Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1896)
Oregon City Enterprise. Clackamas Co. Directory COUNTY OFFICERS. Hrk of Court. K.on1or, Twiuiirer, School SuprfutUilrnt, Corouor, Cjmmil.ucr. (lonlon K. Ilnvne to. t. Horton K.C. MitJ.I.M'k S. M Hamster M. U Moor J. C. Br,ile)f II. f. (ilhaon D. Klnnitir.1 R. L. Hotmail I Klrrmnl Seott I Knuik Jaintar FRIDAY, Jl'NK SG.-lSiM. SPRAY OF THE FALLS. HEAIKJUARTKRS FOR Oranges, lemons, bananas, straw berries, dried fruit'), vegetable etc. E. E. Williams, the Grocer. 18 lb D. (trail, sugar for l Red Front. rhosphaUs. all flavors at the Novelty Candy Factory. Bran new good, bran Mis Goldsmith's. nw prices at If you want a sewing machine for $-5 KO to liellomy A Bnsoh's. No broken ivllais or traved cuffs come home fiom the Willamette Steam laundry. All work guaranteed. On Tuesday County Clerk Horton is sued a license to wed to Frances I . F.lh ington and Lafayette Douglas. County Clerk Horton has issued a marriage license to Ma Nuger and An drew Krtmanou the 24th of June. Mrs. S. Krii-kson was in Oregon City Thursday on her way from Portland to Clarkos to pay a visit to her brother John Olson, who resides at that place. Born to Mr. and Mr. 0. Whipple, in Canby on Thursday afternoon, June 18th, a son. eight eight pounds, hair pros pect of Colonel Whipple' recovery. CO I'm COIRT 1' It 0C F.F.I) INKS. (tonlon K. Haves, Jutliret R. Scott and F. Jatririir, Coiiini Isomers. Ad journed June Term. In the matter of the petition of (V Wis songor to place a hay scale in front of Ids store at Oswego, the same was granted. In the matter of the application of to William Dyer for lax rebate, the same was allowed, and the clerk ordered to is sue warrant for ftt.tiO, as rebate for taxes erroneously paid. In the matter of the application toopon the Long road, it is ordered that fences A folding IkhI takes the place of a spare i be removed from said road, and nr The best value in the city in umbrellas and parasol can be had at the Racket Store. Fine assortment to select from. The Gladstone Green bouse has the finest assortment of flowering plants ever seen in the Oiegon City market. Cut fljwers to order. A cool diink of that soda water or ninorel water that D. Williams keeps on ice at his notion store on Seventh street will refresh you. Try a glass. Dr. L. L. Pickens, dentist, does all kinds of dental work. Gold crowns, porcelain crowns and bridge work specialty. All operations guaranteed for h years. Call and get my prices. Office is Barclay building bed-room. Howard has a tine one, nearly new and perfectly clean, for sale cheap at his second-band store, near depot. -i . . . . ... mere is to oe snot tier postotliee change in Clackamis county. The post othce at Oiville will be discontinued after June 30th, an J mail for this point must hereafter be addressed to Needy. The young people of the Baptist church have postponed the concert, an nounced to occur ac the Y. M. C. A. rooms next Saturday evening. The en tertainment will be given after the Fourth of July festivities are over on account of the numerous other attractions. G The bargains at E. E. Martin's store will only last 15 days. Rugs, Blightly damaged by smoke, will be sold at half price; mattings, slightly damaged at Jialf price, and good -jutting at two thirds of the regular price. Smalt in size but great in results. De Witt's Little Early Risers act gently but thoroughly, curing indigestion, dyspepsia and constipation. Small pill, safe pill, best pill. C. G. Huntley, druggist. Cabbage of this year's growth, fresh and crisp, peas cook up tender and juicy and vegetables of the season de livered daily to all parts of the city from Torn plan Bros', gardens. Goosberries in quantities for canning at very low price. Leave orders with the delivery wagoa or by mail. Mrs. M. L. Moore has signed a con tract with the Viavi Co. to manage Clackamas county for the next three years, with headquarters corner Seventh and Adams streets, Oregon City. Mrs. Moore is much pit-wed with Oregon City and expects to make her home among ns and work the county from here Mr. and Mrs. John Toner, of Lincoln, Polk county, were in Oregon City Tues day, and visited Mrs. Mary La Foteat. Tbey were pioneer Oregon City resi dents, and at one time owned the block where F. R. Charman's dwelling now standi.. The bouse they occupied was burned down years ago Mr, Toner was one of the early