Oregon City hntcrprisc. (IUK(K)N CU V wKKII Ml Mayor. UiHwirlir, llliliif i.ll'ullen AMo.ttir, Triiin-r, (lily AM,irlH'y. Mllt'i-1 t'nlilliilntilMMnr, Miii i "I Him r Wuilm, 1IIIIIK'llllll'll , (' HI, -Ml,, J J t'nnllt,, Drill lillftflir. Illllllll "llllllll I . M . imm Chii. K MiirliH I rl nllll II I,. IIiiIiiikii V . III Ii C Hull k . I r U II llnwrll II II I Ii 'mm, Mm. Illiiilirliloli, klill'li llnwi-ll, I,. I. rrlnr, llniiry ,M,l,liiiin. J. W. M.,ll,,ll '"oiii'll ii lallrat rt .-ilm ,u, ulnm li iimiilli III I'lly hull I'KI (A V .lAM AIIV 'J I, IHlMi. CHAT AliOUT TOWN. Wauled--Wood ill the I'm riiriKi: of Urn. If you W ii 1 1 1 ii ni'M HIK liiiii'liilin (or t'St Hit In IIi'IIuiiiv Husi-li's. Muoey Id Ion tt (ill Ki'D'l r('"' estate Hi'i iiiil) by A. S 1 ni'r. Cliuir ImiIIhiiih lit 1'iiiker.V Howard's (nun III rents lli, Inrlll'lilirf nilil. Clnllilnii will li wild at ni'timl ru-l lit ('Illinium I-mui'm lur the nent days. M.i.l IU'imIIhi ,inn nil ID rents il boltle, iilni i lur nil kinds nl in nr 1 1 1 1 m m nl I'.. i: Mm tin's. ( 'iiinl i.'H i linn "'f1'1 and ''"V' C'iiiili' fresh ii" new innwn liny to tin Novelty randy liu tury. Pile ol .imi,Ii. luivi lli'H, lmt le Witt's Vitrliliii.il HiiIvh will nut" them. When irHrlv applied it cures seitld and ImriiH without tlm shuhtest pain. I 'run k I'. Wt-li-h, ili'iitinl, Knt'hlute ol llm I'nivrrsily of I'l'iitinvlvanlii, will bo In Oietfoli City tilllen i'liurMiliiy ol eitrh week; remainder of enrh week in I'nrt IiiihI "Hire. r.M.ui TTlh-kniii buildinir. ltev. Williiiui Tr.tvis, Btii.etititeiidetit o( tlin I'ri'xtiy t'r inn Siihhaih sihoul work In tin- Oh'ijoii City mill I'nrlliinil illhtrirt, llllnl Kev. MtiH"iinTV ' put pit nt tin1 I'resbvteriun eliim-h lat Sun day iiinriiiiiK. A miiiiII lund-li-lo (nmi tin bluff,!" tuei-n the Sixth mi'l Filth stte-et Himr way, luit Friday nikjlit rmiwil u l-n o niry obtru.liim on llm side tnnkn. A ti-lei-rapli pole wit" kmn kt'il out of po sition l,y tin m ii'tineho. I. ml KatunUy W. II VI lor beunn an nitii'ii in tint .-bruit omit iijiint ('. T. Ilnnsrd, tli proprietor of I l.i Mil- j lino ItimriiiK iiiHIh, fur fHM ilitumu'"". cliiiiiii'il to have been ruiiHi'il by lurk wnter frniii Howard's mill dam. Tin) llrst hUrksinith simp tint! farmer pUH' in roininit to I irt'itmi City N tint! of Miiplo lliiriiutn, ut tli junrlioii of tlu hovt'iitli ulrri't roml uml Mtin utrtvt. Tlit-ro In no rlii of rk tlny rnnnnt IiiiiiiIIc uml t ri'iiwiiml'ln prii't-n. Tlicy liHvn nn oxiM-rt liiir"i' itlii)i r uml K'"r,in" tn Hlifrtiim. Tint pupiillHt Ktiiltt ciitivciitlon w ill ln liolil nt Suli'iii FVIiruiiry 'L'iul, iiiNtcnil of nt rorlliiml hh wiiH ilii nriifinitl intcn lion of ii luritti niinilii'r of tint ffiitml ci Itttfiimii. Their cuiinty coiiveii- lion in C'liu kuuittH idiinty, will coiiHe tpit'iitly Imi lii'hl in vlviit.cii of the r piihlicmi mnl ilmnocriiiio county conven tion. I'cti'r Neliren'H rt-HiileiiCP the vrentt of nn IntereMlinu nmrriiik't' cere inony lut Fril:iy nflernnon. Tim con. tmctiiiK pm tittH went CliurleH M. WchI, mi einploytt of tint pnper inilln, uml Mrn. A nun tiritiiven, H inoNt eittiiiiii'ilit I ml y of thiHcily. Kev. A. J. MiiiilKoiuerv, of the I'reitliyteriiin cluircli, wiw miiHler of citrcniDiiieit. Mr. nntl Mm. Went urn oc cupyiiiu cottuit on F'uIIh View. ('limnlierliiin'it Coiiuh Ueineily 1h futniMiH (nr itn I'tireN nl IihiI coIiIh. It