Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 08, 1896, Image 7

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    lltl UT ( 01 III' I'KIM KKKIMJS.
Cniilliiiii'il Kriiin Mmt 'ngi,
tlm iiioiilli ii( Clour crock. 'J'lilit caiine
ciiinliiK nn to hit lirnnl till tut day nf
Muy, tlm iiluiiillir ifu) tnif In xthi hi
and hy Ills utloincy, A. H. llresHm, mid
llui ilrfi'iiiliuit uiH'iirliiK In immmui nml
liy I.. I.. Purler nml l. U, Murphy, liitt
attorneys, mnl a Jury 1-oing culled, wit-
ti worn exuiiiliied mnl tlin iimtliir
preaculcd (or tlirlr cntiaidnrMtiuii. Tliu
jury lirniiglil in it verdict fur :) ilum
agon. Tim action wiin fr fiMno. Until
Muy Hlli wax ((Wen In move lor H now
Irlul, or to proceed otherwise.
I loinnr Kilier vs .Initios Kviiiih; IIiIn
ult ('i'iiiiiii i tin attention of tlm court
nil tiny Huliinlay, mnl tlm jury drought
in a vnnlirl of $H In favor of tlin plaintiff,
with a mim l.il vnrilii'l that (711 was ow
ing liini, luil was imt duo at lliu tiinu
tint admit wiih hcgun. Tlin milt wmi
liroiilit liy tlm lintiir agnir.Ht defend
mil for $101, aliened to lie dun for culling;
wood. This Humn ease was) lii'lnni tlin
court Inst November, Imt tint jury failed
to agree, (!. I. mnl 1 1. (', .utiitiriili
were attorney fur plaintiir, mnl lliown
cll A (,'iimphcll for ili'fi'inlmit.
RaletaW Y lluUim l; imlli led for
cutting a Ihniiii of log loom on C'li ur
creek. No KMM'iul lin.u liuviiiK U i'ii m'I
nr the hcuring of tlm cn, tlm ili'fi'inl
mit appeared Monday mnl plead not
V J Kroll v William Sroll ; decree ol
divorce, hy dcfuull. A. J. Vmitimi, at
torney fur iUlnliir. Tlin plalutill mnl
defendant Were married ut Crookson,
Minni'Hotii, on tint "Ut duy of March,
H', mnl tlm fornii'r ak 1 1 w ,'ril"l end
liiliiiinun lt'Ut iiM-nt on tlm part of tlm
Utter, "lullng tlmt the defendant lot ru
fused to share) hi lied anil board with
her, ami ticuled her Inhiiiiuiily ami
cruelly lien lu va undergoing groat
physical auiririii. On petition of tlm
pluliillli, her minor Noll, John Mrl'licr
noli Scoll, u awarded to tlin rtintody of
Ferdinand H. Ktittmati, of New Yuik.
Miller Hrua v W Knight, el al:
on motion of tint pluiulilt thin tint wait
diinlM'il aa to tlm ilefenilanta W
Knight ami Mra. V, F Knight, ami
there Mug no objection, it ia orJcrcd.
At the sumo time the plaintiff herein
aaka fur a decree against the other ile
fenilanta named Id wit: J. lnglmh,
John A, Ingliah, Mm, 1). A. J on en ami
Mra. MiliiNon, whom default hai hereto
fota Ixten entered In thia auit. Judg
mnnt waa ordered aitalnat tlin defend
aula lord alnivn named, and the follow
ing deacriheil ir8uiliH-a ordered told :
F.lghty aire eiltislccl in Clarkanma
county, to satisfy tlm mm of I5.MI4,
coHta and diahurannieiita of thla milt
taxed at f'.'O, and an attorney leu of 150,
which l allowed in thia auit.
Anna (iantenlM-iin ya Kudolpli (inn
tctiheiin ; decree of divorce on the ground
of cruel and inhuman treatment,
llrownell A CamplH'll, atlnrneya for
plaintifT. The defendant niadtt default
in anawttrliig the coinplaint. Mr. and
Mra. limitfiiliciiii were inurried at l'liil
adclplda, I'ctitiHvl Vitniu, ulioiit tho IKh
da) if March, IH7S, ami are tlm puieiita
of Kudolpli, Hi'd lUyuara; AlU-rt, iii d
1H; Hern an, HK'-d 111; Anna, a;ed 14;
Adoldi, lit; 1'aul, 12; Sophy, 11, and
Km n a (iantenlM'lin, ais'cd I) vnara. The
plainliir waa awarded tlm ciiNtody of the
minor children, and judgment for coata
in thia action.
