Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 20, 1896, Image 6

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
Claeknmrts Co. Directory.
Gordon K. Hy
CUrk i( Court.
l.l'O. f. IlKrtKII
K '. Vn.M.vk
avbeol 8uprlisyiiilc!it
S M. Kmlv
M I. M.we
.1. l Hm.lloy
It. 8 ititxofi
t). W Ktiuulnl
l.,.. r ' i J
Frank Jmri!r
" ,
-j. - .
Farly Kose seed potatoes, onion sets,
garden seeds in bulk or papers.
K. K. Wii hams, the grocer.
The Kstkki'kisk until i(tor election for
25 cents.
Spring millinery just arrived at K. K.
Dr. White's Hair grower for sale by
E. Q Farnswortlt.
March 20, 27 ami 2S. Millinery ohii
ins at V.. K. Martin".
ShtYcly's opera house, the 20th ami
21st. Watch the bill-boards.
Fancy pearl buttons for waists ant)
dress trimming it the Backet store.
Dr. F. IV Welch w ill still continue his
dental oflice in the Conner building.
Beautiful sprinir hats at reasonable
prices at the Bed Front, Oregon City.
Big line Princess tea. Must I sold
cheap. TarkerA Howard, near depot.
Great reduction in ladies', (tents.'
ad children's wear at the Racket
tore. ;
Over 100 boxes men's and boy's hats
to select from at Parker & Howard's
Money loaned on farms or business
property. J. F. Clark otl'ce over Oregon
City bank.
C. 0. T. Williams is now prepared to
make loans on good farm property.
Writ him.
A large assortment of garden hose
just received at the hardware house of
Fope & Co.
Machine oil 10 cents a bottle, also
newdles for all kinds of machines at E.
E. Martin's.
Bankrupt stock genera' merchandise at
Farker A Howard's. Must be sold re
firdless of cot.
For clean, white cotton rag 5 cents
pr pound cash, will be paid at The Ex-
TEHPB18E Office.
Almo't anything you are needing you
will find at Parker and Howard's. Goods
mut be sold at once.
Reserved seats for "Ole Olson" can be
had at the Western Cnioa telegraph
office without extra charge.
Specialties in Gents underwear among
the bankrupt stock consigned to Parker
& Howard, near tb deot.
Ole Olson, a drama in four acts. A
Ml ca6t of characters Each and every
character apnf ars in every act.
Use OXJES for your "nerves" also
fee coughs and colds. Pamphlets free.
Cbarnian 4 Co., Druggist., agent.
Attend the opening at E. E. Martin's
March 20, 27 and I1, and you will feel
repaid as the prices will suit you as well
as the times.
De Witt'sl.ittle Early Ilisers for bilious
ness, indigestion, constipation. A small
pill, a prompt cure. For sale by C. G.
Huntley, druggist.
On March 14th County Clerk Horton
granted a marria.e license to Ella Har
dest and Thomas A. Garrett. R. I.
Garrett was witness.
For a quiet place to hitch your horses
awav from the motor line ami a place to
get a first cIkks job of repairing or horse
slueing rail on S. F. Scripture's shop on
Fifth Btreet.
Col. summers and statf will inspect
Company F on Monday, the 23rd. Coin-
pawy F s'ill retains a front position
among the companies of the Oiegon Na
tional Guard,
To induce a trial ot tne kxterprise as
a newspajier it will be sent from now
until June 6' for 25 cents . 2 cent stampB
taken. Paper stopiied at date if not
longer wanted.
newiD2 Machines cheap. Want a
seying mHchiw? Get a good one and
pay $23; five years guarantee; $5 down
5 per month until paid. See Bellomy
. & Bunch about it
Dr. William B, Knapp, dentist has
opened an office in Courier building with
Dr. Frank P. Welch where he can be
found Monday, Tuesday aad Wednes
day of each week.
Karl's Clover Koot will purify your
blood, clear your complexion, regulate
your bowels and make your head clear
a a Ml. 25c., 50c, ar- a dollar. For
safe by Geo. A . Harding.
