Oregon City hntcrprisc. oiiK'hin city kkii:M(n Ma) or, Itni'iirittT lllilnf of pollen Aaaiianor, Tmaaiiriir City AMniiii'V. MtriM'l('nm'iillHii'r. Hil of Wilier Vtolka, W. II Howll 'M y KhKtlMMit II II. I .Iih.oii UulltK'lllnrli T ('. I II ', l C I . ) J oil f li utm , 1 .1 t'ooai., II, k I'r.i.r, l lor ler, H i ll r y Mi lil i, J. W. Muitnll ciiiilii'll luri'la Aral Woitimaila) nf '('! month In clly hall I' KIHAY, AI'UII. IM. IHIHl. CHAT AUOUT TOWN. (iihmI line nl lini'ii riilluiH, liili'hl hlyb'H, I'liikiTiV llnwnril TlV Im rlrillil Hoiln III llu NnVrlly 'ii ii I y Kiirlury. ',n ulyKnli iiimI ri'iiHi)iiiilili iiiillin'"y Ifn In Mii" I .ul.U'iiltli Moniiy lo lomi on k'mhI fi'l niM-iiniy bv A. S Pnwwr. i'i cri'iim ali'l li t' rriMim hoiIii ill Ibc Novi'lly Ciui'ly I'lu lorv, Vmi t an Uml "onmtbltiu to uil yon In tiiilliimtv at Mr a. V. I'.. Martin'. If )oii am tioublfil with ilamliiiir, k( lo l''ainwotlli, ln ran film you. Trbniim'l ImtM, tiiw ii'io.la, from 50 t enia to 7'i i-mila at Mra. Slailin'a. Car. "lit's'lTNi:" for lloor. (bar man iV Co., ii(i'iil. Cui'iilar f r . Tlm larui'nl aamulmiMit of inilliiiiry in tbo filV to aelrcl from at Mia. K. K. .Murlin'a Muiiyon'a iiiiMu iliiaaru llu- laleat, ami Tiarman A Co., llm iip-lo-ilulo ilrtiK UU, bavv a roiiipli'ttt ntia k I'ampbli'la frt, lr. J. W. Wi'lrb, ili-nlii.t, Iih tn iiiuvril liia olbi'rt Irom tlm Coiirk'r liuibl uiK lo tlm Willanmtle lilm k oihilu tlm KatoMli-it, nplaira. A dollar raveil la fiial to two ilolluin ihiiimI. I'ay up your aubaeiiition to tbe F.NTKltl'HiNK and K''t llm tlm bi'imtlt of tlm redm'tlim In price. Heauliet! Tlioae trimmed data at tlm 1!ihI Trout and tlm price arn very leaaonahlt Alan ladi anilor lial, ID ceiil up. Canton Data, 10 rent. I'ilea of people. Iiavo pile, but It M'itl'a Witcblianel B.il vtt will euro Ilium. Wben pro-rlv applied it cure acald and burn without llm ahuhteat pain. lr. Vhilt''a hair itrower, H pentaon application nt rriiHWortli'. (Team your bead and eradicate! tlm (landriifT and make your hair auioolh ami aoft. Ilonry Meldriiiu and lieorKC K. Wag ttoner have been awanlud a oontract (or urveyiiiK township uf Kovernmont land, within llm Houthern 1'aclflc grant. ('barman A Hon aro rtneiving a new lot of aprinK good for Kentlemen'a wear, conalatlim of men'i hat, rlothlnK and iivnrythiiig in tlm f nr nlnliiii goutit line. Oregon Ixliio No. 3, 1. O.O. F. have 4-lecte l T. F. Hyan, 11. K. Klraiuht and W. A. Hede, a tlelftiuteR to the grand lodge, which nieeta in I'ortland in May. To Induce a trial of the Knterpriaeaa a iiewpater it will be aent from now until Juneilth, for 23 centa. Twtwent atanipa taken. I'aHr atopped at dale if nut lunger wanted. Frank!'. Welch, dentlHt, graduato of the Univeraity of l'minaylvaniB, will he in Oregon City ofllce ThurHday of each week ; remainder of each week in Tort 1 tnd utllce, room 77 Dekuin building. The cheap rale of 3 cabin, 30 eteerugn, incluiling meal and berth, are elill in effect on the O. It. A N. Co.'a eteamer fiom Portland to Sail Fran ciaco, Sleamerii leave I'ortlanil every five day. I.aat Monday evening was reitular drill niuht at the armory, and it wax alao made the occasion of award for the indoor practice "hooting. Private K. A. Iighton, of Company V, waa awarded tbo medal for the heat ahooting of tbo aeamin. J. V. Myera, the promiHing young baritone of l'orlland waa in the city a advance agent for the F.pplng lileo club, who will shortly appear at Hhivoly'a opera hoiiHO. Thia club coiiMwta of 12 member and has taken a ponillon as one of the leading musical organizations of that city. The first blacksmith ahop that farmers pan, in coming to Oregon City ia that of Miiplo & lloirmun, at the Junction of the Seventh street road and Main Btreot. There ia no claas of work they cannot handle anil at reasonable price. They