opeim Mm nerrellonH, relievi'H tint liuiim nmi ai'ltt initiirit in rixtturiiiK tint HVHteui to a lieiiMhy comlition. If freely iinetl nn hood h dm cM Iiiih liei'ii contrrti'leil, uml lieforo It Iiiih liecoiuit Mettleil in the hyMlom, il ureiilly leMMeim the noverity of tint uttiick ami Iiiih often cured in n niiiKli) tiny what would liiivu lioen a hu- verucol.l. For hiiIii liy (!. A. I Iiinliii(j, dnniu'mt. Mrs. Knit) tttiuib, wifo of It. Stmih, died Sutiirtluy itvoninir, Jiiniiury 18th, nt Ely. Shn wan anod 2'.' yearH, three muntliH and '21 iIuvh, and thu ciiimuuf lier curly iltMiiino wiih coiisiimptinn. Thn fuiiitral aervicoa occurred at tho fuuiily reHiduncu Monday at 10 o'clock a. in., comluutnd by Kuv. II. K. Horn chiich. Tho internii'iit took pluco at the cemetery in the Mink oottluiiittnt. Mm. S tu lib leiivus tin infant Hull ulioiit four innntliH old. The BynivHtliy of muny frientlN U extendeil to Mr. Slnub. Heth Joiioh, a bacholor fiirmor roHid iiiK in the vicinity of Marmot, was brought to tho t'ity Monday by two of hia ncilil ior, It. A. Tciil'yck and (iuortfo LurkiiiH, charged with iintamty. Ho waa examinod before County Judu lliiyen ami ordered gent to tho aayluin for treatment, Jonea it 58 years old and has reaided in aolitude on bia ranch on the bank tf tlio Handy, until hia mind luifl become demented. fo 1m niino8 Unit Ida noiKbhom am trying to poinon him, and mys that he Iiiih eaten enough poison during the pant month to kill a million men. Jonea wiih taken to the flluto nay I ii m Monday evnninn by HheriirMiiddock and Deputy Hyatt. ROYAL Baking Powder. Highest of all In leavening Strength V. S. Qavcrnment Report i ii K oi(K;o I'lin.riiv miotv. ! hic'iiiniiis I minty (miles Sivi'Cji-liili' i. oir Ilia Tlic IIinI iiiiimmI hIihw of tin1 Oii'U"H I'uiiltiy ANHiH'iiitiiui lit'l'l nl I'm i liiii'l lllHl Wll'k, WllH II Kll'llt MIICI'IMH llll.lll- riiillv, iin wi'll hh in llm nplimlii fxliilil lion of IIiumiiikIiIiii"! fow lH. Tint I'uinli lioini of tint wcatliiT with vi-ry nnliivor nl, In for it luiK" utli'ii Iiiik'ii fr'jin llm out- i Hiiln illhlririM, lint llm iniuiiiK"inriit liiivo , riMiHnii In Iin t'oinpliiiii'iili'il ii m in 1 1 mi I lliitli'rinu hiirri'M- nf Himr I'hmI hum, ill x i 1 1 1 1 1. it i . lor iin' piiHt i wo yi',ii, Friink I ' pitpi'r, llm N"rthwi'Ht I'm- j - j lit: I'liriniT, lmt t'liiitinuoiiHly inlvn- , iiili', I tin' iM-riii iin'iil oi,iiii,iiinii m n I statu UHIK'illtlll uml tln t iil Ii iiu of poultry kIiowh ut nliili'il iiitfrviiU, Tin) Hiirrfnn of llm orKaiii.iitiuii U li'iw iih Niirnil, mul ii new intiTi-Ht hint Uvn iiw.iki'il In poultry lin'filinir. Tint 1 1 h 1 1 ! ii y of in ,ik'iiill u t ii n In of I'V fry ltniii(iiiiililii vnrii'ly woiilil Imvn Ihiii a creilit In any one of tint (treitt poultry1 i exliiliiluiiirt In llm F.mt, wliii li arttno largely atieiidi'd ( UrkiiiniiH comity1 icnrileil nil' tint HWerpliikeH prii', ami i .liixlice 1 . 