Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 13, 1896, Image 2

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Tin: mnu'RisR cokhkspoxi).
hkms wei:p tiik hki.i.
Points of ii Ynnuir Hurcliir Arrested
ami Held to Ititil Mfotliiir or Ho
piib'liiin ( lull Miort Specdics.
I lie teachers an excellent dinner for which Hatchery Nuii,
Hi latter paid twenty live ceiils each, thus Hatciikkv, Mnn h !.- March came In ra-
raisin umI littlo mm Willi which to pur. (ur suvrrtdy. We hope I hi' ol.l ml up. will
di hooka for Ihe llhrnry. The hooks I prove true lid lime: " t'aine-In like a lion,
when secured will mill greatly to Hit Urie I K,i out like a lamb."
store of luelul Looks already in hnnd. The i The iirii. hits own tiikinu Hit num.!. here.
j highest praise i Kivrn Professor tlriiy lor and Ims gripped some pretty hard,
j the good work ho hits iloiu along several j John Hunan has Just completed a nuiirler
I special linos besides Ihe good work ho luis 0l a uiilo ii kot fence which Improvrs hm
(done In 111 school, lie is to hi' specially ' I i r i Inrin virv much.
commended for tlii' tnk he performed in 1 I'll., popnlisls tnot tit the llnlcotiil) school
Mil i KiK, M nr-li lo.-ln-t Saturday
rvt ioi -g while our him kstnith, Casper Kerr, j
was hi Ih republican club meeting some I
one ei nnd his room and robbed his trunk i
olfT.Miu coin. pocket knite, a bunch ol :
kes ni it sundry ollur articles. Whenj
" I" hi " !i we call liim returned home and
tlisc.Mici tlml he hml been robbed lie kept
his com m i iitnl went lo ork on (he sly lo j
raid, ihe hnrglsr. On Sunday he went to '
IYrttand at d stated 1'" l'a-' 10 IViivln e i
Simmons, li llo ir him that he supeeie.l Kil
fable, i.l Milwaukee. Simmons at one i
reiien.herid having arreesieil Cable some
time aco n a charge of stealing some rings,
tun he a released on returning the goods.
Cap cri iinli'il wild an otlicer lo a saloon
on Second nn. I Iturnsid streets. Portland,
where the) loinul the lad preparing to have
a !ihhI (in e. lie was allowed lo reside at
the i-oin e slaiion until Monday, when Con
stable Robinson, armed with a warrant,
nenl ill. w n a. nl brought bim up lo Milwau
kee. He was given a preliminary hearing
before Ju. I.akin, who bound him over to
apiearlH-tote .negratm jnr.nii, g...s .,. w nutWrtli on February il.
-W. me Doy s lamer aim n. nuii
establishing ro line a library, and (or the houe the ?M of last inoulli to reorganise
deei interest he has taken in that work ' Your correspondent not bavin,; been pres.
irom tne ucginning. e an w isti me pro- ent, oannol give full particulars. Some ol
lessor may get the oltlceol oounty imperii!-1 the pops present say it was ipiitc an inter
lendent at the nest election, as he is well eMing meetinir.
imilinetl lor tne place, amiough we would Mrs. Mess bus been unite sick. She was
deeply regret liiivui! to lose him, as he has ' mending slowly when lust heard from,
been with us now four successive terms. I Clara llaltan and Annie Mumpoweral
However, we have the satisfaction of know- ten. led the teachers' meeting at Piitkphieo
iiiCthatif he is eleetud to the ollice of su-.Saturday, and report a very pleasant time,
perinteiulent he w ill never lose his interest j School meeting was not ery largely at
in Paikplace or lose nn opportunity to do ten. led in district M, only seen men Iwing
S1'0'1- j preaei't. (leo. lle was elected ilireclor
Pied, at her home on Clackamas Heights, ' and John Holcomb clerk,
early Saturday morning, tirandina Hick-j Miss Arthur, of Kedland, paid her old
man. The funeral service was preached at ( friends a visit a lew days ago, spending
the Methodist church of Oregon City Mon-1 most of the day with .Mrs. Haker.
day forenoon. I f liame Itninor speaks true we shall soon
hear the wedding hells ringing. They will
be upon the hill this tune. We send our
congratulation earlv.
Harmony Note.
Harmony, March .1 A sudden change of
tl.e weather occurred here last Saturday.
The ground is frozen at this date.
