Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 31, 1896, Image 2

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Rfpulillcmi I'lult F.lerls Deleirutos M
E. I to It ui 10 h ("linn h-Thp
(.range Nuts a Hull.
engineer to II ml lor him Hi roads he had
worked last summer.
Jake Kaulmian ami Mins Nora K (oil were
married at ihi residence of Justice Kilter
on Mtiniluv the '.Mill. A daneo who given
in their honor that night al the home of ilia
bride's parents, Mr. and Mm. A. Rich. The
Mink Items.
Mink, Jan. :'7. Tho housebreaker or
burglar who broke into F.mll Uornsohuch's
liouonc day a idiorl time ago, has con -J
fi'MMsl. It in no other personage than ho
who has caused trouble on many another
! IkVllslon KcrlllinilllMo ull.-li U'nrlt 1 1 ...,,l.l
j boy wlui went to. charivari (hen, got badly , till a page if his deeds should he I
! although only it boy of nearly llfteen veiir.
scared for some reason and run, some of
them fallitit Into ditch and Retime a good
ducking. Th next time you undertake a
charivari, hnv. fakii a lltllit imim nuirit
Oswmo, Jan. 31. -On last Friday e venini! you
pursuant to a .all mad by the prvM.tei.t o! 1 ...
the i Wo republican club. meeting was I Mxnl, Ilia Stl. of February
between th Whisky Hill boys anil the
Needy boys,
held at the old chool bouse for the pur-
nose of electing delegates to attend the
-convention of republican clubs in Port'
land on February 4lh. K. L. Mintie, presi
dent of the club, called the reeling to tmler,
and stated In object. The following dele
gates were elected: F. I. Mintie, delegate at
large; IVx-tor A. L. Saylor, A. J. Monk,
J. W. Thoniai, O. W. l'rosser ami J. C,
Maine?. Several new names were added to
the club list. Thar wasuot a very large
attendance as it was a very wet night. For
this reason It was thought best to post
pone the election ol new officers until the
second faturday evening In February. The
secretary was Instructed to invite Senator
Droit nell to be with us at that meeting and
address the club.
On last Monday the trustees of the M. K.
church at this place sold the church prop
erty to Oswego Grange No. 175. The school
district held a lease on thechnrch property,
bat the same has been cancelled, and an old
thorn in the flesh to bother school di 'col
ors and church trustees removed. The
church trustees have decided to build im
mediately uu the lota owned by the church
just north of the new school bouse.
It seems as though misfortunes do not
eonie singly to Oswego folks. Martin Peter
son, who has been very sick for sometime,
has two children sick with the scarlet fever.
Tbey are all improving at this writing.
There is a report in town this morning
that a tew of the citizens of Forestville met
last night and organized a republican club.
We would bare liked to have had the boys
come in with us; they don't live very far
oat of town, and surely could have come in
nee or twice a month. However, we sup
pose they know their own business best,
and there is no one that would be more
pleased to see the boys get in work as repnb-
libans of principle than Axirica.
The leap year party at W. Scone's was a
success, as the ladies brought partners and
well tilled baskets.
The dance at Mossbarger I Saturday night
was well attended, forty-six numbers being
Sam Wolfr rand family spent Sunday in
Marjtrille Notes.
Marysvill, Jan. 28 The entertainment
basket supper and dance held at our school
house on Friday January 24th, was a com
plete success, both socially and financially,
and we desire to thank all those who as
sisted us from outside districts. Those most
worthy of mention are Thomas Flynn, John
L. Gard, Cecil Casper, Vina Gard, Jack
Ringo, Prof Ogle. D. C. Ball, Harry Lee,
Holly and Fred North, Willis and Farris
Maylield. Thos. Flynn'i original poem,
"The Marysville Bell" was especially ap
propriate and received the applause it de
served. Josh. Hopkins, (J. L. Gard) from
Torkev Run nearly raised the rafters, and
the '-Ten Cent Dude" shook the whole
Everett Sagar lost another horse lust week
which makes three within a month.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Cuinmings carry
their heads very high for a few days past.
