Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 29, 1896, Image 6

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
Clackamas Co. Directory.
J in! re - ... Gordon K. lly
Clerk ( Count,
School Huirlirtf uilful,
tieo. F. Ilerien
K. C. Mmi.lork I
8. M. Hamnlir
M. u Moor
J,C. Rrn.lltr
It. 8. ttllwon
D. W KlnimlM
K. I. Iloimsu 1
l Klrhsnt Sroit I
Frank Jsinisr
FRIDAY, MAY 2i. lS'sl.
Oranges, lemons, bananas, K raw
berries, dried fruits, vegetable etc.
E. E. Williams, the Grocer.
Great baristins in huts at Miss CioKl
stuith't. I( you wnt sewing machine for 25
go to Bellomy A Husoh's.
A new line of beautiful laces just ar
rived at the Uaeket store.
Trimmed hats, new JJnootls, from 50
cents to 75 cents at Mrs. Slailen's.
A large assortment of pinion hose
jusl received at the hardware house of
Pop A Co.
Stamping done, hats pressed and
dyed, feathers curled and dyed at Miss
Goldsmith's millinery parlors.
No broken collars or I rayed cuffs come
borne from the Willamette Steam
laundry. All work guaranteed.
The meeting of the W.C. T. U. will
be held at the home of Mrs. Nobel
Heath on Frid iy May 29, at 2:30.
Don't forget that we have a tine line
of ladies shirt waists, latest styles, just
from the East, at the Racket stow.
Use OXIEN for your "nerve" also
for coughs and colds. Pamphlets free.
Chartuan A Co., Uruggisti, agent.
For 25 cents at the Red Front, Oregon
City 6 pounds raiains, rice, sago, tapi
oca, dried apple' or prunes ; 3'g pounds
lard (bring pail) 10 pounds rolled oats
or germea.
Don't fool away your money buying
worthless remedies which are warranted
to cure every disease. Remember that
DeWitt's Sabsaprilla is a Blood Turi
fier and Blood Maker. C. G. Huntley,
Next Sunday morning Bishop Morris
will conduct the services at St. Paul's
Episcopal church. All members are
earnestly requested to be present and
visitors will be made welcome.
Dr. L. L. Pickens, dentist, does all
kinds of dental work. Gold crowns,
porcelain crowns and bridge work a
-specialty. All operations guaranteed for
. 5 years. Call and get my prices. Office
in Barclay building
Wednesday afternoon a delegation of
Meade Post, G. A. R. members yisited
St. John's school, and held memorial
.and patriotic exercises. A splendid
program was rendared by the pupils of
the school in bonor of the occasion .
K. J. Thomas, a farmer and one of the
leading republicans of Wilhoit was in
Oregon City Monday. In speaking of
the politic d situation Mr. Thomas bad
no doubt but what the entire republican
ticket will be given a good majority in
bis precinct.
The Gladstone Green house has the
finest assortment of flowering plants
ever seen in the Oregon City market.
Cut flowers to order. Strong, healthy
tomato, cabbage and other plats for
sale cheap.
Eczema is a frightful attliction, but
like all other skin diseases it can be
permanently cured by applications of
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It never
fails to cure Piles. C. G. Huntley, Drug
gist. The first blacksmith shop that farmers
pags in coming to Oregon City is that of
Maple & Hoffman, at the junction of I he
Seventh street road and Main street.
There irt no class of work they cannot
handle and at reasonable prices. They
Lave an expert horse-Bhoer and guaran
tee satisfaction-
A. L. Wooster, a prominent citizen of
Osseo, Mich., after suffering excruci
atingly from piles tor twenty years, was
cured in a short time by using DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve, an absolute cure for
all skin diseases. More of his prepara
tion is used than all others combined.
C. G. Huntley, druggist.
Any one who has ever had an attack
of inflammatory rheumatism will rejoice
with Mr- J. A. Stumm, 220 Boyle
Heights, Los Angeles, over his fortunate
p&cape from a siege of that distressing
ailment. Mr. Stumm is foreman of
Merriatn's confectionery establishment.
Home months ago, on leaving the heated
work room to run across the street on an
errand, he was caught out in the rain.
