Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 10, 1896, Image 4

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
Clackamns Co. Directory.
Gordon K. liny
i,im. T. Morion
K. i'. Naddock
!. M Knmslir
M. U M.mr
J. C. Krudley
II. S (illwon
P. W Klnnitlrvl
K. I. Ilmmnti
I Richard Seolt
I Frank Jaguar
Cl'k nt Court",
R wnler,
flehnot Superintendent,
(Vanges, lemons, banana!), straw
berries, dried fiuits, vegetable etc.
E. E. Williams, the Grocer.
Phosphates, all flavors at the Novelty
Candy Factory.
If you w ant sewing machine for $25
fo to Bellomy A: Busch's.
No broken collars or Irayed cuffs come
liouie from the Willamette Steam
laundry. All work guaranteed.
The Gladstone Green house has the
finest assortment of flowering plants
rver seen in the Oregon City u;arket.
Cut flowers to order.
A cool drink of that soda water or
luiiierel water that D. Williams keeps on
l.-e at his notion store on Seventh street
will refresh you. Try a glass.
Karl's Clover Koot will purify your
blood, clear your complexion, regulate
your bowels and make your bead clear
s bell. 25c, 50c., I a dollar. For
ale by Geo. A . Harding.
Ir. L. L. Pickens, dentist, does all
kinds of dental work. Gold crowns,
porcelain crowns and bridge work a
leciatty. All operations guaranteed for
5 years. Call and get my prices. Office
in Barclay building
The bargains at E. E. Martin's store
will only last 15 days. Rugs, slightly
damaged by smoke, will be sold at half
price; mattings, slightly damaged at
half price, and good -jutting at two
thirds of the regular price.
Miss Catherine Sullivan and Maiion
Rand were quietly married at the Pres
byterian parsonage last .Monday, and
the ceremony was solemnized by Key.
A. J. Montgomery, in his usual impress
ive style. .
During the months of July and Aug
list Meade Women's Relief corps will
meet onlv on the first Thursday of the
month as it is thought best to discon
tinue the third Thursday meetings dur
i:ig the beated term.
About 20 of the young friends of Miss
Aluia Albright tendered her a surprise
party at her home last Monday evening.
The occasion was a very enjoyable one,
and the evening passed off in a delight
ful way lor the guests, and ice cieaui
and refresh ments were served.
Cabbage of this year's growth, fresh
and crisp, peas tl at cook up tender and
j iicy and vegetables of the season de
livered daily to all parts of the city from
Tompkin iiro-c". gardens Goosberries
in quantities for canning at very low
price. Leave orders with the delivery
yiagon or by mail.
County Clerk Dixon has granted mar
rage licenses to Minnie Medlock and
Francis Risdon, of Milwaukee. Also to
Cordelia Florence Robinson and Henry
F. Alratiice. Miss Kohinson is a pop
tfar young lady of Clackamas, while
'jlr. Alcatriee ' employed in the weather
bureau at IVrtland.
Anv one who has ever had an attack
of infhminiat iry rheumatism will rejoice
With Mr. J. A. Stum in, 220 Boyle
Heights, IOh Angeles, over his fortunate
escape from a siege of that distressing
ailment. Mr. tStutiiin is foreman of
Merriain's confectionery establishment.
Some months ag.j, on leaving the heated
work room to run across the street on an
errand, ho was caught out in the rain.
The result was that w hen ready to go
home that night he was unable to walk,
owing to inflammatory rheumatism. He
was taken home, and on arrival was
placed in front of a good fire and thor
oughly rubbed with Chamberlain's
Pain Balm, During the evening and
night he was repeatedly bathed with
this liniment, and by morning was re
lieved of all rheumatic pains. He now
takes special pleasure in praising
Chamberlain s Pain Balm, and always
deeps a bottle of it in the" house. For
Bale by G. A. Harding, druggist.
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard.
("nil tor Warrants.
Notice is he rob t given that the fol
lowing list ot county warrants which
were issued more than sewn years prior
to July 1, lSiHi, and taken from tbo
clerk's otlice, but not presented for pay
nient, will be cancelled of record pur
suant to law, if not prevented for pay
iner.t within sixty days from July 1, 18: Hi.
Xo. :1"7, John A. fouler for fci, issued
July 7, K-tf; No. MM), 1 S. Noyer for
2, issued Nov. l, ISSSj No. 374J, J. A.
