Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 03, 1896, Image 3

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Oregon City hntcrprisc.
Mayor. - Htriiin hirnlmii
atiKtonlnr. - I . Vi , lima
j i tf ..f I11 0 - . . CIim, K Iluriia
Aaanaaor, . K H ( alilt
Tri'Miiror, . II Dolman
Oily Atlni iikv, Y I . in III h
MlrimlCiiiiimlaaliilliir, I). hnlniiK'k, St.
Niii'l.ol Walnr Works, W. II. Ilownll
'1ly KiiiiliiiMir. II. II. I hmnn
Uolllllllllliail II, (.'. NIKVima. lino. lltliliKlllim,
J.J. Cooke lli'li) Jnyunr. Mark Ilnwnll, I
I. 1'iirlitr, II I'll ry Mi'Mrum, J, W, Moltatl.
uutincll miwlaltral WoilnnaiU) iifuatili numlll
in ciiy nan
Wanted Wood hI lliu Km kiii'ihk of-
If you want it auwiiiK innrlilnu for l-'f)
go to llclluiny A Iluaih'a.
Diana nolo, rncnipt and oritur books
at Hit) Kntkiii iiihk olllrtt.
Mniiiiy lu loan it uimxI rritl Main
security by A. N llroaaer.
Chair bottoms at l'lirker A Howard's
(rum 10 cent up, liiflinliiiK nulla.
A California chwiilHt has robbed (Wor
Oil of It n bad taste, l.axol In Mm namo.
Maehiim oil III rutit a Imltle, also
iiihuIIiii fur ull kinds of machines at K.
Candles riiiiii nl(lil mul duy,
candles fteah ua new mown liny lo tliu
Novelty t'liinly fartory.
IAMr. New slock of ull kind Just
rn civril. Finn IiaiiuIiik lamps for L'.L'o.
hi llclluiny IIiim'Ii,
J. W. Welch, iliMitial of tin' Chicago
Colli'Kf of Iental Surgery, ollico In the
Courier bldg, near depot. I
.oat a gold, lever run button with
smoked a.'"1'' ttlnil. Kinder will
please) ll'AVI' Ul F.NTKItl'Mlhg ofllep, add re
ceive reward.
Tim walls of tho A. (I. I. W. lull on
Seventh street, wuro linking out of
hx, and braces have lawn put through
tin building to Imlil tint same In l'roMT
Frank I'. Welch, dentist, k rlnitt4 of
tlm I'niversity of l'lMiiisvlvaiila, wil'
ho In Oregon 'if y olllrn Thursday of each
WN'k ; ri'iiiHiinli'r of each week in Port
lurid olllce, room 77lkuiii building.
No exruae for slts-pleaa nights when
you can procure- Ono Mitmtt Cough
Cure. Tlii will relieva ill annoyances,
rum the moat severe rough and iiivn you
.rest ami health. Can you afford to ilo
without It? For ahi ly (i. Ilnntloy,
Tim Ural bliirkamilh shop tliut farmers
nana in coming to Oregon City in llitt of
Maple A llulTnuin, h( the Jiini-i ion of llio
hi'Vi'ntli itn-cl rouil ninl Main alrcct.
Tliorn in no tUhn of work tlicy rnnnol
liAinlle ninl t nHBoimlile pricin, Tlicy
linvn an pxMrt liorao-iilioi'r uml i;imrn-
trU HHllnfAl'til'H.
Di Ktk of a I'loiii'd''.
Kio'l. nt her liomn In I'arkplimn, on
Iiiciiili()r27, lHd'i, Mr. I.yill J. Fun
I'ion, i f coiiHiimpil'in.
Him wan horn In Hull cuiiniy, Mo.,
Nov. 1 H, imi, mul IIvIiik with In-r pnr
nnlN llmrn for munii limn, kIhi movud lo
KmmiiN wlih lmr fulln-r und ruinl
motlitir In IHMI,
Altur IIvIiik with lmr purniitN for liiv
(irul yimri aim waN thmi nmiriml lo V.
