Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1896)
J r, A - fl.tst. )Uvu Oregon VOL x no. i::. OIlKdON CITY, ORKOON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 1890. established isgg City OHlTH, Clreull I'uiirl nil vrnxa Hrl Mumta In Nil Timilwr nnil 1 1 1 1 r 1 Mouilny In April, rrnlmtn iHiurl III .i'.Mmii fli.l MnipUy III nai'h ninth. nnmttitMlnntir. omul iih-i'I. IW.t Wii1iirm1nr dtlor firm M.iliilny nl i' mil mnlilli J K, A. il. W. Mttol'K, ATTORNEYS AT I, AW I l'iniil i In i II I'uuil-, l.nal Ni'i(ii'lnli'i 'I II ' rninliril mnl tmlliTlttii I i n'l il. liltl o Mulll MlioW i 1'nr Han-tilll. JONl'il'li HICK. A 1' I'ollNKY AT LAW. I'rm Urn In nil I'mirla u( t tin Klitte. tHllii. In Hunk or nriwin Cilv lllurk Willi I.. I I'mliT. Oirituii Clly, OH'K'iii. txr ii ikiiivnk, ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, NUIAHY I't III. II CANIIV. OIIKUON. Will prni'lli ii 111 H emirta nl H a !'. IlKiiraltin vrrllli-n In nil tiwllit tit -i. anli. AIi.iiiii'U nl 'Jin liirnMinl. Co lirllvn. a piullr. f 1 K' I.. Ml ullV, ' attorney at law. ; (' )! I r .(.(. i I lo l.'niirl Hihim". , Tltlva namlin"! ati.l aUlrart. mi Upimj , lianril, Mnriaara liitwlmnl mill a tiiitrl low liiinlni"!. J J T HI.ADKN. I NOTAHV ITIII.K' mnl (ONVKVANI KII. j Krai v.tato I lln.l r nn r ikt written In ; tlm lUrilnnl, of lUrlliinl. I'alallii. Ham- j Imiik nl llri'Uiau ! (iftlcn uno i iHif null nl Mi OiikIUI I'li'ifi li. j II.Al'KAMAH AllHlMIAi r TKl hT I'U. Altiai'li nll'larksMM omiily .mt"'My a ! lallr. Ilit "", raailialili rliafKra. tt.nll unaiallli-r.l (ilvii II. atrial l t: Uiniiii-im. K. K iiiiial.ini, J. r. riark, pun i"i namiox i itv, - IIHHIIN . N II JnltNKiiH W (IMIAIIIII K 'INNAIKH 4 JOHSHI'S. I -I VII. KN'ilSKKIlH A.M HI'llVKVollH. Hallway loratlmi ami rulnlniPtl I,rl. !((. lilalmall'l nlllliatrt dir nalrr iliily lralnaag mnl alrrxt liti.riivrinriil nl limit Hiwlal miriillnn lU'ii I" -.raii(lill ami blue prliilliiii tr I AUKY JOIINHON. l.AWYKIt. Corner fclglil ni'l 'ln lr.-la, 0rrnn I'ltjr. orrMiin. HKAt. KHTATKTOSKl.l. AN P MONKY TO l.l.AS. r U I'OKTKIt. ATTOIlNKY AT LAW itniiini or rrT ri 0(rlp lint lo orrnnii City bank on mil Hrrrl. O. T. WII.I.IAMH, KKAI. KHTATF. A.M U)AN AIIKNT. A(ol llimol biitlni'". rralilnnr ainUnbiirban I'ruprrly. farm rmprrty In ln' ' l "" ""f ''" Cnrroapninlmrit iiriiiiii.tly mnwcri.l. Oltlre, ncit ibH.r lo (.'aiirlrbl & llunlln 'Iruil l""). c. 1 II. A II. 0. LATlU'llHTI K, ATIXIUNKYS AND .,.,., t'ol'NSKLOHS AT LAW MAIN MTKKKT, OIIKIHlN CITY, OIIKOOS. rurnlah Abatrarta ol THI!"laii Monny. Knro oIiko Mnrtcaiina. ami Iranaai'l tluurral Uualnraa. I f K. CltoHH. ATroHNKY AT LAW. Wiu. 1'KAiTH IH All CofMTa or tub Ktt Hral KutMto ami Inmirmirr. 0ffli- mi Main Hlifi-t bnl. Hlilli mil Hevcnth, iiHmiiiN city. on. M CI NKII.I.. N. w, TlliiMPanN r t. oHiyrmi 1. IIKI'IIKa. o NMIM,"-W,K?'oJI,.su.v.aIrmi,. ATTOHNKYH AT LAW. Ofllcci in Harkli-y Iliillillnii. Orfiinn Clly, ami A O U. W. i'rm pin, IVirtlainl. Ilo Oonnral Ijw Iltiilnnaa. Iian Mnuey, Urge Ciillnctlnna. Kowlimo niorii;KM, I'rulwla pritpllce. c II. IV H, iTTiilltllfV A Nil """" IJIcoUNSKLOU AT LAW Will oreel"e inoiUniiua, mako nbtlranta, loan iKiiioy, tetla cntniun nml Irtnaat'l a gnuorKl law bil lnoaa. OBloa drat Hi or adjoining Bank ot 0 cgrni City. OBIHOH CITY. 0KC10H i KO. C. BKOWNKM, ATTOHNKY AT LAW, Ohkuon City, - Ohiuon. Will pramloe In all tlm eonrla nl tho mate. 01 fine, n'l door to Canflold ti lluntloy drug fpiIB COMMKKCIAL BANK, or OHKGON CITY. aplUl, - ' O00.009 TaAMHACTM A OKNRBAL BANKINO ByalNKBI. Iiana made. Illlla duoounlnil. Ikjakea col lectlona. Ilnya and lolln axi'hange on all point! In the Dulled Htalea, Kuropo and llonif K"i(f Dnpnalli rnoolvcd mbji'iit to oneck. 