steamboat engineers on the Willamette river, and at one time owned a steamboat in partnership with Jacob ICamti).' Any otie who has ever had an attack of inflainmatory rheumatism will rejoice "with Mr. J. A. Stumm, 220 Boyle Heights, Los Angeles, over his fortunate escape from a siege of that distressing ailment. Mr. Stumm is foreman of Merriam's confectionery establishment. Some months ago, on leaving the heated work room to run across the street on an errand, h was cauyht out in the rain. The re-mlt when ready to go borne tint tiilit he was unable to walk, owing to inflammatory rheumatism. He was taken uome, and on arrival was placed in front of a good fire and thor oughly rubbed with Chamberlain's I'ain BjIiu, During the evening and night he was repeatedly bathed with this liniment, and by morning was re lieved of all rheumatic pains. He now takes special pleasure in praising Chamberlain s Pain Balm, and always deeps a b ttle of it in the house. For sale by (i. A. Harding, druggist. H. Bestow A Co. are busy running on door and window frames for the Magdalen home at Park place. It is the intention to complete this building dur ing the present season. Their establish ment is a busy scene of activity, not withstanding the cry of dull times, and they ate constantly receiving orders for new work.! ' Fred Straight, son of Cvrus Straight, died at the family residence at Park- place last Saturday, June 20th, of con sumption, lie was about 21 years of age, and highly esteemed by his many friends. The funeral services were con ducted at the residence by Rev. A.J. Montgomery. The mother of the de ceased, five brothers and one sister, all died of consumption. J. R. Heater, who has had charge of the L. T. Barin place near Viola for the past six years, was in Oregon City, Tues day. Mr. Heater, who is raising a large number of ho fa, bas decided to try bar ley as a feed and he has field of this grain now growing which gives every In dication of a big yield. His other crops, be states, look well, though his fruit crop will be short. The end of the Y. M. C. A. member ship contest, which has been in prog ress for the past 30 days, closes this (Friday) evening. The contest has been an earnest one. and will probably have the effect of adding a J;un.-d new members to the Young Men's Christian Association. The contest will be settled at the Baptist church at 8 o'clock this (Friday) evening, and the winning col ors will eat ice cream. General Secre tary Stone, of the Portland Y. M. C. A. will be present and deliver an address. A quiet wedding occurred at the M. E. parsonage last Sunday morning, June 21st, Rev. S. W. Stryker, officiat ing. The contracting parties were Miss Susie Straight, daughter of John Straight, of Park Place, and B. W. La Mar, whose parents reside at the same place. Mr. La Mar has been in the em ploy ot the Southern Pacific Railroad Company for the past three years, and the young couple are held in the high est esteem by their many friends, who join in congratulations. Awarded Highest Honors-World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. DR. CREAM Most Perfect Made. 40 Years the Standard. The great event of the season will be the match game of baseball between the teams of the Y. M. C. A. and com pany F next Saturday afternoon at Gladstone park. This is the first game of the season and will attract mi :h' at ,ention, as the outcome of the contest will be watched with interest by the public The admission including carfare, only twenty-five cents, and there will no doubt be a large crowd in attendance. It will be a splendid opportunity for a pleasant atternoon in the park. The game will be at 3 p. m. sharp. In the probate court during the past week, Lorena B. Strange was appointed administrator of the estate of Adam II. Strange, deceased. The value of the personal property of the estate is $400. Final account of John Harlem, adminis trator of the estate of Leander Hnrlow, deceased, confirmed, and administrator discharged. Charles E. West, admin istrator of the estate of Whalen C. Groff, deceased, presented bis final report, which was approved and administrator discharged. The last will and testa ment of Jacob Johnston, naming Ann and William T. Johnston as executors, was admitted to probate. W. G. Beattie completed a successful term of school at Beaver creek on Wed nesday of laat week. The close of this term made nine