t Oregon City Enterprise. tHiblinlierl Every KrUlriy. C 11 ASS. MKH1CKVIC, iTiu.isiiKH and ruoruiKroK. of I lie private bunks of lVrtlKiul, Sulom, other Oregon point, oltrriNl to mlv oriln in the ncn-K.iie for about fJOiMaxi of llio Umii. The Worlil oliiinm Hint the h'll nile ami iiiilellnile ollVrs, mitile almost on titely from itmntry banks, represent a lolnl of nt l't tno-lliinls if mil h!I of the one htiiulieit millions of the loan. HUIWCKIPTION ItATKS, . 1 IV IS It i now very ewiloiit t lint the Cubans have the upper ham! ol the situation, nmt il is not improbable that she limy uVliue her iiulepenilenev at no distant day. The Cu bans have possession of all the interior strong liuli!, fthile Spain holds only one One year, SiimoDih. Trial anlwrrlpttoD two mouihs, A (1IHW1II Ol WfUlP en u -" ' ' "' , ,.,ril ..,..,l, i:.m..r,il tor us memos, n ram u I"""' ".' ' n Campos, one of Spam greatest soldiers, who has had charge of the Spanish troops, I resigned his command and gave up the task one year, i"i eeins pMtmic. AJrerilsind rates jlveu on apptieatlnn. Intered at the Post Office tn Oreson City, Or. u aeooud class maucr. FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, I.W.. AJKNTS FOR THE KSTEKl'KIsSK. Bearer Creek, Cub, Clackamas, Milwaukee, rnlon Mills, Meadow Brook. Kew Kra, Wllaonville, Park Place, Gladstone, Stafford, Mullno, Cania, Molalla. - -Marqusm, ButteTllie Anrora, Orrllle, Eagle Creek, Damascus, Bandy, balnibn, Cnrrinsville, Clierryville, - Marmot, Pr T. B. Thomas l). Knight A. Mather Oscar Wlssiiwer U J. Trnllliiiier Chas Itoiman W. 8. Newberry Henrjr Miley F. U Kussell T. M. I'rosa J. O. Oae. C. T Howard R. M Cooper Annie Stubba. E, M. Hartmau B Jennings Ed Mueoke L.J PeMua H. W'ilhern J. C. KUiott K. (iiKtst'll Mrs. W. M. Mclntyre Geo. J. Ourrin Mrs. M. J. Hammer Adolph Ascliott t0 The way to build np Oregon City In to giTe Ore (ton t'itj people jonr patronage. of suWuing the Cubans in disgust. A blood thirsty commander was sent over to take his place, but he will lind it uphill work to bring to terms the liberty-loving Cubans who are inspired with the lire or American patriotism. SPECIAL LEGISLATIVE SESSION. The matter ol calling a special session of the legislature to remedy the somewhat profligate appropriations of the last regular meeting of that body, Is being seriously considered by Governor Lord, and the sub ject is provoking much discussion pro and con. The wisdom ol calling such a special session is seriously doubted. Fast exper ience proves that it costs money to hold sessions of the legislature, and a special ses . aion now would be no exception to the rule. The statement is made tbat the members of the last legislature were so handicapped in the fight over the election of a United States senator, that they were unable to properly pass laws for the benefit of the people; that legislation was obstructed in eTery possible way, to the detriment of the taxpayers of the state. While it might be possible for a special legislature to do away with some of the useless commissions, and cut down the expenses ol county and state governments to a considerable extent, the fact stands out prominently that the cost of correcting the extravagant legislation of the eighteenth regular session, would likely amount to a larger sum than the probable retrenchment to be made in all departments for the succeeding two years. The state levy for tax purposes has reached a higher figure than has been known for many years. Okki'.on City is to have another represen tative state gathering In May, the State Christian Endeavor convention. The exe cutive committee of the local union are already actively at work making prepara tions for (he great event, and the proper committees have been appointed. This con vention will consist of several li unbred young people,repre-enling the various evan gelical religious organizations of Oregon. This will be a gathering of the better class of young