Cause, a twelve pound boy. .Mother and
child doing well.
Koscoe Gard and wife have another bounc
ing baby girl, bom January 24th.
Jit a meeting of the district last night a
t;J bur and eitrht tenths mills was made
to pcy oil' all the debts of the district.
fpringwater Spray,
SrRiMiw.mx, Jan. . A number of the
gay larks ol this vicinity called on Mr. and
Mrs. Warnock at an early hour on the
evening of the 24th instant and had a runs.
ing good time until 12 o'clock, when they all
went home resolved to give Mr. and Mrs.
W. J. Iwellen a surprise early in the week
Henry Palmateer is having some unpleaa-
ant feelings in his band caused by the bite
of a cat. His band and arm are badly
Mr. Valentine is su living from heart
Springwater is billed for a negro minstrel
show by a troop from Kedland on the 30th
instant. I do not know whether they are
real or imitations of negroes.
Our home talent will give a grand enter
tainment at Lewellen s hall on the 31st of
The brave stand taken by the ExTKaratst
against the office and money-seekers of this
state and county ought to be upheld by ev
ery citizen and voter and taxpayer of the
land. Men and brethren down with the
road commission! down with the poor
house, and other unnecessary expenses that
are driving the taxpayers to the wall. It is
a crying shame that every aged father and
mother who are not able to support them
selves, children and grand children, are put
on the county as paupers. ith these
curses in mind we are made to exclaim.
Fly swifter round ye wheels of time and
bring us better days.
It Is a menace to society to allow
siun a person to run at large, and yet
it is sail to relate, his parents always lake
Ins part whenever ho gels in trouble. It Is
the same lad who mauagid to get $1(1 from
a lortland lad last summer, and then In
stead of having Justice dealt out to him as
he deserved, his parents succeeded in unlet
ing the mailer. And on this occasion they
have once more succeeded in depriving him
of his just reward. Hut sulhVe it to say the
time is approaching, if his parents continue
to shield and protect him, Hint he will some
day perpetrate a crime when their protec
tion will not save him. For the boy's own
good and theirs lie would be better oil' in
other hands.
Born, to the wife of Kugene dimming, a
son. All doing well.
The home of F.d. Faller has become more
cheerful since the arrival of a daughter.
Miss llettle Giuttier went to Portland lust
Sunday to meet her sister Rosa.
Kugene Cu nun lug's youngest daughter Is
on the sick list.
Robert Ginther, who has been, teaching
school in Logan, has returned home, his
achool having closed last Friday. I
Our assistant teacher, Miss Ada Gard, Is 1
on the sick list and Johnny Gard is teach- !
Ing in her stead. Tsi.Kriio.NK. I
Molalla Notes,
Molalla, Jan. 27. The grouse have been
hooting for a week in this locality anil every
body seems to be of the opinion that this
is the warmest January on record. April
often brings more snow on the mountains
than there is now, and as long as this con
spicuous scarcity continues, we can expect
lairly giod weather. The present rains re
semble the native April showers.
The Misses French and Hale have a sing-
Maple Lane Items.
Mini Lank, Jan. 21. (Too late for last
Issue. Well, Mr. Editor, spring Is coming
and so Is the " Violet."
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Ward are getting
nicely settled in their new home on Ward
Mrs. John Darling has been 111 with neu
relgia; wehoe to be able to note her recov
ery soon.
Mrs. Drayton, who has been quite ill with
lung trouble, is now suffering with sciatica.
We are hoping to hear of her recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gordon, of Mil 1 1 no,
have moved to the place owned by Mr. Cun
ningham. We are pleased to note the progress our
school Is making under the direction of Mr.
We are pleased to welcome to our neigh
borhood Clay Oreen and family of Mini's
It is easy to tell by the broad smile on
Dick Kimmel's face that something is the
matter: It's a 10',' pound boy, and " looks
just like its papa."
