l'h'l1 fiUllUrY AH'IIIHulllll Oregon City Enterprise. VOL. .'!). NO. 1H, OlMCCJON CITY, OHKGON, FRIDAY, FEUUUAIlY 28, 1890. ESTABLISHED 1866 coi'iiTM. Circuit pnurl ronvaiir, ltrt Momla ' In No vnmlwr ami (hint Monday In April. Prol.nlo roil rt In anaalnii fltm Monday In rai'h noiiui. (IiisiiiiImIi rariiurt miwta Aral Wednesday iwf nrai ainmiay tit rani allium. AW IKHIYNM, ATTOKNKY AT I.AW, NCMAUV I'll III, u; H'ANIIV. (IIIK(iN. Will vrai'llrn In all cuiirla of Ida alalv, limiraiii'ii wrlllnn In all Ir.illug nun panli'i. AItraol, ul till. Inriil.litid. In icmiuiiN a ipanlally. I HTDK V, ATTORNEY AT I.AW. CpiUlri oj'jnlte Court Hiium 1 Itltm r iitliM il Ntt1 alulmrti mtvl M'ifity Iaih, MnrtnKfK ftrtfrltMU'il afxl a gniipr. law liiiiiri, II T HI.AHKN. To n A? TtiT if W.(- .T ' THE TRUTH of tlin matter In that our Ktork la nlirilv iiiiini'iiMt, Yon aee ili'Hliiri in nature, hut you see positively tli largest number of new. striking arid artistic designs in our display of season hIiIu nl I ihmth to tin found anywhere in I Ilia part of tin state of Oregon, Every succeeding Ni'HNon brings out patterns worth seeing and design worth throwing away. H e rknn tlm cream In cliooHing our slock, anil the result of tin- skimming for thin M-Haon In 10.000 rolls in .'100 differ ent di'igna. It' a Hiiay Ha picking iUiirnal Willi era nk to strike, exactly w hat will suit your room unit fiirnitiire from Hiirh mi aggregation ol novelties a Hr showing at 4 ri-nla a roll and up. BELLOMY & BOSCH, Tie HoKtroralseri Nl'SDAY SCHOOL WORKERS .MKKT. NOTARY ITIll.H! and I'ONVKVAM KH. ara T or titi.i air Krai riate handli-d I naiira u wrlllru In lli.i II. ltd. r. I. nl II burg nl llrruian Ornre nna iliair aoutll nl rllunl, Palatine. Ham- MrlhiMllat Churrli. c II.AI'KAMAS AIIHIIIAI T A TKt'HT CO. turiilali, AhaUs'-la. t lialiin nl Tli n, Ikorrlp lion-, i-oan,, 1 iib ii r a , I'ay 1'avi-a Partee! lllli-. em., nr. H1i eirr Hank "I (uo. li I I y 1. r. l l.AIIK, Pre. oaannx ( ITT, anil Mr, naauoN. M JOHN' INNAIHIi A JOHNSON. li w aiKKiian F.NOINF.F.IIM AM. HI'KVKVOim. M K CIVIL Hallway laratlim ami minlriirtloii. brldi'a. planaand eatlmalra tor aier 1 I ' 1 y Praltiaae ami alrewl I m pnivrmrul nt In win X).f-Il attention glmn to iiranghllng ami blue prliiitng .Vs& Leadi 8T Agency In Clackamas County. HKI'KUHKNTINOl- KOVAI, OK I.IVKIU'fHH., l.riirat buaiucaiin the world. NOIll II 1IKITIH1I A M., UrK-at acta in the world. rSl'.N (IK I.OM)O.N,oldeat puruly lira l:iauriiic company in the world. .KTSA OK II AHTKOitll, larKi-ataud lieat Amcrirati ('nnipany. CONTINKNTAI.HK NKW YdKK.unaorilie brat American companiei. ANI OTIIF.lt FIKHT-CI.AKH COMI'ANIKH. Cnll fin m for llntlitua, anil nlan r.ir llloltara net Calemlara IMi. DONALDSON', . At Commercial Bank. j w. wi'lcii. ii:ntist WilUmi'ltu CM., opKihile I'untullirf , dlllco lioiirH from H a.m. to 5 :.'I0 p. m. 12: 1 to r t AllEV JOIINHON, I.AWYKR. 'oror Right anil Main atrvcta, Orrgnn Clly, tirnii. ilKAL KHTATR TOHKU AND . MONKY" TO LOAN J L. POHTXIt, ATTOHNKY AT LAW aaii-ra nr ra.iraart ri aHiHn. ORloa nail U Oroinu Vhi bank on 6ib alrccU 1 O. T. WILLI A Mr), 'kkai. khtatk ami was aoknt. A I nod Una nl biitnia, mlilptira and auburban rruriy. Farm l'rnirty lu trarta to lull on aaay torma. Corri"iioiHloni'a proniplly anawiTml. offlre, nel iliair to CaiirirlJ A lliiiillnr't uru( ilora. J II. A D C LATUt'HRTl't, .ATTOHNKYK ANI C(UNSKI.ORS AT LAW MAIN HTHKKT, OHKdoN CITY, OHttOIIN, Furulah Alialrama ut Tit 10. Loan Money, Fore- oioae MoriiraaKa. ami irauaai-i oourral Ijiw tlllalnrti. J It. I KOHS, ATTOKNKY AT I.AW. "W ill l'Knir in All Cncara or Tin Stati Krai F-atate anil liuunrnrr. Oltlre an Main Hirvrt Im-i Hlilh ami Hovenlh. oaanoN i itv. oh. H O Ntll.L j, a iiannm. w. TinmranN T. oairriTii ON KILL, lll'.HU KH. TIIO.MPHON A GRIFFITH. ATT0KNKYH AT LAW. Oflleaa In lUrklry lliillilliia, Orrimi City, and A O II. W. 