? fjrtltit Library Amooluiton Oregon City rrv ttv itv tr ri ni t VOL :to. NO. I I. ORKOON CITY, ORKOON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 1890. ESTABLISHED 1860 romcm. (Mrr-ull runirt rinivrni'a I1tl Mnmta? In No emiar mill llilnl Moii'luy III A . r 1 1. I'rittiale ciimrt In atiMltih (If it Muiiilay In each Blnlllll. (liimitiliivlMitnri iMitirt ninnta flrNt Wtnlueaday altnr fl ri MniHlny ul i'ili miiiilli. "J J K. A. (I. W. HWol'K, ' ATTdltNI'.YK AT LAW. VtM I'rai'llir. In nil ( cmrt.. I, mm Nl'Kiltlnti'.t. 1'nlll'iiln Til'" t'lltllllllll i l ..,aU.. ml lim-ig Main Hiii'cl near H.viiilli, JOSKI'll KICK. ATTnllSKY AT LAW. I'rwtlrn In nil I'mirla n( llie Ktntta. (Mlhi'lii Ilnnk nr Herein I'lly lllm k wild I.. I., I'urlcT. Oregon I'lty, Hrrgnn. y ii imiiiynh, " AITdllM'V AT LAW, NiHAIIY I'l lll.li' CANHY, (iKK.iioN. Will practice In all ninrla ul lip a'al, Iti.iuaiine wtlllon In all Icaillng emu- -ianlra. Al Intel, m '..llo liirnl.livil. To Iprtiimaa aiplallx. '1 Kll I., HlOllY, ATTOltNKY AT LAW. t'palatra iiiIIp Court lluiiw. 1 lllpa piamlnrit ami aUlrarta mail Money liauril. Murtaura InrcclitMnl and a gPlirral law bilalllraa. J J T HI.APKN, NOTAHY I'l lll.li; ami CON VKYANCKIt. iiutii t"r Tin a h Ural ralate handle.! iiiiraiica wrlllrn In I hi. Ilarilnfil, ul llarlli.nl. 1'alaUiio. Ham tur( ul llrviuau I Ufflp una :Hir tiiulli nl MrlliiHllal Churrli. I.ACKAM Ahalracta ul (' AH AMHIIl.M r A Tlll'hr CO. larkainaa poiinly priMxrtr appp. tally. liiH.il wink, rraiilial.l ftiarirpa. Murk inaraui I tilve ua atrial i C Lalinlrrlln, . K I'nlialilfti'lt. J. K. Clark, Mrrrlnra ORRilllft CITY, .... I',.ili. H JIlMNXiK l W KINKtlHU K INNAtllD A JOltNHON. civil KNUINKKHN ANIi KI'ltVKYlill. Hallway larallmi ami rmiatriiriliiii, tirl'Iifa. plana ami eatlinatra l.ir wairr auppl)' Dralna,. anil alrrrl linpriivpmriil ul towna Special attention ilvni In f.raulitlii ami Muc prlnlliiii "It r CAKKY JOHNSON, l.AWYKIt. Comer Klfhl ami Main atn-eta, Oregon City. OrrRiitl. ItKAI. KHTATK TOH KM. AM) MuNKY TO U.AN. r L. roilTKH, . J' ATTOHNKY AT LAW tnamai-ra nr raoranrr riniiiiar. OfP.ee licit to Oregon CUT bank imritli ilrcct. JH 0. T. WII.I.IAMN ItKAI. KHTATK ANIl U)AN AllKNT. A good Hup ul bualn resilience anil auliurbaii Properly. Farm Property In tract, to anlt on eat; terma. CorriMninlonce pi romptlr anawprp.1. omoe, itvil iliM.r lu Caiitlclil A luiitlcy'i ilni( More. c. Il l II.C l.A Tol ltK T1 K. ATTOHNKYS AND ailWKUlllH AT LAW MAIN KTKKKT, HIIKIION CITY. tlKKUON. ruriilah Ahmracta ul Title. nn Munpy, Fore. cloaa MirtKpa, ami tranaart (leurral i, ami Iran Hiialntaa. I.an TT E. CIIOH.t, ATTOHNKY AT LAW. Wim, ruAt-nc IK All Coiht or th Btati KpI Kall mil Inatlranr. Omceon Main Hlnpt Ih-i. Sixth ami Hovtnth, OHIUIIN ( ITT. OH. M o'Haiti.. j. naiM.ua. R. w. TllllltPaON r T. uKirrmi o ,'NKII.l, lll'.DtlF.H TIIOMI'HON A QKIFKITII. A1TOKNKYH AT LAW. oniccaln llarklpy lliilMlii(t, A O U. W. Tpinple, OrPiion City, rorllanil. Ho Oonpral Uw lliialmoa, Uian Mouey, Urge Cullorllnni. Forprloatt mnrlKAKoa, I'nilmlo prnclice. c. II. I)YB, ATTOKNKY AND COUN8KLOR AT LAW Will f ircoliiao tnoitu-itea, make ba'rapti. Ima money, mlla aataioa hii.1 tiauaart a gcnoral Ihw bit l .paa. Oflloe Drat II 'Or adjoining Hank ol Oiogon City. DnON CITY. OBKOON G EO. 0. 1IHOWNKI.I, ATTOKNEY AT LAW, Obiooh City, Orkooh. Will practlpp. In all the ponrta l tho Hate. 01 Una, neit door to Catiflold A lluntlpy't drug flora. rriHE C0MUEKCIAL BANK, OF OREGON CITY. Capital, 1100,000 TRANMAdTI A OINHKAI, BANKING ItlialNIHa, Loan a mailo. Illlla (llinountoil. Makpa col leotiona. Hnva and iclla enchaiiup on all pnluta In the United Htatoa, Europe anil Hong Kong. Uppnalta recel"od aiibpot to oheok. Bauk opeu Irom V A. u. to 4 r. M. O. C. LATOURETTK, Proaldent. F. B DONALDSON, Caihler JJANK OF OREOCN CITY, Oldest BaiklDi Boss. Id The Cltr. Pld up Capital, (60,000. , Hurplua, J0,h.'hi. minNT, - TIIOI. CHARMAK VICI rKltntUINT, OHO. A. HA Km NO. CARHIRrl. H. O CAIirill.n