Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1896)
f Ml 'ill fJhmrjr AmooIiuIoii Oregon vol. :o. no. n; ORK(,ON CITY, OKKOON, FRIDAY, FEJiKUAliY 11, 1800. ESTABLISHED 18B6 City Enterprise ('OHItTM, dlreult onurt nni.veiiea first M"iiU III Nn VtmlHir ml third Monday In April, I'ruliato court In .'!. m first Moiulnjr In each Bllilllll. (ItimtiiUiilonrri court in. -eta Ural Wednesday after Aral Monday id each month 1J K, A. II. W. Mttnl'K, ATTOIINF.YH AT LAW. l I I'.ae I Kill "II I'lMirf. InMtiM NiinMniil I'll ea rt .mined and l"illcrlll HI I it. I '111 i.i Main Ht i ifl nest Nan-nth. JOmKI'II HICK, ATToltNF.Y AT LAW, Trill Urn lii nil 1'iinrlii n( the Stale. Ollln. In Hunk f Oregon City lllork with I.. I.. Porter, Oregon City, Oregon. II IhiIIVNM, ' ATTORNEY AT I.AW, Mil A It Y I'l III. I' CANIIY, .... (HIKiiiiN. Will practice I" H rniiru "I I' e '. In.i.raii. wiIiikii In all li's'lln cm ,aulea. A I . i r . t t . ii.. mi .i.l.i.l. I'u ircnuiia i ( 'puliy. 1 KH I.. MIOllY, ATTORN F.Y AT LAW. I'l'atalra ..i"alte Court llnuae. Tltlea eianiltird ami ah.tracta made Mnn.y liannl, Mi.rtagea f,. reclined ami a elieral law t.iialueas. II T Ml.AUKN. N01AUV ri lll.li1 an.l AI..TSA T "f Till Hil'K Ural eatale handled written In I ho llarlf.ird, nl llartf.ld, I'ala'lii. Ham l.nfg if llrriuan Omen line nor ninth i'f Mrthodl.l Church. 1I.ACKAMAK AllHTIIAt V A TUIVT Co, Attalrarla nl l lackanaa lumiily .f"lcr(r a.c tt'fk K'.alal.tie.l l,l lln atrial ll C I ainiiK'ii". V V. I, J. K. I lata, I'lre. Ii.ia itHKiiiix city, - namm. II II JIIHNKiK ll W RIHKAial. INN Alllli A JnllNHiiN, CIVIL KN.ilNKI'IH AM nlltVI.YultH Hallway lM-atlnii ami ciiii.tnirtl,,n, l.rMi'i. Uliaalld estimates l"f waler aiiily I'tali.aio and ilri-cl lin.r..ieniei.l nl l.iwna Mneiilal attention ilrcti lei -.ra.ilitlti ah. I blue ,r 1 11 1 lK r AKK.Y JOHNSON, LAWYER. Omar Klhl and Main streets, Orei.m City. REAL KHTATK TOHKI.I. AM) Mi iNKY TO LOAN. r L. roKTKii, ATTORNEY AT I.AW tan it r"faTT rcaxiaiian. -OtAee it a l In orvfin CUT hank nn th streiit. c O. T. WILLIAM. 'HKAl. KHTATK AND UlAN AllKNT. A f x1 line business, resldcura ml aiiliurlu rri'riy. rrm l'niorl lu tracts to mil on essy Irrmi. CorrrapoinlrnrK hrniiiiilly nawrrnV (Iflti't, Hull oiM'r 10 l unriu a iinmiri ,iia -viv c 1 11.4 H.C I.ATOt'HK.nil. ATTOHNKYS ANI C'()UXSi:iX)KS AT I.AW MAIN MTKKKT, ORKCIOl'ITY, llKKdOM. f iirnlah Ah.lrarla "nl Tllln. Iil NrniKy, Fore- olua Mnriaiiia, ami Iranaarl lirurral Ijiw Unaln'aa. II E. CltllH.M, ' ATTollXKY AT I.AW. H'n.1 Pi-ni in Aul CocnTa or tub Btati Krai KjII kiiiI Inmimnrf. Offlre on Main Hirvrt l.i't Hlnh u1 Herenlh, iiaaniiN city, no. H O'KKIII.. j, i iiKi,iira. a. w. Tiinm-ann r t. amrriiH O' ,'NK.II.I, IIKIH.KH. I'Miiri uuirrn 11. ATT0IIXKY8 AT I.AW. (IIIIom In Hartley Hnllillin, lrfnn Clly, and A O It, W, Trmi'lii, I'lirllaml. lo General I.w KiialneM, Ixian Mnury, t'rge Cullerlliina. Hnrwl(ie ni(irlKiKM, I'mlialo liraolice. 1 II. DYB, ArrOUXKY AXI) COUNKK1.0U AT LAW Will f irenl"o innitcRi'a, make bn'rnrla, Iran minify, te tlu talaiua aihl t amai'l a gonornl law bit l.ieaa. Officio Drat II or iljil I g Hank ol 0 egon City. ORIIION (;TY, 0BIION G KO. C. IlltOWNEU, ATTOUSEY AT LAW, ORROnN ClTV, OHKUON. Will prarllR In all the conrta of Hie atate. 