V. C. Ilurk va John L Kvana, et al ;
on motion of (inorKe I.. Slorv, attorney
for iduinliff, judtinient waa rendered for
I'.ID.S't, intereat, coata and attorney
feea, and a decreo of (ortM loanre ordered
on 10 acrea in the John 8. Holland do
nation land claim in Clackamas county,
Oniric Moehnko va I'eter A. Welaa;
action) fur damiiK'ft al letted to have Ihmmi
auatained by reaaon of a tire act in the
wood near plaintiffs aawmill at Wil
lamette Fall". The plalnliir apH'rtd
In person and by V. H. Hydn and J. U.
Campbell, hin attorneya, and tint defend
ant apH)riim by U. W. and IS. K.
Hwo and Kraaer, big attorneya.
Tha jury brouiiht in a verdict in favor of
the plalntitr for $'-'). Tho amount cued
( r waa :l,(X)0.
F A Inly va L V Katon and Owcnr
Eaton J the plaintiir appeared by L. L.
I'orUtr, bit attorney, and Oacar Katon,
one of I hit defendanta, made default.
L. P. Katon, the other defendant, ap
peared in peraon, and coimented to the
following decreo, but filed no plcadinn
herein. Judgment waa entered for
$:l2fl (14, with InturcHt, contg and attor
ney feea.
An Injunction waa granted the
truxtoca of the (icrinnn Kvnngel
icul Ki'fonn cuiigreifBtiun, of New Kra,
againat Kev. H. Stauh, of Mink, to re
atrain him from preaching in the church
building above mentioned. In accord
ance with an oflicial rcipieat, had ten
dered bla rettik'nntion to the governing
body af the church, and the rcHi'gmttion
had been accepted. It hcciiih, however,
that there ia a divinion In the church
and a number of tho mcmbcra t'Hpoiiefd
the caiiHc of Mr. Stuub, and opened tho
doom of the churh, ami the former pax
tor hold Mtrvicea for two auccpeding
Hnndiiya. Hence, thia action. They
also oHk for $100 damages for trcHpass
ing in the church for two Sundays.
In the matter of the entitlo of Philip
Moore, dcccaHcd, J A O'Dell, plaintiir
and apllant va C 15 Smith, adminis
trator. This mutter coming on regulmly
this day for trial, the plaintiff and ap
pellant aipeuring in person and by
lledgea A (Irllllfih, lila attorneya, and
tlin ilideiiih.nt appealing In peraon, and
by (!, 1), l.aloiiri'lle, hia attorney, tlm
mutter waa refitrred In a jury for a ver
diet. The jury found for tlm plaintiir In
the auin of fKo.
Huphlii Churiuan valiordon K Ifayea,
et al ; action to recover f .VHI for tlin loca
tion of an anchor of tho Hiiapciialon
bridge, riulullir appeared through hur
atlorueyN, ('. I), ami I), (!. Iitoiirittte,
In reply lo defeinliiiit'a anxwer, and de
nlea at tlm timn aaitl bridge wua Imilt,
tint plaintiir lind full knowledge of aaid
anchor or anchorage helng built, or
w here localiid, ami (leniea Unit the cii a
vntioua imceHHiiry for the cunalruction of
mud anchorage were iniidn Willi her full
knowledge, conmtnt or approval, and die
nlea that the name or any part thereof,
have remained fur more than alx yeurx
lii-lorit alio mad, t any ilumuud for dam
age! or their removal.
On Tui-xday noon, Judge Mcllrido ad
journed court until Thurmlay morning.
A lliiiint IVrilUIUff.
A ipilel home wedding waa celebrated
IuhI Thuraday evening at the reitidcniw
of the bridn'a mother, Mra. M. K. Harlow,
corner of Wellington and Twelfth
alreeta, uniting Miaa Neil N. Harlow
to Mr. Nelaun W, Lawrence. The cere
mony wua crformud by Kev. ti. W.
