Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 03, 1896, Image 5

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
tSCAi E D UL15S OK 11 M?
lvi I'Mrllmnl Tnyliir alrvpliliK'k 4t A M
k y , Hun.tn mi A. tl, . tl in.;via
H II 1 ,MI mi tl
lit II' I n 1 II (If.ji, , I'lv . ..I.... ..
, " 'til Hfr
'i H it ! .1 ,m v i. mimlHjr,
imkI nrrriiiiiitlHllinia i..u.
trrlitllt liinll.. Hiwl.l mi,,.
"llllWlll llii) VUrillllK SKCllolIN of till)
Nnrlli A iin rli un riiiiiiniuit,
ItiHIlll'Hlk llf ll'll) l'IK"M, HlllliHllK'l
inuiitlily ami iitn Im Inul for f. pur year,
iir-IOrniilN per copy nt lliintlny's bunk
i it .
Kil Unix,
Nil my
lliruiiiih (rllil.
t ulllnriiU Kii.ru. ilirniih)
Kimnliiir. IH'nl H.r iniiuui;
H J in lHi Hiitf r
Il(flllll I..M'. wn)f ,,,, I,,)
( 1 1 1 " r 1 1 1 Kiprtoa llir,,ii(li)
M ' in H m nar
7 11. Ill
Vi n, in
W 77 . in,
II 77 a, in
0 4 . Ill
4 rm t. iii,
HV Mll'TIUIIM H. lril' . 11.11,1,1,,
M l ilti ,i No I. , JO in, Mini 7 p. in.
il e . im Mn .ii,, k m, m ,, j i m
Nail I iitnil. lru..i N. r ,. in I , a in
Ma I illai Im i m m t-niHi, , m , 4 i. hi,
V T am ii.a, an' i.rg
111 il i lur r, ,,1. ii, I Bt,i , ri,i(,,.
k,I la. 1 o , ,, ,, i 4 4:, ,.. ,.
M I ! n I, r M I ir ,,n y i . ,
4 41 1, in
'. i I r lica I , ,iu p,.tU ,il, so . im. t;,a
4 IS p in.
II, mn tua.
"''"I I'll) tiKly,rriia. Mulatto. Mix-mi ami
HtilalU ,! t -j m ami arrlvra al il in.
nrmiiii I lly In llravrr ( rwk, Mink, Clark.
Mvattnw lliiN.k. i in, ,ii Mill., ami l iillmi, Iravna
al a a in M,il,ay, M nlm,ay aifl It ,la y,
ami mi, una hi f.,1 1, , w I um ,ua al 4 .tfl , in
un-guii Cliy u Vlma, I'wan ami Kr.llaml
Iran-. irr. n iy M-iinlar, WnliiMilay anil
Kil'layal I ("l ,. in , liavll,a VI, ,la (attic ilani
Kil.l.y a
al 7 it).,.
h aff r l ami
ami irava, al
nr rf-.i. r.iy in kViliaiue in,
I' n'l a, -rrl I mi ..
II ) ii in. ..a ly.
li.n r I I v.'iy hi, I w a . p it on umlai
lin n o in Ham A I r 1 1, I nt Ii
Ihh i... i,y mj, , , i ff H,iuia'i
a. . , a tl .
A I Ka- t , J hat laltrlav.l , II I I 111 ..
aitin it tl :ai a i" . k i . It in I. e ino u Vi
uil ra "f 4 l,i nf ii far
Kit I HAY. JAM; A KV .1, IKiMI.
Kiikk Kkaiiinii iiom. i Im frmi rti4'l
liiV rotiiii U In iriMinrii4 i;iiihIiIiiii,
Inya I umi IhnrowliiK In m miliiirn nf iinufiil-
ium, clviT oiiii liiliiin, tlulUra Ima
liriill ltXH'lliiii in iii'W Ni'ita uimI oIImt
i . . .
iiiirmmiiiiii4, tnirniK urn iiimi ymir
tlml liiivo uiim iihii'Ii to Dm com
umi con vim li'iicii of llui ruuniH. A mini
lcr ol new book n hihI ii'iioliciilii Iihvm
Ihmhi Hililml Id Uiii library, nml tin) niliii
bur of nioiIh wln iiulruiiiii'.u tbn room
Iiun l'fii roiiHiiliTultly MiiKiiMinltiil. In
furl, it. bud bi'i'oinii u (a voi 1 1 ii ri-Hoit for
tlioan iltmiriiiK it iiiitl pluio in wbii b to
rcml or ii'Hunly ,h amiy Ibn limn.
