Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1896)
Oregon City Enterprise. I SCHEDULES OF TIME (t. !, T. I'O.'H HTKAMKIIH. Al,HNa AMI IUMhKa, IM -lttri.Klt,4t.KM ami INHKI'INIXNI I. Leave I'lirllanil. 'l it lir ulirnl dock m 0 4j A. M. k jf . sundar Vim A, M, ami l.,,n,. dugout h)f f,i rliim h ,m a, M. wi. d.iy. mitl li ;iu nui'iluy. JC ctt II r 1 iik linvo lllrHiili 'lly fur I'lHllmill It '1 It ,, i nn,i , mi i, j, hiiii.x. Faallltim, good HcoiiiKHlniliiiin and low ralra. No way linitlit Ii.ii,!!,,,!. Hi.oolal rCt' oil llltilllull lfl'llll. HonilKHfl I'ACIKK! RAILWAY. SOUTH M Mil. " California Kinrim (through) 7 l:i. m. Ko.nlmrg lucal (way tatlnua) K V i. in . Malum I'uautugur ,'7 a, m. eollTH miUHII. Ko.Mmrg l,oel iwajr tallima) 27 a. m t'alllnlliU Kil (through) 114. i. Ul Halfcm 1'iaa 'iiggr t.&uu, uj. I'UHTAl. HC'IIKIiUI.K. IV aul'TllaaM rUIU KAII.KOAM. Mall I'lixva going Nciilli, II JO i in. ami 7 p. m. Mall oiiinri (.iiiiii South, B 1.7 a. m ami 7 p. m. Mall il lai rl l.iilo.l In, in North a. in., lu I', a. in. Mall bm.,1 In, ill rxiulli, ft a. in , 4 p. m, ItllT lib Mall rli.aM liir rurllaml ai,il diilrlbullng point, I'i.ooti. ami 4 46 i. in. Mail clo.aa lor Milwaukee only, Its a. nu. 4 4& p. ui. Mail arilvei (nun Portland, U N a. m. and 4 It p. m. aim aot'Tle. Oregon City In Kly, I'af ua. Million, Liberal ami Mi.Ulla Iravoa at 12 lu. ami arilvva al U ui. dally. Orraoii City lo Pcarrr Crack, Mink, Clark. Meadow llrook, I'nlon Mllla, ami I oltoii laca I a. ui. Monday, Wcilncxlay ami rneay, and return, ml lollnwing ilava al 4 tfl P. m Oregon I lly lo Viola, l.aii ami lledland leevca (ircgun t'lly Monday, VYrdiirMlay and Friday at I.OV p. ui., leaving Viola ulna daya l 7. mi a. it, Orogou Illy In Willamette, Staffofl and Wil.onvli.e, arrive al lu M) a. in. aud leave, at II Jl a. in. u,iy. U'io rl dvliverjr window li upon on anmlay (nun III lo Ha. in. A.I ll rilti, i,i im.i U, but al ina l,.or l .Mimitly off Sua lr, a uu d if. A I kut ru mall thai la delayed and Mia l arrive on V so a. m., s. I'. lrlu ili cm. ou 12 urlork or 4 ..relrlo car. W I I.I.AM KITH PALM It Y. i a liiavi rixaiiiN umi ui iu.m raixa A !.l a. in. 0 a. in. 7 i 7 16 ui ft no ' lu iu v mi " 111) " 10 Ml ' 1J il i.4.1 I Dm. ui. I:ii l. in. J i:i - 2.'0 on ' .1 u " 4U ' i M " ,4) " 111 8 io l.j, to ' 7 " I it " II " v u 10 tt W. " kundey cra Ivava avt ry hnnr unill 1 n'elu, k p m. lu (lecl ou and f'-i Jimrv t. Ikwv, C. A. kill.l Kll, M IT. FKIIUV, JI'NK I'd. mt KxikMiou aki Hiionnv Mu.t.a Hi khkii. A mokt dinaHlrou tire oc curred on the Wekt Side at the foot of the lock canal, at about I all pant two lant Sunday morning, totally destroying the rxreUior and ahoddy mil In. The moat pluiialble theory advanced auto the cauae of the lire U, that a kpurk fium one ol the picker iuiU'ded Itm'K Into a bale of ahoddy, and after amouldering for Heveral noun, burnt out into flume and apread rapidly with the dry mate Hit! to work upon. At leant, that waa where the (Ire originated, aad Olii Mor rli, who klept in tho mill, wa aevundy burned while attempting to prevent the npreud of the flame. When the picker are in operation, ipnrk are coimtantly Iming generated, which are carefully watched to prevent them falling on the dry ahoddy and ('aiming a conllagration. It la U'lieveil that a ipark em-aped ob ecrvrttion at thlitime, and ipiietly diJ it work uf ruin. The burning building Hindu an linumnae blaae and waa vinilile In I'ortlund