Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1896)
witini Lll) UllUjiriM.L (.11M AK(ril(i llH1 ,1I)Hl , .(, scm;nuLi:s ok timl: (i c. T en s H'fi ami us, A I IMS (III II IKiK 1 , IICIVtKKN l-llliri Nt, AIHM till I NI.K IK N Ii Nt l,iant I'lirllmiil. 'I n y lor alii-i-l tlncliiilft I". A. M, m k ! y Kuipliir ki . M, ami hwivu. lli It y f.. h., h .111 A. M, Wi'i k ,i,ra nnil In M Hiitnliiy, llnliirnliii lanvn I Urn. hi Ciy Inr I'uilliiinl al J 1.1 jk ! h.l ii ;m r. M. H.iii.Ur. Kaal linn', K'""l aromiiuilriiliiiia mul luw ralna, Nil way Irrlvhi liamlli'l,'lal mica oil llirniiKli ftnlKlit. mil iiikiin i-Acini: haii.wav. !' Al I M TH ciili'ii liir H'i urn wnriliv City "i. -Tli" follow Ink til i t n I i-M ol Hi" year of ni Kciviili'm liV Oii-K'Hi, May, Au di hit ii III III Nil. ll fiirril Kinrttaa fllirniiKti) Hlimililirn Intra) tway atallnlla) Huloiu raa.Miitft-r HUTU Hill Nil. llnH'tiiirt; l.iirnl (way atailnna) I alllmnla K'Hi lllitii(lo Hal in I', aaniiiifir - 7 lil in. ' II W i. Ill . V : a. ill. 77 a. m 4 . p. m 4.1 IP. trading ill Furl Vhiii'oiiovit, or Orrgoii City. Tim funi liy i iiiioii from Anlorin In Vuiii iiiivi'r or (begun City wim (in, ! KuH mi'l Novi-tnti'-r W'll have Sim TIiii IIimI himi going yi-m-cl built ill Oin. ,.,VH , , year. February lii'iiiM gnu mum llm ai imoncr Him built lit "ii'- hii. cihN i.ii Hilurduy ; Memorial Day iiiii Cily In llin wintiT of iH.ill it in I I Ml i, ,! VmniIiiiIom' liirllnlnv coiiikh mi Slut wiin cunt to Inn Sandwich llitniln, j Kiiliiriliiy. Labor Day on urn mi '! Tim llltln Mli'iminr Ciiliiiiiliiii, Imi IL in j IciiiIht 7th mnl Tliiiiikgiviiig I'uy in A Hloriii liv tlm Front I'.roH., in Mil uinl dim November '.'OIIi. Tim only ecliH 'fid, I latllrwi wiimIIik Ural Hteitinhiml liuilt j yjj,.i in ,N..rtli America In 1 H!Ml, will In Oregon. Sliu wiih hiiuII, u i)ir nio'li-l 1 oi rnr Aiiirut '.M trtiitl nclipw of -ELLOH mnl vnry mIow, Him run between Port luml uml Anlorin until tlm bi' Wliit eonib took hnr place. Tin) fur ii on Hum 1 1' lilt bclWCCII tlm two I'itil'H wiin f'.'.V An lulu ua 1H-M tlm funi between Poll In ml uml AaUiil.i mnl Portland wun $HI, mnl in lM."i.' I paid : to no from llreiioii (.'ily to I'oitlmiil on tlm link) hteuiiicr KkiU, Aialmictt of only IL' mili-n. Thin rat continual a late a I KM Clutaop I h-ui Ii wuh the fiml iiliorit reaort for Oicgnii An I'Hfly m IH6I , it few Uilic in Hulcin and Oregon City found it a very Una tliinx to H lu t'lulnoi pliilb mi l ylhit frii-mlH. : llm iiioon. Kiriiu will l'in Miirch !li, riimiiiiT Jillin '.Dtli, fall Hi-ptmn-j Iwr '.'(nil. Bii'l wintur Di'fumliifr 2IhI. KaHti'r Huniliiy ori::irH April fitli, j WmiK roil I'.oaiiii A Mloiit, IniliiHtrl- 1 oint ronmry ooy of 1(1 yi'iim waoti a po- ! dill. in wlicn Iiii run wmk for liii lionnl I mnl ko lo hi-IiooI. AiIilnixH "Hoy" chic 1 of Fm IKHI'IIIHK llllil'll I hf Mt'iiini r 'I'uli ilo. Ainiii I licit fur vonr imlroimKi', for tlm Toli-ilo. 1 wihIi lot'ull toyotirnotiwt, l luit I now li.ivn coiiiifi.'iitinH wtli tin) North I'hi'uIIi! StiMin Ship Couipuny ami Uain anii Mioii Watkm. Tlm rnpiil I ihi-y lmv lu Ural i Ihm- flight Hti-mni-rH, I'llHTAI. HI'IIKI'I'I.K. ' v