Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 03, 1896, Image 2

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Hepuhllraii Hold a Kally (Jtmiik
Elrrt onirors Hi Irk riiiI Tile
Works Started.
MunownRooK, IVc. 'JS. A niorry Christ
"'Mas ml a happy ami prosperous new vear
to each and every reader of the Kntkki-ki,b.
Mn. Keulah Holnian has been apiolnted
postmaster of Meadowhrook in plat of
I'has, Holman, aiul the offk-ial name of the
office chanced from Meadow Itrook to
Meado brook. See?
Miss Myrtle Taylor closed a most success
ful term of school at the Larkins school
bouse on Monday, December 3, to the entire
satisfaction of patrons and pupils.
Win, and Pave JenmnK. Frank Joerg,
and Miss Pearl Jennings, of Butte Creek,
vera the guests of Miss Jessie Robeson
Miss Frances and Master Jimmy Myers,
of Portland, are tl. guests of L. V. Williams
during tho holidays.
".There was a sound of revelry bv night.
And Milk Creek's capital had gathered there
Her beauty and her chivalry. And bright
The lamps shone o'er lair women and brave
at the masquerade ball Christmas night at
Canyon Creek Alliance ball under Hie aus
pices of John Young and brothers. Fifty
three numbers were sold at 75 cents ea-h.
The costumes were picturesque and comic.
Those deserving special credit are Mike
Mulvey, Cal. Ball, Ed. Bowman, John Mul
Taney, Joe Daniels, Isaiah Abbott, Ed. Lar
son, Howard Ecclos, Casper Raiusby, Char
ley Robeson, Bud Smith, Harry Smith,
John Comer, D. Y right, James Comer,
Ralph Young. John Young, Clarence
Young; and among the ladies the following:
Eliza Mulvaney, Lena Nelson, Mrs. Smith,
Hattie and Willie Johnson, Rosa Mulva
ney, Annie Hunter, Pearl Jennings, Nellie
Gotberg, Carrie Cunimings, Mrs. James
Nelson, Laura Wright, Frances Myers, Eva
Williams, Jessie Robeson, Alice Kirk, Ma
Bowey, Grace Powell and J. Mulvaney. No
prizes were given for best costumes: if there
had been Mulitio would have carried on" the
gent's prize fur Mike Mulvaney, and the la
dy's pri for Eliza Mulvaney. Mike was
dressed as an othm in 'he Turkish army,
Ci. Call as a ifrWsh army officer, and either
would have graced any" fcsH room in any
metropolis. Ed. Bowman was a howiing I
success, as. .was his guest, Isaiah Abbott, of
Moscow, I laho. The besl of music was
furtii.-hed by Geo, Ball, Jack Rlngoand i..
P. Williams, the latter on the guitar. P.
Pendleton was rloor manager and prompter.
The oysters having been stall fed were fat
and frisky and every dip of the spoon
brought up a kicking oyster.
There will be a social at Mrs. Gotberg's
residence on New Year's eve.
Howard Eccles, of Woodburn, is teaching
our district school. Fh.enh.
Vnlino News.
Mcliso, Dec. 27. Christmas has come
and gone. Two dances were all the festivi
ties had in this neighborhood Christmas
eve at the grange hall and Christina night
at the Payne school house. Both were
fairly well attended. Most of our dancers
from this part went to Canyon Creek.
- We wish to make a slight correction of an
article in last week's Ektibfhisi. The par
ty that went after Alvis Russell was Frank
8herman, Alvis Davis and Wm. Wells.
They started for Ogle Creek mines instead
ot Redrock. They reached the Red rock
mines all right, and got within one mile o
the Ogle Creek camp when darkness over
iook tbem and they lost their trail. They
Aid not retrace their steps but wandered
down Henry creek till midnight, when they
Jjuilt a fire and stood around till morning,
arhen followed down the creek till they
struck (be Molalla, stood out In the snow
again that night, and reached the old Joe
Davis cabin at noon the next day. They
were 36 hours without food, two nights
without sleep, waded the Molalla nearly
-waist deep twice, and Davis and Wells got
their feet frozen. Tbe report that the min
ers In Ogle Creek were destitute was en
tirely without foundation.