Stryker, paxturof the M. K church and
waa witneaaed hy only Immediate rela
tives. Miaa llurlow cornea of one ol the
oldest and mont reMectcd families of
Oregon City and la a young lady of line
accoinpliahmeuts and a mualcian of
talent. She waa the orgmiirx-r and direc
tor of St. Cecilia choiim, an organization
that has achieved a leading pluce in
mimical clrclci in this city . Mr. Ijiw
renctt la (roui California and is a iuiet,
gentlemanly young man. lie is general
agent for a bicycle company. The young
couple have tlm heat w label of a boat of
friends in their journey through life.
A Tour Mail's Cliaure.
A splendid 15-acrn tract near Oregon
City on Molalla road, near two churches
ami graded school, a live, progressive
noighltorhood, good soil and half under
cultivation, balance in pasture. New
house, good well, all kinds of fruit.
Terms MH), UTo down, balance in four
years time at 8 xr cent interest. This
ia the best lairgain ever ollcred in Oregon
(My. Call on Ja. A. Wells, ollice ol
C. II. Dye, near Itank of Oregon City.
Nome Itantalna.
Four piece of land adjoining Clacka
mas HcighUt addition to Oregon City, of
47, 31), It), and 11 sent each. All on par
tially improved, with housed, fruit
etc. Good soil, lays well and convenient
to school, church, etc. Are rare bar
gains. Have also a spun of fine mules
to sell cheap.
0. L. I.ivksav, Oregon City.
The cantutta, "Grandpa's llirthday"
will be given under tho auspices of the
ladies nt the First Christian church of
Canby, Saturday evening May V, in
Knight's bull. Kveryhody invited.
General admission 15 cents; children
10 cents, lteaerved scats on sale at
Carletou A Kosenkran'a store.
"Halcyon Chorus Concert."
Musical event of the season, Mrs.
Walter Iteed's first apprarunce in Oregon
City at Shiveley's ball May 28, ".HI,
given for tho benefit of the Congrega
tional church. Adiuianion 50 cents,
Reserved scats at Huntley's hook store
without extra charge.
l'opullht Speaking.
Gen. James IS. Wearer will speak at
Needy May 12, at 1 o'clock p. m ; at
Kagle Creek, May 14, at 1 o'clock p. m.
and James K. Sovereign, grand Master
Workman of Knight of Labor, will
sieuk at Oswego May 1:1, at 7:30 p. m.
Houses Made IlrlghL
Murrow, the painter, has removed his
shop to Seventh street, near the depot
where orders can be left (or painting,
paper-hanging and calciming. Frices
to suit the times and all work honestly
and efllciontly dune. tf
Avoid Consumption,
by stopping that cough. We know of no
better remedy for coughs and colds than
the 8. B. Cough Cure. For sale by C
G. Huntley, druggist.
If you want to know anything about
Fire or Life Insurance or Building and
Loan Aasociution, cull on II. T. Sludcn.
Ho hus it ut his linger ends.
Dr. Vutiderpool's
Physic, the S. IS. Headache Liver and
Kidney regulator, takes tho lead with
us. For sale by C. (. 1 1 nntlcy, druggiat.
For Snle.
A splendid ouk hod, spring and mat
tress as good us new. Enquire of Mrs.
A. J. Mont(!Omkbv, SoviMith street.
Cons for Sale
Two fresh milk cows for sale at
Fischer's mill, Lognn Or, Also a good
horse 1100 pounds weight.
Wool and Mohair tVimtod.
Chnrman A Son will puy the hiirhest
market price for wool and mohair iu any
For clean, white cotton rags 5 cents
per pound cash, will be paid at. Tub E.n
TKitritiiB ollice.
Hiri-Hx Corners In lis Luliidled Other
Jf altera.
The regular monthly iiieiding ol the
city council wua held Wednesday even
ing. Mayor Straight was In the chair
and all the counclliiic n and ofllcera pres
ent. Llipior licenses worn grunted to
S. J. Ituechlcr and K. Matthias. A com
munication was received from II. K.
