Oregon ity Enterprise. vol. wo. no. :.h. OKKOON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 17, 1890 ESTABLISHED 1800 coririH, Circuit court couveiiea llral' Mninlar In Ne vomlwraud third Monday In April, Kroliatetiourl In acaaliui Oral Monday In each tnoiali. Oiimmlaatimera court meeta Oral Wadiieaday altar drat Monday c. f i.i'Ii n Hi uko (' HHliO at K IIIOwNKI.i. A CAMI'iiKI.I, J. V, I' A M rttkl.l.. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, (laancix Citv, - Oiiuon. Jill all lliei'iulrta n( III atale. 1)1 Cauflald A Huntley' dni Will praell nee. tie at t luff. -yy II I'OllYNM, ATTORNEY AT I.AW, Ml I AMY I'l'III.IC CANIIY. .... oliKciON. M ill practice In nil coiirla of I' a a'a'e. luaiiraiic w rliitin In all leii,g rmir (.antra. All IrnnUtil '.ll'o liirli. I'll leellotia 1 ap.H'lalty, Rofrl(oratora rii bIkmiI llin only ellcrtlvii hoiiin pro-' -I I'd tun HKiilnnt lli wi'iilln-r. Butter, llll'lll Mini other Nllpplli'l Won't k With' mil r when (lit) mercury aU.ln in I lie ntni'tlntf, and the refrigerator l llm mr foclloii n( the iriiliux. Tim limit (ruin spoiled meat and othnr mipplle in simile 'Reason will riiinliliirahly exceed the colt of oiid ill the liotiHiilriM iiii remltieR, Willi a refrigerator every thing I e aiily kept Ireili hihI wholoaomii, which without oiiii would tin iiiirkly tainted mill u ii 111 lor iirh, Wa show them In live dlll'oieiil i.oi Ht (nun $9 M::i 70 . Have money liy getting one Im mediately, BLILOMi k BUSCII. Tie Honserurnlslicrs. i - m m mm r 1 Kil I., HI (lit V. I ATTORNEY AT I.AW. I a I I r iimilir Court IIihim, 1 Uli. nautliir! mil! atiBtrarU tul Mull; lialirtl, MnrlMiTPB fiifn'lriiv alp, ft g0iitrnl Uw ,iiii.eta. II. T HI.APKN, MlTAKV rTIII.K.' unl CUNVKYAKl CM. aaata ra ur titi.a kaui Ileal aiiaia handled hiatiraiic. written In th. II art f..r.1 , nl llartfiitd, 1'alailiii. Ham burg of Itretueu Oltci una ilwir anulh ut Mrtuodlal Church. c LACKAMAH AltHIHAtT A TKI'kT CO. furttlah, Alwt'ala, Cltaliia of TICe, Ile.erlp. lion, l.oalia, lliaurai rn. I'M T Taaea I'arlool Tltlea air., etc. mile. ovr (tank ol or n t ry. J. K. ( LARK, l'ra ..iii.l Mr. aauii nrr. .... iituma, (l II. lUMIt'K. I. ATTnltSKV AKDCOt'NHKUlK AT I.AW. W III practice In all cnurtl of th atal. Ahatrarta nia.lc. l'lll rtainltirit anil (fliieral law liualnaaa ItaliaaiHfHl. Oltlra arlih I. I. N J(illa.ia 'IN.NAIItll A JOIINHOS J'orter. rj w iaiau KNUINKKKH AM Hl'KVKYUltH K CIVIL ' Hallway larallnn ami ninairiirtlnn, brlilgca. plana am atlinatra lur water an.ly iHalna. au.l atrMt luirottiruciit til lowna porlal attautlua (Iran la liraug hllti ami bin rlntln( T W. WKU'll. ' HKSTl!T Willainctlo Illil., uiKjlle I'imUiIIIis. 4 tllhe liuiira (roiu H 1,111, to 12: I to t ;M p. in. T Ui-OMTKR. J' ATTOUNKY AT I.AW t. nr ri'rari rrninaiv Vrrm IMtr liana on mil atrcct. f or VM1.1.UMM. ItKAI. MTATK ASH LOAN AUKNT. A I'xxl Una of liualiicaa, rcaMciica ami auhurliati I'nil'crtjf. Farm rropcrty lu tracta tu ault cm caajr term. Corroai.nn.lriicc tiriimpllr anawcrc.l. omco, ecu iliHir to Cauflclil A lliinilcv ilru atnre. I7a ll7c LATDt ltKI'l ATroitSKYS AND (ol'NSKI.OUS AT I.AW MAIN HTHKKT OHKCION CITY, OHKCIOM. ITurnlah Alatrcta ol Tllli'lJan Mimcf. rre- Cli.aa liirllca. anil irauai- viruriai l,w Uualncaa. -" Leading Agency in Clackamaa County. :iKlalltMICNTINll - l.dVAl. OK 1,1 VKKI'OOL, ilooa lariccat liualnraa 111 tin worM. NOltTII llltl TISII ,t M , larKi at aaxita in the world. KI'N Ul" I.ONIlON, (illicit purely (Ira l iaunnce riiiipanjr 111 tlia world. .V.TSA tK II AIITKOHI), lirKc.lanil Iwat Amrrlian Company. CON TIN KNTAI. OF Nr)SV YdllK. oni of the tat Amtrii-an coiiipaiilri. AND OTIIKK FIKHT-CI.AHH COM TAX I KH. Ccall on ma) for lintlnua), and caaiii for Mlottwrw (anil Cnlandara 1;. E. DONALDSON'. At Commercial Bank, 1 1 -. - COL N TV 0 Lit T rifOCF.F.IMMlH. Uurtliiii V.. Mavca, Juilre. anil F. ! Kr mill S. Y, Miirk t'nninlHloa fra. July Term. In tlio nulbir of tli rcjmrt of viewer 01 tlij (Mtliliun of J. J. (il'riein, t al, for a chuiiK" in the Wiiininnndcl roa J, (lie ami) wit KrmiUi'l. In tlm nutter of tlm rcixirt of viewer on tlio pnition of IvunOln-n, et al, for I Kiiinaiircl the county r.lerk ahull draw a I c mnty road, the aame wax (ranted. wrrnt ' 'o'"t. In the 111 tiler of the rrnort of viewer ,n ll,e nmlU!r ol lh" l'pI' ation of E. on the petition of J. C. Hchmiill. et al. ! 