Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 31, 1896, Image 7

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    ltl'llllllll'HII (llll) .NlltfK,
Tim Milwiiuken Hcpubllriiii Club Ini'l
n very entliiiaiuailii tin'llii lud 1'iMny
evening ut tint town luiil Henry A.
Ileliiieiiiuii, llin prealilent of llm Hull,
wan cliuli iiiiiii. Tlm aerretuiy t ti l(
nwny, (hii rliiiliiiiiin iiiiIiiIim ,1. (',
(illinuil im Ni'i'ii'lury, Tim I'oiiiiiillleii on
ciinntiiiiilini mill by Iuhh, i'niininiliiKl T.
J. (ii'ury, J. ('. (iilium itml It. V.
Iliiiiiii'iumi, mini IIn report, wlilrli, with
mm HMii'iiilini'iit, wna mliiplfil . Tim
folluwIiiK ih-li'itiilrH with cli'i lol to llm
lilulii ronvenllnii of tlm Young Mini'
iti'imlillrun Iukuii f Oii'kuii: II. A.
llehiieinaii, (', Ilurlmtep, J. I'.. Wi'1.lnr,
CIiiih Kuk in, C. K. Il.illnr.1 iiiiiI J (!.
(lilwon, A number nl nIhiiI nnii'lmn
wiuo mmlu, (iiiorii Mommy ri'mliTi d
a coiiinl ulo, mill nmpoinleil to mi en
duo. Kri'il ltii( niiiiint'il tli niiilli'iiifl
with a vocal nolo. Tim cluh thitn ml
Jonrnwl hihI (Inclili'.l to liulil ItH in' it
ini'iilliiK HaiunUy evening, I'Vlirimry H,
On Wmlnexluy tiveiiltiK ul thin week
)'lunalit Hill Hepublln.li Club lii'lil mi
olliur Mk tally, lion, lieu. O li i in-r-mni
wan tlm orator nl llm rvciiliiK
In miM to Imvn iiiniIii mi able, iipeorli.
TIiU cluh la In aplcinlitl wrklii tinier
ml In o"iio ul tlm nlriii(eiit I ' llm county
ml III wuik In appuronlon .. lection ilny.
TliurHiliiy eveniiiK ul l'iia wm-k tlm
rupublii'iitm of Cmieiiiuli will liulil
rally ami oimiir. n dull mil elect ilelo
galea to llm Klutu Iciikuii. A'lilreen
will ho nmilu hy neverul api-ckcm ol
prominence Tlm hnvn cupcc! Id Imve
itruiiK cluh ami propone that lla In
lluelice hliull he (elt In llm ruining emu
(algn. Haturtlay tlio FihIk Hprliifii rlnh will
hold bitf rally at Wilboil. The meet
lug will ti aililioni'd hy Hon. ico. I).
Itluearaon Thin cluh lian in m In line
guina In inemlxTHlilii ami ia ilolug gixxl
work (or llm party in gelling Sixlu
HpringN iri'rlnri In linn lor a h'g ma
jority for (Iib republican I like t next
Tlm Hallow cluh will hold a hlg rallv
next Monday evening when Hon. II. L.
lUtkley will deliver tlm addicwi. Mr.
lUrkltiy wan cut) of tlm leading inein
liern ol tlm limt leglalalura and in a
IH'uker o( tiniiKiial force ami ahility.
Tlm Hailow ralliea am alwaya a mirci-aa
lid thin will ho no ciccption to the
Cliitliliig Miiit fvilil.