H. S. Strange, of Oregon City, addressed
an appreciative audience last Saturday
evening at the Maple I.ane school house.
Carlton & Rosenkrans,
Vt huvo a largo stock of Winter (inoils which wo will clout' out
ut very low ju'iccs.
Ladies' Jackets
and Mackintoshes.
$1.00 MiHf.es Jrtckftn ..r0
iN.OO T.u.lics' " .1..10
iflll.lH) " " 7..M)
:UK) " Miu'kintoHlu'H 2..'0
Black Rubber Coats
Wk l.7.r ami 2.00 ('out
Mon's f'.MH) C.mts I..ri()
Men's i'lM I 'oats '2M
Boys' and Men's Overcoats.
M.OOImya our 1(H) rout; fl.Ot) Imvs
our t".irtl coat ami if 5. fit) buys our I7.IM)
A nice lino of Men's and I'my's .r(V
ami T5o Winter CajH at 25c.
Men's Wool Shirts.
Both over ami mulcr at
tires Men's rcl llituml
iiiinle from cloth that woiiM cunt
10 to Ml cents or yanl, reduced
ll.'J.I to 11.00, and tho ft..r) grade to
The prico of oversliirts w ill meet with
your approval.
Ladies' and Men's
Fancy Slippers.
Reduced 'J.'c kt piiir, that is, T''C will
!uy fancy velvet slippers that cost $1.00
I'cforc the holidays.
Are always sol
at Portland prices or
Maple Laxk, Jan. 2. John Watkins had
the mii-fortune to cut bis left hand while
sawing wood on his plai-e last Kriday, He
ing class of IT members here, ami a class nf ! probably thinks there is no pay in sawing
4.1 at Teasel Crek, and moro" French-Hale1
8oon we will be a sing-
Clarkes .News.
Clahkes, Jan. 2T. It looks today as if we
were going to have some nice weather for
Several of the people report having bud
a good time at Marysville last Friday evening.
Thomas Yarwood, formerly a
here and
coming next week,
ine fiemde.
.Mr. J. O. Jordan 4et with a very painful
accident last Friday morning w hile haul-
ing rails. He was riding on the running
gears of the wagon when his feet struck a
high rock twisting his left ankle out of
place. The action of removing the gum J
hoot set the joint. It will be some time i
before the member will do to walk with j
comfortably. j
Fred Sawtell, of California, brother of j
Frank Sawtell, returned to bis native state, j
accompanied by liis wife, where they will j
remain for a few weeks visiting relatives.
Thos. McFadilen is doing some grubbing j
this w inter with a capstan in the northeast
corner ol his place. He says it beats the
mattock all right.
Cichool district No. 55 had a special school
meeting last Saturdnv, voting a tax of
S.V '?0 In rmv ita iiili.htoil (inks t.. tl,a n..lu
resident ' f,.-,,..! .t;uiPjP, vrt i.-i m, ,i..t;
.....v. ....., .-V. .V.., IVI tllC UI3-
. r f..,. . .
nu-v in roruanu, goi ms leg ,i ,,,, , ...i,,,,,.,. ,.f ,.,,,
crusueu nun a rocK ana na'i it amputa
ted. Gangrene has set in and it will have
to be amputated again.
Lena Beck is borne on a visit for a short I
There will be preaching at the school
house the first Sunday in February, which
maybe followed ry a protracted meeting.
Mr. Haman has moved to Fehierville.
Adam Knohlack went into the store one
day recently for a few minutes, and left his
team bitched to the wagon standing in the
Ho i. P. H. Noyer, a former resident and
merchant of Molalla, passed through here
last .Sunduy making a short call. Mr.
Noyer says he a now operating in the
F.dMeru Oregon mines.
I'. T. Dibble's new residence will soon he
ready for occupancy. Indeed it makes a
decided improvement in the southwestern
edge of the prairie.
John X. Stewhrt, the boss wheat raiser
wood with one band, so left yesterday to
act as deputy sheriff for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. I', t.indeau of Mountain
View, were the guests of Mrs. A, Mauls
.Sunday and Monday.