If. FaiiIiIoii In thn ycir of I'M. Aflur
they witrn iiiurrinil duty minlii up tlinlr
iiiIihIn to inovu to hi'i)M. Shirliiiu on
tlmir Journey In IHH7, tlmy arrlvcil in
Ori'Kon nix montliN uftnr tlmir iliiirtnrn
from Khiihkn. Tlny antllnd In Cliirka-
auiaN county, wlilrh hua hci-n ihnii Iiuiiid
until tint tlinn of her ilmilli.
Hho wan a ilnvoUfil ClirNtlan, having
llllitml with tlm ClAikHiiiitH lliinliil
church In IH72, ami alwuya rumly to an
rifle lmr own cowfortN fur Hut inod of
othitrN. Shn waa a loving wifo ami an
airnctionntii inotlmr. Mint InavitN a Iiiih
uaiiii ami inn ciuiiimn, a UurfliU-r liav
iiiK iliitil ahoiit two yi-urH K", und a
flit tier and nun aihlnr and Niivttral hulf
lirnl Ihtm ami aitiTa to mourn tlmir Inax.
"lili'Hacd aru Ihonu who din in tho
FlMllllllll llllMIJUl't.
To further cwumnt tlm tina of friend
aliip hi'tWiMiii Ihn fiKitliall teuuiN of Co.
K and the Athletic ('lull and to nIiow
that no animoaity reNiilted from tlm late
conteat, a hampiet wan kWuii tlm mem-
hera of tlm teaiim and a few inviUtd
KueittA hy Manaxert Multutt anil (inlflih
at tlm I'urtUnil ruHtauraiit Wdumday
itveiiiiiK. Aniplo preiuruliou had txvr
made hy Mr. Huconich, the proprietor
of tlm rcHtaurunt, for the (tntitrtainmutit
of hia Kueiita and tlm lioune wan turned
ovor to them from U :30 p. in. until "later
on." In honor of the teaiim, Mr. Huron
Irh had (tlt'KAiitly printed munii cam,
tlecoraled with bow of rihhon in tint
colora of the teaiim NolhiiiK to pleaao
the apH'tito or fancy waa omitted from
the Utile anil Dm aeryire waa am h a the
I'orlluud in iioti'd fur ToiuiIh went run
Mjiideil to und siit h an era of xootl li-oiinK
waa Inaunuratetl that no niAttitr rIioiiIiI
the acore for one of the teuina ever roach
umomiira no III leeliiitiN will been en
The next rehearttAl of the opera ''Trial
hy Jury," will lw held At the roaitlence
of Mr. M. Mnrka, on WaahiiiKton atreet
hotwtMtn Fourth and Fifth, Friday even
InR, January Mli. at 7 '.HO. A very cordial
invitation la extended by Prof. Iluphurn
to the lady and ireullemen "ink'en ol
Oregon City wliodeaire toaaalat in mak
ing up a grand chorua to lie present at
all future rhearaal of thn ora. The
"Trial by Jury", will he given January
10 and It.
Throe valuable piece of proierty were
(liapoxed of hy the aherifT Saturday.
Thovwcre: The Burney proKrty, ait
tiatetl between Cataract lloae houae and
the railroad track, which waa bit! In hy
the truateea of McMinnville Itaptiat Col
lego for ll'-tK) 67; tlm Paraona proiwrty
at the corner of Main and Second atreeta,
which waa bid in by Uoliert Holland,
(or 'il7'-,.4l ; 110 acres near Sunnyaitlo,
which waa bid in by Junior Clift, the
plaintiir, for J.OIH).