I). II liluaa ami Sidney Hinyth have
dlnpoae.l ul their I'lolhliig atom to W, 1J
Halliiluv.a leading cmiitalint u( (liiklaud
Calilornia, w ho made tlm puichaav (or
Ma aon in-law, V. I'arker ol Kugii.
lr. 1'arke.r haa largo gent'a fiirnla'
Ing aloro in Kiigeno ami will mova Ida
lurk fli Ihla citv ami cniolidato It with
Uial ul Mtiaarn. liluM A Smyth ami will
uIihj mid a IIiiii anaorliueiil ol new gooda,
making It one ul llm la-at clothing More
In tlm nlnli'. Mr. I'arker cornea well
recoininciiilcd an a pualiing Iniaim'KFn
man ami ill hu welcomu addition to
tlm Ininini-nn Ir.ilernily ol ( Iri'gi II City,
Tlm'ulewan iHvatioiied hy tlm (.u t
that Mr. Smyth dcaired to coiucnlriile
liin rupilul and energien !u hia culitnicl
ing hii'ineaa and a hall int rit not ae'l
ilig (reoly Mr. (ihiHn decided to let Ilia
Intercat go with that n( Mr. Siuyth'a and
will iuinirdiutely gu Into oilier liiiaineKH
in tliit city.
A iiitln wedding waa culehnited at tlm
Congicgatinnal purminiiL-e in thin city
Tuemhiv. 1 1 10 rolilrai'tmg airliea heing
Henry Will ami Mrn. Celia McDonald.
Tlm ceieiiiony nan per'oimeil hy Ifev.
J. W Co an. Mr. Will a well known
tun-incH man of Hnrlow ami inemhcr of
tlm llrm ul Harlow, Will A Co, while
Mra, Mill in well known in Ihia rily an a
imwt caiiiimhle lady. Tnc lianpy
couple liu vo. a lioat ol friendn throughoiil
the couiiiy who winli lliein a long and
happy life.
(ire.it reduction in ladioa',
ami cliildien'H wear lit the
gen la
Mia Annio SiinderH, danchler
County JihIko Humlera of I'nion county
la in the c.ily, ami will epcml some lime
Willi her aiater Mra. S, W. Ilolmea.
Judge. Sandxre la expected tho luat of
the week to make a brief yieit with l'rof.
ml Mra. I lot inns ami to attend the
fitute KcpulillcHii league In rorllimil,
lie heing one of the tltdiirtiH from the
Union club.
Mcii'h hciivy, winter capa
to 25 cent at tho Rackot atom.
red m od
Mra. E. K. YVillliiuiH. well known aa
an Hcconipliahod pianiat to the reaidunla
of thin city and Portland, will act aaao
cotnpnniHt for the 8t. Cecilia ChortiR,
concert. Mra, Williams haa, during
lior icaidence in thin city, Liken a lend
Ing part In eveiyHiing of mnalcal Inter
cut, and haa proven hernelf thorough
and painslukinK iiuiHlclun.
Olrla' and boya' Katon capa reduced
from 1(0 to 20 centa at the liucket atnio.
How to Clean Matting.
Iu tikking cure of nmttiiijr It ii not
well towiiah it often. Whon it doe
needbrlglitonlnir np, boil tojrnthorfor on
hour 9 quarts of brim nnd 4 of water.
Strain this, preaaing all molnturo out of
the bran. Add 3 quiirtu of oold water
and 3 tableapoonfalii of sal t to the strnin
ed mixture. WunIi the matting thorough
ly with this and rub dry with a clean
cloth. Tho result ia nwuirod to be grati
fying. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Awarded Cold Medal Midwinter Fair, San Franciice.
Twin City Nrwa.
Puiki uck Nli(Ji,Aiihinna, Jan. Tlm
l iimpliicii lliernry ani lely lin t na I n
tlm rvcnliiit ol Hnlunliiy lt 'Mm Iwn
... I.....I !,.,. ,,,.
I'ouilurliilily llllcil, llm i lion, "
...i...... ti...i i ......ii. ....... i l. i.i.liiMtl.
, ' 1
llalile, Him iIIm:iihiI, llm ni'ttnllvn won
llm venlli Inf llm In.lui-M. After tlm tliilmln
i.. i i,,., , .,...!.. ;..