The result was that when ready to go
borne that night he was unable to walk,
owing to inflammatory rheumatism. He
was taken borne, and on arrival was
placed in front of a good fire and thor
oughly rubbed with Chamberlain's
Pain Balm, During the evening and
night he was repeatedly bathed with
this liniment, and by morning was re
lieved of all rheumatic pains. He now
takes special pleasure in praising
Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and always
deeps a bottle of it in the bouse. For
sale by G. A. Harding, druggist. ,
Ten cents per pound will he paid at
this ollicx for clean, white rags, such as
old pilow-caxes, sheets and plain pieces.
Tinware, glassware-, stone jars, hard
ware, in fact anything you need, below
cost at Parker A Howard's store, near
For a ijuiet place to hitch your horses
awav from the motor line and a place to
get a llrst class job of repairing or horse
shoeing call on 8. F. Scripture's shop on
Fifth street.
Karl's Clover Root will purify your
blood, clear your complexion, regulate
your bowels and make your head clear
as a bell. 25c., 50c., a" I a dollar. For
sale by Geo. A. Harding.
The Troy Laundry is the place to get
your washing done in first-class style.
Everything received and delivered
promptly. This firm have established
an enviable reputation for doing good
work, a fact to which their numerous
patrons can attest. E. G. Farnsworth,
While in Stockton, Cat., some time
ago, Thos. F. Langan, of Los Banos.that
state, was taken very severely with
cramps and diarrhoea. He chanced to
meet Mr. C. M. Carter, who was sim
ilarly aillicted. He says: "1 told him of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Di
arrhoea Remedy, and we went to the
Holden Drug store and procured a bottle
of it. It gave Mr. Carter prompt relief
and I can vouch foi its having cured
me." For sale by G. A. Harding, drug
gist. Asa result of the slanderous articles
that have appeared in the Herald con
cerning Carll and for personal miss
statements thave been made concerning
him the worthy Doctor took Editor Fitch
to task Thursday with the result that the
populist editor came out a little the worst
for the encounter. Dr. Carll holds him
self to be an honorable man, above the
contemptable acts attributed to him by
the populist editor and his resentment of
the charges meets the approval of all self
respecting men.
The-ie are many people in Oregon Oity
who would like to visit the cemetery
between now and Memorial day, but
the distance is so great they cannot stand
the walk. Heretofore livery hire has
been so high that few could afford to
hire a rig, but Young, at the old Cooke
stables has decided to let the poor as
well as the rich ride and until after
Memorial day will give special rates for
rigs to go to the cemetery or for passen
gers. He has a number of the finest
rigs in the city either single, double or
tripple seated and and his horses are all
good travelers and gentle. Call up tele
phone No. 42 and make your arrange
ments, or call at the stables.
Membership Contest.
An interesting contest has been ar
ranged for the members of the Young
Men's Christian Association, who have
been arranged into two equal divisions,
one under the leadership of E. E. Mar
tin, and the other under the director
ship of B. S. Bellomy. The contest will
be for membership, and the following
rales have been adopted :
The contest shall begin on Friday
evening, May ZVth, at nine o clock,
and close on Friday June 20th, at eight
The contest shall be decided by points,
the team scoring the highest number of
points during the contest shall be de
clared the winner.
A point shall be awarded when the
membership committee report favorably
on an application for membership, pro
vided the first quarter's dues accom
pany the application, and tor each ad
ditional quarter's dues paid in advance
on said application a point shall be
The winning team Bhall be treated
by the board of directors to a ban
quet of ice cream, strawberries and
cake, while the losing team shall be
treated at a separate table to ice water
and pickles. Only such members of
the teams, who have secured one or
more members during the contest
shall be entitled to seats at the ban
The following shall constitute the
membership committee: C. H. Dye,
R. L. Holman, W. 8. Maple, L. C.
Caples and Levi Johnson.
Dr. Curll's Statement.
An open letter to the voters of Clacka
mas county:
The Oregon City Herald is evidently
bound to make me an issue in
the present campaign, the statements
in that paper this week implicating my
self as being responsible for a ticket cir
culated about the Btreet, is as false as
anything could be. I never saw the
ticket until yesterday, I did not know
such a ticket was to be printed, I did not
advise the printing of it and in fact was
as innocent of any connection with it as
it is possible for any body to be. I fail
utterly to find language to express the
profound contempt I have for those who
accuse me of it and I believe the editor
of the Herald does not believe I was con
nected with it but attributed it to me
through a desire to satisfy personal ani
mosity. Signed, W. E. Carll.
