Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 03, 1896, Image 6

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Oregon City Enterprise.
Clackamas Co
rrcrk o( Cmirti,
Trf anror,
A lemur, .
f hool Superlutondtnl,
C ramUloiior,
Gordon K
t-o. r. Morion
K 0. k.ml.l.H'k
H. M. Krnnuhr
M. U Moor
J.O. Brmtley
II. 8. otlwon
D. W Kimulrtt
R. L. tloiman
I frank Jinrr
C. 0. T. Williams is now prepared to
make loans oa good farm proerty.
Write him.
Wantkh. A middle-aged woman to
do general housework in private family.
A ply at tliin efli.ts.
AYodding stationery, the. latest style
and finest assortment ever brought to
Orison City at the F.stkhi-wsk ottice.
HotirTOe; drv granulated sui-ar, rai
sins, rice, soda 5c per pound. F.legant
trimmed hats at out prices.
Red Front Trading Co.
One Minute Cough Cure is a popular
remedv for croup. Safe for children and
ult. For sale by C. G. Huntley,
Pe Witt's Little Early Rif ere (or bili.mo.
reus, indigestion, constipation. A small
r'll, a prompt cure. For sale by C. G.
Huntley, druggist.
Thirteen new members were added to
the M. E. church last Sunday. Rev.
tmd Mrs. S. w. Striker have Iwn
spending mast of the week in Portland.
For a quiet place to hitch your horses
awav from the motor line and a place to
get a first class job of repairing or horse
shoeing call on S. F. Scripture's shop on
Fifth street.
Experience and money cannot improve
Dr. Sawyer's Familv Cure, because it
roJcally cures Dyspepsia, Liver com-
lint and Kidney difficulty. For sale
by Geo. A. Hardin?.
G. A. Gurley, of Canby, was a visitor
at the county scat Saturday.
Miss F.stelle Skill", of Salem, was the
gnM of I'rof. and Mrs, L. W. McAd
tint this week.
W. B. l'artlow left on Tuesday morn
ing's boat (or a short visit to lndeeinl
ence. R. C. Ranisby, of Silverton, is in Ore
gon City, visiting his son, Recorder
T. B Thomas, one of the live citiiens
of Beavet creek, was in the citv last
Clyde G . Huntley, the druggist, left
Sunday night for a ton day's visit to
San Francisco.
C. I . lloopes, of Springwater, was in
Oregon City Saturday, on business at
the court house.
Mrs. W. A. White and daughter, have
been visiting relatives in Vancouver
dining the past week.
E. W Hornchuch. Reaver creek, and
(ins Sohubel, of Mink, were visitors in
Oregon City Saturday
Frank J. Hatton, of Dow's Prairie,
California, is visiting his father, Mark
Uattun, of lgan precinct.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Strickler, of Sa
lem, are visiting the lalter'a parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. I'ilsbury.
Rev. H. L. Barkley, of Woodburn,
well known in this city, has returned
from an extended trip to the East.
Mrs. B. A. Strom and eon, of Marys
ville, California, are spending the win
ter with the former's mother, Mrs. S. A.
Charles Daughtery, one of the promi
nent farmers of Molalla, was in Oregon
Cy t-atuniay. tie was accompaniej
by his son.
State Senator Will R. King, of Baker
county, was in Oregon City Saturday,
on business connected with the U. S.
land office.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mulvey, of Mu
lino, were in the city Satnrday. Mrs.
Mulvey was on her way to Taconia to
visit a married daughter.
Mrs. Harriet Haiger, of West Cheha-
Choice candies, fresh nuts, crackers,
coffees, teas, spices, extracts, Baker's fine
chocolate and cocoa. Best ranch butter
and fresh egis, and a saving in price of
10 to 26 percent.
Red Fre-t Trading Co.
A number of ladies will give a chil
dren's dancing party at the new hall in
the Willamette block this (Thursday)
evening. The same management bad
charge of the ChiMrens' Dancing Club
last winter.
The annual meeting of the members
of the Congregational church, was held
Wednesday evening. Mrs. H. C. Ste
Tenu, G. H. Bestow and C. H Dye were
elected trustees; Dr. H. E. Ferrin,
clerk, and F. F. White, treasurer.
If you have a job of repairing that will
not justify your letting it to a regular
contractor at contractor's prices, then
see Davis, the repairer. H will do it in
first-class shape and at reasonable
prices. Shop in Second Hand store
Dr. A. 1'. Sawyer Dear Sir: I have
been suffering with sick headachfor a
long time. I nsed your family Cure and
now am entirely relieved. I would not
do without your medicine. '
Mrs. G. Miller, Mt. Morrel Ills.