- " !. - m-'-r
rendered, I Imro will he no ileluile iienl
Halurday evening, hut an Intereallng una k
liliil, wild Hon, II, K ('rota an JiiiIkh, will
he lla aiiliallluln. Tlm Joint ileliulii livtweeu
Ihla oclely and tlm leairlana ol (lipgon
City, whli li wna lo coiotioll KrMny laal, will
now prulinlily come oh" Tliurmlay mil, llm
1'IMIi, Tlm only reaauu lo lie given fur the
long di' lay of (Ma il,i uml Dual iliacuaalon
la tlm llinlillly of Hie llvaperlana in meeting
the I'ark place oratora. All Ilia I'arkplaie
luiya wlali now la Unit Ilia llcaprrlnna will
milher up aanil auongli to niecl I hem on
lli it rail ay nexl, even If Ihey have to Come
to l'arkilaie lo get the aiinil. We hope lo
are no more pintpoin-meiita,
Mr. (iarrow nl Olmlaioue, atarted laal Fri
day for l.iahon, I'lilllurnla, where lie haa a
giHiil aliuallou an lirt'l eawyer In a large
aw mill.
Warren liauchy of llladrtuue, who haa
for aonie lime la-eu on Hie tick Hal la tome
ii at Improved. Warren had heeu allrnd
Ing acliuoi liulil he took III. We hope lit
will eoon lie ahle lo utieml n huol egiilii,
Mra. Cai'l. Kinllh, of I'arkiilace, aholiaa
lice 1 1 very low Willi lllnraa, la nnlii ahle to
I aroiiml. The people o( I'arkplave are
very glad lo are her face unce more at their
politic galherlnga.
A hlrthilay and auri rlan party waa given
Mr. John Hlralghl at hia lioioct on Kriilay
laat by Hie 1'arkplace liand and a few of till
frlemla. A very plcoaant time waaenjoyrij
hy all preaenl,
Hllhull Nrwa.
Wiiiioit, Jan, :'.V- Ilie Willmit HHta
Hprlnga) reptitillcau chili met on Hnlilnliiy,
Ihe IMIi el oneu'cliM'k p. In,, at Mi lx'an'a
hall, Hoila Hprlnga, ami waa called lo order
hy J. J. Illrakney, prealilnit ol tlmcliil).
Afler eume reinaika hy the prralili lit ol (lie
club the following odU'i re were elected, or
rather re electe.1: J. (I. Illrakney president,
ami a-wla Illrakney tecrclary. On n.olloii,
0. K. Illrakney and laiwa NiglilinKale acre
elected ilrlegnlra to the merluig of the
young uieu't repiihllrau cluha Dial mretal
I'ortlaml on the llll of Frliruary nril.
Oil mullou, the preaiili'iit and aecretary of
Ilie cluh vine apixilutrd a committee lo ob
tain epeakrra to aihlreaa Ilie club ami to
pmvi'le placea for mertlnga.
Mr. Krank Mclean inadu the gnu'roui
ollr of hla hall for the n-rol I he club at any
lime the club Miatire to ur It.
Itrinarka ere made by H. M. Cooke,
Henry Thoioaa and J. Harrtow.
Nolwltlialauilingthe (act Dial Mr. Hlevene
haa been In our urlghborlinoil and given
two Irrlurea lor llm populate on hla fawir
lie hobby of Hal money, gov eminent o n
eralilp of rnilroada, and the rrferenihun,
the n-piihllraiia do nol aeeui to betliamayed ;
for tinlay. allhoiili vny illnagrernble and
raining hanl. ti e turdy rei ubllcniia, Iroin
the gray-liradrd falber lo the younger oix-a
thai will ca-t their llrt vote allliejiuiv
elet'lion, were ool In irmxlly iiunilxra, ami
all iM-eiord buoyant in Ihe belief that the
ri'imhlii an parly in the pmly of thrra-t,
the preaent anil Ihe lulure. J. (i. H.