01 flee, next diKir to CatifleWt A lluntley'i drug T IIS COMMKItCIAL BANK, Oh" OKKCION CHY. 'Riltal, 1100,000 TRANaACTa A 0KNRRA1. RAHKINd tll'BINKia. Ixiana made. Illlla dlaoininted. Makea col Icrtmna. lltiya and aella eieliatiRe on all points In the I'nlled Htatea, Knrope aud Hong Kong, liepoalta reeel"ed nilijeet to cheek. Hank opou (nun 0 A. M. to 4 p. M. U. C. LATOUHETI'K, l'reatdent. F. K DONAl.DaON, Caahler B ANK OP 0KK0CN CITY, Oldest MM Bens. In tbe Cllr. ' Paid tip Capital, .W,000. Hurplna, l-U.WH). famiDKNT, . - Tuna, rn a an ah Yica rRRHIDKNT, ORO. A, HARDINO. CA1HIRH. a. O CAUriRI.D. 4NAUKR. H. CAUriRI.D. A general banking bualuesa traniaotod. Depoalta reeelvod nibjeet to cheek. Approved hllla and nolea dlaoounted. County and city warrnma boughl. Lnana nude on avallaliln aeourlty. Kiohaime bmiKlitaml aold. Oolleetliini made promptly. Iiralta aold svallaule III anv part of the world Teli'trrapU.e. exelntUKHH aold nn I'nrtUnd, Ban f ranidaoo, 'Ihlcoit.i and New York, nlercut pnU on time Aeponlta, r.iuul Nlht! A iroixl iiIkIiI'h nli'i'p In i-ii"ily liul in a Wnll funilnlii'il lii'ilrniiiii Our liml oimii uitea luiirli tint tup i"lnt u( ili'ii,ilili lieaa. Wi-nIiiiw llinlii lunik, iihli, iniii'ln, liirrli, I II!, in III" lull'! Hinl lii'Nl ilnaliiH. Kurnil iim hIiihiIiI In- liiiinlmiiiin na wnll aa i-r v ii -M I ' I ! , well imi'i" .iii'l ilmnliln iim wrll nn r-'.iHiiniililn hi itirii. Onra ia nil Unit, ll" lilutlnr W'li'llirr Il'a liiilrium f ii rat 1 1 ti't or Hit) lull-it nli'iia lnr lli 'r lor, I lin ilminK rn' mi t f I t- ki'i'lii'ii, Tlll'tll'a dim I I'M lli-ln: I'mlriiuiii anil a lnr 1 1 1 " ', Wnll iii'iiln kiti'lii-n ' Inn H III cnhtH u ii"i i', lllid mi'l) ihiliK I'lac ill it'iMirliuliiil lu w ,rl' cm BELLOMY & BUSCH, lKIlKMKNTINl- H'lYAI. tiK I.I VKItl'UMl., duet Mlltlll HltlTINII .V M , lariteat n-et. In the world. HI'S UK LONDON, oldral purely lire Liaurance ciMnpany in the world. .f'.TN A i'K IIAKTKliltD.larnealanil let American Company. CON I INKN I'AL UK X K W YtiltK. one ol the Ih-1 American compaiiiea. AND I'll Kit Fllt.Hr-ri.ANH CO Ml' A XI KM. Cnll ri ilia fur Mntlnua, nn1 Bli Ii. 1K)N.M.IIS(A', Wl?r WEATJIEIl GOODS Macintoshes, Vvater Proof ' Boots, PIONEER STORE Thos. Charman & Son's. Oregon City, Oregon. Japanese Goods DRAPERIES, E. ft. MARTIN, Uow you Can Save Money When your children need a laxative or stomach and bowel regulator, buy BABY'S FRUIT LAXATIVE. Fifty doses for twenty-live cents. The season for colds and coughs is upon us. In order to be pre pared for an emergency, get a bottle of Baby's Pectoral Syrup, The best in the- market. Trice 2" cents. For sale at the CANBY PHARMACY,, Or. DR. J. H. IRVINE, Proprietor. JJl ,:JJLsi!: 11 1 Kits. I Leading Agency in Clackamas County. Urui-at Imtiueaa in the ' rorlil. fur Hlntter and Cnlandura At Cemmiroal llunk. Rubber Coats, Hats, Rubber Rubbers. CURIOS. TOYS lU'autiful, unique and scrvicablo. Sold at very reasonable prices. COMMERCIAL BANK BLK. Nl'.MlAY HtllOOL COXVKMIOX. Sixth Aunmil Coiin'iillon to Ml Mllnttiike. Tlio aixlli biiiiuhI convftitiori of the Clwkumiia County Hiinily Ki.