Give me a 10 cent straight, means
tfcat the smoker wants a La Champana
Key Wettt, imported Havana. You
don't tiave to kick if you don't get it,
tecause if you ask for it, you will get It.
Ooe minute Cough Cure is rightly
named. It affords instant relief from
-offering when afflicted with a severe
caegfaor cold. It acta on the throat,
breactiul tubes, and lungs and never
Tln neighboring town of Woodhurn
is preparing to put on uutroiolitnn nim,
as I lie citizen of that thriving burg have
voted to lioiiil the city (or f'.O.OOO for
municipal electri' light and water
Dr. L. T.. Pickens, dentist, does all
kinds of dental woik. UoM crow tin,
porcelain crowns anl bridge work a
specialty. All operations gnaiauteed for
i 5 vears. Call and get inv pi ices. Office
in lliirclav building
Mrs. Pauline Out, of iStinnvside, was
adjudged insane last Saturday bv County
Judge Hayes, and was ncnt to the asy
hi in. Her mama is of a hysterical na
tme. Mrs. Ost is 4;! vears old, and the
mother ol (mir children .
Ovarian, lihroid and other tumors
cured without resort to surgical oH'ra
tton. For phamphlet, testimonials and
references send 10 cents vfor postage) to
World's Pispensary Medical Association,
ItutValo, X. Y.
If you have a job of repairing that w ill
not justify your letting it to a regular
contractor at contractor's pi ices, then
ee Pavis, the repairer. Ho will do it in
.Irst-class share and at reasonable
prices. Shop in Second I land store
A rousing republican rally was held
at Pamascus last Saturdav evening.
Profesaor II. S Strange delivered one of
his sound republican orations, which
was received with considerable interest
and enthusiasm by the large audience
that tilled the school room.
An elegant line of the latest designs
in dress goods at the store of Chartuan
A Son's. Call and set the new stock,
which surpasses anything in this line
ever brought to Oregon City. To see
this tasty display of organdys, percales
and dimitys is a delight to the soul.
Coughing irritates the delicate organs
and aggravates the disease. Instead of
waiting, try One Minute Cough Cure. It
helps at once, makes expectoration easy,
reduces the soreness and inflamatior..
Every one likes it. For sale by C. G.
Huntley, druggist.
The Oregon City demi-monde packed
up their belongings and band boxes,
and removed to PortUnd last Saturday.
The house which they recently vacated,
will probably pass into the hands of the
Mc.Minnville Baptist College, by a de
cree of foreclosure.
M.Bnx-Ki.iNK II. J. Martin, the
genial prescription clerk at Harding's
drug store, was married last Monday at
Beaverton, Washington county, to Miss
Alma Klink, a most estimable voung
lady of that place. The nuptial knot
was tied by Hev. Gabriel Sykes, for
merly pastor of the Methodist church in
this city. No invited guests were pres
ent except the families of the bride and
bridegroom. Mr. and Mrs. Martin
came to Oregon City, Tuesday, and are
stopping at the Electric Hotel for the
present, Tliey have received the con
gratulations of manv friends.
The Hosteller family of Clackamas
Heights were up before the court Mon
day afternoon, as charges had been
made that they were not properly cloth
ing and feeding their two little girls
aged five and ten years. Several of
the neighbors testified that the children
had begged for something to eat and
stated that t'.ey were half starved.
County Judge Hayes ordered the child
ren placed in the custody of the Boys
and Girl's Aid Society, and Depuly
SheritT Hyatt took the unfortunate
waifs to Portland Monday evening.
In the fall ot 1SJO a son of Mr. T A.
McFarland, a prominent merchant of
Live Oak, Sutter, Co., Cal., was taken
with a very heavy cold. The pains in
his chest were so severe that he had
spasms and was threatened with pneu
monia. His father gave hitn several
large doees of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy which broke up the cough and
cured him. Mr. McFarland says when
ever his children have croup he invari
ably gives them Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy add it always cures them. He
considers it the best cough remedy in
the market. For sale by G. A. Harding
Dr. V. J. Taylor died at the reBi.
dence of his brother, I. D. Taylor, in
Sunset addition, on Tuesday, March
17th The funeral was first announced
for Wednesday, but was postponed until
the arrival of some relatives from the
East, who will probably arrive here by
Saturday. Dr. Taylor formerly prac
ticed his profession in Portland, but for
the past three years has been located in
Chicago. Early last fall he went to
Santa Fee, New Mexico, with the expec
tation the climate would benefit his
health, as he was in the advanced stages
of consumption. A few weeks ago be
arrived in this city, but his condition
was not in anywise improved, His re
mains will be interred in Riverside cem
etery. The Portland.