Sold by G. A. Harding.
Karl's Clover Root will purify vonr
bloodclear your complexion, regulate
your frowels and make yor head clear , 'em, who has been visiting her nieces,
sa belj. 25c., 50c., and a dollar. For Mrs. W. E. Pratt and Miss Kate Bar
sale by fleo. A . Harding. , ciav, returned home Monday.
Prof. C. W. Durette, principal of the
West Side school, was very ill during
the Christmas holiday, but has recov
ered sufficiently to be about again.
Caleb L. Carr, special government
agent of the U. S. public laud depart
ment, went up the valley Wednesday
morning, to look after some land mat
ters. B. F. Burch, formerly a popular
young man of this city when his father
was receiver in the U. S. land otlica, has
been elected secretary of the Independ
ence athletic club.
F. G. Martin, secretary of the Oregon
Fire Relief Association, was in Oregon
City Monday, and was shown the va
nous points of interest in the city by
the local agent, E. E. Martin.
W. D. Adams, the Molalla undertaker,
and pioneer resident, was in the city
Monday. As he started to town he
learned that Chris Zweifel, a well
known farmer of that section, died sud
denly on Monday.
Harley Stevens, who returned from
a Visit to San rrancisco last week, states
that he saw Frank Newton, a former
Oregon City boy, while there. He has
been a soldier in the United States army
at the Presidio for the past five years.
Miss Ivy Glass, of Crawfordsville,
Linn county, spent New Years day with
her brother, I). H. Glass and wife. She
was accompanied by her friend, Miss
Swan. Both ladies were on their way to
Portland to attend the State Teachers'
Mr. Williams, a son-in-law of Mrs
Gwynne Davis, of Btaver creek, has ar
rived from the Roslyn coal mines in
Washington, accompanied by bis fam
ily. The family will remain with Mrs.
uavis, wmie air. Williams visits some
California coal mines.
Misses Imo Harding, Nettie Walden,
Helen Eastham and Masters Barry
Eastham and Fred Morey, students at
the Portland Academy, have been
spending their vacation at home for the
past two weeks. Studies will be re
sumed at the Academy next Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. William Tattles, of
Niles, Michigan, arrived in the city
Wednesday morning, and are visiting
the former's nncle, Joseph Walton, of
Ely. Mr. and Mrs. Tattles are now en
joying their wedding tour, and took ad
vantage of the occasion to visit Oregon.
8. A. D. Gorley, an erstwhile proml
nent teacher of Clackamas county, but
now a leading attorney of Arlington.
was in Portland last week looking after
a case in which he is interested, as at
torney before the United States court.
He visited relatives at Canby last Sun
day. A. R. Cumpsten, of Tecumseb, Ne
braska, is visiting his sister, Mrs. 8. A.
Scott, of this city. He will remain in
this section for several months, and if
favorably impressed with the climate,
etc., wiil dispose of his property in Ne
braska, and make this his permanent
Attotney C. H. Dye was in
Wednesday on legal business.
P. M. Weddcll.who has been attending
his vacation In California, returned home
Hon. Norman Merrill, of Clatskunie,
was in the city Saturday. He had just
returned from a trip through California.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Goodnight of Van.
couver, spent lust Friday and Siiturduy
in Oregon City, guests at lie borne of II.
F. SW0H.
Mrs. Kate Johnson, w ho has been via"
iting her parents, Mr. and l. Fisher,
left for her home in Fulton Park, near
Portland, last Monday.
Street Commissioner Rahcock has
been confined to his room for several
days past by sickness but hopes to soon
be on the streets again.
Mr. and Mrs A. Bissell of Canby ac
companied by their son William, spent
New Year's in Oregon City, the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Matlin.
James Behh arrived from Jamestown,
N Y., and has accepted the position ol
overseer of the carding department in
the Oregon City woolen mills.
Hon. Peter Paqtiet, receiver of the
Oregon City land ulhYe, has loen con
fined to his room for the pust two
weeks, but has improved !o such an ex
tent, that he is able to get dow n town
occasionally. J. G. Pilsbnry is presiding
in the receiver's office, during the ill
ness of Mr. l'aitiet.