Didyou ever think how readily the
blood is poisoned by constipation ? Bad
blood means bad health and premature
old age. DeWitt's Little Early Risers,
the famous little pills, overcomes obsti
nate constipation. C. G. Huntley, drug
Scott vs. r'Krn.
To tii Eiutok: Will you oblige
me by inserting the following from the
Herald in your next issue and my answer
to the svtie:
"Then as the sum of nil had citinen
ship conies, County Commission Giant
Powder Scolt, whose assessment has
decreased moie than $11,000 since ho
was elected, while in Jacob Kisley's on
the same acreage has decreased f.ViO
while the assessor's deputy draws
$4 "a day and th recorder's can
only get $2 and Mr. Scott says L pay
no taxes. If this was true I imjit not
be a had man, but it is not, as I pay
one-third of the taxes assessed to dw
elling A r'Ken.
I shall ttpeak onco more in Milwau
kee liefore this campaign closes and will
then give Mr. Scott time to justify his
action to our neighbors as the superla
tive honest man he professes to be.
W. S. U'Ricn."
To the first in regard to giant Pow
der, there being only two companies on
the coast of any prominence, we noti
fied each company, and as the Califor
nia Powder Co. would not go into a
combine with the British Vice Consul
to raise the price of blasting materikl
he sulked and would not put in a hid
and then played the baby act, and
said we did not advertise, an. I now
comes Friend l"Ren, and says in one
breath we are extravagant and in the
next condemns the county court for try
ing to cut down exenses.
The second is that I have had my
assessment reduced $11. (XX) while J. 8.
Risley's has been reduced but $250 in
the last three years. Taking for
granted we own the same number of
acres. My land, today, with my reduc
tion, is assessed at i0 on an acre,
while Mr. Risley's is assessed at IX!
per acre. Mr. Kisley has Zb acres more
than I have. Now we will see how my
reduction stands in comparison with our
school district which is a good compari
son, perhaps better than Mr. Kisley.
My assessment in 1S02 was 120400, ISO! it
was 19200, in ISM it was 117370, the I.u
elling property, adjoining my property,
in the three years above named was as
sessed as follows: 1H03, $10,520; 1S1M,
$S038 ; 1805, lTwSO. They sold 7' acres
of land iu 1$!5, which I bought, and it
was assessed at $100 an acre. Now the
school district was assessed in 1W:1,
at $295,820; in 1S!M, $243,1)03; in 1805,
$510,500. So if any fair minded person
will take the above figures and com
pare them, they will see that I have
not been reduced any more than the
average of the whole school district,
notwithstanding that about 50 acres of
my land is subject to overflow and the
crop likely to be destroyed any year,
that we have a June freshet, and since
the high water of 1804, I have not been
able to get a good set of grass again.
This is something Mr. Kisley has not to
contend with. When it comes to rock
land, I have almost as much as Mr. Kis
ley, yet it yields me no income by rea
son of being back from the river, and no
river on my land to ship freight cheaper
than I can haul it. In regard to the dep
uty recorder's salary, the legislature
gave the county court the power to fix
the salary, and as any good penman or
woman can follow copy we knew the re
corder could get 'a good deputy for the
amount allowed the assessor's deputy.
The statute fixes the salary. And now
in regard to Mr. U'Ren paying taxes I
still repeat, he does not pay any and will
leave it: to the public to judge. He is
working for Mrs. Lewellingand gets one
third of the profits of the farm after the
taxes are paid which is the rent he pays,
and In no other way can he claim to be a
taxpayer. When he has his clothes on
his back and his caret-bag in his hand
he can walk out of the county with all he
has like any other hired man. I was a
hired man myself once, so do not mean
to cast a slur on them, as I always have
had their respect, and they have mine
in the fullest sense of the word, but to
let the voters of Clackamas county see
what interest Mr. U'Ren has in this
count or its people. Yes, Mr. U'Ren
spoke here last night and gave me a
chance to put myself right before
my neighbors, for which I thank him,
but if he had done this before, be scat
tered the lie broadcast all over the
county I should have thought more of
him. Respectfully,
R. Scott.
Mr. Mel drum Explains.
To Tim Editor: Mr. W. S. U'Ren and
Mr. Shade have in today's Herald,
Courier and E.nteki'Kibk, a statement in
regard to a certain so-called anti-A. P,
A. ticket which was circulated in Ore
gon City this week, in which these gen
tlemen state that they believe this ticket
originated and was caused to be printed"
by Brownell, Maddock and Metdrum.