The present term of our school will close
next Kriitay. Washington's birthday was
remembered bv the school and an excellent
were his bonilsinen. Ed made a lull con
fesMoi. ami returned to Cap his money ex-1
cept !) on. Is which he had snt. On i
aeaici.ii g the boy's pocket.- they found keys '
galore, an old razor taken Irom Cap, and !
among other things a piece of candle, which
shows thai voung Pahle was well rquippou
for pmmtern g houses. Pahle also con
tensed to having burglarized several other
hoiiM-a in the iieightiorhood, among them
being A.J. Walker's, Mr. I.aCirand's, and
B. Can pbell's. From Mr. Walker he stole
reriitioale ot deposit for J'.Hl, a revolver
and a ocket book. He had pawned the
pisii.l i I'ii Hand, giving his name as
iirown, or Oregon City. When Mr. Walker,
act-on. panied b Pahle, calleii at the pawn
shop to get the revolver it had been sold,
and as it has been some two months since
itwa.- pawned it will be impossible to re
cover it. Of course Mr. Walker stopped
pavruent on the certificate. Pableisonly
about is years of age, and his sentence may
be sn.ebat light on account of his youth ;
but the community could get aleng very
well wui.tut him for five or six years, and
probably longer.
Our republican club met Saturday even
ing aeeordii g to notice, but the speaker.
John I). Maim, of Portland, failed lobe
preM-nt. Some of our voung men, however,
were equal to the occasion and made short,
impromptu Seches, among whom was
Prof. T. J. Gary, our candidate for county
superintendent, subject to nomination.
The club quartette rendered the following
piece splendidly : "The Triplets Johnnie
Bull, tiruver Cleveland, and the English
Lion," " During the Reign of Great G ro
ver," and ' Grove Ore's Body."
Mies Aim B. Scott, who bas been visit
ing friends at Pomeroy, Washington, for
some time past, has returned borne. Her
coutin, Miss Mallet, of San Francisco, is
Yisiting her family.
Mrs. Chas. Dauchy, ot Gladstone, was a
calltr at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John H.
Gibson I&.-1 week.
Fird Lrhiuun has calcimiHed and re
paii.ttd the interior of his butcher shop, im
proving nn hi earance and adding greatly
to itasanitorv condition. CariyC. Noil.
Twin City News.
Park I'm and Gladstone, March 3.
(Too late for lat week.) The literarv soci
ety met as usual last Saturday evening.
The question for debate, Cuban liberty, was
very equally discussed by the boys. The
judges rendered their verdict in favor of
the side arguing that Cuba should be free.
The soi ieiy will bold their -closing meeting
on i ext Saturday evening. The reason we
close now is, it is getting lo be that time in
the sea-oii w Pen so many otherthings com
mand ti e attention of the boys, football
an. org the rest. The whole people bow
ever, seem to huve lost sufficient Interest as
is always the rase about this lime of the
season, so we deem it advisable to close un
til next lall.
The w ife and children of Iiev. J. H. Har
gresves. lately of Gervais, Oregon, are visit
ing relatives here, and will leave this even
jig lor IVrtlm d where they will take the
f5lia.U limited overland for Anderson, Cali
fornia, where I!ev. Hargreaves has lately
been ma.le pastor of a Baptist church.
lie solved, That the farmer is more benefi
cial to mankind than the manufacturer, was
discussed by the literary society last Friday
evening. Edward Lyons led the atlirma-
live and Charles Millard the negative. A
special meeting was held last night to make
arrangements for an entertainment lo be
given about the 1st of April.
Rev. E. Maurer and wile closed a revival
meeting here last wepk which bfi-an Fori. '
ruary 10. There were three conversions
during the meeting.
Severn! of our people attended the Sun-
day school convention held at Milwauke
i list week.
The populist partv has organised a club
here with Win. Morey president, and John
Gaflney, jr., secretary.
Several of our young people who enjoy
dancing gathered at Mr. Millard's las.' Sat
urday night and spent a few hours in trip
ping to music. Charles Millard, Frank
Landis and Mr. Piddle furnished the music.
The annual school meeting convened at
the school bouse yesterday, R. S. Mclaugh
lin chairman. Before the balloting com
me need the question, w ho are legal voters'
was raised, and after the law was read and
expounded, and discussed, the voting pro
ceeded after the method of voting at county
ana state elections, a bat being used for a
ballot box. Wm. Counsell was elected di
rector for three years. George Wise was re
dacted clerk. A nine months school was
voted for and earned. At the special meet
ing held in January a tax of one mill and a
half was levied, and as w e are in debt a lit
tle at present we will be in debt at the
end of the present tchoal year. A contract
was awarded to Mr. Dannah for wood at
11.60 a cord.