people of the state, and our citi zens should materially aid the Kndeavor union in properly entertaining them. It will be one of the very best opportunities of advertising Oregon City. Th a details have been arranged and the preparations completed tor the holding of the national republican convention in bt. awt. The sub-coninuttce appointed to do the work have signed a contract with the business men's league for the care of the national convention to be held June ltSth The convention will be held in the exposi tion building, which will be remodeled to seat 15,tXiO people. It was decided tbat visit ins republicans would have to look to the delegates of their respective districts for tickets to the convention, but the usual number of tickets will be given to the local committee. SPI1UT OF THE PRESS. Since the Estehprisk railed attention to the move that was under way to add a road commission to our already large list ol use less state commissions, the press of the state has generally condemned the commis sion as an expensive luxury. The following from the Portland Chronicle is a sample of what is being said of the commission : The next legislature of this state is ad vised by the iwople that it wilt be unneces sary to Umpei with the road laws. It is intimated that the subject is to be brought before the law-making body and that there will be a half dozen gentlemen on hand to suggest that a commission be formed to look out for the public highways. Some man who has an eye oat for a soft job in the future wants a commission created here similar to the one formed last year in California. I'seless, but very ornamental and costly. The commission consists of three persons who hold ottice for two years, and each draws a salary of t ' Dcr annum. A l.iiuir Fell Hunt. A hyoirlo built fcr two, lias been in vented t'uit meets all llio niiiioiiioiils I iiivt's.iiii y lor it nice long spin, over a; smooth I'ounliy road, with your bent girl I by your nlo, eloeo enough so lluit in ciiso of luvt'ssitv it proUvling aim t'uit bo thrown around lior. Tlit'oM toinlem by- j ciclo, with one sent K-liiud tliootlior was j a nuisance in more ways limit otio, mid : never became popular with llio "lovingly inclined bykora." Tim new umcliino lias the scats so arranged that two people can -i.i.. i... i ......... ii ....I....- ii,t-(-nu- i.i,n-, it, in i-iij,-j ill, in i-i t . v(- as much iia they could in a well appointed carnage. In many points, tlio new nut chine resembles the old-fashioned! (rlciclo except that it lacks thelliiril wheel. The long axle of tho roar wheel enabled the use of two sprockets- nt its put remit tea so far appnrt us to admit of each one being acted upon through a separate pair of sprocket, each actuated by a separate rider. Therv is a triple head and double frame, the latter carrying two saddles placed side by side at a proper distance apart for two riders to work tho pedals freely. It is said tlmt a tlill'orence. of 100 pounds weight in two riders Is not noticeable, and that a person who is ignorant of riding can be taken out on this wheel with jH'rfect safety. John P. King, of Maniumn, now lan guishes in the county jail. He was brought in Friday on a committment from Justice J. K. Jack's court, charged with the larceny of a steer from Kvetett Judd. King and tieorge W. Jhcksoii, jr., were both hold to the grand jury in the sum of $AXI on the same charge. Jack son, however, gave satisfactory bonds and was released. It is claimed that the cattle owned by Judd and King have a similar brand, and the latter claims that the steer w as taken by inistaker H. W. JACKSON, Jams AND -n torn. Bicycles, Umbrellas, Guns, Sewing Machines, A tul ul! kinds of small inu cliinos put in k'ivhI order. No work to tlitlipult to undertake. Prices. rc.isotuiMc. Shop on Seventh St., near tlepot. Northern Crown WEEDS Will mature vegetables earlier than those grown south. Catalogue of (ianlen and Field Seeds mailed