months and one week that Mr. Beattie has taught continu uously in this district with credit to l.iin self, and to the unanimous satisfaction of the school patrons. The close of the school was the occasion for a program of interesting exercises on Wednesday af ternoon, and about two hundred people were in attendance. Among the inter esting features were addresses by Super intendent Gibson and Prof. T. G. Gary, of Milwaukee. Mr. Beattie intends to continue bis course of study in some promineut institution of learning, begin ning with the coming school year. veyor ordered to examine said mail and premises and ascertain what fences are in said road and order their removal. In the matter of redemption of prop erty sold at delinquent tax sale, and as sessed to John A. Confer the petition was granted. In the matter of the sherilfs report on delinquent taxes, it was ordered that warrant issue for the collection of said taxes as by law required. In the matter of the I. Furr road, the matter was laid over until June '..'7th, IS'.M. In the matter of the care of J. K. Tut- tie, ttio allowance was reduced to ftt.fiO per month, to issue in favor of J. W, Jones, $4 to be drawn in favor of J. M. dimming for one month. Court adjourned until June 27th . Fourth ol J ill j Excursion. The ladies ot the M. E church have arranged for a grand excursion up the Columbia river to the Cascades on the rourth of July, and for that purpose have chartererl the elegant tteamer, Harvest Queen. The boat will leave Or egon tity at 7:Ju a. m., and returning will reach here at 8 p. m. stopping at Portland and way landings, to give thone who so desire, an opportunity to see the fireworks at Portland. This will be the most pleasant trip that any one can take who desires an outing on the glorious Fourth; it will give one ar. opportunity to view the grandest scenery imaginable, magnificent waterfalls, tower of gi gantic rock columns and snowy peaks, making a succession of panoramic views unequalled. The fare for the round trip is only 75 cents, and there will be plenty of music and refreshments will be served. The fare for children will be 40 cents. Special Sale of Pianos and Organs. The Wiley B. Allen Co. of Portland, have shipped to Oregon City a fine stock of pianos and organs, consisting of Chick ering, Ludwig, Jewett and other pianos, finished in fancy woods, and of Estev and other organs. These instruments will be sold at bed-rock prices, either for cash or on easy installments. Sale com menced Thursday, in the old Boston Store building, next door to postofiico, and will last but a short time. All are invited to call and examine the instru ments. Store will be oen till 8 p, in. Burklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Iilieuni. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chaped hands, Chilblain, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. For sale by Charman A Co., Charman Bros. Block. PERSONAL NOTES. An Old Standby. Clarence Porter is so well-known in Oregon City that he needs no further in trodnction to those wanting blacksmith work. His work always speaks for it self and his prices are always reasonable. Remember his shop is opposite Pope's hardware store, corner Main and Fourth strtees. if A Home-like lintel. Farmers and the traveling public will find a comfortable home-like place to stop at when in Oregon City at the Oriental hotel. Table supplied with an abundance of the best the market af fords. Rooms and beds are clean am comfortable. Our 25 cent meals are not excelled. John Dkkhchkr, Prop. Buy A Home. I have a house and 4 lota for sale only 5 blocks from Main street, a good well with pump in wash room, 25 young fruit trees that will soon be bearing. Will sell cheap, part down, balance on easy payments if desired. S. F. ScKIITlliB. Notice. My chairs which I thought Mr. Long had taken from my house, I have found in the basement of my house, so I will say he did not take anything from my house that did not belong to him. John M. Cumminos. Cherries Wanted. The cannery at Portland is buying all varieties of cherries. The Red Front store or Hiram Straight will handle them and give prices and particulars. 