Havmony, March ". J. H. Smith, of
Lents, was in Harmony Tuesday on busi
ness. John Davis has completed a board fence
in front of his place, which is quite an im
provement as the old one stood in the road.
W. H. Starkweather, sr., addressed a large
audience at a populist meeting held at the
school house Tnursdav evening.
The literary society discussed the ques
tion, Resolved, That iron is more valuable
than gold, lasl Friday night. The affirma
tive was led by Ara McLaughlin; the nega
tive by Raleigh Karr. The Judges gave
their decision two to one for the affirmative.
The question for next Friday evening is,
Resolved, That cheap literature does more
harm than good.
Mrs. J. Wise, who we reported ill, is im
proving a little, but not enough to gratily
the w ishes of her many friends.
Frank Italian and mother made a living
trip to Hillshoro last week on a visit to Mrs.
Italian's brother, Gipp Wills, They re
turned Friday,
Sol Wheelar is home again Irom Vancou
ver to stay until Mshing (imehegiua.
Harvey Skirvin is seen again In amongst
Annie M iimpower commenced school on
Monday down In Capp'a district.
The Hatchery literary and debating rod
ety closed last Wednesday evening for this
season, to meet again the first Saturday in
November next. There was quite a lively
debate in which some of the ablest speakers
took pari. The question discussed was.
Resolved, That over production is the
cause of the present bard pines. Grant
Mum power atllnned, Jack Frost denied.
The judges decided the weight or argument
evenly balanced. After the debate the lx-s
literary program of the season was given.
All went home feeling that the evenings
spent at the debate bad atlorded amusement
as well as much instruction.
Carlton & Rosenkrans,
$1.00 Men's Cotton Pants for 75 cents.
Good Unbleached
and G cents
Muslin for
Men s Cotton Socks. Heavy Rockfords at
5 cents per pair Cood Black Seamless
Socks at 12 1-2 cents per pair.
Odds and Ends in Shoes, Slippers, Rub
ber Goods. Overcoats, Ladies' Jackets and
Men's and Boys' Caps at less than cost
Pai.ki i.'.i k ami Gur-ToNF., March !).
The eliding mining of the Parkplace liter
al) -oeiety as held on the evening of Sat
urday la-t. Th two upper rooms of the
school hnupe were comfortably filled with
an interested audience. It had not been in
tended that a debate should be had at the
closing meeting of the society, but as many
who wi re on the program for literary exer-
erci- wire .01 present, inus maaing ine
pri.g'am rather short, the following ques
tion wa ehnsen for debate: Resolved, That
sii gle li'e i- more to be desired than mar
ried lire. The boys did very well in their
last speeches for the season, although they
had had hut a few moments notice that
they w.n'd In- called on. After the discus
sion, which was won by the allirmative, an
interesting literary program, consisting of
solos, duets, quartettes, recitations, readings
and dialogues, was rendered. The interest
ing news of the week was read from the
columns of the Expositor by the editor, and
caused much laughter, especially when the
editor closed the Items of the paper by send
ing them all a farewell kiss.
After all had enjoyed a very pleasant and
happy time, the Parkplace literary society
adjourned for the season.
The Parkplace Library society held a
meeting on Monday lat.t for the purpose ol
electing officers:. Jesse Fauhian was re
eleeteil as president, this being his third
term; Carl Iirown vice president, Winnif'red j
Dauchy secretary and librarian, Dollie Cross
The l a cl .era' association met in this place
two weeks ayo, and the people furnished
Clarkes Ntwi,
Clarices, March 7. At our annual school
meeting J. J. fjard was elected school
director to serve for three years, and
C. I.arkins was re-elected clerk to serve one
Our minister, Mr. Ware, did not come out
last Sunday 011 account of the bad weather.
It was the day ot his regular appointment.
Mrs. Hoffman and son Jesse are visiting
her sister, Mrs. J. J. Card.
Horn, to the wife of August Uottemiller,
a son.
Miss Grace Mnttley has a school engaged
at Kockv Point in Spriiigwnter.
Doc. White, Mrs, Ringoand son Uov, of
Oregon City, were out visiting friends and
relatives and report that the road from here
to Oregon City is almost im passable.
G, W. Lee has purchased a riding pony of
Mr. Moore.
Mr. Smith expects to move to California
in about two months.
Mrs. Roscoe Gard was worse last Satur
day evening. We hope to hear of her speedy
recovery. Alma.
