Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1896)
CLACKAMAS COUNTY THE FMrlU'liPsK (OKKKM'OM) EMS M l.W THH Canity Kepiibllciins Uiive h It i k Itilllr, EU'rt Officer Mini Dolrjriili-s Cltjr Council Meets Pop to Fulhusr. Cakhy, Jin. ."J. The cit v council met last night. Little business of importance vm transacted. There was an e nthusiastic republican rally in Can by last Thursday night. Ke publican rallies in Canby ire always sue ceases. Tlie nieeting.was addressed by H. 8. Strange, ol Oregon City. The election of officers for the ensuing year followed the ad dress, tieo. Knight nr., wis .elected presi dent of the club, Mr. Vineyard vice presi dent. W. H. Pobyns secretary, anil Geo. W. Knight treasurer. Five delegates to the Young Men's Slate League of republican dubs were elected, as follows: I) R. liinick, O. W. Knight, 11. A. Vorpahl, L. P. How ard and llalsey Phelps. Mr. Fitch, populist, is advertised to ad dress the citiiens of Canby on Thursday evening of this week. A speaker whose name we could not learn, has been talking in Knight's ball for the past two evenings on "Trade Exchange." Can by is verily a town of speech makers during the present month. Henry Knight, w ho was so seriously hurt in Wheeler's saw mill several months ago, is still in a serious condition. He has been taken to a hospital in Portland, and the best aid in the city has been secured to ope rate upon his arm. Fears are entertained that he may lose his arm. Mrs. A. W. Kiggs ,15 also in a Portland hospital for treatment. She has bad a difli- cult surgical operation performed. At last accounts she was resting as easily as could be expected. A. G. Stogsdill has so far recovered from the grip as to be'about town again. Mrs. Anna Adkins. wifeol James Adkins of this place, was buried in the Can by cem etery last week. In our last communica- j tion we made mention of her serious illness j and now announce with sorrow her death. history class of the school recited on the colonial history of Virginia in a nianr'.'r that showed the thorough training they had received. The election ot olllcers resulted i in Mrs. Karlen being chosen as president, Mi.-s Florence Jubb secretary and treasurer, and W, C. Ward marshal. Mrs. Sevier J read a poem on her native slate, Michigan, 1 A question was then suggested for discus-! sion: " Kcsolved, That agricullure is the j most profitable ol all employment." l ti. 1 Stone led the allirmalive, supported by Messrs. J. (ierher, 1VII Walker and S. Jubb, the i'.'d, with 1 literary program by the pit- UHIAN LOCAI. School Closed -tlrangers Well I'lraaeil- Debut, lug Society Meet. I .on tN, Jan. '.V, Many of the I o:anites were rciniriug al the si i; lit of snow, but alas ! their rejoicing was soon turned to disap pointment, as the rain came and mellcd the snow and thus spoiled the sleighing. School 111 district No. !M, taught by Mis Maggie Hampton, closes 011 Wednesday l!ev. (juimby led the negative, supported by Messrs. Alfred Miller, lr. Kirten anil Fred Walker. Strong points of argument were introduced on both sides, and by the replies made we think they had all been there be fore. The judges were Mrs. Jubb, W. l Ward and A. Kitterman, who decided two to one in favor of the afltrinilive. After a few general remarks on education, etc., a motion to adjourn for one week carried. All n pressed themselves well pleased with the prospects of the society. We will gladly welcome visitors. The fore part of the even ing will be devoted to thestudy of history. The exercises of the after part to be deter mined at each previous meeting. Her bereaved family has the sympathy of tsick horse. Frhlervllle News., Jan. 20. A lot of snow fell here last week, reminding one of olden times " back east." Hut it has all disap peared, business is getting to be lively here. J. A. Thaver has solu sixteen acres