Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 28, 1896, Image 3

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    Oregon City hnterprisc.
A NMM tf,
T)r Alt'iiHl'V.
Mil'l. nl Wnlnr Wiitka,
VUy rillKllliM'r.
Iltmiirlllnnli - II, (.'. Htnvrll
lllntlii ntiiiiui
I . IV i out
Cli'n V Itinna
II I, llMlnmn
V I. iixlll h
C IImIh-im-Ii , Jr.
V. II II.,, II
'Inn. llriiiiKlituli,
J J. I'tHikn. IIimiI. .Inifuitr
Min k IImki II, I,.
I. 1'iirli'r, Ili'iiry Mi'liliiini, J. W MollnM.
uiiiii'II munla Dm W ii'l in, , In) uluaiili ill, mill
In elljr hull
HtlliAY, I'MIIKI'A l( Y L'M. 1K1M1. "
Hill CASH-
('untied fruits, la-r gallon, 2 V,
Canned ri mi. per dnccn, IKIc,
Canned liiiinitiM'M, perdur.cn, H.'i,
U'lulii beans, L'.'i iniiiiiiIm, Mli',
Vickies, per ktK. 7'h;,
Preserves, per Jur, I fie,
Hulled oittN, 10 miiiiiiIh, '.Th',
Macaroni, I puiiuds, 2.V,
Vermicelli, 4 iuiiiiiU, 2'c,
Sordini in , per gallon, UOc,
Best giMsl, lowest prices,
V.. V.. Williams, llin gnM'cr
Money l) limn. Apply lo f. II. Iye,
Oregon City, Oregon.
Money lo Iuiiii on gissl real estate
security hy A. H lrescr.
If you want a sew ing machine (or f'.Ti
Ku lo llcllomy A Hunch's.
Use "IK'STINK" for lioor. Char
m mi A Co., agent. Circular free.
Kayler'a MoIhIIii ham give complete,
xitllxliki lion. K. K. William the gro
cer. Ttin "KcrmeH" in tlm best cigar ever
oli (or a nil kin. K. K. William tint
Found, pair of gold ectacle In
leather case. Cull at thu Kntkhi-mikk
Jon. Collin ol tlm I'arkplace green
limine linn a uoimI collection of rose Kllll
polled pluiit fur !.
One Minute Cough Cumin a popular
remedy fur croup. Safe for children and
llin For sale ly C. i Huntley,
l'ilea of im'oiiIh Iiiivu Piles, (nit Ie
Will' Witchh.cl Halve will cute them
When nroixTlv uilll(l it cure acalil
ml bums without tlm slightest pain.
A ilulliir Mvt',1 In eipial to two ilollurn
earned. I'ay up your subselption to tlie
Kntkki'HIhk ami gut llm the Wnellt of
thtt rtxliitrtiuii In price.
Tlm Fair in selling milk paila for 35
CKiita, milk pan from 3 i-onta up, copju-r
Imltoin folfiMt pota l.'i i-cnla, No 1
t-opHr IxiiliT for i'.' 4i, (iruuil Kapiila
carM't nwi'Hirii lor
l'ri'xli, i-rixp Icttiii o ami aprint; oniona,
tlm U'nt Krown arouml On'uon I'ity for
miIi liy Joa. Collina, I'aikpliM-a ijrwii
lioimo. Drop lilm a ami ami liavu it
(lnlivi'H'il to your iliMir.
Krunk I'. WfUli, iIimiIihI, nrHilunU of
tlm I'liiviTHity of rcniiMVlviinitt, will
l in (tri-Koii Cilyollli" in llm Courifr
liullilmi:, Tliurmlny of i'rli wk; to
iimimlnr of enrh wiik in I'urt lainl olllcc,
room 77 Pfkuin Imililinit.