Re-opened near the corner of Main
and Seyenth street. Clean, bright, well
furnished dining room and private rooms
elegantly fitted up. Uaye one of the
most skillful cooks on the Coast. If
your meat order does not please you, just
let me know. Best dinner in the city
including a glass of wine for 25 cents,
11:30 to 4 p. m. Oysters served in
every style. Open day and night. Give
The Portland a trial.
L. Rcconich, Proprietor,
K. B. Jolly, of Portland, was in Ore
(ton City Monday, on legal business.
... ... I, ,.,UMUM.M VI
1 If 1 1 .. .. : i t '
r.agte creek, was in Dickon i tty lues
II. I. Hayes, of Salem, was in the
city Ti.ssd.ty, the guest of his son,
County Judge Hayes.
Mis. V.. V. Ilodgkln, of Salem, has
, fiill!,.., !,.. t,..,lli..r t.-u 1....
j nings for several davs.
j J, o. Ainsworth. president of the Ains-
woith National I'ank of l'oilland, was
I in t iregon i ny r nuay.
J C. II. I.ogus, of Portland, who has
I been visiting the family of II. S. Moody,
roturiii'd home last Saturday,
Judge X. 1.. Itutler. of I'.ill.is. was in
Oregon City Weduesilay and Tliuimlay
looking alter business matters.
Mr. (ieo. V. I'avis, of the law llrm of
Pavis it (iraham.of Portland, was in Or-
egon City Wednesday, attending to some
business matters.
Ed I, McKee, the well know n demo-
cratie leader of l ortland, accompanied
I ,v ,jH f,jVi was visiting relatives in
the city last Saturdav.
(iilliert, the oldest son of County j
Clerk Horton, has been very III for sev-j
eral davs with pneumonia, and his con
dition is but little improved. 1
Sheriil" Unburn, of Corvallis, Benton j
county, was in Oiegou City over Sunday,
,, 1 . . l II
He bad some real estate holdings pear
i ii i
Clackamas surveyed w hile here.
If: . . If t.:i .1 I
.mi may . nsoury, woo ...a
several weeks in the city, the guest ol j
the family of J. (i. Pilsbury, will leave
next Tuesday for Penver, Colorado. i
Miss Inc. Kiggs, on t- iftli street, who
lias been very low with tne grip, is
rapidly recovering, anil only for a slight
touch of rheumatism would be out
among her many friends once more.
C. F. Northrup, of Worcester, Massa
chusetts, arrived in the city Wednes
day, and will be busy al the woolen
mills for awhile placing in position the
new steam cloth press that arrived last
V. B. Hall and family, of East Port
land, were the guests of Mr and Mrs.
C. II. Wheeler last Sunday. Mr Hall
is a hardware merchant, and repre
sented Multnomah county in the last
Axel Eckstrom, the electrical engineer,
who bus been putting in apparatus for
the General Electrical Company in this
cily for the past year, bus completed
bis work, and left last Thursday night
with the grip,
1 for Salt Lake, where he will put
in a
similar plant
Judge T. A. McBrido has I wen quite
sick at bis home in Portland for the past
week, narrowly escaping an attack of
pneumonia. He has so (ar recovered
that he boes to be able to conveno
the regular spring term of court at Hills
boro next Monday.
Mrs. II. V. Kirkpatrick, of Turner,
Marion county, who bus been the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. A . S. Dresser for sev
eial days during the past week, re
turned home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs.
Parr, of California, were also visiting at
the Dresser residence during the past
Mrs. McKee, of Oakland, California,
has been visiting her daughter, Mrs.