1 Hank open Irom a. m. to 4 r. u. v D. 0. LATOURETTK, Prealdent. r. K. DONALD80N, Caahlor B ANK OK ORKQCN CITY, Oldest Banklec Bess, la tbe Cltr. Paid tip Capital, ,ri0,000. Hurplua, fiii.Hi'xi. falHIPRNT, - - tiioi.chabmah YIC rBHlUHT, oao. a. iiabhiho. oiHiiiKK. - a. o. cmrni.D. MAHAIIKK, ClUll.H H. OAUriKLD. A general banking biulncm traimaotod. Depoalt ronnlved nbjint lo check. Approved bllla and notca illacniiiitcd. Count) and oily warrant! boii(ht. Ian mi.lo on available auourlty. Kichnune bniiKht and anld, Collection, made promptly. Dralta aold ivallanlo In any part nl tho world Tnliiirrapliln exohniiKca aolil on rortland, Ban Frant'lHco, chlnaK.innd New York, nierctt pal J on time doponlta, "7 1 i - i - &L SJ iH remarkable. What iH perhapH to in that it i-ohIh comparatively little. one in a luxury. Wit warrant liro Sloven. We Hell a cheaHT urmlo, BELLOMY & BUSCII, KI'lICMKNTINIll- JtoY A 1. il'' LI VKItl'onl,, ilm-a Inritett huaiiiMi in Hie world. NOHTII It It I T 1 H 1 1 ,t M., lufKf'l a-iii In Hid aorbl. HI'S I'l"'at purnly lire Insurance ctiinpany in tli world. .I'.I'NA nl'- II Alt TI'iiHMJarKftantl ll Amrriran Coinnany. CONTINKS I'AL nK NKW YultK. oim ol lli tx-tl Ameiirau i-oTpanica. ANI OTIIKII rH:HI-CI.A.H COMI'ASIKH. C..II m fur IMIIima, "I ! f'r IH"U " Cnlon.loria l:. Ii. 1)()NAI.DS(JN. At Commercial Bank. WET WEATHER GOODS Macintoshes, Water Proof Boots, PIONEER STORE Thos. Charman & Son's. Oregon City, Oregon, Japanese Goods DRAPERIES, E. E. MARTIN, Ljow you Can Save Money When your children need a laxative or stomach and bowel regulator, buy BABY'S FRUIT LAXATIVE. Fifty doses tor T colds and coughs is upon us. In order to be pre ' pared for nn emergency, get a bottlo of Baby's Pectoral Syrup, Tho best in tho nt tho CANBY PHARMACY, Canby, Or DR. J. H. IRVINE, Proprietor. P lllltever II htoVH llllllt to VVom-lit to do well. To liotliiT with a stove Unit imlillicult to nnuiugo, Unit in liiiWo to ((i t cloi'il up, or tit nt iih an unfortunate linhit of doing I'xaitly what your neitlic rxpwt nor want, in a inirttiiko. Our Charter Oak ntov iH a model nf what a stove ought to lie. It callH for no extravagant conHiiinition of wood: it can ho kept in iK-rfcct order 1 without tin; leant (lilliculty; it iH an oriuinieiit to the aiartnient winch U eheerH and warniH, and itH durability I he iioint an much an anything elm; A had Htove in a nuinnnce; a (food - baeliH for 10 yearn in Charter Oak No. H, for only ifH.fX). Tin-: iiorsicrmmsiiKUs. Leading Agency in Clackamas County. Rubber Coats. Hats, Rubber Rubbers. CURIOS. TOYS Beautiful, unique ami sorvicablo. Sold at very reasonable prices. COMMERCIAL BANK BLK. twenty-hve cents. Tho season for market. Price 25 cents. For sale CUBANS SUCCESSFUL Spanlaidn Oiit-Keiieriili'il Drfcati'd. anil A (OHMf.lK ;IAL Yi A K l)K(UKKI) Lutlii-Anmrlcaii 'utlon Work In if up n llojciitt A (culMHt FnitlMi Man iifucliirera and Trailn. WAkiiiMiToN, Jan. IH. The an noil nee' inent of tint uiijintiiient ol (ieneral Val eruine WcjIltbh rHitain-(i!iifral of (Jnba, wa received at Cuban headquarter, IJaily, received l shot in hi riglit le. niornin until he is called to committee hero a confirmatory of tho view they ' The physiciariH in charge of the other nieetjngS- Alter the commiltees ad liad already cxireHHed iion the new of , two younif men refuse to reveal their j journ ,e goes to the tenate chamber Campos' retirement that there had been identity. Mr. liarnum ha not been ar- j w1Pre nt. It.t,iaiiia until the set speeches a radical chanmi in the policy ol the ) Spanish cabinet and that henceforth there la to be a reign of bluod and terror in Cuba. The change in the cabinet ' itself, in the retirement of the Duke of Fetuan and the succession of Henor Kl j liuayen as minister of foreign affairs, I ' regarded a still further confirming these idea. i (ieneral Wcyler is a veteran soldier 1 and has had hi own experience in Cu ' ban revolution for he followed the for ' tunes of the Hpanisli army in Cuba for years during