Oregon City hntcrprise. OKKIION Illy ,IKI'CKI(H H"riii'r llhlntul I'lilli'H IHrnm Mtr.M t'an K llnrni ! k m culm II I.. IMlil'ill V I. ur HI h , Trttiirir, llllir Altiirnnv, Hlnwl CmtiiiiUatniiiir, 'i !' . ill Wainr Win In, V ItnlM'iH-k . Jr. W II HnwHI II II. I ,1 Vllf Klivllinpr, iniiiM'lliiiiiii . T ('. 'I .nil. I.. C Jl, n iin', j. j i iHikK. h, h. n-i.nr. I I, l or lr, Minify Mi'lili J w. Miiltitll. IJiiuiii'll nipvlnllril H vilui'xU) nloili miinth III oily hull HtlPAY, JII.Y in. Mill. CHAT AUOUT TOWN. M'SIMKII l-UINKS.- IllriV Knot IWr Exlrart 111 r ' It. Mil llci'f Carbonated Wrliflil'n III coiil Root 1 It-f r California 1.1'iiinii Syrup Willi Cherry riiunphatn I.Iiiik ! iiiil. I mm ('Iiiuiiiiikiiii Cl'li'r. K I), Wii i.umi), llio tinii iT. )r, White's lUIr Knmer for mile ly K, I) . I' nrimwiirtli. Money Id loan mi K'"'! real eidiile security ly A. H lriNnir. II )oil nri liuiilili'il Willi tl m in lr ii If, li' to Parnawurtli, lie can rum you. Tim nrrnti'iil harjiauia eer offered in tnillilii-ry Hi itl Mm (ioldmnith's, ('batman A Sun will pay tliu l inltt inatki't iicn for potatoes, dried IruiU, tVt, I'll- I r . W. Walloua In now mminUiit to I'r. J, V, Welch, deuliat, oiHMtilit pol ulllcit. 4t Tim Novelty Candy Factory in llm ilui'it In iret pure ii'tt treaui in any imnlilv. Kreah fUli on r'rlday and Snlnnliiy of each week at I'an William's head o( Seventh atieet atepa. Hhlrl waWl In ill ilnniumi ml mica at llm Itaiki't atom. Kadi one ia a bargain of tlncK. ( 'omit ami M-o tlii'in. Strawberries with sweet cream ami Ihe iholcerit rnkri will lie mrvi'd 111 warn .ii at tin Niivclly Camly Factory for y.ifiila. I ili'ilam, Jitrnnliy Ann, if tint Red I'ruiit of (in-KDii City. Iie'ent selling- l!) H)timla beat granulated nutt r (or f I ami flour lew at ".' cent sark! kt you lark faith ami love health? IM ua fHtiilillnli your faith ami restore yoiir health with lo Witt'a Sarsaparllla. C, (I. Huntley I'minl. Ir. J. W. Welch, deMiM, baa re moved hla olhVe Irom I hi' Courier build ing to thtt Willamette, Mock oiwite the poritolllre, UllliM. A dollar aaveil la nuiil to two ilollara rained. I'n y up your auliaciiition to the Kntkiii-kihk ami get Ihn tint henelll uf the ri'ilticlion in price. T, J. Clei'lon, one nf llm bright young outturn of the ritiiti4, ileliveretl mi addrens ol remarkable nierlt at Hillnboro. Waah Inglon ciiiintv, on tint Fourth, Ir. While' luiir urowor, !." cetilmin application nt 1'iiriiHWiirtli'a. ( leans your heail iiml eradicates the iluiulruir ami liinkeH your huir nnexith nml aoft "Wake lip Jacob, ihiv ia brenkiiiu !" aoaulil ltt Witt'a I.itllit Krly Itinera to the in u n who linil taken them to uioune hia BhiKuith liver. C. ti. Iliinlley, ilrittf Ifiat. Tuna llm H'KmI wonl alon II ie line, rilearanbu ipiirkly curinl wilhoiit mi operation by simply applying le ill , Witch IJut Salve. C. (i. Huntley, tlrilggint. Sewing Muchiiiea cheap. Want a tewing machine? (let a g'xd one und puyfj.'i; five year guuriintee; 5 down $5 per month until paid. Heo llellomy t nuncb pi bout It. J. K. lledgen, of thin pluee, delivered the oration at Molulhi on the Fourth and thone prcfent from here say that it was maHterly iiddri'MH, well worthy of an old and experienced orator. Small In air.o but great in results. IV Wilt'a Little Karly Riwin act gently hut thoroughly, curing Indigestion, dyspepsia and constipation. Small pill, Biifo pill, best pill. C. (i. Huntley, druggist. Trunk P. Welch, dentist, graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, will ho in Oregon City