Cross, stating thai he Intended to fence
lot 1 in block 20, near the Congrega
tional church, which whs referred to the
committee on street a and public prop
erly. The recorder's rcsjrt waa read and or
dered filed Tho t'camicr's repoitwas
read, showing that there was f KtO.lil! be
longing to the Main street assessment
fund now in the treasury. This smount
was ordered Iraii'erred to the general
fund. The linniice committee also re
ported that they had examined the
t euKiirer's report for tint past three
HI tritlis and found the same correct.
O. 1', Miller, who had purchased the
Hariri proatrty on Main street, and
w hich had been bid in hy the city for de
linquent Main street assessment, waa
granted Hnnission to redeem the same
hy paying 10 per cent Interest and pen
alty. The finance committee recommended
that the city sell lots 1 and 8 in block
lis"), to George ISroughton for f.'0, also
lots 1 and 8 in block loll at a price no)
less than t'lOil. Afters spirited discus-
aion the whole business was tabled.
The committee on streets and public
pro(cr'y was instructed to hate name
of streets, placed on about 100 blocks in
the city.
The lire and water committee re
ported that they bud purchased ellit
hydrants at Jo. 50 each, and two ball
Ordinances were passed amending
the license ordinance, and reducing tlie
fees of the city prosecutor.
The committee on streets and pub
lic pron-rly were authorized to have
tho city cemetery placed in proper con
dition for Decoration day.
On motion MofiVtt, Porter and Caples
were apK nted a committee to confer
with the board of trade, relative to a
proper celebration ol the coming Fourth
of July.
The nia'tcr of fire bell and the new
lire bell in particular, which doe not
make noise enough to awaken the ma
jority of the population from their slum
bers, was referred to Councilman
Cooke, with power to act in the prem
ises. On motion the bill nf E. F. Driggs.
for attorney fees alleged to be due him
from the city, was recalled from the
table, and Mr Driggs offered to accept
50 as a compromise in full of all
claims against the city. The offer waa
accepted by a majority vote, and a war
rant for that amount ordered drawn.
Ilia original claim amounted to some
thing over M00. ,
The matter of reducing the expense
of electric lights, was referred to the
street committee. The recorder was au
thorized to have the records indexed
at a cost ol ".
Campaign Notes.
Ijist Monday a joint debate was held
at Oswego between Mr. A. 8. Dresser
and Mr. W, S. U'Uen. Kellogg's opera
house w'as filled to its utmost capacity
with an attentive audience and each
speaker was cheered when he made
a point. For the republican Mr.
Dresser made a fine, logical siteech, hand
ling the money and tariff questions,
the two great questions before the
people, fn splendid shape. Mr. U'Ken
made a good speech for the populists,
but tried to cover too much ground and
did not make much of a showing on any
one point.
Next Monday evening another joint
debate will he hold at Milwaukee, Mr.
U'Ken meeting Mr. Cleeton, the repub
lican nominee for district attorney. Mr.
Cleeton is one of the best speakers in
the state and is a hard hitter and in a
joint debate is just in liiB element for s
a linguist duelist he has few superiors.
Friday evening Mr. Cleeton will speak
at Clackamas, and Saturday afternoon at
Eagle Creek, lie will be quitesureofa
full house at each place, for Mr. Clee
ton is very pleasing and interesting
Monday the regular meetings of the
campaign will commence with a rally at
Sunnyside in the afternoon and at Da
mascus on the evening of the same day.
Tuesday a rally will lie held at
Sandy in the afternoon, and Wednesday
afternoon a rally will be held at Eagle
Creek, and at Garfield the following aft
ernoon. The republican candidates will
speak at these meetings. At Damascus
and Sandy lion. George C. Brownell will
also be present to deliver an address at
each pluce in response to invitation from
republicans of those places.
A Laboring Man's Home.
For a person, who desires to stop pay
ing rent and to raise their own vegetables
and fruit, I have a splendid piece of land,
oii6 acre on Abernathy road mostly im
proved, house, chicken-yard, good well
and some fruit. One mile and half from
Oregon City. School house and church
i of a mile from place, three brick yards
and saw mill near by. Price 2fM), part
down, balance on time. Trade or work
in part pay. Inquire at place or address
G. W. Waldron, Oregon City.
To Kf present Oregon (,'lty.