I, N. Miloa inlomiH the Sulem Rtutea
limn that the Kuasell boys of Molnlla,
have diacovered a rich hearing quart
lodge on I-ookout mountain, about Nix
or twven mile from the Hod Rock Com
pany', mine on Ogle creek. The ledi;a
is Haiti to le from 10 to 2 feet witlo, and
a plentiful supply of gold ia auid to bo
viaihle to the naked eyo. On account of
tho deep anow it ia impossible to work
the inino At present. In the face of ro
cont oonHational slorios, some people
mny bo inclinotl to think that the I!tif
hi'IIh are giving some one a "llll." .Still,
there la no doubt, but what gold exixta
In coiiHitlornble quantities in that sec
tion. County Surveyor Kinnaird returned
Tuesday from the F.agle creek country
whore he went to survey out a new
roatl beginning at Hans Paulsen's place
on upper Eagle creek and connecting
tho Gorman burn with the Oarflold
country. Owir', lu the depth of snow
on the proosed ionic of the road, the
viewers have fllod a report with the
' county court, stating that while they ro
n,lize the importance of the establish-
A ricnt of this road at an early date, thoy
It cp uli it ran Kally
The repuiilicAiiaof M.iplu Lane will
holtl a rally at the Maple I. aim school
houae on Satunl.iy evening, January 11,
ut w hich time the ollicers (or the cunn
ing yeaa will l.n elet tt-d. The meeting
will be addrusaed by II. S. Strange, of
Oregon City who is known aa a well
IHiAtetl and ready aiMaker. The public,
re.inr.llcm of party, is invited to be pres
ent. V.. I). Kelly, the pioneer, who remem
bers u.any events in the past hicl-jry of
CluckauiAS county, says that it was in
K'ii, iiiNlead of IrCut, that Charily
Lamb killed her hiishaml, recently men
tioned in tlm Salem I'ost, ami copied in
ihia paper. Mr. Kelly states that the
court house then atooo! on the lot now
occupied by Mrs. .. H. Churinan's resi
dence. He was summoned nil the jury
that tried Mrs. I.amb, but as lit) hail
some coin punct ions of conscience agninst
aerving on a jury that was likely to
hung a woman for murder, he was ex
cused. 0. C. l'ratt was circuit judge at
that time ami Mrs. Lamb was sent to
the penitentiary fur life. The old court
house was destroyed by fire in 1S."S.
''Going into a decline" How often do
we hear this expression. What does it
mean? It means that eople are losing
flesh, growing thin, wasting.
The way to correct this condition ia to
improve the digestion. The condition
ariaea from an inability to eat ami digest
food. In fact foot I does more harm than
good because it forimmta and pnlrefles
in the stomach, developing poiaonious
substances which when absurbed cause
various disorders. What ia required is
tliat the titomuch be made to perform its
duties. The Shaker Pigoatiye Cordial is
a food already digested and is a digostor
of foods as well. It will make the
stomach healthy. Gel a book from the
druggist and read about it.
Claronre 1'urdom is aguiu a resident
of Oregon City, alter an extended stay of
three months at Grant's Pass, where lie
has been tilling the position of baggage
master at the Southern Pacific railroad
station. He resumed his old place in
the Willamette paper mills, and is now
running one of the machines. Clar
ence wan married iu Grant's Pass about
a week ago to Miss Midge Di mick, a
most estimable young lady, ami daugh
ter of Hon. and Mr. E. Piuiick, pio
neer residents of Southern Oregon.
Mrs. Purdom remains at Grant's Pass
for the present.
Heart and Hardtack.
Wednesday evening Meade Post, No.
2. G. A.K., and Meade Itelinf Corps,
No. JH, joined their forcea and had a
joint iiiaUlmliou and bean fount at the
new Willamette hall. Ic purtmeril
Comiiiiiiiihtr K. W, Alton of Portland,
was present, und willi Adjutant W, N.
Morse and staff olllcar A. W. Miller,
conducted the installation for Mead
Poal. The installation exeiciacs for
the Hitllef Corpa waa conducted by Past
r -si I ml S ir i'i SI ; ) m i and Conduct
roaa Jennie Meldriim. At the close of
the installation ceremonies the mem
bora and tlmir Invited guttata were in
vited to parUkeof beans and hardtack,
Init the ludios of the Relief Cor;!' UxV
advauluKH of Ihn knowledge of the old
aoldims weakneis. s to add lo the frugal
army fare a number of delicacies they
aie so skillful in preparing, the result
belli an elegant supper. Iong tables
were set in tlm hall and ample room
was had for all to be suited.
The supper being over speeches were
in order, A. W, Miller, an officer on
the national commander's staff was
tlrst called and related Ida army expert
e ices both serious and comic, brir.Hi..g
to the mind of the old soldiers many
of thn incidents they were familiur with.
Iieparlmenl Commander Allen next fol
folluwed in a brief outline of objects of
the two organizations, and ot the great
work they had before them. Adjutant
Morse gave some statistical facts re
garding the Grand Army in Oregon that
w as of interest to the members. Owing
to the luteaesN of the hour the speech-
making closed and a vote o' thanks was
givn ( omrade G. A. Harding, man
ager of the vVi'.l-.niette block, for the use
of bis elegant hull.
