Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1896)
Oregon City Enterprise DATKS TO SKMKMBER. FriiUv, Jan. 2(.- O'weso cltih ruenn at old mlnuil lionse M . m. KrMay. Jan. rioaant Hill Uopubliran clnl nufls itl l'lrant Hill si-hool' al i .."W l. in. Saturtlav, Jan aHH inlion al Harlow. Sslnr.lay, Jan. 2Y Nt Kr.i Kopnblu'im club linens al l.oliuul cliool lunuoat :M p. in. Moin1.iv, Jan. '.'7 lnMallalim M otllrvrs of Willamette Kall. I'amp No. lis, Wooil- men, al A. 0. I. V. hall. Moinliiy, Jan. 27. I'lackamaa t'oiiiitv re- I'Ublican central committee metis ill li''a hall al lo't'kvk p. in. Momlar. Jan. 27. Ailjunrnnl term ot cir- IUIM.IMV NEWS. Leap Year DuiicoaNiiooess ItcpnlillcHti Hub Mods ami K loots UMvers Mild Pi'li'Kilti a. Mr, lit'tibt'u WriK'litol Mullno, wiihIii town Saturday mci'tinn liU ninny fr'uiuln. Joint Norlliannon, a well-to-do (minor of lirihlitn'N Prairie, was down Saliinlay Htteiuliiitf oroiiniery mooting niul tritnmuv tiiitf othor hiitiimi. lion. John Paly ot MucMmru wut prominent anion): tlin many covn on our streets Saturday, and nttrndod tlio (mil in tlio evening luvoinpuuiod ly Ida diuihlor. RKAI. KSTAIK TltSKKHS. k'uriilshcil Kiory Week by the ( lurku. uiiis Abstract & Trust Compiinr, Ml'KlM.KY Kkl'l III ll N Cl.l'B MKKTa. Meeting of Teacher' ! In pnrauaiu'o to call lor election of j ollnvra and choosing deli'iinte to tlio , Young Men's Kepulilican club of Oregon, j which assembles in 1'ortland February , -tlh, tjnito a number of tlio mo inborn j mot in Columbia hall Monday evening and proceeded to business). The meeting i Wiiscilleil to order by Secretary Cass I'. liailow, who announced tlio purpose of cuit court convenes. i uiu uiivuu. mo iuiiuhiuK mmi-n eir ji llilloarv toJM IMiiglus Jan Weilnolav. Jim. 2!. Sptvial meeting of; elected for tbe ensuing twelve months 1 'W W ) nw. o(m'j see I'S. t vi (...ti v I.. .....iM at i...v ,.. .... i h imam i;iriow. liresiiioni : uenrv in. r i :-, icepreauletit; Uina .eigier. soorotary (.;l,ltt UoUtxtoin to J (.'urtuuui No j and tre tamer. Follow itirf tbis waa tlio :,';; V p 25 acres in claim 5" , reading of the minutes and membership, in t 2 8, r 3 e and acre in boo , hieh showed M members, thus entitling j (!, in t 3d, r3e j the club to three delegates to the Komib- o Moohnke to J U Martin Jan 13, j hcan league, who woreehosoti aa follows: William Harlow, J. K. Marks and C. V. ( Barlow. Addresses were made by the j following gentlemen : Kd Ilatipt, George : Soheil and William Harlow, which were ; Thurs.lav, Jan. 30- Sieeial school nuetirg lor West Si.lo itiftiu I, No. 31, at school house at S p. m. Friday, Jan. 31. Special school meeting for Oregon City school district, lit Tope's hall, 7:30 p. in. Tuesday. Feb. 4. Young Men's Stale lie publican club meets in 1'ortland. Tuesday, Feb. 11 Musical concert at Sl.iiely'g opera h-ni-e by St. Cecilia chorus. Lentil Notices. l iii I I al i-ii tr'n Notice, VrOtICK IS 1IKUKKY UIVKN THAT I IIAVK X bM'i u by llu eminly o itirl nl lite Stale o( On aoii lor fai-aant'ia eitii'iiv, hiIiiiiiiI tial. r ol Hie i'i.tiilu ill trunk M. AlmUlit, il. ceed All