inn tiikhn l-ii inr mii.iniAii, Mall cliiina (ulna Nnilli, :l .0 t mi. ami 7 p. Mall ilii'a a'lina Mniilli, a M a. in. ami 7 p. i Mull ilii'lliiill iri'in NtriliHa. in . ID .1.1 a. ni Ma l Jlilnl.ulii'l In. ill Hnutli, a a. in , 4 p. w. HY t aiiiic m.m lan, Mall rli ana tor I'oftlaml ainl tl t l rl I. lit I naf puliila, IV iMHin, anil 4 4:i . Ill, MaitrliKaa l r Miloaukrc ouljr, all a in.. A 1. .. ... Mail arilvra Ifom ruiilaml, II "i a. ui. ana iiulil ol tlm ri't'i'iil niiow mm In-iivy om m iin in ii'iivi-h rurumin lor ran "' am m.i Tna. uiiiH, Iihii ruiwil tint rlvnr coiiaiili-nihly. ' Friiiii-iH. ii, rvi-ry S.ilunhiy, i:mryiii Oi.-iiii('llyliiKlr.('ann,Sliiliiin.l.ll.rralaiii i, liuulu Iimvii puaai'il through tlm loikn ! (night of H 1 1 kimlx, mnl UN clii'up MM tlm MoUII. l.-.v,a .1 11 .... ami arrl at U .... (r(jtll nnv,,(11,i11 i ,,.,,,. . T.v HK ,,. ,), Tol.lo orrnii i nr lo imvr r. , Miiia. i lara. ; ,. ..... Wll un.xlLfl H lit n Ntum I-hI ll . i I n' KitlroliHiri) ol llm p.-o.H!. All Tlm alciiiiiiT AIIoiih, ToIimIh, KIiiioiw lnili' i-ii l. iil hoat, can not imi ui it loan, mnl Houk mu inoori-il uIiovh the fulla, mnl iihwhm lln- alm k-hol'li-m, to pay whilu llm Itumoiia mnl Modon nni una- j -x ..'Ii h, hut inil-t imvi- trull'u: to pay hid tu (jut up tho rlvnr from In-low, Tim i-xim-iihi-h im ihi-y i. I know if it ntork rlvwr ia nli,wly raininir mnl holow the ' hohli-r of llm TuliJo, lie wouhl kick. U II. L I ' .. I.,.. Ulll. .,..1 I ..II..I. al a a m. Minnlay, Wnliimlay anil Kriilay, aiul roli.rna i... Inlliiwl.itf ilava al 4 HA p. in Orraull rlty t Vtula, lentil ami Hrillall'l li avri l.rrtnl. ( Ily Mnmlay, U nluioilay au I Frlilay at I W p. ui , Ivarlni aaiua daya al 7 w)a. in. nruimi City In Wlllamiilta, Hlafforil ami W laui.vlllv, arrlra al I :i a. ui, ami liavra al II an p. in, daily. ral iHlirary wiinluw la opon nil hi.uda ' Ihim Him II a. .... AO laiuradnippxl Into II. -iMnatilia 'I' it la iiiimilly 'i l T Hiilidar, aa tia ntlmr daya. All Kaili-ru mall Dial la ilrlayad and lalla li anlvouii II i a. In , H. I', train will Duma un U u'cluck ii r 4 l.'i aiciitrlo car. WII.I.AMK1TK rAI.W H Y. i aa LtAva ai ariNiniH HKinm 'i a in. 7 :i " V im " 10 (U " 11 .ii " I.' lu I I ''I', in. 1 u. - H ll " 4 ml " ti m I Ii. ' il HI ' 111 " uo ' 1010 " Bllllday rara leave aval p m. lu tntoi un am: .u.inrT rLL a. m. 7 n imi sn 10 .10 11 4.S I on p. m. II. M) ' a .to ' 4 ,m " MA " ' 7 U ' V l! " 10 14 liunr milll 9 n'rlm'k iy I liar January X K, C. A. HII.I.KIt. M IT. FK1IAY, JANt'AUY IN, IK'.HI, AmiTIUW liKI) FHi.NT HoIIIIKH F.M'AI'K. Il ii'ina now very prohuhlu Hint tlm Hra'traturH of tlm hmnlary of llm Uml Front atom ainl other rohhi-rlca nt I'oit Inil'l mnl Vnnroiiyrr, will cwupf) llmir jiiat puiH-liinioit. Duly mImidI Ihrco wcckii niio ThiiiiuiH l lurk , who aa ur real i" I iia one of tlm piincipnla in thn Itoil Front rnlihiTV, in.i'li' hia uiiii from tho 1 'liii kii iiiuh cminly jail nlonu I with thriM' nilicr priH iin rH, mnl now Kil-' litter ia K'.lic. ('on ki'lllliiT aa tiinl in Jildit Sli'plii'u'a ruiiil, Miilllliiiniih ! county, lait week an l f'iiiii'1 ifiiftly of