MANAIIKR. CHAii.ia H, i:aufielu. A general banking bualnoaa tramaotcd. Depnalta rorolvecl aubjoot to check. Approved bill hiiiI noti'a dlacountcd. Oounty and city warranta bought, Ixiana mtile on avallnble aucurity. KiohaiiK' bouiiht ami anld. Collpollonr mailo priiinplly. Dralta aold tvrtllanlc In itny part of the world Tolprraphlc exohnngoa aold on PortUud, Hau Franoli)o, rihTcagaaiid Now York. ntereatpaU on time dupoalla. SSI BELLOMY & BUSCH, HicrmcHKNTtNOi- JUlVAl, OK I.I VKItl'Udl., iIopb laritPut buainpaa In the world. Mlll l ll llltl TIHI1 A M., larKi.l aawla in the world. HI'N ill'' I.ON HON, il'lfl puroly lire Imuranre company in the world. .I! TS A K II AltTKoHIl, lariat and beat AiiiPrlcan Company. fONTINKNTAL "K NKW YOKK, one or I lie lwl American coinpaniea. AM) OTIIKIt KlliHT CI.AHH COMI'ANIKS. Cnll cirt m for I4ntliiu, nml I". I;. DONALDSON'. WHT WEAT1IEU GOODS Macintoshes, Water Proof Boots, PIONEER STORE Thos. Charman & Son's. Oregon City, Oregon. Japanese Goods DRAPERIES, E. E. MARTIN, Uow you Can BABY'S FRUIT Baby's Pectoral DR. J. H. IRVINE, Proprietor. In liilnri'HliiiK when llm Hii'ijVi't A con viTBuliun Ik inlori'HlliiK lliiri-uli'iiilH tliiHiiia liollilng Ilium iiilnritHliiiK to 'i pin Hutu our ftirniliiri) anil carKit tlmlr iimiilor' i'l'gitiici', iluruliility ami clu-aii-iickh. Wo rnct'lvi'il lliia Wl'i'lc .'),(HK) wurlli olcurpiilH mnl iniilliiiyit iliri'ct from 1 1 in Ii'-lory iir our upritin Irailo. Tliia Mliiiiiii'iit, coiiiliinuil illi our Mt'x k al Mimly on liiiml, wn oll'ur to llm pulilic fi.OiK) worlh of carMita itn'l iiiuttinK to cIicibkii (ruin, W any rinlit Imro, tlml wn will not hi' iiiiiIitmiiIiI by any I'ort luml lionao uii'l Miami llm clon'Bt coiii titinn, Wh all rarpnta from 15c a yl up. Till-; HOI'SKKIJKNISHKKS. Leading Agency in Clackamas County. nliao for tilottvrai and Cnlendara At Commercial Hint Rubber Coats. Hats, Rubber Rubbers. CURIOS. TOYS Beautiful, unique and servicablo. Sold at very reasonable prices. COMMERCIAL BANK BLK. Save Money When your children need a laxative or stomach and bowel regulator, buy LAXATIVE. Fifty doses lor twenty-hve cents. The Beason for colds and coughs is upon us. In order to be pre pared for an emergency, get a bottle of Syrup, Tho best in tho market. Price 2") cents. For sale at tho CANBY PHARMACY, Canby, Or. THE TKA( Hr ltS MKbT. ItHrlow Fntcrtnlua thf Teat hern One of li e lleat Mrt lliiK Krer Held lijr Hip Aaiociullon, Tin) rpgulnr inoi.llily ni titi of the Teaclinra' Aaaociutioii of Clackamas county wua held In the acliool lioiiao at liarl'.'W, Hiitiinlay January 20, IBM. Culled to onlr at tli reuUr time by Kiipl. 11. H. (iitiHon. The minuteg of! the previoua meeting wore read hy the wirciury, Mia. Fannin O. Porter. Next in orilcr waa the rlcclion of of fleer. Mr. K. M. Wanle wu cho-en vii-o-preaiilunt. Mia I'ortcr wa re elecleil Rocretary. Mr. A. C. KlraniJH wa ebetef treasurer. Mr. Hertha M. (itiRon wat re electeil editor. Mihn Elgiva Mtillan and Mr. Kamaby played a violin and organ duet, with taete and expansion Mr. A. C. St range epoke on "Keaultil to be Ke cured in School" Teacher aoinetiine think after year uf apparent succens that they are aljove taking ad y ice from other, "The reunite" that we hope to attain com prise every hoie of the pro fcaaion. It U iinnoMtible to measure the work of the real teacher. The Idea brought lo life by hia teaching (hii p e cept and example) do not end with the life of I he pupil. It is poaaible for one to apend a great deal of time in read ing yet never acq'iira knowledge by ao doiuic. Teacher should strive to arouse the love of country and trust in those "who stand in high places." There may be, and doubtless are, wrong-doeis, in places of trust, but the one w ho constantly trie to call atten tion thereto, strikes a blow at the foundation of our republican form of Kovermnent. One of the greatest re sults to be attained in teaching, Is the development of mind. It is said that nine'y-aeven