CLACKAMAS COUNTY THE ENTERPRIE lOKKKSIONO ESTS SW EEP TUE 1'IELO. Sandy Has a (Jreat Republican Rally Barlow Road Mill Cloned by Deep Snow In the .Mountains. Baxdt, May lti. I-ant Tuesday an im mense crowd of people from all over the country gathered at Meinig's hall to hear th republican candidates speak on the Is- uesor the day. Hon. Oeorg C. Hrownell wu the first speaker introduced. He siok eloquently and logically, introducing a great many farts on the tariff and money ques tion!. The other speaker were U L. Tor ter, Eli C. Maddock, and Charles Holruan, who made brief and stirring speeches and ware frequently applauded. The weather continue bad and some tariuers who haven t sown all their grain bare given up all bop of getting it sown. Mr. Mularier is preparing to build a barn on his place. Will Stansberry who lately got married, has moved out and rented a place of Mr. Foster, where he wiil reside at present Mr. and Mrs. Heins, of San Francisco, were visiting Mrs Heins't parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bacon. Annie Cooper left for South Bend, Wash ington, Wednesday. Will Calvin has moved into Mr. Crisle's F. B I.inn is building a poultry yard snd CANNY RKwtt, house. This will be the third poultry yard I at Linn's mill. It looks like they were go. "PPJ W4.llnr-4 Trip With a Tint of ing to raising poultry, don't it? i Iac to It, Services on Memorial Pay, Saturday, May ltd, will be held at the cemetery at this i,u. I.. i ....... k. ..r i .... i v.. i i: I ...rMMT.iui ..r ivm .... .. v. ... ...... ....... ... t,p,nji, mnu am, mriw llimrtl 111 CMY, il:ttli. Mr May is. On Wednea.lav, May John livdman and Mi Ida A K of Oregon City, commencing at 4 o'clock p. m. All are invited to attend. Politics is taking uuite a boom in this place We ran see notices posted uo all 1 around announcing a populist lecture at Kedlaud hall, but it is difficult to ascertain when it is to be. Kvery bill states it ditter-1 eiitly. We think that populist tnuid have i been drunk, or it may have been a populiit almanac be was looking at when lis rots out those bills. The bovs who left here for Kajtem Oregon are in a bad tix They can't get work and are in debt for board ; so e learn by letters received from that part of the stale. It looks like the bovs would belter stay at home these hard lime. Mr. Lowry was in Oregon City one day last week searching for ork. Mrs. J. Trullmger and Frank Spragut were visiting at Mr. A. (ipragtie s on day last week. marriage by Kev 8 W . Stryker of Oregon City. The wedding was a private on and took place at lh residence ol the officiating miniMer. Both parties are well and favor, ably known in Canhy. Mix Thegley is the daughter of Ihs well known hotel man, Jas Bhegler, and is a nut estimable young la dy. Mr Kvdman is known her ai an tin- right, industrious young man. Their nu merous friends here unite in ulurg them all the happiness and prosperity they can i devr. I A report of another wedding has reached us, but we are not able to verifv It. so do not attempt to give details; but as a partial e.planation, will Mat that Iam Humor and I think Pain liumor knows says that ,10 of the young people of this vicinity 1 have suddenly, but not very mysteriously, disappeared, and their route of departure ' as well as the domestic relation thereof. ' k. ....... A . Look out. bovs. for the ball at Ul.n I hall ""' me usi ot criirr no recently departed oil tlie next Saturday night. Mrs. S. S. Mosher has just had a very ! nice gate completed which adds much to the looks of the place Miss Hattie F. Wilcox was visiting friends in Oregon City several days last week, i Paniel H. Mosher has been doing some work for Mrs. A. L. James. I F. Wilcox has had some trouble with' a wild animal bothering his sheep this i j spring. Il is thought to be a wild cat or coyote. He has been trapping for il but witnoul success. l.irntY TWIN I ITT NEWS. Ae Aged