2t Orkoon Packing Co. The latest in visiting cards at the En- tehphisk Ofpigb. Prices to suit you. Ask tor Dairy Creek butter and you will get the best. E. E. Williams, the Grocer. ROYAL Baking Powder. Highest of all In leavening Strength. V. S. QovoniaMBt Report I Mr. and A. G. Stogsdill of Canby weto Oregon City visitors Tuesday, Miws Kiiiina Walls has returned from an extended visit with friends at New Era. T""T Miss Clara Fisher, of Curuillia, is the guest of her cousin, Miss Mayiuo Char ma n. Dr. W. It. MoiHii of Salem spent Sun day in this city visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. E. C. Bellows, of Vancouver, has been visiting friends and relative in Oregon City. John (ileasou left for lleppuer last Sat urday, where lie will buy wool (or East ern parlies. Mr. and Mrs. C. Titus, of Scio, have been visiting their daughter in this city, Mrs. Eurio Howell. Rev. F. G. Strange, of Ashland, was a guest ol bis brother, Prof. II. S. Strange, last Friday. F. A. Case left Tuesday for llwaco where he will spend some time fur the hone tit ol his health. F. D. Ball, formerly proprietor of the cement mill in this city, recently died in Poughkccpaie, N. Y. Mr. C. N. Winslow and family left th city Monday (or a summers vacation at Netarts, Tillamook county. J. G. ltleakney, one ol the best know n residents of Wilhoit, was doing bwdness in the county seat, Monday. C. O. Hubbard, the wide-awuke fore man ol Hie licavwr creek road district, was in Oregon City Tuesday. Henry J. Bottemiller of Oak Grove was in Oregon City Thursday on probate business Mure Judge Hayes. Mrs. J. E. Andrews and two children, of The Dalles, is visiting the her sis ter Mr W. M. Robinsou of (he Elec tric hotel. Miss Winnie Williams returned home last Friday after an extended visit of sev eral months in Oakland and Alvarado, California. Mrs. Ida Lane Ross and Miss Madgo Floed, of Portland, and Miss Cicely llo- gan, of Spokan, were Oregon City visit ors last Sunday. Frank I Ian (or d and Mr. Burch, of Seattle, were in the city the latter part of last week, the guest of Major Char mail and family. Miss Violet Brown who has been vis iting her aunt Mrs P. Paquet left last Friday for her horn in the Sacramento valley California. Mrs. John S. BeaJI, of Colfax, Wash ington, who has been visiting Mrs. J.W. Chase and Mrs. U. D. Wilson, returned home this week. T. F. Ryan and Prof. II. S. Strange attended the fortieth anniversary of Harmony Lodge, A. F. A. M. in Port land last Monday night. J. A. Vanleave, a young farmer from near Monitor, was in Oregon City, Wed nesday, the guest of bis brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mr. J, B Taylor. Mis Mollis Hankins, one of the teach ers in the Eastham school, accompanied by her sister, Miss Lulu, is spending a week with friends in Washington county. J. B, Taylor, the owner of a farm near Marquarn, where he has resided for the past five years, ha moved to Ely addi tion and will make this city his home hereafter. Robert Finley, who came in from his larm at Ocean Beach, Tillamook county, about ten days ago, returned last Satur day with his family, who will spend the summer there. Will Moore has returned from Seattle, the out-look there not meeting his ex pectations. He went over in response to a telegram, but matters were misrep resented him. Hon. J. K. Weathurford, of Albany, was in Oregon City Tuesday, as attor ney in a land contest before the U.S. land office, involving the title to the town of Brownsville, Mrs. II. E. Pope, mother of Charles Pope, and Mrs. Warner, mother of Mrs T. A. Pope, both of Moupt Tabor, spent Tuesday in Oregon City guests at the Pope residence. Mrs. W. Cary Johnson, who is an alumni of Willamette university, went to Salem Wednesday morning to attend the annual commencement exercises of that institution. Mrs. E. E. Charman and daughter, Miss June, and Mrs. C. D. Latotirette and two sons, left Wednesday morning for Mehama, where they will remain a week or ten days. Misses Leonora and Bertha Kay of Salem, are the guests of Miss Mary Mc Intyre. Their mother, Mrs. Thomas Kay, who was visitng Mrs. Mclntyre, re turned home Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Diruick, of Hub bard, attended the Women's Relief Corps reception, in this city lust Thurs day night. The visitors are the parents of attorney G. B. Dimick. Mrs. L. W. McAdam, Miss Mayme Crow oover and Krina Lawrence have been spending a few days with Miss Ora Spangler at Corvullis, and attending the commencement exercises of the state ag ricultural college. Mrs. McAdam and Miss Crownover will remain for three or four weeks up the valley, visiting friends at Salem and Independence. A party consisting of J. A. Chase, J, W, Washburn, Harry Allen, George Hamilton and 11.