8- 'lottt, et al, for.roa.l, the mine Ncilrt, 150.95 52 75 It L lioliimn, lnjiii-nt Mc- Cairrty, .'4 W XI HO K L Holmaii, iii(iiet II Htoc k . . 2 () Tlioa llulninn, Incident 48 fl), 45 tit) (ilaa & Pru'lliornrne, lirin'UiK. . 15 01 In the matter of the coiiipenaation of Sidney Hinylh fcr road w irk, It i or dered hy the ecxirt, that uifjn the com pletion of the work, and the aame i re ceived and approved by Hoad Kntfineur for a county road, the larne wa ac cepled and exenxe account ordered paid. In the matter of the petition of Ixaac: ' Karr, ft al, for a county road, the peti ! lion wa rcdired. I In the nmt'erof the repcjrt of viewer ! of JaiiiaKe 011 the change In the f'arihy and ovcr-lieitd Ijrldie road, the ame wa accepted, and petiiion fur a change in the road itriiiM. . 1 In the matter of the proportion 4 (i. W. Church to furtiiah Kravel for the Oregon City and Molalla road, the name 1 wil laid over. j In the matter of the petition of the ; Kbtera of the Good Khepherd 1 for relief from taxmt, it wa ordered I that the five acre of Kround upon which 111 building i lituated, be exempt froni taxation according to law, SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS The latest In CLOTHING and V Ncaibst ' Styles of Dress Goods, Shirt Waistslc. wa rejctel. The matter of the petition for the re lief of William White, wa laid over. In the matter of the application of K. C. CroM et al, jr a road, t lie matter wa laid over. Jf In the niar of the final report of II. 8. (ilhaon, a ichool mperintendent, the aine approved. Our Cunaular Service. "The consular service U the practical I and binineo tide of our foreign inter- courae," write ex-PreiiJent Harrison in July Ladie' Home Journal. ''There are more titan twelve hundred person in the coniul of the United State. - There are located In the important commercial cities and town of the world and are described iranerally m coniul general, conuJa,'fj5Piuiercia! agent, in A l'IOf:KK'S KKC OI.I Tlir 1XT10SH. h Flrl Mewapaper In Orejon Two Mall a Year. xation accoruinc 10 law. 7 lhi , , , '. IlrV N,,er of the adpV.Won PjU d clerk.. The illiani Korlcf. .nVhdtAVbff J , . iv.' " V" 1 1'arioua. He i the proVcUor and guar- m for an order refunding minAs PJ'v c "N 1 n x L 1 Novelties in every line. PioijCcr Store J I K. CKIIHH, ATl'OKNKY AT LAW. Wn.t l'c-rii'K tK Aix Cot iita or Tit htt Real Katat anil Iniuranr. Omce on Main Hircct t.n. Hlilh iml Hevcnth, oniuoN it, o. a o'naitL. J.B WKi'-na. , NUI U IIKIHiKM w. THiiMraoN t. oHirriTii -V ! II TII0MMI'S0lt!KKITII. ATTOKNKYS AT I.AW onicca la A llnrhlry llullillna, Hrc(on City, O U. W. Temple, 1'orllainl. iml lo Ooncinl l.w Uualncaa, Ixiau Motley, True Collcctlona, l'oreclimo iiiorltriKtu, l'rolmle pritt'tire. II. IYK. ATTOUNKY. ANI CtlUNSKLOK AT I.AW Will f irecliiae mm W"Kc, make nliairacta, Iniu liioney, ao liu cataica anl taninct a Rcnoral law liti Iiicm. Omco drat floor adjoining Hank of O CRim City. OaillOM CITV, OKKOOK fpilK CONMKKCIAL HANK, OF OKKdON CITY 'ipltl. 