1 1 1 1 r I i xi hi yiirioiiH coopn i were alnriiei wiih red and blue riiihoim. i Mr. I 'i x i ii wiih iiWiirded 1 ri'Kulur pri.ei and IL' Npeiiid pri.en. lie re ceived llritt premium on liix line white I.Hiiunlnin lienii, which were beiiuticH. (Iiilirown l.t-;lioniB, he rt't-eived limt prir.it on pulleta, nt on cia-kitrel, lat on t-xhiliitioii pen ; L'ml pieniiiliu on pul let, l!tnl on cockerel and pen; llrd on ciM-k, !li4 on hen, Union pullet, ,'lnl on cockerel. Mr. Ilixon received tint nweep ulukea prim fur the lurgeHt numlier of Inriln m'oiin over W poilila, an "Ameri can Wonder ' inculmlur, valm-d at l'i. lie iiIhu received a ft pair of hnmui vuitt-H, i in ii t i'l by M Seller Si Co., for the liihcHt m-oriiiK brown l.euhorn cork erel, alHo the hllieHt m-oriiiK bird in the HllUW. Clirin Kocher, the well known puultiy breeder ol Murk'a 1'iuiiie, broiiKhl in Huine Unit IiIhIh, lmt ilinpuM,-,! of them to Viiiccii A Son, who hud 17,'i low In muny of thi'in pri.e hirdN iurclniBed at Turnout mnl oilier point, due of the Korbi-r ImhIn currieil of a viiluiible prnce, it !' cultivator. In (ho NWcrpHtuke pri.,-, Mr. Ilixon lunl to cnniHte with tint IT.'i liim hirdn enhiliited by Vilimjii. Wiiliiun Mixoii exlnliiti'd a biiml of four I'lvmonth Ko. kit, mnl received lit und 1! id pri..-N on hen, and 'Jnd on pen. J. M (iarriNon, of Forrat lirove, hml a Mne pxhihilioii (nun bin ViimIh, and wini a numlier of prixcii, ax follow: l'.it;lit IbiiliinilM I Mt oil cockerel, lt, L'lld uml ilrd on pilllelH; 1 nt or. m-ii The preiiiiiini pullet weighed lO'' pntinda. WvaudotteH IhI, Und mid Ibd on cix kereU; lt, '.'nd and Hrd on pulletN and lnt on pen. Plymouth Korku lnt, "nl uml !lnl on ciH-kt-re!; IhI und 'Jnd on pnlletH; lnt on h-ii. Mr. (iurriwm had T.'i) birdn on exbibiiion. Ir. J. V . I'owell pur chuKeil one of the Plymouth Kock rooit tera, to adil to bin ytuU, lie being- tome tliinu of a poultry fancier. The On-iron Poultry ANtoeintion hint tint follow iin; ollli-erH: PreHidont, I,. It. ( 'It i pin mi ; John Vinceii, vicn-prenidvut ; liny T. Hunt, aecietary; Frank bee, trcimurfr. Mr. I.eo it aoiuethinK of a bird fancier, und was awarded the IliKt pri.e on Hilvi-r Wyaudntt lieu, 1'ml on cock and !lrd on hen. A lmt aecoiid on hen in black l.nn kIihiin. The aNHociution alter puyimr all ex Pciihch, have 175 cinpa left for next your'a exhibition. Tlie rt-Hiilia nl th'm aliow will k'ivo a new impel iih to poultry breodini; in Chickumaa and Multno mah countiea, un well iin in other sec liona of tho atuto. Clackanina county in well adapted to producing Unit breeds of poultry, and will continue to lead in Unit line as it baa alreaily mudo a itood heKinniiiK in that direction. Justice Mixon Hticceeded in carrying oil" altout fill worth of priy.es alone. 11. Moore, of CliickiimnK, had on exhibition a line specimen of Hut Muscovy duck. Cliiiiitauiua I n flue nee. It is a nolahlo fact that Chuiilutnitm movement has workeil a revolution In Oregon City social circles within the piiHt three years. Tho cluingti is so no ticeable that it is freiinontly commented upon. Hi fact, Oregon City is surely be coming a center ol culture, and In tellectual people from every portion of the country visit tho citv at least once a your. A number of tho residents are taking mi active interest in tho stthly of literal ore und kindred subjects; the so cial, literary and musical entertainments have attained a bighor standard of ex cellence ; art la receiving HKiciu! atten tion, and a high grade of musical cul ture is becoming deservedly popular. As an example, of this improved condi tion of things may be mentioned the ab sorbing interest taken in Mies Harlow's ami Mrs. Charman's musical choruses anil Mrs. William's musical society. The indications of culture, und a higher civil ization, coiiiiiiunsiirato with tho com mercial mid manufacturing growth of Oregon City, is duo to the influence of tho C'liiuituiiquu circle. If your rocking chair baa the Sunday evening sipieaks tuko it to McGrnth's furniture establishment opposite the postoflico. Ho w ill re-gluo it and niiiko it strong enough to do good aorvico with out keeping tho family awuko with its unpleasant creaking. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Uteit U.S. Gov't Report IW Powder ABSOLUTELY PUCE I ' ii I fin F.iiili'iivnr .fleeliiiK. The executive i-nminitteit of lint local ; Chris'ian Fndi-uvor I'nion held a meet- iuu the reMideiii it of Mrs. A . H, llresscr j Tui sdiiy eveiilna. All thn iiiemWa of 1 Ibi) coiiimiltei! went present, an I plana I ifi-mtrally went iliw iikni-iI of in r n n i i nif the preliiiiiiiaries and foriniiliiliiik' plana for the Statu ( 'hrittlimi Kudeaor i-oii-velilioli, which collies bent in May. (i. II. lii-Htow, primi'lent, presided. It Wiih dei-ided to hold monthly union topic prayer ineeliiiut, licKinuinir; with Feb rmiry 'Jnd. All the evanelical clmrcliea in llm state will lat represented ut thin convent ion, und several hundred dulc tfuti's, coiiNist,ii of Oregon's best peo pit), will he in ullDiidiiucit . Tim follow- inil commitlees were appoinlftd for ac tive work, and every effort will he luailu , to entertain the coiiiention in a credita-' ble way Finance A. liobertsnu, (ieorne F'an-j cln-r, F. F. D muliUon, J. Tompkins and F. .1. Mever. Fjilitrlaininent W. (i Health), Miss Mary Mclntyre, Miss May Mark. Mrs. Ktnina Muir and Mrs. !tla I,. Iionaldson. Hall and Church II. Tompkins, J. M. Heckart and II. ('. Wood.. Decoration Miss Nlusa liarclny, Miss Jennie Noliln, J. II. Illack und Samuel (iihsoti Press Mrs. Cliarlotle Dresser, Arthur Holden, Miss Ami I'aird und K, II. ( iuliherl Musk A. S. Dresser, Misa VoiuiKi-r, Mrs. Doiu (iray, ('.10. uml Mrs. Jennie White. Nellie Hailey I'rolialit ( "lil t. In llm mutter of the etat) of C, P. Wiuexet, dei eased, it w as ordered that the sum of fits) he set aside for the sup port nf tin w iih w and the children. William I'eemiiu, udiiiinUtrator of tint estate of Surah A. Pat ridge, de ceased, filed bis final rcHirt, which was approved. J. F. I'.dinister was appointed guar dian ol the person and estate of Itila tvliniiler, a minor. Hans l.inneht-rg, executor of the es tate of Jorgen 0. Hinirors, deceased, was granted an order to sell the real J pruiicriy belonging to the estate. lu the matter of the estate of Frank M Albright, deceased, (ieorge A. Hard ing, (ieorgo Moore and Joseph It ice were appointed appraisers of the prop erly of said estate. Frank J Hobell, administrator ol the estate of Nicholas Clam-sen, deceased, submitted bis final report, which was ap proved. John 1 1 it iles was appointed adminis trator of the estate of beamier llurleae, deceased . Tlie Meal I'aniiccu. James I,. Francis, Alderman. Chicago, says: "I regard Dr. Klna's New Dis covery as nn Ideal Panacea for Counlis, Colilsand I.ung Complaints, having used it in my family for the h; five years, fo the exclusion of physicians' prescriptions j or other preparation." I Kev. John llnrgus, Keokuk, Iowa I wriics: "I have been minister of the Methodist Kpiscopal Church for 50 years nr ,r.. and have n, f.,,l unvthin ' so beiielicial, or that gave me such apcedy relief aa Dr. Ring's New Discov ery." Try this Ideal Cough Remedy now. Trial bottles free at Charmun & Co.'s