Confer for fd, issued IVc. 5, 18S8 ; No.
4iVM, I.ucien Geer for $2, issued Feb. li,
1S8!; No. -tJUll, Henry Kerns for .",
issued April 2, 1SS0; No. 4412, Jacob
Kerns for $5, issued May 1, 18SD; No.
I 4057, Jacob Kerns for fT, issued June 3,
1SS;. li. F. Hokton, Clerk,
By II. S. Stkanok, IVputy.
.Stockholder's Meeting.
Notice is hereby given that the annual
meeting of the stockholders of the Oie
gun City Manufacturing Company will
be held at the otlice of 'he companv in
Oregon City, Saturday July II, 1 S;H at
10 o'clock a. m. of said day for the pur
pose of electing directors of the corpora
tion to serve for the ensuing year, and
for the transaction of snch other business
as may come before said meeting.
C. G. Jacoiis, Secretary
O regon City June 10, 1S!H.
The Portland.
Re-opened near the corner of Main
and Seventh street. Clean, bright, well
furnished dining room and private rooms
elegantly fitted up. Have one of the
most skillful cooks on the Coast. If
your meat order does not please you, just
let me know. Best dinner in the city
including a glass of wine for 25 cents,
H:oO to 4 p. ni. Oysters served in
every style. Open day and night. Give
The Portland a trial.
L. RrcoNic-H, Proprietor.
A Laboring .Van's Home.
F'or a person, who desires to stop pay
ing rent and to raise their own vegetables
and fruit, I have a splendid piece of land,
one acre on Abernathy road mostly im
proved, house, chicken-yard, good well
and some fruit. One mile and half from
Oregon City. School house and church
,L4 of a mile from place, three brick yards
and saw mill near by. Price $230, Dart
down, balance on time. Trade or work
in part pay. Inquire at place or address
G. V. Waldkon, Oregon City.
Best and Cheapest Insurance.
Save money on your insurance by call
ing on E. E. Martin, who represents the
only Mutual doing business in Oregon
City. You cannot afford to keep on
throwing your money into policies and
pay from 3 to 5 years premiums in ad
vance and then have the company fail.
The Oregon Fire Relief association will
stand the closest investigation.
E. E. Mahti.v, Agt.
Commercial Bank Block
ForYouns Men and Young Women
There is nothing that will arouse the
ire of a voting man or woman so quick as
to have inferior laundry work put off on
them. They may dress ever so well,
but if their shirt front or shirt waist is
mussy their neat appearance is spoiled.
The Troy laundry makes a socially of
ladies' and gentlemen's fine work.
There can be no better work than is
done at the Troy. Leave your orders at
Farnsworth's barber shop.
.Notice to Contractors.
Notice is hereby given that the time
for receiving sealed bids for the con
struction of a school building at Wil
lamette Falls, (school district No. 105),
will be extending until Saturday, July
10th, at 8 c m.
By order of board of directors, July
7th. G. C. Kinney, Clerk of District
No. 105.
Cures Croup.
"My three children are all subject to
cioup; I telegraphed to San FranciBco,
got a half a dozen bottles of S. B. Cough
Cure. It is a perfect remedy. God bless
you for it. Yours, etc., J. H. G'hozikr,
Grants Pass, Or." For sale by C. G
Huntley, druggist.
Notice to Pleasure Seekers.
Persons wishing to go to some quiet
pleasure resort should always prepare
for the trip and in trying to think of the
little things they wish to carry along,
they should remember that a neat hair
cut and a nice shave is the principal
thing Ask Rogers about it.
Buy A Home.
I have a house and 4 lots for sale only
5 blocks from Main street, a good well
with pump in wash room, 25 young fruit
trees that will soon be bearing. Will
sell cheap, part down, balance on easy
payments if desired.
S. F. Pcriitubb.
Arold Consumption,
by stopping that cough. We know of no
better remedy for coughs and colds than
the 8. B. Cough Cure. For sale by C
G. Huntley, druggist.
Druggist Wanted.
To occupy the Seventh street pharmacy
building fine location and good trade
assured. Rent reasonable. Address D.
Williams, Oregon City.
Shoemaker Wanted,
To occupy a shop. One of the best lo
cations in Oregon City. Call on D. Wil
liamg, Seventh street.
