Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 19, 1896, Image 7

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    lltU IM Ol It! I'lUX KKDINIJS.
Jmlun M Hi lit i Horklnif Ann on an
I lllllllhlll'll Dlll'lil't.
Klutii vk Ml IV k ; (iiiin'I utility ly Uhi
jury (nr itxiimlliiiK Muiii'i Mrl.ami wltli
knlfn .i in Kullly, mii wim ni'iili'iicid
to thtt iitilt"nllitry (or nlxlitiii'ii iimhiiIin.
Ktiilo v V (! Muruuii; A. I'", Hrnra,
attorney (or pUlntiir. Motion to din
IiiInn hhuI (ron i jiiNtlrii court ilmiiiul.
Allen ft I.owIh vh II J lUnllnn; J. N.
TimiI (or pliiintiir. JihIkiikiiiI (or fL'L'AI.
O'l, oiHtH, etc,
Htaln VK William ami I.mil lining;
lrun (',. I'.rovninll uinl J. K. Kliti lor
UceiiiliiiitH, unit J. K. IIimIkcs hhh'ihUkI
hi tlui (inmi'cutloii. Tliu jury (uilcil to
agwo. Tlicy lml linen ItiillcUnl (or a
MiiiiltliiK N' 1 1 1 1 u i ii Yaii(liin at liall nt
Mulullk ('oruiirt on Murcli iMnt. Vaiiuliii
ealiiblted IH rut on hi Imi'k hthI twit,
IntllrUxl liy William Hi.lns with iiockul
knlln, which wore, eiainlntirl ly tliu jury.
Tin- jury worn Inclined to fti'ipilt Imi
lliilnr, anilaalo Williiini Mulni, (our ol
Dm Jurors wore In (uvor j( cniivli-tlriK
lilin u( tliu iliarue tiroiiKht In, anil ellit
wirn lor verdli'tof niuii(o uhmniiU.
I 1, Whilo vi K M Hartman, tit al ; (In
built o( ie(t)iiilantit entered.
Klato of ()niHi vn Oioorge V. MuCor
mack tnl ('Imrlt'H MiiTonnat'k ; on mo
tion It was ordirml tint the jimtii-e lie
foro whom thli ciiiin wait trlnil in lower
court, lie ami the mitnit U hereby ordered
to 111" amended certificate of trariHjrlpt.
Htute vh Aider! Londc rtsn ; on motion
It Is ordered that the Jimlire IniIoiu whom
thin cnue wait tried in lownr court, he
ml the imme in ht'itihy orderd to Hie
amended i'oinUlnt.
J II Puoii v l.lllimi II Diion; A. K.
Senna, Jr., (or ) lu i tit I tT derive by do
(mill (or ili'wrtloii.
I ' r t tun 1 (irwrry Company, a r!vt
i-orioition, vn licey K Itooth ; con
tinued until J lino lsth.
Sarah A llluckhiirn, linlnihtMlor o(
the ntwt of Mink Hhirklmia, ilereumil,
vn The Southern I'm-illi: Huilroitil Cum
puny; the luintitr appeared in xtoii
ami ly W. II. lohvm ami ('. I. Lut
ouretie, the ili'd-nilHiit appearing by I..
A. Fu'liln, miperintendent, ami lV W. I)
Kenton aminted hy (ieo. ('. Hrownull
an romiHcl. It will ho rt'incinU-red
that Mark lllnrkhorn wua killed
hy iiiiK railroad train luxt miiumer,
while ilriviii acroR the trm k to go up
Hciincr Hill on hia way home at Spring
water. Numerous wltnemiea were ex
iiiliicil, ami the attorney on both aides,
maile eUxjui'iit pleaa (or their clienU.
The jury I roiifht in a verdict of flMRMi
(or the lniutitr.
J K Hodges, executor of the will o(
Joeeph llvliei, deceawil, va J A Chime
and Annie A Clinne, hii wife. On mo
tion of ilulntiir tlie caiiKe waa diHtuiimed.
I.ouii A NoIhO vh H It Caliir, et al ;
lledp' A (irillilth (or plitinliirn. JikIk
ment (or tL.'ll'i.'J'), principal, inlcrcot and
coata, ami decree o( forecloeure ordered
on Iota 5 and tl, block HII, OreKon City.
