Oregon City Enterprise. sciu:dull:s of time o I'.T n -Hum KIM. r.mmi mini i,mi i n i, IM,, , ,,M,rs, r I i'avi I'nrllainl. lai 1. 1 r atnvt itiH'k l f. fi A. M tll'l llllVl-4 " k 'I''., H'Hnliit U mi A. M. On K II I lly ( i nulcill III ,. M HI it I I II rttiinl'IV, llrlilMilnit liiivii lirrifnii I 'y Int r.iitlnii'l at i V, I n ajiMl .1 :i', HihuIiiv 1 1 in f. .M,. ni'iniii.,ni hihI ,,w ,(,., N.p way luiiht luilnlli I. H,i . i. nil. mi lllloilKll frrlKlil. MII1IIKIIN VWV: RAII.WW. K'HItll B'll'NH, I alltiMhla I-tll" 'tliri'ittflii I t a m. ll'i.iM.iiig l-al i h a) fttdtluiMJ ii i lu. MjI.iii I'm -ihii t ii ,4, in. firm irniMi llnti'tHirK I '"'! 'mijr al ntlnlia I CallfiinilM l Ipll'.a l llinnii Ii t N.ili in I' ti liif .'I i v . iii. i it i in IX'illtf OIIM III lllll llllllHt lllllMt (iirtiui'ii IhiiIiIith iii tin' riiunlry, mul ufti-r hiiiih' uiili'yiHK llii'V Ni'riirml li! Hiirvii'f ill. ii H.ilury nl 1 1,11 lit it yi'iir. Ax lin w in it liili ulri'c in n 1 1 , llii'i limit h liilf jiiirinl Ii'iihk lur lilt d. i iiji iin y, 1 1 n mil ii wl'IV awittli mill ii I miirli n( I it limit in ) ' i 1 1 ii ti I , wIi.'im i'liiiniiiijhi' llnwril friM-lv, hiiiI nn nnl low to ilix I I j ' iin fv t ill it In' wiih ruiiiiiiiMi'ly t 'liuii rti'il wiili llm Oiw,'k'n r hi W'nik-, llrlilH li"'UM I" in riiiiluli' uiiili-l liim in I'm 1 1 ui'l, iiml lliiullv tin r'iiiiuiiV In rnvi'M'il Hint In- Wna liul worth $ 1 .0 0 r yiwir M tin in, mi li'l liim mil. II'' Irfl Iiih wiIk in I'nrllanil, IHi'l iii lli hjl'i ft out vim iiml uii nn HHjoii il in iiiiiy linli"l in I'l.rit imv iiiIumn iii -n i.h l'i Inn w h'f I'liii'iiilH, 'J im lulrnL ii'jmi In kJI Vi' iiiil tin- infiirin ili'in llial Iii' in ln' iili'il iiihl 1 1 in t In' ii I'l'ikc'l npiiii im if till' illnlllV' llll III ll'llilill HIT' tlUllH I'ii-I AI. hi iikiiI I I:. Hoi 1IKHN I'll It'll HAM H ' 1 1 Mill i null. U Shi Ih, It .11 I I' III. ami i ali i . Ii in., Ill I ' a. til , 4 J l.l Mr. .. in in. Y iiilly nl nnl ni rlinrrl S. ('. I' 1 1 in Im i l.i'M II w 111 I l( M .V rntlMilli ( lni tniu Kii'li'iivur lit lln' rilhhVll'li.lll I'.rHlnW, ili'Hiill'llt nl ai.'l iitlill,iilii mily. fi a. in.. in. ami llm l liliili iinnini, uini llni Urxu Utlili liitiiini Wu pii'liy well lilli'il wilh mi in li'ti'hlnl uinlii'iirti. AtliT it tittiiK HiTvii i'. lllhl at Hi'li'i liiili I'V it luillcn' iHBrti'ttu, 1'iiiiHiHiiiiii ul Mm. A H. lirt'tiHi-r, Mr. M lt I'll ' w'Hliit "ii'illi. a :. a Malt 'li'Uiliiili'.l Ikiiii .Si'tlli a a Mai illti.l,ini" flout rmilli, h ir K A at aljiM ll.ri I Mil klall rl"k'a fur I'nrliKii'l I'ltli la. I ..ih'U. ami 4 i' i in M .1 1.) ra ii r Uilwuiiki'i 4 !, It in Mail Mnlvra timii I'm 1 1 II m 4 i i. III. It'll '! tra. Or.-.ii,(llyti.Klr,(ariii.M;illi..i.I.lhnralati. , j,,, , w, j, MrH. ). K. Hl.f..Hr. Mini kiuUlU li'aua nl 11 til. and nrrivra al I.' in. 1 ' 11 daily. tHrumi VHf to Uravrr ( rr-k, M Ink, Clark. Mradutt llfiM'k, Cnliill lilllla. and rnllMll.li'atra al a in. M..n lay. Wtdiioidajr and rri'lay, ml rfllirna mi (nllnarltiK dava Kl 4 ;l p nt litrfiitt t Ity Iii Vlma, l'Kaii and Kedlatid li-avra Orfgnu I'lly Xntiday, WiMtnrailay aud Friday al I uu ), in ., Irailni; Viola aawc daya I 7 uua. m (ir.nun I lly In WlllamrlW, HiatTnr.l