The firemen aved the woodrihed by parrying water In buckets, but everything Immediately connected with tho factory waa totally deitroyed. The excelkior and ahoddy work were erected nearly ton years auo, and moat of tho Block of the corporation I held in Oregon City. Id 1WU the entiro plant wa carried away by flood, and the Ions at that time wai eatiuiated at about 115,000. This time the Ion ii put at $12,000 with no insurance. The himvlent losers In the concern at this time, are Wayne Howard, T. L. Charhiun, II. II. Johnson and Canllelds, although stock is held by a number of the buiiinHS men of Oregon City. It was a home enter prise and gave employment to several men, who will iiiIms their regular salary. The product of the factory was ship ped to every part of the coast, and proved a source of revenue to Oregon City people. It is not likely that the factory will be rehuilt, lor owing to the Influmnble material handled, the owners have to curry their own rink. Otis Mor ris lost his trunk, wbicU he tli rew out of a window of the burning building. Ohkiiun City's Futtm Wood Supply. Ii is estimated thut the consumption of cord wood for factory and private use in Oregon City now averages 225 cords per day for the year. To supply this great quantity of v ood, which Is increas ing at a rapid ratio each year, will re quire the timber that grow within such a diktance of Oregon City as enables tho wood to be hauled by team, will be ex hausted in five years, and it will then have to be hauled In by electric cars, or brought down our streams. In fact so great in the destruction of the timber in the thickly settled portions of ! Clackamas County that the time Is near at hand when all the fuel and sawlogs will have to come from the foothills. In the valley and foothills tributary to the Clackamas river, Oregon City will have a sufficient supply of timber to last . far years to come. So large and deep it tlil" klrriim tlmt curd wooil coulil lnt ilrlvcn ul ul I ni'imoiiM uf the ymir unit tiy IiuvIiik u liurno ut tlin iiimiiIIi ol tlio rivnr, wild kii minimi umi millt'k i'IiiiIii wllli utlurliiiiinilM lu I ii kit tliu wood out of tint wiiIit umi phial It on ncowm, vorilwood coulil Ihi ili'livcrinl In tliln city ut vnry ri'imuiiiililii Jirlro. It would lio hii cmiy iiiullcr fur tlm HnllliirH ulmiK tli in rivnr to Niiruru jirollliililii miirknt Ur llmir tiiiilmr uii'l ut tlm riniiiii tiinii K''t tlii'ir IiiihI t'M-iiiod ut i iiomliittl jirli'ii, for tlii-y iniiilil nriiiii. i'oniiiiiiy mid ironini tlm iiici'iiry lioiiln mid uiilliiiieoa for liuiiillliiK tlm wood, Tim 1'iittiiiK umi driving of tlin wixxl could ho ilonn ut ai'itwiua of tint yiMr w lion tlirrn wan liltln fiirm work to do thu. tin. cokt I ...I.Ik. II. .ll ! ..j of luhor lltclit, which would itnuhlu tliiiin to control thu wood inurkot of thin city hr wull sk of I'ortUnd . Fkom Tiik KkAT ok Waii. Junica Itinlonl, of Ihlk city, who in priyulo in ('oiiipkiiy C of I'ortlnnil, ono of the two coiiiiriiIi ul ktktii militia, who kro itill ktklloncd at Aatorlk to jro vent any p'M kihlo ix'Ciirrrncu ol lioktililii-i on thn Hrt of the union fUlinrnien. All the rum iktiiik wura onliircd home lant Hiinday oxwpttwu, who are fortillvd with one ImtUiry, Jiiuiniu had a furloiiKU uf 44 lioiim, and took advantage of the ojipor tnnlty lo make a kliort vlxit home, lie kayi the boy are having a picnic at Al totla, and that the only kwiouk work lk Kimrd duty. The union