Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1896)
Oregon City Enterprise. Clackarrms Co. Directory. OOt'NTY OKFICKKS. I (SorliMl F. llsyc Imm. K. llorion . iif Count, K.r. Vn.i.l.vk , v M. ML M.x-n' Jir sBJn.VoiS i) tiunorlntrnilrnt. Ivor. HT, ilMiionert, p. w Kimimr.1 K. l lloimmi Kii-hnnl i'tu Frmik Jisr On KKIDAY, JANl'AKY :'4, 1.. SPRAY OF THE FALLS. C. 0. T. Williams is now prepared to make loans on good farm property. Write him. Money loaned on farms or business property. J. F. Clark otliee over Oregon City bank. Cneney's art gallery, situated on Main trect near the court house, is now ready for business. tf Lamps. New stock of all kinds just received Fine hanging lamps for ---"'- See Belloniv A Busoh, r J. V. Welch, dentist of the Chicago j College of Dental Surgery, otliee in the Courier bids, near deH)t. Lost in Oregon Citv a pair of spec tacles. If found, leave at the Kstkk-I prise otliee and receive reward. The Woman's Relief Corps will hold a special meeting at the residence of Mrs. G. A. Harding on Wednesday, January IWtli. Ve Witt's Little F.ariy Miters for bilious ness, indigestion, constipation. A email pill, prompt cure. For sale by C. G. Iluuttey, druggist. Position Wantkp. Bv middle aged woman as housekeeper in a private family. Best of references given. Ad dress "Housekeeper1' Orville, Oregon. Stylish trimmed hats cut to $100; caps cut to 2"ic. ; slightly soiled all wool yarn 50c.: misses rubbers (heel) sizes 13, land 2 forl'V. Ked Front Trading Kifls Clover hoot will purify vonr bloods clear vour complexion, regulate ...... .... . porcelain crowns ami bridge work a specialty. All ojeration8 guaranteed for 5 yeacs. Call anil get uiy prices. Otliee n Barclay bnililiin; If yen need anything in the lii:ij ot photographs, crayon. ta(tn' cotcr or niafel! imrtr-lto citv views ur nirtnre ' frame! it. will pay you to call at Cheney's . i y - j ---- - i , ,ou.jr,oweisanu nuKejonr e.ui near ; at FrancUco (or Mll0 time.t sajel tSc.,50f.,nl a doihir. hiu Wn or,iered to this place, and ar ale 6y t.eo. A. Hardin. ) riyoJ in w ciy Wednesday. Dr. L. L. I'ickens, dentist, does all George Randall, of New Kra, was in kinds of dental wo k. Gold crowns, jie 0it v Friday. He is favorably men- rtjfcajlcry, situated near the court houte ,cJa Blain street, Oregon City. If you have a job of repairing that will not justify your letting it to a regular contractor at contractor's prices, then see Davis, the repairer. He will do it in ffrat-ntaRA nhftrA and' At reasonable orvxs. Shop in Second Hand store building. Geo. D. Goodhue, editor of the Oregon Poultry Journal published at Salem, was in Orecon City Monday and paid the Estkepkise otliee a pleasant call. Mr. Goodhue w as on his wav home from the poultry Know in Portland where he w as one of the leading exhibitors. By the way Brother Goodhue is getting out a poultry paer eipual to tiie Eastern journals and he is doing a noble work for the poultry industry in Oregon and our fnciers should show their apprecia tion of his efforts by giving him a good subscription list from Clackamas county. Miss Nora CalitT entertained a number of her young friends with a leap year party at the residence of parents Wed nesday evening. The occasion proved a delightful one, and refreshments varied the in eresting program. Among those present were: Misses Marie Kob- e.ta, Alice Boberts, Lizzie Gilbert, Clara Adams, Lulu Meyer, Anna Freytag, Row Marr, Musa and Mollie Barclay, Minnie Holden and Nora Califf ; Messrs. Farnsworth, C. E. Muir, C. A. Muir, Frank McCausland, Charles Moore, F. B. Welch, Fred McCausland, Fred Meyer, Bert McCausland, Charles Lan- kins. Hiram Straight, jr. and Arthur Holden . Wednesday evening the Oregon City Young Men's Republican club held a meeting; in Poe's hall for the purpose of electing new officers for the ensuing year and of electing delegates to the State league. The meeting was called to order by President Meserve. Election of officers being the first order of busi