(1. Hamilton, lelt (or thp Ogle creek mines Wednesday morn ing to remain sevotal duy. Miss Pauline Campbell Is tilling the position of stenogtapher and lypo-willer at the office of the Willamette Pulp A Oregon City v Portland. Lino by line Oregon City Is coming to Riiecessfully compete with Portland, Now It is harness and shoe that have met with a reduction. I am selling a complete set of nhmlo harne, my own make, liandmiweil for fri, A heavy breaking team harness, luiud tuade, I'M, Misa Anulio Cochian in California Mrs. O. A. Cheney and daughter, Miss Edith, left Tuesday for Mill City, on the line of the Oregon Central ami Eastern Railroad In I. Inn county, where they will enjoy a brlel period of recrea tion. E, E. Charuian, James Thome, Sid ney Smyth, Mr. Pomeroy, of Oswego, and a Montana mining expert, lull Tues day lor the (iglo creek unties, where they exiH'ct to remain for a couple, of Weeks, F. C. Morrill, of Munchesler, New Humshirc, i visiting hi sister, Mrs. A. K. DouuhUon and nephew, F. E. Donaldson, carhier of the Commercial hunk, Mr Morrill had not met his sister lor 21 year. Master Tommy Wiuesett, who has been attending the statu blind school at Salem for the past (even years, is now at hums with hi mother, Mr. C. P. Wineaett, and will sing ut the Baptist Sunday school next Sunday. Capt. J. T. Anpcrson, accompanied by Mrs. Aprou, went to Curvalli last Friday to attend the commencement ex eriisc of the statu agricultural college and will at'end a business meeting ol the board of regent, of which body he Is president Rev. Oilman Parker has returmd from hi missionary tour into Eastern Oregon U'reho attended two Baptist cl atlons. He reiwrts it uncomfortable traveling In portion of that net Ion, and at time hail to do hi journeying in an oien wagon. Dr. J. W, Welch sient Sunday at lbs home of hi parent in Silverton. He was called to Silverton by Hie illnmM ol hi mother, but her condition I much improved. Hi mother and sister in lend to lake up their residence in Oie- gou City shortly. James Shaw and son and (i. It. R, Miller left lor Dalla Tuesday, Mr. Shaw, it i stated, having purchased the woolen mills, which were erected at that place several year ago. It i the intention to put the mill Into operation a on a practicable. Misse Florence ami Louise Puqtiet returned from California last Friday. Miss Florence ha been a, a sanitarium in that slate for several months, and returns home much improved In health. Miss Loui went down a few week ago to accompany her lister homo. Fraucoes Weiss, brother of Peter Weiss, arrived from Illinois last week and will probably remain here perma nently. Mr. Peter Weiss, who ha lx en atlllicted with paralysis of the right side (or some time, is somewhat improved, and now moves around by the aid of a w heel chair. II. II. Johnson anil Ernest Rands leave to day (Friday) for the Clearwater country in central Idaho, where tbey haye an extensive government surveying contract. In addition to the name of the crew published last week, the follow ing will acconpany them: William Bax ter, Melvin David and Mr. I-ouchy, Ex-Mayor J. M. Welch, of Stockton, California, accompanied by bis family, wore guests of Mr. and Mr. G. A. Hard ing last Tuesday. Mr. Welch was also mayor of Oregon City at one time, and was Interested in the flouring mills in this city. Ho is now one of thn owners of the Crown Flouring Mills in Stock ton, and his partner is I. Schwabacker, one of the owners of the Crown Paper Mills in this city, The Artlsiius Entertain. Willamette hall Wednesday evening resounded with the merriment of festive Artisans, assembled in 0en meeting. Ice cream and cake and a short program were the features of the evening. Mrs. hadie White rendered a solo in a most excellent manner with accompaniment by Miss Beatrice Barlow. The mirth of the audience w as next aroused by Miss Amy Bolack in her catchy recitation, 'She was there and so was I" After a highly appr ciated piano solo by Miss Beatrice Barlow the hall was cleared and a short time spent in a social dunce. Ten new members were added to the ranks of the assembly. Next Tuesday evening an increase meeting will he held at which twenty initations are antici pated. C'liiiiituiiqua Hoarders, Private families who can accommodate visitors with