ml W ilwinvlllr. arrlva al lu .Hi a. w. and iravna at II uu in. ilany. OtU'ral didirary wthdnw la ii "ti anuday ffuii 10 tn II a. in. All Uliar diu hm mti iha Ian al Hi "or Ii iiiiiillr "'ul "T Hmnlay, M nu iillmr iii) a. A I rn mall Dial Ii drlayad and lalli In tilvi ti" It ii ft in , K I', tfalu will rntiia nn Vi n'rl'H-k ur 4 aii'i-ttlo rar. wiUAvtnK. KAi.m I Ala ItAVI K V. i arkNaiot amiH'ti e fl a. in. 7 M t tal " IU ui " 1 1 ju " lu " I I 'it in. 1 If - i ui ' 4 .l t .11 " t ill " IU ; m u ' IU,- u luilld'ty rara d'ava araf W ll.l.AMttrTR r MX Onitv 7 IS ' Wl " Jl " lu ;to II .'l I in i. in. ;.iU " II .in " 4 l " ID t .fi " 7 D I I'. " 16 " p m. Mm. J. W. ' i r a v , I'.i-v M. I,. Ituu'K ti'uil uu uiirniiiiit a.ili'ctioii (ruin tint lirnt i:niiiUir n( Julin. AfliT the invocu lioti l.v KfV. H. V. Ktrvk' T, 11.-V. W J. AruoUl, p.iHtiir ol thn '1'liinl TrfahyU) riuii ill ii n Ii ?i( rorlhiml, wui intnxluif il uiul iiimli' it iiiunt iiitnii'NiiiiK mul priu" tii'ul illri'H4 un llm itiiuiiun lor mul thn work of tin a-nin iritc I'uiivmi tion. Il naii! llmt llm ol'j.'i l of Hie run vi'iition a not alinjily lor the inms nl I'liltirtHiniiiK thu vinitiiiK ih'li'iCiilcit hy alio iii llit'in thriiilk'li the f li-ilric wnrka mul iucr inillti, hut llmt limy ahotiM rt'tiirn to thi'ir lioiiifit thoroughly iinhiitxl with thn lapirit o( the ronvi'iilion. Iti'V. (', II. ('urtitt, pitxtor ol tint Una null) Btrii'l Coiiri'dtiniiul clinri'li, l'ort Uini, wiah tlm next aM'iikiT. Mr. Cur tin, in t'X-iirt'Hiili'iit o( ihe Slate Kmli'HVor Society, uml unu ol the liiort iti'tive woiki'r" in tin' raiMM in the Ul. llm H'Ulitfnx wk iuiirtl with f iiiIiuihIii.' ulli'rainra, mul hi' panl it mnriti'il trih tiHtlr J. W CoWa-ii, th (til her of thu junior I'lnli'Hvor inovi'iiicnt. Thin wh llm moat (iilhiiriaKtiv nifi'luiK yi't linl.l by llm I'lnleavori'm, uml thu vuriuiiH r.iiiiniilri'a iiiKiiirfd to (jri'ulfr 'ul are active In the work of preparation (or the Kri-al I'onvi'iilion. W, (i, licattie, rhair maii ol thu ciitiTlHiiinii'iit coiiiiiiillii', Iiuh airi'aily ri'i civi' l a lint ol 1MU uVe uaii'N, hu will Ih iii alii'itilaiice s li'in ami other town have tukrtl a himv ml inlcrrnt in n tt-n i n inii tlii'tw con veil turn, ami Ort'Kon I'ily hIioiiIiI eiMain lu r ri'putulion iih a I'onvi'iilioii city. A (iltMl Ol'KMMI TIlMIW uflililN , Vimti'il Mihh I cll.l (loI'lHiilitli Hi nil. I Kil.iuilrick. lioririL. far- oiH'niii ( lnr ttiilliiii'rv cniiKjriiiin hint hour iinlll 9 n'rluck inuarv d. I'.. C. A. kilUJ-.n, m it. r lu cttarl un ami hi January !. I FKIDAY, AI U1I. It. 18ml. J I H V I.lr KoH TIU Al'MII. Tkhh. Wi il.ic.liiy iD'ii nit.t Slmriir Maililm-k anil 1 oiinly t'li-rk llnrloii ilrcw the (ol l(Miii( Iihi of juror (or the April term nl lln ennui: coiiit (or Chtckuiiina county, which i'.iiim'iu'k nn M.ii'il.iy, the I'Oth ol April: .1. W M.'I.Imiiii, AU'ruelhy, (.inner; K. M, S.iiiimhi, .M.iniiaiii, fur nn r, Inn lea Cone, I.. ..M i Molullu, far Il mm ; J . I'. McMui lay, laitncilH, lar- lii.