Tliu work of tbu it) uliiiK room iHnvtui ex
ch4m1.uk tbn ciiiicctiitloiii of miinn of ila
foiimli'm; tbti Hoik fnrtlic punl yciir btta
ln'in Viiry (jralifyiin;. Whim tbu Free
HimiliiiK Hoi, in AHMx-lutltiii liitli) iu an
mini 1 1 1 ii,; on tbu L'.'Ii.l ibiy of IIhim-iii-
Imt, lliti trtiiiatiriT'ii report Hbowcil tlmt
tlicri) wun it Imlitncu of L"ii In tbu trai-
ury, nfit-r Dm 'Xmiiilitiirt) of HH) m,u
on iiiiirovtniiiiiitH iluriiiu tliu uint year.
Ilm ullli tira iilis lcil ui tl,e hh nii'i'tiiiK
mo: I'.. Ii. Cmilh. il. imcaii nut: Dr. W.
K. Currl, vim i.rioiiiiViit j K. H. Kully,
aiiiTi-tiiry ; . . Huntley, lraHirr;
K. i Cmiflflil, lr. W K Cnrll umi
Fiilber lliliiibi'4i,, truitmia. At tbn
miinlier of iiatrniM urn ini'te.iain. a-nl
more book itru neeilml, every eiK'our-
atC'innnt nb'iiiiil bu given Iiun invaliubie
inuiulin-r mill I'lliicutur tin) Ir-n ri4l
iiii room.
I'ooiiiaii. (Jajik IWri'uNku. A foot-
bull K'iiie un urrttiik'e'l to lie played
New Veiir'n ibiy lteen picked biuin
Ironi tlielwo IciitiiH in lliia rilv ami 4 ten.11
Tbo WeilniHiliiy evenliiif irn-mliiK wan
belli riioiil 11 rcconlcr un T. W. Foiita'
liirin of oflli'H etilri"l by llmiliitlon 011
iJitcomber 31 Nt, it rid .1. U. rilNlmry, wbo
wiin eliicteil recoril.ir everl iekN uo,
did not tpntlify. Kven luid h filed bl
out f 1 of oflli'ii 11 nd olllfUl bond, bia lifrin
of o.'lli'ii would biivo umilred at tlm end
of tloi ye ir intcoidiiu to tint provision N
of tlui iih i-lnrtT All tin inuinbiiri
of tbn (Mum:il tonk tlndr NeiitN in r wiiv
Unit liidiiulc I tbny aiirni'liilid tlx) r-
NoiiHibililli)4 of tlmir poaliloim Omri
ciltnitn (J'l'ikn iierfurinHii tint niliea 0
rueiirdcr pro tern, but an tlmre whn on
buairiHHa tfunaartiii), bin work wan no!
Your tmmi will have the taut
of can: and
Full Measure of Feed
At llio
Ci.ann I'.ntkk tainkI). Mra. K. H. An
drowN entertitiiied Iter CoimrfiralioiiHl
Ktindiiy Hcbo'il cIuhn at tier reNidencu on
FuIIh View, IuhI Monday evening.
Tbn time wun iiiohI pleaHBiilly -iit
witli Hociitl kuiiicn nml convernallon. . A
Nplemlid oyiiler NUjiper whn norved, and
all wlio attended report nniat enjoya
ble time. Anionic tliuno pnifcnt witm
MiHHON I.ubi Meyer. May and Weltba
MorriN, Niinnie WilkliiHon, Anna Frey
lag, Clara lloiick, MrN. IJ..io Cbarlea;
Mellaril. Will and Harry liaxter, Frwl
Mi:('aiiHland, Fred Meyer Frank Bax
ter, Will (.'liiiMeN, Mr. Hinbop, 11. Frey.
tag, David Fuin ber, I'aul Fieylag, I'eail
Andrew., .SuiU'iul Gibifn and John All-wood.
b'.n A I I. I. Fllim Ilia Cui niv Jaii,.