A pleasing feature of the tl: ting's en
tertainment waa the music bv the f,?i
and drum corps, the leader of which
was five-year old Willie Davis who
handled the baton I'.ke a veteran. The
diums were handled by Heuben
Johnnie ami Frank Confer, three little
boys whose dexterity with the sticks waa
This was the first gathering hold in
Willamette hall and its Hue aiqieArance
anil splenitis accoustic proiieruea were
much commented on. This hall with its
ihrtte line unti-nxni s snd toilet rooms
is sure to be a popu ar lo Ige ioku of Or
egon City fur in it nothing ia lacking lor
the convenience and comfort of an au
dience. Harry Brown, who had a hearing last
week on a charge of committing adul
tery with Mri. Ilollman, a membor of
tho Salvation army, and was discharged
because there was not evidence enough
to convict, is auid to have diaaptX'ared.
Mrs. Hoffman, also, is retried to have
left town about the same time, accom
panied hy her amall children. Her two
ohlest duughters are still here, and are
regular attendants at the Salvation
arm v.
A pastoral conference waa held at th.)
Raptiat church lust Friday night. Trea-
ident M. L. Hugg presided. .Addresses
were made by Revs. J. O. Burroughs,
W. 8. Gee, M. M. I-ewis, C. A. Woody
anil Gilman Parker. Matters relating
to pastoral work were discussed, and
the sermon of the evening waa delivered
by Rev. Burroughs on account of the ab
sence of Dr. Roland Grant, who was an
nounced lolsa present at this gathering.
Deputy Sheriff Millard Hyatt brought
in W. F. Lackey, of Wilhoit, Sunday,
charged with stealing a heifer. He was
employed on a farm belonging to Mrs.
Gill, of Portland, and disposed of one of
the animals without permission. Hence,
his arrest. He was bound over in the
sum of f.'OO to appear before the grand
jury, ami In default now reflects over a
mis appropriated heifer in the county
Merle Johnson, now at home on a va
cation from Stanford university, illus
trated the Stanford page of the San
Francisco Christmas Examiner. And
he did it in a truly artistic style. The
illustrations are fur superior to many of
the amatour school drawings printed in
the same paper. Merle may yet de
velop into another Homer Davenport,
and become an artist of national reputa
The Ladles Home Journal for IHIttl,
In a dainty booklet printed in light
blue, sal moil-pi n ic and grey tones n
splendid Illustration of the U-uulies of
art app'iod to piiuiiug The Ladies'
Home Journal announce some of lis
literary and artistic features fur !..
There will lut a aeries of papers upon tl e
domestic and social side of Washington I
by General A. W. Grc.cly, U.S. A.;!
another by Kx-President Harrison, tel-!
ling of "This Country of Ours" j a third
by Mary Anderson do Navarro, who
writes of her stage exf;rioricea, her
struggles for recognition and artistic
triumphs, with s supplemental article
telling of her life and surroundings to
day. In a lighter vein, Mary E. Wilkir.s
will present a series of "Neighborhood
Types" papers, pen pictures of quaint
and familiar personuges New KnUnd
ers; and Jerome K. Jerome will reflect
old England life in a number of "Stories
of the Town" stories of London in
his Inimitable crisp style. " William the
Conqueror," Rudyard Kipling's most
fascinating romance, is also among the
features for 1H!;, ami Julia Magruder's
delightful serial, "The Violet," will con
tinue through a considerable portion of
the year. Beanie these two popular
authors there will he short stories by
liret Harte, Lilian Bell, Ian Maclaren,
Sophie Hwett, Frank H. Stockton, Sarah
Orne Jewell, 11. C. V. Meyers Will N.
Harben, Caroline Leslie Field, Jane
Austen (posthumub) and other promi
nent writers. Dr. Parkhurst will write
a series of forcible articles for young men
applicable to their daily life, while the
girls will lie written to by Mrs. A. D. T.
Whitney, and Kditrt N. Thomas, the
gifted poetess, will lie represented by her
finest verse and prose. James Whit
comb Riley will contribute a number of
poems, varied in theme and treatment.