of laud to L. A. Forbes, who arrived iccently from Nebraska. Mr. Forties intends building in the near future. J. 0. Fehler has sold to It. W. King ten acres of land 011 which Mr. King is already building a house. Mrs. Win. Forbes and son, of Salem, are visiting with Mr, and Mrs. I,. A. Forbes. They may locate here permanently if they find a suitable place. We hope they will succeed. A. MautJ and F. Cunningham, of Maple Lane, were visiting in this vicinity one day last week. I.. Forbes has two sick horses with a touch of the staggers. Herman bruss is to leave us soon for San Francisco. Fred W'ourmes and S. P. Benell each bas the entire community. H. H. Wheeler, of this city, last week en tered suit in the circuit court against C. T. Howard of Mulino. W. H. Dubyns repre sents Mr. Wheeler's interests. W. H. Dobvns spent Saturday in Fort land on legal business. Attorneys K. F. Priggs, ol Oregon City, and J. E. Marks, of Barlow, favored Can by with a call on Thursday last. "Young America" in and about Canby enjoyed the recent snow as only Young Americans can. Mr. Birtchet, of Marquam, is visiting in Canby. He is the father of Mrs. William Knight, Mrs. Joseph Knight and Mrs. W. A. Avery, of this city. Canby merchants are besieged by drum mers from ill parts. Our merchants do a good business. Charles Foster, the genial constable of district No. t, was in town on legal business today. ' j Geo. W. Knight spent Sunday in Port-! land. I We have been informed that the Feblers ville republican cinb has a populist secre tary. We wonder if it is a republican or a populist club. If it is the latter we will withdraw. Arthur Forbes has gone to work for Meyer and Randall on the Molalla road. J. R. Pavis, of Maple I.ane, was in this vicinity several days ago. smiling as usual. J. G. Fehler is making preparations to build a large chicken yard. pils. She will start for her mountain home on the following Monday, Robert liiuther's school closes In district No. 4 on Friday, the -III). A number of l.oganiles attended the Po mona Grange at New Kra. All felt well satisfied with their trip, notwithstanding the weather was a Utile damp at the time, as the visiting Grangers were all loyally en tertained. There was to have been a joint discus sion between the l.ogan literary and debat ing society and the Hatchery society on Saturday night at the Grange hall, but ow ing to the lecture and the stormy weather they did not appear. The Logan society held their meeing and argued the uuestion, Resolved, That agricullure is the most prof itable occupation of man, which was decided in the negative. They also had a Hue pro gram, consisting of songs and recitations, and the reading of the l.ogan Headlight, by the editor, A. M. Ki relic in which was spicy and interesting, being devoted princi pally to the " new woman," besides con taining all the latest events of the day. There was a public lecture at the A. P. A. hall on Saturday evening by a negro from Portland. Mrs. Sprague and sister, Miss Clara Hat ton, of Strlngtown, was visiting at Mrs. Heed's Suturday night and Sunday. 1 Geo. Clark, jr., of Walla Walla, is al his father's. He is on the sick list and is tak ing a rest. A new girl arrived on the lllh at the house of Jacob Huber. Mrs. M. W. linker was on the sick list for a few days, but is better again. H. Cromer, of Corkscrew, lost a fine sad die horse last week. G. Fischer, sr., is slowly but steadily im proving. H. Cromer was viiiting on Arthurs prai rie on sitindav. Itciiv. Carlton & Rosenknans, 1 iavc 11 CANBY, OREGON. Winter (iimmIsi which wt will close mil 1 very low prices. uro stock of at Ladies' Jackets and Mackintoshes. 11.00 Misses JnokcU M.00 La.lins' " HUH) " ' :UH) " Miickintoslti'H :i .Mi .:.o Black Rubber Coats. Hov'k $1.7". ami i'lW (mt $l..'t.r Men's $'J.(H) (mt 1..1D Men's $'.' (outs '2.00 Boys' nnd Men's Overcoats. $.'