'I'liem iaa liei'ii a Ibuiliini; nut of llie
liutulier nf pil-onera at llie i iiuiily jml.
Four uiii nf Hie eight , wholiiive been ap
pmeiillv Kinking Ibn Ih-hI ,,l the j na
tion In-bnnl riMiii hara ale n me. They
lini'le Ibeir cm uhi Wedneaihiy evening,
priihttblv heliAei'n hi a, Hint M'Ven o'clock.
MiiTllF Mutt'liH k diHcnVeieil tin ir ab
aeine wlteii be went to the jail a few
liilllilli a allcr eight to lork llie prlHon
era in their cella nr the tiighl. The ptia
oneia h.nl Hindi' their c, iih thronvb
the rfar dm.ra They bad Hreliched I he
bin of tint inner dix.r, and nude a bole
with B"ine atrong tool large enougli to
crawl thrnugli Then a tuern of rail
road iron almiil fniir h-el loi g w.ia uim
to beml back the lower corner of llu
outer do, 11, lima making mi o-ning
barely latgn enougli to ripii'i te thniitgb
Itaamyatery bow tlm prla'inera could
have ain-iiie-l a bur af iron on the inner
Hide, aa tliey whip too clo-ely wait-bed
to have aniuggled a piero of the iron in,
while being detailed for wood. It ia
poaaihln that they hxik t'.u Inavy arti
cle uhuI in breaking out away with
thi'iii. Shenir Malibak tlrit atatled
to lull Jill 10 In k up aiiniil aeveu
o'clock, but wan deikined bv a m m who
WiinU'd lo Nee bun 011 imp iMant hu.-i
liean. The four priamier alio inadn
their eia alai aie: Tluiiu.ia C'l.41 k , ImuiiJ
over to iN-ur Inihite the grand jury on
a cbargu d rnbhiug the Ited Frunt
atom; Walter Wyland, awaiting to an
Rwera cbargn of borae Hlealing; Wil
liam Oalerleo, IkiiiiiiI over on a charge
of rape, and Will Moure, the club aikit
man, who bad nerved out a littlo more
thai) half of bit three inontb'a terra.
Tbu four primmer left behind are Cbaa.
Montgomery, belli fur the minder of
Hiram Hull; It. M. Downey, who drove
way Willi Migiittwr Klnnainl home
and buggy; I.arkcv, under hi rent for
cattle Nlealing, and Murray for the lar
ceny of a valine. The latier four would
probahly have eacaped had they been
given mora lime. However, I hey keep
mum, and have not a-i vet madu any
diKcloaiirea concerning the plana of en
cape, adopted by the ouiiiiy chargea
who 'Unceremoniously took a leave of
ahauuee. Kvery elbirt ia being made U
capture tin culprita. LnUir Cloaer ex
amination Iiun revealed the fact that
the ham of the Inner -.loor whn Hawed
Into, ami it In believed that Clark took
iteol nbank from Jiia nboo, and im
pi.ivlard a aaw to 4I0 the work. No
trace of the fugilivel bin yet been re
ceived. The. night nf tbo vncape tome
one borrowed a rolay of hornua aa far
out an Macknliurg, Tim Iioihch returned
to their ownern, hill tlnvo la nothing to
Indicate which one of th prisoner made
good IiIh encae in thin way.
I A VlOI.KT 1U( KI'IIIlN , Mil. (iillllHD
I'arker give a violet reception for lit-r
Stiuday Nchoo) cIuhn on Thurnduy night
at tier bolnn in liladatntie. There were
prenent. MinneN Huby Spencer, Verdle
Monroe, Sarali Heaver, Doliie Kocn,
Mary I'urniiield, limine Toepleumn,
Malcl II an. gun, Cuaaie Katun, Diiny
j route, Metta Finlflv, Jennie Noble,
Hertio Joiien, Jane Joneii, llatlio
Tbniiipaon, Jennie llowern, Maliel
Irom J'nrtlttiid but it wan Kintpone,l un- i Tliuyer, Fden I'urniiield, Kmrna Alii-
City StnbleH.