Willi llcrc'H an aiTouut of a man
w ho aliot liimm'lf rullii-r than aull'i-r lln'
pantl" rf imliK'atioii. HiihIiuihI Tin'
lool ! Why iliiln't hi' Ukn iHiWitt'a Little
K.urly Kinora? I iihciI to aullir ua Imil aa
lui iliil hi, (ore 1 ciiiiiincnccil lukiiitf thiH
little pilla. ForaiiUi hy ('. 1. Ilunth-y,
Thcru will ho a xrutnl limp year hall,
given hy the lutlica, nt Hatilotf'a hall,
AVillamntto Kulla, on Satnnlay, Fohruury
'.II, IK1HI. l.iiilii'H, IIiih ia our hint leap
vear imrtv of thu Henaon, ilo not fail to
iniikii guiKl who of thu opiHirtunily ami
hriiur. your heat follow anil enjoy a gooil
timu. A,IimIhhIuii, hnliealTiu, Ki'litN with
out partner, "m:
A moHt deniriihlo article with whlrh to
deooiatu tlm wall of your ollli-u, library
or aillintcrooiii ia one of thu ineompiirahlo
wall iiiiipb of Unml-Mi'Nally A Co., (of
I'niteil Statea or any Imliviiluul atate
aini(lti copy ft. 00 to $,r.W which lira of
fered with every new Huhacriptiou to the
Kaml-McN'ally railway gno ami haml
book, AdilroHa, American Knilway (itiiilo
('ompany, MO Aduma atreut, Chiciigo.
'irculur tiH)ti reqneat,
Tho dwelling house buloiih'in to T.
S. Lawrence on Kinlith anil J. Adams
iticetH waa diacovoroil to he on lire Sun
lay nitfht at about 1 a. in. and an alarm
waa promptly turnod in for lloae Com
pany No, :), which reaponded promptly
and aoon hud the lire under control,
thoiiKh when they arrived it Heemed
liurdly poaaihle that they could nave
thohoiiHo. The dwolling waa vacunt,
Mr. Lawrence having moved a couple of
days previoua lo Ilia new reaidence ntAr
by, though Ronioof their liounehold ef
fects wuro yet in tho building. Mr.
Lawrence waa there clearing up and
burned a lot of old ruhbiah in a kitchen
stove, yet he waa very careful and was
sure that tho fire waa out heforo lie left
in the evening. It ia thought that boya
may have spent the evening in tho house
or trumps broke in and built up a fire
and ware cureleaa in raring for it thug
Betting the building on tire. The loss as
estimated by F, F. White for the insur
ance company n mounted to f,'!l'0.
Highest of all In leavening
Strength. V. S. Government Report.
room am. vr ;uhyionk imiik.
.H'li'ini (ilium ll-i in I In- Fiiitluiiii
iii.il llmcliir High Heboid ll'iji
The long auliclpuleil football mulch
1,1'twri'ii llm iiiNpective teuiiiN of the
llnri'liiy mi, I ImihIIiiiiii kcIiooIn took pluce
Iiihi Haturiliiy afleimxiii at (iladslnne
1'iuk and waa wIIih'HhoiI by a larger
crowd tbuii hits ever iipMared at any
previoua athletic contest here, il being
estimated that uhonl I V HI or L'lMKI were
on thn grotimlN. The blue ami wh'te of
the Fasthnm school iiml the red ami
white of the llarcluy M'hixtl were every
where in evidence and the I'liiliimiuinn
of the Ninall boys with horns was shared
by both young an, I old alike. Three
warm admirers of the Fastliiiin n, ImhiI
exiiredsed tlie-r ciitliuniiiM bvan impro
vised life ami driiiii corps, making the
circuit of the ground several times fob
lowed by children Ironi built schools,
cheering or booting, according to the
colors they wore. It was a aceim which
gitvii Momn slight idea of the excitement
and abandon at thu big guinea at Spring
Held and New Haven,
Sympathy seemed to lie evenly di
vided laitween the teams, the l!urc!ay
Is'lng the btvoiitii ierliups, because that
school had been the alma mater of many
of the speclutors and also be
cause the llan-lay team was handi
capped by the los of their captain,
llalpli Cross, who waa too sick to play.
The game waa called promptly at 'I
oVIiM-k and the F.aalhain team winning
the toss-up, chose the eastern goal, the
Harclay'a having the kick-oir with the
western goal to defend. Ilradloy kicked
the ball well down the field to thn Fast
ham LM-yard line where it waa secured
and brought back to their '5-yard line
and there downed for the first scrim
mage. Itrowuell was sent around the
right end and by skillful dodging and
splendid Interference, got through the
Han-lay eleven and went down the field
for a gain of alxjut Wi yards and a touch
down, i U was the prettiest play of the
day and stun, Is lo Urownell'a credit aa
one of the biggest gains ever made on
the gndiron on this coast. They failed
lo kick a goal and the game atxl 7 to 0
in favor of the Kasham team, iiarclav's
kicked the ball again to the F.asthain
JO-yard line, whence It waa returned by
short gains around the end and through
the center to their 50-yard line. At this
(mint the ban-lay's got the ball on a
fumble ami by rc-atcd end plays by
lira,! Icy ami tiregerson, took the hall
down to their opponents 10-yard line
where Itradley waa sent around the left
end for a touchdown. Ilarclay'a (ailed
to kick a goal thus tying the score and
the result waa the same at the end of
the first half, which closed shortly after,
the Kastham's having the ball on the
Ilarclay'a L'0-yanl line.