-r; W II mot ; It. ('. Il.iwliy, lliiiilinui, firincr; J.li oli M iley.rniott, farmer ; U. lonlink, IL aVer Cieek, (ill lie. , ti ilh-rt I,. Klll(', Ilinhiiiii'l, fanner; Willutin ll.tlhinun, (iKAi'lfi, farni.'r ; U'illia.ii .volt, I'lean an! Hit', firmer; Vnih iiiy l.cielitwtiek, M" Ci"ek, (nr'iier; .1 "ill Iteif, N.M Kin, fanner; W S, Conu'lt, Sprinwa ter, dinner ; Jonathan Humphrey, Went ("-;V'n C'ly, lli' i'muiti ; J. M lleekart, Oii'tt m Cay, iliiiyniaii ; I. i:. I'ailil'ick, ("la. kit naH, Inriiicr; l'. II. i, N'ce.ly, fur innr; II. S. Ilrllniuy, Alx'rnetliy, nier cl ant ; A. Maul.. .M ip'e Lue, fanner; J, K. CoiirliifV, MiUaukio, farmer; 1 r il llmnplon, t'aithy, farmer; John J, Jttun.iii;, Alieruetlu, fiinuer; S. S. Waikur, Oregon City, lahorer; William Tlioinpmni, Nee.ly, lanner; T. linden hiTer, Mihvaiiki.', farmer; M MoiJeo linn, M.itlc l-ino, fanner j C. T How aril, Milk C.clt, miller; llumy Klein antilli. Iliulilainl, fanner; C. Iloopen, ripriniiwater, farmer; A. J. Jack, Mac (iiiiiii, lanner. Y. M. (.'. A. Koomn. Tim Carpenters, liaiiiU-ri ami paiierhaunerii have been very hiiHy lilting up tne Y. M. C A. rooniH al the corner o Main Hinl Kinli'li Kt-ei'l". The (Mitiio interior of the buihl ino; m lieiiir overliiiiileil, repainted anil papeteil. The front porlinn of ,tiie lower fl.Hir haa Wn iliviileil into two rooma, one liixlil ftr a remliiiK room, anil the O'liei l'"xM for an tilli. e. At iho rear nf tai'ne romiiH (iymiiiiMHiiii will tw lilted uu, llx'tt liiet lnnin!. At the rear of tiie t)iniiHiuui !h a coinmitteo room, ami he hatha will oirupy Hiiother plHcO in .he hrn-k nil of the luiildinir Tho int. li n- will preaont a neat und aUrn'l iie appenrancu Ihr'niyhout when tho woik of iciiovalioii U cjinplt'ti'd. I'vi JohnHon, Iho Kimeral Hecrelury, is on haii'i uml in nuikinu HCtivo preparuliona (or tun work of the ttHdixuaMon Hoon to bt'uin Mr. .Inhnwui will remove Iiih fa lyt ilhiMclly fr-ini Kat 1'ortland, ilnrinn thn latter ptrt nf the week. He will occupy the Haley home on Four teenth Hlroet. It Ik interHHtinij to nol the complete transformation of the Wy gan huililiiiK, and t) realUo that it will lie 'iwil for tho piirpnae o inntruetlng and elevating huinunitv. It is intended to have a formal opening of the rooms oik week from next Sunday. An Inhukoknt I.kadku A few jt"ii no Ciipt. A. Kvana, Jr., wan a protnl it ri'Hiilenl of Clackamas county. Pav an exchimuu he wa iinporUid from the EaHt by tho munaKr and owners of ti n Oswego Iron Work, and was niailn aupt'rintendDiit of the iinnienne manufactory. He had the reputation of Salurdiy. The dmplav in the bI.ow win iIowm, mIicIvi'1 and ahow c.iae4 attracted Wi.l.'Hiiea. a.liniration. Tlie Htock Wan Hpccially delecied liv Mihh i iul.Nmitli on her recent viail to San 1'rancinco for the Oregon City trade, and i the mot eliv.int dmplay of thu latent atyleN and Hliapea in Iniin, ll.iweri and triuimiiipi, ever hroiiifht to thin citv. Kvery hal wiih a irein and a noveliy in ita line. There were roen that reipiired minute olHervalion to diatintiiih from the filll hloxHomed reality, and the entire room wan a veritable boudoir of beauty. Minh Ct'lia (lol lHiiiith wim astiisted in the deco.'atiotiH by her niNler, Mina llertha, and many were the riimplitnenUi paid to the nrtimic apHarance of the new "tore. Mix" (iiildnmith linn had several yiura f xarii'nce in the millinery huni neaa, and known exactly w hat will be come each