have an expert horse-aliocr and guaran tee satisfaction- Lovors of flowers will he pleased to learn that the Women's Itelief Corps are making astive preparations for a rose show to be held during the early part of June. This will be a treat for the Ore gon City people, as nothing of the kind has ever before been attempted In this city. The ladios will spare no effort to make the show a success. State Superintendent G. M. Irwin of Salem, will deliver an address at the West Bide school building on this (Fri day) evening. The public are invited. Mr. Irwin' will also participate in the meeting of the Clackamas County Teachers' association, which will be held at that place on Saturday. A splen did program has been prepared. inn annual wentlng of the V. C. T. I', will Im held next Friday lit .MK) '. M. wild Mm, SIhiit, ill lui of Ktivmiili street All IiiiIIck him wi'lcniiie. Itcpoit will be '.'"mll','"" "lli,,,,fH l" tbucomlllg year. DiilcguleH will Im nppniiilcil lorjTlio , T,,,,,,. wj Hjictk A the tlm Slulc roll vi nr ion ul Newhcrg. j Js,.,.,y hoys inner do mii thing ly halves ; l("iui'inbcr Hit or.ilori.-ul tronlt-cl (iMh "'I" -! iiik will Im well wor'h a'lciid Fild.iy) ul Willamette FmIIh. Take cm 1 'y I1'" I'1'''''" '"W- I ul 7:l.'i, 'Mm lltispeiiaii will Im f (! (- j Tim .Mi'Maiiki'ii iciiiblic:in club also! scnted by Frml .Miiiiiilel.llowiinl Brown i bnlil u tally Saturday evening and imr ell, 'has. Ihibcock and K. Hecur. These iniik'nu: nrciiiiratluiis to stall llm cam- young ini'H w ill put lli ii Knot ili'lmtii uml will give Hit' lull" ( Hi c lull a pretty close ruh. tome liluii him cnciiurjgu the bo) "Hurl" Mil.lt i,u , . rl,,n,:i. of tin' hlcunii r, Win. i, i; h iii. it h (! KiivimI in Imwmhi liiHfniii liif iniH"r rivi-r In tin' nl niilU in lli.'K.ni ( ny. TIih bout iunkim tliiu n y.'liTiiiy ir"i: iinn Willi h Inn;,, tuft ,! irtornnl to Salnii nun in iiik I'vi'iiuii;. j im ii urn purinl in llm river ubovti ('mvulli ; iiIht Ihmiik I biinrlmil, imi bionlit lo imiir llui inoiitb of llni Hiiiiiiiiiu, mIiith lln-y am boonni li'iiiioiurily and I.iIit lloutfil lo tln-ir I linul ili'i.lilmlioii.-H,il.n MiiI.-biiiuii. W. II, Howell iitlwi.icd auiHi-liiig of : republican club will bold their monthly the Nortliweatcrn Flrcim-n' Aaa.ciatioii meeting at llm l.eland school hoiiw, at Aaloria last haliirday. Jtuli-H uml ! Mr- A. M. Kn-nwir will H.l.lr;KM tlm mi legillalloii were adopted governing the j ' l'1" "naucial ipiestioiiln w hich he aiiii'iu! loiiiiiiiiiient, which will begin at 'oinpiuo the republican ami sipu Asloiia on Aiirfiial III and cotilinue three , '' "' impo'lant iiietioti dava. All Ihu liminlH.rof llm cuiniiiitto )' Aa Mr. Dresner i oil.' ol the best polili- aero pr lit Ills u pec led that l,u Oregon City team will distinguish itself al this time, us it ha alwaya done on former occasion. One Ihoiisaml doliar will by given in prize. The,cialti..1a,lume.i,.g.co. led t. il... r.iif,.,..;. I..-. i i-, and Turner w ill Ih.,I ,.exl Wed d..v evening in the liaptisi church. These men come highly commended hy Ihe . , if if I I t'lntr. lu.a I II I 1 1 ItirolM u ml I li.tioiii u ln.ru they have labored and much gssl ia ex-1 M'-ted to result from llmir visit to ourj city. All Christian people ate invited to , coiiih in and help iinike Ihe mii-tiugsal success A general Invitation I exten ded to the ieople tocome andheur them. "We lake pleasure in recommending Chaiiiheilulu'a CoiikIi liemedy Imcaiixi it i praised by all who try it," says J. W. Cox Sun, drilKgists, Marslilield, Oreguii. No Anil alllcted with a throat or lung trouble can use this remedy without praisiiiK it. Il alwaya give prompt relief. It i especially valuable for cold a it relieve the hum, make breathing easier and aid expectoration A cold will nover result in neumotiia w hen thi remedy it taken and