iwramia Inivlna i l ihu kkkiiihi aunt eali.l.', are lu rvliv ii.nuhvl in pr .Mint Ihu iihi duly vrrHio.l. Inr puvn tut, to iiiu'ialiiiie I, al my nilice in City, iriiu, will In in niolltlla from Uu' diile ol tii:a it. tl.i. ( HAS, Al.llUlilll't', Jr. A.I in hi ll rot. r ol tlio natal m M. At brluhi. ill e.aaeil. I. I l'liama, Ally, paled, Juiiil iry lull, Iv.iA I 10, J-?, VKIIHY .1 IM'AI! Y 24. lS'H'.. j no doubt the sentiment ot the gathering, rai kplace Literary Nociety. dvcx'ating the American standard which ! waa f i otu Washington down, gold and On the evening of Saturday last the ; MwT Qn & pari,y T1)e dub ,hen aJ. two upper rooms of the IVkplaoe school j1)Urneil iIlstrlu".,inh. ,10 kvrvtary to house were comfortably hlled with veiy 8rrrtn fo(. ft meiftini glne ,;, h, Fob. attentive orderly peoide from near and (mry aIlJ (J correiilK,m UepwHen far. The meeting waa called to order by tBtive j, ,nJ otbpr promilll.Mt our new and worthy president, Mr. . ,WJlker4 for ; j.jUi ,0 ba BIlllomloeil Dauchy. The question of tire and water i Ia(er Thi8 I1UH.tin(, jtml0Il9,r;4t0li ,,iefiwl was very e.,uall; discussed by the young , hat our ,e Rre no, n ,0 ,oso ,)t of working in our primaries in sending 1 doloiratea to thn enuntv convention, nnd leader. The three judges rendered th-ir u two t0 on0 bet t,!ttt no dAt ,0 Terdietinfavorot the nog.tive. Atter Uw r,,mblican ,)rilliary will bo a JeIu. the debate the following question was ge ,0 ,bi (.ountv wllveil.tol, anW,a in. chosen for the next meeting: Resolved, , ,0 CMt hi vo(e on,y for That capital punishment is jtitifuib.e. who llro aIv4X.aU,a ot tlie aule stand After the above question had been chosen I ,lri,11Hr,f. ,,.,. out the -.'ounty would follow this plaa, you would not see the one-sidedness of '".Hi, sheriirs dwd ne' of sw1 and iiw 'ofse'' of sec 5, t 1 8, r3e J W Hirchet to Nicholas Hin'het Jan t '1H! W 1) 7S'4 notes in sec llH) 1400 i:oo ladies of on each Tarkplace, with a young man ! side of the question for the ; an excellent program was rendered, con sisting of a solo by Jesse Faubian, an in strumental piece on the organ ami naip ,.., a . . thecase in all former county conventions. 700 240 '.'4 by Winifred I'auchv and ram 1 rague, several interesting diaWues and recita tions, and the reading of the intert sting news of the week. 3.VI 0 Nolim.l .Meeting-. Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of of school district No, 34, of Clackamas county, State of Oregon, that special school meeting of the sjid dis trict will he held at the school house on theoOlhday of January, lS'.KJ, a! eigl.t o'clock in the afternoon, far the follow - ing objects: To levy a tax for the pur- i during which time the calling was done pose of running school frr the coming; by the ladies, and thtry proved them- 1 cnlt-ua rt l.ii ,it., ., lltt n Ihul . .... i-tritc"; lu i'c ii.iiku auiu ill iiiak vwiivii. Gkano St ccEss. Notwithstanding the ( stormy weather we have been called ! upon to endure, Columbia hall w as fairly ! overflowing with participants and Sec- i ta'ors at the leap year ghost dance given Saturday evening by the