It is a lamentable fact that when a man
is arrested on suspicion of a crime, the
newspapers must take bim np and convict
him whether guiltv or not. It seems a
travesty on justice that officers of the
law should accept the unsupported state
ment of a self-convicted jailbird as sufficient
evidence to lead them to go 200 or 300 miles
and take a man and bring bim into custody
with no evidence whatever agsinst him, It
seems that the officers have acted a very
imbecile part in the matter of making ar
rests In tbe Brown murder case from the very
Logan Locals.
Logak, Dec. 30. Rain, rain, rain, and
still it rains. Plenty of mud and roads are
getting quite bad.
Christmas has come and gone, It was
observed in various ways in Logan. One
feature was a Christmas tree at tbe church
where many little hearts were made glad
by the appearance of old fianta Clans.
There was a large crowd and plenty of pres
ents, and all enjoyed a pleasant time.
Death recently visited Logan again, tak
ing this time Mrs. Trotter, sister of Mrs. M.
W.Baker, She was a victim of that dread
disease consumption, and had been con
fined to her bed only a short time when she
died. She was lately from Kansas, and
only 30 years old. She was buried in the
Logan cemetery. The family have the
sympathy of all.
At the last meeting of the Logan literary
and debating society, tbe election of officers
took place, as follows: R. G. Ginther,
president; J. C. Sprague, vice president;
Mrs. Belle Wilson, secretary; F. Wilson,
treasurer. The subject for next meeti ng is
Resnlved' That the signs of the times indi-
cute t!uit another war is inevitable between
the l.'iiiied Stales ai d England. There will
also be the reuding ol the lignn paper.
The Christmas dance at the hall was a
siiccem. We understand a goodly crowd was
j. re-ei land a pleasant time was had. There
were 10 numbers.
Harding grange will hold its next rewihir
meeting on Saturday, the 4i li. The meet
ing will tie public in the allernonn when the
Installation of ulllcers will take place.
The Masons held their meeting on Satur
day last, when their Installation of ollW'crs
ami a least took place.
County Surveyor Kinnaird was in Logan
last week and was not favorably impressed
with the condition of the roads, Kihy.
Maflord Notes.
SrArroan, Dec. Christinas came, and I
Ph ri.t lima m-ti,l lia.l iiimil)i ill' it..-iililiilit. I
The Christmas tree at the church was
elaborately trimmed with tissue paper
chains, catstairs, stars, watches etc., ami an
abundance of candy and nuts were stacked
up at its base for the Sunday school scholars.
A neat program was rendered and every
thing was as quiet and orderly aa any one
could wish. The names of the Sunday
school classea were read otl by the secretary
and how many limes they had attended In
given length of lime and the candies were
passed to them by brothers Jaster and
Kentter, after which a basket and a box,
each containing candies nuts and salt
ginger snaps (beer cakes) were passed
around among the congregation, and all
were requested to partake, especially of the
cakes. The house was filled beyond its
seating capacity and many bad to stay out
side and look through the windows lo have
a good view.
The Frog Pond Christmas tree was im
mense and lighted up in a most perfect and
artistic manner. Words cannot do justice
in describing what was there, and what
wasn't, but a good, active Imagination
would hardly be able to surpass it in g-an-deur,
such niinature lights and so numer
ous. Mothers, fathers, sons and daughters
were present and well remembered by their
friends through St. Nick. Articles from a
tin horn to a bed lounge niamiuoth d Us
2 feet wide, bed clothing, tea sets, bureaus
tables, mustache cups for the la-lies, gold
watches, pens and lalse teeth were con
spicuous by their absence.
Several small private trees aHoided con
siderable amusement.
Look out! old bachelors, lxtn! is the laities
year, so don't encroach upon their rights.
Just think of it, they have no other chance
for eight years, so be carelul and don't
throw too manv obstruction iit their paths.
Miss Winnie Moses, a teache' In the
Failing school, Portland, is visiting her
aunt, Mrs Gage.
Ollie Gage is visiting her sister, Mrs.
Howard, of Oregon City.
C.ii.'vfl Phillips lelt Saturday fur Imle
ren tei-e where he ill spend a few days.
Mrs. Rentier, who bas been very ill lor
some t. i.e, is now at Mr. Mosher's tinder
tree! ment.