reason able care exercised. For aale by (ieo. A. Harding, druggist. Another very lntf resting meeting of Mclaughlin Cliaulampia circle waa held at the residence of Mr. and Mr. C. II. Caufleld last Monday evening. There waa a good attendance, and the lesson proved of unusual interest. Mr. Cau fleld entertained Ihe member cordially. Mr. K. K. William invited the circle to meet at her reaidence next Monday even ing, which waa accepted. Col. H. A. Miller waa selected leader, and will take up a portion of the lime with a lecture on psychology. The lesson begin with tbe llth chapter of "Thinking, Feeling and Doing," and include the hilb. Th.'re was a very good attendance at the gosiel meeting at the Y. M. C. A. room last Sunday afternoon. Itev. A. J. Montgomery made a abort but very Impress! vo address on Christ' sacrifices. A part of the gymnasium apparatus has and ia placed in position, and on thi (Thutsday) evening a reception will be tendered the members, at which time a class in athletics will he formed. Friday evening the monthly member meeting will be held. Next Sunday afternoon ut (our o'clock, Captain Kimball will address the meeting on "Heart Talks with Young Men." The male quartette, consisting of lieorge S. Howard, A. F. Parker, K. S. Smith and (1. II. Bestow will sing. Jackson, the gunsmith, umbrella and bieyelo surgeon and general utility man ha moved his establishment from 7th street to Main in the Caulhdd block near the court Iioiiho corner. His removal was made necessary by the growth of his busincHH, hi old shop not being large enough to accommodate all his machinery and stock As he now has more than double hi former space he w ill bo able to put in additional machin ery and increase the capacity of his shop. Mr. Jackson as a mechanic has few equal and his work needs no recommen dation. There is nothing too difficult or delicate in the slmpc of repairing that Mr. Jackson cannot successfully handle and his prices are always reasonable. Is It "overwork" that has filled this country with nervous dysiieptics? that takes the flesh oil' their bones, the vitality from their blood, and makes them feeble, enianciated and inefficient? No. No it is bad cooking, overeating of indigestible stuff, and other health-destroying habits The remedy is an artillcully digested food such as the Shaker Digestive Cordial. Instead of irritating the inflamed stomach the Cordial gives it a chance to rest by nourishing the system Itself and digesting other food taken with it. So flush and strength return. Ib not the idea rational? The Cordial Is palatable and relieves immediately. No money risked to decide on its value A 10 trial bottle does that. LAX0L is the best medicine for children. Doctors recommed in place of Castor Oil. ( uinpHlgng Note (tn Monday May 4 at 1 :.') in the alter niHiii I ho Nwdy republican club will open lln1 ciimiiiigii in lit itt pirt of tint ,.. y W,, M K ,4y ul m Hon, piiigii oil' III big shupit. I'rol. II. H, ! H'Mfigo will address the ni"ctirg ""'I, us he h one nf our moat polished awl j jiiMtrnctive speaker ail w ho attend llm ' "i""'i"K will lmjiviMi mmtflliitiK I'"" , ov"r- I 'I'lin Cinliy ri'imlilii uii club Iihvh hIho Jtuki'iiHli'im to oiimi tin; ihiii)iiIkii in lli it il,ir with u bU rally on Momlay cvi-n- ' iiiK, May 4 Tim "I'cukur ol tlm evtuiiiiK will Im lion 1 lion. II. I onjte linn iiihi in; will Iibvb a ru unT apirfi:iulivn Hinli- iinc 1h un aniiriMl fuel for tlm Cimliy j riiublii'aiiH Iihvh llm rimilu in tlmin tlmt ! brinic "mcitkii lo llmir ini'elinii. Sulnr.lnv of H.Ih c,.k llm.NVw Kra . cal speaker in the couiily on the subject finance, hi ajs-ech w ill be worthy of U'1"" atimilion on I he part of liia hearer, On Wednesday evening of next week the Young Men' KepublL-an club of (, r "M '"M a big rally at Weinhard.new hall. The orator for the wi" I . Tli(M. H. Tongue, repuhhean nominee for coiifresa, and as Mr. Tongue 1 one of the ablest and lliuni r IUI irtilllliK Rwurt.:iii mo nmn . n ' hi speech will lie well worth hearing, Tl.