The woll known real estate denier,
('has. Allen, loft last week for Cleve
land, Ohio, where he will make hii head
quarters for some time while he is hand
ling Oregon real estate. Mr. Allen repre
sent a number of the principal property
owners of Oregon City, and ba on hi
list choice city, suburban nd coun
try properly alwut this city. Mr. Allen
is a live, rustling fellow, and a man of
strict Integrity, and ha the perfect confi
dence of the business men ol Oregon
City, many of whom have placed prop
erty in his hands for disposal. Ileahould
be able to do a good husineaa on hia east
ern trip, lor with the reputation Oregon
City has as a solid town, and the future
manufacturing center of the Pacific Coast,
he should have no difficulty in proving
to intending purchasers the value of the
protierty he ia handling. He was sup
plied with a large amount of Oregon
City literature by the board of trade lor
free distribution.
Oregon lily " Portland.
Line by line Oregon City is coming to
successfully cotiiete with Portland.
Now it is harness and shoes that have
met with a reduction. I am selling a
complete set of single harness, my own
make, hand-sewed for $8. A heavy
breaking team harness, band-made, :''(.
Fine silver plated harness at propor
tionately low price. All kinds of horse
g'sxls, raddles, whips and robes.
In shoes I have the best goods fn Ore
gon City at the lowest prices. A good
men's every day shoe for 1 S5 that is a
bargain. Ladies' fine pebble, tl.V).
genuino mens' kangaroo, S, glove calf,
2.50. I(epiring a specialty in harness,
shoes, etc.
C. A. W11.LCV. Seventh Street, near
the depot. tf
Policy holders of the defunct State
Insurance Company will find it to their
Interest to see me before placing their
business elsewhere. Ppecial induce
ment offered for the re-writing of such
risk in old and reliable companies.
A return premium allowed on unex
pired term of State policy to apply on
premium of new policy.
Save money by calling upon me before
placing your insurance elsewhere.
Asdrsw U. Mautkn,
Office in Jaggar Bldg. opposite court
house, Oregon City.
Ip to I)ate-lsi
The most complete Tariff Text Book
ever published in the new edition of
"Tariff Facta for Speakers and Students,"
Defender Document No. 9 2C0 pages
just out. Publishers, The American
Protective Tariff League. Campaign
text books issued just before the election
are of little value. The Tariff League
is to be congratulated on its foresight In
getting out its hand book so early in the
year. Order by number only. Sent to
,any address for 2o cents. Address V
F. Wakeman, Gen. Sec. 135 West 33d
Street, New York.
Our Staudliig at Home.
"Four out of every five bottles of med'
icine sold in the last five yeais are 8. B
iroods. The 8. B. Headache and Liver
Cure I use myself a a geneial physic.
If you are sick and want to get well, the
quickest, cheapest and safest method
to buy the S. B. remedies and use as di
rected. C. P. Balch, druggist, Dufur
Or." For sale by C. Q. Huntley.
New York Gallery.
R. K. Clavering, the well known ar
tist, has moved the New York gallery to
the building on the earner of Water and
Fifth streets, where the reputation of
this popular establishment will be sus
tained. Low rent enables Mr. Claver
ing to do the very best work at the low
est possible prices. Cabinet pictures at
1 per doren.
Wedding stationery, the latest styles
and finest assortment ever brought to
Oregon City at the Entkbprisb office.
It's all the same, a slight cold, con
gested lungs or severe cough. One
Minute Cough Cure banishes them. C.
U. Huntley, Druggist.
Billy Kcrsands is all right to make
you laugh, and so is Rogers the all right
to please you in the tonsoral line.
F. R00KB8.
Miles Rowen, of Beaver Creek, was
brought in Wednesday and placed in the
Oregon City hospital for treatment. He
is an old veteran of the late war, and car
ties a rebel bullet in his thigh received
in the battle of Prairie Grove, Arkansas.
In addition to general debility his old
wound is troubling him again, and bis
family hope that with the excellent care
he will receive at the hospital, with the
medical attendance he will have, that he
may revover and enjoy life tor many
years yet.
Mrs. J. W. McAnulty, residing at
Clackamas Heights, was surprised at
her home on Wednesday of last week
by a number of her friends who came in
to spend the afternoon with her, the oc
casion being her birthday. An elegant
lunch was served, and a most enjoyable
afternoon ae spent. Those present
were Mrs. W II. Godfrey, Mrs. Herbert
Hanifan, Mrs. J. Brunner, Mr. 8. II,
Godfrey, Mrs. Wni. Poyser, Mrs. W. Van.
berger, Mrs. Henry Pickover, Mr. W.