Uurrtmvtlle Nrwa,
CrniiiKavii i r, Jan. :'T ihe anow came
and went, ami elei;h rlilitiK waa only Inr a i
Now the pro.e lake lull. I rlilea. The
ron.la ate one coolii.Uul aliii K of mud pud- I
We are lad to note Ihut Miaa Martha
Youni! ia aide to he alionl mkhiii.
iluiih Corrin hai iH'eii on Ihe sick lift for
the Inat week.
(Inr etorekei'iier, (ieoriie Currin, made a
trip lo dreg-on City one ilay laal week on
A number of the yoimx people of Cur'
rluaville atlemleil Ihe eiilerla'nment al Ihe
.Inn church Kmlny evenii i; and reporte.l a
very plcaa.int time. The pica ami haaketa
loiM'lher liroiiulil flliii, Ilie money to p
toward Ilie aupporl of llm pa.tor, licv.
1 1 m hy
Mies Allle Cuirln and her hrotlier KolxTt
returned Iron, Siilem luat week where Ihey
had b en vl-itinu relutivea and friend.
Hnrkt I'rnlrle llema,
,Una Pit I lit K, Jan 27. The people of
Ihe I'raiile are well lcu-o. with the ap
poinlmeut of Henry Koil.iriis road super-
vinorof ihia illatricl. lie It the ri'ht man
for Hie place and will do oo,l work.
Miaa Kllu KniKlit, of Canhy, aa tliegoe.t
of tier aunt, Mra, A. Kocher, luat week.
Mr. Ilay ha.i IiookIii the llmwii place,
ami ia now a rcil.leot al IheOornera.
(Hen Carolliera speiii Hundiiy at Caub)
Keep an eye on (lien and net your cow hells
suae ll den layior, ol Uii'ifun (it v. waa a
caller at the l'rairie tSiitunlay and Niimliiy
8. (). Oglaahy, a proioloeot repuhlican of
Ihla precinct, alarled lor HreKoi, City yes
tenlay. lie will atteml the cling of the
eounty central committee. Ham is a true
hltie, and don't you forgei It.
Several of nurfolka nitemled the teach
eia meeUng at Harlow, uml all report a
Kood time. Hcvi's,
Clarkamaa Newi.
Claikamas, Jllll. :'7 -Minion Jolitmon
anil UrumlA Mmey aie on Ilie sick list.
The In! tor ia HI yeuia ol in;,-.
Mr. llurKiiian anil Mr. (Iill'onl are waitiiiK
pallenlly for it to Mop mining bo they cull
II mall llKKiiK imtatoea.
Mr. Hoots ia tlnlahinir. liia limine.
Our W. 0. T. U. Iiuil un i xii gooil meet
i i ) K (be -'lb, and tlieru vtiil lie an effort put
forth to euloree the tobiu'oo law.
The L. T. I., work will :iooii he taken up.
Surveyors were aeen at work In oor vicin
ity luat week. Many nere uomterliiR what
thoy were trying to Uml a aeotion corner
or an electric line. X. L,
Owinit to a iiiiHtimlorxiiiiiiling with a
Portland firm, A. W Sehwan's tin almp
wna uloscil by Bit ilttai'liineni llio llrnt
of thu week, but Wednomluy lio uot
nuittpra atritilitened out and romiineil
control of bis tinniiiu' noil pliiti'.binu bus!-ni'sa.
bundny Sorvicos.
HT. PAI'I.'H l ltcil - i..iaci..i - !:
- " n c..im,i
. HBaT :oHiIIKi.ATIONAI. l.lHKdl
lltiv, J. W.Cittrali l'rtlr . Hervlcea at 10 Ml a. M
I ami 7 Ml c a Mmelny Hi lu,.,l alter iiinmln
I "fviee I'lHycf iiit'i'tlnir W iiflrif'lii y e vrtlfia
I 7 iHu.eli.ck I'rnyer iiii i'tliiii 'il Y'imiiii i .le'i
H tO'Iv ..i ci.ri.iu,, Kmlaavir every HiiikUji
I "" ii .iiraniii.