Grandma I'elton is on the sick list we
hope It is nothing serious.
Mrs. A. M. Ilrayton, whose illness we no-1
iru itt-i nwi, 13 oiiicii oeuer, e.icepi inaw yj
ner lungs are (pine nail yet.
Mrs. Flora Jennings, of Oregon City,
spent a few days last week visiting her pa
rent, Mr. and Mrs. Kit-hards.
Mr. John F.diuotitun is sick with the
We are wondering if " W.," of Oregon
City, has found a correspondent yet. Ma
ple I.ane boasts of having some "lairly
good looking" young ladies, and modest,
too at least they ought to be, if it In leap
year; but we all wish " W." success, anil
May blessings round him thickly spread
Like butter on hot ginger bread.
t arns Tunings.
Carcs, Jan. 2T. In Oregon at least the
weather prophets were at fault in predicting
a cold winter. A few chilly days, with a
slight fall of snow soon melting away , have
been scarcely enough to keep us in good
grnibliug humor.
January S Mrs. Frank Jaggar presented
our county coiuoiiiMuner lib a line young
deputy a baby boy weighing nine and
three fourths pound'
and Mrs. David Mav
been in attendance, t-nring for mother and
babe and looking alter the Interval of the
I), si. Moore has been the victim of hard
fortune tins winter. Karly in the season
he lost two hor-es: later, a fresh milch cow,
and after the recent snow storm he found I
another cow dead in a hollow made by an '
uprooted tree. Mie had fallen in such a j
way as to break both hind legs. I
We understand that a social dunce was '
given at the Alpine farm Friday evening 1
by the family who rent the place.
Quite a number of M. F.. young people I
precinct, t'osnihly he had heard the uiu
llsls saying, "oh, rats!" a vear or two ago;
and thinking they were calling upon him to
vole their ticket thought he would see Ihriu
in a holler place l! rut.
Warner Orange No. I IT met here last Sat
urday and installed their olllirrs, and also
ttk in '.'-) new names lor ioeuilerhi.
A dance will be given at A ntliony's hall
on February M, by Messrs. Illnm hard and
Mrs llenl JaL-ar I'rlggs. liood music will lie the beat fi-ature
of Oregon City, have '"' """ VI'I'K. "' ' may be there will be
a pot olllce tin-re Tor llie r ri--1 . 1 1. u i and de
llverv ol laleulinis fur anhile In the evening.
Vlnla Julllligt.
January 27.- Alilpli
nn.A, January 27.- Alilpli Mill.-
In I'orllund lu-t week
Miperlnleiideiit tiili'on i Uiic.l Die Vmla
school last Friday.
Ir. Kartell was culled to Ilijdund o:,e
day last week.
Mrs. II iilnh, of I'anliy, is aillng In the
revival iiiet linrs at this place.
Mrs. J It. Heater and son Willie are on
the lck list. We hone Ihey may mhhi U
meet at II. O. Inskeep'a home every Tues- ! .0l,i
day evening for instruction at ract.ee In rv(vil, ,., ,r, ,,,,.
singing. Mr. Inskeep has also put the or- u. , Hvvrrn ,.,, ,,,.,,, .
gun belonging to the M. K. church in thor- ,,.
OJgli repair, much to the plea.ure and prolil; A. w. Wheeler. who ha, I--,, ,.
i i - r
! with the Inn ill- nf 1 1., 'f.. ii, ....i I
. W. M.iyis huildlng a. ,ew granary of j ,.,,,,. ,r ,iMh ,,r,.i(1 n
good dime... ions. T,M, ' ,
It L I ... .1 : ..t. l - '
.ii. r.. i.oi'iniii is gl uing ooi nininer mi a I Kdnard Miller
building to be u-ed us siore and public hull. ' r,,r ,IP rri rii,, ,,l
lie expei-ls to begin the ereilion thereof
sometime in May.