the last revolution with the ' rank colonel, aud earned for himself a j dreadful reputation a a man of blood ' anil iron. Moreover, the Cuban leader 1 here hint at action of cruelty to women and defenseler'N prisoners on hi past, in a fashion that aiuurs ill for the reltel who come within his power, and they predict that he will noon become in volved in trouble with the United State government a a result of the ill treat ment of Ameiican citizen who may 1 unfortunate enough to fall under sus picion, (ieneral Weyler quitted Cuban ground otm after the suppression of the last rebellion and has since dwelt in Spain, holding the important position of captain-genera! of the province of Cata lonia. Cabin Refugee.. Tasii'a, I'la., Jan. 10. The steamer Olivette tonight brought 45 refugees from Cuba, and lust night landed 130 in Key West. Three hundred refugees are al ready booked for the rtxt trip, and ad ditional benches and will be taken to accommodate theui? Those arriving today sav that if one doe not participate in the revolution he must leave Cuba or join the Spanish force. Those able to leave aie doitig so, but the less fortunate will join the revolution, and greatly swell the Cuban army. General Campos i expected by the next steamer to return to Spain, through the State and New York. There is some talk here of giving General Campos an ovation when he arrives. A Commcroial War. Nkw Yokk, Jan. 20. A dispatch to the World from Caracas gay: The press and peojile of Yenexuela have declared a commercial war against Kngland. The newspapers publish daily this notice in display type: "To the peo ple: Whoever buys English products in creases the power of Great Britain." For two months from January 15, the press will give daily the name of Venezuela and foreign merchants dealing in any manner with England or her colonies. President Crespo is releasing many po litical prisoners. A special order an nounces that Carlos E. Palocio, Pedro Lopez Fontaines an J General Jose Aros- tegui are released because they are dep uties and congress is soon to meet. Martin B. Peles, the brother-in-law of ex-minister Patosis, is also tree. This action of tbe president is applauded. Nothing further has been heard Irom the Guiana frontier. The government has bought a light draught small steam craft and armed it with light Ilotchkiss guna, for service on the Orinoco river. There is a rumor that Germany ha sent a sharp demand for the immediate payment of the railroad debt. Presidont Crespo goes to Macuto, on the eeacoast, for two weeks. Postmaster LaKocha has been dis missed because be Detained the presi dent's mail. Cannot Be Btatei. Chicago, Jan. 18. The Post's Wash ington special says: Disappointment awaits the people of New Mexico and Arizona. They have boen knocking for admission into the union for many years, but the decree has gone iorth that their prayers will be left unanswered for ano ther two years. They can thank Speaker Reed and Lis little combine for the dose of disappointment brewed lor their con sumption. The explanation oflered is that it is deemed of the highest impor tance to check any further growth of sil ver strength in the senate, and the beat way to do that is to prevent any increase in representation in the mountain region. Thereforo the house committee on terri tories will not report bills for the admis sion of the-territories named until too lute for action by this congress. Out Woman AMe to Protect Henelf. Four!, IikL, Jan. 111. Tliia rriurninK, atiout 2 o'ckx k.flyo Fort Wayne m-orU, while out for a tune, tailed at Mother Jiarnum'ii roadlioiiM and rained a iliaturbaiico. Mm. I'.arniini ordered them away and lammed the door in Frank Clianvcy'g fare. Ilia none wai almost lorn olT. The boy then forced the door and Mra. liarnnm neiwd a nhot nn and fired down the hallway toward the boya. Tliere were five iHrjiarate