drug store. Two prominent young men of this city were invited not many days ago to at tend an evening party. In fact it was a leap year all'air, and they bad been in vited by the respective young ladies to call for them at their homes. One of the young men was directed to call at the proper house, but called at the wrong place at the first break. At the second place he was invited in and conversed with the host for about 20 minutes be fore ho discovered his mistake. Finally, after another attempt or two lie reached right house. The other gentleman, too, had a time. Tho young lady that ho was to accompany to the party resem bled her sister so much, that he made a mistake and went will, the latter, and did not learn the difference until they started to return home. The dry goods stores are doing a rush ing btisinoss in red, white and blue rib bon during the last few days, all on ac- ,.., of tl, iwi.,,11 . t.:..i. i.. v" -'t """" struck tlie pupils of the public school ; with considerable force. Their is con siderable rivalry over the football colors between the Kastham and Barclay schools, aud tho boy is not in it who does not carry an extra supply of rib bon In his pocket. It is amusing to watch the young snllnnts, while on their way home from school. With all the persuasive hingtinge at their command they will induce some little girl to wear bis favorite colors. Often, after a few minutes the little girl meets another boy of tho opposite side and changes colors. I liesiiliilliins. i Om (ion City, Jan. Zi, IH:sl. To the Ollii-ers and MemlatrM ol F.lectric lvalue No Kt A. t. V, . W : Your coiiimitteo nn rrsolutions would respectfully suliuiit thn following rejirt : Whereas, Almighty 'od in his divine wisdom has been plea-ed to call to a higher and purer lilo Mrs, Kale Staiib, wife cf our esteemed Mater Workman and brother, therefore Kesolved, That this loile tender its! heartfelt Kymimthy to our brother in bis i su'l uflliction an-! severe trial. Hesolved, That these resolutions be ! entered on the record of this lolice, and j a copy forwarded to our brother, It, I It. Kiuuh, and ulso to the city papers for I publication. T. V. Kya.h, A. W. ClIK.NKY, W. M. ltoillNSOS, Com mittce. St.Orilla Chorus Concert. When the talent has been ut all worthy, home productions have always drawn good houses in Orettun City mid the forthcoming concert by the St. C V-cilia Chorus promotes to la) greeted with an audience worthy of the splendid talent that will aps-ar on the stage. It in now apparent that this concert will lie one of the ireatesiB musical events ever given ill this city. The program which will be announced next week, will please all lovers of fine music, for the selections have all been made with sHciul refer ence to pUciug the various participants at their best, and they will lie of unusual high order for an ainaluiir performance. Furm f"r Sale, line liu ml re 1 i;U 1 s;x y ucres in Pow- ell's Valley; one of the most desirable I places in that section. Will sell on easy terms on long time. Apply to Mas Maky J. I'.uaim.kv, assessor's ollice, com I house. The .Molulla Dnirj. Having established u dairy at my place on the Molalla road I am prepared to furnish pure, f'eslrmilk delivered to all parts of (he city at reasonable prices. Address by postal card to Kly. A. I5.UUANN. Jloney to Loan. Parties intending to borrow money on their farms this