Pioneer Hurt-School Has ratrlutlr Exercise. ,... f krti,M mtA will Mvm Hiam a. Iaha . . he runs the mail wagon. , Y,f "T ,0,n,1 boou " cwn,,n ln ! Several name of tourists have trie,! to wo w w' - , o over the mountain but failed, as they en countered snow to the depth of ten feet. Quite a number of people went from here to Eagle Creek the Uth int. to hear General James B. Weaver speak in favor of pop ulist doctrines. Sandy Ridge Sunday school was reorgan ized xith Mr. Meveras superintendent. A debating club has been started at Kelso to meet every Saturday until the weather becomes more favorable for work. A good many of our people were in hopes that alter the republican candidates were here we would get better weather; but still j it rains. It must be the populist party that i is responsible for all this bad weather. Hith- erto they have charged every unfavorable ; aspect of crops and weather to the doings of wicked republicans, and voted accordingly. In the eternal round ot things it seems to have become their turn to snatch the rain bow from the skies and tie the ends together. iasi sieamer tor i allforma. Attorney A. S. Pre sser, of Oregon City, accompanied by T. J. Cleeton, republican nominee for district attorney, were in Can by last Friday. William K. Weed came home Fridav to spend a few days. William is in the can vassing business, and " lets no guilty man escape." John Molian has taken out license foel die meat In Canhy With two sources of supply we ought to get meat away down in price and away up in iiility and quantity. " Eli" 1-ee, the famous bicycle rider, spent Sunday in Canby. 1 Many Canby eople went to Needy to hrartieneral James II, Weaver talk popu lism last week. W. p. Smith, populist, spoke in Knight's , hall last Fridav evening to a small and 1 thoroughly disinterest,-,) crowd. He had statistics ealore and quoted fast and a long I time. j J. S Coxey is rumored to be neit on th- ! Carlton & Rosenkrans, CHNBY. ORECON, Millinery . . Wo havo just lvt'fivotl a new punls a nl can furnish you tlicin to order on short not ice lino of Hjirinj' milinrry trimmt'tl hats or trim Mens and Boys' Clothing Our hoys' and men's clothing Dt nt fail to sco it heforo you I my you inure inmnv than ever has just arrived. , for we can nave Ik 'fit re. CHRLTON St ROSENKRHNS. Hicalaad 5w. High l!d. May 15. Mumps are still rag ing in this neighborhood. The people of this place who have not got the muirp, or had them, are not in fashion. 8carletina is also visiting tome of oar peo pie. It was stated in a previous letter from yoar eormponoent that J Kirk and fam ily bal smarted tor California. Bat rain de tained tbea asd they are still here waiting lor tbe weather to settle. C Kroha it improving bit premises by patting picket fence around bis house. 1 Mrs. F. Welsh and family, and Mrs. E. j Harrington and family attended the wed-1 ding of Mis Helen Taylor and Mr. E. Story last Sunday. Mrs. D. A. Miller, wife of oar school teacher, is visiting in Oregon City, and Mr. Miller is frying hisown pancakes this week. Mrs. Ella Bodin and husband are visiting T. B. Jones and daughter. Mrs. P. Davidson has been very sick bul we are glad to learn that she is improving. Misses Missouri and Anion May field are attending the county examination this week. Born to the wife of Nat Scrivener. Mav Tars l'nct and Glaphtxm, May ir.. The well-known pioneer, lirandpa Straight, of Parkplace, while walking about the saw mill al Gladstone, stepped on a slab, slipped, and broke his leg He was inm-e-! list of populists to endeavor to Inhvt int.. diately taken to the hospital where he is ' the popular pulse populist principles pre getting along fairly well This is a sad ecci- paratory to and preceding the protection dentforonesofaradvtnced in years, but ' plurality predicted In June next. We don't we all sympathiie with him. and hope he need his good mads project here as Canby will