I.iutlsley llros. are tilling an order for a
i....... i.. o . .i i
'if "'ill'"!. i Irani
ChurllcVouiliirhae has put uiiand llnished
a nice little building, 12 feet by PI feet, near
A. B. Steinbach & Co. '
Popular One Prico
AND TTt.. 1
. r uniiaiiurs.
Cur First atul Morrincti Sis.
I E V K L K R,
()ip. Huntley's Dniir Stme,
Aii Kinds of Watches,
ks ami lowclry Itcpiiiri'il
is mulling preparations
a duelling houni in the
mar future,
j Quite- an eiclteuieiil wim rauu d by a runa
j wny team on our streets Inst Saturday. The
la-longrd In (ieorgii (ireup and wa
. caught he hire much damage wai done.
Al f.. latin I. ! (Ir,... CI,,. .. .!,:..
road .nrllhev.i.n.,1 fc-l,nm. vi h;i. "' -j ...a.ii.a.
6 J im
ing down a hill the wagon ran against the
horses, causing a smashup.
John Gard closed his school last Tuesduv.
Clackamas Votes,
Clackamas, Jan. 29. Mr. Wiles and Rev.
Mulligan are holding a revival at the M. E.
Marion Johnson has been on the sick. list
for the past week.
J. W. Roots is building an addition to bis
George Johnson, from Oswego, was visit
ing his uncle. Mr. Harrison Johnson, in this
place on Thursday and returned on Sunday.
Ben Knox, Maxey Webster, Wash Smith I
and King Spurgeon have returned from
their trip to the Coast. They went by the
J5ile'z Agency and came out by the Salmon
river road. They report seeing considera
ble good land and more that was rough.
They made a flying trip, beinggone only a
week. It don't take the Clackamas boys a
whole year to look at a little place like Si
letz reservation.
Needy News.
Needy, Jan. 27. Married At the resi
dence of the bride's parents, Miss Florence
Crocker to Mr. H. P. Ridings; Rev. Davis,
of Woudbtirn, penorming the ceremony,
after which all partook of a bountiful re
past. The bride looked beautiful in a pale
blue silk, while the groom wore theconven
tioi.al black. We hope their troubles will
all be lilt.e ones.
Our Needy merchant, Mr. Cool;, has been
confined to his room the past week with a
lame hack.
Ki.giuecr Kinnaird passed through here
Ju.-t Sunday looking for another deputy
mine he Is interested In
0. W. Wintteld, when he took the casket
down to bury his father, experienced the
severest rain storm of the season all the
way from Russelville to within six miles of
Oregon City.
Herman Kros. have succeeded in getting
their engine No. 2 out of the mire and up to
the saw mill site, grinding up the road in
great shape. They propose yoking the two
"iron horses" together " one doth pull,
the other doth thrust and down comes the
dust" So we may soon expect to hear some
Molalla held a special school meeting
today which created considerable excite
ment. Bond issue was sprung but was not
kindly received. Of the several proposi
tions olfrred the one to levy a five and one
half mill tax, together witli a subscription
to build a large two story school house pre
vailed, and now most everybody feels good
over their prospective school house and
already our community is looking upwards.
Word has reached Molalla tbat the "slate"
is out already by those that "run things"
and "make believe they don't." Better
"sponge off" now rather than "throw up
the sponge" after the convention "After
the ball" you know is a drowsy time at
best. Then we see the names of aspirants
lor high and low oflices that have recently
betrayed their constituents and with
pulished brass, beg leave ',o work'em again,
In the name of high heaven sponge oirthe
slate oil. Center Chank.
Lower Beaver Notes.
I.owr.a IiKAvr.K Chick, Jan. 27. The
farmers of this place are all laid up nt pres
ent on account ol so much rainy weather.
The meeting of the New Kra republican
club at the 1-eland school house last Satur
day night, was a grand success. A very
fine program had been prepared by the la
dies of this place. After the exercises Hon.