ladies of the grange. The grand march, led by Mrs. W. S. Tull, presented a unique appear ance, and was, as seme of the spectators said, a preltty sight. The costumes and masks were kept on for aliout an hour, '00 year: to vote a sinking fund to pay the bonded indebtednes; also to vote on the question of extending the time for pay ing a ceitain portion of the bonded in debtedness. Dated this IStli day of January, 1S00. I. D. Taylor, Chairman Board of Directors. E, A. Fmith, District Clerk. k Beautiful Flower. Among the fruit and flower novelties which lS'.Hi brings us, we notice that the enterpiising ard reliable firm of James Vick's Son'e, Rochester N. Y., are al ready calling attention to three, which geera to have won great favor where known. They are the DOUBLE SWEET PEA, the only one in the world true to name, "Bride of Niagara," the earliest of all the tomato family and sure to become a great favorite, and the already famous blackberry, the "RATH BUN." From the praise and compliments given bo abnndantiy to the "Bride of Niagara," this sweet pea must be more than charming and from the encomiums lavished on both the new tomato and this new blackberry, it is perfectly cer tain no garden desiring to have the Bret and beat of evervthinv, can be without these three new comers. By the way readers, are any of you so far behind the times as not to know "Vick's Floral Guide?" If any of you have never seen it, send 10 cents to this firm at Rochester N, Y. and get a copy. Ton can deduct this from the firBt order for seeds and the pleasure and informa tion their (iuiue will give you will cer tainly induce you to keep up the ac quaintance. Bcbt and Cheapest Insurance. Save money on your insurance by call ing on E. E. Martin, who represents the only Mutual doing business in Oregon City. Y'ou cannot afford to keep on throwing your money into policies and pay from 3 to 5 years premiums in ad vance and then have the company fail. The Oregon Fire Relief association will stand the closest investigation. E. E. AIabti.v, Agt. Commercial Bank Block. Bnoklen's Arnica Sulre. The best salve in the world for Cute, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped bands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. For sale by Charman & Co., Charman Bros. Block. Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tenn., says, "Shiloh's Vitalizer 'SAVED MY Life.' I consider it the beet remedy for a debilitated system I ever used." Fw Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney trouble itexcol-). Price-7-3 cents. Eur Salt-by G. A. Harding. j o A very dainty lunch was served in the club rooms adjoining the hall, after which dancing was resumed and the ladies proved that they were less timid than the gentlemen by the fact that six sets were kept up continually A few dances were gentlemen's choice, and they smiled and felt natural. All the towns within 10 miles were representei and everything went off smoothly and orderly, every one expressing great praise for the royal way they were enter tained by the ladv grangers. No Debate Last Friday. It was de cided by