In reply, I wish to say that all state
ments in said article in regard to my
self are untrue and without the least
foundation, but I believe the ticket was
originated and printed by Dr. Ferrin
and Mr. U'ren.
Hf.nrv Mkldkum.
Card of Thanks.
We wish to thank the many friends
for their aid and kindness to us while
mourning the loss of our dear son and
brother, and wish especially to thank
the members of the Parkplace band for
the respect shown for their deceased
C. II. Dauciikv nd Family.
Mr. Alex l.ewtliwiilte has returned
from a several week's visit to Culilornia.
Miss Mario Roberts, of Portland, was
visiting relatives lu Oregon City lust
Isaac Aekeruiitn was up from Port
land Sunday, mid spent the day with
the folks at home.
Theodore Wygnnt mid David Modis
tes were up from Portland Wednesday,
doing Oregon City.
Dr. J. W, Stiangii. of lioeltrg, spent
Sunday in the city visiting his brother,
Prof. It. S, Strange.
Miss Kin in a ttlanrhard, of Browns
ville, is visiting her brother, Robert
Blaiu'hard, in this city.
Fred II. Fuller and family left Friday
night for California, where they will
probably remain periiiauuutly.
Louis N'ohel and M Gaiisiielder,
left Friday (or a pleasure trip to Ash
land and vicinity in Southern Oregon.
David Henderson left fur the lower
Columbia Tuesday evening, where ho
will probably imain during the sum
mer. Miss Nellie Younger has completed
another suecessful term of school at
Murk's Prairie, and returned home last
F H Morrison, a former architect
and builder of this citv, who now lives
at Dallas, spnt several days in the city
during the past week.
Rev. M. L. Rugg tilled the pulpit of
the Second Baptist church in Portland
last Sunday morning, ami delivered an
appropriate memorial sermon.
Mr. and Mrs. Ulio II. Cowing are
now located at Chehalis, Wash , where
Mr. Cowing Is employe I by the North
ern Pacitlc Railroad Company and the
N P. Express Company.
Miss Carrie Ross and Miss Anna
Gray, of Portland, were In the city Sat
urday visiting Miss Jennie Gray, the
1 liter's sister, who Is money order clerk
in the Oregon City postolfice.
Mrs. J. K. Weathcrford, of Albany,
spent Saturday and Son. lay in the city,
the guest of Mrs. R. D. Wilson. She
was on her way home from the I. O. O. F.
Rebekah degree grand lodge.
F. C. Anderson, of the business de
partment of the San Francisco Chron
iclo, who is visiting his uncle, F. S. Far
rell.of Portland, was in Oregon City
Tuesday, and visited the paper mills.
Misses Maud and Edna Crawford, of
Pendleton, are visiting Mrs. R. I). Wil
son for a few days. They expect to
spend the summer with friends and rel
atives in the valley and at Yaquina bay.
Mrs. Emma Mclkmnld, accompanied
her three daughters, Mrs. Dr. Pickens,
Mrs. Arthur Milln and Mrs. J. A.
Moore went to Salem Tuesday, to make
a short visit with friends and relatives.
Mrs. L. W. McAdams, one of the
teachers in the Eastham school, has
bran seriously ill for several days past.
Miss Wiggins is filling Mrs. McAlam's
placa in the school, while the latter Is
cm lined to her room.
T F.Ryan, II . E. Straight, W. A.
Hedges, Mrs. J. C. Bradley and Mrs.
J.J. Cooke returned from Astoria last
Friday, where they attended the ses
sions of the grand lodges of the various
divisions of the I. O. O. F.
Miss Louise Paquet left last Friday for
Oakland, California, to make a brief visit
in that city, and to accompany her sister.
Miss Florence, who has Hsjnt the winter
at a sanitarium in Oakland, Is so much
improved that the family exct that she
will soon be restored to health .
O. II. Bernard, C. II. Mclsaacs, L, T.
Burin and F. W, Longshore, came up
from Portland Saturday night, and arose
early Sunday morning, to try the fish
ing on the island below the (alls. They,
with fjur others succeeded in capturing
about 200 fine specimens of salmon trout.
Miss Mildred Linville, of Corvallis,
stopped in the city for a short timo Sat
urday, to meet some friends. She was
on her way to Seattle to attend the inter-collegiate
oratorical contest, where
she represented the State agricultural
college, and carried off the second prize.