trails of blood from the hoime, and it ia BUiioned eyery member of the Kentf waa i wounded. Chanvey ban an Uly wound in hi aide. One of the nanir, named rested. F.lectrlc Hotel Arrlrals. J C Goldsmith, Portland, W D Jones, Baker City, J A Clark, Chicago, E A King. Chicago, W II Nelson, Denver, Charle P Monffer, J F Knapp, San Francisco, John Jacobs, Saeramento, Mis Lizzie Wallace, Portland, Mis Nettie Larson, Portland, A E King, llwaco, George J Jackson, Salem, M P Sailor, Omaha, George A Beavis, San Francisco, C U Piper, Portland, SAD II ungate, Molalla, 8 J Vaughn, Molalla, S J Kizzol, Chicago, Dell L Lashier, Portland, A L Belding, San Jose, Jacob Miller, Portland, , Henry E Stevens, Milwaukee, James E Brown, Sellwood, It G Case, Chicago, B Langfurd, Portland, M A Magone. Portland, 0 W Turner, Silverton, James I lazier. Butteville, Frank Judson, Omaha, D I Smith, Salem, Ulie Smith, Dallas, Prof Ferguson, San Francisco, J P Adams, Troutdale, 0 P Buler, Cathlamet, Wash, Mrs M A Peck, Cathlamet, Wash, Misslna Carter, Cathlamet, Wash, Barney Ctonin, SPUR, James Ensen, Canby, E E Sharon, l'urtland, Edward W Dixon, S F, Robert RadclilT, Sacramento, C B Jackson, Liberal, JC Fowler, Portland. The Electric Hotel grows continually in popularity, and i6 headquarters for the merchant, the farmer, the traveling man and the politician. An old oldler's Recommendation. In tbe late war I was a soldier in tbe First Maryland Volunteers, Company G. During my terra of service I con tracted chronic diarrhoe. Since then I have used a great amount of medicine, but when I found any that would give me relief it would injure my stomach, until Chamberlain's Colic, Cboleraand diarrhoe Remedy was brought to my notice, I used it and will say it is the only remedy that gave me permanent re lief and no bad result follow. I take pleasure in recommending this prepara tion to all my old comrades, who, while giving their Fervice to their country, contracted this dreadful disease as I did, from eating unwholesome and un cooked food. Yours truly, A. E. Bkxdiso, Halsey, Oregon, For sale by G. A. Harding, druggist. County Treasnrer's Sotice. I have funds in my hands for the pay ment of all Clackamas county warrants endorsed prior to January 11, 18S13. In terest will cease on the same from the date of this notice. M. L. MoaKK, County Treasurer. Dated, Oregon City, Or., January 9, 1890. Redaction or One Third On a Jot of men's and boys' boots, and ladies' and gents' fine shoes. Red Fbont Tbadino Co. One tnin'ite Cough Cure is rightly named. It allords instant relief ftom suffering when afilicted with a severe cough or cold. It acts on the throat, bronchial tubes, and lungs and never fails to give immediate relief. For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist. Cholera Morbus is a dangerous com plaint, and Is often fatal in its results. lo avoid this you should use De Witt's Colic 4 Cholera Cnre, as soon as the first symptoms appear. C. G. Huntley, Druggist. Munyon'B medicines are the latest, and Charman & Co., the up-to-date drug gists, have acoinplete stock. Pamphlets free. For clean, white cotton rags 5 cents per pound cash, will be paid at Tuk En tkki'risb ollice. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Award. HIOM TDK SATION 4L CAI'ITOL. l.lmlU of the Canrade Keaerre to he UiHiigKl Interesting .No I en Aliont the Orrgoii Dedication. WAaiiiMro.N, Jan. 18, 1'6. Tlie ponderous wheela of tbe national legis lative machine are beginruriK n move, and from this time on to the clone of the Reunion their revolutions will con tinually (row more rapid. henator Mitchell is now well settled jn ,.;g new committee room. It in on t)e ,jat.ry fl,, SI i 0nel the finest in tll() ca,it0, ncre he work in the i begin ; then he returns to hi room and remain there until he disposes of his mail. This frequently keeps him en gaged unlil