Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 27, 1895, Image 8

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    HAIil.tMV EYS. j I rust lui will t morn forlmmlc with this
., , , . , , , buiMing tluui hu wis Willi the hict.
tirnnen lln Allium .Mt'ouns ei:ool ,. , . ., .
" . . . 1 1 Iioiil'Ii tho mm- slioii is HiimMor tluui
tht oM ono, jtt it lit very compact utitl
Harlow, Or., lVc. 24, comiiU'to in ovory way and Mr. Quint,
"How do vou uo?" Hero wo are who is akillod workman, is turuin out
in your inLlst after an alwnro of j very ttumtoily work.
two weeks, anil with the determination
to stiiv with vou for at least thirteen
Miss Annie I'auor was iu YVoouHmni
' " i one(iav last week.
lem;lh of tune has just reached us. i , . .
s . ' ,. i I'.inanuel Keil, of Aurora, waa in town
Aren t you ir ml? e are, ami hope we i c , , , ' .
William Harlow visited Portland and
mar he counted as a correspondent for
many months, perhaps, yenra, as it is a
pleasure to (jather up the important of
the many items of interest that occur in
our busy little town during the week.
As we write we can see people rustling
Oregon City Satuulav on luisiness.
John Sims, ex-station aneitt of Canby,
was seen on our street Wednesday.
Mr. Kd. Miiior, our station agent, was
round, rarrvinu evenrreen branches am : ""'""K cuimitj ,
tn-. in all dinvtions. evidently prepar- Miss,,s K'ly and Clara
ine for Santa Clans, and e extend our I "" wore vifiitl" Ca,,b-V " d"'
iciivs iu aw mm nur j
tie folks will nveive a goodlv share of j Dilutable
Rv:i) 1.KTTKK Day .Next Saturday will
be a great day for Rarluw inasmuch a
the Barlow-Will Merehantile company
will on that day distribute the fifteen
handsome pri.es valued at over one hun
dred dollars, and lucky will he the per-
" j
Yoder. of Needy, arcotnpanied
Wolfer, of Needy, was
maiiv seen on our streets
i Saturday .
I Mr. A. S. Baty returned from Port
j land, accompanied by his wife, Saturday
I evening.
j Attorney J. K. Marks spent several
days of last week in the inotropolii) and
In til rMilt of tlii mmihI livaintcni of liloml
disorder. Tinaun!i In illliil illi Muivui r ami
l'olnh ivinctliea more- lit lie ilrt'Hitt'it lliau Ihe
(li ami in a slim I hilc i in a lur woino
euiiililluu limn lielur. Tut? vouiuiuu result la
i for which S.S.S. I (lii moat reliable cur. A few
1 bullies will afford relief w here nil clae hsa failed.
I utlt'ivl livtii a ovt're murk nf Mercurial
I lilu'tinmlinn. my amis niut leaa being swollen
I In twice llicir iiiilii iitl aire, cumik the iwwl
PXCrtlCIHtlHK IIHtllM. 1 MHMtl tlUllllriMft uf ilnllor
iiluuit rehef, but nflcr inkiim few bulllca t
1 iiiipmvt'.i i iuiit ami am
now a well iumi..oiuiIc It
l ruml. I can iH-arlllT
riiconiniciiil It to any una
KiilTcruig from thin iiiilnful
iliiK'iiw. W. K. HAl.KY,
Urooklru Eli'valetl It. K.
Out TwiiIm oa Blool mt mlll h
tJJieu. SMIH al'lAll IC CO.. AtUnu, 04.
Da vies Kxliibit
Ami havt' your photos
takon at thy pilk'iy.
Third aud Morrlaon Sta.
Entranco on Morrison Stroot.
.tniifi u.iit
- 1... I I ....
ihjiis wuu uaic iirocvu urnnsi uiv uii- .
ber of beans in the jar displayed in their
Bhow window, thus capturing one of the
prizes. The first prize is a handsome
fifteen dollar clock, with fourteen other
prizes almost equally as acceptable.
Many thousand guesses have already
gone in and Saturday will no doubt see
the largest crowd ever gathered in the
town on any occasion. Aside from this
there will be shooting and rafiling for
turkeys under the management of Mr. J.