John Schiewe is building a new smoke
Happy New Year. W I'ss,
Sherwood News.
Sherwood, Dec. . Christmas festivities
and Christmas gifts are with us filling the
hearts of the little ones with joy and glad-
ness. And the joy that is in the hearts ol
the little ones is reflected in the hearts of
tbe older ones as they witness the pleasure
the little ones express over their gifts.
The Christmas tree at Hood View was a
grand success. It was tastefully decorated
and loaded with gifts pleasing to the little
ones as well as a number of valuable pres
ents for the older ones.
An interesting literary and musical pro
gram was a part or the entertainment on
Christmas eve. Tbe program was as fol
Song "All hail the power of Jesus'
Prayer, by Rer. J. M. Barber.
Quartette Bring the Bella.
Recitation Christmas, by Melville Tem
pleman. Recitation Willie's letter to Santa Claus,
Lester Moore,
Recitation The First Christmas Bells,
Lillie Womeldorff.
Solo, Mrs. Barber.
Recitation, Lulu Western.
Dialogue, Pearl tjeely and Rosa Wilson.
Recitation -Hang up the Baby's Block
ing, Anna Meyers.
Song and verse, Elva and Anna Temple
man. Quartette Prince of Peace.
Recitation, Ellen Probst,
Recitation A Catastrophe, Pearl West
fall. Music.
Recitations, Lillie McConnell, Oscar Sto
wasser, Ada Sumner.
Closing Song.
While the closing song was being sung
old Santa Claus made his appearance, ac
companied by bis aged wife. After candies
and pop corn had been passed around to
the satisfaction of the little ones the pres
ents were distributed and Santa Claus and
wife made their adieus. Benediction was
pronounced and all went to their respective
homes with a feeling of "peace on eartb
and good will to men."
Drills Stahlnecker and Nellie Murray,
who have been attending school in Portland
during the fall and winter, spent Christmas
with their parents at Pleasant Hill.
Chauiicey Calkins and Chas. Watkins
paid the metropolis a visit last week.
Mrs. C. A. IOcey, of Hazalia, made
friends and relatives in Pleasant Hill a visit I
not long since. Mrs. Locey, by her genial,
pleasant manner and ready fund of wit and
humor, makes her visits desirable and long
to be remembered.
Rev. J. M. Barber and wife will conduct a
series of meetings in the Sherwood Congre
gational church this week.
Political matters are being talked up
among us again. I he populists believe in
the aid adage, " tbe early bird catches the
worm," but we fear the fallacies of their
doctrine will condemn it within itself.
Logan Mills.
LofiAN, Aug. 8. The Logan flouring mills
have been overhauled and refitted, and are
now making a first class grade of Hour. Will
grind for one-eighth and guarantee salisfac
ion. ftl'l Gi;h Fihi -i Kit.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World's Fair Highest Medal and Diploma.
R KIM, (NO Kirri.Es.
FIfmIhi Chrlitmas l'erfrnianee-New Year's
Watch Night.
Kkm.anp, Pei The holiday week Is
passing iiilelly and about aa usual.
Thecerelse at the M. K. church Christ
mas eve were atleneed by a full house. The
tire which was largo and handsoiue was
wi ll laden with pretty and useful presents.
The church was handsomely festooned and
decorated with evergreens. To crown the
measure of our content, the new organ, re
cently ordered by the Ladies, Aid Society,
arrived just in lime to furnish the music
lor the occasion. Professor Ogle kindly
furnished the instrumental music, and was
bearlllv encored several times. The sing
ing was excellent throughout, our vocalists
being at their bet. An action song, how
ever, by two little girls, Mabry and Hosa
Cutting, was a little the best thing on the
program. The literary part of the program
was well rendered and interesting, and re
flected credit on the ladies who trained the
little folks. On the whole the occasion was
an enjoyable one, and all appeared to be
j btm ,m i , iK,sl of ,uiuor. Nearly a
hundred poundsof candy were distributed
to old and young, besides, nuts, raisins, .to.
Miss Helen TuWor, the popular teacher of
our school, has generously presented the
new church with a handsome hanging
lamp and two side lamps.
Kev. Quimby will hold services here next
Sunday evening at 7 o'clock.