Iniilari.inK 'hr He I Fiotil "t ire i't ife on City. A iiiulnin w ia overruled to, llillliNi lliu cilhe un iii i'iilll.t of lat'k of j'l ' r i -i I H-1 mil , mnl tlie Ju le aenlein e I him ! to 10 yeara coiiliiieiiii'iil in Hie pi iililen tinry on I IniiH.liiy. I'm juden prnpiiHe mid jail Ineukcra dispone. Con Kelli- j l er ill company with tw oilier imti-.l ciiiiiiualH, mitdo their eaenpe from Hie rortiuiid jml I'riilny infill by kuwiii hiiwiiik' out. Kellilier uml C' have Imi Ii duim limn in peiiilentiai ien, uml belniiK to n hard cniiihiiiaiion. Tlm de ti'i'tivea havu been kieiinx u wiili hollt fur them for many uioi,Hih, mnl it w only rei'clitly that they Meeured cviili'tice luiounh to convict. Snio.a thu uhovo waM In type Kellllinr and hia two jail mules were ciipltired itt Scappomo hy Home f.innerH, mul urn now uK.iin Nafoly hoiiM'd in the Mult noiiuili comity jail. Jt VKNii.K Footiiai.i, Fkhkcarv 22. Tlm hoyn of tho I'IiimIIiiiiii uml Har dily hcIiooIh urn iMilliiiHinaiiu over foot bull, uml are practicing daily. Il m ex peeled that a guum will he played be tween pickcil teiiuiH from ear It hcIiuoI on Fchriiuiy 2-'nd . The varioiiH puiiila fulla bua reuclicd u point lT.4 feet above bl'li water mark, uml uhovtt the (jri'ut waterfall, I'-'.infeet The water, liowevnr, bun not hn yet Interfered with tho woik in tho piiM-r luilln, ulthoiiKh it in iiiio!iaihle to briiiK down l"ic from hove tho fall". The rimi of miolher foot would cunao the pulp and paper nulla to temporarily upi n I i'iM'ration No heavy Mood, linwever, ia unticl paled III preaent unleM heavy full ui rain liould enniie at once. The wutera of the trihuturiea lloiii through Clai kn maa county, are not carr in audi an uutiatml ainotinl of water, cotiHideriiiK the voliiino of aiiow and tan. Hint ha recently fallen. A vorii km Vkvkhaiiik I'io.vckh An other Clai kainaa county pioneer li ia puaaisl away. Joaeph Tl.oinua WiiiK field, UKeil M yeara, uml a pioneiT of lH47,hed luat Friday morning, Juuuary 1 7tt , at tho rehldenco of hi" vouuiteit d.iunliii r, Mra. J. K liruhnm, where he liaa imide liia home for yeura. Mr. Wiimllnld wuu a native of Virginia, but emiiirali'il tuClackamaa county from Miaaoliri )! yearn ano, mid tu k up one of the tlrat donation dainm on the .Mo lalla. Dim year more ami he would have been a resident of CI n k.i.iia comity for u half century, and during all thin time I ma continually lived in thin county. After the deah of hia wife he paitittoned the luul iiiiioiik hia i hll. lien and lu.idii hia Inune with lie in. He hud hi en feeble f .r moiiilia previous to Iiii deatli, and yridti.illy tut ri R away. The child'en who am vive him urn Mr". Lin y Wish Uiluti, Mta. Il.iiiinili I irahani ; (ieore Wiiililiehl, ol W'illiuil, and .!- 1 1 1 Will' Held, of Hulur The ftineial mi vice aa held at the leniilenre of Mra. (iiabau. on Suntlay. Olll IniHKAHK OK I'ol'II.ArinN The cerium of the atulu of On-ifi'ii for 1 Sit't, compiled in tho Hceietaiy of Htute'H ollice uml made up fiom the re porta ol the vurioua counly BiHeHHora, hIiohs a lolul popiilulion of ;ii:',"ii.'. Thin ceiiHiia jfivea Cluckumaa county a poiiilaliuu of 1! 