I pin'' BAHi-r ciiiki:ii. -iiav. M U
I 111 oil, fml. if Morn nil Hi'rvlen at 1 1 r Hiri'1i V
ni ni.i.iai i r vrnliiK MiTHcn 7 Ml: lla-HOIaf
prayer nn-cllliK Wnillieailay rvi'lilnx. Molitllljl
i.'ivenani nifriiiitr rverr we'lneauay evriniia
precnlliiK the Oral Humlay Hi Urn liiontli. A
eor lal liivltallon In all.
lliLi anaa an, l'aau,r. On Hun. lay maaa at i ant)
loan a. aj. K.mrjf aeenml ami fourtli Huii'lagr
'irmall arrinoli alter llm a o clock maaa
Al all other maaaea KiikIUIi ai rinoiia. Hmiilar
Hclinol al ll e. M. Vitapera, apoloKetleal
aiiblceia ami lleiiFillcilnii al 7 mr. N.
a.' H'lavaea, I'aaior. Morning aervlee at II,
Hillolay Hrhool at HI Ul. Cluaa Inert III J alter
morning arrvlin. Kvriilnir arrvlee at 7. an
Kiiwortli Irf-agiic meeting Humlar evening al
m I'rayer Mining Tliurnlay evening al 7.3U.
atrangrra nonllallv Invltnl.
KlltHT I'll KrtllV'l KIUAN CllfHCH.-Knr. A
. Montgomery. I'aator. Hrrvirraal II a at. and
7 Ml r . Ma M,a I h Mchool al 10 a. at. Voiiii
I'rople a Hir.mj ol Clirlallan Kmlravor inwu
every Miimlay evening al (I m Wrrliieala;
evening ,ray-r meeting at 7:80. Heata Iree.
KVANO .I.K.AI. lll,:i(;il-(IKIMAN-ll, K.
Ilonaai un ii. I'aator J. it. Klinirr -l tin'.
FreaelniK aervlcea every Hiimlay al II A. M.
ami J -an H M Halibatli aet.iwl every HuiKlay al
I0A.M.M' . i man Hiipl. I'rayer Meetlug
every Tlinrarlay evening
IlKHI L It r...'iK- l V. I'. CIH.'IICII
niniioi.n mil ,y ng.,( . an I l i n ,y ol
each in. mill. M.,l,l.i., r.l al ID, A, l. each
Hatbilil. J ll H. i'. i , Mil '.
W. II. M !..), l a l r.
KV AN'iKI.I' AI. I.I1IIKHAS f llCltril-I,
'ierv. I'aao.r -in-rman arrvlcra rvrry Hiuiilay
al II n'elia'k A M. Kngliali arrvirra at 7 V.
M Hun. lay arhool al 10 o'clock A. M. Ie.
Hon- Hintr room nrit HiH,r ni bakery In Hlilve
Iry 'a building, corner ol ijevi'iitb anil Madiaoa
The Queen of Fashion
Superb, Strictly Up-To-Date Desifnj,
Illustrations and Fashion Notes.
Sellable, Bright and Clean.
A year's subscription for
Only GO Cents,
Including, free, your choice of any one of tt
Celebrated McCall Bazar Patterns,
and all patterns to subscribers
Only 10 or 13 Cents.
Send a i-cent stamp for a sample copy to
48 Kal 1 lib til., ,ew York.
The Independent.