Young & Davidson, Props.,
M..cc.-.or, .0 w. H, Cook.
Livery Riga on Short Notice.
Telephone No. 42.
l:abliallF IH4I3.
nnniiTvi nn
Transfer and Epfe,
Freight and parcels delivered
to all partB of the city.
Glen Ellen Wine Vaults
Corner Front and Madison St.
til Wuahingtnn'N hirtliday Fehruarv
when the hon ex4M-i to givu a g.nnn al
(iladntoiie park that wilihe worth wit
lienalng. The reaaoii lur iHwtpouing tin.
uaiiinaaN that a luiiud i 111 xn -, i I le for
the low 11 team to gel properly trained
to llieel no g,nl a team 11a tliey will liHVe
lo bun up ugaluat, and hem, lea 11 wan
uppnretit that a ,'i'iwd runld uol Im ne-
cuie l for thut dav owing to greater at
Iranian nt foitlull gum) m I'oill.ind,
making il impmn-ilile to met t the cx-exN-iiaea
witli gate receipt. The I'urt-
mil team hut ban cballuiiged our team to a jnNt can 1, and you won't regret
Am Isnini'RNNABl.rt Rkkmhincn Hook
The Hand McNnlly Railway (lulde and
Hand Hook lias cnum to be a neceoNity
to every peraon who hag occanion to
travel, or who baa aliipping to do. It
IfiveN the olllcinl time, tuMo eorrecled ti
to date of every trniiRiortation line in
the United Hluten, ( iinailu and Mexico,
eiubtiicing ail railroad, Mleiiinlnuit and
Rteaiimhlp linea, tagolher with the iUh
tanceH between all pbiccH and Die ofhVorg
and lieuiliimrt'ra of the viirioiiH coin
paniefl. It ia a veriluhln Ntore-lioiinn of
iiiformnlion for beHiiloH the time tables
it givi'H a condciiHcd nkelidi of all the
principal towns ol llio United Sluten,
Canmlii nnd and Mexico, nbowing Ihcir
bxaliun, piiiulalion, industries ca tried
jN one of the hut amateur te.iuii in that
:ity, and now that they h ivo ample
tune in which to practice, our Iniy ex
act lo 1le1n011atr.it, 1 tnal Ihey toj cm
puy ami lovjr ol Una excHlilg npjrt
may rent anaured Hut they will inj
treated (u a rattling g.i.jd g.nniiun Waali
hiKtou'a birthday, lly that time it in
exiHi ted that llio Weallier will bo lena
HLi, my and couatHpinntly iu ire cotufori
alile for people to be outdoor.
ANnl'imt I'lllNKKU 1'ahskn Awav.
Another Chii k.iinaa county pioneer
lum piiHwd away. John C. llacketl, a
pioneer 01 imj ami aguj over U ycim,
died al bin home near the ('l.ukaiuas
I. .1 I r- 1 , .
iiau-neiy i.ii rrinay, wneie ne UmjIc up
a doiiiiinin cluiui 40 year ago, and has
coiilimiolly rcaided nince. .Mr. Hackelt
wa born in Ubio, and for awhile fob
lowed the occupation of in ill wright.
He waa one of the vturdy pioneers, who
aided in building up thin country. Ilia
funeral occurred Sunday anil bin re
maiua were interred in th.i city ceme
tery, and the eervicea were eondiictod
by Itev. M. L. Rngg. The deceaned
wan married in ISO'.' to Mina Klla John
son, who mill survives him, Six chil
diun still survive him. They are E. C.
Hacked, principal of the Canerriah
school ; Mrs. Mary K. Knotts, of Hridge
pori, Washington county; Mrs. Ina
Haley, of KllenNburg, Wash.; A. J.