1,1 "):!, un im-rciine of (l.D'.'t) over the ceitHUH of lK!k). Cluckn unit counly HlnndH third in point of pop ulation in the Htntc, unil baa the irniiie prupoition of ineietiHu in populiition. Ten out of the I I KiiHlern Oregon coun tieH, allow a derided falling IX In tho population duriuK the pin-t five yenrx, while only one Wentern (rei;oii counly, I'ooh, uliowa a ilecreaae in population. Il ia u notable fact that C'lackmuiiK county aliow tho lareat per cont of in creiiH't of popiilulion of any county in tho are proudly weurinK tho color ol their UM UiTlng t() ierioi, n)0ve "consid ri'Hpeciive hcIiooIh, mid llm "kida" are more entliiiHiatiu oyer Ibo Kiune titan older la'oplo tiauully ure. The color, red uml while of thu liurcluy hcIiuoI, and the blue uml white of the KiiHtlmiu Hdiool ure noticeable evvrywbero, mid the pupila vie will) each other in the (liHpluy of jfiiy cololored ribbon bows and Htreamer. Thu kid are eiilhiiHi HHlii: ainl uru iiiHpiring others with their onthiiHiuHin. In their daily routine of practice, lltey are gettinwt all tliu pcinl of the name down pat, and their cliam pioiiHbip gnino on Wellington'": birtb duy will be the event of February, lMld. When the yonnxHteraaie turned out of pi bool in the eyt'iiiii( the air ia rent with ill-, yella of the pupila aa they Benin ht for home, and the "Kub ! Rub I Itah I What la Thin, Zip Hum Ills" of the Hurcluy school, comniiiiKlea with the about of the Kastman stulwurts, ''Kick ity, Kiikity, Hop, the liurcluy School is in the toup." PlONKER Kk.MINIHCKNI'KH. P. W. flil- letle, a pioneer of Clai son plains, gWue Homo iutttroHtini: reininiscenes of early davH in IiihI Sutuiduy'B Oregoniiui, boar inK on home of tho punt history of Ore gon Cily. Ho flrnt tolls l ow the reai dc nl of Astoria and Clatop l'luiim in 1841 puddled their canoes to Oregon City loaded with wheat, which they bad Krotiml into flour. Ilo uy tbut prior to ered. As Old Standhy. People have lonit since learned that Heeds of unknown quality, be they ever so cheap are dear at any prico una this fuct has been the cause of the grout growth of tho well known seed botiHe of James Vick's Son's liuyer have lotind that they can rely on the seeds from this lirm and that all pluntB sunt out by them are trim to name. Vick's are among the pioneers in the seed business in this country and their success has been well earned. It pays to plant good seeds, and we advise our friends who are thinking of doirtK anything in this line to send ID cents to Vick's Florul Cluide fur 1805, This amount may be deducted from the first order. Jamea Vick's Sons, Rochester, N, Y., are tlm pioneeis in this line. Tkaciikrs to Mkkt. The next meet ing of the Teacher's Asocial ion will be held at Barlow, Saturday January 25, 1800. A very Interesting program has been prepared for this meeting and the peoplo of Burlow are working with a will to make the meeting a success and the place being convenient of access ami having a splendid hull and being noted as good entertainers they should huvo the pleasure of one of the largest gather ing of teachers that bus ever been bd.l in Cluckumus county . To the