!.00 liuys our $-1.00 rout; $1.00 l.uys our $.r.f0 coat 11 ml $,"i..'i0 luiyti our $7.00 omit. Caps. A nieo lint' of Men's und Hoy's ntnl 7"c W inter Ci8 tit 2."c. Men's Wool Shirts. Ilotli over 11ml unilrr it t reiluccil (in ures Men's reel llitnnel utulerHliirtH, miulo from cloth that would cost from 10 to Ml eenls er ynril, reduced from $1 'J.'i to $1.00, and the tl..M grade to ti.w. The prict) of overshirts will meet with your irovnl. Ladies' nnd Men's Fancy Slippers. Koduced 'J.V per mir, that is, 7'v will 1 Mi v fancy velvet slippers that cost $1.00 before the holidays. Groceries Are always sold ut i'ortlaml prices or lesH. CARL-TON St ROSEN KRA NS. Miss Bertha Sumner was in Oregon City ! Oiwrgo News, OswEiio, Jan. i.'. The republican club will meet in the old school house on the evening of the 24th to reorganize and elect delegates to the convention of repub- J licau clubs to be held in Cortland on the jib of next month, Dr. H. L. Savior, assisted by his brother, Dr. W. II. Saylnr, of Portland, performed an oieration on Martin Peterson, of South Oswego, on last Friday. Mr. Peterson had an abscess formed on his liver; it was neces- ' snrv to cut in and insert a tulie to carry oil the pus. The operation was successfully I"- . . 1 . . . 1 . 1 1 r ca.oru.y negwi.ii.ij; lor me purcnase ; perfonne.! ami Mr. 1'eterson is in a fair way jrm rsiaie mere. t out uoes ll mean ttnen a young lady who never before invested in j real estate, makes an investment during' the first month of leap year? We are not : inclined 10 speculate in futures. j Judging from present indica'ions Canby j will give its usual large republican major ity next June. I John Mozlam of this city today entered ! n attachment suit in Justice Foster's court against Richard Ball. Harvey Ball and Mrs. Sosan May. W. if. Dnbyns is retained as counsel for the plaintiff amount of claim about 130. Damascus News. Damascus, Jan. 14. Too late for last is sue. Oscar Breithaupt has gone to Corval lis where he is pursuing studies in the Agri cultural college. He writes that he is very much pleased with the school. Misa Myrtle Briethaupt has recured a po sition as teacher in the Stepens school in Portland, commencing January 13. Mr. Rover has trailed his farm here for one near Eugene. We are sorry to lose him and his family, as they are very estima ble people. Mrs. Thompson has also traded for property near Woodbum and will move there soon. 8. B. Johnson has been quite ill for the past week, but is now improving. Mr. Skirvin and Frank Grim have re turned to San Francisco. They have been visiting relatives and friends here for a few weeks. Ed. Freedolph has gone to Portland. He will work In tiie grocery store of Bobna & Wirfs. Miss Calls Switzer, who has been visiting some time at Mrs. Borings, bas returned home. A number of very enjoyable parties have been indulged in lately by the. young people, principally one given by Mrs. Briethaupt, a masquerade at Mr. Hazlewood's and a dance given bv Mrs. Thompson on the 10th in honor of Miss Laura's birthday. to recover. Mr. Kellogg is lilting up a hall in his brick building near the depot to be let lor lodge purpOM-s, operas, etc. j I'ubt. Jacohson, who works at the pipe; foundry, had his leg severely bruied on j Monday by a large iron pipe falling on it. I Fortunately no bones were broken and he will soon be all right again. Conrad Meyer, who has been very sick ' with erysipelas, is much better and will soon be able to take his old place at the pipe foundry. 