Hackelt, an attorney in Chicago: Miss
Stella Haokett and Mia. Florence Wolf,
who reside near Damascus. Mr. Hack
ed was one of tho few brave spirit,
who came Went to avenge the mur
der of Dr. Whitman.
son. IVarl I'oaper and lierlie I'nwell.
A nplemliil mipiicul and literary rrogram
wan rendered by the young ludien, after
which lee cream, cake and fruits were
nerved. The hoiliw waa bfautilully dec
oiated with violet flowers, and all en
joyed the occasion iiiimeuaely.
Trial by Jury .
The trial of Angelina's breach of
plniiiine cane will be beard in Shively'a
ohtr house January 10 and Ilih. All
good citix-'iis will tie subpn iiieil lo listen
Hukiku Fbidav. Frank Albright,
mention of whone death waa printed in
the Fstkkpkisk last week, was buried in
the Oregon City cemetery lant Fruluy.
A large ntiniber of friends attended the
funeral services, which was conducted
by Itev. A. J. Montgomery at Cataract
Hose Company's hall. At the grave
the service was short and luipreseive
The deceased came to Oregon City with
bin father. Charles Albright, sr., when a
bin In 1W2, and was a school mate with
George A. Harding, H.J. Harding T.
M. Miller and other now well known
citizens of this city. Mr. Albright was
ne of the moving spirits in the organi
zation of Cataract Hose Com puny, and
was engaged in the butcher business
with his father lor a long period prior!
to 1877. Ho also filled tho oll'u o of city
collector and assessor. For 12 years he
tilled the posit Un of chief clerk in the
V. S. land otllce, and at the time ot his
deuth possessed an elegant gold watch,
presented by W. T. Iiurncy for efliciont
set vices rendered. The engraving on
thd watch bears tho date of July 1st,
Kxira care will le taken to have the
c uirt room comfortably warmed so there
can lx no cause for complaint of the
ft . , . . . .
ine cam in neiecteil with groat Caro,
Mr. Miller, as the judge, will keep you
.laughing, while the argument by the
council will make you hold your breath
lo see the American law take its course
tnd defeat the Iirilish judge. The lieati-
tiful Angelina receives her righU and
while the flirting jurymen do their work
to win the allection ol Angelina, the
foreman, (Mr. Harris,) stops it witli his
ilignitie,! command, makes love himself
nut is cut out by the honorable liritisq
judge. The jury, of many nationalities
can t understand the ridge s actions
until he convicts the defendant and
marries the plaintiir himself
To witneas the impannelingof the jury
is very amusing. Ihere will be the
stuttering Dutchman, the Scandinevian
who lias to use an ear trumpet to listen
to the arguments and finally the witty
Irishman, who did'nt want to verve in
the case. Come one and all, as this will
be the lant and best performance given
in On gon City this season.
renelope", will follow the "Trial",
the Hliiuian, (Mr. W. A. Askin,) could
not w ait for his cold mutton, while the
grenadier, (Mr. I'richard), waits for his
Hanglish" plum pudding. The good
milkman, (Mr. Harris,) who sells milk
that does not sour, and has some fresh
eggs left, beats them all and wins the
true love of "renelope".
Mrs. Croaker, (Mrs. B. M. Doolittle),
ia a very dignified "lady of the house",
though disappointed at not receiving
the invitation to attend a Lisxtn concert.
"renelope," Mrs. F. K. Hepburn,
will introduce the latest success of all
souhretts songs, "Loye by telephone,"
in which a genuine telephone, will be
used. A Portland orchestra of ten
pieces will be conduted by Prof Hep
burn Reserved seats 50e, general adm. , 35c,
children 25c. Seats will be on sale at
Huntley's book store Monday, January
Hurry and get there before the usher
of the court, (J. W, Meyers,! closes its
Quality and prices guaranteed
to be satiafactory.
Choice Whiskies and Itrandiea a
A. Kline & Co., - Props.
The Intep Ocean
Is the Most Popular Republican Newspaper
Of the West and Has the Largest Circulation
DAILY (without Sunday) ROO per year
DAILY (with Punday) ffi.00 per year
As a Newspaper Tim Intkr Ocka.i keeps abreast of the tim in- aTi'
mjtects. It spares neither pains nor expense in securing
The Weekly Inter Ocean
As a Family Paper Is Not Excelled by Any
It has w rnethine of interest to each member of the famil v. Its
Youth's Dkpartme.vt is the very best of its kind. Its Literary
Features are unequaled.