flnlinrinim ulifliU and culcli Im-hIi AnIi for the mili tia Ihi) ii, ami i-onntxpirntly tlu-y are liv ing liiiih. The Aktoria bov have lo take a hack mi at in the prewnco uf the ludlckwhnn thu aiililia bny ire around, and the blue i-outi are honored in every way. hut an oportuiiiiy thia woiilil .... i . .. ... . . ' Coinpiiny K Ul diatiliguiall tlii'iiiHclvea Ihry woiilil have been lairly in lliu swim if lliey could only have gone to An torik, and, of course, they would have moiioiolir.eil thu smiles of the girl. .Mr, lilntitul sayi there hut been no hos tile demonntralion on the part ol th union flnhennen, since the lulu militia have been statiotiel there, and they have conddfted them selves In a very geatleinanly way. The pri'M'ni'o uf the militia no doubt pre vent" any outbreak thut the union IIhIi ernien would probably make. To Look ArikM I.aniih. Silas W. I.iiiiori'aux, I' si ted Slates land com iiiikkiniier, with bis party, made a brief stop at Oregon City Monday alternoon, Mr. Lamoreaux is un a tour of insec lion of the land surveys of the 1'aciflc coast, and is traveling in the private car, Winnc waaka, and was accompanied by several prominntit Kantern business men. The parly were met in I'ortlaml by W. 8. (ireen. surveyor-general of Califor nia, and W. II. Mills, land agent of tho Central. Tactile and Oregon A California ltullrnad C'omianles, who arrived with their party in the private car, Hnena eiitiira. The ptrty was given a recep tion kt tlie Hotel 1'ortlund, and among the Oregon City eoplo who puid (heir reHt'ts to the ono of the leading func tionaries uf I'resident Cleveland' ad uiiniktrution were, Col. ltoKert A. Mil ler, register, and Hon. William Gal loway receiver of the Oregon City land olllce, and E. W. lixon and C. L. Carr, ixi'iul agente. The majority of these gentleman returned to Oregon City on Mr. Lamoreaux' special car, and both can halted for ft few minutes opposite the falls, to. get a brief view of Oiegon City's groat water power, Cmi.DKKk's Day at tiik Baptist Chukcii. Children's Day was appro priately observed by the Sunday school of the Baptist church last Sunday even ing. First, was thu reading of scrip ture by Hev. M. L. Kugg; prayer, by Supt. G. W. Swope; song by chorus, "June Bolls;" recitation, by Carl Har ris; quartette, Misses Yerdie Monroe, Birdie Jones, Mr. Miller and; recitation, infant class; song by chorus, "Hours of Sunshine;" recitation, Jes sie Sheldon; recitation, Floral Cross; song by chorus, Children's Day carol; recitation, Edna Kinney ; recitation, Ona lien nor; song, infant class; recitation, by six girls, "Deeds of Kindness;" roc- Itatlou, Kiutna Uantoulwin ; song by chorus, "Crown Him;" recitation, Yer die Monroe; recitation, Hattie Zale; Children' Day antheui ; recitation, Jes sie Porter; recitation, Amy OhUon; rec itation, "Vovuge of Life;" clection by quartette ; song by cliorus. The decora tions were tastily arranged, and was one of the pleasing feature of the evening. The Sunday school of the M. E. church will observe Children' Day next Sun day. Fhom tiik Convkntion. Judge J. W. Meldrum, the Clackamas county dele gate to the St. Louis National Republi can convention, returned home Wed nesday. He said that it wub pleasing to note the apparent orderly system and case with which the MeKinley cam paign was conducted. The prolonged applause, so usual after name was pre sented before the convention, lasting sometimes for a half hour, wa disgust