(J D Mmick va J 8 Scott and Sarah 1
Scott; on motion of U. II. Dimick and
V. K. Ilydu, attorney for plniiitilf
juduuient UtiiiiliKt defendant wrr entered
hy deiault for tM.1'4, intercHl and cohIr
Portland (irocvry t'ompimy vs I'iccy
Iloolh. ( aiiHO (ImnilHceil.
Ilenrv Jewell va Charlua Kreieer, et al
(iuortie 1,, Storv for plaint ill". Judinenl
for Xy 4r, attorney fee, coMa.etc., and
the further Rum of f'tL'.fi:!, and decree of
fortrloeure on the n of e!4 of section
14, tp4a, rSe.
I V Howard vi M KeinRUno; W. II
)ohviiR anil (ieortto 0. Itrownell for
plaintiff, and A K KleKel lor defendant
Judirmttnt for the plaintiirfur $01.44.
Wednemlay afternoon the court was
buny with the cnxea of C. and (i. M
Cormick. and LondcKan, bound over
from Ju ice Konter'i court in New Era
precinct, charged with dUturhinK i
ChriHtiau Kndeuvor meeting. The jury
after Mrur out all niuht, failed to an roe
The 8 ? Coinpany will argue for a new
trial in tlie Illuckbiirn cane.
IbnlH-rutier upllaln.
A very jileaHant weddlni; ceremony
took place at the roRidenc.n of the hrido'a
parent, Mr. and Mr. Hart at Kedland,
lat Sunday. The -contracting partie
weeMi Amelia l'ottor, of Kedland,
and Norria Davi, of Suiuiyido.
Among the giieHt were: Mr, and Mrs
Hart, Mr and Mra L J Gardner, of
Portland ; Mr S U Green, Minnc Kthul
and Loi Green, Master Robert Green,
Carl Nehren, 'Clara Nebren, MurHia
Myeri, Mr and Mra Joe My era, Mins
Nellie PaviH, (jfimt Illggin, Mr Rules,
John Totter, Ida Grove, Hattie Mann,
and MiHH Musa Itarclay. A splendid
dinner whh nerved after the ceremony.
Suckle ii'i Arnica Salve.
The best mil ve in tlie world for Cuts.
Iiruisea, Sore, Ulcer, Suit Rheum,
Fever Sore, Tetter, Chupied hands,
Chilblains, Corn, ant all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cure l'ilca or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
For Hale by Charmun & Co., Cbarman
Bro. Block.
The lulost in visiting cards at the En
tkhi'hihk Orcicic. Prices to suit you.
Ask lor Dairy Creok butter and you
will get the best.
E. E. Williams, the Grocer.
ROYAL Baking Powder,
Highest of all In leavening
ttnngih.V. (. OovcrnnMnt Report
lillilmri liny.
Clillilreil'N ItilV WttH olmel veil hint Hllll
day at the I'rnMiytiirlun uml Congregu
llouul churclie in Oregon City. The
lliiptlht church will ohnerve that day on
next Siinilay, and on the Sunday follow
ing that event will ha observed by the
Sunday school childimi ol thu Metho
dist church.
At the 1'rflnbyleriun church after a
brief reading of the Ii-hhoii, the remain
der of the hour win taken up with the
('hildriin'i 1'ny exnrcUci. Ethel Jack
on Hang u lolo, and Minnie Meyer rend
a letter from Or. Wonlen, iiipcrinteii
deutof 1'reMhy turimi uiissionarv work in
thn L'n I led Statntt, There were exur
clnei by the infant claes, a aoug by
four little girls and miinn special music,
Thu SM-clul collection for Kiuiduy work
amounted H eO. One iiui'jue feature of
the II oral decorat'oiis, was a column of
red and while rosed, over six feet in
height, 'lb is was aoiiicthiiig new in the
floral line
The exercise at the Congregulloiiul
church took the place of the regular Sun
day evening service. First, was a chil
dren's chorus, the invocation ; greeting,
by Earl McAdain ; motion song, by in
fant class; recitation of the 'M Psalm;
roIo, Alda Broughton; recitation, I'alin
('rom and Crown, heya; recitation,
VevaHart; song, by imall boyl anil
girli; riM-itstlon, Elorence Hamilton;
Rong, QiiiH-oln Itoake; recitation, Ha
te) Duller; duet, Ethul Albright and
lieva Gray; recitation, I.ydia Yoder;
Rong, Crcicttnt tjuartetle; distribution
of floweiR. There "Was a splendid dis
play of (lowers, artistically displayed.