Tho FaHtham' had the kick-olfin the
the second half and the Iiarclav's re
turned the ball hy a series of end and
line plays in by (iregersou, Itradlev
and Itnrna to the Kastliuin's
five-yard line. (ircgerson waa then
sent acrosa the line, securing
the first totichdow n for the lUrelay lioys,
who iigiiin failed to kick the goal. The
ball was then taken to tho center and
put into play again by the Kastham
team and returned hy the Burcluy'H to
the :t0 yard line where they lost it on
downs Then both teams settled down
to good bald football, the F.nstlimn'8
forcing their way toward the llarchiy's
goal by only a few feet at a time and tlie
Harclny's contesting every inch of the
ground. Meld rum waa repeatedly sent
through the center and when time was
called the Faatham'a were within a few
feet of the coveted goal lino. The score
then stood H to 4 in favor of the Barclay
team, thus giving them the game. The
features of the day 'were, Hrownell's
brilliant run and his splendid interfer
ence and tackling, Meldrum'a and Hums'
line bucking and (ircgerson and ltrud
ley's end plays, hut it must not ho for
gotten that if the other men of both
tuning hud not pluycil their parts us well,
though less conspicuously, these star
plays would never havo been made.
Fach man deserves great praise for his
individual playing, but the teams cannot
he too highly applaudod for the fair and
Hipinre game they put up. There waa
no instance ot slugging, loiiling or even
the squabbling between players which
ordinarily characterizes a foot hull game.
It is the opinion of many that the Kast
ham boya team work was the butter, but
it waa duo to the superior individual
work of the Barclay boys that won them
tho game. Both teams united in giving
their school yells ami in cheering Dr.
Carll, who presented to the Barclay team
the handsome silk flag ho had promised
to give the winners, but the game boing
so stubbornly contested, he baa prom
ised the F.aMtham team a flag of the
same kind.
liOightou Kelly, the coach of the Bar
clay's weighed the boys Monday evening
and tho weights and positions of both
teams are as given below :
c CCauflelil .... UW..H Austin 157
ruW Adams... 142.. B Austin 145
lo-J lleauliau.. 118. .U Clark 1M
lT-Cjoehnke .. 135.. E Miresse lL'8
I. TF Armstrong 141., C Church 1113
K K- McCauslanil 1111. .Cliriswell l.'lll
Li- II Oregerson I45..C Kamaby (cap) 147
Q B-U Case 122..0 Shaw 125
K ii V Hru.lley. . 135..Hwallbrd. 133
til 0 IVboy... 129. .11 llrownell . . . . 123
v H C Burns (cap) l.Ki.T Mililruni. . . . lift
15 IS
(Mllciiils I, I. Lovett, referee; Dr.
K. A. Hummer, umpire; Win. l'urker,
timekeeper; ('bus Tope, lineman,
I'lticlity coach Leighton Kelly.
Fimlhiilii couches (,'hna. Pope, Win. !
Parker mid .funics Chnri li.
The teams have fared iiiinsally well
having been bunipieled four tiling. On
Saturday evening the winning team were
given a spread conslnting of nil the deli
cacies of the season, by Sheriir Maddock
and Assessor Itradley at the Portland
Ifestauruiit. A'terthii they were en
tertained at thu home of leighton Kelly,
the coach of the successful team.
The same night the teachers and the
young iadies in Prof. McAdaiu'a room
entertained their team aip' their coaches,
Win. Parker, Chus. Pope and James
Church, at the Kastham school home,
where a most pleasant evening wus
sM-nt, Tables were spread with all
aorta of g'sjd things and after these had
been partaken of, games and ot her amuse
ment occupied the remainder of the
According to an Invitation extended
by the teachers of the Barclay school on
Friday, the member of both teams,
the olllcial of the game, coaches and
principal teacher of the sctnsjls, weie
banqueted on Monday evening at the
Klectric hotel. The long table where
all were scaled waa made very pretty
with its decoration of flower and the
color of both teams, red and white and
blue and white, intermingled. The
menu consisted of oyster, meats, salad,
coffee, cake and fruit. The feast waa
followed by short talk by Dr. (.'aril, Dr.