hundredths of the acts we Hr.orra are done through force of ha hit. i'upila should be taught to obey the law tlirtiu.h regjiect for it and not through fear of it. "Habit is but an other name for Character." Miss Jennie E. Rowen recited "Ben the Waif" in her Ufiial pleaaing style. "How to teach Writing" was the suh-jei-t assigned Mr. P. L. Coleman. Mr. Coleman telieves fully a much time should be devoted to writing, as is be stowed on mathematics or history. lie illtintrauxl the conect manner of hold ? tug the pen. The pupil should be taught to write well ana lo write rapidly. Mr. Coleman illustrated bis m inner of teaching the formations of different let ters. Mr. Ward and Mr. Gary spoke a few words on this subject. C. M. Ramaby sang "A letter from Home." Mr. Kainsby's ringing was much appre ciated by his audience. It was decided to bold the next As sociation meeting at Park Place. Mr. Gray, Miss Phelps and Miss Monroe were asked to prepare a suitable pro gram for tho occasion. The meeting was adjourned until 1 p. in. Called to order by Supt. Gibwn. The audience was delighted by instru mental music by Miss Mullan and Mr. RauiBby. Miss Bessie Sbephard re cited a stirring poem "Alaska." "His tory" was assigned to Geo. L. Story. "The principles of our government de mand that the masse of the people shall be educated. The study of history teaches the struggle of our forefathers for constitutional liberty, History comprehends all that is noblest of hu man development. Cromwell and Hampden paved the way for the Ameri can Revolution. Mr. Story considers history one of the most important branches of study. The know! dge of what ha been done in the past should prove the best guide for the future." Mr. Kyser, T. J. Gary, E. M. Ward, J. W. Gray, A. C. Strange, S. W. Holmes and II. 8. Gibson took part in the discussion which followed. Miss Veva Tull sang a beautiful song. Mr. T. J. Gary spoke on "The Best Disci pline." "If it weie possible for a teacher ot read the character of each pnpil, he might secure the best discipline without the use of the rod. As it is, there are times when its use is indis pensable. It is sometimes necessary lo enforce order. 'Trangressston must be followed by punishment'. The best discipline is an active means to the im provement of the mind and morals of the pupil. A. C. Strange, G. L. Story, S. W. Holmes, II. S. Gibson and E. M. Ward also spoke briefly on this subject. P.L.Coleman recited "Setting the Old Blue Hen" In a manner that convulsed his audience. Mis Nellie Younger, Hattie Monroe and Laura Beattie sang "Sweot Distant Chimes" and greatly disappointed the audience by a persis tent refusal to respond to an encore. Mr. Parmenter, C. U. Barlow, Andy Kocher, W. W. Irvin and others spoke words of encouragement to the association. The attendance at this meeting was quite large and very attentive. The program for the next raeoting has not yet been prepared. On motion, association adjourned to meet at Park Place the last Suturday in February, IH'M. Following is a lint of teachers present: 11. H. Gibaon, P. L. Coliinan, A. C. Strarigo, E. M. Ward, Arthur Holden, W. II. Dobyna, H. W. Holim-B, J. W. Gray, Geo. L. Ht'jry, T. J, Gary, W. G. Beattie, Bertha Sumner, Katie Runke, Maggie William, lfattie Wetherell, Hattie Monroe, Laura BeaUie, Fannie G, Porter, Nellie Younger, Joanna Peter. Jennie E. Rowen, Aletha Phelp, Mollie Talhert, Agnes Mat'jck, Elgiva Mullan, Helen Taylor, I. E. Cone, W. L. Kyoer, Maggie L. Hampton, Bertha M. Gibson. Hpeclal School fleeting. Notice Is hereby given to the legal rotor of school diatrlct No. C2, of the county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, that a special school meeting of said district No. 02 will be held at Fope's hall, in Oregon City in said diatrict, on Friday the 31st day of January A. D. 1M)G, at the hour of 7:30 p. M. This meeting i called for the purpose of levying a tax upon the assessable prop ety, both real ard personal, wit-Lin said school