In its musical offerings the Journal will
be unusually replete. Among the best
things (roaiisetl is a minuet by Paderew
eki, the Uic-mis pianist; a waltz hy John
Phillip Sousa, tl "March King"; com
positions by Sir Arthur Sullivan, com
poser of "Pinafore," "MikauV etc;
Reginald de Koven, composer of "hobin
Hood," "Rob Roy," etc; Edward Jak
obowaki, Bruno Oscar Klein anil others
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Cov't Report
V W C7
Absolutely pure
Bknuiso, Hulsey. Oreuun, For sale by
There will be instructive musical treat- j G. A. Harding, druiruist.
A Pretty Fare,
is the result of a healthy physical con
dition. "Beauty ia but akin deep" yet
it greatly dependaon a clear complexion,
free from wrinkles and hollow cheeks.
Health always brings w eshh of beauty.
A healthy state of the system comes
with Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescrip
tion. It' a medicine prepared for
women's ailments it cures those de
rangements and weaknesses which make
women's life miserable.
A woman who neglects to take proin-r
exercisers particuimly prone to excessive
congestion, debility und a sluggish circu
lation. This ia the time we advice the
the "Prescription.', In all degranue
menta and displacements of the ajs-cial
organs which result in "signs of inflama
tion," in catar-ahal discharges from the
lining membranes, and in distressing
irregulaiities this medicine effect
permanent cure.
An old Soldier's Krcumnienilatlou.
In the late war I was soldier in the
First Maryland Volunteers, Company
G. During my term of service I con
tracted chronic diarrhoe. Since then I
have used a great amount of medicine,
but when I found any that would give
me relief it would injure my stomach,
nntil Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
diarrhoe Remedy was brought to my
notice, I ueed it and will say it is the
only remedy that gave me permanent re
lief and no bad results follow. I take
pleasure in recommending this prepara
tion to all my old comrades, who, while
giving their service to their country,
contracted this dreadful disease a I
did, from eating- unwholesome and rjn
ccrtd food. Yours trulv, A. E.
Sunday Services.
T. PAt'L'H f.HI KCII - Kptacopal - R.
M(! Pswx.n. Rsetor. Herrlrri atll n'olnrk s.
m. anil 1:M p. m. Prayer anrvlce ver? Wsd
ntn'Ujr evening.
rillnT COXfiRKiiATIO.VAf. Clll-Brll
I Hey. J.W. Cowan Pan,r. Horvlcea si 10 m
nit S OU r. M. Similar Mrhixil nfior mornlnr
isesby.Mme. Melha, Mine. Blauvelt,
Mine. Clementine de Vere Sapio, Mrs.
Hamilton Mott, Miss Maud Powell, Ben
jamin Davies, Charles Adams, Thomas
a'Becket, Frederic l'eakes, George Chad-
wick and others.
Artistically the Journal gives rich
promise and during the next year will
present several groups of Kate Greena-1 Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
ways bonnie little people; Charles Dana j famous for it cures of bad colds.
On D.cem'xr Ctlth in Oregon
Oiegon, one square gold watch charm
with set in center and initials "T. W.
F." on back. Finder will be suitably
rewarded by leaving same at Enterprise
office. T. W. Foi ts.
rlne. Prayrr moeilnx WlrifUy eti-niiit
o.wii.i:iim a.
society or cnriatlan Endeavor every Similar
is at
. Prayer meetlnr of Youn Peop
Chrlnlaii Kmleavor even Hun
renins' at 7:w prempt
Kfiio, Pa-.or Mornlnr Herrlre at II: Sunlay
school t IMS; P.renlng Service 30; Regular
prayer meeting Wednea.lay evening. Monthly"
Covenant Meeting ernry WelueaiUy evening
preceding the nrt Sunday In the month, i
cornlal Invitation to til.
HiLLBbAASD, Pav,r. On Sunday mam at Sand
Hi .'IU a. X. Every ei,d and fourth Sunday
German eermoti aftr the A o'clock mane
At all other maanea Kngllib aermoiia. Sunday
School at I II r. a. Veaira, apologetical
ubjecta and Benediction at 7.30 r. a.
O. SYKca, Paator. Morning aervice at II:
Bunday School nt 10 on. c'Usa meeting after
morning aervic. fcrenlng aervice at 7 JOt
Epworth League meeting Sunduy evening at.