R. Andrus of Canby. This will be a
eood opportunity to secure a fine turkey
for New Year's, aa well as being royally
entertained by the well known and popu
lar firm, Barlow-Will Merehantile com
pany. Closing Exercises and Christmas
Trkr. The Barlow school closed last
Friday for a weeks vacation for the holi
days, and the estimable young lady
teacher. Miss Elgira Mullan, prepared
quite a lengthy program, displaying the
improvement of the children to about
twenty visitors, and it was indeed sur
prising how the little folks had been
trained and how creditably they all ac
quitted themselves in their songs aud
recitations. Following the exercises
there was a huge Christmas tree displayed
laden with little remembrances for eich
member of the school from their little
friends. Miss Mullan was presented
with a beautiful toilet set from the pupils
of the school. The Barlow-Will Mer
ehantile company kindly furnished nuts
and candy for each and every pupil, and
by his wife, was transacting business in
town Saturday
J. W. Stuart, a representative of Cor
bett, Macleay company of Portland, was
i seen in town Friday.
Judge J. R. Ritter, of Needy, accotn
panied by his wife, was in town yester
day tiansacting business.
Miss Bessie Sheppard was a passenger
to fortland yesterday. She will no
doubt remain several days.
Mr. J. C. Marks returned home Sun
day morning alter an absence of a few
days In McMinnville.
Messrs. Chris, and Andy Kocber, of
Mark's Prairie, were among the many
notables in town Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Cass. U. Barlow visited
Portland last Wednesday to attend the
"Call Box" at the Marquam.
Miss Elgiva Mullan was a passenger
Saturday to Milwaukee, where she will
spend a week visiting relatives.
If. II. Johnson, ot Oregon Citv, was in
town one day last week enroute to Mark's
prairie, where he has been surveying.
Jay Green returned home Suuday eve
ning after an absence of two months in
Portland in the railroad business, having
been engaged in building the First street
railroad there.
Messrs. Henry Will, Chris Kocher,
Willie Tull Htid Olie Strand went to Can
by Saturday evening to win a turkey but
came back "turkeyless" on account of
the city ordinance prohibiting rattling.
air. and .lrs. I nomas rusev, accom
Sclenliflo American
Agency for
roc information and taw Handbook writ to
WI NN A 00. .l lino Al WAT, Naw VollK.
fM.list tmrvau for avcurlntf patent In AmurlcM.
Kvtu-T patent taken out liy n la brought before
tbapubuo bjauotioagtrati fraa ox ebarsa ia th
Iu llmt'iri'iiti Court ot tliu atHlD u( Dtcjon, or
l'iacamtia coiiiiit.
Knniiif lav lur Ulntlfr, va, 1. II. Taylor Ui'
(. Mutant.
To I). . Taylor, tlienliova uaiucil lclcmlaiil.
tn the name o( the tuu of orovoti, vou nro
horary reqiurt it o appenr mi l auvt the cone
l Ultit tile. I ak'iliunt you in thealiora tuilliloil
nil, by ilia it ilar ui a aH'cil larut ol ihia
curl iul aiivicevilliix I ho atiiliatlon o the
time luunorilHiii tor t ho pumicaMou of lhi auiu.
inom, io-kii. imi Mou.inv, nig j;in iiay ol Jan
unrt, vi,. anil n you full n tnauawur (or nanl
tnereoi the piniutill will apply to Im court I
thoto lof ilviiiauileil In Hi comntaliit. to wn
r'ot a ilacra iltHolrtuu lha IhuuU ol inalrluiout
riiiilnv iMtwacu you ami Ilia puiulllt. ami for
aiicu oiuar atui iiinnor rellet aa lo oipllly ami
Klitl I'.'iiBUiVll. w IIINf iTtaill.
I'ul'.lli,l niiiauaiit to an nnlurol live lion
Thoinai A. Mcllriila, JmU'u of tha above autlilivl
cou:t, ualea ,uveiuhjr '..il, l'
II K. A U, W. 8 aroK,
tl'-V, IU Attorimya lot l'lalullir.