W. F, lVukina, assessor of linn
county, was an Oregon City visitor Wed
nesday. Mrs, K. S. Warren, of Now'iorg, is
spending a few days with Mrs. C. O. T.
Miss Mary 1 Howell is intending a
few days with her brother, J. 1. Howell,
at Corvallis.
Hon, T. J. Cleeton, district attorney
for this district, was a visitor in this city
on Thursday.
K. S. Cuilkins, road supervisor 0
Pleasant Hill district, was a caller at
this otlice Thursday.
Will Moore was elected assistant sec
retarv of the ". M. C. A. at the last
meeting of the hoard.
Miss Lillian Hamilton, after a short
visit to friends in thin city, has returned
to her home at Tacoina.
Dr. J. W. Strange, of Roseburg, was
the guest of his brother, Prof. II. S.
Strange, Sunday and Monday.
K. Meresso and family left last week
tor the Yachatts. in Tillamook coiintv
where they will spend the sumir.er.
Miss Bertha Goldsmith, Miss Amy
Bollack and the Misses Meyerstein, of
San Francisco, spent the Fourth at Ku
gene.. Miss Nellie Beebe, u( Alvarado, Cali
fornia, was the guest of Miss Winona
Williams for several days during the
past week.
Miss Minnie Magers, of Stayton, who
has been visiting relatives at Mc.Miiin
ville, is spending a week with Mrs. J,
M. Lawrence.
T. W. Sullivan, ex mayor of Oregon
City, was commander of the fourth di
vision in the great Fourth of July pa
rade at Portland last Saturday.
Miss M. E. Barlow, of Barolw, was
relected as .teacher in the Portland
schools at an adjourned meeting of the
board of directors held Tuesday.
Prof. C. II. Jones, who formerly con
ducted the Oswego school in a very cap
able manner has been elected to tha po
sition of principal of one of the Salem
MikS Lerona Ackerman has been elected
as one of the teachers in the Portland
schools. Last year she taught in the
Grangeville, Idaho school witli flattering
.Mrs. K. M. Rands, of Vancouver, ac
companied by her two children, Tluir
low and Eulalie, are camped at Glad
stone park, attending the Chautauqua
Miss Hattiu Willuughby, accompan
ied by her brother, Alfred, has gone to
Pacific Grove, near Monleiey, Califor
nia, where she will probubly reside in
the future.
Oscar Miller of Portland a familiar
figure in otlicial affairs of this state and
pleasant young man to meet, has been
in Oregon City this week looking after
property interests.
Mrs. M. L. While and Mrs. Forest
Andrews attended a Congregational mis
sionary convention in Portland during
the past week, and the latter read a
paper before that gathering.
W. W. Willurd atteuded the crystal
wedding anniversary of Mr, and Mrs.
A. G. Walling near Oswego last week.
About 125 guests were present, and the
occasion proved a most enjoyable and
memorable one.
Fred and Bert Greenman mounted
their bicycles at four o'clock Saturday
morning, and depurted for the Blue
River mines, where they huve interests.
They may remain during the most of the
summer months.
J. II. Carrico, who has been attend
ing the State university at Eugene for
the past year, but who is employed in
Fischer's flouring mills at Corvallis dur
ing the vacation, spent Saturday and
Sunday with his relaives in this city.
Herman K. Jones and Will Parker
spent Saturday and Sunday at Corval
lis. They went up to Salem Friday
evening by train, and took the bicycle
route hum there to Corvallis, and re
turned on the overland Monday morn-inn-
Harry Sloper, accompanied by his
wife relurnsd home Monday from a
tliree days fishing tour up the Molulla
river. They enjoyed themselves very
much and succeeded in catching sixty
two fine mountain trout.
Rev. and Mrs. Oilman Parker, Rev.
and Mrs. M. L. Rugg, Mrs. Eaton, Mrs.
Simmons, Mrs. McCune, Mrs. F. E.
Donaldson, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Dnggs,
Miss Mary Mclntyre and Miss Winnie
Graham, attended the Baptist associa
tion at Portland last week as delegates
Mrs. George Bebb and daughter ar
rived from Jamestown, New York last
week, and will hereafter make their
bome in Oregon City. Mr. Bebb has
been here for several months, and is the
competent foreman of the carding de
partment of the Oregon City woolon
Gilbert L. Hedges of this city who
lias been at Yale for several years, was
graduated June 25th with flattering
honor and now bears the degree B. A.