'l'rmilv, l'onland. Ho (irnrral Law ItuatiiKaa, bun Moury, Urge CnlltH'tlona. Korccloae inorlgKea, 1'rolinle praotioe. c, 11. DYH. WET WEATHER GOODS Macintoshes, Rubber Coats. Water Proof Hats, Rubber y Boots, Rubbers. PIONEER STORE Thos. Charman & Son's. Oregon City, Oregon. Japanese Goods ATTOKNKY AND COUNSKLOU AT LAW Will f irooloae inoiwKa, make nbatrarta, loan minify, le'tia aaiama ami lauanit a gunoral law till I'ltma. Offloo flrat fl -oradjohilng Hank ol 0 rgnn Clly, OlllllnM CITY, ORK00N QBa C. llltOWNKLI, ATTOKNKY AT LAW, OHKnnN Citt, ..... OaaaoN, Will nrartlr In all tho rniirla af thn atatn. 01 tra, next door to Cauflold A lluntloy'a drug ainra. . FJMIE COMUKKCIAL DANK, OF ORKOON CITY. apllal, . . . . . $100,000 TaAHaiCTaA nXNKatl. rankini) miaimaa. Iiaua mado. Ililla dlaooiinli'd. Makea col Irrlionn. Iluvaand tulla exi-haiifi) on all pnliita In the UnlUMt Hiatna, Kuroiia and Hong Kong, lirwiialta mcol'-i'd antijeoi to chcrk. llaiik open iroin a. m. to i r. u. JrC. LATOUKKTTF.. President. F. K DONALDSON, Caahler JJANK OK OKE0CN CITY, Oldest Uln EoDst in the Cltr. Paid up Capital, AO,000. Burplua, lAJ.HAO. raaainitNT, - - thoi. chahmar vice PHaaiDiNT, oo. a, hahhiho. cahhikh. i.o CAiiriai.D. MANAUKR. CHA1I.R H, CAUFIKLD. A general banking buatmiaa tramaoted. Pepoalta rooolvcd aubjoot to chork. Approved bllla and untca dlacniinted. Ooinuj and city warranta bniiKlit, Iana mtde ou available accurlty. KmhaiiKe bouxht and mild. ColleiHlniir mado promptly. Dralta aold VHllai)lr In anv part of the world Talctraphln exi'hniiRea aold on Portland, Nan Franrlaro, Ohlciitfo ami Now York. ntereHt paid on time diipoalta, DRAPERIES, CURIOS. TOYS Beautiful, unique and servicable. Sold at very reasonable prices. EX I. M A rePTN, C0MMERCIAL BANK BLK -jow you Can Save Money Whon your children need a laxative or stomach and bowel regulator, buy BABY FRUIT LAXATIVE. Fifty doses ior twenty-hve cents. The season for colds and coughs is upon us. In order to be pre pared for an emergency, get a bottle of Baby's Pectoral Syrup, The best in the market. Price 25 cents. For sale at tho CANBY PHARMACY, Canby, Or. DR. J. H. IRVINE, Proprietor. I.nrnrat am) flrat ( erniitlon F.r rr i.d In ('luckAmaa County. The nix th annual convention of thn Cluckainan County Hunday Kchool anno elation convened laat Hatunlay in the Kvanjiulical chun:li at Milwauki-o. IliKutcR began to arrive in the after noon and fy the time the meeting ananmhlHd at 7 o'clock tlmre had alxiut 12 dislryatea arrived. The fimt thing on the program waa a long; ai.-rvice, led hy.Mra. J. (J. Wilaon, with her uaual auMx-iw. Hhe ia an earnent Chriatianj wurkHrand wlmn ahe ia at the helm a Kood and enlhUHiaotic meetinK ia aanurelj ao, when at 7 :'M IVof. T. J. Ciary arooe I to make an addreai of welcome, all j pruxent were feelinif that they had re- celved a spiritual bloHaitiK. If there had : ten any douht In the minda of the viailiiiK delegate aa to their welcome i hero It wan entirely allayed when Mr. Gary had fininlied hit addreaa. It wait a wliole-aouled welcome, in a few well when yorj ak and will allow him to enter your heart. At Ihia time lie v, 8. W, Htryker, pantor of the M. K. church A Oregon City ahlv preaented early Chriatian traininit of children. At 2 :40"Methla of Teaching" wan ably diacuaaed by I'.ev. Ezra Mauer, pastor of the Evangelical church of MilwauVkee wherein he admoninhed the teachera to fie careful in the way they prepared their luaaona, and to be anre to teach the leaaon and not a variety of fome thing elae unleaa It had direct bearing on the Hubject of the lenHon . Aswan usual this subject was left open for discussion for 15 or 20 minutes, and was ably re sponded toby Rev. M. L. Rugg, Mrs. L. C. Driggs and Hr. Lawrence. An inspiring sjng followed in which all the delegate joined with a will. BARLOW N0TFJI, Narrow Earapa From Oftlf, Ftrt In Prlntine the 'Lse of the Blackboard In the Kunday School" wa presented to the convention in an interesting manner, by Mrg. Ezra Mauer of Milwaukee. She said the first thing to be done by the superintendent or