ing to the Judge, who thought that five or ten minutes was long enough to giye ex pression to all the vent-up enthusiasm contained in the make-up of tho overage Datriot. Mr. Meldrum wears a button with the pictures of McKinley and. IIo bart printed on the front, presented by Mr. Hobart personally. The wife of the nominee for vice-president is au sunt of Wallace McCammant, the Portland .delegate, which consequently bad a ten- dmicy to nmke tlie relutloim bnlwenn the OrKou di'li'Ktlon of inoro tlmn umiul frulnrnity, JihIkb Middrtim U wull iIiiiihikI with tlm miw t kft, lind liim cvury coiifldonru thul It I" t winner. TlIK J.UII Tlm llllivfiraill linn of tlm hicyi'lo Iiun hroiiidit out now iihiuM mid ,rolili'inn in iniiiitul hlloo phy mid iyi:holoKy. This luUikt dnvd rjjiiiiciit Ih tlitt hicvchi linr. The cam imiitii liiir, tlm mail who llf" about thu i,n mid nuinhitr of Huh llmt ho l ultdicn, kll I'hIu Into liikiKuillciuicu when torn ikn;d with lliu uinitU:rnhlu KjII of th cytlu lliir. Hh will klniid " butoro tlm nuwHiiuiiur ruiiurliir, nd kwr by ml the Kudu in huklhfiidoiii thut ho rodo into ol,,e Me wlllin , givl.n n li in her of hoilrl, but koine other biey dint will lull you that he la one of thene unfortunate prevaricator, who liak fullun a victim to the crane, although he may br reliable mid truthful In other mutter. Hut the bicycle liar will be ihort-lived; he aHBiiiiieii too much at the beginning, and overdid (he bUHlneki. Al a liar hia lute Is at-aled; for the public are dfd on to hii racket. V. M. C. A. Conckut. Tbo young people uf tlie Methodint church gave a splendid eiilertainment at the Young Mun'aChriktiaii Arwociiition room lant Saturday evening. It wa the third of a eric ol concert given for the benefit of the furnihlnng fund. Following waa . I the nroKrum : niauu aolo, Mra K. K Williaiiik; recitation, E, J. Maple; vocal kolo, Miki May CaM-; kong, MuNtcn Kddie and Itert liuylan with re KIHJiihe; recitation, Arden Hick mun; recilntion, Mil Cae, "Ijuar rel Hetween Ifunband and Wife;" a voi'I nolo bv Mr. Jainek: wr- !...! .. t..l. I I I ' .1. itution Kthol Hickman Cane. UiH-itation, Koy Tri'untirrr'i Notice. There are funds now on bund lor the payment of all wurriiuts against Clacka mas county, Oregon, endorsed prior to April lOih, 1H',i:J. Internet will cease on same with duty uf this notice. Dated, Oregon City, Orenon. June HUli, 1 m; ul. M. L. Mohk, Treasurer, Clackamas county, Ore. .Notice to liraiiRers. The next meeting of Multnomah Dis trict 1'omona ( will be held with Butte Orange, at Tigaidnvillo, Washing ton county, Oregvin, Wednesday, July 1st, IHlHi, commencing at 10 o'clock A. M. A full attendance is desired. The fifth degree will be conferred in the even ing. Mary S. Howakd, Sec'y. For the Lane;. Elder Alson W. Steers write from Portland, Or., ''There Is no medicine for the throat and lungs that I can rec ommend to ministers, public speakers and singers, with the confidence that I can the S. B. Cough cure." 60 cents a bottle. For sale by C. O. Huntley, druggist. Wood Choppers Wauled. Fifty wood choppers wanted at Bat dorf Bros.' camp at Willamette Falls. Pay sine. The Equitable Life Assurance Society now issues a new form of life policy, which contains more adyantageous guarantees than any policy ever issued on a sound and conservative basis, and these guarantees are made by the strongest life assurance company in the world. Assets, Liabilities, Surplus, :01,009,.1S8 