fall will find it to their iiiteient tocali and see meat an early day. Plenty of money on easy terms and low rates of interest. W. H. RcKoiiAwir. Under the provisions of the new law school districts are required to hold their meetinys for the purpos.i of levying taxes before the first day of February of ea -h year The roll can be sent in to ; the county clerk af'er that date, but the levy must be made before. The adjourned term of the circuit court will convene Monday. It is not yet known whether or not Judge Mc- ttritlu trill trv tliu nnu- .u uu luifnra tl,.. , ar ... , n... ... ..... . . V ., . w. V k.aJ April term or not , : U'J Harding made a bill o' sale of " TV ro 'st MondaV '0 ChTl M,,rriiy- for the cons.dera- tl0 f !,'W- Mr- M,lrry 8t 0nC tk cbar.'e of the stock of goods and the ba- kerv A KNIFE in the hand of Surgrton givw yon m iMling of hor ror and drrad. There ia no longer necessity for its use in many diseases form erly regarded as incurabl without culling. The Triumph ol Conservative Surtery la wett lltiutntted by the fact that PliPTIIPpor "reach, in now radicUr lUr 1 UIVL, mTr4 without the knife and without pain. Clumsy, chafing- trusses can be thrown awny I They never cure-but often induce inflammation, strangulation and death. TIMf)OC Ovarian, Fibroid ( Uterine ) and I Vl'iuajm,ny others, are now removed withottl the perils of cutting openttious, PILE TUMORS, ITOT of the lower bowel, are permanently eured with out pitln or resort to the knife. CTftp in the Dlmlder. no matter how targe, 1 villi ia crashed, pulverised, washed out and perfectly removed without cutting. CTRIf TIIDC of Urinary Passage la also Ol IWtvl removtd without cutting in hundreds of caaea. For pamphlet, reference anil an particulars, sena to cents (in stampsi to Main Street, Buffalo, N. V. n uriu Lisucusary niraicai Association, eo. aos MOTHERS and those soon to become mothers, should know that Dr. Pierce's Favorite Inscription robs childbirth of its tor- ttires, terrors and dangers to both mother and child, by aiding; nature in pre paring; the system lor parturition. Thereby "labor" and the period of confinement are greatly shortened. It also promotes the secretion of an abundance of nourishment for the child. Mrs. Dora A. Spthhir, of OaHry, Overton Co., Trnn., writes: "When I begin taking Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, Fwns not atileto ataud on my feet without nulll-riiii; almost death. Now I do all my housework, wnshimr, cooking, sewing aud verything for my family of eight. X am stouter now than I have beeu in six years. Your Favorite Prescription ' is the best to take i belore coiilinement, oral tt-B-t it nrovtd so with I mr. I never sntT-red so little with auy of my cuildu-B as I did with uiy Ut," Uatel? Uii?dou; Ami you will each week (; hoiiio tal; ami UHeful arti cltB marked at priwa you never bought tlienriiiie at be fore, lie nieinUir tliene prioea hold good for jimt the one werk. Don't worry as to whether money in being loot or made on them, hut grafp the opportunity and buy while you have the chance. PUTKOW'S TINSTORK, WHBRB PRICB8 KHB AliWAYS RIGHT. A QUICK- BREAKFAST. Can be prepared with our self-raising liuokwheat flour, (iriddle Cake (lour, Flapjack pan cakes. Steamed rolled wheat. Tettyjohn'a break faHt food. Maple sap syrup. Creamery butter. E. E. WILLIAMS, The grocer. DO f 0U FEEL BJD? Does your back ache? Are