the literary society that there be no meeting last Friday, consequently the pi on ram was arranged for Friday the 24th, and it will no doubt be an interest ing one, judging from the names of those who will take part. The debate selected for that date will also be an attraction and will no doubt draw a crowd, for we are all anxious to hear the arguments and know the decision, whether the gun be cold or hot . Grange Meets. Last Saturday after noon the Barlow grange met in Columbia hall, and besides the regular routine bus iness, the officers were installed for the ensuing year, by Reuben Wright, grand master of the grange lodges ; also three new members were initiated. The grange is getting quite a membership and is in a flourishing condition. PERSONALS. Miss Phronie Wolfer of Aurora, was in town Thursday. Miss Elciva Mullan has been quite ill for the past three days. John Sims of Canby, was transacting business in Barlow Monday, Mrs. C. U. Barlow was in Oregon City Tuesday calling on friends. L Kracke, formerly of the W T Co., was seen on our streets Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Whitney.late of Chicago, but now of Hubbard, attended the dance Saturday. hissM. S. Barlow came up from Portland Friday and spent a few davs with her parents. R. E. Irwin came up from Portland Thursday evening remaining with his family until Monday evening. J. P. Cole, president of the Farmers' Creamery association, wag among the many seen on the streets Saturday. Henry Kocher of Marks Prairie, and recently appointed road supervisor of District No. 23, was in town Monday. J. Meyers, an extensive hop grower and fanner of Needy, was in town Satur day attending the creamery meeting. We welcome to our town Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. Nason, recently from Omaha, who have purchased the Kilbourn property. Mr. Kelly, of the Oregonian office and son-in-law of C. E. Nason of this town, spent Sunday here accompanied by his two children. 5, 1 1 s, r 1 e C IH'ovey to C D Senium Jan II "'.Hi W l 10 acres in Abernethy claim Noithem Inso; Loan Co to W II Jan 13 ''.Hi 1, lots I, L, 3 and 4 blk 10 1 Oregon fit v. . . . M II Kilbourn to C E Mason Jan 14, '!( W D part of lot 10 Har low', and lot - and 11, blk 1 Harlow 2V0 Jas W Shaw to F K Poach W D lots 1 and 2 blk 5 Shaw 'a first ad to Oregon City L A Bliss to II A Smith Jan 0, 'txi WD1... interest in nw'4 sec 12, t ti s, r 3 e J II Lambert tJ C Large July ll W D lot 2 blk 31. Cambridge J II Cone to Hattie Thompson Jan 13 'Oil, 20 acres in ne' sec 7 and road w ay in t 2 s, r 3 e P, Vandeiklen to F Yanderklen Nov 10, ''Jo .V 1 lots 5 nnd ti blk 13 0 ISc S IVs First ad to t Iswego Mary F Foster to Win F. Foster Jan 10 '1X1, W D 3 acres in see 10 t 2 s, r 2 e CI. Ogle to Marx liroa Aug I '.' ''.' W D lot 1.3 blk 4 West Gladstone 7") Ch.iuiioy Sagcr to A ti Sager Jan It ".".3 W I) n'i of se'4 of nw'4' sec 30, t 1 s, r 3 e 20 acres NOO D Williams to .Morris Roberts Jan 3 W W D O'u' acres in R Catifield claim 322 Have your titles examined and ab stracts made by the CLACKAMAS AB STRACT ifc TRUST CO. who have the