1I.'I" TIAHIACTa A OIKIIAI. BANKINO hl'BI NlaB. Uiana 111111I0. Illlla iIibcoiiiiUmI. Makea col lcctlona. lluya and aclla eii'haiiite on all poluta In the Cultcd Hlalea, Kurope mil ""UK Kmii. ItepoaKa rcccl"cd luliject to check Hank open from v A. at. to 4 r. at. 0. C. LATOUKK'ITK, l'rcaldcnt. K K IMINAI.DHON, Ciahler JJANK OK OKKUON CITY, Oldest BanklDK II ecse in the Cltr. Paid up Capital, ITiO.OOa. Uiirplua, .M,H.'Kl. raialpKMT, - - TIIOI. CHAIHAN VICa rBBHIUINT, 0X0. A. HARIIINO. CAamiH. a. a CAtiriai.D. JANAIIia. CIIA1I.II H. CAUrilLD. A f encral liankltif buatncai tnnaicted. Depoalta received mlijcct to check. Approved lillli and notoi dlacnunted. Ooiintj and city warrinti bouilit. Ixina mvle on ivillaltle aeonrliy. KichanK lioiiKlit and aold. iJolleotloni made promptly. Draft aold avaliaiile in any part of the world Teleinplilo eiolianijoa aold on Portland, Ban yraaolaoo, HhlcaKaand New York. Btereat palj on time depoilti. S15.000.00 To lonn on C a U V . " J I HI J' , U T V u lirporty in Clackamas County. ANDREW C. MALSTEN, aggar Building oppoHito Court Houne, Oregon City, Oregon. Tlios. Charman & Son, 9regon City, Oregon. Edoiards Bros., Successors to ELY BROS., 900 Molalla Avenue. GENERAL MERCHANDISE .0 NliVV GOODS LOWEST PRICES Flour, Shorts, Bran, Oats, Wheat, Spuds. Etc. Cash Paid for Chickens and Eggs- Uow you Can Save Money When your children need a laxative or stomach and bowel regulator, buy BABY'S FRUIT LAXATIVE. Fifty does lor twenty-hve cents. The season for coldri and coughs is upon us. In order to be pre pared for an emergoncy, get a bottle of Baby's Pectoral Syrup, The best in the market. Trice 25 conts. For sale at the CANBY PHARMACY, Canby, Or. DR. J. H. IRVINE, Proprietor. Willi tern a taxed, the clerk was insuuctpu to no tify them to apiear Ufbe next term, and prove that the w-ra not owner of the properly at the tiniejof the aiwcieuient. In the matter ot ALr. Jane Roberta, pauper, it i directed that the order heretofore made to give Mrs. Wineaett $'.'0 for the care and keeping of Mr. Hubert!, be discontinued, and that a warrant oe drawn in favor of .William Ilvis for 4 15 on the first day ol each inoVlaTor the car"aV! keeping of said Mr. Hubert. In the matter of the bond ol the county treasurer, wheseaa it being known that the present bond of the treasurer i tooBtuall, and being fully ad vised that the present bond is nut suffl Itlent, it la therefore ordered that he pro cure the additional bond of 120,000, making the total amount, $50,000. Io the matter of the Dull Run bridge, thliier visor was orderej to te.tr the same dow n. The following bills were allowed: A F Stokes, elec hall rent $ 50 5 06 10 40 9 75 7 40 3 UC 1 05 2 G5 2 21 LI 30 54 00 70 00 1 75 10 93 6 00 25 00 00 75 60 00 30 00 :w 00 51 CO 1 25 1 25 13 05 13 S5 37 10 44 00 7 50 27 25 53 20 34 33 10 00 J M Tracy, elec hall runt (ilaxs & Prudhomme, c b in p. .. Portland Keitaurant, jury meals Wui Beeson & Sun, road ac. . . . UFLinn, " " J Campbell. " " 0 0 Iron Works, " " J W liranihall, " " Poie A Co, " " Oregon Pottery Co, " " Western Wheel Sc ScrajierCo. . .1 II . M Maple & Hoffman, roadac ... Tlios CharuiAn & Son, lau ac UC hospital...... E 0 llackett, tariitit, ti7 50. . Dorothy Chase, tax list J A Taihert, tax execution. . . . S J (.arrinon. " .Millard Hyatt, deputy sheriff, OT&TCo, ch account man ul Amoncan cdinmeVce: provides for destitufeLanericanl(pldi"rlnd tends them home Lhectake cUajithe ef fect of AnJrica'ri citizens dying in the juriadictijir; having no legal representa tive; he receives the declaration or pro. teats of our citizens in any matter effect ing their rights ; he keeps a record of the arrival and departure of Amerfcan ships' and of their cargoes, and looks after vessels-wrecked ; he reports any new in vention or improvement in manufactur ing processes that he may observe, and all useful information relating to man ufactures, population, scientific discov eries, 01 progress in the useful arts, and all events or facts that may affect the trade of the United States, and authen ticatenfjtoicea and statements of the marf flue of merchandise to be ship x?d f JSi United States. Every consul ate if Ifcommercial outpost ; and if the ser vice could be given permanence of tenure, and a corps of men of competent equip ment, jt would beVie a powerful agency in extending our cSmmerce." wa pur- K It Oettingest Co, Huntley, State vs Albert Shafer, dist 4, Stute vs Win Porter dist 4. . . . State vs George Weber, $48 35, Henry Carltou, $9.... " H and E Beck , " Snow, witnesses Courier, printing It L lUjlmnn, pauper account. Kinnatrd, locating bridge nor o ,0 Wm Beeson and Bon, r'd ac. . . 