teacher on Sunday morning was to place the subject and Damaokd by Fir. Last Friday even ing at about 7 o'clock, our townspeopla were startled by the cry of fire and soon learned that the building at the corner of Main and First streets, owned by M. K. Bain and occupied by him as the pub lishing house of The Three Bisters and the postoffice, was the scene of the fire. Though there was no blaze visible from the outaidh, still volumes of smoke filled the air. The flames were mostly con fined to the hall and stairway leading to the upper floor, as we understand the fire originated by Mr. Bain, while on the stairs with a lighted lamp in hi hand. At 3:05 1 slipping and breaking the lamp thns chosen words on behalf of the people of everything about the leason poasible up- Milwaukee he turned the town over to the visitor and delegates and told thorn to make all they could out of it. Presi dent C. Hoberg mane a hearty response on behalf of the visiting delegates and thanked the good people of Milwaukee , for the hearty reception tendered them, A quartet then rendered excellent music. Ket, A . J. Montgomery of Oregon City was to have delivered an address on "What Calls us Together" but he not being present, the time was filled in by other. However, the people were much disappointed by Mr. Montgomery's non-aparance. At 9 o'clock there was a general hand shaking, getting acquainted, with which the evening session closed. Convention assembled at 0 a. on. and was lead in a praise service by Secretary B. M. Fisch. Ielegates were arriving on every car from Oregon City and were met by the reception committee, Messrs. Oscar Wissinger, J. Stuckey and J . C. Gibson, and escorted to the Evangelical church convention hall. At 9 :30 splendid addresa waa de livered by Geo. Randall of New Era on Sunday School woik. At 10 o'clock Mrs Geo. C. Brownell of Oregon City read a paper on "Hind rances of Sunday rx-hool Work." She said one of the greatest hindrances of Sunday school work is that too many members ate worldly minded, utterly without the spirit of Christ. Another hindrance was irregular attendance and that the devil is running rampant from coast to coast, working his hindrances through bis agents. Report of officers was next listened to. The secretary's report showed four new schools in the county. The average at tendance of the school reported for the year was 1855, against 1192 last year. The school having the largest general attendance is the First Baptist of Oregon City 210, next largest, Congregational of Oregon City 120, and 3rd, the Presbyter ian of Oregon City, 00. Treasurer reported disbursements had been equal to receipts, consequently there was no balance. Tlie president appointed the following as a committee on resolutions; Mrs. W. A. White, Mrs. A. M. Paiker, Mrs. C. F. Clark, Rev. S. W. Strykerand Rev. II. E. Hornechuch. By 12 o'clock about 50 delegates were in attendance and they all reported to the town hall where there was a sumpt-' uons repast in waiting which had been I prepared by the good ladies of Milwaukee and vicinity. At 1:30 the convention re-assembled feeling verv much refreshed after partak ing of a good dinner, and was led in song service by Miss Mabel Miller of Milwaukee. At 1 :50 came election of officers. Geo. W. Swope of Oregon City was elected president, T. J. Gary of Milwaukee first vice-president, Woldon M. Shank of Canby secretary, Mrs. C. F. Clark of Clackamas treasurer. The president having power to appoint additional vice-presidents as in his judgement seems beet . At 2:05 Rev. J. W. Cowan D. D. of Oregon City made an interesting address to the Sunday school children which he illustrated by some magnets of different sizes, by which he showed them that as there was magnetism invisible in that horseshoe shaped piece of iron, so is tha magnetism ol Christ to draw them to him though he be invisible. Mrs. E. W. Allen of Portland, a great Sunday school worker gave an address to the young, and old us