tree on application. Address, GEO. STARRETT, Walla Walla, Wash. lUlnlilMieil IxflS. i. taiii, PIONEER Transfer and Epfe Freight ami pureels delivered to nil parts of tho city. RATES - REASONABLE. Glen Ellen Wine Vaults Corner Front nml .Madison Sts. PORTLAND, OR. Qimlil.V mul prices ctctrantettl to Ik? satisfactory. Choice Whiskies ami Br.uidii-s a sH'cialty. A. Kline & Co., - Props. With the exense of an extra session of This cfist5 the taxpayers J:p) per year the legislature saddled upon the taxpayers, it is not improbable but what the state board would have to add another mill next year to meet the expenses of an already overburdened commonwealth. There can be no question but what there was much unwise and extrav agant legislation, that has become part and parcel of our statutes, which was difficult to avoid in the coi, dieting entanglements, constquent upon a bit ter contest for the election ol a t'uiied States senator. But the question forcibly presents itself : Would a special session of the legislature be a matter ol economy to the taxpayers of Oregon? Past experience and a knowledge of legislatures in general, proves that it would not. It would be a matter of impractical impossibility to hold a special or regular session of the legislature without expense to the people. Taking all these facts into consideration, it would seem to be better to bear the burden of the ills tbat now encompass us, than to jump into the arms of others made possible by con vening a special session. It is to be expected that the success of the poultry show field at Portland las', week, will have the result ot stimulating the business of poultry raising in Clacka mas county. This is a profitable business that bas heretofore been neglected to a con siderable extent in this county. On many occasions eggs have been sbiped by the car load from the East, and at times there is a scarcity of poultry in the market. The Portland market is never glutted with this product, although at times the selling pnee of the article may reach a minimum figure. Eggs and poultry bave always been and will continue to be a cash article in the Portland market, and there is not much danger of over-proouction. San Francisco uses immense quantities of these commucli ties, and makes an excellent competitive market for them. Salern has tried the plan of shipping poultry in car load lots to Han Francisco with most satisfactcy results. These articles always bring cash at some price, and the market is not affected by over-production in foreign countries, as is often the case with wheat. These facts iibeuld stimulate our farmers to pay more attention to poultry raising, and to make special ef!ort;to improve tbeir breed of poul try. It costs no more to feed improved breeds of fowls than the ordinary everyday chicken. quite a snug sum, For what? Well, the commissions have junketing parties, collect statistics mark Unit and hold " good roads institutes"' in each collnlv of thest:ite once a year! All this the commissioners I do, to say nothingof the voluminous reports which they submit at the end of each year showing what is accomplished by reason (if their existence. They draw their salaries and declare it's a great thing; ami it is for them. As for the people it is Ow thrown away. Oregon has no need of a road com mission. The state is burdened witli too many commissions now which are utterly useless. Uoad building has not reached that degree of importance where it is neces sary to have a commission to look after them. What road building is done for the next few years w ill be due to the efforts of the various counties. The money which goes for useless commissions hod better be expended directly for work and materials News, Nature, Invention, Botany, Elec tricity, Chemistry, Medicine, Hygiene, Health. Formerly BOSTON JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. Contains a large niimler o' Short, Kasy, l'lactical. Interesting and