only complete set of abstracts of title of all land in Clackamas county. Accurate and reliable work by a responsible firm. Office upstairs in the Caufiehl building. Dou't Tulinrre Spit Or smoke your life awav, is the truthful, startling title of a book aliout No-To-Bae, the harmless,- guaranteed tobacco habit cure that braces up nicotinized nerves, eliminates the nicotine poison, makes weak men gain strength, vigor and man hood. You run no rhysii al or financial risk, as No-To-Bae is sold by druggists everywhere under a guarantee to cure or money refunded. Book free. Addies Sterling Remedy Co., New Y'ork or Chicago. Charman A Co , Druggist. If you suffer with piles, it will interest you to know that DeWitt's Witch llnzel Salve will cure them. This medicine is a Becific for all complaints of this character, and if instructions (which are simple) are carried out a cure will result. We have tested this in numerous cases, and always with like .tuilts. It never fails. For sale by C. G. Huntley, drug gist. Coughing irritates the delicate organs and aggravates the disease. Instead of waiting, try One Minute Cough Cure. It helps at once, makes expectoration easy, reduces the soreness and influmatior.. Every one likes it. For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist. Wedding stationery, the latest styles and finest assortment ever brought to Oregon City at the Enterprise office. Money to loan. Apply to C. II. Dye, Oregon City, Oregon. iKlM-rlll' Mnlr. In Hid Circuit I'iMirl i f ilia statu nl OruKii, tor tin) ( entity o( Marlon. Die Orumm UuJ Civ, tilnlntlir, vi. M V. ilolomUiit, Slate itl Onuou, t'muily til I'liu'lotmaa, a. Ily ylrtiiiinl lit liiiiinul oritur, il. cruu mnt mi ax. cut ion. itu'y NaiitM out of unit iiu.lvr tin. ai-al ol lht Htkovii oolitic I t'oiirt, In the nhove ii. tlllivt eauai', to iiiu .Inly tlir.-eto I ti.t iialixl tlm .'.Hnl ilsy ol Pee. miter, M.l tiuii A Ju.1ictiti.iit r ii.lore.i ami end rl In aiti.l court on Hie Will ilny ol lieioli..r, sn lit lavor ol Tint ttr, on l.aiiil Co., i Hinillt, nn mr nt M v. Konra, il. ioiiili nt t ir (he -mil .:ij. ki, with lii!imii ttu'Ttion hi Hie ntta ol Itl n.r ivnl. ptT annum Initit tlio ITilt 'lay ol ociiiitor, lvi nu.t limit r i:m of a $l-l'i t ntioruev't fiM. tool tlie furtlier gnnt ol lltvtat, coat miu ili.luirtt tin it a, ami tint unto of tot. I upon lha .Aril, rotlimtl-iltiitf mo to maku anlat o( llttt lolliiwliw iloarnt.t r. ti -ro. rtv atium-. in tim n ntnly ol C a knuiiv stnti ot iltvcoit, to wit All t Iota 17, is. nt, an, ji, j.1. ii .!, as. ;v : in. ;. .hi ml :rj In it oi k vj . I Mniiii.iru a.I.IMiiii lo llio i in i f I'orllatul, Aci'tinliiitf to the lo. nn. il plat lln re f. Now, ll ere'itr", liy ylrlug of al. cuvi'mlou, Ju.Uno nt or.loi unit id ere-., Mint In C'liti' llnnco with it e routionu I- ol ntt will, I will, on SaI ur ihv, ilie lat ilny ol Kvl ruarv, l-i'i. al t. e hour of ong u'riiH1 p. tit., att tlie front tloor nl tli.t t'oin t I'-iinl ll.tit'O In li e elty ol Orea-on t'lly In nlit eout'ty ami a !,., aeli ft put. 1 e aiiiilo ', aui Jeui to tnpt on, 1 1 Die h!iti eat ti r, lor