Soinmer, J. P. Lovett, I-elghton Kelly,
Cha. I'oe, Wni. Parker, Captains
Burns and Hamshy, Prof, McAdam,
Prof. Weddnll and Prof. Holmes.
Wednesday evening Judge Muldrum
and Recorder Itatushy extended tbeir
hospitality in ehae of an oyster supper
at the Portland Keslaurant, to the Kast
ham team, olllcials, their coaches, Prof.
McAdam, Dr. Carll and a few other in
vited guest.
On Tueaday of thn week the scholar
and teacher of the Barclay school met
in the general assembly bull for their
regular opening exercises w hich were
soinuwhat modified by a sort of an im
promptu program. They were joined
there hy the Barclay football team
which marched down the stair in a
body carrying the beautiful silken trophy
won in the eventful game laat Saturday.
They were greeted with the Barclay yell,
"Zirruh, (ierrah.Gerrah, Kensoora,! Bar
clay High School ! Zip. Bah, Boom!,"
after which the team captain, Charles
Burns, formally presented the flag to
the school In few well chosen words,
saving that while he was glad that his
team had won, the Kasthain boy bad
worked just as hard and be thought they
deserved a flag too, and was glad they
were going to get it. rrot. Holmes res
ponded telling the hoys and tlie other
scholars that the (lug did not only repre
sent victory in this case, but that it was
a symbol of liberty to be looked upon
with procr pride and patriotism ' by
every pupil in any school, and that be
would have the emblem hung in place
where it could he seen and appreciated
by everyone entering the building.
TIih was followed by a patriotic pledge
repeated in unison and the song, "Col
uuibia the (em of tho Ocean"
Fuerg) and Progress.
The Willamette Land Company is
alive to the situation, and for some time
has been preparing to take advantage of
the opportunities offering. So far ar
rangements have been made to place its
large holdings in real estate, all of
which is in Clackamas county and in
the vicinity of Oregon City, in the best
liossihle condition so as to afford every
inducement to purchasers whether
homesteaders, investors or simulators.
One of the most recent moves has
been to employ Mr. J. K. Groom, wbo
baa been well and favorably known aa
a genthnan of industry and intelligence,
to make an extended trip Fast in its in
terests as well as for the welfare of this
county and the state generally. He
left here on Monday evening last des
tined for Chicago over the Union Pa
cific system to Omaha; thence to Chi
cago via the Chicago, Milwaukie A St.
Paul llailway, and he went thoroughly
equipped with advertising matter per
taining to the vast resources of the state,
the county of Clackamas and of the
company he represents.
That tho Willamette Land Company
will prolit by their display of foresight
and timely effort and enertry, we have
the utmost confidence and we bespeak
for the (Hjopie he may interest a hearty
welcome and prosperity.
The officers and principal stockholders
of this enterprising corporation are:
Cioorge A. Harding, president: II. II.
Johnson, vice-president; Bank of Ore
gon City, treasurer; George S. Batty, of
Portland, secretary, and Mrs. P. F.
Morey, N. 0. Walden and others.
Those people are well known and enjoy
the confidence, respect and good will of
all. It is therefore, a pleasure as well as
a duty that we endorse and commend
the efforts being put forth.
For the Kidneys.
"I am (15 years old ; have had kidney
disease and constipation for 25 years.
Am now well used your S. B. Head
ache and Liver Cure one year. Used 6
bottles ut 50 cents each. J, II. Knight,
Hutledge, Or." For sale by C. G.
Huntley, druggist.
FiirnMieil Kyery Week tj (lie ( lacka
mil Abstract Si Trust ( empHiiy.