A lilieral contribution was raised (or tlie
Slate Sunday School work.
Ulectrlc Hetrl Arrltul.
C K Ihiiley, Koret iirove;
H J Shock ley, lliithlund, Ore;
G ( u 1 1 in it ii , l.eon ;
Geo J Currin, Currinsville ;
Will II ('iimplx-M, I'ond's circus ;
N I. Itohesiiii, Porllitml ;
John ViiikIiiiii, .Mohilla;
M Clillurd, Molulla;
(' I, McKull, St. J,h., Mo;
1' II Whitney. Ashland;
Geo Millsafe, Ashland ;
Fred Scliew, Hulteville ;
K II Walker, Willamette FuIIr;
Henry Mi ley, WilMonvllle;
A Willett, Portland;
Alex P liruwn, Philadelphia;
James II Montgomery, Portland;
II D llralley, Uridiil Veil;
Mrs C S Wixxlull. Georgia;
D Weathetlord. Portland;
. I) Shank, Caiiby ;
I) C lloyleR, Willioit ;
F W Maxlleld, Spokane, Wash ;
J M Thomson, ltoseburg;
II I.onnsbury, Portland;
('has M Knl i-er, Portland ;
Alfred Sear, Jr, Portland;
0 Ii Shields, H-dlund;
G W Wilson, Portland ;
K Allen, Portlund ;
L K Shields ; Portland;
C A Hurst, Beaver Creek ;
M C Matbew, Chicago.
The xHiple from abroad and at home,
all atop at the .Electric.
Notice Is hereby given thut I will pay
no debt contracted by my wife Elizalieth
Willioit Iroiu and after this date.
John Wiliioit.
Willioit, June 11, lH'.Hi.
Avoid (.'ousiimptluH.
by stopping that cough. We know of no
better remedy for coughs and cold thun
the S. II. Cough Cure. For Rule by C
G. Huntley, druggist.
lied Seal spices are the best.
E. E. Williams, the grocer.
Dm Fur Llltl Ilnjti,
A charming dress for little boya ia of
One blue and white Btripwl woolen atnff.
The blouse part are arranged on body
made of white loiitfcloth buttoned In
front. They nro gathered above and be
low, frrr on at the nnk opening, the
armhole, down the seam under this and
at the waist. Small buttons sewed on to
the left aide and buttonhole made in
stay set on at tlie front edge fasten the
front invisibly. The jacket parts, lined
with white cheviot and left loose at the
lower edge, are turned back on each side
a revers 2J inches wide. The stuff is
pot plain over the lining.
A skirt 13 inches long and II yards
wide, lined with longcloth, is sewed to
the bodice, thick white cord being pnt
over and tied in a bow at the waist
The sailor collar and sleeve cuffs 4J
inches long, which complete the striped
puff, must be made of double stuff. Blue
embroidered anchors on revert and
Aprut Vnrlflratlon of a Virtu (.'lalind
For Mi A lli-s;ml l liliirkf Uoiib
A wealthy broker of West Philudnl.
phla hud n rather ningtilnr experience
the other day. lie and his family have
hud In their possession for a number of
year some very hnndsom opals, but
the siiperslltlon which wit formerly en
tertained concerning the stolid bciMN un
lucky prevented III in making (10 of the
lieiiin. Lust year ho took a trip to En
rope. Wliiin in Loudon he met at the
house of a mutual friend a dealer In
prei'lons stones, who had Just come from
(Iraclas a Dios, in Honduras, and bad
brought hack noma flno gem.