He will not return this summer hut will
continue with his law course which he
expects to finish this fall, Mr Hedges is
the son of the late W. A. Hedges and
a brother of J. E. Hedges, popular at
torney of this city.
Mrs. L. W. McAdum, of Oregon City,
and sister. Miss Crowuover, of l'onerv,
Col., are guests of Miss Stella Skill'.
They will remain In Salem until tumor
row. Statesman.
A party consisting of ('apt. F. S. Kelly,
W. A. Huntley, and J. P Keating, left
Wednesday morning for a two months
hunting trip near the falls on the upper
Clackamas. They expect to remain for
a couple of weeks Dr. Pickens in
tended to have Joined ihein, hut ho was
delayed by illness, ami may join them
Charles Shiver, brother of Jap Sto
ver, and a former resident of Oregon
City, met w ith a serious accident at Cos
mopolis, Washington, the other day.
He is employed in a sawmill at that
place, and uccidcutl.v hud the thumb and
forefinger of his right hand taken off by
a saw.
President and Mrs. Blosa, Prof, and
Mrs J. It. Horner, Prof. O. W. Shaw,
and Professors Cord ley and llcdrick, of
the State agricultural college, also Prof
Wctherboo, teacher of physical culture
at the State university, aie attending the
Chautauqua Assembly at Gladstone
Judge Thomas A. Mcllride, of this
city, passed the Fourth among bin old
friends in Columbia county, sp 'tiding
several days at Clatskaiiie to rest and
recuerat6 after his recent term of court
at Astoria. While there the Judge was
prevailed iiKin to give an address at the
,-elcbration which was held at that place.
His oration was said to have been one
of the ablest ever delivered there.
The Presidential Campaign.
The presidential campaign in Oregon,
on Hie part of the republicans, w ill com
mence early in Septenilier, possibly in
Portland on the night of the 12lh of
that month.
Several days ago Mr. Sid Hindi, chair
man ol the state central committee,
had a conference with J. F. Caidcs, K.
L. Smith, S.M.I oran an. I T. T. Geer,
republican nominees lor presidential
electors, at which time it was concluded
not to devise any plan of campaign for
the present. During the hot spell an
other meeting will be held, when the
state will bo divided into districts, and
early in the spring a vigorous campaign
will be inaugurated. It was also defin
itely determined at the recent confer
ence that particular attention should be
given to the rural districts of the slate;
in fact, that a campaign lie carried on
similar to the school house campaigns,
that have been productive of such good
in other states. Hail such a plan lsun
adopted during the campaign recently
closed, far better results would probably
have followed, and more republicans
would have been elected in place of po
ulists, and Yamhill county would not
have been so badly handicapped
The republican candidates for electors
all express themselves as hopeful of sue-1
cess in Oregon and on their part the 1
greatest effort will be made to place the I
vote of the statu where it has been lor so
many yeais 111 the republican column
Oregon City v Portland.
Line by line Oregon City is coming to
successfully compute with Portland.
Now it is harness and shoes that have
met with a reduction. I am Bulling a
complete set of single harness, my own
make, hand-sewed for $S. A heavy
breaking team harness, hand-made, $2l.
Fine silver plated harness at propor
tionately low prices. All kinds of horse
gfKsIs, raddles, whips and robes.
In shoes I have the best goods fn Ore
gon City at the lowest prices. A good
men's every day shoe for $l.i5 that is a
bargain. Ladies' fine nchblu, $1.50.
genuine mens' kangaroo, $:1, glove calf,
$2.50, Repairing a specially in harness,
shoes, etc.
C. A. Wii.i.kv. Seventh Struct, near
the depot. tf
Chautauqua Restaurant.
W. M. Robinson, proprietor ol the
Electric hotel bus secured the exclusive
restaurant privilege:! ii, Gladstone park
during the Chautauqua assembly. The
restaurant will be conducted in con
nection with the Electric hotel, and
guests of that popular hostelry can take
their meals at the Chautauqua rnstaii
rant, if they so prefer, remaining at tho
park the entire day. The restaurant
will be supplied with the best the market
affords, and excellent meals will bo
seryed from 25 cents up.
Chautauqua Boarders.