ness, F. T. Griffith was made assistant to Secretary, T. P.Randall and J. W. Moffatt and J. N. Harrington, tellers. By a unanimous vote for each one J. MT, Moffatt was elected president, J. U. Campbell, vice-president; T. P. Randall, secretary and Gjo. Brougbton treasurer. The following were elected delegates to the Slate League: Geo. H. Horton, S. M. Kauisby, C. E. Gross, E. E. Char man, T. F. Ryan, C. H. Dye, Chas. Meserve, H, E.Smith, J. U. Campbell, T. P. Randall, F. A. Toepleman, Thos. Campbell, W. II . Howell, Chas. Han cock and Bruce Ziimalt. The U. S, Gov't Reports show Royal Baking Powdee superior to all others. PERSONAL NOTES. John 1! Jackson, of Moltilla, wmi mi Orojrm. city visitor TuoaiUy. l'li:nlos Clark, ono of tlio prominent fiirniors of t'ltukiuiiiis, in Oregon I'll v Tuosiluv. i , ... I, i . , Mrs. liwynno Iuvim Hint ilunglitrr, ' Mrs- Williams, of liosvor oreok, wore i.. (ho .-it v Tuosiltiv. A. C. Strange, toai'h'.'r of tlio Mink school, was ono of the visitors to the county sent Saturday. liootvo l.inn ami family, of North Yamhill, have boon visiting at tho rosi ili'iiee of .Mrs. S. A . Chaso. Mica liortriulo Lamb, a Newborn solix)l teacher, was in the city Saturday, accompanicil by her sister. Miss Tetmie MaytieM, one of the teacher m the lligblaiul section, was an Oregon City visitor Saturday, L. Schwahacker, of San Francisco, manager of the Crow n Taper Company, is spending a few days in the city. Milt M.irsh.ill. ii iroininiut farmer of Cllrrillsvi,i0, WM lookill(? HfU,r blwineM matters in Oregon City last Friday. J. M. Trai-v was down from Logan Wednesday, and reports political mat ters as very ouiet in his neighborhood. Grant Olds, of the Willamette l'ulp A l'aier Company, has been ill for the past week, resulting probably from over exertion. A. E, King, the Astoria canneryman, accompanied by his family, was visiting Mrs. A. Warner, mother of Mrs. King, during the past week. Miss Kate Casto, of Portland, was in Oregon City Saturday. She contem plates teaching in Clackamas county during the coining spring. W. Fierce Johnson, of Oakland, Cali fornia, president of the Willamette l'ulp A Paper Company, is looking after his business interests here, and will proba bly remain several weeks. i Attorney C. H. Dye was in Portland j Tuesday attending to the taking of testi mony before a releree for an important j land case in Columbia county in which j he is engaged as counsel. E. W. lHxon, a special agent of the Interior Department, who has been io- tioned by his friends aa suitable .candi date for theiotuination of either county commUuibuer or a place on the legisla te ticket. Miss May L. Pilsbury, of Boston, Mass . is visitinit the family of her un- cle, J. G . Pilsbury. She has been vis- iting an uncle at Denver, and concluded to see her Oregon relatives before re turning East. G B. Dimir.ick, a bright young limb of the law of Hubbard was in Oregon City Wednesday. Mr. Dimmick bas under contemplation the removal to Oregon City of his office and of entering !ie Clackamas county bar. W. T. Wliitlock arrived home Sunday last from his ranch near Detroit, on the Santiam river and will spend some time with his family in this city. When Mr. Whitlock left Detroit there was 6ve feet of snow on the ground and mote falling. Hon. F. L. Mintie, of Oswego, was in the city Saturday. He states that theie will be a meeting of the Oswego Repub lican Club next F'riday evening for the purpose of electing delegates to the ftate convention of regnblicau clubs. County Commissioner R. Scott started Wednesday for a tour of the Western counties of the state in the interest of the I. 0. 