board and rooms during the Chautauqua at 25 cents per meal and 25 cents for bed, will please send their names to one of the entertuinmont com mittee, and state whether rooms only or rooms and board. Address, Mrs. M. M. Charman, J W. Gray, G. W. Beattie or Mrs. Mrs. Slevers, Oregon Cityj W. A. Holmes, Parkpluce. Wood Sawing. Get the steam wood saw to cut your wood is the cheapest and quickest. Don't wait until the rains sot in and your wood gets soaked until it wont burn. Will go to any part of the city or suburbs. Address or sail on T. B. Hankins. PuHr Company, timing thn absence of j Fine silver plate I harness at propor tionately low price. All kinds of horse goods, raddle, whip and robes, In shim I have the heat goods fn Ore gon City at the lowest price. A good men's every day shoo for f 1,115 that i a bargain. Ladles' tlnn pebble, $1.A0. genuine metis' kangaroo, f.l, g0vn calf, J.r.O. Repairing a vpocially in harness, shoes, etc, C. A. Wiiikv. Seventh Street, near the dcot. ti Stockholder' Meeting. Notice I hereby given that thn annual nulling of the stockholder ol thn (be gun City Manufacturing Company will be held at thn olllco of 'he company In Oregon City, Saturday July II, 1 mini (t 10 o'clock a. in. of said day for thn pur Hisn of electing directors of thn corpora tion to serve for thn ensuing year, and for the transaction of such other business) a may come Mora said meeting. C. (I. Jacoiis, Secretary. O regon City June 10, IHim, The Portland. He-oMned near thn corner of Main Mild Seventh slrwt. Clean, bright, well- furiiished dining room and prlvat room elegantly lilted up. Haye one of thn most skillful cooks on the Coast. If your meat order doe not please you, just let me know. Best dinner In tho city Including a glass of win lor 2A rents, II Ilk) to 4 p. m. Oyster nerved In every style, Open dy and night. Give Thn Portland a trial. I.. Rt'i'oNii ii, Proprietor. Best anil Cheapest lusuranre. Save money on your Insurance by call ing on E. E. Martin, who reprsmnt thn only Mutual doing biisimw in Oregon City, You cannot arTurd to keep on throw ing your money Into policies and pay from 3 to 5 years premium In ad vance ami then have the eoniuiny fall. The Oregon Fire Relief association will Hand the closest investigation. E. E, Mantim, Agt. Commercial Bank Block. For Young Men and Young Women There I nothing that will arouse the ire of a voting man or woman so quick a to have inferior laundry work put off on them. Tbey mv dress ever to well. hut If their shirt front or shirt waist In mussy their neat appearance I siollcd. Thn Troy laundry make a iaclalty of ladies' and gentlemen' fine work. There can be no better work than Is done at the Troy. Leave your orders at Farnsworth' harlsr shop. Iji'ii. PORTLAND TO THE D AXLES l!y tho fust nml com modious steamers DALLES CITY REGULATOR Daily lioutH, except Sunduy, leav ing Oak Hired din k at 7 a. iii.,iiiak- Hi regular landings at Vancouver. Cascades, Whito Salmon. Hood Uivor ami all intermediate tsiintH. I'ftsseriL'cr and frviiht rates luwor to theso jMiintH than by any other lino. r irst claHH meals served for L'.io. I hit ih the (ireat Scenic Route All tourist admit that tho Bccnorv on tho Middle Columbia is not ox celled for beauty and grandeur in tho United States. Full informa tion by addressing or calling on J. N. II A UN 11 V, Agent, Tel. 014. Portland. Or . Ollico and wharf, foot of Oak St. Webster's international! Dictionary The One Orent fitnntlimt Authority, 1 JllHtl, II. S. Hiihivin Cnnrl. (r8nd a Postal far Speclmsn Psges, tte. "Vaubrldged." Htaiidard nrilii-l'.s.tinr't Print-, Insofliut, ihiU.H. Hii- itrt'liM, Cnim, alt thn ' Mmu Kiii,,iti0 ConriK, ' loi'l of iii uly sll Hit E1I.(IWIUUU1., Wnriiilv t oiiiiiiciiflc-d hr Slut" Siifrlrittnl. cum fit Krhitfil.. nml . oltinr Kilni'tttiir. nltuuot , Wliuoul liuiiilwr. THE BE8T FOR EVERYBODY SKCAUBK , It It MIV ta find ihm minrd wanttuf. , It Is easy to ascertain tha pronunciation. , It It my to traca tho growth of a word. , , ii is aasy to learn what a word means. mn?m ' Wftlmllir'fl IfitnrnNl.fttiril It, Ita in nnt i i i wiiii i n riimmiiia niiiiinrii v nn virvill III nt'llMliiIllu U'Minr luriiritiiifij in m w ny of orUMiifntiiliy, orttn) t ,ly.,tyiiin'(ii v, anil (lonmilrin. l- ri'm 11 tlnm h" nit ' ninwrtl. It I-..M frrfi('t n iiiiniiiii rffuit ttiitl Imlttr- fiii'Hn iiutkal(.-lhNt. h, im. , tr O. MEKRtAM CO., PuhUitherM,