ofllce Thursdny of each week ; remainder of each week In Tort Jund olllce, room 77 Di kum building. Tho atnlo bi-inetallio pnrty convention met at McMinnville Thursday for the purpose of perfecting organization, and to put forth the electoral ticket for tho November election. William Harlow and W. W. Jesse are delegates from Harlow . J!ev. KdwurdsIhivlH of Ouklund, Cul., who is minister o( tint largest Christian church on the Pacific coust, ia away (rum Ilia charge, on a month's vacation. Additional to liia national reputation as a pulpit orator, a particular interest is manifested for tho Hev. VIr. Davis here, from his former omragement in the city and the friends Unit lie made at thut time. Tho lecturer seems to have be come a favorite in Oregon, first having boon introduced at tho Marquam Grand In Portlund, and lately addressing im mense audiences at the state convention of his church at Turner and the state fair at Salem. He ia now on his way to the Chautauqua at Oregon City, where he In to deliver two aJdresses. Albanv Herald. For a ipilet place to bileli your lioraea awav from llm motor I Inn ami a place to iM a llrat clmm job of rnpairiiiK or huraii nhoeliiK I'lill on K. F. Hcrliiirn'a ahop on Filth Hiniitt, ('Illinium A Hon Imvn a aphtmliil line of auita of rlolliliiK of lli Intent HI y leu, ami ihoNii ileHlrlii new aulla f ir liennu lion liny, will he ulloweil a ID percent ilincoiiiit oil llm ri'Kiihir piicn for cuh. . I'irmiua who havu a ciiMiik npell every iiiuht, on ucconnt ol a tirkllnu aenmilioii In the Ihroiil, tuny overi'imut It lit once l y ailimn of (lint Minute CuiiIi Cure. C. (I. Iliiullcy, (IiukuIkI. The Novelty Camly Factory' hi( founulii U ruiiiiliiK Hliinx-til.iy ami nielli ami the iioprictoia ant aeryiiif their ciiHtoniera with the IIiichI Icecieiini whIu, Arllc aoilu, Wllliolt mineral waler, root beer ami rurhoiiiilinl oruinje ciler. A lirenl nliinliler aule of kooiU nlmlilly ilumuKcil by aiuokit Mill be on (or the not lr ilaya lit K. F, M.irlin'a c.uh alore In the olil Melhoilint rhtlreh on Seyenlh atieel. Many ol the iihxIh not In the leant iliiniiieil, w ill be aolil away ilown below cont. When wit conniiler that the intentinca are about live timea aa htrit aa the lunty , we cmi realUu the inteumt autreiiii ex Hrieticei w hit it they become llilluiueil. I'n Wilt'a I'nhc A l'holer4 Cum aulxluea inlhiiiiiiiiilloii at mice and completely re move the ililllriilly. ('. ti, Huntley, Iriittitint . It. D Wllnon, Win. Wrinlit ami Chrin I.iNiney nM'Ul lant Satunluy nml Hiimlay on the l'pier Cluckaiiiaa ami Clear cn-ek flnhiiiK. Tliey reirt royal K'! time, the only thin ImppeniiiK to mar the pleanuie of the occanion being the pernint ence ol Wllnon in llllitif up the bottle w ith w ater to the Injury of their nynleuia. Kll Hill, Lumber City, I'a., writi-a, "I have been niilfi-riny; from pllea for twenty live yearn ami tlionulit my cane inciiruble. Hit Wilt, a Witch l . Halve w an recomiiicmlcil to me aa a pile cure, no I bought a box ami it crlormeil a permanent cure." Thin ia only one of Ihounamla of almilar canea F.ci.iina, mirra ami nkiii ilineanea yielil ipilckly when It ia uneil. C. i. Huntley, drili; ltll. Oregon city H-oplo when in Portland ran get K'rxI home-i-ookttl llrnt-clura iiieul at The FrDiitinac, .'t.'l Sixth atrect corner of Mailinoii, aipetl.iii illinium being a apecially. Koomn by the ilay or week very reanoiiable. Thone Httemllng the great celebration from July Int to the 7th will 11 it tl (hit bonne aipiiet home-like place to atop. If ('omiiiianhimira court in in nenitioii thin week, ami an order linn been made iiicrcaHtng the county treantirer'a bund :i),IKKI. imikli.g the total amount uf the bond HUHXI The conlni, t with the' Chickaiiiaa It'Miin Company wan aigtied Thiirnday afternoon, full particulurn of which will be given next week. S. F. Markn, the new comminnioner el.ct, look the place thin week of K. Scutt, whoite term hud expiie I. lioveriier Lord ycHtcrdiiy innued hin aiiliiinl proclamation w arning I lie people ng.iiunt the crime and penalty involved in the aetting ullre of timber, or other pioHTty of llientute ur individual under the act uf lH'.l.'l, general law a of Oregon, ami thin impoitaiit document in now in the handa of the alale printer. When printed It will Imi (or warded to the virion nheritlit of the ntate anil dulv uu...l it. it. 1 1...! a-.iui..litA tnrr (juito a largo number of people Irmn Coivallia went to Oregon city by boat last Monday, to he present at the Chan tumpm nuw in progress there. The I-ndios, band, Prof. J. 1!, Horner and wife, Mrs, S. N, Wilkins, her daughter, Miss Lolu, and her son Hullie, Mr. W. I. Prichard, Prol. and Mrs. Cordley, President Illoss ami wife, Prof, Hedrick and Hev, and Mrs. Aloses were among tho parly. Mr. Prichard goes for the purpose uf taking cure of exhibits that go from the agricultural rollego, while Prof. Horner and wife are to chnperone the Indies of the hand. Times. The excursion given by the ladies of M. K. church on the Fourth of July was a grand alluir. Tho ladies of thut church lire noted (or making a success of everything they undertake. Nourly (H10 of Oregon City's best people went on board the Harvest Qnoon Saturday morning for this grand rule up the Co lumbia. The scenery along tho route whs grand, and the ritcamor nindo tho successful trip wilhout a hitch or acci dent, returning to Oregon City by eight o'clock. Tho Clnckaiiuis Band fur nished music lor Ihe trip, and nil who were fortunuto enough tj get on board of the steuinor, report a most delightful trip. Henry Stock, who was accidently drowned in tho Abernethy lust Saturday whilo running logs down the creek, was buried from tho Catholic church Sun day. His remains were interred in the city cemetery under tho auspices nf the Woodmen, of which lodge ho had been a member for the past throe months. Mr. Stock was an excellent young man of good repute, and was aged about 23 years. He lived in " Kansas City" ad dition to Oregon City, whoro he owns proorty. His parents live several miles up the Abernethy, and his mother is the beneficiary of a $2,000 insurance policy in the Woodmen. Mr llriMika, of Kugelie, will ing at the ('ongregational L'hurcli next Sunday morning nml evening. I'rof Utile will preach In the evening, We am anxioun to do a little good In thin world and can Ihink of no pleuminler or better way to do it than by recom mending (lint Minute Cough Cure aa a preventive on pneumonia, conmniiptloii ami other nciioun lung trouble Ihitl fol low neglected Cold. C. Ii Huntley, Hrliguinl. It would be hard to convince a mini Buffering (mm bilioiia colii; that lilnugony la due Put microbe Willi an iinproliuiliiL able mime. Hut one done uf lie Wilt'a Cube A Cholera Cure w ill convince him of iln imwi-r to allord inntaiil relief. It k.lU tin. C I! Huntley, driigginl. A. W. I'lilhpn, the eiprenninan and J. V Montgomery, have annoclated tbeiunelven aa pHtlnera in a general ex- pien nnd iliuung hiiiinena and are pre pared to nerve the public in a capable and ubligiug manner. Mr. Montgomery