Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1896)
I T Oregon City hntcrprise. (IIIKllliN CITY iKICKMH lllrnlll MIAIIfllt I . H , i onm ritit K Ilunm I'. H nil II II l lliilmmt I' I. lir III ll I' IuI.i'ni k, Jr. W II lluw.ll II. II I hll-llll kiMuirilt'r. (lltliil il I'nlli'ii Tri'.iiiriT. lli'y A 1 1 y. Hit itl I'niniiilmit'Hii'r, H 1 1 1' . lil WilUT Wtirke, (Ml y Kiiillicm. lliiilurlltiit'li - II. I'. HI vtll li'ii, Ilruilifliliill. J J 1'iHikK, linn) Junior, lim a IIh i-!l, I,. I, I'urlur, II ( r y MkIiIiiiiii, J. Vi. Mollnll. iiuiinrll inml Itrnl Wi'ilninilti) ulimrli niniilh In oily hall I'HIHAY JANI'AHY ill, Ihwh. CI I AT ABOUT TOWN. ALWAYS lltDsll I'.xtru hihIii milkers, Snow flukti i riu kiTH, l.iuig lliiintli I'liukers, Kuiiey rakes, I'lnk tens, Wills! bisi'llita, Mlll'IIMIUIIH, Kngur wafers ll ivurx, K, lv Willlittnn 1 1 1 Krui'iT. Wauled Wood nt dm I:ntkhi ihk of- III'!'. If you wuiil n newlng iniirhiiie for f-ft go lo lli'llnniy Hiibi li'n. ' Money Id limn on kimkI ri'iil estate wi-unty by A. K. Presser. Illnnk iidIk, roreipt and order books I tlm Isntkiii'Hink ollife Clmir biilluiim nt Parker ,lt I low unl 'it from III rents iii, Itiihuliiig niiiU. The latest In visiting rnnlii nt tlm 1'n Tklil'Hinii OfKli.K. I'rlees to null you. Clothing will bit Milil nt nrtunl coHt nt ('Imimiin A Sun'ri lor tln ni'il 'M iluyn. Tlin "Ki'rnii'nn'" i tlm bil rlifiir pvit nolil fur n nli kli. K. K. Willlniim lb KiiM-ir. I'oiin.l, n mlr of uolil Hpi-rliii lim in IcnibiT rrnm. Cull nl tlm KxrunriiiiiK i i.ii'u- M, ul, inn oil 10 ri-lili) IidIIIk, nUo inn"!!" f.,r nil kUiiU of initi'biiii'" nt I'. I! Muitln'i. Cnmlli-ii rmiiliiit ti lfltt nml ibiv, nin.lii'ii Iti'mIi u iii-w mow ii buy Id tlm Nuvi'lly ruiiily fm'lory. I'ili'ii n( ! Iiiivi I'lli-B, but IV Will'.. Ul. .1.1. rl:,U'H Will rlltll llll-lll. Wl..... iiiu.H-rlv m,,l it . nr.- M-.l.l. ! mi'I bni ii wilbiiut llm nliubli-Hl uiin Frank I'. Welch, denlmt, graduate "' the Cnlvernily of rennnvlviinia, WW be in Oregon City ollice Tlnirmlnyof em-li week ; remainder of each week i l'"rt Innd ollice, room 771ckiiin hililding. Knyler'n Molullu lmin give complete nntihlactiou. K. K. William the gro cer. Arthur Klrchem, an innine patient, who eciiM-d from the nnylum nt Salem, a reidilciit of Miiltiiomiib county, wan ' npliired in thin city lant Friday, and retiiriii-d totlm aulhorilien at Salem by Chief Iturna. Tho.nn H. Tongue, chairman ol the i of the rongrennional coiiimitlee of the llml dutrict, bun calhil a meeting of Hint Ihi.Iv, to convene in Portland at the Hotel l'erkinn on February lit Ii. C O T. William In the member from Clui'k'itiiM county. There will bo a union meeting nf all i the Chrlnllan Kmlnavor nocietie in the city next Sunday evening nt nix o'rlwk at the rtaptitt church. The tonic wMl lie, "Laborer Together with Uml." At 7:30 there will he Young People' rallie at the Baptist and Muthodint cbiirchea. Dr. Cowan and Kev. Kugg will be in attendance at the M. K. church, while lev Slryker and Mont gomery will preniile at the Baptist church. All are invited to attend the Fndeavor Cnion meeting and the ral- lien on tin) name evening. F'or tlm pant month Prof. J. W. Orny, principal of the Puikplnco nchool, and Prol. II. W. Starkweather, principal of the Oswego schools, havo been conduct ing a tnrdineus content between the pu pil of their respective clnnse. The re milt of the content will be known thin (Fridny) evening, and the winner will receive a clan Hug from tho loser as an award for their regular attendance. Thin method ha proved very successful in other place a an incentive to