have Ihe strength to stand tbe terrihle always has sood roa Is. It will lake more i nocs 1 than the combined forces of the populist Another accident occurred in Gladstone orators now infesting Oregon to turn the j daring the past week. Pale Seaver was out republican majority here into a nonuli.i in the field not far from his home Irving to one-the " Texas Cyclone" to the contrary catch bis pony. The animal, as the boy got notwithstanding. near, suddenly wheeled about and kicked J. S. Graham with a force of men it at (... i t i. . . mm ju ueiow in rye, mating a very uau j worn improving the street by draining, fill cruise anu inocaing nun senseless tor Ihe , ing, etc. ume. jir. seaver Happened to be on bit when there Is any neded improvement for either on the cam or at home toon recovered consciousness The wound i has healed up nicelv, and is almost well. i On Friday afternoon Mrs. Moore gave a Xew York Tribune. liflJcr c( the KcjuiMiQii Tarty. 1WM5. Are You WiiinE to Ltsirn to i SctEtstisi9 Tut Nxw Yokk Taihtsx' broad column anJ large print make it the The city council it wide awade easiest paper in the country to read, Mink Notes, Mim. Mar lS.-Ered Heft and Fred Fish Bv ,r. tvn in,t.trl. r.i.:. . i rv i.terxlin. 1.),, i l .k- . ' ,,. . . ., . , . " have bought he entire stock of the Worden much JT M " "7 Ml0Cr" forea """" of t,h"'" ovhtike, much appreciated. Mr, Moore represent. .h(1 . c()ljve righ Qf h- ' v ""-"'-" of Clackamas and Marion lo ture again in the near future al the same .,, ,,,. T(,. , . . I , - - " w.t v miv i uri n .hands In the business, and undoubtedlv They expect to start out as place. i f- T I 1 1 , . jir. itaiuuu ins mane . si.rt on nit new isill succeed iiuiisv a CP uii3iuil. uril lliusiieu t .i ...... , ., i iuuii u tin ruu 117 up. it will be a nice and cosy residence. n... n .i . k. i .i 1 . . ... ' , Owen Hughes bad Ihe misfortune to os Mr. V, heeler hat started a new houte for ! , v,,b,e mtTt " Z"- ' . "P'"! J. W Beattie, our school teacher, is mak-1 v, uiv lim, lliu mil unuuuutcuijr ill. Be a neat place of it, About a rioxen members of the Grand Army -visited our school last Friday for tbe 1 purpose, I suppose, of instilling and empha-1 sizing tbe principles of loyalty to our flag. It ( A nrniwr thiniF tn tn,Kt,A Iha ' -. , . n w i...wua uc , full, , lug preparations to have a grand picnic at the close of the spring term. Mrs. John Moebnke left last Saturday to visit relations In Seattle. CvcLont. A I'oor Muu's Chance. 14, a little ter.-pound republican. Mother jmind with love of country and teach It to and babe are do'ng well, and Nat it alt miles. Meadow brook News. Miadowbbook, May 18. Messrs. Dave May, Thos. Uankins and J. H. Kruse set forth populistic principles to a fair sized au dience last Thursday at the Canyon Creek hall. State Senator Brownell will speak in be half of tbe republican candidates at the Gorbett school bouse at 7:30 p. m. next Thursday, May 21. The entertainment at the hall last Satur day was not very well attended owing to an exceeding'y rainy afternoon. A short liter ary program was rendered. The first copy of a new paper, "Tbe Canyon Creek Ag onizer," was read. A handsome plush photo album was voted to the sweetest girl. After a spirited contest Miss Jessie Robeson was declared the choice by a ma jority of nine votes Miss Jessie thanked those who had so highly honored her in a few apprepriate words. The Edtekpkibe extends the recipient its congratulations. After the election J. H Wright auctioned of! 15 lunch basket, some of which were " a thing of beauty and a joy forever." But some of the young ladies were of a more practical turn of mind. May Ball's basket was not a basket, but a diminutive stove wash boiler. The lucky bidder was a bach elor. Then came Amy Robeson's basket, (?) a perfect image of a wash tub, and sus pended from its side was a perfect little wash-board. But it had never been used in a laundry or its contents would not have been so delicious. Phu.