1 The Iron Company has been getting large ! quantities of coke lately, and there are ru- j mors alloat that at some time in the near future the furnace will he put in blast. It is " a consummation devoutly to be w ished." The political pot has begun to simmer in 1 Oswego just merely to simmer. When the proper time conies there will be plenty of fuel to make it boil. Ameiiic a. Mulino .News., Jan. lft. Jim Stehrnan was taken to Portland last week to the Portland hospital. It is feared that the fatal hand hand of consumption is laid upon him and his parents entertain little hopes of his ro j covery. j A school exhibition, basket social and dance will be held in the Marysville school hoHse, Friday night, Jan. Proceeds to tie used towards purchasing a hell. Frank Albright, Sr. is not expected to live. The family sent to Oregon City for his two daughters last Friday. "Pappy" Neukirschner returned tosouth ern Oregon last Tuesday, to work in the gold mines. William Bonney is driving team for How ard for a few days. Mulino was treated to a few inches of snow, that lasted two daya. This is an un usual occurrance for this place. Harmony Notes. Harmony, Jan. JO. Snow fell all day last Wednesday with a heavy northeait wind. It began melting the next day and was about (tune by Saturday. Mr. Kilton has commenced work on a new residence which lie intends to ocenpv. The Christian Endeavor society elected offi cers yesterday for the ensuing six months. Harry (lifford was elected president, John Wise vice president, Asa McLaughlin sec retary, and T. Ilagenburger treasurer. The Evangelical class held its election a few days ago. Albert Fnlikhaiiser was elected director for three vears, and su perintendent of o Sunday school (or one year. Mrs. W'nVoi'orev was elected assit ant superintendent, Kuleigh Kurr secretary, Harry (iitlord treasurer. We hear a great deal about graded roads. It appears that kind of a mail will not work in this part ol the county. It is said a bug gy became fust in the mud theuilier day on a road that was graded last year, and also the year before. The people do not like to see tlielr hard earned tax mnnev spei t in this way. Koads that have been graveled 1 seem to be more durable. A great ileal is said ulso about the failure of our last legislature to reiluie taxation. It appears that unless the republican con I vention is very careful as to whom it noini- 1 nates fur the different offices, the populisis I will have occasion for a good many congrat- j j ulatory shakes. 1 Our debaiing society is progressing. The I j question discussed last Friday evening was. j I Resolved, That the horse has promoted civ- j ilizatiou more than the locomotive. Kd. I Lyons led the allirmalive, Raleigh Karr ti e ; negative. Most all the members present j 'took part in the discussion. The judges I rendered their decision for the negative. I Tlie society as also entertained by the ! reading ol a paper by Henry Kanue, Walter I Ilagenburger and Dun (lall'nevr The ques- ition, Resolved, That doctors are more use-1 1 ful than lawyers, was decided inlavorofl 1 the allirmative. Hiram Danmils is the I treasurer of the society. His name was I I omitted in atormer communication through some mistake at the ollice. Mrs. J, Wise is but little if any belter. Civile Phillips, of Canby, was visiting rel atives here last week.. Mr. and Mrs. Willurd went to the Co lumbia slough Saturday to attend the fu neral of a relutiveat '.hat place, guest of Annie Mumpower the past week. A daughter was horn to the wife of Sol Wheeler January lllh. Mr. Orr, who has been quite poorly with dropsy, does not seem 10 improve. An enjoyable crowd gathered at the resi dence of l.ohn llattaii last Sunday evening. The time passed pleasantly away with mu sic and singing. The A. P. A of Logan, held an open ses sion on January I"1- Mr. Warner, of Port land, gave the eople some very stubborn I hu ts to reflect on. This section of the county Is beginning to wake up. The Hatchery literary society is In the lead; Win. Ityers president, Anna Mumpower secretary. The question of re inouelnuiig silver was well debated and de- Hood Mew, Hoon Yirw, Jan. Ut.