imi HMi'i-nl 1 1 lien, llm n-oplu ure indebted for their cheap rates and it be hoove" the a-oile to pntrmiirj' lliein, and el to t hove that palroliiae (hem. Atlea-t you might think it over, if you want the indeH-iidi'iit linca to live. You will only gel the higbeat prices (or your produce, aa well aa to be able to buy at thd cheap i st rirea u" long the independent bout lives, and run on the route. I can not gil to can y wheat lo the mills, or get Hie work for the pulp uml puier mills at the lo. kn, uml so I hive to live ex cluaivi I) frniii the patronage of the people uloi g the Yamhill. route. When I -Lu it'll the Toledo, I hud faith that the people would stay bv me, ami 1 can not ") .hat my fait I) bus la-en "hukeii, in out few iiiHiumw but times ure very do e now, and every little bit helps, it n il cveiy little loss of patronage is Icll. I have added un electric light plant, lo l ie bout, and I am the firm, and al pn-M-nt Hie only one, that has ehctric lili'-,on un upper Willamette b'tals. lleginniiig next Tuesday, January Ustli, the To'edo wiil leave Portland at in miiiiitea before 7 in the n.oming, in "leud of 7 o'clta k us at present. I find that people c niing by street cars, can caieli Hie I nt i at that time as well as ul 7. My low n g inia been u bole lin.tncially, ami 1 beg paidou (or any delay to pas senger cai sed oy it 1 w ill very soon he done with i', and will be in shape to kiv. a od pi-.enger service us the freight Imi ness a i l allow. Ilolh freight nni p.. . n. era ant neo led to make the unite iii ce 'u . I tiy lo keep plea-ant an I p ili'e 'ilh't' s, as well as crew, and yo'l mil be n- 'in-tl ii Hie tieal tre.lliueiit, a nil hiiv c.iu-e for will bo r"mptly i oveil, or settled. I think Ih 'e licit h ive stood by the boat nt all tiiue-i, an I vvdl endeavor to so coudiict the busiiie"", Hut they will continue their luittt iinge, uml uUaya speak a good oid to others, ami iifed their in fluence for the boat, and I will always appreciate u good word spoken for the Toledo. Respectful yours, Juki. Pai.mkii i kkk. II iCs This? Wo oiler One iluntlred lollnrs l'evvuid for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by II ill's Catarrh One. F. J. CI I F.N KY & CO., Props. Toledo, O. We the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney for tho lust 15 years and believe him perfectly honorable in ull business transactions and financially able lo carry out any obligation uuido by their linn. West oi Truax, Wholesalo Iruggils, To ledo, Ohio. Wattling Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale I'ruggisls, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is tukort inter nally, acting diiectly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tho system. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testimonials freo. 1800 inili H of iui(' dig (unci) U1i 1kiii') wire in Oregon nnil Washington now in oisT.'ition by the Oregon Ti:i' ilioni: and Tol i'gr;iili comimny. Portland, Scuttle, Hjki kfinr?, Taroinft, Halern, Wullii WiIla, IVndli-ton, Albany and W other towtiH in tho two rstati'B on the line. Quick, accurate, cheap. All the Hutinfuction of a personal coiiimunication lJiHtanco no t-H'ect to t clear unilerHtandirig. 