J If Kellogg to Mary A Ma'ldock
Feb 18 '!i, 8 W D lot 4 hlk W j
Oregon Citv 402
(ieoMurretal to 1,'oidelia Johnson
Fob Hi ,W, W D lot 4 hlk 42 Co I
ad to Oregon City 15X)
Kdward Kkenstein to Peter Sand
berg Feb 10 'Wl W D '4 of ne'-j
and lot 1 and 2, sec 6 t 2 s, r 7 e
Mary K Steven to A J Eastman
Nov 25 '05 W I) lOacres in Cham
pion Pendleton D L C 750
Willamette I -anil Co to J K Groom
Mar 15 '5 W I) tract 74 and mYt
ol:j Pruneland 1200
Gladstone Heal Estate Co to J K
Groom Sept I) 'D.'S lots 1 and 2 hlk
2H, Gladstone WW
C Arnold to J II Bottemiller Feb 0
'Wl W D 2 acres in Crow claim t
i . r 1 e 00
F M Taylor to 8 A Gault Nov 23
'5, WD2 82 acres in the Ut-
ourette claim 1W0
8 A Gault to K M Ward Feb 18 'SM
W D 6 acres in the Latourette
D 1. C aw
U S to O 8 Mathews July 17 '05 a.'i
olw';sec 28, t3sr4e Pat
K M Atkinson to Philip Weismandle
Feb 1!) ".Si, W D lot 5 hlk 10 Park
ad 125
II A and A Ue to C M Dick Dec
tl, 'U5 W D 5 acre in the P Lee
D LC 100
C A I,ocey to Caleb Perry Feb 12
Wl W D 20 acre in the E A Wil
son claim 800
John Perry to J It Pitt Feb 13 'Wi
W D 20 acres in the E A Wilson
claim 300
T L Charman, trustee to J P Shaw
Feb 10, '1)0 W D 7.45 acre in the
McKinley claim 1400
J P Shaw to John Yinney Feb 11,
'tNi SWD7 acre adjoining Falls
View 4000
F C Perry to J M Austen Feb 17
' W D 80 acres in the se' sec
12. t 5 s rl e 6o0
TRUST CO. are the owners of the copy
right to the Thome system of abstract
indexes, for Clackamas county, and have
the only complete set of abstracts in the
county, can furnish information as to
title to land at once, cn application.
Loans, investments, real estate, abstracts
etc. OMice over Bank of Oreiron City.
Call and investigate. Address box 377,
Oregon City Oregon.
A Birthday Dinner.
Mr. J. C. Tavlor celebrated bis 82nd
birthday at the home ot bis daughter,
Mrs. C. D. Story, by inviting a number
of his relatives and friends to partake of
sumptuoufc dinner prepared for the
occasion. Among those present were
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Taylor, Mr. and Airs.
C. D. Story, Mr. and Mrs. Kdward Mar
in, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Hickman, Mr.
and Mrs. G. Veteto, Mrs. Jane Story,
Grandma Harrington, Misses Helen and
Myrtle Taylor, Anna Story and Ethel
Maitin, Messrs. Kdward and George
Stoiy anJ Masters Archie and Vernie
Its Astonishing
bow Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
acts upon nervous women. Its a marve
lous remedy for nervous and general
debility. Chorea, or St. Vitus' Dance,
Insomnia, or Inability to sleep, spasms,
convulsions, or "tils," and every like
Even in cases of insanity resulting
from functional derangements, the per
sistent use of the "Prescription" will, by
restoring the natural functions, gener
ally effect a cure.
For women suffering from any chronic
"female complaint" or weakness; for
women who are run-down or over
worked ; at the change from girlhood to
womanhood ; and later at the critical
"change of life" it ia medicine that
safely ahd certainly builds up, strength
ens, regulates and cures.
Send for a free pompnlet or remit 10
cents (stamps) for a large book (108)
pages on Women's Disease and bow to
cure them with home treatment. Ad
dress World's Dispensary Medical As
sociation, Butralo, N. Y.
Biicklen's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for Cuts.
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
For sale by Charman A Co., Charman
Bros. Block.
A Recommendation from Los Angeles.
032Castelar St., Los Angeles, Cal ,
-After having suffered for a longtime from
acute rheumatism without obtaining re
lief, I used Chamberlain's Pain Balm
and was almost Immediately relieved.
I highly recommend this as the best
medicine known. D. M. Hamilton.
For sale by G. A. Harding, druggist.
Cows for Sule
Two fresh milk cews for sale at
Fischer's mill, Logan Or, Also a good
horse 1100 pounds weight.
Miss Murguerita Wall has opened a
private school at her residence on the
hill for children learning the alphabet.
She already bus quite a class.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
A .Noted Pioneer Gone,
Seth Uwelling, the pioneer nursery
man and fruit grower of thn Northwest,
departed Ibis life at hi home in Milwau
kee on F'riday afternoon, February 21st,
if is body wn followed to its last rest by
a large number of sorrowing neighbor
and pioneer friend from far and near.