--Master Paul lied rick is quite sick. Ira Seely is still conlled to the house with erysipelas. Miss Ms id Seely's health Is much Im proved ut lute. Mr. W. W. and Miss Twlnk tiraham are in Salem. tiraudina Seely was visiting with her son Jtldsou last week. Miss Kate (irahain Is home again. kliss Minnie Kitti rnus a guest of Mrs, Kpler Inst week. Miss Tony.Sass Is in the nietroHilis visit ieg her sister. The I. A. S. ('. gave its first entertain ment Suturdnv evening which was not very JOHN YOUNGER, bZ Y IS L IC R, Opp- llniitley'K I rtiif Storo, All Kinds of Watches, Clocks and lewelry Kepaired V l:.KS LXl'liKlli.WH IN (rent Britain and America. Give me a trial. cided 111 the alllrmntlve; so we will have , largely attended on account ol the very bad' silver money hereafter. Our next question j weather. The program, which was very lis, Resolved, That agricullure Is the ini"l gimil, was well rendered by (ho In gin-1 I profitable occupation for man. Leader on j m-rs in I hut line of business. Among I the atliriualive, I'. White; on the negative, j K. tiiiilher. A lively lime is expected. The j name of Ihe literary paper Is The Hatchery i Cyclone, We think the proprietor ol the I KNTkM'KisK would do well to employ the I Hatchery e lilor, J. i. Mumpower, to edit his piper for six or twelve months. The1 Cyclone is a twelve column, newsy, noisy,' homing paper. the test were, Messrs. Orhie W'ood, John , Suss, K.ih. I'risswell, Fred Kpler, and ol the ladles Misses Nettie Wood, AngustaScblick- eisere. Mrs. Young, Misses I, la nhlen nod j liuisu Itoekuiari lavored the club wiltij some excellent sons which were lunch ap- j predated. Two weeks from that night the club will give a Saturday night dame, and on the '.'.M of rehrnary a grand masquer- ' a le. All are inv iled. Ann . I 1 T-l, COT LVJLUlt lor up Mark's I'rilne Notes. Mirks Put unit, Jan. I.'i . : I'oo lute last issue., --.Hnowii.g II, s morning. IIq 11 en have been biiM' clctmicg llieir j ar-is priq nr iUuy 'o spring work. P. liooli, a l.irnu r -I lent of this neigh borhood, passed Ihe prairie on .Moiiiluveii route to Needy, where lie will embark in the mercantile business, Pete is a good fellow ami uc bespeak tor him a hearty welcome and 11 liberal pntromu.'e. F. M May has piircha-ed a part of li e Ilrnwn estate and is busy preparing him self a linuie. 1 lur ealeeine I friend um! U How citizen, J. Neiil.ausc., I. as sold his farm to the Ko he.-, mo mil lake a Irip In Mm Fast in j the p'i'i.'. John I- a goml neirhhor and j we are "orrv to lose bini. j C., lln- chicken fancier, left for I' lrtla i'l 011 Snnila ,-'s train with a wagon I load or the I'.nesl poultry in 'he county to j a'tenil the -how at thai 1 lace. Several of our Prameiic hied theni.elves 1 to 1 1 ,i' 11 .11 11 1 v sent last Wednesday. Won der for what. On a dark night last week meuk thieves entered the burn of John Amcler and stole 1 "nme haled hay (none of Hill Nye's kind) and a set of single harness. Those, lelluws had beiier " look a leedle oud," for the way some old men are buying powder and shot and cleaning up their artillery is a caution. : Slntrnnl .Nnws. Sroioiui, Jan. .11-The now of last i week hits ili-appe ired nnd u 11 irnlar delude of ram is falling. 1 he leniper iture l from ID to 'I di g ; most of the lim- nearer the hitler llk'iirc than the former. 