0. F. encampment, he being chief patriarch of the grand lodge. In his official capacity he will yisit most of the lodges in his jurisdiction as far south as Roseburg. Thomas Buff, of Whitman county, Washington, was in the city Wednes day. For nearly 40 years he was a resi den'.of Clackamas county, and lived about 12 miles south of Oregon City be tween the Molalla and Macksburg. He recently came down to Portland for medical treatment. City Recorder Thomas F. Ryan sol emnized a quiet marriage ceremony at his office Wednesday evening. The contracting parties were J. E. Lyons, of Portland, and Miss Clarissa Bender, of Clackamas county. Connty Clerk Horton has granted a wedding permit to Miss Florence Crocker, of Needy precinct, and Hugh P. Ridings, of Marquam precinct. Tinware Cheap. Bellomy & Busch, received a large consignment of tinware direct from the factory, as there is do middleman to pay, the public of Oregon City will get the benefit of this saving. No. 8 wash boilers are sold for 75c . , and copper bot tom tea kettles for 50c. An Old Standby. Clarence Porter is so well-known in Oregon City that be needs no further in trodnction to those wanting blacksmith work. His work always speaks for it self and his priceB are always reasonable. Remember his shop is opposite Pope's hardware store, corner Main and Fourth streets. tf Thc Racket Store. The best place for bargains in Oregon City. Call for what you want. Hoard of Trade Mreling. Monday evening tho adjourned annual mooting of the board of trade was held. Election of olucorswaa held and Presi dent lv E. Charman in recognition of the olhViout manner in which he has discharged the duties pertaining to his oll'uv during the past year, was unani mously re-elecled president lir the en suing year. Secretary J. M. Lawrence and Treasurer T. I.. Chat man were also re-elected to their respective offices i w ithout a dissenting vote. j Reports of the officers showed that the affairs of the hoard were in a satisfac tory condition and that with the present ! col loot bn of dues now being made all obligations would be met and as the ho.ird having no special work un hand it was expected that after next month all dues would be suspended until (inthor notice. Death of Mrs. F. W. Foster. Mrs. F. W, Foster, daughter of that well known pioneer w ho died at Damns cm in IST'i, passed away at her home at Clackamas last Sunday morning. Mrs. Foster was 4i years and four mouths old at the time of her demise, and leaves ten children. Her husband, F. W. Fos ter, died about live years ago; he was a son of Philip Foster, a pioneer of 1 S 47. Mrs. Foster was only three years old when she crossed the plains with her father, who located a donation claim near Damascus, where he resided up to the tiiua of his death. The deceased leaves five brothers and one sister. They are : J. J. and W. H. Cooke, Oregon City ; E. W.Cooke, Damascus, A, C. and J. H. Cooke, Portland, and a sister living at F'agb Point, Jackson county. The funeral services were held at Clacka mas ou Tuesday, conducted by Rev. D. B. Gray, and the interment taking place in the Damascus cemetery. An Interesting; Honk. F'rank A. Peltret, tho well know in Washington correspondent, is endued on a work of congresMonal wit, humor and satire. It will contain several hundred anec dotes and the points thoy were used to illustrate, thereby making it an invalua ble reference book for lecturer;;, minis ters, lawyers, political 8Kakers and de baters. It will also contain choice selections from all the great congress ional humorists. Mr. Pel tt eta's famil iarity with the great men of the nation, render him peculiarly lilted to prepare a useful and entertaining book of this character. Ole Olson. This popular gentlemen is new with the Cork-screw dramatic club, a home talent organization of considerable merit, recently organized at Viola, for pleasure and improvement. The members are J said to be very good tor amatures and are capable of putting on a good show. I They will give an entertainment at Viola on January 2!), and at Eaiile Creek on i January 31. Admission will be, adults 15 cents, children 10 cents. A dance will be given after the play, numbers be ing 25 cents. A lot of 2, $1.75, an 1 tl.50 hats cut to ; also tine towels at half price. Re4 Front Trading Company. Mradowbrvok !iotn. Mkaiiovbkciok, January 