Mullno News.
Mi'Lixo, March ti. The weather we are
having looks like the second edition of win
Mr. Malla'.t lost a smoke house full of
meat by fire last week.
Frank W heeler started last Tuesday on
another trip to the Ogle creek mine.
Wm. Wells lost a valuable tow and calf
last week.
Henry Seltzer has finished a lot ol new
picket fence.
At the school meeting Momlav J. J. Mai
latt was elected director, and Fred Ericson
re-elected clerk.
Mr. Carlisle has taken charge of Howard's
mill and has also been appointed deputy
Frank Nelson has returned home from
Woodburn to stay awhile.
It is with the deest regret that we are
compiled to transmit the news of the un
timely demise of one of our most estimable
young men, James Btehman. He died at
the home of his father Sunday morning,
March I. His health began failing early In
the fall of last year as a result of hard work
and exposure. He was taken to the Port
land hospital in January, and thence to
Eastern Oregon, but receiving no benefit
from the climate he returned home. He
was two days in the St. Charles hotel, Port
land, without attendance, before his father
received word that he was there. He was
17 years of age, and was an industrious,
upright boy. The family have the heart
felt sympathy of every one who knew bim.
"The hopes of high hearted friends droop
like fading flowers upon his breast, and the
struggling sigh compels the tear in eyes that
seldom weep."
the residences of Messrs. Slogsdill and Kos
enkraus. Cauby has a little sensation occasionally.
The last one was over a violation of the or
diuance prohibiting ihe riding of blcvcles
on the sidewalks. John Fnger and Frank
Zollner tilled the general cullers of Ihe
city a little fuller by depositing f'.MVeach in
satisfaction of Ihe demands ot Judge Shanks
for violating the provisions of the said ordi
nance. Canby people talk politic occasionally.
We have many good republicans and lots of
enthuslam. Our Iwocandldatet for county
recorder are both tlrst class men, and are
rustling for the home delegation. Your
correspondent would like to see both elected
to good positions.
Judging from present indications Canby
cannot long boast of having more old bach
elors and widowers to Ihe square yard than
any other town. tHk out for verification
a little later.
Krater t'rerk I trim.
IIiumk Cum a. Mnrch 0 The school
entertainment last Kmlsv nik'M p.o. nil
snccsiillv A large crowd attended. Mr.
Ih stllc will tH-gln hi. airing term after too
weeks vacation.
Mi I .mil' Wrhiiicr is visiting Mi.s Tir
tab Edwards tins w jok.
Miss Matlir Jones, of Portland, I at
home, visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs.
II Jones.
Itv. Forbes, of Portland, preached at Ihe
Pie-byterinn church Suiidav morning.
Mr. Williams, the overseer of Mr. La bi's
farm in Milwaukee, was In this place on
business last week.
Tbo. Daniels lost one of bis 111II1I1 rows
Ihii week.
The mnnlwrs of Ihe singing school class
have sent for new copies, and will begin to
learn new songs, W 11.11 II. a.
Yamhill River Route.
NfcanuT Toledo,
bunnyslde Notes,
Sln.wsidk, March fi. Mrs. Mary Reed
died at Ihe residence of herson, J. H. Reed,
February 20, at the age of 82. The funeral
services were conducted by Mrs. Smith, of
Portland. The remains were taken to Cor
nelius, Washington county for interment.
Frank Gritlith is able lo be around again
after a siege of the mumps and remittent fe
ver. Atthe annual school meeting James Hest
loe was elected director and S. E. Johnson
was re-elected clerk.
Since I last wrote, the marriage of Mr.
Frank Cotty, of this place, and Miss Clara
Reynolds, of Lents, took place at the resi-
dence of the bride's mother, Rev. H. I. Jiitt
tier, of Portland, performing the ceremony,
F. M. Sunnier is having a lot of cordwood
Jack Davoren and family have moved
Viola Voicing.
Viola, March 0. Our school closed
Wednesday, About twenty visitors were
present, among whom were two members of
the school board. Avery interesting pro
gram was rendered, and although not of
the usual order of exercises proved quite sat
isfactory lo the patrons present. A general
review of Ihe branches taught, interspersed
with singing, closed a very satisfactory
term of school.
We are glad to note that Mrs. Heater,
who has been quite sick, is able to theout
Much interest was shown at the school
election last week. W. II. Mattoon was re
elected director and D. (J. Stone clerk.