-liool aaao citii;ii will hit liH'l in tin) KvaiiK'iliciil cliuiclmt Milwiiukne on Friday. Hatur- day ami rjnmluy, FvLruary 21, 'ii ami Zi i.n,!. i.. .,, ;,, ii,r ia noreatriirtiotioiitheniimherofdeli-iiat.!Hl''"'-if'K"' Mexican war. He received lir.K tiWrit, Mm J. C. Adanii pre a Snnduy acliool may Mend and it ia ex-! din:harie at Xorfork Va. in 18W. idd and allowed liemelf to !e an ideal peeled that mcIhkjIm will wmd a HtronKj Heer.lit.ted aain dnrini the Civil war prusident, having an the did perfect con-(lelt-Ktion of their l.ritfhteat and heht ' "erved lifteen rnonttiH in Co. K . 50th I trol and malntawiiriK lerfet-t order. The workera. The Riiperintiindenta and aet- retaiiea of the varioua Sumlav w:hoola i are axked to he prompt in Mling out the blank rcHirtn that have heen wnt to them and to return them by mail to the county Bi-ciutary, Ii. M. Fiw.h, at Mil waukee. I'ruHi.leut HoherK and the executive committee have given a great deal 0( care to gut up an interesting program mangling him in a sliocking manner. on8 lntendel for the younger people, and in arranging the detail, and they After hovering between life and death . none over twenty yeara of age being al- 1 anticipate that this will be the greatest M '"any weary months, through the j iowe( w enter in the debate. It is, Ke Katheringof Sunday school workers ever l'"tient care of his devoted wife, lie j g,,ve(i, That the cat is a better pet than held in Clackamas county. I slowly came bai:k to life, though a crip-. tue dog, with Miss Myrtle Kamby on ! The follow! ia tbe urogram to be I p'e nJ wlln thattered health. He bote ,,e aflirmative and Miss Clara Irvin on carried out : FRIDAY IVKXIKO Wong service led by Mra. J.G. Wilson. 7:00 7:.K 7:40 7:50 8:0D M:! U:(W Adilreaauf Welcome bv I'rof. T. J Gary. Response by Pres. Chris, lloberg. Music-Quartette. Address Whnt Calls us Together. itmv A J Mniilimnierv of (Irevon City. I Duties of I'arents in KegaM to the clinch of Oregon City. u.u.i.i r:..i ,!,i wiih ti, nu.i.iuT o-1.'. ... .. strat.Ker will. in your irates. Cur service of the drainl Army 01 the Ite lur Oregon City and Portlai.d. pui,iic waH aw read at the grave a STI Hint MOKRIK'l l'raie service led by U. M. Fisch. A'l. treat Kiindav K.'Ii.hiI Work, !!:() ll:) :) 10:OU 1(1:0) Geo. Itan.lall of New Kra. Diwiisviun. Muoic. lteort of (llll. ers- a l'rei.lenl. b fMscreiary. c Treasurer. d Vine Presidents, e Schools. Appointment of Cuniniiltees. Adjournment. 11:1.0 ATI'HUAY ArrrKMll'K Hone service bv Milwaukee Sunday 1:. School. Id by Mrs. Mabel Sill- u. , iiifi,j. M Klectiou of olllcers. 2: Talk to Sunday Sohool Children. Ilev. J. W. Cowan, D. D., Oregon City. 2:25 Dntien of Suinlav School Suneriii temlenU. G. W. Swope of Oregon City. Disc'iisslon. 2:40 Methods or Teaching. Rev. Ezra Maner ol Milwaukee. Discussion. Song. 3:ii? I'se of the Illarkboard in theSunday ScIiikiI. Mra. Kira Muner, Mil waukee. DIhcussioii. Song. 3:25 Hindranees In Sunday School Work. Mrs. ti.C. llrownell, Oregon City. Discussion. Song. 3:45 Success In Sunday School Work. Mra. E. S. Andrews. Discussion. Song. SATl'RPAY IVRRIXO 7:80 Song service led bv the newly elected president. 