-mx. Redland Hews. Redlakd, May 18 Tbe Jtedland ladies' Aid Society met at Mrs. W. D Berkey't Tuesday, May 5th. The day was spent in quilting. After tbe work was done some very nice instrumental music was rendered by Mr and Mrs. Berkey. Three new mem bers were enrolled Mrs. Benner, Mrs. have honest pride for its history; but eventt of late teem to show that it it important to ttop at inordinate pride, lest the United States should become a boor among the na tions of the earth. We hope the good work of the U. A. R. will bear good fruit in the future. Mr. Galloway, the new receiver at the C. S land office, has moved hit family from McMinnvilleto the elegant residence of Mr, Chase at Park Place A splendid lo-acre tract near Oregon City on Molalla road, near two churches and graded school, a live, progressive neighborhood, good soil and half under cultivation, balance in pasture. New house, gocnl well, all kinds of fruit. Terms $."00, $175 down, balance in four years time at 8 per cent interest. This is the best bargain ever offered in Oregon City. Call on Jas. A. Wells, office ot C.ll, Dye, near Bank of Oregon Citv. Whooping Cough. There is no danger from this dineufe The class of W-'OT of Parkplace school met at Prof. Gray't house last Friday to re hearse orations, essays, et cetera. A grand nine 19 luusru lor un in evening ui wie .u .!. r.u 1 1 , , , in,, Closing exercises for the little one, Cough Remeday is willbebeldinth.alternoon. j freely K.ven. It liquefies the tough . ' mucus and aiila its expectoration. It Viola Voicing. ' glto lessens the severity and fretuiennv Viola, May 18. Grain is looking fine in of paroxysms of coughing, and Insures a Hpeedy recovery. There is not the leant danger in giving the remedy to children or babies, as it contains no injurious substance. For sale byG. A. Harding, druggist. spite of the cold, rainy weather Fishing, stump pulling and resting is the present order of business. Lon Tenney is confined to his house with a badly sprained ankle. Clifford Mattoon was op from Oregon City last Saturday. Miss Allie Gale, of Oregon City, was visit ing here with friends the pant few days i John Tracy and family of Carrinsville, i attended tbe republican speaking last Fri-1 day. I Quite a number of Oogamies were down J Friday evening to listen to the grand truths ' from the republican speakers. j The first political meeting of the present ' campaign In this place wa, held in the VI-1 ola hall last Friday evening several republican nominee, were pres ent Owing to tbe inclement weather not nearly so many were present as would have been under more favorable circumstances. However, a good-sized, attentive and appre ciative audience assembled. A Home-like lintel. Farmers and the traveling public will find a comfortable home-like place to stop at when in Oregon City at the Oriental hotel. Table supplied with an abundance of the best the market af' fords. Rooms and beds are clean and comfortable. Our 25 cent meals are not excelled. John Dkmciikk, Prop. A Recommendation from Loa Angeles, ti32 Cafdelar St., 1am Angeles, Cel., -After having suffered for a long time from acute rheumatism without obtaining re troduced and delivered the principal addresg Murdock and Mrs Allen. The books now I f the evening His address was clear, loifl- sbow 18 members in all who have done a lot cal and convincing. The professor pre- Iief, 1 used Chamberlain's I'ain I'.altn Prof. Strange, nominee tor county super-.' and was almost Immediately relieyed. intendent of public instruction was first in-' I highly recommend this an the bout of good work since tbe society was organ ized about one year ago. Quite an accident happened n a part of the ladies were returning home from the meeting of the Ladies Aid Society on the 5th Five of the ladies with three of their children were riding