nina
Hoyt, of University Park, Portland, were
in this town the latter part of lust, week
and the tfrst of this week to visit friends
and attend the social. Mrs. Johnson is
the president of the Ladies' Aid society
of this place.
A number of our citizens were at Viola
yesterday to hear Dr. One preach the
memorial sermon of A. Stone.
Thoe who spent their Fourth at Viola
reported a good lime.
Mr. Editor, we, the people of Kedland.
uphold you in your exposing the sea
wags who inhabit the court house anil fill
various other county ollices, whether
they be republicans or of any other
C. Cutting, one of our old citizens,
passed through this town veater.lay. He
says he will start for Eastern Oregon,
with his family in a few days.
E. .Richardson returned from Eastern
uregon a snort time ago. lie reported
bettertimes over there than here. "
The Kedland Ladies' Aid Society met
at Mrs. Berkey's July 13, to quilt for
Mrs. Johnson, the president of tbe soci
ety. Mrs. Johnson resigned tbe presi
dency. A vote of thanks was extended
to Mrs. A. Sprague and Mrs. Johnson for
their help to the society. The election
will take place at the next meeting, to
be held at Mrs. Allen's the first Tuesday
in August.
The organ is now paid for from funds
received at the late lecture and ice cream
social. Oiibev.
Aims Items.
Aims, July 13. The picnic at Aims'on
the Fourth was a grand success. Every
one had a good time, and the program
whs fine.
Mrs. J. Hickman and son Uex spent
Friday with Mrs. J. J. Eisner.
Miss Jessie Wakefield is visiting at Bri
dal Veil this week.
Henry Tabke and family, of Albina,
are the guests of Mrs. John Bramsbull,
and others.
Seigle White has finished his large
boat and has it on the river ready for
Mack Pulley spent the Fourth with
friends at Aims,
(lurkes News.
I i.arkks, or , Julv lliiying is ni
full blast ami the wild blai kU'rries are i
turning in this auction of the neighbor
hood. Several from here attended the Salva
tion army meeting on Milk creek lust
Sunday evening.
Mrs. (i. W. (irace, of Oregon City, is
out visiting .Mr. ami Airs. It. I.. Kiiigo.
I'y (lie fust
an. I emu-
Ibtilv boats, except Sunday, hav
ing Oak street U k at 7 it. in'., mak
ing regular landing nt Vancouver,
('ihciuIom, White Salmon, Mood
lliver ami all interiueiliatn (mints.
Mr. and Mrs. Moore were the guests I'tlsseng-er ami freight rates lower to
theso points than by nnv other line,
j First class meals serveif for L'"h
This is the (ireat S-enif Uotite.
! All tcitirist mliiiit that the scenery
ion the MM. lie Columbia is not px-
celleil for beaiil v ami grandeur in
1 i I ft. i . . . " ...
mo i niteii Mates, pull informa
tion hy addressing- or calling cm
J. X. HAItNKY, Agent,
li-d. 014. rortland, Or.,
Olhcottnd wharf, foot of Oak St.
E. McNeill, Receiver.
dives the choice of
last Sunday of Mr. anil Mrs. Ie
Mrs. T. Yarwood, of 1'ortland, will lie
out this week visiting.
Several from here went to Wright's
Springs to hear Whitehead ss-ak and re
toUQl home sirk and disaiuiinted. He
ili'Vijtalk on the tinanciul ipicstiun at
K. M. Manning has a contract for put
ting up hay for Mr. Klinesmith
Esglt ("rrsk Nutrs.
Kt. i s ('itrKx, July II. (Too late for last
issue.) Itiiin Is much neenVd In this section
ol country at present.
W. Maker had a harn raising Inst Kriilay.
Quite a number f our ciiUens Kent to
Sandy to eeleliraiehe Fourth,
J. 1. Woeille ami family ami a few of
their friends went to Ragle creek and spent
the .lay fishing a I in other recreation.
Mr. ami Mrs J. Welch made a trip to
Troiitilale last week to visit his sister, Mrs.
W. Ilickey. V
Hugh (lilheu, one of Kagle Creek's young
farmers, was married laxt Thursday to Miss
Henrietta Holcomti, one of the teachers of
this county. We wish the happy couple
much happiue and success ill life.
Mrs, K'l (iraves and daughter lla, of
Aurora, visited relatives at this place
laiHIiiiiilay and returned home hy way of
Highland to visit her brother, John (iitlirna
j, co- v AGENCY Jor !
A pamphlet tit Information anil as-
. itrarwfi inr lawStSnowlli ll., ((J
"uiain i-aitiiu, I afaara. Trad t
nans, uinirlirhl Mil ,fr.
KvAWraa snuNN a CO.
;iUI llro .aar.
Raw l ark.
Kan- 9rty.
Low Rates to all
Eastern Cities.
Leave 1'ortland every fivo days for
Hontit Pleasant Items.
Mot;NT Pikahant, July M. Miss .Vina
Joel, nke is at Long lleach.
Miss Kmma Wllehart spent the Fourth
In rortland.
M'Vank Andrews and daughter are
camphsaf aV'llailMtone.
The Assembly is a perfect cycle of distin
guished talent.
Helen McCord was thrown from a pony
ene diy last week, receiving some injuries J
Urs. Larll and Hummer reduced the frac
tures, and no seriona results may bo ex
pected. Miss Nettie Chase, of Oregon City, ami
Miss Hatlie b. Case, of Kails View, we are
informed, are to he in charge of the cominir
term of the Mount l'leasant school.
Archie McCord has gone to Pendleton.
Trains Brrivn
hind as follows :
and depart from Tort
s' o. 1' I
No. H
l or all Kastern points
The Italics Local
7:10 p.m.
No. 1 I
No. 7 I
From llio I'.uxi
Kroin The Pullcs
i Hi.'lda.nr.
II l)p in.
For full detuilrt pall on or ad
Gen. Pas-Mender Ag;ent,
rortland, Or.
6 . LilS
The Great-
National and Representative
Republican Newspaper.
Yamhill River Route.
Steamer Toledo,
Reduced Sulcrijition Kates, by Mail, Postage Prepaid.
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) One Year, $1.00; Hix Months, 50c.
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Monday, Wednesday and Friday
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at 9 A.M. Salmon St. dock, reach
ing Oregon City, for upriver points
about 11 A. M.
Through trip to Lavfette and
McMinnville made when depth of
water permits.
Freight and passingers rates
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