8:00 Early Christian Training. Rev. S. W. Strykerof Oregon Citv. 8:30 The Sunday School as an Educator. Ilev. M.'L. Rugg, Oregon City. ! 00 Music. Adjournment. SUNDAY A day of revival services. 10:00 a.m. Song service led by Geo. Howard of Oregon City. 10:30 Preaching by Rev. W. G. Holt of Woodstock. 3:00 Song service, led by Ed. Maple, Oregon City. 3:30 Preaching bv Rev. M. M. Lewis or Portland. 7:00 Song service led by A. F. Parker of Oregon city. 7:30 Gospel services. Rev. J. Weir or Oregon City, Rev. Ezra Mauer of Milwaukee, and Kev. Charles Preasing. (icrmuii Nervlces German revival services are now being held at the Evangelical church, corner of Eighth and Madison streets, by Rev. II. E. Hornschuch, the pastor. The services will continue for several weeks and already considerable Interest is being manifested. This church now has some 50 members and is in a healthy growing condition. The Sunday school is doing a good work and is adding new scholars from time to time. Rev. Hornchuch is indefatigable in his labors for his people and the prosperity of his church is largely owing to bis efficient work. Lecture on .Mexico. Hon. D. P. Thompson of Portland who has recently returned from an extended j tour th rough Mexico will deliver an inter lesting address on our sister republic j Thursday evening Feb.20th at Willamette hall for the benefit of Meade, Women's Relief Corns. A full attendance Is anticipated as the Corps has performed worthy charity work during the past year and should receive the support of the community. Olilluary. S Wind, at KeilUnil. Onmon, January .'10, he Held IH!i5, afU:r a lingering illm-RH, Jolm IliK I fciriM, a native of Cork, Irelaml. j I)i!i:enM;il cafnto I tie Unitml Si ale in 1HU1. He enliHlwl the aaine year at ISuiralo, X. Y. an a marine on the V . H. friale Inili!iendi;nce, I'm-iflc aiiia'lron, umler Coinadore Slim-brick and t'jok i part in the naval dt-iniiitrat!on on the wealern coaat of Mexico and California . " '"c"""1" nlry. in n-une wan j married to Miaa Karah A. Warren, who giirvivea him. In 1873 Mr and Mm. IliifginM emigrated to Oregon where they j reason," which wax decided in the nex aettled on a farm in thii county, on j tjV(!i jjr. O W. Quint an J others made which they have reaided up to Ilia death, i m)lim we com,n remark to the younger A year after they fettled heie, Mr. Hitt-1 merubera of the society, and we hope gin met with a terrible accident, j they will profit by the good adyice. The lule clearing lann at ree leu on nun, i all bis suffering patiently and uncom plainingly. He was a good husband, a kind, unselfiah neighbor, a good inoffen sive citizen whose integrity wag unques tioned. In the 22 years of his residence here, he has made hosts ol inenas w no , deeply regret hi death, nr. lligtiins was a member of the Catholic cominun- j ion and the funeial services of that ; ion and the church were connucien ny nev. A-1 I - - - - - - - ii. phranii wtin delivered a very a aoie : an.l patrlotie (liw ounie. lue uunai , I requested by him, he beimr a member of : I Meade Port So. 2, G. A. K. of Oregon ; City. .... . . it .Mrs. llntgins desires to exien.i iter. heartfelt thanks to the l.ind friends who assisted her during the illness and death of her husband. Words cannot express ' her deep gratidue. L. D. J. I Religious DlM'uion. We learn that arrangement have, been made between Bishop W. Dillon of j I the United Brethren cburch and Elder W. M. Healey. of the Seventh Day , . . ... , .. Adventista denomination to hold a public discussion in Oregon City for several day beginning March 10 and debate the Sabbath question, as to which day should be observed, according to tbe bible, Saturday or Sunday? They will also discuss the nature of man, and the condition of the soul and spirit after death. Both these men are disputants of more than local reputation and will doubtless ably represent the views of their respective denominations. The Portland. Re-opened near the corner of Main and Seventh street. Clean, bright, well furnished dining room and private rooms elegautly fitted up. Have one of tbe most skillful cooks on the Coast. If your meat order does not please you, just let me know. Best dinner in the city including a glass of wine for 25 cents, 11:30 to 4 p. m. Oysters served in every style. Open day and night. Give The Portland a trial. L. Ki'conich, Proprietor. A republican club was organized at Caneraah, January 30th, 1895, of 28 members. The following of ficers were elected: President, E. W. Midlam; vice-president, R. W. Porter; secretary, Ward B. Lawton, treas urer, R L. Blanchard; delegates W. M. Moore and R. L. Blanchard. Short speeches were made by 11. S. Strange. R. W. Porter. W. D. Bowers and E. W. Midlam. One minute Cough Cure is rightly named. It affords instant relief from suffering when afllieted with a severe cough or cold. It acts on the throat, bronchial tubes, and lungs and never fails to give immediate relief. For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist. For sale, a large quantity of rhubarb and asparagus roots, 3 years old, also fine strong, early spring cabbage plants, asparagus beds made at reasonable rateB. Ap;'ly to R. Glasspool. Green Point. Oregon City. Cholera Morbus is a dangerous com plaint, and is often fatal in its results. To avoid this you should use De Witt's Colic & Cholera Cnre, as soon as the first symptoms appear, C. G. Huntley, Druggist. Munyon'smedicinesare the latest, and Charman & Co., the up-to-date drug- gists, have a complete stock. PP1'" free. For clean, white cotton rags 5 cents per pound cash, will be paid at Tub En- TKKl'KlSK Office. Trees are being cut along the new road in Park ad. south of Abernethy creek. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Award. BAKLOV? MEVTH. Harlnw (irnwR A puce New Life in the Lllcrur; Horletj (Mher Sulfa. MuUK In TRKK.aT MAMimaTKi). A larjter crowd than waa expi-cled attended In laat meetiiiK of the liteury Rociety, and a renewed inU-reat waa evinced, aa ahown hy the new metiiUirH plao e, nH,n the roll. 1'nrnident Mark ,,roraii coniiitini ol Roni, rftitationa, eu:. wan nicely rendered, following which waH tie debate , "Ileaolved, that animal qeBtion foi the next debate is a ngni the negative. Pkoorehsivk