Prayer Meeting Thuraday evening at 4 SO.
trangers cordially Invited.
w. Montgomery. Pastor. Hervicea at II A.M. and
7:80 r. u. riabbatb School at 10 a. at. Yonnr
People's Society of Chrlatlau Endeavor meew
every Sunday evening at 30. Wednesday
venlng prayer meeting at 730. Seat. Iree.
HoaxMHCCH. fattor; J. K. Ehast .. tin'.
Preaching aervlcea every Sunday at 11 A. II.
and 7 3U P. M Kabbath ichool every Sunday at
lOA.V.M'.Z .m?-,...i.Supt. Prayer Meeting
every Thuraday erenlng
inorii.iig an I unigof 1-t an t S u d.rof
c icn month, gabhntn chi at 10. A. M. eaeb
Sibbatn. J D. Sii'ln , Hu i.
W. H.Mi'Laia.'Pa.l r.
GagT, Paitor Oerman aervice every Sunday
al 11 o'clock A M. Huglub tervicea at 7:Su P.
M Sunday achool at 10 o'clock A. M. Loca
tion: Store room next door to bikery In Bhiver
ley'a building, corner of Seventh and Madlsoa
Society Directory.
he ird for il .o'tiiea nd lotgis a
' lark m a County are publi-i ed f e of e ir
ii t e KTr. m aa It . eipe t d itia: tne
.OH . . .. -J . . - I , X J . 1 .
VIW , ,v ...B i. o e it it wno inv
Llty i Oct I out mat n:ay be ueetMarr f ora I me u
t.iii. .
Gibson's best work on new line and
Mine of Albert Lynch' newest creation.
W. L. Taylor, W. T. Smedley, W. Ham
ilton (jibs-iii, Alice Barber Stevens, Wm.
.Martin Johnson, Kric Pape, W. A.
Kug.rs, Reginald Birch. Frank O. Small,
B. West Clinedinst. T. de Thulstrup,
A. B. F'rost, Y. Kemble.Irving H, Wiles,
Abliey E. Underwood and other artists
of such commanding prominence will
contribute their finest drawings. In its
departments the Journal promises to be
stronger than ever, and more compre
hensive in its scope of practical informs'
lion, in tins direction it will print a
series of illustrated article on home
building, giving plans and details for the
construction of medium-size houses.
The Ladies' Home Journal for IS'.ti, in
fact, will be complete, and uniquely so.
This woman' favorite can be had at
Huntley's book store for 10 cents per
copy or Tl per year.
Don't Tobacce Spit
Or smoke your life awav, is the truthful,
startling title of a book alwut No-To-Bac,
the harmless, guaranteed tobacco habit
cure that brace up nicotinized nerve,
eliminate the nicotine poison, makes
weak men gain strength, vigor and man
hood. You run no physical or financial
risk, a No-To-Ba: is sold by druggists
everywhere under a guarantee to cure
or money refunded. Book free, address
Sterling Remedy Co., New York or
Chicago. Charman & Co., Druggist.
IIJI.H 1.1. , .11
A p'jiui ins impossiiiiu at prosunt to prop
yl' rly locato Hiiid rond, ami aHk thut the
i mutter of viewing fluid road be post
poned until tho weather !b mere favor
able. When this loud is owned up it
will prove a great convenience to an ex
tmiHivo section of country.
8. F. Scripture, superintendent of the
Methodist Sunday school waa presented
last Sunday with a fine teacher's bible
by the children of hi school, a an evi
dence of the appreciation they have for
his Bervice In making their Bchool to
pleasant and interesting fur them. Mr.
Scripture has been very faithful to big
duties and the past year ha been a very
prosperous one for tho school and its
work has been effective and fur-reaching.
County Clerk llorton granted a li
censed to wed on January 2nd to Eva
Bute and E. A. Lcighton. Other li
censes issued during the week are Mary
McCord ami J. Anderson, Clara Cha
ntis und 1'hillip Ilucklen, Boot rice Morin
und William Rankin.
If you suffer with piles, it will interest
you to know that DeWitt's Witch Huael
Salve will cure them. Thi medicine ta
a specific for all complaint of this
character, and if instruction (which are
simple) are carried out a cure will result.