8pO' kano as eanuy heard an Portland. Oregon City office at Huntley's Drug Store. J. H. THATCHER, MANAGER, Portland, - Oregon. "ALL TUB MAGAZINES IN ONE." New Goods Modern Pricen. orner urocerv. Complete tock of Fine Family Groceries, Try my extra Choice Tea.-ss2 Richard Freytag. Main and Fourteenth Streets. 'at aA n. 1A A A 'at at . '. 'an. a'A af. . t-KEVIEV"REVIEVS Edited by FIIAW. YJMEYIEWS Ti:2r t , It 'f t 1 r''.rwa rivr MONTHS $1.00. vi V.a V.IH 't '. V.ll V. V FOR PEVir.W OF PEVaWS, a its ni lmnl..( n!.i In fMdable form the bet r .itj that appears in the other t'Vi'w' " .J great nwainrt ail over ' ' ivmHfiS i,, worM VMmVjnn tho & that lhv m..'.: i : v. . v r. ... . : : . ;. ' L ri-'l are puonsnea. wstu ine rec;ni extraordinary r!' m-wi-fr'A . .... .:. .... ... imrc4c oi wormy crittuita-), incjc tttrtui reviews, summaries, and quotations, giving the gist of periodical iitera. a 11 1 1 1 Inro ar alnna worth the subscription price. Aside from these departments, tlie editorial tat and contributed features of the Pevkw or equal in extent totmafiane. an invaluable chronicle of the happenings of tlie thirty days just past, with pictures on every page of the men and jj women who have made the history of the month. lit Liltrarr Worlt says: - we are Jce, Iy impressed from month to month wiih tlie value which is a iort of t.'.e whole v.i 'V.ti V) V ai V 4 Vl v fcl) ') Ptvitws are tliemselves v The Editor's " Progress of the World" is J 'at; Vt, ANNUAL uaacmmoN $2.50. TMBIf HtCiNT AMPICS 25 cents. 25 of the 'Review of Reviews aT. of Eiffel To ver for the survey ijy field of periodical literature. And yet it has a mind and voice of its .pr. own, and speaks out with decision and sense on all public topics of !jj J; n. me nour. 11 is a simjuur tomciiuuun 01 u:e montniy mai;az;ne and v t tlie daily nrvspaper. -,. under a field glass." Ti? Sold on ail Newt Stand. It is daily in its freshness; It is tlie world Single Copy, 15 nU. inRBlEW-REVlLWS 3 13 Astor Place, New York Agents find It the flost Profitable na;pzine. fet) V.i qCHOOL SHOES FOR- STRONG STYLISH SHAPELY School Children JOHN A. BECK, THE RELIABLE JEWELER I 1 No. 270, Morrison Street, PORTLAND, OREGON, j IS STILL ON EARTH. j For general repairing he etands without a peer. For first-class, re- j liable goods his store is second to j none. Trv him 1 I Should be WELL-MADE WELL.FITTINR WF I I -WPARINR r We have them M at prices from TQ $9. KraUSSH Bmfi. 3 1 IMPERIAL GALLERY Oregon City, Crayons, Enlargements Photography in every branch. PLUM DING TINNING... Close Figures On Large Jobs A. IV. SCHWAN 'BBDSeventh Street, Near Depot. Children's Pictures a Specialty Gallery over Mrs. Prier's Store Main Street. A Valuable IVeserljit ion. Editor Morrison of Worlhington, Intl., "Sun", writes: "You have a valuable prescription in Kleclrle Bittern, and I can clioerftilly recommend it for Consti pation ami tiiclr HeaiWlie, and an a tfunerul syateiu tonic it has no equal." Mrs. Annie Stelile, 2628 Cottago Urove Ave., Chicago, was all run down, could not eat nor (lik't'Mt food, had a