will continue Ilia livery and feed alable on Seventh atreet in connection with hi other work. I.uhI Monday evening the Junior F.p worlh League of the M. K. chiin li, ten dered their Hiiperinleiiileiit, Mini Kil'.ie I'aine, a Hiirprme parly. TIionj prenent were Minnie Iloylea, Lulu Young, Ha xel llavidnon, John Luiidy , Arthur Hit ton, Ola ltindon, May l'hillie, Archie ami Krina Young, Furl Monier, Cul Hut ton, Millie and Nettie Krone, I'.ennie Lunce, Nina Kindoii. Several ililingiiihed vinitora were in Ihe city Tuenduy evening, the gueala of Munagi'r (ioode of the Tortland (ien eral KlertJic Company, i'hev werej. It. McKee. manager uf the ower and mining department of tho (ieneral Klwlric Company, ( Schenectady, New YorkjT. V. Illackwell, aiiiieiinlendent uf workn, of llm (ieneral Kleclric Com. pany, SchnmMady, New York; 8. Z. Mitchell, manager (ieneral F.lectrie Company of New Yoik at Portland, and other proininent gentlemen. They took iiper with Mr. (ioode at the Portland reataurant, and Mr. Knconlcli nerved the gentlemen with an elegant apread, la minute. Mr. Itiiconlch i up-to-date, and know how to get up an elegant lunch on nhort notice. Fur the Ocean Side. The White Collar Lino ami the 0. Ii. ilS.Co, have e tree ted a combination whereby the two companies will work in harmony. The CiaUcrt haa been w ith drawn from the iWe, and the Ocean Wave takes her place. The Potter and ( ti-ean Wave will alternate a niuht boats, running direct to llwaco, while the Tele phun i anil Thompson will tike the day run, 1'iuler the new schedule a boat will leave each end uf the line daily, including Sunday, and a aoon aa the xviie get accustomed to the change w ill doubtless appreciate the new service, w hich is as near perfect as can be de vised. T. J. COTTKR Leaves Portland Monday Ht S a.m., running through to Astoria without any stops, leaves Tuesday und Thursday at 8 p. m. ami Saturday at 1 p. m. leaves llwaco Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 4 p. tn . and Sunday at & p. in., and leaves Astoria same days at 7 p. m. IX'KAN W AVK Leaves Portlund Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8 p. in. and Sunday at 7 a. m. leaves llwaco Tuesday .Thursday and Saturday at 4 p. in. and Sunday at 7 p. m. K. R. TIIOMI'SON Leaves Portland Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 7 a. in. and Saturday at 11 p. m. Leaves Astoria Tuesday, Thurs day ami Saturday ut 0 a. in. and Sunday nt 7 p, m. TKI.KI'IIONK I.envo Portland Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday nt 7 a. m und Sunday nt Hp, m, Leaves Astoria .Monday, Wed nesday and Friday at 0 a. m. and Sun day nt 7 p. in. Lodge .Notes. District deputy, Mrs. J. C. Urndloy, isntalled tho following new ollicers of Wilhiuieito Kebeknh Degree Lodge, I. O. 0. F. on last Friday evening: Ada Bid well, noble grand ; Mrs. S. S. Walker, vice-grand; Miss Clara Miller, secretary ; Mrs. Lizzie Howell, treasurer; Miss Min nie Holden, llnancinl secretary. Following are the new officers of Ab ernethy Lodgo, No. 80, I. O.O. F. for tho ensuing term : Mrs. Minnie G. Char man, noble grand ; Miss Hattie Weth orell, vice-grand; Miss Gertrude Finley, secretary; Miss Mollio Hunkins, finan cial secretary; Mrs. Paul Metzner, treasurer. These ollicers will he in stalled on tho third Friday in July. Purse Lost. A gentleman's black purse containing some coin and two checks on Oregon City Bunk in favor of Theo Molca was lost Wednesday at some point on Main street between the post office and the Y . M, C, A, rooms. A reward will be given for the return of the purse to the secretary of the Y. M. C. A. I.J. Slrattoii. Has placed in bis store, corner Seventh and Center streets, in addition to his fine line of okockrirs, hay, frkd rtc, also a full stock of LEAD, PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISH, which he will sell as low as TIIK LOWEST. 