regu lar attendance at school, and it is hoped Unit tliiswill prove no excep tion to (he rule. For moie than a hundred yearn tho Shaker have been studying the medical the remedial properties of plant. They havo miide innny discoveries, but their greatest achievement was made lunt year. It is a cordial that contain al ready digeslod food and is a digester of food. It 1 effective in removing dis tress after eating, and creates an appetite for more food ho that eating becomes a pleasure. Palo, thin people become plump and healthy under its uso. It arrest a the wanting of consumption. There never baa beon such a step for ward in the cure of indigestion as this Shaker Cordial. Your druggist will be glad to give you a little book descriptive of the product. Givo the bailies Laxol, which is Cas tor Oil made as palatable as Honqy, ROYAL Baking Powder. Highest of all In leavening Strength. V, S. Government Report CK.NTIMI, CONMII IKK MKKT.H. J 11 ( -m A t"'t '"'' Tim I r llnlil Imr ('mi illy ntiriMilloii l iznil. 'i'lin 'liirkuiiiiiM nmiity republican ceil (nil euniiiiilleo Imiil u meeting nt I'upu's liull, lust Muii'duy afternoon nt 'I . in., pursuant Id cull ol ('hitlrmuti Henry Mnlilriim mill Herrelary lieorgn I,. Story 'I'lm majority o( llni prednetn were r ; rescritt'd, mill llni gathering wiih liiirinu iiiniiH In nil ill ilrlilii-riitiuriH Cliiilriiiiin Mi'Miiiiii 4iiiiuiiiii'i"l Ibut Ihiu meeting was fulled fur lln purpose of IIxIiik lln llnni mill iluli) f'H hold tig llin ri i im ri.-M iiimI enmity rniivelitioii, nlmi, In II x llii ti'iri' ehUtinn of dele gnl.'H fiDin I'lii'li pit'tinet to mild eon voli tion. I l lurlhi'i slated liml li im r i 'ii dm fur rnlilii;! lb' I'DHVKiiliiiii it t iIiih eii'y lulu H.ix fur I lin 1 1 1 mn ol giving in i n v' llf tllll tlieilibl'M WI'IU ill llltl'll'l.lllri' iiiiin tlm fin nil cu.irt, uu oppur; u;,i.y In nlli'iiil tlm romuiiltoo ini'i.'lii.., wIid WOlllll DllllTWIBI! llllVll t'j iiiukii two trim Id Oregon t'ily. After hoiiiii HDIIIII dial llssioll tllll ll.liiM llf reptOMfU t II t Kill M'UN Ulloplf if JIM flllllJWH DllUlll'l- i egulii ill large fur 1'iirli priTinct, uml unit fur every IH votes or frurtioii for I linn'T llrriiiiiiin lor nuigress ut 1 1 1 I net ; Hindi elnrtinii. This itivt'M enrh proeiiif.t I Uu' following representation : I'rtintiiot. Ilnriiivin'a vntit. No. ditlfeiif. Iturliw VI a Iti'iivi'r CriM-k . . . . 1K 4 HuriiiK ill '& Cmii'inuli fH a Cnnby 5 Cnnyon ('wk . 15 . . .2 Cuih'nib-ii 101' 5 Cbnrryvillu 1H 'i Clm kiiiniiM IKI b K.IKIH (Wk M .'I (iiortfi) l.'l .2 HnnliiiK Wi 3 IliK'liUn.l 411 a MiUmiku.) Nwly lao (i in:' & I Ibwi'Kd nil . .(Ml. I'll'IIBHIlt Hill SirinKwlt'r ... Ill a Smlu SprniK- . .40. a Sieyern 11 2 Ciiion aa a .Vent Oregon City 47 .'I Abernethy Hil 4 Miilile Ijiiic ... 41 a New I'm n"i 4 V 1,17 Oregon City No I, 177 7 Oregon City No a, 77 4 (;, lirld 4o a Iiiima-ciiii I4 4 TnaUli.i a4 3 Milk Creek .... 24 2 t'pier Molallu. .-. .44 a l.wer Molullu ...22 2 Viola at 3 Uriiiain 10H S Totul number of delegate in the con vention 133 A motion w an made and t arried that the cl. airman of the county central com mittee call the convention not leH than ten dnyn prior to the ntatu convention an called by the ntatu central committee, iiii.l llm iirtiiinrli.H In hi culled not hhM . . , , the county con vent ion. It win moved nml carried that the member of each precinct committee, apMiintthe jtiilgcn and clerkn of elec tion for the primaries. After the general routine of bun'men ntirring K-ecbe were made by A. It. Manpium, (ieorge O. liinearnon, 1'r. J. II Hickman, of Clackanian; Charle