Mrs. Norman Lang, for the past three
weeks. She is accompanied by her
niece, Miss Belle Moon. Orestes
Pierce, president of the Willamette Pa
per A Pulp Company, accompanied by
his family, came up from San 1 ran
ciscoa few days ago, and are also guests
at the Larg residence.
Loring K. Adams, of the firm of I!ur
rett A Adams, attorneys of llillslioro,
was in Oregon City Wednesday, visiting
his many friends here, and quietly an
nouncing his candidacy for tho office of
prosecuting attorney for this district.
Mr. Adams iB a bright, well educated
young man, and a lawyer of considerable
promise and he has the qualifications to
fill the office he aspires for in a credita
ble manner both to himself ami the
Hon. T. J. Cleeton, of St. Helens, was
in Oregon City Wednesday, renewing
the acquaintance of his old friends in
this city. Mr. Cleeton has announced
himself as a candidate for the oflice of
prosecuting attorney for this district, and
as Columbia county has never been rep
resented in the offices of the Fifth judi
cial district, he considers his claim and
chances for the position good. Mr. Clee
ton is one of the most brainy and suc
cessful lawyers on the lower Columbia,
and should he be riven the oflice there
would be no question as to his ability to
fill it efficiently and honorably.
For the Longs.
Elder Alson W. Steers writes from
Portland, Or., ''There is no medicine
for the throat and lungs that I can rec
ommend to ministers, public speakers
and singers, with the confidence that I
can the S. B. Cough cure." DO cents a
bottle. For sale by C. G. Huntley,
A Correction.
Okkuon Citv, March 18th, (to ths
Editor:) In last week's E.ntkki'uisi
you report me as a candidate for coro
ner. That statement was published
without my knowledge. I am not an
office seeker. I am an American.
K. E. Fekkin.
Oani'g's ScIiimiI .Mcclnig.
Notl'S Of tllP Nllj()llllllll SCSaiotl llf tilt
Oswego school nioeling called too. dor on
tin. iiu-ht nf Mm, I, i) ISiNi ut 7 ::UI o'clock
liy l.,lti.,.,n Mi,li(., T jn
Cliairman Mintle. llns meeling
was culled adjourned one week ago fur
the reason that there was a tie vutu fi.r
iliieclor and l.i give the ileik time to
niiike out his annual report. The chair
man announced that the hoard of diree
tois had met in the morning ami de
cided this meeting lo he illegal and had
posted notices that a special meeling I
would be held on the afternoon of thel
21st inst, also that the polls would be1
opened for the pin poe of voting (or di
rector from I to S o'clock of said dale.
The board were said hr bo in error
whereupon the chairman rose and spoke
to some length in favor of the bouid-
Some parties called for order, claiming I
the chaiiman had no right to enter iuto
debate, whereupon the chairman said'
"1 am not entering into debate, but I
hold that 1 have a right to vindicate the
character ol the members of the hoard."
Motion .( we decide lo elect
a director tonight that the polls remain I
; open until all piesent liave an oppor-1
j umity to vote. At this juncture semi'
ioi.e noticed there was no clerk at the
de.-.k and the clerk was called for.
Clerk elect Hall rose and slated he was
ready to be sworn in. Clerk was duly
sworn in. The retiring clc k did not show j
up during the meeting The million as ,
..i .. ... ii..... .1....1.1...1 i... :
i i - j
HUH III'. .fllMOKI llllllt'.l. . .Illlllll-I
.notion was made lo proceed to ballot
I 1
1 for director at once
niai.n.an Minlie reouesled the room
to la) cleared of all boys and men that
were not entitled to vote in this meeting,
also all women and girls that were nut
f.ititUl lo vote were requested to depart.
By the way U. L. Poll n k had cited
code I'. S. Statutes, page 12114, section
2007 wb cli slates that Ihey were in the
right ill adjourning the session ol a week
ago to the present time and taking it up
now. Chairman Mintie said "Ladies
and gentlemen, I would lather be in any
other place tliiin in the position I am in
here tonight. Xow that the room had
been cleared of outsiders it Was stated
from the chair that the way the vote
would lie mule to decide whether we
'proceed to vote for director at once
J would be taken thus: All those opjiosed
.to voting for director this evening re
quested to leave the room, By the aid
joftbe constable the dmjra weiu then
I closed. Mr. 1'rosser was one of tint re
j tiring party but w as called on to help
count the votes. Pioiser answered
thus "you llred me out once, now you
want me in, I don't intend lo be tired
again." Those that remained in the
room were all aent to the farther side and
caused to pass through tingle file be
tween the tellers, Messrs Mint'', Gans
Hall and Thomas, and be counted.