in a hack which turned upside down. o one of them was hart seriously. W. M. Stone has been doing some clear ing this spring. E. H. Sprague has purchased a born, and will unite with the Redland and Beaver Creek brass band. ferred to speak on educational matters, but as be was billed to make a political speech he presented the political issues of the pres ent campaign. Short speeches were also made by the other candidate, present, which, judging by the frequent applause, were jyry satisfac tory to tbe audience. We predict a large republican majority in this precinct Violet. The U. S. Qov't Reports show Royal Baking Powder superior to mil others. medicine known. II. M. Hamilton. For sale by G. A. Harding, druggist. Indigestion Cured. Depressing times depress the mind; the digestion is disturbed. Two or three doses of the 8. B. Headache and Liver Cure will restore your health to a nor mal condition. 50 cents per bottle. For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist. Insurance. If you want to know anything about Fire or Life Insurance or Building and Loan Association, call on H. T. Bladen. He has it at bis finger ends. ol the largest Newspaper Clipping Agency in the world, testifies in a published card, that his clipuinga for over 4.000 clients ahowt that Tiia Taiut'da contains, "day by day and week by week , for more origin al matter than any daily newspaper in New York City." He prove the fact by figures. Tin Weekly rank the same. lluiini'ts men find the market report of Tux Tumi'M absolutely without an eiiial. T11 at TaiHt'KK is the only news- paer in New York City whose reporters actually visit all the different markets in person. Tiia Tmiiiunk now print the best and freshest humorous pictures of the day from the comic press of two continents, and supplies plenty of other entertain ment. By its siecial telegrams anil corres Dondunce, its able editorials and high literary character, Titic Thiiil'n main tains a splendid position in the regard ol Republicans and lovers of music, art, and good book. Tut Tkiiiune's socixty news is known everywhere for excellence, Its fashions have always been of special value, and changes of style are, as rule, foretold in The Tuiiidne sooner than in other newspapers. The New Yoke Tmiiiunk is recognized, officially, as the leading newspaper of the Republican party. As for Farming and Labor, The Tai nt.' nb has fur 50 years demanded, and yet demands that very possible dollar's worth of food and commodities, con sumed by the American people, shall be produced by tho American people. For this cause Tiik Tkimunk labors in its various additions 305 days in every year. A man is judged by the newspaper he takes. He who reads The Thikunk is wide awake, progressive, respectable and capable, worthy of the confidence of business and social friends. If you are a young man you will live in rut all your life (except by catering to that which is base) if yon feed your mind upon news' papers, full of scandal, vulgarity and in' unity. Think for a moment of the people who read newspaper of that class. On the other hand, The ThiiiL'ne has prob ably the largest clientele of the very people who can help to improve a young man's position, of any newspaper in the United States. Associate yourself with them. Mr. Horr continues to write for The Tiiihiink. Rumple copies free. Daii.ev, $10 a year Sunday seperatnly, $2. Hemi-Wkkkly, $2. Weekly, fl. Tuiiiunk Almanac for J8!I0, 50 cents. THE TRIBUNE, Now York. The People's Favorite. When you are hungry and want an ap petizing meal one that is well cooked to your taste and well served try the Nickel Lunch Counter, This is no second-class restaurant, we feed the best people In Oregon City and they al ways go where they get full value for their money. Give us a trial. George Bros. Proprietors. Most Goods for the Money lllt ftil llmltlrl. I Or 4 I'erc.lM lor !. ne, Im. Il',, Now deiti, I'ernafi facts, lo 0r a yd. Atra L.Ku. mi iiyiiih now. plvnljr br. Nw aoriutoul rr tv prints, bong-nt direct, Pin lol Imxrm and Kmtn darivA elu prtov. T'lminlu Huimnt, nrliiMrt lot lilndui laflria, lira l.lmui. Fibre Clolh, 'rcoiluM, Sliia, l aintirti a. Pin lol Shl'l em prloM. 