Mencrve.J. K. McCunnell, Charle Hoi man, K. W. Mullaiu, SherilT Maddock andolherri. All the remark indicated that the republican party were ntantlitig unitedly together with one object in view, Hint of a republican victory for Clackama county in the coming Juno election. No roll wan called, hut a near an can be ancerlained the following repiuauutu liven from the vaiioun precincts were in attendance a coiniiiitteuieii from the varioun precinct : 10. I. linker, Plennnnt Hill. U. W, Prosner, Oswego. (ieorgo O. Hineuraon, Abernethy. M. VI. McGuehan, Maple Lime. F. C. Harlow, Milwaukee. Henry Meldrum, Oregon City No. 2. U. L. Slory, Oregon City No. 3. II. E. Smith, West Oiegon City. L. D. Shank, Canby. Andrew Kochcr, Harlow. Kobert Leslie, Murquain. II. J. Thomas, Soda Spring. T. B. Thomas, Beaver Creek. J. F. Nelson, Milk Creek. J. H. Morton, Damascus. George Unndall, New I'.ra. W. V.. Uonney, Cnnyon Creek. Dr..!. II. Hickman, Clackamas. II. L. Patterson, Harding. W. Boring, HoringB. Harm Paiilnen, George. V. W. Midlam, Canenmh. George. Khmer, Needy, Among those who were ia attendance at the convention, and who were in the city on that day, a few ot whom are mentioned as follows, lid Harrington, of Highland; W'eldon Shank, of Canby; E. H. Burkhardt, of Deep Creek; K. Scott, of Milwaukee ; 8. J. Garrlnon, Georgo Knight and II. A. Vorpuhl, of Canby; C. II. Hubbard, Canyon Creek; Henry Trogo, Fred Heinor, Dninascas, J. C. Paddock, C. F. Clarko, Jas. Hoots, L. E. Wise, and Ed Dedinan, of Clack iuiihh;J. K. McConnoll, Pleasant Hill; E. 10. Judd, Marqtiain. and a num ber of othoia. All expressed them selves a well pleased with the work of the committee. Highest of all In Leavening Power. Lateit U. S. Cov't Report ABSOLUTELY PURE ItAltLOW MtTKS Tfiiclii'M KiilnrliiliiH I'hi' I'biiiiI Jury Vfrdlcl Th If ii I i'i Viiuiiif Spi-nker. ItK.riTATioN a n ii Huvii. Minn Millinl ItrDiii'lli'lti'.n vnry iinrtly nml uttrur'ivei i ' ' ' litllo luily o only nvi!iili!ii minnm-rn, cmiii-Id liui luw TliurmUy mi'I ib-livurnil n vury rniclilnblii l-riiif rMii- b-riure nt ii... if v ..i. .....i. .... it. ..i All . m k .. ' 1 wcio U'lmitli'il frcn uml a colli'i tion j tnkmi ii, MiBH r.roiiiilli-IU' rnpiainiiiK I to tboBi- iruM-nl lb objiict of bi;r work, j Sbc in fiom liiirvniM, wbro ln-r fiillmr in ! u I'ri-Bliyli-rimi inuiiBlfr nml nn xliu in ', one of n birKi-fiimily ol i!biii"ii nlm Iihh j (li-cbli'il to niloit IbiH nmtli'nl of i-iirnii' hhuiikIi Id i-nabli- bi-r to i.Dinpli'lo ln r j eiluniliori, nt tlm muni! tune mippDrtiii) ; Imrm-lf ami litllo ninler. Kriiluy cveninK j after tlm lilerury meelinit lm unve n m-rien of reriUtiuliH Hbowing bemelf to lie ipiitii mi clix ntioiiiHt fur one mi vouiik) nml eni'b nuleetion wan beariily received I .... .... Sim khh aided lV a noun by ber mntcr, whom) nwi'i-t childiHli voice wan loudly npplmid.-d; aim. by n Imrijo nolo by l Carey M Umnnby, w ho in a popular j youtiK man of Ibin luwn and who l j inn in , i. iiiiiiim "ii itiiin ';'n'ii alwivn finely received, no mutter in whnt rapacity be i;reelM an audience. Minn Itronellelte in refined mid. lady-like ia manner" and we winli her every iiuc cckb iii her brave undertiikini;. AiuiksT Mauk koii Faht Ikivinu. An j exemplarly cane wan tried in J nil ice' Kitler'n court here Tlmrnilay which re- j nulled in the nciiittal of the young rnnn. : Mr. Coiiethern, a young luun living on j .Mark'n I'mirie wbh the center of attrac 1 lion when brought up In-fore hi Honor; to nhow rcnuonu why he hIioiiM drive j fiiHter thiiu u wulk over our tountv budge (.jiuiiiiing tlie Pudding river be-i I