district No. 62 to be used (or the payment of the interest on the bond of said district and for general school pur poses. Dated this 15th day of January A. D. 1800. T. S. Lawhkxck, Chairman Board of Directors. Tiios. F. Ryan, District Clerk. An old Soldier's Recommendation. In the late war I was a soldier in the First Maryland Volunteer, Company G. During my term of service I con traded chronic diarrhoe. Since then I have used a great amount of medicine, but when I found any that would give me relief it would ii jure my stomach, until Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and dianhne Remedy was brought to my notice, I used it and will say it is the only remedy that gave me permanent re lief and no bad results follow. I take pleasure in recommending this prepara tion to all my old comrades, who, while giving their service to their country, contracted this dreadful disease a I did, from eating unwholesome and un cooked food. Your truly, A. E Bunding, Halsey. Oregon, For sale by G. A. Harding, druggist. The Pojlland. - Re-opened near the corner of Main and Seventh street. Clean, bright, well furnished dining room and private room elegantly fitted up. Have one of the most skillful cooks on the Coaat. If your meat order does not please you, just let me know. Best dinner in the city including a glass of wine for 25 cents, li:JO to 4 p. m. Dyster served in everv style. Open day and night. Give The Portland atrial. L. R '.iconic ii, Proprietor. Attention Comrades. Regular meeting of Meade Post No. 2, G.A. K., will be held at the ball in Willamette block, Maine St., on Wed' nesday, Februrary 5, at 7 :30 sharp. Re cruits will be mustered, and other mat ters of importance will come before the Post. Let there be a good attendance of the comrades. C. A, Wiujams, Post Commander. Redurtiou of One Third Ou a lot of men's and boys' boots, and ladies' and gents' fine shoes. Rld Front Trading Co. Some time ago Mr. Simon Goldbaum of San Luis Rey, Cal., was troubled with a lame back and rheumatism. He used Chamberlain's Pain Balm and a prompt cure was effected. He says he has since advised many of his friends to try it and all who have done so have spoken highly of it. It is for sale by G. A. Harding, druggist. . One minute Cough Cure is rightly named. It affords instant relief from suffering when afflicted with a severe cough or cold. It acts on the throat, bronchial tubes, and lungs and never fails to give immediate relief. For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist. For sale, a large quantity of rhubarb and asparagus roots, 3 years old, also fine strong, early spring cabbage plants, asparagus beds made at reasonable rates. Apply to R. Glasspool. Green Point. Oregon City. Cholera Morbus is a dangerous com taint, and U often fatal in its results. To avoid this yon should use De Witt's Colic & Cholera Cnre, as soon as the first symptoms appear. C. G. Huntley, Drnggist. Munyon's medicines are the latest, and Charman & Co., the up-to-date drug gists, have acoinplete stock. Pamphlets free. For clean, white cotton rags 5 cents per pound cash, will be paid at Tint En- tkki'kisk otlice. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Award. MtllS FROM WAMIIXjiOX. Relief Bill Piiawd lr Oregon Pioneers and Land (irant Settler. Hpcial lv tlx KKTairaiM. Washington, Jan . 23. "Oregon BeU a shining example that other western state would do well to practice after" remarked Representative Doolittle to me during recent conversation, when her people send a man to congress they gen erally keep him here for iome time. Senator Dolph served 12 year, Senator Mitchell ha seen almost eighteen years of service. Mr. Herman is in his sixth consectutive term and Mr. Ellis in bis second. - The consequence is that Ore gon has received much better treatment in the matter of appropriation than her . wealthier and more populous sister, Cal ifornia. The value of a congressman to hi state increase with age of service. Of course I want you to