Song services were held in the church last
An old-fashioned watch meeting will I
held by the Methodists next Tuesday night
to see the new year come in.
W. Bouncy, of Hubbard, is spending the
holidays In Redland. Mr. Burt llonney, ol
Coltnn, was also with us on Christmas.
Miss Retta Behymer came home from
Portland for the holidays.
Smyrna News.
Smvksa, IVc. 30. The wind of last Sun
day evening wrecked Will Hoops' stable.
! I.e. i LanU has the foundation luid lor a
! new housu.
j Amn I.. Yoder, who is a student at (he
I Oregon State Agricultural College at Cor
I vallia, is al noma on his holiday vacation.
Miss Mabel Srwartz, who has been Inking
la course in music at Philomath, Polk
county, is at home a-ani.
j Rev. K. P. Hughes, having resigned as
pa-torof the church here and accepted a
O.i II from the Congregational church nl
I Hillsboro, Washington county, Rev. Dick
of the above- lamed place Wits called In the
j work here ami oeliverrfd his lir-l sermon
yestcrdttv morning.
The Christmas tree and entertainment at
the church was an enjovable a tin I r for old
and young. Music, songs and recitations
were given with good ellect. "A Hit of In
formation," by Roy I. null, "Scaring I'ap-
pa, by Lester S-wartz and Msea
I and tbe tableau "Wailing lor
by Lester IVwartz and Elsea l oder,
' Clans," deserve especial mention. Miss
, Alice Thompson, of Needy, hel-l along
with the recitations, while Prof. Helntzol
the place assisted with the singing,
During the rendering of the program the
an. Hence were kept poiied of the where-
abouts and mishaps of Santa Claus by Prof
Milo Lanlz. Santa Claus arrived In due
lime with a liberal pack, reporting no loss
except a tin trumpet, which he had intend
ed for Cncle Asa Yoder. The tree was
nicely decorated and well tilled with pres
ents. After the presents were distributed,
the peop le lingered and chatted until a laie
hour, seeming loth lo depart. The weather
was such as the Oregon climate ran give us
when in a laughing mood. May we see
more such Christinas eves is the wish of
Christmas restivitlca-Fleuant Social Oath
srings Hehool to Opea.
Caxst, Dec. 31. Christmas has come and
gone, and with it the finest, costliest and
most beaulilul Christmas tree that ever
adorned a hall in Canhy. The exercises
were held in William Knight's spacious
ball, and were interesting and appropriate.
Tbe exercises throughout were harmonious
and everyone who was fortunate enough to
attend voted them a grand success, and al
a late hour departed for their various homes
with their minds full of good thoughts and
their pockets and hands full of presents.
Very few of the Canby people failed to
have fine turkey and chicken dinners, and
those who did were without them from
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dnbyns and son
spent Christmas in Portland, being guests
of L. Warner of tbat city,
Mrs. W. W. Weed is seriously ill, bat Is
reported convalescing.
There was a card party Saturday evening
at William Knight's. It was largely at
tended. A most enjoyable evening was
On Monday evening there was a plav
party in Knight's hall. It was largely at
tended and highly enjoyed.
Milo Lee, eldest son of H. A. I-ee, the
pioneer resident of this city, has gone to
Roseburg tor the benefit of his health.
Manv Canby sports went to Harlow lo the
"turkey shoot" last Saturday. Many Canby
sports returned tale in the evening with
gobblers in both hands. Why they wailed
until dark to bring the gcbblers in is not
City council met last evening and oou
ducted routine business. This is their last
meeting before the new officials take their
School will open next Thursday, after a
vacation since the 23d of December.
Mink Mites.
Mink, Dec. 2!), We are having fine
wealher at the present time.
Several of the Mink folks went to Oregon
City to spend Christmas eve and report
having had a good time.
Will the correspondent who wrote from
this vicinity two week" ago please state in
what school it was thai, the boys pla.seil
truant? Would like to inform him that
such things never happen in our school as
we have a teacher that couiliicls his school
in a proper way and leaches his pupils la t
ter than that, lie is receded by nil, and
Carlton &
no! one ot his pupils would slay from school
unless unavoidable.
Miss Rose timiher, of Portland, and Hott
er! Mother, ol Loan, spent Christmas with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. K. liinther.