wee ii Aurora and Harlow. The com- j plaint was brought by Mr. W. W. Irvin who had received iiiHtructionn to nee J that our luw nre enforced, hence acted In g'xnl faith. The young man pleaded: "not guilty," in i-oiiieipience a jury win i in u , u.i.l u f 1 1. r lii.iirini (lit wil i ,,, .. i i . nennea of the pronecution and uefenno, .1 i I . i . .. i , the iuiv retired and noon brought in t. e verdict "not guilly." The aituniey for llm pronecution wan Pice of Oregon City with Murk of Barlow (or the defense. KoraiNo Political Mkktinii. Next Monday will no doubt witness one of the largest gathering that ha ever assem bled in Columbia ball, for the purpoHe of hearing Hon. II. I. Barkley, of Wood- burn on the political issues of the day. jour streets Saturday, County Suprin Mr. Barkley with hi already thorough tendent of Schools Gibson, Messrs. knowledge and study of politic for the Story, Strange, Gary, nnd Wnrd ; Misses past sixteen yeari, will, in additmn en- lighten his listener wi'lian account of a recent political experience in Wa-hing ton, D. C. Thin gentlemen i second to ' none a an orator on the Pacific coast j '"r any season, but perhaps more gener ated (hose who are fortunate enough to I ally neeued. when the languid exhausted hear him will certainly consider it a i 'i''ng prevails, when the liver ia torpid great treat. Other prominent speakers nd sluggish and the need of a tonic and w ill follow. Come every one. Uemetn- j alterative is felt. A prompt use of this ber Monday evening February 31 at 8 i medicino ban often averted long and per o'chxk, Columbta ball. ! haps fatal bilious fever. No medicine Cahii Pahtv. Several friends of Mr. ; will act more surely in counteracting and Mr. Henry Hedge wore invited to an' feeing the system from the malarial spend last Thursday evening at their j Poison. Headache, Indigestion. Consti reaidence on Walnut Ave. Euchre was pation and Dirtiness vieUl lo Electric the game of the evening and three table Bitters. 61c and 11.00 per bottle at were tun continuously and gome fine playing donn. About midnight an elegant lunch was nerved and after some time in couveranlion those present re paired to their respective home:, U ex pressing tlm iii selves as having been most delightfully entertained. Some of the invited guest were: Mr. and Mrs Will Irvin, Mr. ami Mrs. Cuss U. Barlow, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Birlow, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Andiew. Mm. R. E. Irwin, Mr. Sheppnrd andJay Green. Litkkahy Sociktv Mkkts The re gular meeting of the literary mid debut ing society was held in Columbia hall Friday evening and there was a very flue attendance. This being election night the follow inn otllcer were elected to serve a term of four weeks : Presi dent, J. E. Marks; yice-president, C. F. Z.oigler; Becrotary, Mis Sheppard, treas urer, Miss Ktlie Adama; janitor, C. M. Hamshy ; sargeant at-arms, Will B. Tiill. The debate for the next meeting was selected, Resolved, "That Animals Reason." The society is in a prosiwrous condition and has our heartiest best wishes. Cot NTY Tkaciikrb Mkkt. The teach er of Clackamas county, some 35 in number, met in Barlow Saturday and bold their meeting in the school house. A great number of the townspeople wore in attendance and enjoyed the folks by the different teachers, also the program that had been arranged. Some local talent was on the program and they all acquitted themselves creditably, Miss Viva Tull especially charming her lintnors with, "My Love is a Sailor Lad" Miss Tull is a favorite not only because of her sweet