- ..lit...... ..I ,1... r.l.,1. u.,,1 r'l.alrmin ,,. ..i rJ minim I, oi inn v..iiii ..,ii on live working to make thi rally Ihe grand os-uing fir the campaign. It is expected that some flue vocal anil instrumental musical talent will be present to make ihe evening one of pleasuie a well aa of prollt. The public generally and especi ally the ladies are cordially invited lo he prtscnt. Wi st Mde Mdiool Mullen. In compliance with a miition filed in hisolllce, Supt. (iihson has formed a new school district, No. 103, frotu ofTthe aoulli part of the West Oregcs City school district. Tbo division line be tween the old and new district leaves the Willamette river between the V. P. & P. Co', sulphite mill and station IS, of the P.O. E. Co. and runs in a sou lb westerly direction until il intercepts the old bound ry of the district at the Tuala tin river. By this division each district will have half of the mill and factories on the west side within their limits and thus equalize the taxable property. The division waa made necessary by the great size of the dirtrict which made it very inconvenient for the children residing in Willamette Falls and the south part ol the district to attend school. The voter of the new district have called a soccial meeting at Batdorf's hall, Willamette Falls for next Monday evening when they will elect officers and make arrangement for a summer school. For the present a building w ill be rented in which to hold school but the district expects to erect a Que four-room school building. There are children enough in the now district to form a good school. The directors of the old district have decided to have some extensive improve ments made to the building and the grounds. A brick foundation will be placed uniler the building and a wet weather playroom made for the scholars and grounds will be leveled ofTanda substantial fence erected so that trees may lie planted and the school yard beautified and made an ornament instead of an eye sore to tbe town. The West Side people have one of tlie handsomest locations in the city for their school building and they are displaying the eneittvand pride that will make the West Side echool a credit to Oregon City (iospet Mission. Evangelist A. S.Copley, ol Albany has oiuued a Uospol mission in the old M. h, church building near the depot. Services every night at 7 :."0 and Sunday 2-30 and 7 :30 and everybody is welcome. The mission emphasizes holiness of heart and life and teaches Divine healing of the body and the Christ's second com ing. Tho prayers and presence of God's people to help and the presence of all others to be helped is earnestly solicited. Horses vs Bicycles. The owner of a horse is not debarred Irom the road with every little shower like the bicycle rid;r. Some of the finest saddle and driving horses ever brought to Oregon City will be offered for sale next week by W'. A. Mack, the well-known Eastern Oregon horse raiser, at Noblett's stables. A number of fine draught animals will be in the bunch, These horses are all young, sound and will be sold at a very low price. For tho Kidneys. "I am 05 years old ; have had kidney disease and constipation fur 25 years. Am now well used your S. B. Head ache and Liver Cure one year. Used 6 bottles at 50 cents each. J. II. Knight, Kutiedge, Or." For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist. i uinpHlgng a ems j Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report AC50LDTELV PUCE 1JERSDMAL NOTES. I (; , " ,,. I A. Ilmnibil, liropimlor of tlm ( or- v-iIUh ll,irimn Kmlory, wni in Oregon ! ' ('Hy Fiiiliiy. Jaiimit I. Ilo.ii-r, of liutUivilio, H'iit a ,;oii. of ilnyn in Onon Ci'y, ibirinx j i. ,tt-j week. jin j K V,.utimrfor.l, of Alluny, was looking ufier Imhiiii-s m.itt-M in tiie city Wi'dui-Hil.tv. Cupl.J.M (.ralmm and family ,ave removed to llm France cottage, opposite F. F. While' tesideiici. Ir. I). S. Stryker, ol Portland, was visiting his hi son, Hev. K. W. Htryker, in this city Wednesday. Mrs. T. II. Allen, of 1'ortluiid. has been visiting Mr. U. A. Miller at (ilod stone liming tlm past week. Mr. J. I'usey arrived from Sun Fran , risco Monday, and stopping with .Mr. j I'uaey at the Kh-ctiic llot.d. i Mi Musa lUrkley ia teaching the Ki-dlaiid school. (She began the ipring term on Monday of last week. Miss Anna Samuel, uf Corvailis, ha been visiting her friend. Mit: Ora Spangler and Fruu Lawrence. Mra. John Iwthwaite ami daughter, Miss Alice, left laal Friday for a few week' visit with friends in Stocalon. j j.B Mrs.I. Selling and her granddaughter, Mis Mliyl Lipped, relumed last Friday from a tluee mouth's stay In Sun Fran- C'SCO. W. II. Hawkins of Harrisville, Khode Island, arrived last week and has taken charge of tin weaving department of the Oiegon City woolen mills. Mr. A. J. Montgomery, is represent ing Oregon City at the eighth annual esion of the Women's Presbyterian Board of Missions at Salem. Mrs. J. F. Piggott, of Mount Tabor, sister of Charles Pope spent a couple of days in the city during the past week, the guest of Mrs. T. A. Pope. Fred Toner, a former resident of Ore gon City, but now express messenger be tween Albany and Yaipiina, was calling on friends in the city Tuesday. (ieary Jacobs has returned from a two year's stay in the East, and will re main in Oregon City until June. He siys there is no place like Oregon. rreu vtnsou, traveling salesman lor the Capen Shoe Co. returned to this city city yesterday from the lower Columbia. He expects to leave Boon for tbe Sound cities. Miss Hulda Holden, who is attending the State Agricultural college at Corvailis, spent several days at borne during the past week, and returned to Corvailis Monday. Attorney G. B. Dimick went up to Albany Friday evening, returning Mon day, to attend to some legal matters in a case in that city for which he ib retained as counsel. Bert lireenman and J. A. Buck left Tuesday morning for Blue river, Lane county, where they will engage in pros pecting for gold bearing quartz, for a lon ger or less period. Alfred Clark, a well known farmer of Clackamas was in Oregon City last Monday tor the first time since last June. During that period he has been sick most of the time, but ia now much im proved. Mrs. Alexander J. Lewthwaite of this city left Wednesday evening on the steamer Columbia for ' San Francisco where she will remain for some time visiting friends and relatives both in that city and Stockton. Mis. W. A. Huntley, accomanied by her little daughter Louise, departed Wednesday evening via Union Pacific for a visit with parents and old friends in Lima, Indiana. Mrs. Huntley will prob ably remain East until August. M. Yolk, general roadmaster of the Oregon division of the Southern Pacific, was in Oregon City Tuesday, to confer with Road Engineer Kinnaird, in refer ence to the company's share of expense in constructing the hill road between Brown's Point and Netf Era. George W Bowie, of the Still well- Bierce Se Smih-Vaille company of Day ton, Ohio, who was here for seyeral months Inst year putting in position the new machinery in the West Side electric sta'ion, has returned to the city. He is making some changes in the machinery. Mr. Bowie is a very genial gentleman, and his many friends are pleased to see him here again. Horws Wanted. For a span of good, Bound horses, a warranty deed will be given to a very de sirable lot in Oregon City. This Is a bargain to a man having surplus horses. Address, Lot Owner, care Enterprise. Dr. Price's Cream Baking: Powder World' Pair Highest Medal and Diploma, PowdE' t Mum ciil Kvrnt. Ol r54'uilar evening. My 2n, all , , ,.......,..,.;, ' " . ' t ir enjoyiimiit wlmn tlm hini( lili'fanil C imtitrt Company, Hpni-ar at Shivfly'a . Opi-ra lloiiae. Tlm Company conninta of tlm l'pping( (ili! Club in HtHinl.inl ami rbor- iiuch llm M.