The school children, assisted by the best
local talent, will give an entertainment on
or about the 27th of this month for tho pur
pose of buying a Hug for the school house.
There will he a good program, the best of
music and refreshments.
The question for debate next Friday even
ing is a novel one: " Resolved, That old
maids are of more use to a community than
old bachelors."
Miss Annie Hicinbothom, teacher of the
Currinsville school, was the guest of Miss
Stella Kartell last Sunduy.
T. M. Shanklin, and Miss Hhankliu, of!
Currinsville, were in Viola last Friduy.
John M unlock and family arrived in this
vicinity last week from Nebraska. Mr.
M unlock has rented the John Williams
farm. We ar" gln'l to welcome all new
ciimeis 1., V, and vvhli t hem much sue
cess in their new home. Violet.
Colton News.
Cotton, March 7.-0ld winter still holds
the reins In his hands. Colton was visited
last week by the hardest snow storm of Ihe
Miss Lena Hall was taken quite III very
suddenly last week, but Is all right again.
Misses Sadie Dix and Mamie Wilke'son
paid a short visit to Miss Sadie's parents of
this place this week.
II. W. Honney, who is working with the
Ilonuey brothers of Hubbard, spent a few
days at home last week.
Our annual school meeting was held last
Monday, and resulted In the re election of
Henry Sexton, for director, p. E. Honney
was elected clerk in place of W. E. Honney
who has held the position of clerk in Ibis
district for the last eleven years, and de
clared for a change.
Victor Dickey, of Dickey's Prairie, is en
gaged lo teach the spring school which be
gins March l'ith. Mr. Dii key's certlllcale
shows he has not spent his boyhood In idle
ness. F. flyers had the bad luck to lose a fine
work horse a short time ago.
P. Latterly Intends taking bis daughter
Sophia, who has Ix-en sick for a lung lime,
to the hospital next Monday.
Miss llesnie Hubbard intends In leavens
again soon. She Is going to Gladstone.
We are sorry to lose her from our circle.
John Voung'ls logging fur the Oorhell
saw mill. Otiik.
ROYAL Baking Powder.
Highest of all In leavening
Strength. V. S. Government Report
Canby News.
Caniiv, March 10. Another wedding in
Canby. This time it's the old folks. Mr,
S. T. Fisher and Mrs. Libbia A. Hates have
concluded lo join hands for better or for
worse. The old folks were pretty sly about
the matter, even their nearest neighbors
never suspecting that Cupid was about
either of their abodes until after Hie wed
ding occurred. The happy couple have the
congratulations of a oust of friends.
The street superintendent, J, S, Graham,
with a force of men and teams, n doing lots
of work on II street. This Is a much naeded
Mr. and Mrs. Dohj lis have changed I heir 1
place ol residence, and now reside in John
Sims's cotlairn 011 Second street, between
JleadowhriMik News.
MrAnowiiKooK, March (J. Tho general
health of this cotnmiinitv is good.
F. M. Naught is doing coiisidcrubleclear
ing on his ranch this winter.
Mrs. Mary Frev's father and brother
from east of the Rockies urc visiting rela
tives in this town and express themselves
as well pleased with Wehfoot in general.
Frank Robeson and family have moved
to their homestead up in tho mountains fur
a few weeks.
At the annual school meeting in district
No. 5.1 Peter Gabriel was elected clerk for
the ensuing year.
Last week Frank Wright went lo Morrow
coiintv to work during spring and summer.
The Knights of Labor liavo organized a
lodge at the Canyon Creek Alliance hall,
with fourteen charter members; John
V right Master Workman ami Peter Gabriel
Recording Secretary.
The dance ut Taylor's hull on the Wth
ultimo was well attended and everybody
present appeared In have a good time.
Mrs. M. E. Wright hai leased her farm to
Casper Rtimsby.
Prof. Knclesj closed a three months term
of school in district No. S3 on the 2Utli ult.,
and will begin another term at the same
school on April (I. Piuknix,
New Era Hem
Nxw Ena, March N.- There will he a bas
ket social at Colon ball on Friday evening,
March l.'lih ; lh proceeds to go for the ben
efit of Ihe circuit minister, Mr. McLaugh
lin, Mr. and Mrs. J. (I. Foster ara still on the
Ick list, and, are sorry lo say, are not
Improving In the least.
The Iirown school will commence next
Tuesday with Charles Rutherford as teacher.
The new hell fur the school house will be
erected by Monday evening. It Is twenty
four inches In diameter at Ihe base, Mr.
McArlliur purchase.! the In-11 In Portland
for lis.