Mr. LeweMing had been helpless since
July 1st, 18!)5, aa the result of a paralytic
stroke on that day. His wa a long and
useful life. He waa born in South Caro
lina almost seventy-seven year ago.
When three year old bis parents moved
to Newcastle, Indiana, where hi father
established one ol tlie nrst nurseries in
what waa then the far West. In 1847
hi brother, Henderson Uwelling started
the first nursery on the Pacific Coast.
In 1850, Seth Lewelling came to Milwau
kee, buying a half interest in the nursery
in 1853 and the remainder in 1858. He
waa always an enthusiastic horticulturist
and will be long remembered a the
originator of many new and valuable
varieties of fruit.
Always a reformer, be named bi first
valuable new cherry the "Black Repub
lican" in 181)0. The name at that time
was no more popular than that of the
People's Party today, of whicn be was
of late year a zealou s member a he
had been of the "Black Republican"
party 40 year before. He originated
the "Lincoln" cherry in 18W, one of the
best of our early varieties. In 1875, be
originated the "Lewelling," a cherry
which took the premium medal at the
Centennial Exposition in 1876, as the
largest and finest in the world, though
the tree did not prove worthy of exten
sive propagation. In 1875 he originated
the "Bing" cherry which took the first
premium at the World's Fair at Chicago
in 1812. He originated many other
valuable new varieties, but it is for his
new cherries that he will be most grate
fully remembered by lovers of fruit.
In religion, Mr. Lewelling was a
spiritualist, having been convinced
many year ago by personal investiga
tion of the truth of spirit retnrn and
communication. The simple and im
pressive funeral ceremonies of his faith
were conducted bv his old friends, Colo
nel C. A. Reed and Doctor Dean Clark.
At the grave his body was laid to rest
by the Milwaukee Grange with the beau
tiful service of that Order.
Mr. Lewelling was twice married.
His first wife, Mrs. Clarissa Lewelling,
died in 1882. None of the four children
of that marriage are now living. In 1885
he married Mrs. S. V. Olson, who sur
vives hiui witb one child, another hav
ing died in infancy.
His was a grand success, not only in
the individual development of a noble
character, but even more in what he has
done for others along the pathway of
life. As a horticulturist he has left a
heritage to coming generations that will
he enjoyed and appreciated long after bis
earthly home baa mouldered into duet.
He so lived that when bis summons
came, be obeyed rejoicing, "Like one
who wraps the drapery of bis couch
about him and lies down to pleasant
Don't Tubacce !pit
Or smoke your life awav, is the truthful,
startling title of a book about No-To-Bac,
the harmless, guaranteed tobacco habit
cure that braces up nicotmized nerves,
eliminates the nicotine poison, makes
weak men gain strength, vigor and man
hood. You run no physical or financial
risk, as No-To-Bac is sold by druggists
everywhere under a guarantee to cure
or money refunded. Book free. Address
Sterling Remedy Co., New ork or
Chicago. Charman & Co., Druggist.
Best and Cheapest Insurance.
Save money on your insurance by call
ing on E. E. Martin, who represents the
only Mutual doing business in Oregon
City. You cannot afford to keep on
throwing your money into policies and
pay from 3 to 5 years premiums in ad
vance and then have the company fail.
The Oregon Fire Relief association will
stand the closest investigation,
E. E. Martin, Agt.
Commercial Bank Block.
Assessor Bradley baa been directed
by the county court to pursue a new
plan in making the valuations for the
assessment for this year. He will be
gin work Monday making up the assess
ment roll for this year from data in bis
orbce, and taxpayers coining toll town
are expected to call In at the assessor's
office and assist in making any correc
tions that may be necessary. By order
of the court all deputies will be dis
pensed with.
The candies kept by the Novelty
Candy Factory are par excellence, and
they make a specialty of filling bon bon
boxes of all sizes with the choicest as
sortment of the most delicious fresh
candies. Their candies cannot be ex
celled by any establishment in Port
land in point of variety and excellence.
8 (am or First .Magiiltarte.