well, which was interesting and she illustrated her talk, the subject of which was a "pure heart" by a vial of clear water which she called 'Mary" and by placing little particles of something in it at intervals, showed how Mary's heart gradually becomes tarn ished as she disobeys her . mother and Master until it is scarlet, and then by putting something else in the bottle she holds it up to view perfectly transparent, illustrating the purifying power of Jesus, on the blackboard in an attractive manner, so as to draw and hold the minds of the children upon the lesson. Her address was seconded by several short talks by delegates. At this time Mr. A. A. Morse, secretary of the State Suuday school association being present was called upon to give an outline talk on state work. He said they were short on finances, and that Clackamas County Sunday School association had pledged I'-'O last year and only 8 of that sum had been paid. He said the State asso ciation needed $2000 and that Portland would give aa much as all the rest so if outside raises $1000 Portland will give a like aum. An anthem, "Must Jesus Bear the Cross Alone" was well rendered at this time. Then followed a talk by Mrs. E. B. Andrews of Oregon City, "Success in Sunday School Work." She dwelt on true consecration of the teachers and parents and said that the success of schools depended a great deal upon them. At 4 o'clock an address by Geo. W. fcwope of Oregon City on "The Duties of Sunday School Superintendents" which should have come at 2:25 was postponed until the last every one knew1, that there was goinetiling goad in store for them and they wanted it to come in order of climax. As Mr. Swope is now serving his third term of super- intendency of the Frat Baptist Sunday spreading the flames, which he attempted to subdue but was onsucceasful. About dozen men were soon on the spot and with buckets quickly extinguished the flames which were fast creeping over the building. These men are entitled to great praise for their efficient work aa firemen, but we are prouder of lady in our town whose efforts were ontiring and who pumped all the water used at this fire, thereby proving herself gen uine heroine. This is tb; second fire in the past few months and we leel that some measures should be taken to or ganize a fire department. Ax E.UOYABL Eocc Party. Last Friday evening after the excitement of the fire subsided about 25 Barlowites were charmingly entertained by pro gressive eucre at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. W.Irvin. Fourtables were run and some excellent playing done. The priaes were won as follows : Ladies' first prize for progressions, a lovely cushion, by Mrs. Cas U. Barlow; gen tlemen's prize a dainty photograph case, by Mr. Ed E. Miller; the booby prize, a very cunning little "pickaninny," by Mrs. O. W. Quint. After playing, a delicious lunch was served and everyone present expressed himself as having spent a most enjoyable evening. Mr. and Mrs Irvin are, indeed, hospitable entertainers. Preparations for Adjoi'.nmest. From all we are able to learn (treat prep aration is being made for the" List meet- ing of the literary for this season, which will be next Friday evening, and in con- . sequence we anticipate a good time for all. The members of the minstrel com pany are doing good work at rehearsals, and besides this there are to be recitations school of Oregon City, it must and music by popular ladies and gentle follow that he knew what he was talking about. He said that a superintendent must have true consecrated co-operation from the teachers. A superintendent might puzzle his brain and lose his sleep formulating plans for the success of his school, and meet his corps of teachers (in a teacher? meeuu which he Btrongly emphasized as being prerequiste to suc cessful school work) to discuss bis ideas with them, but unless he received their wise counsel and hearty support in exe cuting these plans his time was lost. He said that a