individual runlonier. An Koii Ml HKI M IN llKKAT Yakikty. That niiii;iiiliceHt display of rggs in Charman A Co' ahow window, 1hIoih:s to tho collection of Kdson Cheney, of the Cheney art it allery. The collection consistH of over M varieties, some of them rare niieciiiienN, and is a valua ble acquisition both from a monetary and ornithological standpoint. Among thin yreat variety of curiosities is an al- liirator oiti;, small in size, but produc tive of a dreaded monster; ostrich egg of immense izu ornamented with hand painting; rare bird egg fr.nn th) Orient, of all colors and shapes, and an assort ment of native evus that would make triad the soul of the relic hunter. This display has attracted much attention, and been universally admired hy the crowds that pass up and down Main street. Probate Court. Cordon K. Hayes, Jndiro. In tho matter of tho estate ol Jasper Clift, deceased, who died on the Kth of March, F. M. Summers was grunted let ters of administration. The estate ia valued nt 1'100. The administrator of the estate of Owen 1. Owens, deceased, filed bis final account and report, and it was ordered that tho 8tli day of Juno be set as the date for hearing said final report. The Moliilln Dairy. Having established a dairy at uiy place on the Molulla road I am prepared to furnish pure, f'esh'milk delivered to all parts of the city ot reasonable prices. Address by postal card to Ely. A. TUt'MANN. Ur. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Award. A MILK OP ORIIBOENTB. Hnty-3i" Trook I.o4i of Thorn In Pro oeaalon Down Broadway. Nkw Yoiik, Mitrcli liO. Sixty-ai'vcn double trucks, biaiiiix .'l.liW Cnifcent bicycle", paraded tliin allerunoH fmin the (ll'i(lit depot lit Sixtie'h sttfet Iiml North liver lliiont'lt I'iflv-nin'h to Klevi'tilh nveiiiie, to I'lfiy Keveltlh to l!ii;hlli avenue, to I'miy Hecniid, and iIoaii IWoad way In the Wi'Mtcrii Wheel Woiki eislerii lieinlipiani'iH on Warren Mlr n-t. I'.ui h Iru k bote on eilhel hide a j lx I foot banner wilh llm Crea.-iiiit sky ! bitfb itiiiblein and various original Caleb 1 1 nu phr tKen. A llrrmii K in m counted tliirty- M ol t Ih-iii an In- rode on n I'toad' way i ar front Clniuilicis lo 1 'fund sln el, I ho that it in niilo lo say llint llin procen ' si .ii w m fully a mile in ll iliili. I'coi'le h opped lo K.i.e in w ill lei mid p.iHHeuueiH I in the can Mood up and iMped w ith hs tonislnni'iit at the siiiltt of Un) itienlent nhipini'lit of liicvcles ever uiii'lu. It took ! a Hiiecial tniiii of lifu-eii la'tje furniliiru ! cam to lraiiHHirt llteiti lo thin city and fully I.VI men to load them on the truck", which task coiuhiinkI nix hours and twenty live inintitiis. They ariived at tlie Waneu Htrect warehouse al 4:10 p. III. ami were ntored at bill) o'clock. This line of wheeln in now o.i exhibi tion at llunlley'n lunik store. Fur Sale. Having added new nmchinery to my mill I am heller prepared than hcti'to force to fiirninh luiiiher on hli'ji t notice. AuylhiiiK from an apple box to a barn nill. Uoiigh lumber .1per.M, dressed, according lo quality. We do not keep the liei-t liiiiiber, wn sell it. Having enlarged my in'll I have the follow ing machinery for sale : 1 inserted point hoe naw, 2 imlenndent screw head blin