Clyde Wahlron, of Crescent, was a guest
at Mrs. E. J. Wahlron a Sunday.
The peach crop In this locality will lie a
success If no Ule Irosls Injure them, The
recent f ee.c did noi d image the fruit here.
C.indl Intea for ollliS are now as plenty as
legal voters.
. RMMWHfTSsflr 1 11
Mntitliiy, W'cilni Hiliiy ami Fritlny
t l! A. M., ri'iu'iiitijj Oregon (,jyi
for I'lirlliiiid 11I.011I 1 1 ;.() .. M.
Tuemliiy, Thurmlav 11 ml Suturility
ut 1) A. M. Salmon Si.' dork, rnieli
in Oregon City, for tijiriver tmintn
nlniut II A. M.
Through tri to I.ayfetto nd
Mi Miniiville iinitlo when depth of
witter jierinitn.
Freight tiiul jittHHingerit rntc8
f IS W K L E R,
Oj.ji. Ilniitley'd Drug Storo,
All Kinds of Watches,
Cloi'krt mid Jewelry Repaired
Oreut Itrititin and Atneriea.
Give me a trial.
Steamer G. W. Shaver,
Will leave Portland, foot of
WiiHliington Street, for Clatskanit!
and way liindingH, Monday Wed
nendiiy and Friday iiiorningrt at fi
o'clock, and return to Portland
Tuesdays, ThtirHdaytt and Saturdays
This thi) most direct and aoctmsalilo
route to the Nehalem Vally only
nine miles from Clatskauie.
Shaver Transportation Co.
If you u-e the Pitla
Incubators a ItrMxItrt.
Make money while
ol hers are wlln
tune bv ol'l nrnrrssrt.
Cslalov tells nil about
It n.l ilrx rll.rs evrry
article lleeilril for the,
uuultry business.
The "ERIE"
nirrhanlcnlly the twit
wheel. I'rcitimt inMrl.
We art l'linttc ChimI
AnftiU. H try tit CrtU-
luuue.nmtlfMi f rem i vet
fnlMiMrrtiMlrm pr'rm He., aokwt WAimtn.
llHANCII JIOCKK, III 8 Mil. II hi., I.oS Allrln
frit 4'aire I I
VI i IlliistintM 1 1
fH C'nl.iloguo Ll
1 z&nv I J
...The Prairie Farmer...
Cliiclourms News.
Clackamas, March 10. Jacob Johnson
i; still on the sick list anil is not expected to
reco rer.
Fnink Johnson made a quick trip to
Needy last week. He returned Friday the
0th with the mumps and is bed fast.
John Ittinyon is on the sick list.
J. W. I'ools lias been in Troutdalo the
pnt week on business.
Duve Henderson, of Dreon City, whs in
this place on Hundiiy visiting friends.
Cilhcrtsnd Vernon White, of Woodhurn,
were on our streets F riduy, March II.
Greatest of A" Farm Papers.
It prttHHtifH eiicli week all that is
worth knowing in curroiitugrictil
tnriiil literature.
Kiuli niinihiir containa mora
Holid reuiliriK mutter than any
other nnricullur.il paper, and
cavern a broudnr field,
Subscription Prlce,JieDollar a Year.
It is the Paper for the People.
Sample Ciu&blne: Offers for 1895-6:
TlIK I'ltAlltIK FAKMKK ) DnlliDi wo nr,.
Hti.l l uiuui u.amigttii
Wkkki.y IntkkOckan) 1"! Jl.tJ.
Tub Pkaiiiik Fakmkk ) n.ih Dmr, nn
H11.i t own lamia UK
CillCAOoWKKKLvTlMKM) JCSr I0r$1.25.
The l'rairie Farmer, Chicago.
Instantly Relieved
and Permanently
ir Knifo or Operation.
Treatment Absolutely Painless
From Three to Six Weeks
Ornota : Room. 0(!-707, Mriuum liiillilinjf,
ri4 rrJov12ilLi
k for them
Kct tlietti,
Fllicui. They are theN
'standard seeds every
where; sown by the1
& 1'irRfst planters in the world.
Whi'llier VOII nllinl fiOmillurn rent
ot Krouud or 60 wires, you Hliould I
nave i-'rrry-sNi-l Annual for HO.
I tin mn,( vhIiiiiIiIii liiMik for fiu-
niers unci itardeuers ever Riven
away. Mulluil free.
I). 1H. FKItKV 4r. '.,
Urtrolt, Mlcb.
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