The entertainment gien by the Young
People s Alliance Christmas etrnlng was a
k'rnud success all around All did their
psrls so well that mi one can he mentioned
as doing best. The church and tree were
appropriately decorated. There was a large
crowd present and all went home happy.
Miss Strange, of Damascus, is sendiug
her vacation with her luothcr and sister ol
this place.
Charles Moehnke, of Mc.Minnvillc, and
his sister, Miss Kva, of Oregon City, spent
Christmas with their mother, Mrs. M.
The literary and debating society wk
changed into a meek court last Friday
night. The proceeding were very interest
ing and amusing.
The teacher and young folks ol this town
are making preparations for a grand enter
tainment which will take place in a few
weeks. All are invited lo come and bring
their money with thvin. A good lime is
A party, consisting of E. T. (ilnther, Rob
ert Ointher, K. Hornschiieh, C. Khret, and
T. Hornschuch, spent Christ mas day fish
ing anil brought home some very fine trout.
Johanna Massmger, ol Oregon City,
,enl Christian with her parents.
Molalla News.
Moi.ai.i.a, Dec. 31. "The same, as the
shoemaker said to his wife" happy new
I x) west thermometer indication up to date
I'i degs. above zero, drover's indices point
to anything that will now, in the last days
of his ''servitude," pass him on record aa
being something ot a patriotic citizen, as
well as a president of the I'nited Slates;
and now he proposes to serve the other
"master." "Mammon" Is now secure.
Miss Mattlc and Charlie Uavltt, of Uni
versity Park, are spending a two weeks' va
cation at home. They are well pleased
with the school, and will not take any more
vacation until next June.
Arthur Kaylor's eldest child was burled
on Christmas day. It died with the croup.
His wile was buried last Fourth of July.
These two holidays will hereafter be sad
days for Arthur, who has the sympathy of
the whole community.
Molalla, Dec. 31. There were two
Christmas trees here one at Prof. Mavils,
and one at Mr. Elmer's. Both trees were
well loaded with candy and presents.
Everybody who attended the dance at
Mrs. Kister's, Christmas night, had a good
time. The dance lasted until 3 o'clock.
Miss Elsie Taylor, our school teacher, is
giving good satisfaction. She is teaching a
six months' school.
Plenty of rain anil plenty of mud; lots of
dances and lots of fun.
Miss Maggie I-owery was visiting near
Macksburg Monday.
Herman Bros, are getting ready to start
their sawmill.
Ernest Sturges has his new house nearly
completed. Mui.alla Chank.
narmoiy Notes.
Hakmoky, Dec. .'10. Mrs. Charles Otty,
Abo we reported ill last week, was taken to
the asylum last Monday, suffering with
paralysis ol the brain. She died last Fri
day evening, and the remains were borne
home Hntnrday. The funeral services were
conducted to-day at 11 o'clock at the resi
dence, and the remains were laid away
in the Multnomnh cemetery. Mrs. Otty
was a bright, young woman, the mother of
three children, the oldest a little girl of
about six years, the youngest a girl about
three months old. The sorrowing husband
and relatives hove the heartfelt sympathy
of the entire community. Mrs. Jennie
Wine, sister of Mrs. Otty, is very III.
M s. Millard Inn I ecu very ill, hut is im
proving now.
Christmas was finingly observed here, by
a tree nnd euierlaininent on (Ibri-liuiis
night. Th" program cnn-i-leil of song- by
the school, qtinrt"-ttos, solos and recitation".
The Largest Stock Carried in the
Southern Part of Clackamas County
Rosenkrans, Canby, Or.
"Tljere 1? Wo place Lie Honje" j
Kspi'ciallv if yoti art' jjivrtftl
With nn appetizing t:ilh',
Whost cooking is from jrorcrirs,
Tin ipiality of which is
(.iiiurantiTil by cnniiii from
Tht' well-known house of
The Seventh
All seemed lo have a pleasant time. Miss
Mathilda Kanne presided at the urgan.
William Millard, of Columbia slough, Is
visiting with hit parents here during the
Levi Kn-li, who is attending the Htata Ag
ricnlutral College al Corvallls, was at home
Miss Flossie Peel and brother Mark, of
Portland, are visiting here.