Larrat ctmitatlon of any arlentlrki paper tn tba
world, f plenilnlly llluatrataiL No Intellliaot
nan ahoulil ba without it. Waeklr, aj.tlll
reart II.JO all mnotha. Aadraaa AlCNN A OOu
Pcai.iaHiaa, 31 Broadwaj. tin Vurk UUw
Opp. Huntley's Drug Store,
All Kinds of Watches,
Clocks and Jewelry Repaired
Great Britain and America.
Give me a trial.
there were many happy little hearts that t panied by little MabeIi ,eft ,,li8 U)orrjjllg
left the school and trudged along to their ' ,iia wa tnr n,mn r.t
where they will spend the holidays with
their daughter, Mrs. W. P. Hawley.
respective homes.
Dramatic Club to be Formed. It was
decided a few evenings ago that a
dramatic club would be an interesting '
feature for our little town, arid in conse- j
quence the movement was put on foot
and.will soon materalize. The committee
of arrangements that was appointed were
Mrs. Cass. U. Barlow, Miss Annie Bauer
and Miss Myrtle Ramsby, and we feel
sure that the affair is placed in able
' hands, as all the ladies are tireless work
ers in anything they undertake. We
understand it is to be in conjunction
with the Literary society and hope soon
after the holidays to see something in
the line of comedy put on. It is, we be
lieve, to be entirely free, so a good
house should greet the players
Grange Meets. The annual meeting
of the Baalow Grange, No. 262, was held
in Columbia hall at 2 o'clock Saturday !
afternoon and officers elected for the en
suing twelve month. L. W. Ingram was
elected worthy grand master; E. B.
Ramsby, overseer; W, S. Tull, assistant
steward; Miss Viva Tull, lady assistant
Btevard; Moses Quint, chaplain; Mrs.
M. W. Sheppard, lecturer; Mrs. Ella
Tull, treasurer; Mrs. E. B. Ramsby,
secretary; Miss Annie Bauer, gate-keeper;
Miss Myrtle Ramsby, "Flora;" Miss
Myrtle Wilcock, "Pomona" and Mrs. L.
W. Ingram, "Ceres." Several applica
tions for membership were sent in. The
Grange is in a prosperous condition.
Literary Mkbts. Last Friday eve
ning quite a number of Barlowites, as
wsfl as visitors from the sister towns,
assembled in Columbia hall to hear the
ejjte, "Resolved, That Improved
Mwhinerf Has Been a Benefit te the
Lsrfe" which was ably handled by
L, T, jEgram and Henry Hedges on the
aflirtaa'e, and Thomas Pusey and CaBs.
TfcSarlow on the negative. The ariju
mjyla were all good but those of the
negative were the heavier, consequently
wjp ipages decided in their favor. An
ilfloneatirig literary program was rendered
arxl in all, the evening was pleasantly
spent. Long liye the Columbia Literary
and Debating society I
Close Call Fob a "Cubonicle Cup."
Mrs. C. M. Quint gave birth earty yes
terday morning to a boancing baby boy,
who weighed nearly twelve pounds.
Mother and child are doing well. We
regret very much that the "Chronicle"
did not give a few days grace in regard
to their prize cups, as this child is cer
tainly worthy, as it is a very large ard
healthy babe and considered by his
parents as a Christmas gift, and Barlow
night have enjoyed a famed reputation.
Nkw Blackshith Shop. Mr. 0. W.
Quint has completed his new shop and
U again busy with his work, and we
The Staff of Life.
Bread is recognized as the staff of life,
but if it is of poor quality, it offers but
little support to the body. Bread from
the Home Made bakery, Shively's block,
can be depended upon at all times to be
of first class quality and equal the best
family made bread. None but the best
Sour is used and the utmost cleanliness
is observed in all work about the bakery.
Bread delivered to all parts of the city
fresh from the oven .
Alexander S. Baty is again on top.