EtriiHB. The third meeting of the euchre club was held at Mrs. M.W. Sheppard's and an enjoy able time wa hail by those present. fine pUying wa, done. T,e la-ly'a . . I)rtr,,8Miuna. a violet drape. . ,. w ( - . lmvin( balli WH won by Mr. J. C. Andrews; the prize for lone nanus, a line ueca oi carus, was carrieu . . . :..J . n ... . anf, .... j prize. "A dead beet," was won by Mra. i W. W. Irviti. Fine refreshments were am, about niijmitlll ie pty , wil, ,ielJ I at Mrs. W. W. Irvin's. IOISTST0 i5fcTTEB Times. From the a(,ivjty amul(J mf rea, MU,e men g coupe o( dayg U((t W(,ekj jt mm looki . :, ..i M,alB - in w.n to mnra.u two trades of no little consequence are now in contemplation, and it is looked for in the near future that quite a big tiansaction will take place. School Will Clok. This month will be the last of school for this term, owing to having used op all funds appropriated for that purpose. The probability is we will have more maney from the county, state and district this year to maintain a longer time of school the coming term. ANOTHEB Bl'SI.HESS ESTABLISHED. Mr. J. Floyd of Hubbard, has opened a butcher shop here on Main street, in the Schmidt building. Mr. Floyd ia an ex perienced butcher who keeps a neat and inviting shop, and will no doubt work up a fine business in the future. PEBSONAL8. Miss Ertie Adams visited Canby Satur day. Mr. W. W. Irvin was in Oregon City last week. Jay Green made a flying trip to Port land Friday. Mr. S. J. Garrison of Canby, was in town Sunday. Sheriff Maddock was up one day last week on legal business. Mr. J. P. Cole was in town Saturday transacting creamery business. Mr. Emanuel Keil of Aurora, was in town Friday transacting business. Mrs. Thomas Miller of Oregon City, was visiting relatives here last week. Misses Bess Sheppard and Viva Tull went to Portland last Friday to remain a few days. Master Winfred Hill of Oregon City, spent a couple of days of last week in Barlow. Several of our townspeople went to Canby Thursday evening to take in the lecture on phrenology. Cass U. Barlow went to Portland Monday to look after business for the Barlow-Will merchantile company. Mr. W. S. Tull accompanied by his wife, went to Oregon City Friday to at tend the populist county central meet ing. Mrs. Jane Hedges of Oregon City, ac companied by her grand-daughter, Mis Mabel Hollenbeck, was visiting her son, Henry Hedges a few days of last week. The democrats have called a meeting for Saturday in Columbia hall for the purpose of outlining plans and listening to political speeches on the issues of tbe day. Mrs. Cass V. Barlow was a passenger to Oregon City Monday, where she sang an "Aria from Rigoletto" at the musical in Shively'g hall Tuesday even- -ing. Hon. William Thompson ol Needy,. came up on the Thursday morning Rose- I burg local enrollte hom; from his few days stay in Portland attending the young men's republican league. Mr. T. DeClark came up Saturday to visit friends before taking his leave for White Salmon. Mr. DeClark was one ot the first road-masters, and for many years served in that capacity for the Oregon and California railroad, now the Southern Pacific, Oregon division.