4V up Nir aMnrimnt l'ndrwr and llnaivry. liauilkirrhmu, lc, .v. ir, (v u1 uo. hurt I ball tt WhiM knltluif ('niton. It SV. itiMl dou, paper, 1 bunrbei mnullU - lupM, bmil VaMlIu. Ink ur nuoilaf. I ft eurlln pom, wpeiia, 12 Aib hi k. I I. I. Mmiln. StiHtr Pannl, I'rlul, Y Jf U titinui Kiauiil, I'liM- ('Willi, Uuimi CIMh. t'mhreiU Iron nukr, to lol A I good, bd rork price. Standard faltern. elect stork, redurml prlea. buyt 2 ld piaola or on with further Up, II- I r nolv or pint, ear I b"ok ami rncu iiiarpauar, t ii pturiia, 1 awu KtlLLINKHY. Slyll.h trimmed kal, rl braiillei. na fancy prion.; laiitm Plata, lue, loliaa' Mallor, 10o, Ilk baby rlbrmn, 1": wa-h alia, (worth Sol Jc a lni rapa, bai, bby Imhiu.h. rl l,rn, vall liu, tlua.1, oiocb.i eollon, knittln aila. tic. Ft'llNIHHINQ CIOOIIH. IliiO'lrada of manufacturm' lamp!, 111, wool and itraw bat., bit aviii In pile, aira bait So up, laus'larad throat ahlrta .Vlo un. weatura V ami Sou, new iluan C'lliars lu-t ami .-. wawrprool follara loo up, iwtl .- 5c up. HHOKM. I'ut prices, km our inmlabefnrtburlnc lo' plow.. 8 lo . 1: bo)' bultou, 4 to A. II ; ebild'a eanvaa, 7Ac: tncn' and lallas' rantaa lop, cif trimuiad, II. baby tboei, a.'io up; anci 0 lol. l!Vc buya Slba. nl lllmr Sao, Tapioca, halfina, y- llrled Applta, Prune or Plum, or 10 IU. ol twrmaw. Cum Moat or Ho'.lod OaK I lb. Srbopp's bal I'oroaaul or lb. pure imuorl Splnsof lib, hul rptr or S', lb, p it Urd (bilug pall), 1 puuud. H ir Prao t'hanaa Tubacrn, to pound I'nal Oil, par sal.: I al., a. brloi can ) Pin Mil, a w . aiorl m I. Mm par nu IM. Mi I'ueooirwJor j II,.. ii,i,.Miwar Im, n K)iil to uaital nor grade. Taa Niba. Irwi a pmiud Umoo or Vaullia. par ot. a, an on ball priew, (brln txitlla ) Sawli.i Maabin (III. I o. lor Vl (bring boll, a ) l Hm dry granulaud Sugar, 1 1. U.lloti can Api'loa or uaah, Kn. Tab Prull, lor; I'U Piuii, I can for !. Tkl trull I wurlh nearly douhla. haal Stiuiw. .KM pwt (al (bring oan.) Keg. ll.X. I'uokmg Miilaaa'a, 4V a gallun. Plunaar Haking Puarilar, bail, par pound ID aH at un aplrwa, eul lo sc a van. Ciutheplui, lc a dia ; I himmiya, to up. Haal ai baiidla. Itoi la.l(w baudlwa, ua. la. eul, IV; wire. paiiny upiw. Ilulu, le, lo ami So; har laa.l y pat pound. I Un laaapoona, lo; Jail IcK-kl. to Up. Mlk Hiralner, 10c; liuai pan, loo, H uh P-n- in up; Tin I'aila, IU In Joe. Wulmwa.h Hrtuh, (w: Tootiiplrki, be a bin WhUk llrunm, I'T; t'lolhaallaa Ilk'. j IU MtiaTlhg Soap. V. Vaaalm t-c. Koan.l Mc M..II. In-a, l.iulmahia, Pltli. B.ib- log Syriipa. Kyawaiar. !., all eul to rue. Shimll.r I, ?it, ikilrlcaikar, abiwuaila. eia !, puuud aaoild Taoka. to. -f tach I dna. Clnlheaplna, aklmmar eblm A. nay o.rauvr.can iipaitar.auap diab.gate huuk IraJa (ur May. Data, "haal, llanin, f lilraaua. nMi, Kirga, nutter, l'nlaloa, shinglaa, ale, Pull ali( PA palul and In KINS PA 1 N't H. Vary al price. Iloll. l oil, Ual Red Front Tradlncr MAIN AND NINTH STS. OREGON CITY. HCENCY FORs SIMOXDS' Crewmt Ground Crosscut Saw. KUI.LY WAKKANTED. Four diirotent styles. Also a full line of Warranted (Sledges and We lles, Silver Steel Axes and Wood Choppers' and liggera' supplies, St Mnin and Fourth StH., CO, Oregon City. xxxxxxs :xx:xxi Qregon Cit j Hogpital,. ..GLADSTONE PARK... Convi-niniitly of aecuss and jilmimiiit liicalt'd. Free from the noine and duHtof the city. Skillful mirxos and every convenienco of a first C'lllHH llOHpitlll. Ample room that imtionts may have qtiiet neHH and rent. Speciul rooms C 1 lor JitiiicH. rj ior j W Services of tlic lest p hysicianH of the in attenuunco. TERMS HEASONAIIUt. county M Address, MISS M. E. LIIBKER, SUPT. J OKEGON CITY, OR. Li