She was accompanied by Mrs. President
Bloss, ot the agricultural college.
E. A. Kitzmiller, a prominent whole
sale merchant of Pittsburg, Pennsyl
vania, spent Sunday and Monday in the
city, visiting his niece, Mrs. A. J. Mont
gomery. Mr. Kitzmiller is making his
annual visit to this coast, and is con
tracting for canned fish and fruits for
his house. Last year he sold 75,000
pounds of prunes, which he purchased
from a Portland firm.
Miss June Wade, a well known Clack
amas county teacher, and a niece of II.
II. Johnson, returned Monday morning
from Stanford University, where she has
been taking a course of study for the
past three years. Her father Hon. Owen
Wade, was for some time a
resident of Oregon City, and was re
ceiver of the U. S. land office for several
years. He is now in the banking busi
ness at St. Helena.
Mrs. Neita N. Lawrence leaves next
Monday for San Francisco, where she
will join her husband, who left fortliat
city a short time since and is now hold
ing a position in a large bicycle firm, and
will make that city her future home.
Mrs, Lawrence, nee Barlow, has a host of
friends, who wish her and her and hus
band well in their new home.
Highest Honor World's Fair,
(Jold Medal, Midwinter Pair.
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard.
Judge's Salary.
"Taxpayer" says in the Herald that
the county judge diew $S0 for six
month's work. It is true that warrant
were drawn for $H(k) for the county
judge's salary for the six mouths com
mencing April 1st 1SIH ami ending Sep
tember 30, IstH and is eiplaitied a
follows: Judge Mctdrtiin drew hi
salary quarterly, Judge Hayes drew hi
salary monthly. On the lt iliy of April
tSlM and on the 1st day of July IH'.NI war
rants were issued iu favor of Judge Mel
drum iu payui 'iit of salaiy lor the
quarter preceding the date said wariaul
were isnicd Jti'Ue Hayes received war
rants for lllkl on the 1st day August,
18H4 and on thu 1st day of Septemlwr
IH'Xt in payment of salary of the month
preceding the Issuance of said warrant
making a total of HiM In payment of
eight months salary. Our populist
friends would make more vote if they
would stick to the truth.
Successful Applicants.
The following named ersoiis passed
the required per cent to entitle them to
certificate at the May examination for
teachers in Clackaiiia county.
Souri Maytleld, ('has M Crittenden,
E K Surface, Lucia Rethke, Katie Storts,
Ida M Yodei, Howard Eccles, 1) C All
ard, J A Dulf, Aura Thompson, A E My
ers, Alma J Smith, Minnie Coon, Knox
Cooper, Ine Thompson, Lilian Wills,
Mary McKeown, Louis Hampton, Ar
thur Gallogly, lUttie Willoiiglihy, W W
Austen, Annette Pauling, Minnie
Joehnke, Mary Guttridge, Elsie J Tay
lor, W F Dixson, Gertrude Nefxger,
Sarah M Giaham.Guy Wakefield, Leon
ard Myers, Blanche Dyer, Helen
Mew, Martha Bass, Annie Midlam, Ad
Moehnke, Adam Herman, Ixiu D Mer
chant, Herhot Seeor.
Best and Cheapest Insurance.
Save money on your insurance by call
ing on E. E. Martin, w ho represents the
only Mutual doing business In Oregon
City, You cannot afford to keep on
throwing your money into ixilltlei and
pay from 3 to 5 years premiums In ad
vance and then have the company fail.
The Orrgun Fire Relief association will
stand the closest investigation.
E. E. Martin, Agt.
Commercial Bank Block.
Cares Croup.
"My three children are all suhjnut to
cioup ; I telegraphed to San Francisco,
got a half a dozen bottles of S. B. Cough
Cure. His a perfect remedy, (iod bless
you for it. Yours, etc., J. If. Choxiijh,
Grants Pass, Or." For sale by C. G
Huntley, druggist.
A told Consumption.
by stopping that cough. We know ( no
better remedy lor coughs ami colds than
the S. B. Cough Cure. For sale by C
G. Huntley, druggist.
Weak, Irritablejired
I Was No Good on Earth."
Dr. Miles' Nervine Htrenprthons
tho weak, builds up the broken
down constitution and permanently
cures ccry kind of nervous disease
"About one year ago ten afflicted
with nerroutneaa, aleeplettueaa,
t'reeptng tentatton in tny lega.