-MilijIxliHon Male (uartntte, u Im ill .r..u,.t.i a nri.,pj,ni..i rut ... ... - las it i viri'd, wIiiIm th dancing of the j Taylor sister is thoroughly the px-try j of '''". '' Imuc playingof Mr. iuY Voiingman, bunjo soloist, ai.com- J piniment hy hig Carlo, liobaglitia ol a 1 Ketiagliuta, intersers;' with the music make the evening's en tertainment all that can be desired. Tickets, 30 and 23 cent, on sale at Huntley' bookstore, where reserve can b i made. The Portland. Ke-oicned near the corner of Main and Seventh street. Clean, bright, well- furnished dining room and private rooms elegantly fitted up. Haye one of the most skillful cooks on the Coast. If vour meat crder does not please you, just let me know. Beat dinner in the city including a glass of wine for 2-3 cents, 11:30 to 4 p. m. Oysters served in every style. 0ien day and night. Give The Portland a trial. L. RfcoNicii, Proprietor. .Mew York ollery. II. K Clarering, the well known ar tist, has moved the New Y'ork gallery to the building on the orner of Water and Fifth streets, where the reputation of thi popular establishment will he sus tained. Low rent enables Mr. Claver ing to do the very best work at the low eit possible prices. Cabinet pictures at $1 per dozeru Home Bargains. Four pieces of land adjoining Clacka mas Heights addition to Oregon City, of 47, 30, 20, and 1 1 acres each. All on par tially improved, with houses, fruit etc. Good soil, lays well and convenient to school, church, etc. 'Are rare bar gains. Have also a span of fine mules to sell cheap. C. L. Livesay, Oregon City. Rogers, Kain or shine, the Enterprise Barber shop is the place to tret your hair-cuttins and Bhavine done. Sunday Services. 8T. PAUL'S CHURCH - Episcopal Data oi aervica aunounceu lu local coiumn. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHCRCH.- Kev. j. w. cowan Pastor. Hervlcei at 10 30 a. M aud 7:31) r. u. Sunday School after morning aervlee. Player meeting Wednesday evening at " aoo.clock. Prayer meeting ot Young People'! oucieiy in mnauan cnaeavor every eunaay evvuiug ai o;au prvmpt. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. Rgv. M L. Ki no, Paitor Morning Service at 11: Sunday School at 12-15; Evening Service 7:30; Regular prayer meeting Wedneiday evening. Monthly borcusm meeting every neanesuay evemni preceding the first Sunday In the mouth, i cor.ilal invitation to all. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH. CATHOLIC RKV. A. Hillkbsand, Paa'.or. On Sunday mass at Sand 10:30 a. M. Every second and fourth Sunday German lermnn after the S o'clock mass At all other manses KuglUh aermoui. Sunday School at 2:30 r. . Vespers, apologetica lUDiect ana neneaiction at i:mi. u. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHUHCH. Ret n. . btrykbr. Pastor. Mornlnt lerricent 11 Sunday School at 10:00. CUaa meeting after morning service. evening service at 7:30. Epwnrth League meeting Sunday evening at 6:30; Prayer Meeting Thursday evening at 7:30. iraiigera coruiauv invitea. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. R. A J. .Montgomery, Pastor. Services at 11 a.m. and 7:30 r. a. Sabbath School at 10 a. at. Young People's Society of Chriatiau Endeavor meeta every Sunday evening at 6:30. Wednesday vvemug pr)cr uieviing ai oeaia iree. EVANG'IUCAL CHURCH GERMAN H, E. Hosnschcch. Pastor! J. R. Ehrkt Al-t'int. Preaching services every Sunday at 11 A. M. aud 7:30 P. M. Sabbath school every Sunday at iu a. ra., mr. Ainiinfriiiitii supt. r rayer Meeting every Thursday evening REGULAR -EI.VIi'E AT U. B. CHURCH moruiug sud cv lung of lit and S I ,-unday of enrh mouth. Sabbath School at 10, A, M. each Sibbatn. J D. Bnrfn-, Siiit. W. H. McLain, Paitnr. EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH-L. Gasv, Pastor. German services every Sunday at 11 o'clock A M. English service! at 7:80 P. M Sunday school at 10 o'clock A. M. Lnca lon: store room next door to bakery in Shlve ey's building, corner of Seventh and Madison reels Society Directory, FOUNTAIN HOSE CO., No. 1. Regular meeting second Wednesday In each mouth at engine house, east side Main street, betweeu Seventh and Eighth. J. W, Stewart, Sec. H Straiqht, F'rm M. P. Quinm, Foreman. A. P. A. COUNCIL NO. 4, Meet on the first and third Fridays In each month at K. of P, hall, Visiting members al wayi welcome. J W No"!.. Pres. MOLALLA GRANGE, NO. 40, P. ot H. Meet! at their hall ai Wright's Bridge on thi second Saturday nf each month at 10 a. m Fellow members made welcome. R. GoucuiR, Master. X H. Cooper, See. MULTNOMAH LODGE, NO. 1, A. F. k A. M. Holds Its regular eommunlcations on first and third Saturdays of each month at 7:30 r. M. Brethren lu good standing are Invited to attend. ii. L. gray, W. M, T. F. Ryaf, Secretary. OSWEGO GRANGE NO. 175 P, ot H. Meeti the lecond Satnrdav of each month at 10 a, m. L. A. Shipley, Master. H. L. fTiviNsuN, Sec'y. MOLALLA LODGE No. 0, A. O. U. W. . Meeta first and third Saturday In each month at achool houaa. Visiting members made nl. I come. . J. W.Thomas, M. W. O. W, Rossini, Seo. Society Directory. I Ihe larda (or nil m -.. and lodgi-i it I I l' k m County are puhl i ed I e ol oiiarta ! m ih TKici r. Ii l expe i r that r,e : offlr-n ( tbe turl na I d e w II nil Ilia i fo e t ouat.mt n.y l necour I im t m to ; tlnir, ')HV.,jos crrv HdAki7oK tkadkI ' lfflt Cnmt lloin.'nn Hprond Mnnitsjf la I irh inoiilh. V'l.lti.m nelcomo. J. D.UWIlKsi K, E K. CIHKMAV, Hwrwtury. Prpalilent. flAVKI. UilHiK. Si). .V), A O. (J. W MfiitoiToiul .i l fourth Miiiiiriln;' ?vrnlir t KnlKhl rt hull. Cuiiliy. Vlnitliir brnthurn mud rli'iime. K K 111 K. . Miniim-K, (lecordiT. Mm:er Workmiin. ' rio ikon uiimr. Ni. i.!-. a n v w j mHh mrjr TburMur milt. at (xMrellnw , lull. Ohwi-ko. VIMtliu l.reihr.n lrav el- .coin. T. Mil.Mii.l.AK, ; r.Aiu mrk, Kprordcr M W. CATARACT HOHK . No. M. Mkh wpond TiiKdy nf eM:h month nt Cat- rn'-l Kmln hoo. W. II. llowr.u. Fr (i. II. Htow, He'y. J. W H'(;oliNi,t. K'rn if YkTI.K l.ill(,K Nil. ! IiKcki.-k nv iiiiNw ! Mcpi. ct.Ty Friday lo A. O. V. W. Halt. Via- 1 I"" m!fnlir mule w Irom. ) Mr.. 9 I. Uiiiir I oftl M. A. OilXKTT. iiceoider. VMM CITY LDOK .0 ft k.O V. W. Men every Huttirday evening of eaoti month In A. O U. W. hall 7th St. All sojourning brethren cotdUlljr Invited to attend. MAX tCHl.J.PlU-t U. W. Geo C.Lirr. Recorder. MKAl'K POHT, tin 2.G A. K UKI-AKTMENT or OKKOON. Meeti (Irt WrJn.-sdr of each month, at Wil lamette Hall. Oreifou City. Visiting t. mr .del maUe welcome. C. A. WILLIAM4, Commander. J. T. Arri!o, Adjutant F COMPANY, FIRST KKGIMKNT, O. K. O. Armory. Third ud Main. Regular drill night, Monday. Regular bnainew meeting!, firat Monday of each month. I F. R Kellv . r..,.l L L Flckeua. - - Firat Lieutenant W. A. Hunt ey, - - Rmond Lieutenant K. OF P. STAR U DOE K0. K. 1. r. Rlaley. C. C; Thomaa .Nellann. K. of R. and H. Meets every Wednesday evening at o Clock in Cwtle hall, I. O. O. F. building. Brother! Irom other K. ol P. lodge Invited. 