We have tested this in numerous case,
and always with like rosults. It never
fails. For sale by C. G. Huntley, drug
gist. Wife Here's an account of a man
who Bhot himself rather than suffer the
pangs of indigestion. Husband The
fool ! Why didn't he take DeWitt's Little
Early Riser? I used to Bufl'er as bad a
he did before I commenced taking these
little pill. For sale by C. Q. Huntley.
One minute Cough Cure i right
named. It atlords instant relief from
suffering when afflicted with a severe
cough or cohl. It act on the throat,
bronchial tubes, and lungs and nover
fails to give immediate relief. For sale
by C. U. Huntley, druggist.
ROYAL Baking Powder.
Highest ot all In leavening
Strength. V. S. Oovernmcnt Report
Farm fr Siile.
One hundred and sixty acre8 in Tow
ell' Valley; one of the most desirable
places in that section. Will sell on easy
terms on long time. Apply to Mk.
Mary L. Bradlky, County Assessor's
office, Oregon City.
Dr. A. P. Sawyer Sir: After Buffering
for four year with female weakness I
wag pursuaded by a friend to try your
Pastilles, and after using them one year,
I can Bay I urn entirely well. I can not
recommend them too highly.
Mrs. M. S. Brook, Bronsou, Bethel
Branch Co. Mich.
Sold by Geo. A . Harding.
opens the secretions, relieves the lung
and aids nature in restoring the system
ti a healthy condition. If freely used as
soon as the cold has been contracted,
and before it has become settled in the
system, it greatly lessen the severity of
the attack and has (fen cured in a,
. . . . . i
single day wnat would have been a se
vere cold. For sale by G. A. Harding,
Coughing irritates the delicate organs
and aggravates the disease. Instead of
waiting, try One Minute Cough Cure. It
helps at once, makes expectoration easy,
reduces the soreness and inflamatior.
Every one likes it. For sale by C. G.
Huntley, druggist.
Dr. A. P. Sawyar: I have had Rhea
matism since I was 20 years old, but
since using your Family Cure have been
tree from it. It also cured my husband
of the same disease.
Mrs. Fobt. Connelly, Brooklyn, I.
Sold by G. A. Harding.
Munyon'smedicinesare the latest, and
Charman & Co., the up-to-date drug,
gists, have a complete stock. Pamphlet,
OKEuov i board of trade.
Mceuat Couit Ilou-won Second Monday la
each mouth. Vtt itora welcome.
J. M. LAWRBm-K. t E. CinkMAN".
Secretary. President.
Meeta second and fourtii Saturday ereningt at
Knlght'at hall. Cauby. Visiting brothers made
E E tax E. . Haddock,
Recorder. Muter Workman.
Meti every Thursday evening at Odd Fellows
hall. Oswego. Visiting brethren always wel
come. T. MacMiu.ah,
Eari Mark, Recorder M. W.
Meets second Tuesday of each month at Cat
aract Engine house. W H. HoiLL.Pres
G. H. Bestow, Sec'y. J. W O'Conhrll. F'ra
Meet every Friday In A. 0. U. W. HalL Vti-
iting members made welcome.
Mr. F i. Barlow, C of H.
8. A. GlLLtTT. Keconler.
Dr. L. L. Pickens, dentist, doe all
kind of dental work. Gold crowns,
porcelain crown and bridge work a
specialty. All operations guaranteed for
5 years. Call and get my prices. Office
in Barclay building
Pale, thin, bloodless people should use
Dr. Sawyer's Ukatine. It ia the greatest
remedy in the world for making tho
weak strong. Sold by Geo. A. Harding.
Any remedy that will relieve a teeth
ing baby or a feverish child is invaluable
Stfpdman's Soothing Powders have done
this for fifty years.
Henry Meldrum has completed a neat
new burn. It only has ono roof.