l(,38fi,S70 (40,624.012 L. Samuel, Gkr. Mob. OlIKOONIAN flt.D., PORTLAND, OR. JOHN A. BECK, THE RELIABLE JEWELER Mo. 270, Morrison Street, PORTLAND, OREGON, 18 STILL ON EARTH. For general repairing he stands without a peer. For first-class, re liable goods his store is second to none. Try him I NOBLITT'S STABLES Livery, FceJ and Sule StiiMe ORECONCITY. LOCATED IIKTWKKN TIIK JIKIPOI AND PKI'OT Double nri'l fiirIe RigH, and sail die horses always on hand at the lowest jiriccs. A corrall connected with the burn for loose stock. Information regarding any kind or stock promptly attended to by person of letter. Horses Doutrht and Sold. Horse Boarded and Fed on reason able terms. MOLALLA -: AVENUE ..STORE.. G. W. Grace & Co. NEW GOODS, Complete stock of every thing needed in the home. Yamhill River Route. Steamer Toledo, LEAVER DAYTON. Mondav. Wednesday and Friday at 0 A. M., reaching Oregon City, lor Portland about ll:3U A. . LEAVED PORTLAND. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 9 A. M. Salmon St." dock, reach ing Oregon City, for upriver points about 11 A. M. Throuffh triD to Lavfette and McMinnville made when depth of water tx-rrjaits. Freight and passingerg rates reasonable. New Goods Modern Prices. Qorner Grocery. Complete stock of Fine Family Groceries, Try my extra Choice TeavBs- Richard Freytag. Main and Fourteenth Streets. pARMERS . . . Your team will have the best of care and Full Measure of Feed At lhe - City Stables. W. H. YOUNC, Prop., Bucceaaor. to W, H. COOke. Livery Rigs on Short Notice. Telephone No. 42. JOHN YOUNGER, JEWELER, 0pp. Huntley's Drug Store, All Kinds of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN Great Britain and America. Give me atrial. Cross Husbands.... Are largely the product of poor barbers. A SORE FACE Is a just cause Tor prolanity and irritability. LIKE A CONVICT Do many men look after their hair has been cut by an incom petent barber. TRY FARNSWORTH.... mmm MOMENT? WBSSS FOR MOJUiVIEHTAl. Br0NZE CO. BRIDGEPORT. CONN Having the Lowest Expenses of any Merchant in Oregon City, I can UNDERSELL THEM In anything GENTS New Goods, Latest Styles, Best Quality. Come in and examine my goods. YikliAJOA, Osuasnc HnntTey Bock Store. Most Goods Beautiful Dimities. 10c 74. Herc.lea lor Wai.ta, Sc. lie. 12'e. Nw rlcliriia, Persian tffrcu, 0 lo 10c a rd. Aura Ltiieo. ao aifll.b now. plenty here. New aoorinwut pre Ir prima, bought direct. Kloe lot I-a and Kmbro der.c cioa price. T'lmmluff Button., t'orriuroye lor binding. 1alTeia, Hra-i unapt, Fibre Uiotn, mcalloe. Hl.wlaa, Cambrira. Fine lot flhl t Walita. eat prire. 4S- op. Nice auanmant Uud.'rwear and llnaiarr. iiaudkercbial., 2',c, , 1c, luc rod uu. ,r t,u;alb&ll beat Wb te Knlttinr Cotton, 24 y tbeela note paper, 2 buncbea manlil enre- lope., buttle aMliu. Ink or mucilage. 1 pr cnrllm I'ona, 12 pent, 12 uih ho. k. A I. L. Mm, In, Unaaer P.annel, Print, 1 Oullng Kiaiinel, Cbea e Cloth, Bultar I'mhrelliii flora maker, Dm lot A 1 (oodi, bed ro k price. Standard fatierna, .elect .lock, reduced price. .r buy. 2 1-ad pencil or one with rubbar tip, II I paper neeule. or pint, car I hooka and pencil tnarpcDer, i lal ptuclla, 1 awl. MILLINERY. tr.mmed hata, real beautlei. no fancy price.; I an too yiaia, 10c; Ladle' Bailor., 10c; Ilk baby ribbon, lc; fob allk, (worth S3) 2c a kein; capa, hat., bonneta. ribbon., Tell lota, tinael, ctochet cotton, knitting allk, to. FURNISHING GOODS. Uundreda of manufaeturvr' .amolea, felt, wool and itraw hats bis -aviue in pi ice, lraw bail 6e up, laundered perca e ahirt. Mo up, eweatera 2Kc and iOc, aew linen collar, ltw and 16c, waterproof collara 100 up, food .ocki io up. SHOES. Cut price, lee oar sood.betorebuTini; dot.' plow.. I to (. 