08W EGO LODGE NO. 10U, A. F. A. H. Meeti the second and lourtb Haturdi.ya ot each month at 7 p.m. All Maaoua In good standing are invited to attend. D. B. Kim. W. X. E. J. Rcsu, Hec'y. OSWEGO LODGE NO. S, I. O. O. T. Meeti every Friday evening In tbe new hall In Old Town. 1. C. Haims, C. T. Joh.i Kacai, Bec'y. BUTTE tKEEK GRANGE, No. Si, P. ot H. Meeti at their hall In Marauam, second Sat urday In each month at lo a. m. VUlting memberaalway welcome. J. K. White, A. V. Davis, Secretary Majter. AbERNETH Y KEBEKAH DEGREE L0DUX NO 70. Miti the fir t and third F Iday In th mourn at i m r in I. O u. r. Hall. Mas. D. U. glass. Mas J. M. MiLoaiM. Secretary. N. O, 8T. JOHN'S BRANCH. NO. 67, C. K.of A. Meett every Tueaday evening at their hall corner nam ana lentn streets, Oregon City. N. C. MicHiui.Sec'y. Urasisr Hakafi.h, Pr 're. WARNER GRANGE, No. 117, P. of H. Meet fourth Saturday of each month, at their hall In New Era. Gio. Laxcl a, Master Homik Ma:im. 8ec . CLACKAMAS CHAPTER. Clackamas Chapter No. R. A. M. Regular Convocation third Monday of the month at 7:l P. M. W. . CARLL. H. P. H. i. 8TRANGE, Sec'T. OREGON LODGE. No. 3, L O. 0. F. Meets every Thursday even. ut at 7 30 o'clock p. M. in the OCd Fellows' Hall, Main street. Members of the Order are Invited to attend. W. A. HEDGES, N. G. Tho. Ryan, Secretary. OSWEGO LODGE, NO 13,1,0. O. F. Meet! at Odd Fellow's hall, Oswego, every Monday evening. Visiting brethren mad welcome. C. H. NIXON, H. O. J. F. Rislet. See. ACHILLES LODGE, NO. 38, K OF P. Meeti every Friday night at the K. of P. hall. Visiting Knights invited. Jo.cph Ltsch C, C. H. J. Thork, KotPaudf. PIONEER CHAPTER NO. 18 0. E.e. Meeliaerond and fourth Tneadiy In each month at Mo .iu tea pie. V-nmri always we cime. Miss M. L. Holmes, Miss. Hattie Wkthesell, M. W. Secretary. W. C. T. U. OrejonCitv W. C T. V. meeta moi.thlr al homa- oi tue m mbera. nolle ( date riven in local enlumn A.t fr.endi f thj c .u.e inv.teat U attenl. MR.8 A J. MONROE. MRS M, L. DRIGGS, Pr IdenL tseei etary. HERME3 LODGE, NO id, K, OF P., Mee i eve v Frd av evenln a: 7 .10 n lock- In K. of P. hall, Auro:a. Viaitlng knighta made welcjmt. M. G. Smith. C. c. Hisst Ssyder. K of R and S. ELECTRIC LODGE, NO 63, A. O. U. W. Meet, leconj and tourt l wedneadar of each moutuat A. a U. W. hall, Viaitiug bronbert mails wn come. A. M. Cheney, Thos, F. Ryak, R.-coner. M. W. COURT ROBIN HOOD NO. 9, F. OF A Meet! the 1st. 2d and 3rd Fridava of each month a' i in;uo Hall. A. W Horn, Geo. R. Wii.ehart. Chief Ranger. Recording Seo MEADE RELIEF CORPS, No. 18. DEPART MENT OF OREGON. Mrs. F. L. Cochrane, ... President Mr . T. W. Pouts, ... Treasurer. Mr.C!oui, - . - Secretary. Meets on first and third Tuesdava nf aanh month lu Wl uinie te Hall. Members of corps from abioad, cordially welcomed. WACHENO TRIBE, NO 13, REDMEN. Meets Tuesiiav evening- at A. (1 IT. W. Hail. via. lung members invited. A. Asmvs, Sachem. Chas. Kelly, C. of K. CANBY LODGE, NO 66, I. O, G. T. Meets first and thtrd Saturday evening- of each month at Knlght'i hall. Cauby. Visiting meinoers always iuaue welcome CLLA KSIOHT. SCO. GEO. W, KNIGHT. W, C. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. Willamette Falls Camp No. 118. meets everv Tuesday night in each month in Willamette k.l. 't.l.l..n nainKKH J I. unil. , lent.,, uc.kijw.10 uwuc a CH.UU1V, J. K, MOR US. Clerk. I D. Taylor, C. C. WILLAMETTE KEBEKAH DEGREE LODGE MO. 'i, I O. O. r. Meet! the second and fourth Fridav In such month at 8 o'clock p. m. In I O. O. F. Hall MRS J. O. BRADLEY, N. G. Mrs. M. G. Charman, Sea. COLUMBIA BOOK AND LADDER CO. Meet! first Friday of each month at Fountain engine house. Chas. Athey, Pres. C. a pillow, Sec'y. Chas. Bitser, ( rm 8UNRISE LODGE, NO. 13. A. 0. U. W , Meet! every second and fourth Saturday of each month at Wllsonville, Oregon. M. C. YOUNG, M. W. John Tyler, Recorder. TUALITIN GRANGE, NO. Ill, P. of H. Meets last Satnrdav of each month at their hall in Wllsonville. OsCia Lassen, p red Elliosen, Sec'y. Master. DAMASCUS GRANGE P. OF H. NO. 260, Meets on the first Saturday In each month at 10 o'clock a. m. at the DamascHs school house. S C. YOUNO, Master. T. H. Feathers, Secretary.