c.ah In tout. I, all llio rlttlil. t In ami Interval which t ho with n nam -eit ilrfeit.latita or vitlivref tliom. hail ou ttiailnte of ilia ntorttfin-e hitrein or alue-i tia.t in mol lit It e A'ntat iloai-rrsM re, property or any it thereof, tit tMtiafy aitlil tftccut on, J'l'lirttient or Ur, dec ee, lot roat, ro la an i I crul it. la. K. t'. M in Inn K, SherllTof CUrkaittAa t'oiinty, Hr N M. Mo.uiV, Penny. Iiutavl, I'.ty, Or., U.o. al, Is.i. I-.1, 1 m no YOU NEED r RNY DOORS, WINDOWS. MOULDING, Or Building MnleriulV Go to C- H. BESTOW. l.tiwcnt fnsli ti'iivH tvrr ulli'ri'tl fur HY VIII looiee Mh-rifl" Niilo. In theClrenlt f.niri of Id stalo of t'riiiii, for to lounty of tUeltftiuAA W. K Itilh'ur.l, plallllllT. T. Char . V. llr.por. Mary K l'rpr, C trl Klulda I ruaiie ..n l K. 1. Nttt.tiitf, oof' inlAiiia. Slate ot OrvKiiu, Comity i f I lai'k auiaa, a. IKTl'K OK A Jl'IMiMKNr (IKIIKK. ire mi l mi vxenit mi. .ttiv la.iie I .ntt ol and itn.lor tlio aoAl ol the aiatyu oiiilCii . rour' , lu Ho alhivo -n,ltk-i . atiao, to me 1'ily .11 1 ecu d 4iol ilat.-d 111 tltti -lay oi Jitii'iary, lsf, tip-t i Jndwuio it re ii erwl aii'l oniere I In aid oouri Il Hie tl tl day ol N v lulf r. v.rt. In Inyor ol . K. Ilutiti'ir I. pl itnt if. itti.l Ntr iioai t'i.n'U.a Y. t'r P". Mary K. Ulni e , Dim Kiel u Trual...i '! K I' Nutli"!!. I fe I'lint-, f r ho in ol l.'o..V l h r.lor. at ti e-eott at Hi rati of leu p' m lit p r latum in I'li n llu- rlti -l-ty ol Novi-m i er, l'.t5. and f n inrllier all u f IM aa Mttor n y a I. e. and tti flintier atim f lo, ai d or:li aim f f.), w th li.te: al ti ere n .rlie r to l i 10 p r c i t p r t .tin t 'rout I e jy h .l..y ..I Aii I mlt r, l't. .ti d tl e fur h -r n-1 m .it I ipa a. or j not 'a ee mid tint fn llier.iiiu of 1:1, e I .liabur em.'iiia, mi I the on f "til upon IMa w r, eit'iiliian lili-I mo t i n.itko attl.t 1. 1 i ho fol low ln( da-rlli d rial iir..rly Ittialo in tht t'OU ttr Ol I'lnrk 'ill' a, StnU t (Irt-KMi, lowll I, it, S II ..I rt o t. flu II 111 tnwnallli' a ai 11(11 ol rAin.-e 1 eal of W llaiti" j ti erldlftii. .Now, ti eretore, iy vlr in u. ni l eyi.. iii'oii, jiiiUiii'tnt Ait-I ilit. r..'-. An I .ti e -mp laio-e nil ll e r.iiiiiiiand.i f aald vrl-, I will, .. i Mini day, Hi.- JI ti tin, ol Kt'briiary, I Mai, it Hit hour i f i u'rli e p in.. At Uio (lout dwtr of tli c uni ty iiuurl II man in ih I'Uy f o .-oil l ily hi the aftld eiiuiily and atal.., tut publ c aii' llnn iil'lx t tn rtdiiuipilon, lo iha IiIkIi. al r, for I', it. irold e tui, caah In liu I, all Ihu riln, tun. and liinri-'t wnieh th' w linn nam .Id f.o danu nr a l'ier ttf the ii, h id mi thv dale of llu mnrtirairo horalu or ai.te.i had In and lo tha abovtf d ' rliM-l rwi property or Any part ttinro. ol, to a. aa d exeent.itii, Jnd. iuo'it order, lieorve, luten at, coala Aud All ao-riit'ir roala. K. ('. HAtil'Dl K, SherllTof ClAOiAmaa o mniy. Ore on. 1-21, 1 ai. Hy N. M. .MKii.r. Ii-pitly. Kali it. Oreiion City. O run on, January l, l"li. t iliiilnlvf rator'aj Mule. Notice la lierahy k I von, that pnrmaiil to an truer and I ctna.t iaaiiod nut of tlm (Vmnly Ci urt of t laoiaii'M Couiitr. orattfitu, aa ndiniii lalratorof tlie ratal ol .lilaitl II. Mi t'iih'iln, di-eoi aod, I will nu fiica lay Kehruarr lih, at'ha hour nl In oclm-K m. at lliv romi hoiiaj door In Orcmin tllv, irt'tciii, otT.'r (or .nlv a"d ai-ll to the hlgtical Itldd' r IMa lol.owlin; dvaer b.