Popular Scientilic articles, that can he appreciat .i i 1 i. i.... ii; , ......I. eu ami injotu o pii; nurniL-.i i-,- er, eventhou'gh lie knew little or notliii g' ol Science. j Profusely Illustrated and Free ; from Technicalities. i MOLALLA : AVENUE ..STORE.. G. W. Grace & Co. NEW GOODS, Compli'te stock of fvcry thing nt'fth'tl in tho home. Letter List. The following is the list of letters remain ing in the post office at Oregon City, Oregon, on January 22, lWXi: MEN'S LIST. 1'eckuver, II Rustoby, Win Schilling, 0 Shank, Mr Smith, John E Teule, J H Upton, Jay II Walker, D E Wolf Carl Ward, Ethan A few days since the New York World sent telegrams to all the state banks, sav ings institutions, triiBt companies, and sim ilar institutions in the country to test the feeling of the country towards the new gov ernment loan and of the w illingnessof small capitalists to subscribe for it. The Oregon City Bank of Oregon City responded as fol lows: " We do not care to invest while we have a congress that wishes to sell bonds for golJ and redeem them in silver." Some Burdeit, A J Carter, Dick Cochran, J A Cosier, C Hamilton Chas Howard, J E Huir, V Jones, John M May, W 8 Matcalf, II F Milton, A J WOMEJi's LIST. Bill, Mrs DK Morlenson, Mrs R A Bradley, Polly Parker, Mrs Carrie Burge, Mrs iiice, Miss Maggie Collard. Maude Summer, Mrs Kate Dodge, Mrs Mollie Walls, Mrs Archie Edwards, Miss Annie Williams, Miss Grace Jones, Mrs Ellen Young, Miss Ida Miller, Mrs M E Zinimer, Mrs J A If called for state when advertised. 8. R. GREEN, P. M. Wife Here's an account of a man who shot himself ralher than Buffer the pangs of indigestion. Husband The too! ! Why didn't he take DeWitt's Little Early Risers? I used to suffer as bad as he did before I commenced taking these little p'lls. For sale by C. G . Huntley, druggist. For a quiet place to hitch your horses away from the motor line and a place to get a first class job of repairing or horse shoeing call on S. F. Scripture's shop on Fifth street. One Minute Cough Cure is a popular remedy for croup. Safe for children and llts. For sale by C. O. Huntley, druggidt. NewsrJealers, 1 0 cents. $1.00 per year fay-Mention this paper for a sample copy. Largest Circulation of any Scientific Paper in the World l'l lll.lSHKI) MONTHLY BY BENJ. LILLARD, New York. pARMEKS . . . Your team will have the bent of care and Full Measure of Feed At lhe City Stables. Young & Davidson, Props., aucce or. to y h. Cooke. Livery Rigs on Short Notice. Telephone No. 42. The Queen of Fashion THE FASHION PAPER OF THE DAY. Superb, Strictly Up-Tc-Date Desljnj, Illustrations and Fashion Notes. Reliable, Bright and Clean. A year's subscription for Only 00 Cents, Including, free, your choice of any one of the Celebrated McCall Bazar Patterns, and all patterns to subscribers , Only 10 or 15 Cent. Send a 2-cent stamp for a sample copy to THE Mrl'ALI, (OW'IW, 46 Eul 1 lit) Hi., .Vew York. Postoffice-:- Store. MILWAUKEE, OR. FAMILY -:-GROCERIES, Dry Goods, Notions, Hardware, Boots Shoes, Our Groceries are Fresh and of the best quality. In Prices we meet Portland Competition. O.WISSINGER, Successor to GARY & WISSINGER. Let me have a trial order. FOR- ABSOLUTELY PURE DRUGS on TO CI A. HARDING. SO.NK BUT OOMTEN r PHARMACISTS EMPLOYED Fine Perrnmerles anil Toilet Articles, Aluo a lull pitnck of PAHSTTb- OILS ETC. NOBLITT'S STABLES. Livery, Fted and .Sale Stable ORECONCITY. LOCATED BETWEKN THS BRIDGE AND JJKI'OT Double and Single Rigs, and sad dle hiirw-H alw" p on hand at the lowest (iriwH. A oorrall connected with the bam for loone Htock, Jnfornnitinpi ,ciariiiiif Hnv kind or stock in iiitlv Httenilfd to by person ol letter hof. no-jfht and Sold. Horxfn liimr'lpp'l niid able termH. Fwl on reaoon- WHITE COLLAR LINE. Sts. Telephone and Bailey (ialzeit Columbia River & Puot Sound Nuvlictitlon Compnnv. Al.lrr Stivrt Iiick, Ti'b'i'boiii' No .'!'