Private families who can accommodate
visitors with board and rooms during
the Chautauqua at 25 cents per meal and
25 cents for bed, will please send their
names to one of the entertainment com
nnttee, and stato whether rooms only
or rooms and board. 'Address, Mrs. M
M. Charman, J W. Gray, O. W. Beattie
or Mrs. Mrs. Siovers, Oregon City; W.
A. Holmes, Parkpluce.
Kstray Notice.
Estrayed or stolen, one bay horse with
small star in forehead, long mane and
trimmed square in front, has cork shoes
on front feet, weight 800 pounds, about (i
years old, pretty looking pony and car
ries head high. Finder will receive
liberal reward. C. G. Hoffman, Needy,
Oregon, July 1, ISM.
flavoring extracts are the
strongest and purest. Book of "Delicious
Desserts" free.
E. E, Williams, the grocer.
Special Led 11 res.
At the Gospel Tent, corner Seventh
ami John tj Adams streets, Oregon
City, special lectures on ll 1'iiherimeUi
of Israel," illustrated by a huge oil
painting. The following subjects taken
up: "Theliole," ' The Itnueii Altar,"
"The Laver." "The Door, I'he
Boards mid Bins," "t'ovei ing", of
Badger Skins," Hams' Skins Dyed
Red," "Goals' Hair," etc, Also a gospel
address, Meetings at H o'clock each
evening, except Saturday and Sunday at
:l p. 111,
A Home. like llolel.
Farmers and the traveling public will
llnd a coiufoitable home-like place to
slop at when in Oiegon Cltv at the
O1ientall10t.il. Table supplied with an
abundance of the best the maikel af
foids. Rooms and beds uie clean and
Our 25 cent meals aiu not exi elled,
John DiiksriiMi, Pnip.
Wood Wuiited.
Fir split wood, limb, wood or
wood wanted ill this nllicc.
Largest insurance business
F. Iv DnNAI nsnN.
The body u( A.E. Mct'allerly.who was
Irowued in the Clarkamas river, June
111, was recoveied Satuiday by Charles
Bonis, in the lug boom at Gladstone
mill. At the coroner's linplest, it was
found that quite a wound had been in
dieted onMcCalhirty's head before death,
and it is supposed that the horse he was
tiding, in fording the stream, struck him
while they were struggling in the water.
The body was taken to La Camas,
Wash., for burial. A reward of $100
was offered by tho mother of McCafferty
for the recovery of tho body, she being
the beneficiary of bis A . O. I'.W, policy.
Free insurance blotters
F. E. Donai.iison.
Last Sunday afternoon l.illio Gans
and her step sister, Berlin Cunick drove
uu from Oswego in a single rig. As Ihev
neared the west approach ot the sus
pension bridge a dog ran out and fright
ened tho horse, causing him to run
away and throw tho occupants to the
ground injuring Misi Gans severely.
She wis taken to a house on the West
Side, and a physician S'lmmmieil. The
ladies were driven home later, as the
buggy they drove up in was bailly
Our special offer sale w ill mean a sav
ing of no less than 25 cents on each dol
lar, We mean what we say.
Miss C. Goi hsmitii, The Milliner,
Whilu in Stockton, Cal., some time
ago, Thos F. Langan, of Los Banns, that
state, was taken very severely wllli
cramps and diarrhoea. He chanced to
meet Mr. C. M. Carter, who was sim
ilarly afflicted, lie says: "I told him o(
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Di
arrhoea Remedy, and we went lo the
Holdeii Drug store and procured a bottle
of it. It gave Mr. Carter prompt relief
mid I can vouch fui its having cured
me." For sale by G. A. Harding, drug
gist. Best iii.-ui.iinc companies
V. E. DiiNAI.IiwiN.
The following clipping from a Wash
ington paper tells of another Clackamas
county boy who has through untiring
energy, risen to tho (rout rank in the oc
cupation he has chosen. Mr. Babliur's
home is at I-ogan. Myron Babliur has
taken the place of Charles Shubho, as
siis-rintendeiit of the Aberdeen Packing
Company's cannery at this place. Pa
cilic Journal.
Insurance that insures
F. E. DoNAI.IISil.V,
Tho best ice cream in the city at V
W. Slovull's Seventh street confectionery
store, at the old Itediloway stand . Five
cents a dish or 25 cents a quart. The
very place to get cool soda water, cigat
and candies. Give the place a trial
when you pass that way.
Sunday Services.