Instend of putting any fuith in the
popular RUMTt!tiun this gentleman be
lieved in the opal very thoroughly and
attributed to it virtue which no other
gem possessed. Aiming the thing which
he said about it was that the opal was
attached to it owner by Invisible cord
and thst It was Impossible to lose it,
though it might be mislaid. The Phila
delphia broker on hi return to Phila
delphia chose the finest opal in hi col
lection, had it set In a ring, surrounded
by small diamonds, and at Christmas
presents! it to hi wife. It wo truly a
beauty, and alio wore it with cousuioui
One day on returning from a day's
outlug ihe received quite a shock the
opal was gone. Search proved vain. Uo
traoe of the atone oould she dioover.
Not only on wxxmnt of ita value, bnt
became ihe knew how highly her bus
band prized the stone, she bated to In
form him of ber lone. At last ibe felt
obliged to do o, when, greatly to ber
astonishment, be drew from his vest
pocket a tiny package and presented it
to her. Upon opening it what was her
delight when she recognized ber lost
More astonishing still, her husband
affirmed thut while ho wu walking
down Chestnut street a day or two be
fore he felt something under the sole of
hie shoe, which upon Investigation
proved to be tho opal which be bad lust
seen shimmering apon his wife,' Cu;r.
There was no iloabt nbont it being the
lout ono, for the jvt ler who bad set
it recogiiizud it uliio. Philadelphia
How a DUIoraUd Jaw Wu Tut lfcu-k
Into lu TloM.
While talking in hi sleep Henry
Flocke, a builder, residing in On me
Park, L. I., dislocated hi jaw. Mr.
Flucke'a habit of tulkiug in his sleep
ha made him the butt of a good deal of
joking. He went to bed a nsunl, but he
had not slept long when be began talk
ing. This awoke his wife, who listen
ed for about ten miuutu. Suddenly
Elocke'a nocturnal monologue stopped.
Ho began gasping. Mrs, Flocke wo
(lightened, ami hhe shook bur husband
into wakefulness.
"Why, what the matter, Henry?"
he asked.
Her hnsbnnd tried to speak, but in
vain. Hi jaw wu immovable. He mo
tioned to hi wife that he could not
spctik, and she endeavored to force bis
mouth shut She could not move it
Fearing her linsbiind was suffering from
lockjaw, she sent for Dr. McDonald.
"Do yon want me to replace your
jnw In my own way?" asked the doctor.
Mr. Flocke motioned in the affirma
tive. Dr. McDonald stepped in front cf
Flocke. Without warning the doctor
truck Flocke a terrific blow on the left
side of the jaw. ElocLe showed a dispo
sition to strike back.
"You told mo to do it my own way,"
said the pbyaiuittu. "You observe thut
your ability to speak ia restored."
The blow hud knocked Flocke's dislo
cated jawbone into ita proper position,
and except for a little soreness he "T'i
noue the worsa Dr. McDonald explained
that Flocke's jaw wu liable to disloca
tion at any time mi lens he broke him
self of the habit of tulkiug iu hi sleep.
New York Times.
A Disappointed Diplomat.
An interesting story i told iu Wash
ington regarding M. Pateuotre, the
French embassador. After congress
passed the law empowering the presi
dent to send embassadors to such coun
tries ns would rulfio the rank of their
representatives, Sir Julian Faunoefote
was the first to inform the president of
the intention of his conntry to make
bim an embassador. M. Patenotre con
ceived the ambition to be the dean of
tlie embassadors and communicated it
to his home government, and his com
mission arrived beforf Sir Julian 'a He
went to the state department in the
hope of immediate recognition as the
first em baaaador to this country. He was
told thut Sir Julian had anticipated him
by informing the department of the ao
tion of hia government He was angry,
and wrote to the president requesting
his intervention. He received instead a
chilly letter from Mr. Qresham.
Collet AtbUUca.
"Any emphasis given to aoadomio
gymuustics thut goes beyond the point
of developing a man's animalism for
any other purpose than to give the best
possible support to his enlargement as a
rational and moral possibility is a per
version of the purpose of human disci
pline, and to that degree blocks the
wheels of all proper college intention,"
writes Dr. Parklmrst in The Ladies'
Home Journal, "Nevertheless the real
animus of tho athletic tendency ia a
wholesome ungury of a better breed of
lToblena riay.
Scribbler My now drama is a prob
lem ploy.
Scrawlor What's the problem?
Soribbler Woll, there are several, but
the greatest one ia to pay salaries at the
end of the week. Philadelphia Record.