"tired out" woman
who complains of
backache, headache,
loss of appetite, ex
treme lassitude and
that "don't care"
feeling ia pretty aure
to be suffering from
"Female Weakness,"
some irregTilarity or
derangement of the
special functions of
womanhood. Very
onen womo trouDles
set the nerves wild
with affright and as a
result the woman auf.
fers from aleeplesaneaa, nervousness, nerv-
irritability and indigestion. In all casea of
irregTilarity or auspended monthly function
and in all those nervous diseaaea depend
ing upon local causes. Dr. Pierce'a Favorite
Prescription will reatore you to perfect
health. Instead of the exhauation and
feeling- ol weight and dragging dowa in the
abdomen, yon feel freah and atrong. For
young girls who suffer from irregularities,
for the hard-working woman who suffers
from catarrhal inflammation of the lining
membranea cauaing a eonatant drain apon
the ayatem, there ia no prescription ased
by aay physician which can equal in r
eults Dr. Pierce'a. For over thirty yeara
Dr. R. V. Pierce, chief consulting physi
cian to the Invalida' Hotel aad Surgical
Inatitute of Buffalo, N. Y., has naed hia
"Favorite Prescription" ia the diacasea
of women which had long been hia spe
cialty and In fully ninety-eight per cent
of all eases, it haa permanently cured.
Mrs. John Id. Cokklih, of fbtltrm. Anna
jr. j., wntca: "lam
enjoying ptrftci health,
ana have been aince 1 took
the last bottle of Doctor
Pierce'a Favorite Prescrip
tion. I took five bottle
of it. Never expected to
be any better when I com
menced takiug it, but
thank God, I can sav that
I am glad it reached mv
home. I had falling of
the womb, and flowing
eaused by miscarriage,
and wal vrrv wrsk when
1 commenced taking vour a Vt;
medicines. I wai cured i ,
by taking five bottles in . -Cr""'
all two of the ' Favorite
Prescription ' anil three 9I"'- Conslim.
of the ' Golden Medical Discovory.' "
Meeta everv Saturday evening of each month
in A. O U. W. hall 7th St. All aojourmng
brethren cotdiallj invited to attend.
Gio Califf, Recorder.
Meeta Drat MVdneadar of each month, at K. of
P. Hall. Oregon City. Visiting comrauea made
J. T. APPER ON, Commander.
C. A. Williams, Adjutant
Armory. Third and Main. Regular drill night,
Monday. Regular busineu meetinga, flrat
Monday ot each month.
f ? Kelly, - - . Caatald
I L. Pickeni, - - Ftrat Lieutenant
W. A. Huutier, - - Second Lieutenant
J. F. Rlaler C. C Thonia Nellann. K. of R.
and 8. Meeta erery Wednesday evening at S
o'clock In Cutle hall, L O. O. F. building.
Brother from other K. of P. lodgea Invited.
Meeta the second and fourth Saturdtya of each
month at 7 d. m. All Masoua In rood atandinr
are invited to attend.
o. B. hiis. w. M. E. J. RcssKLL, Sec'y.
Meets everv Fridav eveniur in the new hall In
Old Town.
J. C. Haimis, C. T, John KacsE, 8ec'y.
fa F
Meeta at tbelr hall in Marouam. second Sat
urday in each month at 10 a. m. Visiting
members always welcome.
J. R. White, A.V.Davis.
Secretary. Master.
NO 70.
Meets the flr-t and third F iday In th
mouth at 7:80 P M., in I. O. O. F. Hall.
Mas. D. Ii. Glass, Mrs. J. M. Meldri'X.
Secretary. N. G.
ST. JOHN'S BRANCH, NO. 67, C. K.of A.
Meets every Tuesday evening at their hall
corner Main and Tenth Streets, Oregon City.
N. C. MiCHELs, Sec'y. Herbert Hanahn, Prea.
WARNER GRANGE. No. 117, P. of H.
Meet fourth Saturday of each month, at their
hall in New Era. David McArthur, Master
Mrs. May Waldron, Sec'y
Clackamas Chapter No. 2, R. A. M. Regular
Convocation third Monday of the month at 7:9,s
P. M.
H. & STRANGE, Sec'v.
Meets erery Thursday even.ua at 7:30 o'clock
p. a. In the Odd Fellows' Hall, Main street.
Members of the Order are Invited to attend.
W . A. HEDGKS, N. G.
Thoa, Ryan, Secretary.
OSWEGO LODGE, NO. 93, I, 0. O. F.
Meeta at Odd Fellow's hall, Okweiro, every
Mouday evening. Vlslliug bruthreu made
welcome. C. II. NIXON, N. G.
J. F. Rislky, Sec.
Meeta every Friday night at the K. of P. hall.
Visiting Kuighu invited.
Jo-kph Lysi H C. C.
II. J. Thorn, K of P and .-.