!, 'i;ppip v. 4tv- -rll"ppJpjwpw,jfjwiy.j,.fc v t.f-mf . Portland, Astoria and tho Ocoan. Ti'lflnno Ii'iivch Portland 7 A. M., daily exo't Sunday, Tcli'ihon Irnvcn Astoria 7 I". M., daily fxc l Sunday. Kuiiri dinrt to train fur Clatsop beach and couiicrta with Str. Ilwaco for llwneo trains runiiinn to all pointa on North beach. Hniley (iatsert Icavca Portland H P. M., daily, except Sunday; on Saturday 11 P. M. I.tavea Astoria daily at (i: l" A. M., t-.xcept Sunday and Monday; on Sunday 7 P. M. Connect with all traiua for Clatsop beach ami llwaco beach. This lino has a boat connection with 1 t h beaches, returning from Astoria every ninht in the week. (J. D. SCOTT. E. A. SEELEY, Prosldont. A;ont. rOKCIM) TO Till WALL. Nertl Casli inort' than 1 1 pioil I now have. For llio jtfext Thirty Days I will wll for cnsli, nt) tliceiving, all piotl in my stun Kvt'rvthiti ptca. Stock Must lie Kciluml This unexceptional opportunity for bargains will only last for thirty tlays, no COME EAFClLiY. JAS. HODGES, CAXHY, OKKMN i ! I mi Martins Ami nil ArfMlnrln. White, Standard A lil Ottirr, r. H. I,tcli!:r A Co.. ir iilin i- I The L. &. Z. Swctt Co., Klw ml Mffninl llnli'1 Furniture. Cnrpt-M, Bvdding nml Slovri. 201 A 'Ji:i Front, .'" Tivl,,r Sts. At the boat lundiii'. Jno L Cline Watch Maker. '-"21 Fir-I Sure'. v! t..t, r.r-t ;r. Pric I...W. F. !?. CHOWN,1 Cd'.u & Kler, I Dr-E c-tw" Dcnvei !ri.r.H IN Hardware -:-and Stoves 1V1 Klr.t ST.-Pl, f..r:l out. Or FURNITURE Carpets, Shade, I, nee Curtains, Portieics, etc. 17t Klri mri-i-t, I7T, r flit Mri-i-l. OLDS & KING Diti-r lit It iPKnlh- -- CAPES AND,.. 0 UCKLTS- Mil A W'K.tilniitiiii .n. Good !? Wages i To Hook CmiviiPiot. ililripup witn rult-mnre. , Pacifiic P.nptiat roriikiia. TITLES Abstracted Anil RimrKnu-til bj Tie Title Gnarantee k Trust Co. Chamber of Com meroe BullcllnpT i. . trtn iv1' Kitchen Pri'rcfiptn.n uytJ uui ixuii-ii. 1.1 nli'l M..1H Pi , ' l,U-r tlll."l (nnnly i twOiintry Triulr SolitilfMl. Uim, k Co. (fjuuiio. I hint .ti W',.-lilili.n nil I I- ill liip'l -1 ( .".-. Kit" I 'It' I'l H-iLti'iS P'J., Dry Goods lift lllll'l si. . ' " ; " LEAOrnn ; '' l,' ' " of Low 1 or. I- rout Pmcrs, 1 ii'iil -u!f I I .on iwo. '.'J Street N'-:ir Salmon. ! o:i - ot.rt I M,-. t o. Kooks stoart & TbosipsoD Co M orriHon Street Portland. LADIES' Vge, Switches and Hangs. Also Gents wigs. Get our Prlcei. Paris Hair Store KWWaihlUKton Ht, F.E. Beach &Co 11 ler In I'ure PAINTS AND OIL Anil Uunarnl IliilMinK M.torlul. . E. Oiirni-r Klrt mnl turk S'rMt. Oppnuto LmM and Til ton's liiinlc. u!i.li.l .i uu i i-MSf Pnrt hint ,t! ., . . Ci.li, Piiomficc tjil I tf -Ml- lwl- piven are for refereiu'e and yuid- 1 '" ance of country and suburban buyers. They art! rfmnr I ". r m.mendedas relia- h U 1LIL. I Hat'QVcir hlo (inns to deal with. - -- - urVfj!i!!il'.;".V.!?;-t , re A vi. rv X- ( HIK ItAMoNA li-avn or.-i..n ( My 0 A M i ' 2 nml (I I M. I'lirtlmul 7. II ml A. M. nn.1 P. M 0 Jjjrj MSTHIliK K.I.KC I ltl: i: A It.S l.wvf P.irlUn.l v r fc anil Oregon City every 4niiiliinlea Irin7 A. M. I,,(ur v-,,lt anil Oroiimi t'lly every Books ni Stationery (JILL'S. IM anil Aliler Hli. AT Finest Photos o Ptr Doi. at Mesarvey's Gallery. 105i Third St. John S. Meek Co, 82 Sixth St., Photographio & Magio Lantern SUPPLIES. Neweit Thlnm In Wall Paper Prices to suit the times. loflnfleM h Mnrein m Third HI. Bend tor Hamiilea I). C. lll'U.NM GROCLR. 147 I'hlril Hi. Pino values in Teas it Colle:H, LH-HoorctaJtCo WALL PAPER Room Monmiiies, ralnts. Otis, Brusaes, Etc. 2-.I3 Alitor Street. liooltS PiOllllt, Sold and Ex changed at the Old Book Store aid'J Vnmlilll 8t POTTER, Artislin Photographer. i- lri.1 si. Photos .tl.J)() m r do-. Knil.k Work. Royal HCotaura'dt First St., Where car stops The best place for a good meal. Reasonableprice t'hnenl place lor PiouNti, Frames, Artist's Materials. Piernstein'B w Art Storo. 307 Wanhlintlon Ht lli-twi'i'ii Ath Attn FOR SALE OR TRADE. House and two acres near Park Place. J. K. GROOM, 482 Eust Pine St. Portland, Oregon. i