One is always interested in the per
sonalitv of noted persons, and the num
erous portrait which embellish a bright
and chatty paper on "tirand 0era in
New York," in Ilemorest's Magazine
for February, show these jrrand artist,
Nordics, Melba, Calve, Scalchi. Jean
Kdouard de Reszke, Maurel and Plan
con at their best, and form a collection
well worthy of preservation. A pro
fusely illustrated article on "Manxland ;
or the Isle of Man" gives much inter
esting matter about Hall Came and bis
j home ; and in "Tea with DuMaurier in
the Temple" one is introduced to the
distinguished artist and author at his
best. A pathetic story, "A Romany of
the Snows," by Gilbert Parker, is a
gem ; Frank Dempster Sherman and
Hattie Whitney contribute dainty valen
tine poems; "The Education of Our
Girls" ia discussed by able and well
known writers; every department for
which this publication is noted is re
plete with up-to-date matter; and the
fashion department is specially at
tractive. Everyone who will take the trouble to
cut out this notice and forward it, with
ten cents, to the addres below, will re
ceive a sample copy of Demoregt's Mag
azine, containing a Pattera Order which
entitles the bolder to any pattern illus
trated in any number of the Magazine
published during the last twelve months,
at the uniform price of four cents eacb ;
and frequently over thirty pattern are
illustrated in ooe number, thu afford
ing an almost unlimited variety to se
lect from. In addition to this, the orig
inal painting of De Longpre's "Chrys
anthemums," valued at $1,000, is to be
given to the person who, previous to
April 1st, obtains for Demorest's Maga
tine the greatest number of subscribers.
This is an unprecedented offer, full par
ticulars of which will be given on appli
cation to the publishers. Demorest's is
published for $2 per year, by the Dem
orest Publishing Company, 110 Fifth
Avenue, New York.
House MoTlng and Raising.
Contracts taken on the most reason
able terms to move buildings to any lo-
cation and distance, also re-eilling and
repairing. Fifteen years experience and
never had a mishap or a failure and I
can guarantee satisfaction. Call on or
address J. D. Benner or leave word at
the EsTEBTRise otlice. Oregon City.
Uncle Josh Spruceby. Don't look
like Uncle Josh. But have your hair
and a shave by an experienced ton
eoralist. Trv Rogers, be will please the
most fastidious.
Dr. J. W. Welch, dentist, has re
moved his office from the Courier build
ing to the Willamette block eppoeile the
postoffice, upstairs.
Dr. White's hair grower, 15 centson
application at Farnsworth's. Cleans
your head and eradicates the dandruff
and makes your hair smooth and soft.
Lamps. New stock of all kinds just
received. Fine hanging lamps for $2.25.
See Bellamy & Busch.
Saved His Life
by a fortunate dis
covery in the nick of
time. Hundreds of
person suffering
from consumption
have had the pro
gress of the diseas
stopped, and have
been brought back to
life and health by the
ooiaen Medical
Discovery" of Dr.
Years ago Dr. R. V. Pierce, now chief
consulting physician to th Invalids' Hotel
and Surgical Institute of Buffalo, N. Y.,
recognizing the fact that consumption was
essentially a germ disease, and that a rem
edy which would drive the germ and their
poisons from the blood would cure consump
tion, at last found a medicine which curtd fS
per cent, of all cases, if taken in the earlier,
stages of the disease.
The tissues of the lungs being Irritated by
the germs and poisons in the blood circulat
ing through them, the germs find lodgn5nt
there, and the lungs begin to break down.
Soon the general health begias to fail, and
the person feels languid, waa, faiat, drowsy
and confused.
This is the time te take Dr. Fierce' Cold
en Medical Discovery; it drives the germ
and poisons from the blood, and has a sooth
ing effect upon the dry cough. In cases of
bronchitis the "Discovery" is invaluable.
"Golden Medical Discovery" increases the
amount and quality of the blood, thus invig
orating and fortifying the system against dis
ease and builds up wholesome flesh and
strength after wasting diseases, as fevers
neumonia, grip and other debilitating
Jmo. M. Hits, of Au
dubon, Audubon Co., fa.t
avs: "I took a severe
cold which settled on ray
luti9 and chest, and I
sufiered iatensdy with
it. I tried several of
our best physicians here
and they gave up all
hopes of my recovery,
and thought I would
have to die. I would
cough and spit blood
for hours, and i was pale
and weak. I wns greatly
discouraged when I be
gan the ue of the ' Dis
covery.' but I soon vat
better. It has been five vears since I took it and
I have had no return of that trouble since."
J. M. Hue, Esq.