1 Messjs. Jassman nnd Frith y, fnrmers Irom near Albany, are Ihe gui ilsof Win. Schatz and family, j The school district tins pun hnsed more new desks ami put them in the vhoo! house I a much needed improvement and ell up- oileil Some of the hot s made good use of the snow while it lasted nnd were sorry In see It go- The horses of Jake and Henry Schatz are sick with the distemper. (i. W. (irahaiu and Ihe Larson brothers gave a dance in Larson's hull Inst Saturday night. The. Duplex literary sotiety was well at tended Saturday evening despite the In clement weather and there bring 11 dnni e w ithin one half mile of the place of meet ing. A large cluck has been added to Ihe school house furniture. W'k I'ns. Pt-)CJ rult atAt.1. )T Wl(t, NOT I.l)!fc, An agreeable laistlt-n and Kritvc Tokio, Hold by Druggist or sent by null. tooWg. and $1.00 per packninv, farnplisj free, tf 1!A The. Knvnrltn KITH fSTTH IIU it V furthi'Tpcihaud linath. l-'.jr s i iv i A. I lunli 1,;, liu.'ii-t John Luther, formerly of this place, Is lo-'Wcw,m 1',.be '"P''""' l" of ,he cated permanently on his hirm In Wash ington county. Miss Ktlu Karr, of Portland, is visiling her parent here for a few days. ( has. A. Fitch, editor of Iho Herald, de livered a populist speech here a few nights since. About forty-four were present. Viola Voicing!. Vioi.a, Jan. 20. Revival meetings ars go ing on at the M. E. church. The Historical and Debating society meets Tuesday night. The whist club met at TV. C. Ward's last Saturday night. Seven tables were occupied until a late hour. The first prize was won by Miss Stella Karten and Dell Walker, while the booby was awarded to Miss Anita Jubb and Carroll Ward. The next meeting of the clnb will be at Arthur Mattoon's Sat urday night. The celebrated drama, Ole Olesen, will be given at the Viola hall next Wednesday. January 2'J, by the Logan dramatic club, as sisted by D. E. Walker and Stella Karten, 01 this place. j Ibe citizens of this school district met last Tuesday evening at the school house and organized a historical and debating society. The house vtus railed to order by Mrs. Kar len. As no progrum had been arranged the Clackamas News, Clackamas, Jan. 21. B. Knox and W. .Smith have gone to the Coast to take up land. Several others are going soon. Mrs. 0. Gat.glebaugh bas very poor health at present. j C. r . Ulark anu Dan 1 albert were lucky enough to get two wild geese on Mr. Clark's farm, one of which was just in time for a feast on Mrs, Clark's birthday. All bauds hereabouts seem to turn to wood chopping instead of clearing. Our W. C. T. V. paper gave ns a new thought. Just think! Smoke houses for meat and smoke houses for men. We just learned of Mrs. Foster's death, XL. Logan Mills. JjOOAit, Aug. 8. The Logan flouring mills have been overhauled and refitted, and are now making a first class grade of Hour. Will grind for one-eighth ami guarantee salisfuc ion. tf Ots FiHciiKii. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Pair Highest Medal and Diploma. Hatchery Items. Hathikry, Jan. 21. We've had some snow the past week which covered up the. mud. Dan Watts anil family, from Nebraska, have moved into our neighborhood. Mr. Watts visited this country seven years ago and returned to Nebraska. Hut seven years of starvation satisfied Dan. He has come this time to stay. John Huttan bas erected a shed under which he intends to make pickets while it rains. Grandmother linker has been quite poorly of late. Clara Hattau, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson, of Logan, attended the Orange al New Era last week. Mrs. liurgie, of Red and, was the guest of Mrs. 8. E. H prague last Saturday and Sun day, Filder Rich, of Kelso, held meeting at Fa ther Italian's the first Sunday of this month with quite a large attendance. Grant .Mumpower has L.'en building a new woodshed. Miss Matilda Reed, of Iigan, was the Listen to the merry sleigh hells! Who wouldn't take a ride when you have a chunce? coroner holding an inquest cn the turcass of soma of the light lingered gentry,. The political pot is beginning to boil, and you will hear from this neck of woods in due time. It km i s. Colton News. Coi.toh. Jan. 17. Mr. P. I .a fieri y had the misfortune to lose one of his horses last week with staggers. Chester florbett has a couple ofqiiltn sick horses. His favorite, llluck Prlnre, will hardly