BT. lAt'ls ('IM'KCII - r.i,n,ri,,nl - II
It ic-lmril Monvr, Ki-rl ,r. H irviu iillla.iii.ini
n . in. niiiiu y riwui ni lu n, in,
Kev. J. W.Oiwan t'snlnr. Hnrvlees st III :m .
ami l.m r, u. Hiinilny Mi'hfinl nfinr muriiliiK
mirvwu. rrnyiT moeiniK vt i-iiiiciiiiHy u vi-ninpr it I
7:.'Mo,Rlnck. Prayer iiii-ciIIiik ill Voiiiih I'llopU-'i
ooeu-iy hi cnriuiRii r.i.neavur every HumUy
siwiiiiii ni ii.. i" irt, III l.
KIKHT HAI'TIHT ClldrlCII. - l(v. M I,
Kitim, rnnlnr Morn Inn Herv m m IIMiiu,!..
Bclinol at U ltf, Kvmiliid Hurvlee 7::i0; KiKiilnr
prayer iiichIIiik Wmlm-mlay owning. Monthly
CiiveiiHiit MmitliiK every Woitnesilay uvenliiu
procoilliiK tho llrst Hiinilay In tho month.
uifriini in viliuioil ll) ail.
Hii.i.miKANii, Pastor. On Hiimlay uihhh at s ami
10:110 a. M. Kvury aeniinil snil fourth Hiunlny
(icrinnn m-runm altiir tho S n'eloi k ninnn
At nil othor iiiSMHos Kngl IhIi si-riiioim. Hun. lay
Helmol nt i:m r. x. Vosihts, spoloKollcnl
ulilecis niul Jk'iieilli-tlnu hi 7 ;i0p. .
S. . Hthykkh. l'Hhlnr. M nrnlnv mar . lo.i .., 1 1 .
Hiiinlay Hi-hool at 10:00. CIkhh meelliiir nr
nioriiiiiK mrvlre. KvoiiIiik service at 7 ;io
Kpwurth Ja-Hirnc nit-i-timr Hui,iiu
t)M; Prayer Miu-ilna Tliurmiay uvouIiik at 7 so
utmisors cordially Invltc.l.
J. Montgomery. Pastor. Services at li a.m. ami
7:WJ r. M. Hahhath Heluiol at III . u v
I'ooiile'sHoeletv lit ClirlBlUn Kiwle.v. '
every Holiday ovonlng hi II :io. Weilniiaw
evening pmyer meutlng iit7:IIU. floats Ireo.
KVANO"CI,CAr. ('lllMiril:i.-in.ivi ,, n
lIoiiNscniicii, pastor; J. It, Kiiiikt AN.l.Unt.'
rreachintr Niirvli'im nverv Hni.,ii,u u, n . u
and 7:.'I0 P. M. rtahliath el,ool overv Hiiiuln'v .i
10 A. M., Mr. .Iiniimrtnnii Hunt, l'ravor Mh!,,
every 'Ihimday evening
KKOULAKsKHVK.'Kri AT IT. II f'imi,rii
morning and ovxiiloir of lit ,uwl i t i.. ..
oaeh month. Sahlmth Hehool nt 10, A, M. ouch
sabbath. .1. I). Hurlu.. Hin.i.
W. II. McI.ain, I'aitnr.
RRV Kll ir II... ...... - .. .
U o'clock A M , K ii g 1 1 h li i e r v I c en t i' 'iii i Ir'
Hon: Hlore room noxt door to l,l,,.rv i' ui.i...
Diiimaysi'iioiii at iu o'clock A. M. Ixien-
ley's building, coruur of Hnvnnti. ...a u. n "
The Independent.
I'lideiiiiinliiallniiiil, unbiased and Impar
tial. A paper fur clergviueii, schol
ar, teacher, IniMitiess men and
(iiiinlies. It discusses every
topic of the diiy relig
ious, llinnlogical,
political, llleraiy,'s'ial,
uriiHlic ami scion ti lie, Its con
trlbiitml article are by the most
eminent w riteis of the English language.
It employs spin dallies niul distin
guished w riiers as edllur of ilsTrt HM V
A paixT pailliiilnily lilted fur lawyer,
doctors, clergymen, tluiso engaged in
business, young people of lint It sexes
men and women who read and think lor
themselves .
A paper esnclutly valuable for those
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jk Sclentiflo American
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