voice, but of her pleasing apiieurance and winning ways. This is the third time tho associution has met hero and we hope it may not be the lust. Powder a.'I'iiNAI.II Ni imui.h. Our l!H twniHil udihI fi-llnw fili.mi, Mr. Hi-nry ti'iii : :. i . . i i. II'. Ii y in, junior iiit'iiioiT oiiiiii jiuriun if 111 j Mvrrlnintili' Co. mi'I Mm. ( i-lm Me IidiiuIiI wiirfl innrrii'il in voiir city Tui-h-tiny Jmiuary 2Hlli, only ri'lutiveii mul frii.nilM l.i.itnf unl TI.U KuliriV ' ...... . ' . , . ., I'linii ii Ifu.k I Li ul ..riiiw.n truitiliir Iwirt- I Imiil, tliiuico to ABlorin ulicru thuy will ri-Hiili for nt leant a fi'W fiionlliH. We wIbIi tin-in nil tlm liuiiimHn nml proH- :i.. 'it IB'Iliy IBIBWIIIH?, Ki-ki.iai. Hi iiddi. Mkktini.. In piimu- mice lo u cull for n HH!tiul ncbool meet- IK for Ibo jmrpDne of votinK a tax to tuke tniu of inlert-iit on ncbool TliB mt-i'tiiiK huh faiil)' lL-priti:iileil by our citiz- iik, mul wnaculluil lo order by I'. H. Mulloy, cbairiiiun. After routine biimnenii, tlm tax nun voted of a levy of one ami one liulf mill to pay interent on bomla for 'Wi nml create a inLin fund Adjourned bin die. ... .. . . , . . Mihh hflie Aduinn hpent Tueeday in The Mi-nen Knil.t of Canby attended tl,e mMilute Saturduy. Atty. J. E. Marks vinited Oregon City Monday on court btisineHH II. L. Keen, hop-buyer for I. lice & Co. w an in tow n one day taut week. Dave Will and Mina Klora Will went to Oregon City Tuesday morning. Mm. W. P. Hawlvy and son of Oregon City were viniiing in Barlow Thurnilay. Hon. William liarlow waa in Salem to interview Gov. Lord, one day thin week. Uin. i.ieny ana wile ol Aurora were trannucling busiiieKn iu Barlow Monday. George Staver, formerly of the firm of staver and Walker, Was aeen in town one day lunt week. Mrs. Celia McDonald came up on the Salem lout Monday, ret inning to Ore gon City Tuenday morning. P. L. Coleman, once a teacher of thin place b'Jt now of .Macksliurg, wa ai tend- ; ... , , ing the institute here Saturday, Hnry F. Puney of Oregon City j "I""' Sunday in town viniiing hi par euts Mr. and Mr. Tlioma Pusey Mr. and Mr. Cass U. Barlow left for Astoria Wednesday, to be absent several days, business calling Mr. Bar low thither. Prominent among those seen upon Porter, Momoe and lounger, Kledrlc Hitlers. Electric Bitter is n medicine suited Charman & Co's Drug Store. GIVE AWAY A Simple Packet (4 to 7 doeee) el Dr. Pierce's a. Pleasant Pellets To any one sending name and address to us on a postal card. OSCB USED THEY ARB ALWAYS IN FAVOR. Hence, our object in tending them out broadcast , ON TRIAL a. They abaolutely rare- Sick Headache, Bil toasneas, Constipation, Coated Tongue, Poor Appetite, Dyspepsia and kindred derange ments of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. Don't accept some substitute said to b " just as good." The substitute costs the dealer less. It costs you ABOUT the same. HIS profit is in the "just as good." WHERE IS YOURS? Address for Free Sample, World's Dispensary Medical Association, A'A 663 Mala St, BUFFALO, X K Uatel? tl6t Window Ami you will each week we hoiiio Ktatile, ami u.scful arti cles marked at pricftB you never bought the name at he fore, lteriii'iiibcr theHe pric-H holil good for juxt the one week. Don't worry an to whether money iH being lost or made on them, hut granp the opportunity and buy while you have the chance. PUTROW'S TINST0RE, WHBRB PRICES . ARB AUWAYS RIGHT. A QUICK BREAKFAST. Can be prepared with our self-raising Buckwheat flour, (Jriddle Cake Hour, Flapjack pan cakes. Steamed rolled wheat. Tettyjohn'B breakfast food. Maple sap syrup. Creamery