There were 1 LI) ill favor of voting for
director tonight. The ihsjrs w ere opened
and all these requested to pass out and
those opposed to the measure to pass in.
The vote was taken as Is'fore, good order
was preserved while voting was going
on. There were 111 that voted against
voting for director tonight. Poors were
o'iicd and those outside madu their
way in while shouts iion shouts were
rendered. The chairman again called
for order and stated the tally 120 for and
111 against, also, "the choice of the
meeting buciiis to bo that we proceed to
vote for director at unco." Prosser
said, there were many who voted thai
were not legal voters,
A motion was made to adjourn.
Pollock wanted to amend the motion
and proceed to vote at once. The chair
man declared it ull out of order, saying
"there is a measure at present before
the house, and they have decided to vote
for director tonight and tho majority
must rulo. There will be a table placed
in the other room near the door and
those wishing to vote will pass by and
cast their ballot and go homo, those
interested in the result only will be
allowed to remain. I want each side to
apsjiiit a challenger or teller to see that
the vote is fair." Judges and tellers
were chosen and the polls were opened
in the adjoining rooms. S. C. Baker
rosp on tlie stage and called for order,
stating that be was going to withdraw
until the 21st, and requested all those
that wished to vote for him as diiector
go home and come back on the 21st
Cheers. Many grabbed their lanterns
and made tracks, leaving the house in
semi-darkness. Nevertheless the vot
ing went steadily on. Chairman rose
and calltd out "hear ye! hear yel pulls
will be open but five minutes, now we
are going to time it."
A large number remained to learn the
outcome of the election. Polls closed at
0:11 p. m. As the ballots were counted
Pollock was in it solid for some time.
The majority of Baker's followers hav
ing departed at his request. At 9:22 it
was announced that there bad been 125
votes cast, R. 8. Pollock having received
118 and 8. C. Baker 7. Pollock was de'
dared elected. Zkno.
HIierlfTs Tax Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the taxes
of Clackamas county for the year 18115,
are now due and payable at my office in
the county court house in Oregon City.
The warrant delivered ttl.esberifl'by the
clerk of the county court requires all
taxes to be paid by the first day of May,
E. C. Maduock, SheritT and Tai
Collector of Clackamas county, Oregon.
The Home ol the Willamette Club.
The Willamelle club, which was or
ganised some time, ago by the young
business men of Oregon t it y, has per
fected arrangements and is now a per
j minion! organi.ulion. Al uccnt there mo
I about Mil or more uieinbeis and the limn
j her will I'l.'lhil'lv be much linger now
i Unit they are sellled. Tim ollheis are,
, J. P. I.ovett, picsident ; 0. 0 Hiownell,
vice president ; K. T. Orilllth. secieta.y
land E. (i. Caulleld, treasurer. A pleas
ant suite of four iooiiis on the front ami
north sides of the second floor of the
new Weiuhard block has I II splendidly
titled up ami with the exception of hang
ing the pictures, everything is completed
ami ready to be occupied bv the club as
its iM'iiuancut homo The two fionl
looms will be lined as a reception loom
and parlor and are similarly furnished.
The delicate green tinted walls and
dark hangings are In h rfect harmony
with the daik green velvet carpets and
iiuiKxive oak furniture, upholstered in
' W",M'" '
'r ."'
.i l.i I. ...... .
open. ng Pack o. inese looms are
the reading ami billiard rooms, the col
oring and diaperics of which are
sail ir, having a warm, comfortable ap
peaiauce, at the same time plainly show
tl.ewoikof an experienced decoiator.