recover. Prof. Eecles' spelling school at Ilethel school house last Friday night was largely attended. Nearly sixty persons were pres ent. A large crowd again gal tiered at the home of Young brothers last week to sl ake their big lent in time, with the music of the fiddle. A very pleasant time was the verdict of all. Press and Hurt Iiouney are engaged in cutting logs for J. (Jnrbett's saw mill. J, Gorbett sod H. Mulvanv made a flying trip to Portland this week. ' Mrs. Nora Mulvany, Miss Bessie, and Master Wither, have been spending a few days visiling with Mrs. O. Gorbett. J. II. Bouncy lias been visiting relatives near Sherwood. Quite a number of young folks gathered at the risidence of J. Gorbett last Sunday afternoon. Among those present were Misses Delia, Mela and Mabel Hiihlmrd, Mabel and I-ctia Hall, Mrs. Mulvany, Fannie Bon ney, W. H F. .1., nnd O. W Dm, J. Comer, P. V.. and II. W. Honney, A, Hall, (1. Robe son and S. Knnersby. The nlternnon was spent in sieging. Otiikoma. I ('reseent News. Ckkscknt, Jan. '.'I. The weather is very nice at present. There bus been no rain lor about two hours, hut the drouth probably will not last much longer. On January we had about six Inches of snow, but It didn't lust long enough to allow much coasting. Mr. Hiddleson had the misfortune to lose one of his horses Inst week. One of Charles I, iversavs mules has been quite sick. Mr. Jones lost a portion of his milhiain In the recent high wnter. He will not re build the dam, but will arrange to run the planer by strain notver. Mr. Kelly has been quite sick the past few weeks but Is now slowly recovering. Mr. Covey has traded a part of his place here for a property in Portland. He will probably movo to Portland soon, Mrs. ('. E. Reynolds and children have been visiling relatives in Portland the past week. G. M. II. Jones Is building an addition to his house, ToitV. Willamette Falls Notes. Wii.i.amkttk Falls, Jan, 17. We had a delightful leap year hull at Ilutilorll's hull January 1(1. All present enjoyed a good time. Mr. anil Mrs. Joseph ISuldorll have re turned from their eastern trip. They ro port a line visit, but harder times In the East than in Oregon. Joe says Oregon' Is a pretty good place to live In uftcr all. , Hatdorll Pros, will given mnsqiierndo bull Febiuary liih, to which all gentlemen ate invited to come and hriiur their ladies. We will have good music and a splendid supper. Tickets 7.r cents. i We have a lino library, also a debut ing society meeting every Wednesday even RUPTURE Instantly Relieved and Permanently '.CURED VYI I HUU I Knifo or Operation Treatment Absolutely Painless CURE EFFECTED From Throo to Six Works wftlTE FOR TERMS THE 0. E. MILLER CO. Omens : Itooins '. 0t.-70T .Mi.iium lliiililliut. PORTLAND. OREGON. 2t " su m 1 t zvr CHICKEtl RMSmOPAYS If ynu u'e the P.UIm IT Inriili.lor. a llriKHlrrk Make money while othrra are wnstlng time by old processes. Ctli'gtellsll about It ,nd dricribf every article neetlrd for the, ooultrv business. The "ERIE mechanically the best wheel. Prettiest model. We are Fncllic Coast Airetate. Bicycle cata logue mailed free.Klvef mil description, price, etc., aoskts WAirrim. FETALOmA IHCUBAtOR CO. , Petalama,Cal. Usancii JIoiihb, m 8 Main I.ia Anxrlet i WryfffHy K rage" I I lllu.tmtrd I J t Catalogue l - vans. T FX mm Solentlflo At erlcan CAVEATt. TRADB MARKS. DISION PATtuTS, OOPVRIOHTa. mte. for Information and free Hiunlnonk write to MIINM I'll., ftll IIMOAOWAT, New Yon. Milest lillrent! for aeearllig patent In Amei-lna. Kvery patent tukeri out. dy ll Is lirntiiflit liefoia tiie puiiliu hf a uuiioe givtw fret of ouarue tu the T.snrnstetrculntlnn of any selentlflnpspertn the world. hl'Imi'li'Ur IlliistrnUtil. Nn liitelllueiit nmn stinniil bu wltlmut It. WeeklT .0:1.00 a rear) SI.HIslI mom In. AUdreaa MftNN CKU I'ul'Uuutlu, UIU liroadway, foiw York Cltr.