Mrs. W. EpiHrson, accompanied by
her son William, of Detroit, Mich., has
been sending the past month with her
sister, Mrs. Ko!ert Kelland, residing
near this city. Mrs Epperson left Mon-
lay for Portland, whete she will visit
the lamilv of I apt. George Gore and
other relatives for several days.
Hon. Robert Eakin. of Union, judge
for the district comprising Baker, Wal
Iowa and I mon counties, was in Oregon
City Tuesday visiting friends and look
ing after business matters. Judge Ea
kin is favorably spoken of as a probable
successful candidate for the nomination
for congress on the republican ticket
'rom the second district.
Williams, tho grocor,
leads in flno table luxu
Some time ago Mr. Simon Goldbaum
o( San Luis Rev, Cal., was troubled with
a lame back and rheumatism. He used
Chamberlain's Pain Balm and a prompt
cure was effected. He says he has since
advised many of his friends to try it and
all w ho have done so have sKkcn highly
of it. It is for sale by G. A. Harding,
Born, Dectmber 27th, 1S!i",
and Mrs. J. M. Lawrence, in
City, a daughter.
to Mr.
Dry Goods,
Boots Shoes,
Our Groceries are Fresh
mitl of tho best quality.
In Prices we meet
Portland Competition.
Succossor to
Let me have a trial order.
To McKiltrick't
ror vtmr holiday slippers mid shoes. Kvcrylhing
new. The, hit cut styles tho linest goods tho lowest
prices. Our motto is ' S(piaro Drilling." Wo want
no man's money unless, we give him nil. vulue for
it. Wo iiro No rcupoetors of persons. Thn poorest
ninn will bo (rented its kindly mid hh courteously iih
the president would Is-.
To McKittrick's
1 J Noxtcloor
to Oroiion City Dank, Orogon City.
There will be the usual services in the
Baptist church on Sunday. Preaching
by the pastor morning and evening. Sub
ject of sermon, morning, "How to Put
on tho Coat;" evening, "The Incredi
ble Things of Life." A general invita
tion to Ihese services is extended.
Tho tpworth League ot the M. E,
ctinrch, will install the following new
officers next Sunday: W. M. Moore,
president; Miss Laura Johnson, vice-
president; Mrs. G. Oaborn; 2nd vice,
president ; W. C. Kirby, 3rd vice-presi-dant;
U. M. Doolittle, 4th vice-presi
dent; Vj. J. Maple, treasurer; Miss
Grace Myers, secretary; Miss Ida
Paine, organist.
The county clerk of Clackamas county
has turned over to the treasurer the
sum of $2783.10 as fees for the year 1895.
The county recorder for the same period
turned over $2320.85 in fees. The sala
ries paid in the recorder's office for the
year amounted to $2124, and in the
clerk's office, $2580. The clerk had ex
tra help during sessions of circuit court
and in copying the assessment and tax
Tommy Inskeep, the 10-year old son
of H. O. Inskeep, met with an accident
oi Christmas day, that came very near
proying fatal. His father was was get
ting ready to shoot at a mark with bis
gun in his band. He stooped oyer and
the gun went off accidently the ball
striking the boy, who stood about thirty
yards away, near the right nipple, and
passing out under the right shoulder
blade, It is believed the ball passed
through the upper portion of the right
lung. Dr. Paine was summoned, and
the boy was progressing favorably at the
latest report. i
1800 miles of long dis
tance telephone wire in
Oregon and Washington
now in operation by the
Oregon Telephone ami Tel
egraph company.
Portland, .Seattle, Spo
kane, Tacoma, Salem,
Walla Walla, Pendleton,
Albany and 96 other towns
in the two states on the
Quick, accurate, cheap.
All the satisfaction of
perHonal communication
Distance no effect to
clear understanding. 8po
Kane as easily heard
To the Public -
mi WILL DD,.
The (inmbrines Pilsner or
Bavarian Bottle Heer. per
Doz. Quarts at 1 1 ."0
California White Wine mt gal M0
" Claret Wine tht cal. SO
" Port Wine per gal. 1 SO
" Cherry Wine r gal. 1 "0
nest drape hrandv per cal. 4 H)
lOyear old Whiskey, S'onpa-
reil per gal 4 (X
Uur goods will be found the licst
everoll'ered to the public at the price,
lieave your order. garranti
our goous io give saustaction or
will cherfully refund your money
N. F. Zimmerman.
For Ktu liner Inn va ynurnriler.
(iiveyour wives ami daughters Nkw Hats.
I have pattern hats on hand that I will
Nell at cost ami Im'Iow cost. All other hats re
duced. Call early and get th Ix-rgains.