1: bora' button. 4 10 S. 11.15: child eanraa, 79c: men.' aud la llti' canvu top, rail trimmed, II; twby ihoet,2&a ap; ui 0 lo 2.14a Front MAIN AND NINTH STS. OREGON CITY. Burmeister & Andresen, Are selling handsome Eight Day Clocks at $5.00. Other Clocks proportionately low. When you bay Agents for Pure Prepared Paint After the Winter is Over. After your feet are sore from wearing rubbers and overshoes, and the other shoes are pretty well worn and out of shape, yon want to pet a new pair, "if we are correct, then come to us and we will please and ease you. VVe have received n fine stock of all kinds of goods for the spring seasan, anil not only that, but to wear throughout the othor season. Our shoes are well made, comfortable and low in price. WHITE IJRONZK Monument will not Moss-cover or black en. Are artistic, cheap and the most enduring monument mado. White Bronze is no experiment. It ban stood for hundreds of years in Europe and is not affected by the weather. Correspondence soli cited. On receipt of pot-tal card will be ple ised to call and show samples and designs. MONUMENTAL I5UONZE CO., ' 'fJl'-Hi ( - K- INNEM., MOB. Sw. cor. Ash and East 10th Streets, . 4 Portland, Oregon. ALL pertaining to FURNISHING GOODS for the Money 2C buy. lb, of either 8io,T.ploc. Of 10 lbs 0 ol Cormee, Cora Heal or Rolled OaU, 1 lb. S hpp'i b.t Coconut or 1.1b. para groandj Splceaor 21b. whole Pepper or 3 Iba. par ltfd(brlo( apll),6 poaod. Bice. Ral.lna, Dried Anplei or Prune, por lb. Bv Eren Chance Tobacco, 20e a pound. Coal Oil, c per gal.; Seal., Wr. (bring can. Pine Mil, oc lack: nock aa t,Mc per 100 lb. 2,l. L'ocoloreO or 21b-. On,, powder Tea, Ee. Eiual 10 uaul Mr grde. Tea Nliia, 15o a pouod Lemon or Vault a, per ox. 4c, aar One-hail prior, (tring bottle.) Sewing Miiebine Oil. 4 o. for 5& (bring botfllt) in lbi dry granulated 9ug, L OiIIod c , Api le. or Squaeh. 20c Tab e Fruit, 10c; Pie Pin t, 8 cans for 230. This Irult Ii worth nearly doable. Best Svmi.aoe per gl. (briiM can.) K(,t3& Cooking Molaaa a, 4r a galluu. pionetr Baking Pw ler, best, per pound 4D Lot ol 10c Spicea, cut 10 Sc a ean. Ciotbeplua, 2c a do. ; t h mnevt. 8e no. Beat ax handle, 2&c; Sleige bau lle., loev Sa li. col, 4'i": wire, I peony np5e, Bolu, lc, 2.: end 3c; bar ieo Ae per pound. i tin teaat ooua. 5c: Jail locki. he up. Milk Straiuer. 10c; Dual Pan, 10c. Dull P.n-. 5c up; Tin fail, 10 to 20c Wbliewa.h Bruih, 10c: Toothpick, 6 a box. Wnl.k Broom, I e;C'Oth-ilB luc. i Id. ShaTlng Soap, 5c: Vaseline be 25andibc Metdn.a, L nimen a, Pilli, Sootbv- ing Syrapa. Eyewater, etc., all cut to 10a. Shoetbrau, 7c, eolelei her, nhosuaila, eta pound a.aorud lack., to. each 1 dot. nolbeeplni, aklmmer. hln A nay e eaner.can openar.aoup ,lih,gat hook trade lor Hay, Oat, wheel, Bicon, Chlekeo. Wool, Eirga, Butter. Poutoea, -hinglee. etc. Full atock PATTO.N S PAINTS. Very tbt paluU aud loweat price. BjiIoI oil, 600. Tradinc: A house you make sure the title is clear. When you paint it use Pure Trepareil Paint as it makes all the difference in the world whether the paint i genuine or not. Color cards free. Special prices in. quantity. CHARMAN & CO. CITY DRUG STORE. -Telephone No. 13.