They ate separated by an arch extend
ing across the room, beaulifiilty d.aped
in shade of gray and mahogany lapcntiy
and yellow silk. The Ironlcd glass win-
dows loukiiigoiit into the hall are covered
'Willi shirred yellow silk, shed. ling a
j soft light through (he rooms. Tables
and plenty ol chairs are scattered through
: the reading room and the billiard room
contains the finest table that could U
obtained, thus showing that I he comfort
of the .uciiiImts of this club has been
well looked after.
?prclal cl...nl Ti..
Speci.il school taxes were levied In j
the following t'lurkaiius county di. i
tricts, and the rolls are now in the bauds
of the sheriil for collection : I
Na ih uillU. i
I .V
IU, rslt. A" ! 'lit Tl i
,r. 2IO,."sHl, illkfi2 .'!
It 8 h7.1M
i.'M, IU
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2'a . .. 2ii,.V.!l. .
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I 72,l.'i7..
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.... 1 2s,i,!i..
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. . . . H', ,ri2,MO. .
.. . l' H.isi7 .
. . . . 7 2ll,H2t. .
.... H II.Vhio .
.... !' .... H2.:!i.l .
... I1,. ... 21.1. 1 1 .
... 2'.j .... 11.1.1 .
....1.4 . .. :I7..M2..
44 S7
2S 17
2I7.'i 22
417 2.'.
.'Ol li'.i
-ii'. :t:i
HIH 44
1 101 r2
ion :.i
lili no
1 10 :i7
r.2 r.o
4ll'.l 01
i7 to
M 25
I V) .'.2
112 2:1
7l 211
.IX! (Mi
102 :i7
24 Oil
2.r.:t 7:1
I2H 4:1
100 Ml
40 40
25 41)
HO 04
70 02
I .v..
12 .
M'.l.lisii .
.4 ..
4 ..
.ti . .
r, ..
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4 . .
0 ..
.5 ..
5 ..
1 .
2 V
lii,7'll. .
1H,.'iIkI. ,
2'i,(iss. ,
22,4411. .
l.'i.hlti. .
47,. '.HI. .
17.1X12. ,
4.HS7. .
0,1107 .
H,f.r,2. ,
loii.r.nu ,
10, 111'.' .
0,11211. .
r,!U!l. .
, 70
, IS!
; 101
: Joint II!
Joint ::o. .
Joint .17. .
Joint 70 .
Joint 711. .
Teachers' tssociuiiou
Tiie next meeting of the Teachers'
association will be held at Clackamas,
Salurday, March 2H, IH'.Nl. The people
of (hat place are making preparations to
entertain the teachers i truly royal
stile. A gisul time is anticipated and a
largo attendance hoped for. Follow ing
is the program for that meeting:
Muain Local Talent
"liaising the Stiilidurd of Teachers" .
Mrs. Annie II. Wells
"Supplementary Beading" II. M. Strange
''""v jLs'iSc,
Keeilatiou ... I'upil of School
Inter. uiaaiou.
Itoll Call (Junlations Iron. Alice C'arvv. . .
Hong Georgia Ittllli
"llianlifying Halls ami School llii.ld-
ingi" .' J. W. (iray
Kecitalion Alex Thompson
".Mathematics" suid. II. H. Ilihson
"What Next ill I'I'liiCHtlonV " T. J. iary
You're an Easy Prey,
with your llesh reduced below a healthy
standard, for Consumption and other
Scrofulous and dangerous diseases. And
it's just for this condition that Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is es
pecially valuable,
If you're thinner than you ought to be,
whether from wasting diseases, defective
nutrition, or whatever cause, the "Dis
covery" will surely bring you up to the
healthy standard. By restoring the nor
mal action of the deranged organs and
functions, it arouses every natural source
and means of nourishment. As a
strength-restorer and flesh builder,
nothing like this medicine is known to
medical science, Filthy Cd liver oil
and all its disguised compounds can't
compare wlthjt.
A lloa.e-CooJted Dinner.
The ladies of the Methodist church
will give a fine home-cooked dinner on
the day of the Clackamas County Re
publican convention for only 15 cents.
Those who ate at their tables two years
ago are referred to for the excellence of
their bill of fare.
Cons for .Sale
Two fresh milk cows for sale at
Fischer's mill, Logan Or, Also a good
horse 1100 pounds weight.