Geo. C llruwnell was introduced. He spoke
one hour and forty-live minutes on the most
important subjects of the day. He made
some of our populist friends feel like sneak
ing into a hole and pulling the hole In alter
them. Mr. Rice, Sheriff Maddock, and
County Commissioner Jaggar followed Mr.
Brow nell with short and pointed speeches.
Wm. McDonald took a trip to the gold
fields ol Southern Oregon, but has returned.
He says things are dull there at present on
account of so much snow in the mountains.
Harry Kastiuan, Jr., was taking advan
tage of the few good days of last week clear
ing off some logs on a niece of ground he
intends to plow up this winter.
Mrs. Kastman has been sick the last few
weeks with the grip, but Is able to be
around at this writing.
E. E. Joslyn and Mr. Ixivell, with their
families, are getting ready to start for the
gold mines of Eastern Oregon.
David Penman, Jr., is home with his fain
ily at present. He expects to return to the
river as soon as the boats can get through
the locks at Oregon City. Rai.ibow.
The w hmt rllllt it,-t at I i;rK., .l...,
the mail, house on hi, father's place, to be ' ur,liy ,.VI.)( A , "
and had an enjoyable limp, 'pic irh .,rua
yi-aks i;.ti;kii;.vi!
ir.-nt liritiiin iind Atnt'rirti.
Give me a trial.
Utilized as a summer kitchen.
Kph Jones and Gene I lay Hard are "bach
ing" in Fph'a cabin, and t-uinloying their
spare time splitting rails. Their aim is to
make sii thousand rails helore the si n-on
for spring work opens.
Several of on r young men and older citi
zens attended the political meeting held at
the I.elaud school liuuie Saturday evening,
havorable reports are given of the interest
Gandina Skeed, mother of Mrs. Crowley,
has been lying at the point of dealh for
many weeks, and by the time thin In In
print, will doubtless have panel away.
A school meeting will he held this ( Mon
day) evening, to arrange for the Indebted,
ness of distiict 1X1 to district 102.
Fred Vondarhae Is out among his friends
alter tjuite a severe illness.
Miss Mary Kalhllaisch is home on a visit.
We are informed that she will return to
Gladstone next Saturday accompanied bv
Miss Henrietta, who will go on to Portland
where she has obtained a situation.
Milwaukee News,
Milwaukee, Jan. 28. Born, to Mr. and
Mrs. T. M. Rogers, Jan. 20, a boy baby; all
doing well.
The Christian Endeavor society will in
the future meet on Sunday .evenings, at 0:20
O'clock, instead of Tuesday evenings.
A. J. Walker returned Sunday from a two
weeks visit among relatives and friends in
Mrs. Sargent, who has been confined to
the house with a sprained ankle is now able
to move about without the aid of crutches.
Mrs. Theo. Hagenhergerand daughter re
turned from California Sunday where t-he
ha.-i been visiting her parents and old lime
Logan Mills.
Looan, Aug. H. The Logan flouring nulls
have been overhauled and refitted, and are
now making a find class grade of flour. Will
grind lor one-eighth and guarantee saiisfac-1 Dr. Price'5 Cream Baking Powder
ion. tl Gls I-IHCIIER. World's Fair Highest Medal and Diploma.
New Kra Newalets.
Newt Era, Jan. 27. I do not see my cor
respondence in your paper, but guess I can
account for its absence. I sent It by a pop
to be posted, and I guess it was attended to
like they generally do business; that Is,
they were not prompt enough. But be It as
it may I will make up for it this week.
Last Saturday evening, January 2.1, the
republican club of this precinct held their
meeting at the Lelaud school house. A
large crowil came out to hear Hon Geo. ('.
Brownell speak. The people of this neigh
borhood had always been anxious to have
Mr. Brownell address them on political
questions, and right well were they pleased
with the excellent speech he made. He
made the turilf question so plain that a
boy of ten years could understand It. After
Mr. Brownell had closed others were called
upon and made speeches, among them
SherifT Maddock, Commissioner Jaggar, At
torney Rice and others. After which the
club was called lo order, and elected Hon.