Kclhllot'f, I.IIKI.AUV
am) Family
I " li. 1' in un 1 1) itionnl, tiiibiaseil uml i in pit r
tial. A piiH'rfor i'li'ij.'vuien. a. litil
urn, ti'iirlii TM.-bn.tii'Mi nu t, uml
fiiinilii'H It ibccnssi"! every
Inl'it' of I'M ,i,v lH'io
Iiiiih. lli'iiloL'ii'al.
poltiii-al, literal y.mvial,
ariiMir uml Krii niilie. ltcnn
tribnieil iirlieles arc by the nowi
I'liiiiii'iit wiiteiHol Ilie 1-1 1 i if-i i l.iiintuijio.
II pmpl ya kiii ih 'it nn.1 iliattn
fjuihlieil wrilera uh editors of ila Twenty
on k Dkpaktmkntm.
A p.ip. r (.rt tii'iiliirly lined for lawyer,
dortor , fl I ruyim n, iho.o niaoj in
busincfH, you g' people of both sex en
mon and wninon who r"ad ami think for
A pnK-r ChiH'ciiillv valuable lor those
intert'Hte'l in Kink Akth, Si iknck, Mcsic.
A paner Hiving vhIiihIho IiiPh inatinn
liptltl KlNANCK, 1.IFK l.SNllKKNCK, CoM
MUKCIS A paper for ciunday School Wukkkrs.
IIHWk I(.i ll.lVO u l'AKM, IiaiV or
HoiisK Plants. A imia-r for the fainili'.
old O'ul Vi'ttnc
Tim Indki'kndknt unnounreH to its
subpi'riborH, and to anvwlin tnav hocome
SJ t Ilia t- i' x nreiiiireil to fiiiniHll anv
pap'i'H and inni.ii!liii- published in ibis
country, hnirliind, rranroanii tierinaiiy,
al a very liir.e reduolion from pnbiialioni'
rates riia opportunity im open only to
Mitwriorra ol l iik Indki'kndknt. Upon
recoivin.; ii:.l of uupors or manatinea
from indivi'tiiula or roipliint rooms rn
entiiiiuto will be eiven by return mail.
Its yearly Mihsviiptiiiri ia $;!.0O, or at
that rate for iinv pait of it year.
t'lulis ot rive, $2 0(1 carh.
Spoi;inii:ll Cupid Imvu.
1. 0. Ilox 7S7. 1 !0 Fuiton Sir. et,
i'ew Yoik,
VL A paaphlM nf faifnrnialloa tat mb-ltJ
f airact n( the iaa,ibuiu lugV
Otrtln I'aunla. lavaata, TrAdr
VX alaka, (,i.,nhu, tml frit. Jf 9
f laaa INUMN & CO. Vr
Agn SAY X H30a.ii
The ButTet Car Route.
iiortet and Quict
Between the Pacific Coast and
St. Paul, Minneapolis and
All Points East.
CARH and
For Service, Scenery
And all comfort in travel, purchase
your tickets
The Great Northern.
For information regarding rates,
etc, call on or addrena
U P AT. A..
U Sr 1 HU, Portland. Or.
u w. r. A .
Keattlr, Wab.
Of tho
Expresa Traina leave Portland Daily.
I North.
Cortland Ar
OrwioC'lty Lv
8. Frauelaro Lv
8 10a.m.
7 :00 e at
Pullman Buffet Sleepers.
Second-Class Sleeping Cars
Attached to all through trains.
Portland Ar
OreaonCity Lv
KiMiuburf Lv
I I W r. a
I "-Mi.
HA I. KM PAS ENdEK. (Dillr.
4: r. at I
l.S r. X.
citl in i
Oteir. n liy
- 1 in
I 19 15 l.
I 8 10 A.
Weal Hide Division.
Mall Train, Iislly (Except Sundav.)
1 SUA.
1 .as r.
At Alhanvand forvallls connect with Iraius
ol Ureiion (eu r.l 4 E.a.o n Railroad.
Einreaa Train Dailv (Except Sunday)
7:25 p. .
Portland Ar
McMlnnvllle Lv
16:50 a.
Can be obtained at lowest ratea from L B
Moore, Agent. Oregon City.