2o, Those who muke annual pilgrimugrs to the Ihh klcberrv fields near the head waters of the Molalla, and know how inconvenient it is to carry their supplies In, and the luscious (rnit out, on pack horses a dozen or fifteen miles over an Indian trail, will doubtless rejoice to learn that Peter Lall'erty k Co. are engaged in buil'ling and grading a good wagon rosd from the terminus of the county road at Pea Ridge to High Camp. Wni. Kdgecoiub has erected a new resi dence ami is now at home therein. John Young and a young lady friend were seen yesterday en route to the metrop olis. Editor Chas. A. Fitch, of the Herald, will seak at the Canyon Creek Alliance hall Saturday, Jan. 25, at 2 o'clock p. ni. Every body most cordially invited to attend. There will also be recitations, music, singing, etc., as dessert. Today Geo. Robeson starts for Alaska to trap fur fur or work in a saw null. While speaking of prospective candidates for otliee, let us suggest that the Clackamas county delegation should make a long pull, a strong pull, and a pull all together, lor Hon. Geo. Browned for the congressional nomination from this district. I'ikknix. Mollala Newt. Molalla, Jan. 20. Mr. F.C. Perry has moved back to our village. There is talk of incorporating our village, which we hope will be done. There was a social dance at William Wil son's last Saturday evening which was a grand success. J. B.Jackson went to Portland this week with a load of hogs. A. J. Mavill's new picket fence is quite an improvement. There will be preaching In Harless hall Sunday at 11 a. m. It Is supposed that Sam. Lowry was mar ried last Sunday. We can hear the buzz of Sturges Bros.' saw mill, which is running full blast. There is talk of a dance at J. R, Marsh's roon. While some of our young people were go ing to the dance Saturday night in passing through a neighbor's yard the neighbor be came hostile and threw a pail at one of the boys. But no damage was done as the dan cers moved on, anxious to dance. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Awiriltd Cold Medal Midwinter Fair, San Franciico. Awarded Niftiest Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. DR.- CREAM BAI&SNG MM Most Terfect Made. 40 Years the Standard. Hfsvi-r t'rt Items, Hkavkk t'Ktm .Inn. '.'I. We lmu liml ahou! four Inehesol snow In I Mi place, lint now 11 is rmiiuii; upon and the miom lias itisappeared. Mii 1 1 an mill 1 1 11 uni's, of ;ln.Mone, spent Suliirdiiv and Sunday nt looue null her pa rents, Mr. and Mis. It lluh. v Mr. Wii.iicM, ne 1 nglii v-eigiil lenrs, died of old nue hut riiurdiiv lnulil. lie h irie I S.,:di iilieriiuon 111 llielirn lium ee nrlerv. liev. Inirii-i liiieli reached the luneriil si r ices. A luri' crowd nltemlcd lhi lunerul. Mrs. Kale S'.oih died ill 'ier home In Ore gon City Ih-i Sil'iid'iy niK'it 1 1 er leinains were laid to ret hv the si le of her nuilher Kild hroiher in the (iermsn cemetery Mon day nllernoon. Iter hll'lniud and ou are It-It n oiouri. I er h. Rev. Siauli preached tin funeral services. The w dding hells are ringing. Mr. Al lien end Miss Kii(.i Stevens were tiiurrifj Sunday ufteriuisn si the resi dence of I he bride's parents, Rev. Horn-.-hiii'lriilti.iiiliin(. An imitation (arty was givea at the res idence of Mr. and Mrs lirisiiilliiviille lul Friday eenun(. KelrnttHiei.ta were served. A very plea-ant lime was tind. Mrs. Williams and her elol Iron hnvecnine from Wit-lin k'tn 10 spend I he winter with her mother, Mrs. lixiiinie Daws. W11 1 111 SK. Mink .News. Mini;. Jan. 21. The Iid.i t K. Horn- sehti. h u iniide hri -hi"! a liule girl, J.w.ircv lo. Mrs. Kn'.e Sianh w ho iliel in 1 ireon I 'ily last Saturday waa eli k.ioAii here, a- she was reared in tins vn Hilly. She was helmed and ren-eitid hv all who kin .v her, and many will nil" her. SI e 1,-nves it 1 1 u -1 and and little son to mourn their loss. The family has the sympathy of the entire rain liuinily. Last Sun lay while Knill llornsehiieh and family were awav fioui home, someone was evidently In need of money and Knill was rohbed. No evidence can t,e given who the culprit was. Ruv. II. K. llnrniw hucli is ipiite a rustler of a preacher. Sunday morning lie preached in Oregon City, then came out lo Cams and held a funeral service, aft'-r w hich he came out a little further an I married a couple, then he came over and preached In the evening, alter which ho returned In Oregon City. Thai's the kind id preachers we want. Tiani"Mt. B'nnnyshls Item. fi ssvsnir, Jan. '."o.