superintendent should not go before his school on Sunday show ing the cares of life on his face, but should pray for strength that would en able him to wear a smiling countenance before the children as they always look upon the superintendent as a model, and that any teacher or superintendent that could or would not take the time to per lorm their duties, to hold teachers meet ings, and to work together for the ad vancement of Christ's cause and redemp tion of fallen man, bad better get out of the traces, for they were simply debarr ing that way by staying in. Saturday evening session opened at 7 :30 and was led in praise service by the newly elected president, G. W. Swope of Oregon City. Then came reports of committee on selection of a place to hold the next con vention, reported that they had decided on Oswego as a desirable place, with Oregon City as a good second if anything happened to prevent their meeting at Oswego. The committee on resolutions submit ted the following resolutions which were read by the newly elected secretary, Weldon Shank of Canby, and were unanimously adopted: Whereas, the officers of the past year have so faithfully performed their duties, Therefore be it Resolved, That we thank them most heartily for their efficient work. sabbath. Wherkab, We tell that the neglect of Sabbath observance is a great hindrance to Sabbath school work, and a ereat wrong to the Master's kingdom. There for be it Resolved, That we as Sabbath school : workers will use our utmost influence with pupils and adults to a further observance of the Sabbath day. BIBLE . We further recommend that ever Sun day school should have a teachers meet ing for the purpose ot studying the lesson and while wa do approve of all helps for obtaining information on the lesson, we Continued on page 8. men of the town and a charade by mem bers of the school, which from all accounts will be good. A big crowd is expected as a dance will follow the pro gram. An Aurora Danci. The evening ot Washington's Birthday was celebrated by a masque ball at Aurora, under the direction of Mr. Emanuel Keil, and quite a number from our town attended as sqectaiors. Although the ball was well-managed and nicely carried on and a goodly number of spectators present. yet there seemed to be a lack of interest on the part of masquers as so few came in costume. Tue grand march was led by Mr. Kirkham of Aurora, who imper sonated a darkey in fine Btyle, and Miss Adams of Barlow, who represented a tambourine girl, and was conceded to be the best dressed and most bewitching little lady in the ball-room. Miss Adams was the only one from Barlow who went in costume. PERSONALS. Master Beldon Tull, of Canemah, ia making an extended visit to his rela tives and friends here. Jay Green returned home after a few days stay in Portland. Attorney Marks was a visitor to the metropolis last week. Sheriff Eli Maddock was in town one day last week. Hon. William Barlow was a passenger to Oregon City Monday. J. H. Wolt'er, of Needy, was seen in town on Saturday. J. B. Taylor and wife, of Marauam. were in town Saturday transacting busi ness. Hon. John Daly, of Macksburg, was prominent among the many in town Saturday. Mrs. Cass U. Barlow was in Oregon City Tuesday, calling on friends. Misses Ella and Laura Knight, of Canby, were in town Saturday. Mrs. William Barlow returned from Oregon City Saturday, after a few day sojourn there. Don't forget the annual school meet ing next Monday, March 2nd. Messrs. Emanuel Keil and J. Snihor. lins, of Aurora, were doing business in . town Friday. John Northauser. accompanied by his wife, of Gabble's Prairie, was in town. Saturday looking after business. Be sure to come and see the Big Nine Mins'.rel Company at the literary next Friday. Messrs. Henry and Andy Kocher, of Mark's Prairie, were seen on our streets Saturday. J. Ecker and J. C. Marks are hauling railroad posts for the B. W. M. Co. Ed Miller visited his parents and frien Is in Aurora Sunday.