Manager. Aaa't O. P. and Paaa. Agent
E. McNeill, Receiver.
Gives the choice of
Kansas City.
Rates to all
Eastern Cities.
Leave Portland every five days for
Fast mail train leaves Portland
daily at 8:45 p. m.
The Dalles local leaves Portland
daily including Sunday at 8:6 a.
m. connecting at East Portland
with S. P. incoming overland train.
For full details call on or ad
dress, V. II. IIURLBURT,
Gen. Passenger Agent,
Portland, Or.
Burmeister tx Andresen
Are selling handsome Eight Day
Clocks at $5.00. Other Clocks
proportionately low.
Qfegon Citi)
Conveniently of access
Free from the noise
Skillful nurses and every
class hospital.
Ample room that patients may have quiet
ness and rest. Special rooms
for ladies.
8ervices of the best physicians of the county
in attendance.
Address, MISS M.
Opportunities iur Investors and Speculators.
No county like Clackamas no city like
Oregon City.
No man possessed of even horse sense ever lost money fey a judicious
investment in Clackamas County. It would be nearly impossible to
lose money by buying in Oregon City. It's becautiful location great
manufacturing establishments large and constantly increasing pay
roll its great and promising future, mikes Oregon City, incomparable
the best city on the northwest coast for the investment of capital. It
follows then that you may have an interest in the bargains below.
2 lots and new cottage in west side addition to Oregon City, 5 minutes
from paper mills, Sale or trade.
No. 1 building lots near Presbyterian church one block from 7th St.
cheap part cash, balance on time.
4 lots near Barclay school for trade or sale.
Two lots on Main street, at Congregational church for Fale. Best, situ
in town for grocery store or private boarding-house. Will
build for good tenant.
Another good block of land adjoining Barclay school block in Oresroia
fit.- .1 I .. ia .. ,. . .
'-'".J in iiuusu uiu uuru tiiy wuier ngni in me neart oi ui3
city. Sell cheap, or t'ade for farm. Will bear careful investigation.
1 lot in Darnell's addition on .Uolalla road. Sale or trade.
1 lot in Park addition. Sale or trade.
One block of land at Elyville, on
. suoaivwe into lots; two new houses, two barns, and two
splendid wells. This property is delightfully situated and
would suit the most fastidious. Will sell for part cash, or will
trade for an improved farm.
One new and pretty 6-rooui cottage;
wun iour iois, overlooking
Takes some money. House
One lot in the thriving railroad town
a whole lot more. Will trade this lot for horses, cattle, sheep, hogs
or goats, or just anything to help you out. This is a good lot and
in a good town, but I don't want it, as I have no need for it un
der the heavens.
80 acres of Columbia county bottom
on, and in grass. Two miles
One of the best modern constructed
uiock oi iana, level, ana aflording one of the most lovely views
to be had in the city. New and handsome frame barn. No
finer residence property in the city; one block from public BchooJ.
Will trade for Al outside property.
Will sell or rent for long term the best
Mwiuiuouo iivt-i aim iiavsi, owe jMecinc naiiroaci. Will sub
divide and sell in acre tracts, or rent in parcels.
132 feet frontage on Main street, in
, uinuo, un cici-tiw uuo. ii in
sell at a big bargain.
Carpenters, plasterers, brick masons, teamsters, mill men. Wer'
wanted to buy homes and pay
For further particulars, call on or address
and pleasant located.
and dust of the city.
convenience of a first fl.
SSI sxxmrznsmrxlA
main Molalla road; level and will
hard finished; cellar, pprins water.
mils, at Uanemah, tor sale or tradfl.
cost $1000,
of Tekoa; worth f 300. or nerhars
land, mostly slashed and burned
from Columbia river. Trade or
dwellings in Oregon City; wholo
garden land in Oregon, on t ha
Oregon Citv; street improvements
irnue ior goou country property, or
for it in work.
E. GT.OSS, Oregon City, Oregon. .