butter. E. E. WILLIAMS, The grocer. DO fOU FEEL BAD? Does your back ache? Are vou troubled with constipation? Does your stomach refuse to digest your food? Do vou have malaria? Doee every step you take seem a burden? Are you wakeful at night? Do you feel the need of a stimulant? If so, three doses of Moore's Revealed Remedy Will make you feel like a new person. It contains no alcohol or spirit of any kind, no quinine, no min erals. For sale by your druggist. BLUMAL'ER FRANK DRUG CO., WHOLESALE AGENTS, PORTLAND, OR. SEE Davies Exhibit And have 'our photos taken at the gallery. Third aud Morrison Sts. Entrance on Morrison Street. A. W. PHILLIPS, EXPRESS AND DELIVERY. Prompt attention to hauling to any part of Oregon City. Moving attended to promptly and carefully. Special rates given on hauling to and from Gladstone and Park place. ...The Prairie Farmer... IS THE Greatest of AH Farm Papers. It presents each week all that is worth knowing in current agricul tural literature. Each number contains more solid reading matter than any other agricultural paper, and covers a broader field, Subscription Prlce.Onepollar a Year. It is the Paper for the People. Sample ClntiDliis Offers for 1895-6: The Prairib Farmer ) en, vm m TPI)r I UUtU 1 UfUlU UUV J UUl anu j., nc Weekly IntkrOcean) WI $1.43. The Prairie Farmkb ) nnh panpro nn ChicaqoWeekly Times) 762? fOrjl.25. Address The Prairie Farmer, Chicago. HEALS RUNNING SORES CURES THE SERPENT'S STING CONTAGIOUS completely eradicat- BLOOD P0IS0Hs,sors;.(rJf ; ulcers yield to its healing powers. It re , moves the poison and builds up (he system ViiuAtaa uteth on ih 'liw irvt Id trmM vailed mew iwif i bru.ii-u. lu juuau, be. FOR CLATSKANIE Steamer G. W. Shaver, Will leave Portland, foot of Washington Street, for Clatskanie and way landings, Monday, Wed nesday and Friday mornings at 6 o'clock, and return to Portland Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays This the most direct and accessable route to the Nehalem Vally only nine miles from Clatskanie. Shaver Transportation Co. To the Public WHAT THE GAMBRIMS DELIVER AT VOI R HOUSE: The Gambrines Pilsner or Bavarian Bottle Beer, per Doz. Quarts at $1 50 California White Wine per gal 80 " Claret Wine per gal. 80 " Port Wine per gal. 1 50 " Cherry Wine per gal. 1 50 Best " Grape Brandy per gal. 4 00 lOyear old Whiskey, Nonpa reil per gal 4 00 Our goods will be found the best ever offered tothe public at the price. Leave your order. We garrantee our goods to give satisfaction or will cherfully refund your money. N. F. Zimmerman. For Keg Beer leave your order. PORTLAND TO THE DALLES DALLES CITY steamers REGULATOR Daily boats, except Sunday, leav ing Oak street dock at 7 a. m., mak ing regular landings at Vancouver, Cascades, White Salmon, HoiW River and all intermediate points. Passenger and freight rates lower to these points than by anv other line. First class meals served for 25c. This is the Great Scenic Route. All tourist admit that the scenery on the Middle Columbia is not ex celled for beauty and grandeur in the United States. Full informa tion by addressing or calling on J. N. HARXEY, Agent, Tel. 914. Portland, Or., Office and wharf, foot of Oak St. v for them I pet them. Dlant fth.Mii. Thv are thl 'standiird seeds every vchpr r ftown bv the Tareest planters in the world. WhutVvnnnlunt fiftmnilfkrA tVflt r""" TW uvulae J f,""" " 1 , , j Ul K I uu uu ur W e)UI CO jw j , Drive Kerry' sa animi iur i rwiL I l L-l- U..-. ir fur fa.. 1110 IIIUM VlUniHJ UWR lire mem and gnrtleners ever given away, muneu mot. D. M. FERKV A CO.. Detroit, Mich. Rill Lit L )