ks 1 table saw arlmr, J No 3 hydraulic ram. All the above in good condition. J. S. Yoiikk, Needy, Oregon Ibni'l Tnbiiccn fpll Or smoke your lile awav, is the truthful, Hlartling lille of a hook about No-To-l!ac, thrf liarinlesH, guaiaiiteed tobacco habit cure that braces up nicotiuized nerves, eliminates the nicotine poison, makes weak men gain strength, vigor and man hood. You run no hysieal or financial rik, as Vu To lt.ic i- sold hv drugglsta everywhere under a guarantee to cure or money refunded. Hook free. Addiess Sterling Remedy Co., New York or Chicago. Charman A Co., Irugiisl. Ill lUi (ullc. IVrrons who ar. subject to attacks of bilious colic will le pleased to know that prompt relief may be had by taking CliainlnTlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrlnea Remedy. It acts quickly and can always be deicndod upon. In many cases tho attack may bo prevented by taking this remedy as soon an the first indication of the disease appears. 25 and 5:1 cent bottles for sale by it. A. Harding, druggiiit. Iluckleii's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts, I'ruises, Sores, I'lcem, Salt K Ileum. Fever SoreH, Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilltlains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Tiles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. For sale by Chat man A Co. , Charman Bros Itiock Lost! Font! A small boy, about th e size of a man. When last seen, he wai barefooted with his mother's shoes on, clothed only wilh a night dross, with a watvrbury watch in bis left vest pocket and making for the Enterprise Barber Pbop, where he could get a first class hair cut and shave. F. Hookrs, Prop. Iuillgestlou Cured. Depressing times depress the mind; the digestion is disturbed. Two or three doses of tho S. B. Headache and Liver Cure will restore your health to a nor mal condition. 50 cents per bottle. For sale by C. O. Huntley, druggist. Avoid Consumption. by stopping that cough. We know of no better remedy for coughs and colds than the S. B. Cough Cure. For salo by C G. Huntley, druggist. To the Public WHAT TMIC GAMIUUNUS ,.,.iy.l3J. 351). IiKI.ivkh at voui wore P.: ,'l'ln! (iuriilriii'H I'ilsiHT or lifivuriiui liottlo Iii'i-r. r Dost. QtiartH at II .10 California White Viii-i r pal W) i " Claret W'iiio t HO ' " l'ort Wine KT pal. 1 W I " Clicrry Winn per pal. 1 U) Jif-f-t " (Jrajie I'.riiinly p r pal. I i lOyi ar old Wlii-kcy. Nonjiii- reil jut (fill I 00 1 Our pooiln w ill l; found the h'Ht i.-viT ollcrcd to tin? publ i' at tin; itcm. Leave your order. Wi; parrant:f tiur poodn to give natinfaction or will (.'lierfiilly refund your money. I N. F. Zimmerman. For Keif I leer leu va your order. QREGON CITY IRON WORKS New and Knlarp'-d ."hop with all appliances for MACHINE WORK & CASTING. j All work exeiMited in th; beet manner is-ifsiblo. Proniptnr-HH gimr.m I teed on all orders. i iREP A1RI1TG - A. - SPECIALTY. I'rice-" the lowest to be had in Portland. Fhop on fourth Street, near Main, Oregon City, Oregon. ROAKE BROS., Proprietors BICYCLE POINTERS. The host wheels sometimes break through a flaw. You want to feei that if your wheel breaks, it will be repaired for you without expense, without delay and with out question