you troubled with constipation? Does your shim ach refuse to digest your food? Do von have malaria? Does every step you take seem a burden? Are you wakeful at night? Do yon feel the need of a stimulant? If so, three doses of Moore's Revealed Remedy Will make you feel like a new person. It contains no alcohol or spirit of any kind, no quinine, no min erals, for sale by your druggist. BLUMAUER FRANK DRUG CO., WHOLESALE AUE.NT8, PORTLAND, OR. SEE Davies Exhibit And have your photos taken at the gallery. Third aud Morrison Sts. Entrance on Morrison Street. A. W. PHILLIPS, EXPRESS AND DELIVERY. Prompt attention to hauling to any part of Oregon City. Moving attended to promptly and carefully. Special rates given on hauling to and from Gladstone and Park place. ..The Prairie Farmer... IS THE Greatest of All Farm Papers. It presents each week all that is worth knowing in current agricul tural literature. Each number contains more solid reading matter than any other agricultural paper, and covers a broader field, Subscription Price, jnMMlar a W. It is the Paper for the People. Sample ClnDDlug Offers for 1895-6: T,,K PR'and Farmkr I Both Panersone year Weekly Inter Ocean for $1,25. TlIK TkAIRIE FAKMKa ) TUtl, rjin.no n aluJ 1 uiuu fOUCla HUG CiiicaooWkekly Times M for $ 1.25. Address The Prairie Farmer, Chicago. FOR CURES SCROFULA, BLOOD POISON. THE CURES CANCER, ECZEMA, TETTER. TWO -CENT STAMPS we will send you a T'.rilli.inf ftm O I of unusual color, uu1 J . , tsu nn J and a copy of " The Urtat Divide" so you can se what a wonderful journal it is, pro vided you name the paper you saw thi in. It's a real Jewel we'll send you. ADDRESS THE CHEAT DIVIDE, Denver, Colo To the Public- WHAT THK GAJIMUiUS .mil, dd, DEUVKR AT VOI R IIOl'SE: The Gambrines Pilsner or Bavarian Bottle Beer, per Doz. Quarts at. -tl 50 California White Wine per gal 80 80 Claret ine per gal " Tort Wine per gal. 1 50 " Cherry Wine per gal. 1 50 Best " Grape Brandy per gal. 4 00 10 year old Whiskey. Nonpa reil per gal 4 00 Our goods will lie found the best ever offered to the public at the price. Leave your order. We garrantee our goods to give satisfaction or will cherfully refund your money. N. F. Zimmerman. For Keg Beer leave your order. Reinlator Lit PORTLAND TO THE DALLES ByJaheJ! DALLES CITY Z REGULATOR Daily boats, except Sunday, leav ing Oak street dock at 7 a. pi., mak ing regular landings at Vancouver, Cascades, White Salmon, Homl River and all intermediate points. Passenger and freight rates lower to these points than by any other line. First class meals served for 25c. This is the Great Scenic Route. All tourist admit that the scenery on the Middle Columbia is not ex celled for beauty and grandeur in the United States. Full informa tion by addressing or calling on J. N. HARNEY, Agent, Tel. 914. Portland, Or., OUice and wharf, foot of Oak St. COMMERCIAL .... Cigar Store AND -Billard Parlors Finest Lino of Cigars In the City Full Line Smokers Supplies FIRST t?aLIY COKECTIO.VY (JURIED E. B. RINEARSON, Prop. FERRYS; SEEDS. Parted seeds stow 'paying crops. Perfect seeds" T are not grown by chance. Moth-" r Ing Isever left to chance In grow-1 ' Ing Perry's Seeds. Dealers sell 1 ' Ujtui everywhere. Write lor FERRY'S SEED ANNUAL . for 1S9H. Brimful of valuable I i Information about bent and new-. . est amis. Frca by mall. . D. M. FERRY k CO., Detroit, Mich. S blood FORtV i