Slight palpitation ofttiy heart,
Mintractlno eon fuiaofthr mind,
Nertou o or lapne. or memory.
Weighted down tetth tart and
worry. I completely lott appetite
And felt my vitality wearing out,
i waa weak, irritable and tired,
Sty weight waa reduced to too iba
In fact i waa no good, on earth.
A (rlnnd brought
mn Dr. Mill' book,
"Now and Bturt
ling Fact," and
I Anally decldod
to try a bottle of
Da. Muss' Re
oratlre Nerrlne.
Iiofore I had taken
one bottle I could
sloop as well as a
lO-yr.-old boy. My
appetite returned
greatly Increased.
If hen had taken the sixth bottle
31 U weight tnereaaed to 178 ba,,
The. aenuatton in my leg waa gonef
tig nerrea ateadted eotnpletely;
Sty memory waa fully rentored.
9lu brain teemed clearer than ever.
I felt at good aa any man on earth,
Ir. mien' itemtoratlve. Kervtne it
A great medicine., I atture you."
Augusta, Ma. Walter K. Durban k.
Dr. Miles' Nervine Is sold on a positive
guarantee that the first bottle will Vmillt,
AlldruKKlsiHsnllltattl.fl bottles fori), or
it will he sent, prepaid, on receipt of pries
by the Dr. Miles Medical Oo, Elkhart, lnL
Dr. Miles' Nervine
Restores Health
ftf"" ' i" r v.p
Sli'jmieHr. W. Shaver,
Commencing Aoill Ji, istHI, will leave
I'orllHtid loot of Washington street lues.
day, Thiiisdny mid Nuuiliiy evenings at
! o'clock ICeturning, leaves Clutskaiiln
Monday, Wednesday and Friday even
ing at ft o'clock. Will pnrM Oak Point
alHiut 7; Slella 7:1ft; Mayger 7 : '-T, ;
lUlnlcr H '.M; Kalams II l.'i; Hi. Helens
ll);:ill. Arrive In Portland I ::U a. in.
This Is the nearest and most direct
route lo the great Nclislem valley.
Shavor Trnnsportatlon Co.
To the Public
....1Y3I.L mo,.-
Tho (iiiiuliriiicH l'ilsimr or
Ituvnrtan Mottle Himt, jm t
Doz. (jiuirts tit It M
California White Wiinter gnl hit)
" Claret Wine t kI- W)
" Tort Wine ikt gal. 1 At)
Cherry Wine jmt gal. I M
Uest " GruM Unduly ihtkuI. 00
ly imt (
ey. Not i
lWyenr old lilHkey. .Vitiini-
reil lHTKlll 4 00
Our KHils will lie fntiiul tho best
evcrollered to t lie public at tint price.
Leave your onler. We warrantee
our goods to give satisfaction or
will cherfully refund your money.
N. F. Zlmmorman, Mgr.
SNir Kvu tlr Istivv yuur or!r.
Hatnr lie.
Daily bouts, except Sunday, leav
ing Oak street dork nt 7 a. in., mak
ing regular landings at Vancourur.
Cascades, White Salmon, Hood
Kiver and all intcrmeduite taunts.
Passenger and freight rates lower to
tlii'so points than ly auy other line.
First class ideals served for 2-ro,
This is thu (ircut Scenic Hunt).
All tourist admit that tho scenery
on tlio Middlo Columbia in not ex
celled for beauty and grandeur in
tho United States. Full informa
tion liy addressing or calling; on
J. N. II ARM-: Y, A Bent,
Tel. Oi l. Portland, Or.,
Ollicoand wliurf, foot of Ouk St.
No. IW, Morrison Streot,
For Ri'tioral repairing lm r-tandg
without a pwsr. For first-class, re
liable goods liisHtori is second to
none. Trvhinil
r.ntulttNtietl I "11.1.
Tf angler and
Freight and parcels delivered
to all parts of the city.
Perfect nxvtj (row
rpylnr crops, ftrfratimli
farenatgrowa br chines. MotbA
Ins Iss vnr li-ft to rlisnno In rmr.'
' Ins Pcrrr'a Herds. iMwIcrairll 1
' mem everywhere. Write fur
. for lNfW. Brimful ot muslil i
i inrormstlon anout best kod nw
. eat tnnli. Kn a br null.
D. M. FERRY a CO.,
Detroit, Mich.