Work For a ProapeetlY Allocator.
"You don't seem to boast much about
your anceatara."
"No. I'm too busy fixing things so
my posterity can brag on me. " Chica
go Record.
union (eiic.
Person who are subject to attack ol
bilious colic will be plessed to know
that prompt relief may lie had by taking
Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and
lliurrho-a Itniedy. It act quickly and
can always be depended upon. In many
case the attack may l prevented by
taking thi remedy as soon as the first
indication of the disease appear.
and 50 cent bottle (or sale by G. A.
Harding, drugiist.
New York ulW-ry.
It. K Clavering, the well known ar
tist, boa moved the New York gallery to
the building on the corner of Water and
Fifth street, where the reputation of
this popular establishment will tie sus
tained. Low rent enables Mr. Claver
ing to do tlie very best work at the low
est possible price. Cabinet pictures at
1 per dozen,
Wort!: of Notice.
The H. ii. Medicine company is the
only one out of nine proprietary medi
cine firms Incoriwrated on this coast
since 1W7 that has not made an assign
ment. These hard times with new news
paper advertisingcontractslor two years,
it speal.s loudly of their merit. For
sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist.
If yon want to know anything about
Fire or Life Insurance or Building and
Loan Association, call on II. T. Bladen.
He has it at bis finger ends.
New York Tribune.
Leader of the Republican Party.
Are Yon Willing to Listen to a sdeekIIgi?
Tiik New Yohk ThihI'se's broad
columns and large print make it the
easiest paper in tho country to read,
either on the car or at home.
Henry Komeike, proprietor of the
largest Newspaer Clipuing Agency in
the world, testifies in a published card,
that his clipuing for over 4.000 clients
shows that Thk Tkiiunk contains, "day
by day and week by week, for more origin
al matter than any daily newsoaper in
New York City." He proves the fact by
figures. Tub Weekly ranks the same.
Business men find the market report
of Tiik Thibi'ni absolutely without an
equal. Tna Tkiblne is the only news-
paper in New York City whose reporters
actually visit all the different markets in
' person.
The Thiiii'nk now prints the best and
freshest humorous pictures of tlie day,
from the comic press of two continents,
and supplies plenty of other entertain
ment. By its social telegrams and corres
pondence, its able editorials and high
literary character, Tub Tribunb main
tains a splendid position in tlie regard of
Republicans and lovers of music, art,
and good books.
The Tkibi'nk's society news is known
everywhere for excellence. Its faahione
have always betn of special value, and
changes of style are, as a rule, foretold
in Tub Tribune sooner than in other
Thk New Y'ork Tribi ne is recognized,
officially, as the leading newspaper of
the Republican party.
As for Farming and T.abor, Tub Tri
bune has for 50 years demanded, and
yet demands that very possible dollar's
worth of food and commodities, con
sumed by the American people, shall be
produced by the American people. For
this cause The Tribune labors in its
various additions 305 days in every year.
A man is judged bv the newspaper he
takes. He who reads The Tribune iB
wide awake, progressive, respectable and
capable, worthy of the confidence of
business and social friends. If you are a
young man you will live in a rut all your
life (except by catering to that which is
base) if you feed your mind upon news
papers, full of scandal, vulgarity and in
anity. Think for a moment of tlie people
who read newspaper of that class. On
the other hand, The Tribune has prob
ably the largest clientele of the very
people who can help to improve a youne
man's position, of any newspaper in the
United States. Associate yourself with
Mr, Ilorr continues to write for The
Sample copies free. Dailey, flOayear
Sunday seperately, $2. Semi-Weekly,
2. Weekly, $1. Tribune Almanac
for 1800, 50 cents.
A pmphlet of Information tail sb-yy-
1 Vitrmctof tht lw,rhowlnu How toif
T . Obtain Pmttmta, Carats, tna '
VAlUrti, Copurliihu, ami jr- W
3.361 Bronawar. V
Geo. T. Howard,
...pecoqd land (ood?
Highest price paid for Furni
ture, Ktoves, etc., etc.
Good line of Tinware, Glass
ware, Crockery, etc., always on
7th Street, Near Depot'
...The Prairie Farmer...
Greatest of A" Farm Papers.