late at night as its volume ha been enormous this session, some times ruuning as high a 100 letters in a day. Senator McHride has a very pleasant room in the terrace and is fast making himself acquainted with the details of the senatorial duties. He made hi debut in the senate by re porting fa voi ably from the committee on public lands, Senator Mitchell's bill to correct ttie injustice done to several hun dred purchasers of forfeited railroad grants, under a ruling of the present secretary of the interior. This ruling waa contrary to the construction placed iiKin tbe forfeiture act by bis predecssor, Secretary Noble and by tb? pieeent land commissioner, Mr. Laueoreaus and deprives men who in good faith improved and cultivated railroad lands they purchased of alt title. Alter tne bill was reported by Senator McBride. I Senator Mitchell put it upon its final passage. It went to tbe bouse and within 48 hours Mr. Ellis succeeded in getting a favorable report from tbe committee, re ported the bill to the bouse and securing unanimous consent, passed it. Today the Oregon delegation in full force visited Secretary Smith to impress upon him its justice. It will probably be approved by the president. The action on this bill is one ol the quickest pieces of legislative work on record. Mr. Hermann has nice quarters in the terrace of tte capitol and is, as usual, busily engaged upon matters which con cern tbe welfare of Oregon. Mr. Ellis also has a room in tbe terrace. The first formal meeting of the Oregon delegation was called a few days ago by the senior senator. Various important matters connected with the slate's inter est were discussed, views exchanged and policy determined anon. It was a very harmonious meeting and revealed tbe fact that the first thought of the members of the delegation is for the state, and eacti one of them is ready to sacrifice bis individual views if necessary to the end that her intereets may be advanced. The Cascade forest reserve was one of the matter considered. The delegation agreed to conform closely in their action to the wishes of the state as expressed in the memorial adopted by the legislature. They will endeavor to secere a division of the reserve into two, one around Cra ter lake and the ether around Mt. Hoed, segregate from the present reservation, valuable mineral and agricultural lands now included in it, and also to relieve a number of settlers who, under tbe pres ent conditions of the reservation, are isolated and cut off from all possible neighbors. Senator Mitchell is now col lecting data on the subject, and in my next letter I will probably be able to re port the changes of the reserve to be urged upon the president. Frank H. Peltret. Special Scheol Meeting. Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of school district No. 62, of the county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, that a special school meeting of said district No. 62 will be held at Pope's hall, in Oregon City in said district, on Friday the 31st day of January A. D. 1896, at the hour of 7:30 p. M. This meeting is called for the purpose of levying a tax upon the assessable prop- ety, both real ard personal, within said school district No. 62 to be used for the payment of the interest on the bonds of said district and for general school pur poses. Dated this 15th day of January A. D. 1896. T. S. Lawrence, Chairman Board of Directors. Tuos. F. Ryan, District Clerk. Some time ago Mr. Simon Goldbaum of San Luis Rey, Cal., was troubled with a lame back and rheumatism. He used Chamberlain's Pain Balm and a prompt cure was effected. He says he has since advised many of his friends to try it and all who have done so have spoken highly of it. It is for sale by G. A. Harding, druggist. Finest catchup, Worcestershire sauce and other dressings used in the oyster cocktails at the Novelty.