4t Highest of til in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report liwsg ABSOLUTELY PUCE Kev. I (irey, the new minister of the Lutheran chur.r:i here, in rapidly buil ling pidlyl up a Urge congregation, and hi elforls ilee-v to m crowned w ith the fullest nuccenn, a they doubtless will I. He is a gootl worker. He find (here are alsmt I V) men and women in The Dalles wholnvut some time in the pasl la-longed to the Lutheran church a larger liicin'ieinhip. he believes, than any other ptotenluut chinch in the city. Many are slow in attending nervicen. having been out of the habit of attending cbiirch for so lung, but all hnve contrib-! iitfd generously to the work. Mr. (irey I find plenty of reason to be thankful for the way Ihe church woik in progress ing, and soon this noble old church or ganization may have an edifice of it own in The Ilullrn The Ilulle Chronicle. F.very summer bat mutt go at our ecial oiler sale. Miss C. (ioi.iisMiTii, The Milliner. Kx County Surveyor I). W. Kinnaird has removed his office from the court house to the room formerly occupied by the Clackamas County Ahntract Com pany, in the Caiifleld block. He still hold down the position of county road engineer, subject to the pleasure of the court, but it ia hardly likely that thev will need his services for more than a couple or three months longer. David says that hi new office will be a capital place for the laie county officials, who have no lounging place, to while away the weary hour. However, aa be has been appointed city engineer, it is prob able that the municipality will provide him with a new office in the city hall building, as there are a number of valu able maps and pluls that should be kept on file in a secure place where they can be referred to. Leading insurance agency F. Y.. Donaldson. Harry Allen, aged 111, has broken the record for fast traveling on foot from the Ogle creek mines to Oregon City. He started at 0 a. m. Friday morning, and reached here at 0 a. in. Saturday morn ing, only eating one meal on the way. Beside be was burdened with a pack, weighing 25 pounds, and stood the trip first-rate. He had accompanied the Hamilton-Allen crowd to the mines sev eral days previous, most of whom had returned home. He brought in the news that some of the Ked Hock people from Scott's Mills, had jumped seven claims, most of them belonging to Oregon City parties We are dumb during this special offer ; sale, our prices do the talking. ! Miss C. (toi.iifxmi, The Milliner. Tho director of the l'ark.ilace school 1 held a meeting Tuesday, and elected the following teachers for the ensuing year: J. W. (iray, principal; assistants. Miss Hattie Doilson, of Monmouth; Miss Fraukie Curran, of Salem, and Miss KaleDolan, Oregon City. There were 18 applications for positions in this school to be considered by the board of directors. This will make the fourth ' year that I'rof. Gray has held the princi palshipof the I'arkplace school, and his re-election is a compliment to hie abil ity as an instructor. Ten big insurance companies F. K. Donaldson. Among the numerous persons who have been cuied of rheumatism by Chamberlain's Tain Balm, mention should be made of Mrs. Kmily