-d rial ea:an. to-Wi: llai acroa, u oro or loaa n! Ill weal fialf of the donation land claim of Win. II. McCtilibiii and I. e, aald claim twin ile eribd o followa, ti -wit : I he aonlh i n- hAlf (',) of the aontliwiiat iitarUir I1,), the aotith-weat quarter ''4i nl tniiiti-weat ipiarU'r (',) aim lot in rtw (ii) i f aection tweuty Dina ifj ti 0 ninth eu.t qiiarlar of initli anal I1,) of aec lou thlrtv (.0) lota no (I) ami two ll) of a.clliin thirty one i:ii) and lota one (I) and two i2j nfae-iliin thirty-two (.1JI In townalnp a a, ranve ;u t of Iha weal ilerf llan cotitaiuliiit nai.'l nrrea, iiura or lua. 1 he above liiulitlont'd livtlTU aerea la Out weat halfufaa:i olalm lavu aud aieaptlni th fnl lowli. it di-aerluwd tiwcc, plwa or pared of laud enuTeyed to Win Henry Hinathara by William K. and wifo and recorded on page "J..5" of H.xik "K" Keenrdi of Iieodi of l.'laeaainaa Cotintr, and which ! there lu deaetla)d Aa fnllnwa. lo w.t: MokIiiiiIiik al a Irfiiut aijouain. weat frnro the aoiith-aaat ooruar of sjclloii ii. In aald lowuafitp a aonlh, ranito ;l eaat.lheiioa north atlcha li-,ibureuaat au chalna, thetii e aouth IIh' , ileitraua weal ,'ii chalna tnai-c-tlun line, thanra waat on aecllon Una 4 clialna In placa of beiflniiitiiT, coiitalulua ai ocraa. All of the fuilowluir tract, pltca or parcel of Ian I ty nil north of Clear f raak, belim a part of the clalmof Win. tonntll known aa claim No. M ll towuhlp 2 aouth, rmi( Daaat, deacr.bad ai fnl Iowa to-wil: HoeinufiiK at north eaat corner of aald claim No. fei, ruiiultie thanco aonlh H'jdu trrtea mliiiilea weal, tradliiir north boundary of amd claim IW-luohAliia toclalm corner, thonca iouth M chalna, the una north no dinreca i'i mlautea eaat, VJ. 13 chalm to tlie eaat Itonndary llua of aald olalm, thance north 10 chaiiiatobo Klunliiir conlalulnf l.'iH acre", mora orlaaa, and aid part north of aald Creek contnliilii aliout 20 acraa, mora or leaa. Bald property will be otTurad, flrat In parculi toault puichaaora. In oaaa no aattafactory bid larcceivoil for leu than thaenttro tract, then tha premlitei will ba told Intact. Arrange, menu may b made for ona year' lima for one half of purchaae price, by mortgag baarlnctea per cant iutareat. ItAted January 1th, WM. T1IOMAB r. RYAN. Admlnlitrator Aforcaaid. 1-3, 1 11 The Inter Ocean Is the Most Popular Republican Newspaper of the West and Has the Largest Circulation. TERMS BY MAIL. DAILY (without Sunday) $4.00 per year DAILY (with Sunday) $6.00 per year The Weekly Inter Ocean l .00 PER YEAR 1 As a Newapaper THE INTER OCEAN keeps abreast of the times In all respects. It spares neither pains nor expense in socurinK ALL THE NEWS AND THE BEST OF CURRENT LITERATURE The "Weekly Inter Ocean As a Family Paper Is Not Excelled by Any. fV5It has something of interest to each membor of the