Mrs, H. T. Slnden,
Next door South Methodist Church,
Mill" Htrcct, Oi-cuoii City,
Opportunities for Investors and Speculators.
Oregon City oflice at
Huntley's Drug Store
Portland, - - Oregon
Rnttr Line.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Awarded Cold Medal Midwinter Fiir, San Franciico. I
By the fast
and com
modious steamers
Daily boats, except Sunday, leav
ing Oak street dock at 7 a. in., mak
ing regular landings at Vancouver,
cascades, White halmon, ilol
River and all intermediate points.
Passenger and freight rates lower to
these points than by any other line.
First class meals served for 2.f3c.
This is the Great Scenic Route.
All tourist admit that tho scenerv
on the Middle Columbia is not ex
celled for beauty and grandeur in
tho United States. Full informa
tion by addressing or calling on
J. X. J1ARNEV, Agent,
Tel. 914. Portland. Or..
Oflice and wharf, foot of Oak St.
Notice to
Policy-Holders of
State Insurance Co.
Favorable airtiiiifemeiiU) have been
tnuile with the
Fireman's Fond Insurance Comjauj
ror the tiiiha'itution of iwtliciea of the
STATIC I N S U K A NC K COM 1' A X Y , with
out luBH to the amtured.
Before canceling you policie. rail on
aKenui ot the rllth.M AiV H.M) IX
Edmond C. Giltner,
Receiver of tho State Inmiranee Company
Bring your policies to
F. E. Donaldson,
AXCE CO. at Oregon City, Oregon.
-Will flK-
An Excelsior
Roasting Tan
Near the Court House. .
No county like Clnclcnmns no city lilcc
Oregon City.
No man m iHsensed of even borne Henno ever hint money by a itidieioiis
invcHtinent in Clackamas County. It would be nenrlv imiMiH.-ohle to
lone money by buying in Oregon City. It'n becautiful location great
manufacturing ostabliHhmentri largo and constantly increasing pay
roll its great ami jroinining future, mikes Oregon City, im'oma ruble
the k'ntcity on the norlhwcMt coast for the investment of capital. It
follows then that you may hav an interest in the bargains Im Iow.
2 lots and new cottage in west side addition to Oregon City, "i minutes
from paiHT mills, Sale or trade.
me block from 7th St.
No. 1 building lots near Presbyterian church
cheaj) part casti, balance on time.
I lots near Han-lay school for trade or sale.
Two lots on Main street, at Congregational church for sale. Best site
in town for grocery store or privato boarding-house. Will
build for good tenant.
Another good block of land adjoining Barclay school block in Oregon
City fair house and barn city water right in tho heart of tho
city. Sell cheap, or trade for farm. Will bear careful investi
gation. 1 lot in Darnell's addition on Molalla road. Sale or trade.
1 lot in Park addition. Salo or trade.
One block of land at Klyville, on main Molalla road: level and will
subdivide into 8 lots; two new houses, two barns, anil two
splendid wells. This property is delightfully situated and
would mit the most fastidious. Will sell for part cash, or will
trade for an improved farm.
One new and pretty C-room cottage; hard finished; cellar, spring water,
with lour lots, overlooking lalls, at tanemah, for sale or trade.
Takes some money. House cost if 1000,
One lot in tho thriving railroad town of Tekoa; worth $300, or perhapi
a wnoio lot more. ill trade this lot tor horses, cattle, slieop, hogs
or goats, or just anything to hel p you out. This is a good lot and
in a good town, but I don't want
der the heavens.
it, as I have no need for it un-
80 acres of Columbia county bottom land, mostly slashed and burned
oil, anu in grass. Iwo miles from Columbia river. Trade or
One of the best modern constructed dwellings in Oregon City; whole
block ol lanu, level, and allowing one of the most lovely views
to bo had in tho city. New and handsome frame barn. No
finer residence property in the city; one block from public school.
Will trade for Al outside property.
Will sell or ront for long term the best garden land in Oregon, on the
Willamette river ana lust Mae JUectric Railroad. Will sub
divide and sell in acre tracts, or rent in parcels.
132 feet frontage on Main street, in Oregon City: street improvements
mauo; on clectnc line. ill trade lor good country pro perty, or
sell at a big bargain.
Carpenters, plasterers, brick masons, teamsters, mill men, loggers,
wanted to buy homes and pay for it in work.
For further particulars, call on or address
I. 1':. CROSS, Oregon City, Oregon.