backache which never left her and felt tired and weary, but Bix hot tics of Electric Hitters reHtorud her health and renewed her strength. Prii ee DO cents and $1.00 Get a bottle at Chnrman and Co's drug store. A. B. Steinbach & Co. Popular One Price Clothiers, Hatters AND T71 .r uruisuurs. Tie St. Lis Gie-OnocFat The Great National and Representative Republican Nowspaper. Reduced Subscription Rates, by Mail, Postage Prepaid. DAILY AND SUNDAY, . One Year, $6.0O; Six Months, $3.00 SATURDAY EDITION, 16 pages, One Year, $1.60 SUNDAY EDITION, 28 to 40 pager, .... One Year, $2.00 iWEELY, issued in Semi-Weekly Sections, 8 pages each Tuesday and Friday, 16 pages every week One Year, St. 00; Six Months, SOc. Cor. First and Morrison Sts. PORTLAND, OREGON. Cross Husbands. Are largely the product of poor barbers. A SORE FACE Is a just cause for profanity and irritability. LIKE A CONVICT Do many men look after their hair has been cut by an incom petent barber. TRY FARNSWORTH.... THE GLOBE-DEMOCKAT is universally conceded to be THE BEST of Amer ican newspapers, and at these REDUCED RATES it is also THE CHEAPEST. THE GLOBE-DEMOCRAT pays for and prints MORE NEWS than any other paper in the United States. It will be indispensable during the coming great National Campaign, and the LOW PRICE places it within the reach of all. THE GLOBE-DEMOCRAT is sold by news-dealers everywhere at 2 cents for the daily and 5 cents for the Sunday issues. Delivered to regular subscribers, Daily and Sundav, IS cents a week, 60 cents a month. If your local dealer does not handle it, insist upon his procuring it for you, or send your subscrip tion with remittance direct to the publishers. No excuse for sleepless nights when you can procure One Minute Cough Cure. This will relieve all annoyances, euro the most severo cough and give you rest and health. Can you afford to do without it? For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist. A dollar saved is equal to two dollars earned. Pay up your subsciption to the Entkrimiihk ami got thn the bonellt of the reduction in price. Jobbing and Repair Shop. is. m D7rei& Will do all kinds of shop work, repairing and general carpenter work promptly. Store fitting a specialty. Saw filing done. Shop In Old Metliotllt Church. .taT-Partlcular attention is called to THE WEEKLY GLOBE-DEMOCRAT, issued in Semi-Weekly sections, eight pages every Tuesday and Friday, making- it practically A LARGE SEMI-WEEKLY PAPER FOR ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. This issue just fills the bill for the busy man, who has not the time to read a daily paper, nnd yet desires to keep promptly and thoroughly posted. It goes to every State almost to every postotlice in the Union. All America is its legitimate field. No matter where you live, you will find it invaluable as a news paper and home journal. Sample copies free on application to GLOBE PRINTING CO., St. Louis, Mo. RIMOND'S SAW. The best on ranted. the market. Fully war- SILVER STEEL AXES. The best cutter made. WARRANTED SLEDGES. The largest stock and best quality of woodmen's supplies. POPE St Main and Fotirtli Sts.; CO.. Oregon City.