08 05 UlHilstone Sawmill Company, 10 01 E C Maddock, board ot pris. 34 43 J Montgomery, hauling scrap'rs 2 50 " " booths.. 3 00 J L Holfmnn, p tax executions 18 75 W II Savage, " " . 3(3 00 J II Darling, p " " 27 00 W II Muttoon, " " .15 00 J N Harrington, " " 18 00 N M Moody, extra tax work, 17- 50 Claim of jurors, circuit court, 401 90 Claims of witnesses, State va EJiDeck 43 20 Clings of witnesses, State va lleina Bros 73 70 State va Montgomery 4 80 Slate vs McCormack, et al 40 00 Glass & Prudhomme, printing. . 30 01) M F McCown, serving tax exe. . 24 00 Chaa Noblitt, livery hire, $14.25 13 25 H S GibBon, ed meetings , 12 60 Lindsley A Son, lumber 129 03 G W TroBsor, pauper account., 3 85 J C Bradlev, assessor 208 00 Wilson & Cooke, hardware.... 37 75 0 C hospital, pauper account. . . 53 95 EC Maddock, tel and tel ac... 12 05 Witnesses, state vs Llndgren. . . 7 80 Glass & Prudhomme, supplies. . 29 00 R L Holman, coroner's inquest, Resolutions. Resolved, That while we bow in sor rowful submission to the Great Ruler of the universe, we can but jnourn the loss of our esteemed neighbor, Henry Stock, who has been suddenly called from our midst. Resolved, That in the death of our neighbor, Henry Stock, this camp mourns the loss of a respected neighbor. Resolved, That this camp extends its heartfelt sympathy to to the bereaved parents and friends in this their hour of affliction. Resolved, That the charter of our camp be draped in mourning for 30 days. Resolved, That these resolutions be spread upon the records of this camp and a copy presented o the parents of our deceased neighbor and a copy given lo the local papers and the Oregon Wood man for publication. I.D.Taylor, J. K. Mokkis, W. S. M.u i.k, Committee. How to Cure Rheumatism. Arauo, Coos Co., Oregon, Xov. 10, '93 I wish to inform you of the great good Chamberlain's Pain Balm has done my wife. She has been troubled with rheu matism of the arms and hands for six months, and has tried many remedies proscribed for that complaint but found no relief until ehe iSaaJtJiis pain balm, one bottle of whichMmkV$ipletely cured her. I take pleasure in T&'eouityending it for that trouble Yours trTtlv,rVA. Bcjxokd. 50 cent and $1.00 bottlesTor sale.by G. A. Harding, druggist. Bids Wanted. For 2tW0 cords first-growth seasoned fir wood suitable for factory use. Vood to be delivered in our yard as wanted. Payable in ca9h. Bonds will be required for the fulfillment of the contract. Rids will be closed, Jtti 15th, 1890. This company reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Okkoon City Masufactcbino Co. Oregon City, June 24th, 18sW. For the Lungs. Elder Alson W. Steers writes from Portland, Or., ''There is no medicine for the throat, and lungs that I can rec ommend to ministers, public speakers and singers, with the confidence that I can theS. B. Cough cure." 60 cents a bottle. For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Awarchd Gold Medal Midwinter Fair, Sao FranciK. The following was written by D. J. Solmebly, in early day edit ir of the Oregon Spectator Oregon's first news paper publiahed in Oregon City. Mr. Hchnebly, now advanced in year, pub lishes a weekly ' paper at Kllenabnrg, Wash : The first newspaper estab lished rj Oregon wa the Oregon Spec tator in 1H45. 