Thorne, ol Toledo Wash., who says : "I have never been able to procure any medicine that would relieve nie of rheu matism like Chamberlain's Pain Balm. I have also used it for lame back with great success. It is the best liniment I have overused, audi take pleasure in recommending it to my friends." F'or sale by G. A. Harding. Our special offer sale will end Satur day night, July 4th, 1S!H5, Don't fail to come before that time. Mnts C. Goldsmith, The Millu;ot. Last Thursday M. A. Pliuuiner brought suit in Justice Dixon's court against A . O. Malston for $r0 alleged to be the balance due on a board bill in curred during the year 1895. Hedges & Griffith appeared for the plaintiff, and V. R. Hyde for the defendant . The de fendant submitted evidence to show that he had paid the account in full, but the plaintiff contended with rebutting evi dence that the balance claimed was cor rect, "flie Judge rendered a verdict in favor of the plaintiff. Reliable fire insurance F. E. Donaldson. When in need of grocorios, flour, feed or family wood, call on C. E. Nash, op posite Seventh street stable. New, fresh goods at reasonable prices. Free de livery. The U. S. Gov't Reports show Royal Baking Powder superior to all others. Balding I Pbwdr I "rm,, VnrI' rIVi'llllW 1' A UI 11 1IIMIIIII. Leader of the Republican Party. Art Yon Willing to Listen to i sozntlca? Tiik New York Thibi'ne's broad columns and largo print make it the easiest paper in tho country to read, either on the cars or at home. Henry Itomeike, proprietor of the largest Newspaiier Clipping Agency in the world, testifies in a published card, that his clipping for over 4.000 clients show s that Tiik Tkihi nk contains, "day by day and week by w eek, (or more origin al matter than any daily newspaper in New York City." He proves the fact by figures. Tiik Wkkkly ranks the same. Business men find the market report of Tin Thibcnk absolutely without an eijual. Tiik Tbihcsk is the only news paiier in New York City whose reporters actually visit all the different markets in perBon. Tiik Thibcnk now prints the best and freshest humorous pictures of the day from the comic press of two continents, and supplies plenty of oiher entertain ment. By its special telegrams and corres pondence, its able editorials and high literary character, Tiik Tkihink main tains a splendid position in the regard of Republicans and lovers of music, art, and good books. Tiik Thibcnk's society news is known everywhere for excellence. Its fashions have always been of special value, and changes of style are, as a rule, foretold in Tiik Tkibcne sooner than in other newspapers. Tuk Nkw Yohk Tkibi nk ia recognized, officially, as the leading newspaper of the Republican party. As for Farming and Tjibor, Tiik Thi bi nk has for 50 years demanded, and yet demands that very possible dollar's worth of food and commodities, con sumed by the American people, shall be produced by the American people. For this cause Tiik Tkibink labors in its various additions 3to days in every year. A man is judged bv the newspaper he takes. He who reads Tiik Tkihink is wide awake, progressive, respectable and capable, worthy of the confidence of business and social friends. If you are a young man you will live in a rut all your life (except by catering to that which is base) if you feed your mind upon news- PMHTS, mil o. scanoni. vuigamv ana in- anity. Think for a moment of the people who read newspaper of that class. On the other hand, Tiik Tkihcnk has prob ably the largest clientele of the very