N. Godfrey, Mrs. George Shaffer, Mr. A.
8. Brown.
Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World's Fair Highest Aware!.
Sailors Are Going a Sailing
THiS wcok only at Mrs. Sladen's Millinery
Parlors. 50c sailors at 25c This is be
low cost. Call early and got your pirk.
One Door South of Methodist Church-
Doors, Windows,
Window Glass,
: GO TO :
Low Prices. First-class Goods.
Corner Itth and Main Streets, Oregon City, Oregon.
In the burden of an
This advertisement
opening of a
Edwards Brof. (formerly of Ballston, Ore..) are now opening pj
at Wishart's old tand opjosite the City fark on tm; hill with a
stock of "bran new" goods, com prising of calicoes, muslinji, shirtings,
linings, etc; ladies' and gents underware, hats, caps, boots, shoes,
stationery, notions, nails, tinware, groceries, tobacco and cigars.
And other articles too numerous to mention.
Prices at the lowest notch for Cash.
Price list will be issued about May 1st. In the mearatime we
shall be delighted to have you call to Fee our goods and learn our
prices. Yours for business.
EDWARD BROS., (Alaw WyllV")
1'lifl St. Louis G 1 N-Bnitn
The Great-
National and Representative
Republican Nowspaper.
Reduced Subscnpuu.i Rates, i.y Mail, Postage Prepaid.-
DAILY AND SUNDAY, One Year, S6.0O; Six Months, 93.00
SATURDAY EDITION, 16 page. One Year, $.60
SUNDAY EDITION, 28 to 40 pager, .... One Year, $2.00
issued in Semi-Weekly Sections, 8 page each
Tuesday and Friday, 16 page every week
One Year, $1.00; Six Months, 60c.
THE GLOBE-DEMOCRAT I nniversnllv conceded to be THE BEST of Amer
ican newspapers, and at these REDUCED RATES it is also THE CIIEAFttttT.
THE GLOBE-DEMOCRAT pays for and prints MORE SEWS than any other
SB per in the United States. It will be indispensable daring the coming treat
ational Campaign, and the LOW PRICE places it within the reach ol all.
THE GLOBE-DEMOCRAT is sold by news-dealers everywhere at 2 cents for lW
daily and 5 cents (or the Sunday issues. Delivered to regular subscribers,
Dailj and Sundav, 15 cents a week, t0 cents a mo(.th. If your local dealer
. does not handle it, inei.it upon his procuring it for you, or send your snbstifjr
tion with remittance direct to the publishers.
Particular attention is called to
issued in Semi-Weekly sections, eight pak'es every Tuesday and Friday, making ft
A YEAR. This issue iust tills the bill for the busy man, who has not the time to
read a daily paper, and yet desires to keep promptly and thoroughly posted. It
goes to every State almost to every postollice in the Union. AH America is fas
legitimate field. No matter where you live, you will tind it invaluable as a news
paper and home journal.
Sample copies free on application to
St, Louis, Mo.
Most Goods
Boaut (al Dimities. 10c ji.
Pennies lor Wits, So, Ho. K'i".
Now deilRin, Persian effects, s to 10c yd.
A nr Lu eni, so iiyiUh n w plenty here.
New oriinont pre ty pr ms. bought direct.
Fine lot Lares end Embro der.et, clou prious,
T'lmmiu Button, I'ordur ys lor bind ng.
Tafletas, Gr i Llneiis, Fibrj Cloth, Percallnes.
8i.ela, Cambrica.
Fine lot Shi t Waists, out prices, 45o up.
Nice sssorimeut Und -rwoar and Hosiery.
Hsutlk TChit)l, 2'ic, 8", 5c, 10 und up.
rr buys 1 ball thst Wh te Kultt ng Cotton, '24
Sv shevts note paper, 2 bunches nmnilli enve
lopes bottle vttMill le, ink or mucilage. 1 pr
curling Irons, 12 peas, 12 tish hooks.
rr Vil L. Musiiu, S.utiT Fa-inel, Print,
V U Outlug Fiannel, Cnee e CIjIU, Butter
J Cloth.