It is a Twelve Page Paper and contains the News of the World.
Politically It Is Republican, and gives its readers the benefit
of the ablest discnHsions on all live political topics, It is published
in Chicago and is in accord with the people of the West in both
politics and literature.
Please remember that the price of the Weekly Inter Ocean is
Only One Dollar Per Year. Address
er. Harris
r I 1 la I
Dealer in
STRONG Cpunni Hun rmeM
i iwu viuuuntn
Should be
Bicycles, Umbrellas,
Guns, Sewing Machines,
And all kinds of small ma
chines put in good order. No
work to dillicult to undertake.
Prices reasonable.
Shop on Seventh St., near depot.
Oregon City,
Crayons, Enlargements
Photography in every branch.
Ue have them 1
at prices from ft TO $.2. Kraiiss Brr5. rl
The most complete stock of
Children's Pictures a Specialty
Gallery over Mrs. Prier's Store
Main Street.
A. B. Steinbach & Co.
Popular One Price
AND "El. 2-1 ..
-x- urmsutjrs.
Cor. First and Morrison Sts.
Trees ever had in our nurserv.
Trees in every variety.
In all the latest and best varieties..
All trees plainly labeled. '. '
Special care is taken to have all stock free
from pests.
is located 3 miles below Oregon City on west
bank of Willamette river.
sent on application. Postoffice address is
Oswego, Oregon.
agent for Oregon City.
UkiII'I.AK Col'M'll, Micktinu A dku hns.
Tlie first regular meeting of tlio city
coiiiieil for the your 1S1HI, was held Wed-
I nesday eveninj;, hut no Imsinrcs was
un, hotrK tigiiTu Iidiihi's mid olln-r uliliv truiiM.u'tcil nn urionnt nf il leiii; a nou
liuildii and i iiinpul iitnHuiicr. It i jiiiild.il day. On inulion the iMiinril ud
ttives tlm iiiiiiliitiiin, iireii and ruiUiiv ' j'lnrnt'd until this (Thursday) evnint.
liiilcil:;i of i'iii'Ii Htiite and t"t ritnry nnd I ivln-ti a itn-nrdnr ill ln (lecled and
liai si'voral lino iiiiips that iiih up lo data I "tin f iinpoitant matters niiiMidi'ivd.
law's This?
We oflerOne Hundred Dollars Reward
for any cas nf Catarrh that cannot lw
cured by II ill's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CIIKXEY A CO., l'roiw. Toledo, O.
We the undersigned have known F. J.
Clinney for the last 15 years and believe ( -
nun pencciiy nonoraiiie in all business
tmnsaelions and fiiuuu'ially able to carry
out any ohliciition made by their firm.
West & Trunx, Wholesale Prn'giits, To
Imio, Ohio.
Watding Rinnan & Marvin, Wholesale
DriiCKistR, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, aelini? directly tiK)ii the blood and
I mucous Hurfm-iis nf the system. Price
i 75i per bottle. Sold by ad druggista
'IVntiiiionials free.
Cross Husbands....
Are largely the product of poor
Is a Just cause for profanity and
Po many men look after their
hair has been cut by an incom
petent barber.
Jobbing and
Repair Shop.
Will do nil kinds of shop
work, repairing and general
enrpenter work promptly.
Store fitting a specialty.
Saw filinjr done. I
Tho latest in visiting curds at the Kn-tkki-hisk
Ovfick. Prices to suit you.
Kliop in rear or Hecnnil Hum! Store
Heventli Street,
Cfm (JiM Hospital.
y Ample room that patients may have quiet
ness ana rest. tpeoal rooms
for ladies.
Conveniently of access and pleasant located.
Free from the noise and dust of the city.
Skillful nurses and every convenience of a first jfy
class hospital. f
Services of the best physicians of the county, il
in attendance. 3
TERMS UB-AsnvAm u La