understand, and Mr. Doolittle laughed when he said it, "that this conversation has no personal bearing, but a a general proposition it is bad policy for a state to play the part of the capacious house-wife who tarns away a bartially drilled servant one day to take on a raw one the next. Oregon in this ha followed somewhat the example of Maine and other Eastern state. Look at Maine, a small state that has played a most conspicuous part in the affairs of the nation. Why? Not because of the superior natural ability of her representatives, but because she re tain the same men election after election. Senator Hale has been 25 years in con gress, Senator Frye 23 year, Speaker Reed 19 years and her three other con gressmen have been here over 14 years and by reason of long service have the most important channanshius in the House. As a result she not only makt s a conspicuous national figure but sb gets a larger share of the appropriations than perhaps any other state." The following bills have been passed by the senate on motion of Senator Mitchell : Bill refunding to William A. Stark weather 2, 170, money paid out of his private pocket for necessary clerk-hire while register of 'he land office at Ore gon City ; bill increasing the pension of Mrs. Mollie Crandall, widow ot Capt. Clark P. Crandall to $20 per month ; bill granting the aged pioneer, Peter Grant Stewart $7500 lor property owned by him near the mouth of the Columbia and ap proptiateJ by the government as a reser vation 41 years ago; bill to appropriate $401.02 for W. L. Adams found to be due him as collector for port of Astoria, on settlement of his accounts; bill ex tending time for construction of a bridge across the Columbia; bill allowing cer tain purchaser of forfeited railroad grants to secure title by paying the dif ference between the p.' ice paid U the railroad and that asked by the govern ment. Thia is in line with the bill passed a week ago by the House and senate. Mr. Ellis has seen the chairman of the House committee in regard to bis bill on the same matter and has been promised an early report. He will try to suspend the rules and pass it next week. The secretary and land com missioner have both promised him to recommend its passage. Concressman Herman appeared before the Interior department this morning and argued the right of the Indian war veterans to pensions. He expects a favorable report He also argued before the treasury de partment in favor of the bill establish ing lighthouses at Siuslaw and Tillamook bay. He hopes for favorable action on this matter. The chairman of the House commerce committee has prom ised Mr. Herman a favorable report on the bill extending time for construction of the Columbia river bridge. Senator McBride yesterday made a favorable report of the most important of all the land bills connected with forfeited grants before congress. Ttie bill is to refund to purchaser of the government land the $1.25 per acre they paid, with the understanding that a railroad was to be constructed by their lands. The government afterward forfeited the grants to the railroads and reduced the price to the original $1.25 per acre, but it retained the additional $1.25 per acre it recured from the first purchasers notwithstanding it has taken back the grants and prevented the con struction of the roads. Senator Mitchell -introduced the bill early in the session and Senator McBride has been jealous in hi efforts to have tardy justice done to these people from whom the govern ment obtaiued money under false pre tenses, but Senator Berry, a democrat from Arkansas for some reason no one pretends to understand, blocked thet.' consideration and passage of the bill. Frank Pbltbst, County Treasurer's Notice. I have funds in my hands for the pay ment of all Clackamas county warrants endorsed prior to January 11, 1803. In terest will cease on the same from the date of this notice. M. L. Mo"rb, County Treasurer. Dated, Oregon City, Or., January 9, 1806.