I'mhrellis from ni.ik r , flue lot A 1 go d, b.'d-
ro k prU'eft.
Btamltird PHt:ertn, -elect o.k. rcduc-"! price.
I(, buy i 1 'ad pnc Is or one with rubbjr tip,
lv t paper needle- or plus, car I h oks and eyes
pei. e l a larpon'-T. 4 la'.e psuciH 1 awl.
Stylish tr mmed hats, real beauties, no Inner
prices; lauton Flit, 10'; Lndies' Sailors, liXt;
silk baby ribbon, 1 w-h ilit, (wo'th Si) 2c a
-kein; caps, ha , b bv boiueta. ribbon, 'cil
lupa, tinsel, croch t cotton, knitting .ilk, .to.
Hundreds of manufacturers' samples, felt,
wool and straw hat, uig av ng in pi ice, traw
bats tto up, laucderjd perca e shirt 5Uo up,
sweaters 2o and 50c, new linen c 'liars HI - and
loo, waterproof rollari UK) up, good ooks 5c up.
Cut pr.oes, se our oodbeforebuyln; boy'
plow, 3 to 6, fl: boys' buitnn, 4 to 5, 11.25;
child' canTas. 75c: men' and la lies' canvas
top, i-alf trimmed, $1; baby stioei, 25a up; sixes
0 to 150.
old darkey song.
announces the
for the Money
buy 6 lbs. of either Baxo.Tpiooa, lutalna,
Dried Apples, Prunes or Plums, or M lbs.
of Germes, Cora Mc.il or Roiled Oats, 1 lb,
Schepp's beit Cocoanat or 1 lh. pur grout
S.ilees or 2 lbs, whole Pepper or 3 i lbs. pur
Lard (bring a pail). "
Eren Chanire Tobacco, !0e a pound.
Cal Oil, 2i'c per gal.; 5 gl.,95?. (bring can.)
Fine ran, 40c a ink : sioek ga I, 50c p it 1U) lbs.
2 1 ' a l ucoloro.1 or 2 lb-, tiu povder Tea, 150.
Equai to usu I 50c gr do. Tea Nibs, 15c a fouuit
Lemou or Va ul a, per ox. 5c, save ouetiali
price, (br.ut bottle.) I
Sewmg Mac 111 ue Oil. 4 ox. for 5c (bring bottle.
lu lbi dry granulated Sugar, $1.
Gillo ca . Aim le-. Suuas.'i or Blackberries, Me.
Tab e Fr lit, 10c; Pie Km it, iicaus lor 25o. Thla
innt is worth nerly douole.
His" 8 tn , Jfle pr a; -it. (br'n can.) Keg, !Ufc
Cooking MoIkhs s. 45c a "lUn.
Ploncr B 'klng p.-wler, best, per pound 40
Lot of 10.- Spices, cut to 5c a can.
L'.oihe..'lu, 5c a doa ; Cb mneys, 50 nn.
Ite-i ax iiandl , 25c; Sledge handle, 10c.
.s Is, cut, 4'i"; wire, 6 pe n upoc.
Bolls, le, 2 ' aud 3c; Bar lead 5c per pound.
5 tin teaspoou, 5"; Jail locks, 5c up.
M.Ik ttraluer, 10c; Dust Pan, 10c,
Wk.Ii p.n-. 5n uo; Tin Pails, 10 to 20c.
VUI'.erah Brush, 10s: Toothpick., 5c a box.
Wiitk Broom, 1 c; Clothesline loo.
lb. Shaving Soap, 5c; Vaseline 5c
2,"c and 5uc Me.ii. iu s, L niuwa a, Pills, 4k-
iu.r Syrup. Eyewater, ate., all cut to loe.
Shoethr -a 1, 7c, soleleather, bboenails, eta.
4 pound a sorted Tacks, 5c.
- each 1 dc 1. Clothespins, skimmer, ebtra-
-l' nev c eaner.can oDener.soaD dish. rate hoek
1 pel
Trade (or Hy, Out, wheat
Bacon, C'hickans,
Wo 1. El'ks. Bu;ter. etc.
Full stock PA I ION'S PAINTS. Very
pai it and lowest prices.
Trridin.fr Co