It presents each week all that is
worth knowing in current agricul
tural literature.
Each number contains more
solid reading matter than any
other agricultural paper, and
covers a broader field,
Snfiscrlptloi Price, One Dollar i Year.
It is the Paper for the People.
Sample ClDDHloe Offers Tor 1895-6:
The PA.m. Farmer mmm
Weekly IntebOcea!') I0r$1.25.
Tub PBAm. Farmer m pap
CiiicaooWbekly Times) TEirfOr jl.25.
The Prairie Farmer, Chicago.
Lawn Sprinklers.
Unique.ellicicnt, labor saving. Will
sprinkle 4 times greater area'
than any other sprinklers made. I
Highest Award at the Chicago!
Can be seen in operation at the
court house yard. Send for cir
culars giving testimonials and
For sale by all hardware and rub
ber stores in the U. S.
The ! nter Ocean
Is the Most Popular Republican Newspaper
of the West and Has the Largest Circulation.
DAILY (without Sunday) $4.00 per year
DAILY (with Sunday) $6.00 per year
The Weeklv Inter Ocean C 1 .00
As a Newspaper THE INTER OCEAN keeps abreast of the times in all
respects. It spares neither pains nor expense in securing
The "Weekly Inter Ocean
As a Family Paper Is Not Excelled by Any.
rv-3It has something of interest to each member of the family. Its.
TOUT ITS DEPARTMENT is the very best of its ktn4. lu LITEa,
ARY FEATURES are nneqnaled.
It is a TWELVE PAGE PAPER and contains the News of the World.
POLITICALLY IT IS REPUBLICAN, and gives ita readers the bene&toC
the ablest discussions on all live political topics. It is published in Chicacci
-' 's in accord with the peopie of the West in both politics and literature
1-lease remember that the price of THE WEEKLY INTER OCZAN is
Qfegon Llitj
Q Conveniently of access
r ree Irom the noise
y Skillful nurses and every convenience of a first
ciass nospuai.
Ample room that patients may have quiet
ness and rest. Special rooms
for ladies.
Services of the best physicians of the county
in attendance.
Address, MISS M.
The Independent.
A IlKLioiors, Literary and Famtl
Undenominational, unbiased and impar
tial. A paper for clergymen, schol
ars, teachers, business men and
families. It discusses every
topic of the day relig
ious, theological,
political, literary, social,
artistic ami scientific. Its con
tributed articles are by the most
eminent writers of the English language.
It employs specialties and distin
guished writers as editors of itsTwKNT
one Departments.
A paper particularly fitted for lawyers,,
doctors, clergymen, those engaged in
business, young people of both sexes
men and women who read and think (or
A paper especially valuable for thoee
interested in Fine Arts, Science, Music.
A paper giving valuable information
upon Finance, Lite Insurance, Coia
A paper for Sunday School Workers
those who have a Farm, Uarde.i or
House Plants. A paper for tlie family,,
old and young.
The Independent announces to it
subscribers, and to any who may beeome
sj that it is prepared to furnish any
papers and magazines published in this
; country, England, France and Germany,
at a very large reduction irom publishers'
rates. This opportunity is open only to
subscribers of Tub Independent. L pon
receiving list of papem or magasinea
from individuals or reading rooms. ai
estimate will be given by return mail.
Its vearlv subscrintion is 13.00. or at
that rate for anv part of a year.
Clubs of rive, 2 00 each.
.Sjieciuien Copies Free.
P. 0. Pox 2787. 130 Fulton Street,
New York.
ROBVBinu-ra 1
lot Information and frm Hnxlhook writ to
MUNN A CO. U Bhoauwat. NSW York.
Oldest baraaa for Mooring patent In Amerlov
Krerr pttent taken out bf us la brought before
(tw puuuo lij a uouca girau tna ol ebarg In UKt
$ fienfific Jlmmnm
Larmat dnmlatlmi of any arientlfJe paper ta the
world. Spleodidlf Illustrated. .No intelligent
man (hould be without It. Waeklr, 93.00
weart 11.50 alz month. Addrees JIC N.N A OO.
ymiltiHlHrt. 3bl ttrcexliiaj.&aw YorkClkfc
'A ,
'A .
i 'A
and pleasant located.
and dust of the city.