Highest Honor -World'! Fair,
Gold Medal, Mldwlntsr l air.
Mont Perfect Madt.
40 Years the Standard.
I .
l ite Nnrrcl nl (intnl Crops.
The model., funnel 1 md content In
line the antiq'iated tools and methods ol
his father. In this age of keel. colna'
lion, the farmer w ho w lhe to prosper,
needs and g.-ts llie uiot Improved dinn
ing Implements, and by reading the
best agriculutural literaluie, be keeps in
touch w ith I he spirit of progieas that
pervades our fanning co.nmiitiitic. Ho
is particular, also, in regard lo I he kind
of seed he plants and lb.' tnmnif r of
planting it. The s Is must Ih of the
highest fertility and glow 11 from thn
highest cultivated and moat profitable
vaiietiea of stock. The great wed llrm
ofD. M. Ferry A Co, iMroit Mich.,
lull)' appreciate this fact, a it is attested
by Iheir progrisiv hindues methods
and the quality of the see Is w hlch Ihey
supply fanners and gardners through
the dealers all over the rmntry. The
reliability and fertility of their seeds aie
proverbial and the largest need buaiueas
ill I he World has been created by their
sale. In evidence of this linn's know
ledge of the wants and requirement of
planters, large or siiull, is Ferry's Seed
Annual for IS'.Mi This lHk i ol lbs
greatest value to farmers and gardneia
a veritable ciicychqiedia of planting and
j,( Maiming kinnt li-Ige. It contains more
! ,,m.I,,I ,iti.l t.r ....l i,. I Inf. ,r 111 I i, ,11 limit
.many text liook thai are mini tor a
' ' .1..11 ....1 ,1 - .11 1 -.1.. I I
, to any one sending ins uuiiie and a-ldrets
on a po-dal card lo the llrm.
Look here? Y 1 1 who aie sad and lone
some. The I'aneuial. sunday school wilt
give one of their enjoyable entertain
ment and social at Stoke' hall in
Cane. nah, Friday evening, March 27tb.
Then) w .11 be the nominal ami. of 10 i ts.
for adults and o cenls for children under
12 yeais, charged lor adi.iis-.ioi. which
will entitle ll.o-e admitted lo refresh
ments. The proceed will Is' llaed to
purchase bible for the children in the
school. ('aiie.nab never has anything
but first class socials ('01.10 and see.
Don'l forget the dale, March 27lh.
Worli:jf of Niillee.
The S. B. Medicine company is the
only one out of nine ptoprielary medi
cine firms lncorH.rated on this coast
since 1S.H7 that has not made an assign
ment. These hard times with new news
paper advertising contracts lor two years,
It speal.s loudly of their metit. For
sale by ('. G. Huntley, ihugginl.
Money 1 11 Lean
Parties intending to borrow money on
their farms this fall will find it to their
lull-rest to eali and see meat an early
day. Plenty of money 011 easy terms
and low rates of interest.
W. II. Ill Ki.ii.MiOr.
Thoumand of both men and women
whose dally life Is making soTorodrafU on
their vitality, require something that will
bring new material to ths worn out nerva
centers. This la Just what Dr. Mile'
toratlvii Nurvlne dews.
"i had been uuffnring fmr years
from headaches, neuralgia, aloeplnwniMa,
and general nervous prostration, uufltttng
mo for social, household and busluuM
duties, and, periodically, was
Vomplrtelu promtratrd vilh pmln.'
I tried wivural physicians and a great many
remedies, but received no benefit until I
Vara lr. Slllrif Btmtoratltm Arrrtnt,
when I found almost Immediate rnlluf, and
havo bcco.no qulto my former self and am
Again able to attend to my buminrmm,
which 1 that of a brush manufacturer. I
boro recommendod the Korvlno to others
who hare used It with ths same good reaulU"
Milwaukee, Wla. Una. Anna I'ioseb,
Dr. Miles' Nervine is sold on a positive
riaranteo that the first bottle will lieneBu ,
All druggists sell ltall, bottles for!, or
Dr. Miles1 Nervine
Restores Health