'The place 01 publication wa Oregon Cit-." It was established by the mlssioiiarka'jf Oregon, which em hraceif all the territory from the British line, the 4:tliara'lel, and was bounded on theast by the Rocky mountain and 1 on tli soutlr by the California line. I The paper wa published five year and had in last time (our or five editors. Hon. Robert Moore,.of Linn City, par chased tiie plant with its good will in the falliV 184i). He secured the er iuesofKyr. Wilson Blaine as editor for one year. At tke close of Mr. Blaine's year the editor of this paper took charge of the Spectator fo-Mr. Moore for a year, at the close of -which it chased by the editor. V In those day the newt of the world ' was received twice a year; it was brought by way of the flora in sailing vessels. There was no plagiarism, no copying of editorials without proper credit. The paper had to be made up wholly of local, happenings and imaginings to the manor born. , In the winter of 1850 a semi monthly mail was etitaWfiaiied between San Fran cisco and Portland. It was a great treat to get the nrajl every two weeks instead of twice a year, as formerly. To the editor it was an especial accom modation. In the fall ot 1850 the Western Star jas established af. yfilwaujcie, by the enterprising Lot Whitcomb.' The paper was published there nearly a year, the work being done by John Waterman and W. D. Carter. Milwaukie was nearly the tizo of Portland, which contained abont 300 inhabitants. Portland was a small place then, but being at the head of ship navigation it grew rapidly; aud in the winter of 1350 The Oregon ian was establised by some enterprising citizens of the village Stephen Coffin, John Crouch, Lownadale and other. T. J. Dyer was editor. Henry L. Pittock was not then a citizen of Oregon, but arrived in the early '50's and soon after became the devil of the office. Thus the great paper cf the Northwest had its early beginning. But it enjoyed the improved mail facilities almest if not quite, front its advent. The Oregon Statesman was the next in the order of birth at Oregon City, and it was conducted by Asahel Bush for Samuel R. Thurston, the first delegate elected by Oregon to represent the ter ritory at Washington. The paper was purchased by Thurston to aid in secur ing his re-election as a delegate. But unfortunately he died on his return, somewhere between the Isthmus of of Panama and San Francisco. He was an indefatigable worker and did Oregon great service at Washiugton. He was the author of the donation law and had the new mail route established between Oregon and California, and had the first land office established at Oregon City. The first census in Oregon was taken by Joe Meek, marshal of the territory of Oregon, whose deputy, Daniel O'Neil, did the most of the work. The deputy did good service for the Spectator during- his ride over the country. We were in debted to our friend Dan for his Argus eyed reports. The marshal had a large extent of country to ride over, and the country was sparsely settled in 1S51 . In those early days the young men when they went sparking had to carry blankets with them. The proverbial "spare bed" was not often found in the residence ot the dulcinea's home. The beau in going to and trom hia sweet heart's abode looked very much likea traveling man, but as it was the custom of the country it was little thought of, and the Bweetheart had no V.Urticulty in diyining the visitor's fiwigiits. Annual Teachers' Institute. The annual institute for Clackamas county will be held at the Easthaui school building, in Oregon City, begin ning August 3rd at 1 o'clock p. m., and continuing for eight days. All teachers and others interested in school work should not fail to attend. Several of th ablest instructors of the state will be present, and a very interesting meeting is assured. II. G. Starkweather, Superintendent. Mckels. Our nickel coins are really misnamed, and should be styled copper coins. The 3 cent nickel contains 75 per cent of cop per and only 25 per cent, ot nickel. The ordinary 6 cent nickel in common use has the same proportion of copper and nickel, three-fourths of the former and one-fourth of the latter. St. Louis) Globe Democrat.