people who can help to improve a young man's position, of any newspaper in the United States. Associate yourself with them. Mr. Horr continues to write for Tiik TlllBl'NE. Sample copies free. Dailk y, 10 a year Sunday seperately, $2. Semi-Wekkly, $2. Wkkkly, $1. Tribink Almanac for ISiHi, 50 cents. THE TRIBUNE, New York. Forty Million Dollars of surplus is behind the guarantees in the new policy of The Equitable Life Assurance Society and there are a great many guarantees. THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, L. Sahckl, Gkn. Mub. OKKOONIAN BLD PORTLAND, OB. EAST AND SOUTH THE SHASTA KOUTE Of the i SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. Express Train leave Portland Dailv. M'm.h i ' North. SMir. a. I l.tr Fiirtltnd At IXr N. 1 I.T OrtcmClty Lr I0.4fta.il. I Ar H. Krniielnco l, IflA.H. i n A.M. 7 00 P.M. The above train nlnp al Kant Portland, fM.lkfl fit Wiu.ll.tirn HaUnt T...... ' Marion, Jfllttrnon, A lliany, A Ibaov J auction! Tangent, Hbeili), ilnlwy, Hnrrinburg, Junc tion City, Knir'ne, OmwHI, Drain, ami all tatiom from itonebnrg to Ashland inbliisiv WN1.VQ CARS OS OODEN ROUTI. Pullman Buffet Sleepers. AID Second-Class Sleeping Cars Attached to all through train. KOHEBL'KO MAIL fl)lln. lC M. I -I. A. M. I i'ii r. Lr Portlnnd Ar Lr OrwmClty Lr Ar Konebunr Lr I 4 40 r. a 13 .W. f " CO A. SAI.KM TA KSUKH. (Dilljr. fi'T f. T Lr r.'.7tr.o Ar 10 U iTi 4 .4'jr. k L' OitrndiT I.r v z7a.it IS r. tt. Ar -.l. io Lr 8 ill a. Vt cat Side LMrintnn. BETWEEN PORTLAND AND CORVALLIB. Hall Train. Dallf (Except Sundar.l Lr Ar PnnUnd Corrallln Ar 20r. Mr.a 12 llr. a. At Albany and Corrallls connect with train ol Oreron Ceo r tl i I nusm Kallrod. Express Train Dillr (Except Sunday) 4 4'ir. a. Lr Ar Portland Ar McMlnnrllle Lr 11251. llMi.l l:Mr. . THROUCH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS IX TIIK EASTERN STATES. CANADA AND EUROPI Can be obtained t lowest ntei from L B. Moore, Agent. Oregon City. B.KOEHLEK, E. P. ROGERS. Manager. An t O. P. and Pai. Agent. RIPANS TABULES are good for headache, heartburn, sour sto mach, belching biliousness, torpid liver, drowsiness, lass itude, foul taste in the mouth, bad breath, constipation, indi gestion, dyspepsia. The formula by which they are made is in use in the greatest hospitals in the world and is prescribed daily by nine doctors out of ten. Three times in five when a physician is called he will write a pre scription the items in which will almost exactly correspond with those of the Ripans Tab ules formula. Your druggist can supply Ripans Tabules in little vials for 15 cents or in a box con taining six of these vials for 50 cents. If he will not get thern for you, address, with the price, THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO., lo Sprits St., New Yobk. FIRE INSURANCE. Aachen & Munich Fire Insurance Company ol Aix La Cliaixlle, Germany, established 1S25, assets $ti.000.00O. American Fire Insurance Company, of Philadelphia, established 1S10, assets $2.liS3.115. Western Assurance Company of Toronto, established 11, assets $1,012,001.80. ANDREW G. MALSTEN, Agt. Jaegar Building, opposite Court House, Oregon City, Oregon. F.tablihed PIONEER Tfangfer and Epfe, Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city. RATES - REASONABLE. HEALS RUNNING SORES CURES THE SERPENTIS STING CONTAGIOUS JJSK BLOOD POISON SibS.srs;.0 ulcers yield to its healing powers. It re moves the poison and bunds up the system VtlaaUe MH m Ox dhMM tad In tmmw atUtd feta swift srsciFic co. autut, c. C. ti. Gnu,