-Mr. ('lift, who has been sick lor some time, is not lunch im proved. Mrs. If. Pamren has trailed her farm here for a sm.iller Irwct uf land near the Clackamas river. Rev. ami Mrs. Tims. Miles and Mrs. F. II. (iritlith were gnesls of Mrs. K. M. Sum ner Friday. Mrs. M. Iluhhurd returned ln-t week from a visit with Iriends in Portland. Hereafter there will he prayer meeting on Tuesday evenings at the residence ol Mr. II. K.cirifilth. We believe the correspondent from Ibis place last week was misinformed in regard to the revival meeting, as two conversions are reported. Weak,Irritable,Tired I Was No (lood 00 Earth." Dr. Mile' Nervine Btrcnpthens tho weak, builds up the broken down constitution, and permanently cures every kind of nervous disease. "About one year ago Itrat affilrtrd with nrrroutnrmm, mlerplnmnea; Vrrrplna enatlon in mu leg; Might palpitation of mu heart, VMraetlng eonfuxlon of the mind, Hertovlo or lap nr. of memory. Weighted down with tare and worry. I completely loot appetite And felt my vitality wearing out, I warn weak, irritable and tired, My weight wa reduced to 160 lb., In fact I wat no good, on earth. K friend brought me Dr. Miles' book, "New and Start ling Facts," and I finally docldod to try a bottle of Dr. Milks' Ito orativB Nervine. Before I had taken one bottle I could loop as well aa a lO-yr.-old boy. My appetite returned ireatl Increased. When I had taken the utrth bottle Sly weight increamed to t70 bn,, The uennutlon in my leg wan gone; Sly nerve steadied completely) Sly memory warn fully retored, Stybraineeme.delearerthanerer. I felt an good an any man on eartlu Mtr. mien' HcHtoratlve Ke.rvtne in A great medicine, I aimurei you." Auirnsta, Mo. Walter IL IIciiiunk Dr. Miles Norvlno Is aold on a positive guarantee that the first bollln will bonnllt. AlldniKKiHtSHcllltatl,tt bottles fnr'. or It will tut sent, prepaid, on rec-lnt of prleo by tho lit. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, led. Dr. Miles' Nervine Restores Health r RIG SLAUGHTER SALE! EVERYTHING GOES Our Annual ('lounuire S11I0 will begin nil Sal iinl.iy, Hie isili insl. Inuiilei' to miiko mum fiir Hit in ninl Hiiiuuior piiiils, wo will sell Mux's fur 11 11 v piioe wo can p-t fur Ilium. Kvcrytliinn . . I ' . I I' .. 4t c;ii,.s lliill'lllg fl'Hi'l Vl'il. I HIS IH li t lllllli o i'l 1 it'o tiiiio ilon't tni-sw it. SI IOICS KOI A SONG Ihlins 011 SATURDAY, tin- iStli at c, oVI.k k a. HAI-IC I.AMTH Ifl IIAYH, McKiltrick, "Tin Shoo Man' Noxt door to OroKOi. City Bank, OroKon City. c MILLINERY! -Q For the next HO days I will ncll evcrytliint? t rout innl khiihi tilings la-low oust, tn ejet in slwii fur sprint; triple. Cuitu1 curly atul secure t In bargains. Mrs. N. Slnclen, Next door South Methodist Church, Mnln Htrcct, Orcumi City, OH girls: CHARMAN WOULD LIKE TO SHOW YOU THE FINEST SELECTION OF TOILET ARTICLES IN OREGON CITY. "Tjjefe I? Wo Especially if you aro greeted With an appetizing talile, Whoso cooking is from groceries, Tho fpiality of which is (iuuranteetl ly coming from Tho well-known house of MARR & ROBERTSON, The Seventh t Manufacturer's Prices By having a shop of my own and manufactur ing my own stock of Lounges, Couches, Upholstered Chairs, and Mattresses. I can Hell them at whonalo priced and yot make a profit. I guarantee tho work to bo firstclass. Furniture Repniring done Promptly and at Reatsonable Prices. J. J. MCCRHTH, Opposite Postofflco, Oregon City. iiMis;iir((rwtwi7,Tiiyf s f aVef " III. place LiPe Hoge Street Grocers. jj 1