Geo. C. Brownell an honorary member, and
also unanimously elected him a delegate to
represent this precinct at the convention of
young men's republican club which meets
in Portland, February 4th.
Herman Anthony, while digging a well
last week, opened a rat hole at the depth ol
22 feet, and a big, sleek rat came forth from
that hole. This rat had evidently got e be
low to escape the populist sentiment of this '
was won by Miss Jennelte Fnlhuiu and
Frank Collins; booby prize by Mi Cora
Ward and Giles Sarv.r. A sumptuous
fea-t was npreiul ami piirtaki-u of by all. Tl e
club will nieit next Saturday al Thos.
Owing to the revival n link's there weie
not so many in attendance at the hinlnrtral
society aa there otherwise would have been.
However, tlo-ro were about lorty present,
Aher the historical part ol the exercists
Kiln Kurlen n-citi-d a poem on Dakota.
The mi-elv will continue Its meetings i v
ery Tuesday evening. All are invited lo at
tend, and all who desire to tit) so may lake
part in the exercises.
Itrtllatid Hippies.
lEmiLAinti, Jan, 27. -The next M. K. quar
terly conference of the Viola circuit will be
held at this place on Ihu22d and 2.'ld of Feb
ruary. Dr. One will give onnol his Interesting
lectures at the M. K. church hero on the
2Sth or 2ilth of tint month. Those who
have once heard the doctor lecture will go a
long distance to hear him again.
The Ladles' Aid society mil hold Its next
meeting, February lllh, In the M. E. church.
Rev. (jolinby will hold a series of revival
meetings next month, commencing on
Monday the I7Hi.
Mr. J. W. Orr, who has been III a long
time, ii led yesterday morning at II o'clock.
He leaves a large numlier of grown sons
and daughters to mourn his loss.
The condition of John Iligglns Is such as
to alarm bis numerous friends. He seems
to be getiing weaker..
Mr. and Mrs. Will Brown are tho happy
and proud possessors of a healthy daughter
who arrived last week. Mr. Brown is try
ing hard lo assume a proper dignity In
spile of bis youthful appearance,
Mrs. Frank Stone, or Tucoma, is vlsillng
relatives here.
We are pleased to record that Mrs, M. W.
Stone, who has been seriously ill for some
time, in able to he out again.
Miss Lydia Cutting, who has been staying
with Mrs. W. J. Johnson during the win-,
ter, has gone to the city lo seek employ
ment. Rusi to. I
Jan. .'10. John Higglns, one of the best'
known residents ol this place, tiled this
morning at 2.30 o'clock. Tho funeral will
take place Friday at 10 a. m the Interment
being at the Redlitnd cemetery. Mr. Illg-
gins was 7.1 yeara old, and leaves an aged ,
"lie no" many menus lo mourn ins ileum,
M m run cair it mil i. hot r.unn
An agreeable lAiatlvn and Nruva Tomo.
t""?J;?J,"iorlsi)raitit bytnall. JSo,6Uo.
and l.00 per parkaart. Samplue free
The. Favorite TOOTH TOWIH
for tliu Teeth aud llrealh,iiuo
V Mil- Ii . - diiw-R
" ''! .1 I
Illlnlintcd J
Ciilntngue Ul
ifynu u'ethePtUlum
Incubators a HrMxIrra.
Muke money while
others are wasting
time hyoldprocrNM-s.
It .arid ilrscriliea every
nrtk-te neeilrd for tilt,
poultry business.
The "ERIE"
mechanically the heat
wheel, rrettleat model.
Wa are Pacific Const
Aarnls. Ulcvde cata
logue, mailed frce.glvcf
fnlldeserlntlnn , prices, etc.. aoksjtS wantrT.
IlMANCII llotiKR, til 8 Muln til., I.oa Aniirlea.
Instantly Relieved
and Permanently
Knife or Operation
Treatment Absolutely Painless
From Three to Six Wooks.
Orudis: ltooins 71X1-707, Munpium lliilliling,