after you have staled that it did not happeu through missuse or abuse. Buy your wheel from a responsi ble linn with a reputation for keep ing their promises. Thev daren't soli von a poor wheel because they are bound to make it good and it would be a loosing transaction for them. Buy your wheol from a firm that keeps all ' the parts in Rtot k. Nothing is more disappointing than to have to wait two weeks in the very II nest riding season, for the agent to (end East for a Dart. Last and best of all Buy a " Crescent" f40 to 75. ('all and seem and got a catalogue at Huntley's Book Store OREGON CITY pARMEKS . . . Your team will have the bent of care and Full Measure of Feed At lhe City Stablen. W. H. YOUNC, Prop., Hucccaaiira to f-J Cooke. Livery Rigs on Short Notice. Telephone No. 42. New Good Modern Prices. Qorner Grocery. Complete stock of Fine Family Groceries, Try my extra Choice Tea.-scs Richard Freytag. Main and Fourteenth Streets. JOHN A. BECK, THE RELIABLE JEWELER No. 270, Morrison Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. IS STILL ON EARTH. For general repairing he stands without a per. For first-class, re liable goods his store is second to none. Trv him I IMPERIAL GALLERY Oregon City, Crayons. Enlargements Fhotography in every branch. Children's Pictures a Specialty Gallery over Mrs. Frier's Store Main Street. Cross Husbands.... Are largely the product of poor barbers. A SORE FACE Is a just cause for profanity and irritability. LIKE A CONVICT Do many men look after their hair has been cut by an incom petent barber. TRY FARNS WORTH.... Jobbing and Repair Shop. It. IT. DftYIfr Will do all kinds of shop work, repairing and general carpenter work promptly. Store fitting a specialty. Saw filing done. Shop In Old Methodlait Church Burmeister & Andresen, Are selling handsome Eight Day Clocks at $5.00. Other Clocks proportionately low. Just a few Prices on. Groceries But enough to show how much more economically your buying can he done HERE than anywhere else. Nothing you would want in groceries.delicacicSjfruit, cW that we haven't. Lowest prices, and finest qualities or we refund money. Free delivery. 3IARR & ROBERTSON THE 7TII. STREET GROCERS. When you buy aMiUHUMMataMa Agents for Pure Prepared Paint ! A house you make sure the title is clear. When you paint it use Pure Prepared Paint as it makes all the difference in the world whether the paint is genuine or not. Color cards free. Special prices in quantity. CHARMAN & CO. CITY DRUG STORE. .Telephone No. 13. PLUMBING TINNING... Close Figures On Large Jobs A. W. SCHWAN a '&wum Seventh Street, Near Deppt, aaao. jaai TTil a FwnonaVemrdy frmt quickly, permanently ill nur'uos dlaaa, Weua Mmirj. lxixi of Hrnln ' 11 in lidauuca. wukuiainebB. .- iMMnr. a""7 aluiK, evil dreams, luipotoncy and wasting lUmaaea eanaMl Vf i li ajouU-.;uttrTariortzecis't. Coutaiiiano upluun. utKnewa ct 1 and blood builder. Makeath8puleandpunyroiig'pwa. JiS "VI. !Ea.llycrrillnTMtpx-ket.tperbox!fnrM. hyvailjji T-a.L. -Jt'J mrrflr.l book, acnied plain wrapper, with tfaUmonalitaa JaPi?A3l'nnnr'tiltnii'n. irhnriw forffnmlfalmt. Ifc u artel . . in,,,. UhJ r aa nu..ii'. tun mutl W.. aaaaala tian l.,raaiaa ruraalalnOreguaCU7,UKg.,bj CUAUMAN A CO.. Iruitu.