William II. Kars, of Hunnyside, was in
our town to-day.
The debate for last Friday night was
Yoiircorresioiiilent is requested to state
that Mrs. C. Olty's sickness and death was
not caused by arsenical poisoning, as has
been reported.
Hprlncwater Hpray.
Hphinuwatxk, Dec 30. The entertain
ment and Christmas tree given at this
place on Christmas eve by the school and
co-operation of the community, under the
direction of Prof, Hargreaves and wile, was
a very nice and successful affair. The house
was called to order by A. Lacey, after which
the following program was rendered,
Instrumental Music By Orchestra
Hong of Welcome.. Mix Little Oirls
Remarks Chairman
Hong" Clementine" By Children
Kecllation Alfrel lwellen
Indian . Oertrude and Josephine Woodruff
Hucitatlon BeforeChrlstmaa..Llbbie Balrd
" After Christmas. . Ivy Cornell
Hung Tbe Three Crows Children
Hong Consider the Lilies Choir
Recitation : Cecil Palmateer
Instrumental Musto Orchestra
Kecllation George Iwellen
Hong Carve Dat 'Possum Children
Dialogue Mother Goose Party
Hong Kind Hearts Everywhere
Mrs. Hargreaves
Heading Belief of the Hhamrork
Mr. Hargreaves
Hong Silent Night .. (ionorowskio Family
Recitation Wilda Tucker
Hong Christmas Chimes, Annie Hargreavig
Instrumental Music Orchestra
Christinas Exercise Hchool
Song Christmas Bells Children
Instrumental Music Orchestra
The tree was relieved of its burden of
many nice and uselul articles, anil the chil
dren all went home with glad and merry
The most enjoyable event of the season
was a social gathering at the house of Mr.
and Mrs. L. A. Lacey, to spend the evening
and renew the friendship of old acquaint
ances, Mrs. Helen Edmonson and husband.
Mrs. Edmonson is a daughter ol Mr. and
Mrs. Lacey. Mr. Edmonson is a prosper
ous lawyer of Duyton, Washington. Those
present were Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Warnock,
Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Lowellen, Mr. and Mrs.
J. A. Hhlhlev, Mr. and M,-s. W. J. Lewel
len , Mr. and Mrs. It. Hargreaves, Mr, and
Mrs. W. II. Coruett, and Mr. and Mrs.
Ilitrrliig. After a social chat, instrumental
music and songs were in order, At Vi
o'clock a delicious lunch was served. .Mr.
and Mrs. Edmonson left Hundiiv lor their
James Marchhaiik anil wife, ol Portland,
lire liiling friends here.
1 1
A .
Street Grocers.
Yamhill River Route.
Steamer Toledo,
foruhiy, WeilneKihiy and Friday
at (J A. Sr., rt'iiihing Oregon City,
for Portland about 11 ;.'() A. M.
Tuemlay, Thurnday and Saturday
at 9 A. M. Salmon St. dock, reach
ing Oregon City, for uprivor points
about 11 A. M.
Through trip to Layfctte and
McMinnvilli) mado when depth of
water permit.
Freight and panningeri rates
Cigar Store
-r milanl Parlors
Flnaat Lin of Clvnr in. th City
Full Line Smokers Supplies
Ptrfrat snds grow
pMTlnf oror t'arfMtsefttis
raranotsrowo by chance. Nnth"
ring lasvar left to chancw In grow.
' lug Perrf 'a Heeas. Iwalnrssell 1
Unm evarjrwtasra. Writ fur
for I NOD. Brimful of valuohl i
. Information about omi sort now-,
at serds, Kn br nwlL .
0. M. FERRY t CO.,
Detroit, Mich.
If you use the Petlum
Incubators a llruixlcrt.
Make money while
n,t.-r nr wnft inir I J.-
tiMiebvoldprocrsseii. i,TfZ7-" ' fi I
ll,,m,idrcrll.ecve,y;i'j '-' ";,; J
article need.. I lor tiict" T
noultry btmincM. VKI -
in :. !i..ii'c.::.y I et
7. .VII .CI. 1-I.M.l'S, lien,.
)we nro p.ic.iic loc I
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fifW' c'C. V'T WAHII 'i.
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