fa mil. Its " YOUTH'S DEPARTMENT Is the very bobt of IU UinO. ltiLin::. A RY FE A I URES are nnequaled. It is a TWELVE PAGE PAPER and contain-! the Nsw of thr 7."nrl 1. POLITICALLY IT IS REPUBLICAN, and Rlvoa its roadyra the binnfil. o" tiio ablest. iLscusuions on all live political topics. It in mtb.ishod in Clncaci and Is in accord with the people of the West in both politics and lltratur Please remember that the price of TiiE W'ELELV IK'iER OCiAN la DM.y o.N'E HOLLA It PER YEA If. Address THE INTER OCOAN, Chicago. FIRST - CLASS - GOODS. Also fiiinliiiiiilinn wiro iiml pirkft fi'iu'c, HARTMAN - STEEL - PICKET - FENCE. Ami lit'Ht fiinii friiiMiiK iniuli'. I'riffH (o nuil linrd tiun'H. Shop Opp. Congregational Church, MAIN STREET. OREGON CITY. STAR M GROCERY Donlor In GROCERIES, CROCKERY, FLOUR, FEED, ETC. ESTABLISHED 1883. TREES Tlio must cuiiijili'tf' stuck of FRUIT Trees over luitl in our nursery. ORNAMENTAL Trees in every variety. SMALL FRUITS In all the latest ami lest varieties. TRUE TO NAME All trees plainly lalelel. FREE FROM DISEASE fecial rare is taken to have from pests. all stoek free- NURSERY is loeateil II inilf-s heluw Orepm ( 'it y on west bank of Willamette river. CATALOGUE sent on application. OsVfj;(), Oregon. Postollico ntlilress i. OSWEGO NURSERIES WALMNU A JAKISCir. nent for Oregon City. K. T. liarlow FOIMvST (JK0VK IMUfLTRV YARDS, Tho Oldest and Most Roliablo on tho Pacific Coast. WYANDOTTKS, i'LYMOUTII KOCKS, LIGHT IIKAII.MAS, HltOW.V ami WHITE LIXiHOKNS, IMI'UOVKI) LANCSIIANS. Thoso Aro tho Very Boat Varieties Known IT piiys to keep only tin; heat, ami no ljtinint'.H pays so wrll an tho poultry industry. It piiyn better than wheat, lilies or cattln. ONK IIUNDUICI) IIKNS of tlio htHt laying variitii-H will yield a yearly net income of if'JlX). This season our stock is finer than ever, and we utiaranteo satisfaction to all our patrons. Send Stamp for Trice List of Fowls and Eggs. Address, Lock I!ox 3.'5.r. J. M. Garrison , Forest Grove, Or. OREGON CITY IRON WORKS New and Enlarged Shop with all appliances for MACHINE WORK & CASTING. All work executed in tho best manner jtossihlo. teed on all orders. Promptness guaran- REPAIRI1TG - J - SPECIALTY. Prices tho lowest to bo had in Portland. Shop on Fourth Street, noar Main, Oregon City, Oregon. (J. ROAKE & CO., Proprietors. ThU Firnnni f?fm-!y Mins qitlnkly. pnrmnnontlr Ml imrviiiis iliHKUMjN, W if uk Mttitiury. I.tins of liri.iu i'liwur. Iliiadui'lio, Witkoftiimmi, ttut Vtiullty. Nlulilly Kictln ttvll ilrtiitiiiM, liniH)Uuiir nnd whhIIiii I1mhiniii niLiiMul youth (ntrrrur ur rrr$M, CtiiititiiiH tiiMiimlun. Inn nrvi lonlu it nil hlfMMl 1iiilllr. MiikoNlltnimlMHtnliMiMrrttrnnirniKt plunip, Kfy i"nrriMi tn vi'wtpfK-ki't. W I T litur fur ffft. It? imill, pru (tihl. iMthavrlttrnattiimntfttrmimriirffuntlrii. WrliniiN iWm v wl iwmII'h bmik. (tlnln writpMr, with "'tlrnonliilii nt.fl 'VXft-ild llfinncul Mtiitultntf. ftnrhnrtit fnr mvnilttitiiii. Itrwnreot tn(fn j,.. f'int. Nwl'M--ri(iri'rf'rfrl''fii',''f'P)SrtltVMi:r''ft., rlfiiilcToiil,';Ue10, lforsautnoroKoiiCltxtOri'tf.,by CUAUMAN X CO.. UruKgints.