On last Saturday the Multnomah county
grand jury returned not true bills against
Baty on the following counts: Forgery
in uttering a forged promissory note to
E. A. Goodnough, for $176.50, siuned by
Joseph Harrington and Edward Ilar
rington. Forgery, In uttering a forged
note to W. H. Grindstaff for $!00, pur
porting to have been signei by J. W
Shattuck. J. W. Lawrence, J. P. Powell
J. J. Robertson. George II. Kenny, H
S Harvey and Percie Gesie.
The new fire bell tower, now being
erected between Fountain Hose house
and the city jail is almost completed,
and the new fire bell has been placed in
position. Its sonorous tones can be
heard occasionally, when jarred by the
workmen on the scaffold. Olds Brothers
are the contractors, and the cost of con
structing the tower is $72.
The Oregon City Transportation Com
pany's new time card is out. Going
north a steamer leaves Independence at
6:30 a. m.; arriving in Portland at
2 :40. Going south the daily boat leaves
Portland at 6:45 a.m.; arriving at In
dependence at seven in the evening.
Dr. A. P. Sawyer: I have had Rheu
matism since I was 20 years old, but
since using your Family Cure have been
tree from it. It also cured my husband
of the same disease.
Mrs. Robt. Connelly, Brooklyn, 1.
Sold by G. A. Harding.
Latest leatherette novelties just arrived
from the East extra cheap at the Racket
Steamer G. W. Shaver,
Will leave Portland, foot of
Washington Street, for Clatskanie
and way landings, Monday, Wed
nesday and Friday mornings at G
o'clock, and return to Portland
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays
This the most direct and aceessable
route to the Nehalem Vally only
nine miles from Clatskanie.
Shaver Transportation Co.
Waterproof coyer for baby carriages,
nice articles for rainy weatlter for sale at
The Fair.
Money to loan on
W. H. Burghardt.
improved farms.
All kinds of toys and dolls just arrived
at the Racket Store.
Good lamp
for 15 cents at Parker &
instantly P.e.ieveo
... ,
- . r . .
-.Aa-' . ...v oi v,.'.'ra;ion
v - - - i
Treatment Ajsliitcly Painless
from Thrco to Six Weeks
Offices: Kooms Vfr'tfl. Muriiinn llin:Jlnij
New Goods
Modern Prices.
I orner brocerv.
w z ----j '
Complete stock of
Fine Family Groceries,
Try my extra
Choice Tea.sES
Richard Freytag.
Main and Fourteenth Streets.
eiiKimrs h.w.k.
In Iho Cltmilt Court ot Hit but ot On'non lur
tn imiuy oi i, i (u urn ml.
Ttunln a ul Hi llnpcial e ollonii a Mc'llnnril.,
)i'liiilir. v. John W. lriwr, Aurlo M. Irv
I. OT. K. (1. t'Hlllilllll. W K. linlilu.nl k' i
! Niitliiiii mid 1. J. HlKix. Irft.ii, 1. 1, i.
Sims ol Onu, County o( CUi kmiiK, M.
Ilrvlriuoni JuilifiiKiit onlor, uVoro ami an
t'xoiiitlmi, iluijr ImuixI out of aui uujrr Iim mm I
ul Ilia aoor iiuiM curl, In tli ali
tlllr.l ou, to nuiluly UlrtM'U.I, and .ixU il h
'.'ftih ilay ol Novutubiir. lv.i.'i, iiihiii a Juilitimmt
rtMitliiri1 and nttr.l in aniil outirt on ilia 7th
ilnti)' November, IKi. In tatornt Tru.ua ol Hid
Hai'tial l'oilvi at llcMluullli, pUlulllt, au.
v ml John . HrHr, Aurlo M. liraper, K, 0.
Caullolil, W. K. Iluhiwrl, F. I'. Nullliu ami I'.
J. ol i lot, ilalt-mlanti, tor 111 mm ot 11,111 W,
with liHurol thrn at ih rat ol 10 pi'r u. ul
pr auuiim, from the 7ih day ol Novoinlicr,
rtiti, ami t'i further iiiiu of '0a aliorui'r'i
ll)ul Iho lurlh.r .um of Urt, col. and ill.
buritiuentx, and th oo.u of and upon tb la writ,
roimnAiiilliu ni to inako aaleol lha IoIIuwiiik
de.orlbikl ral property, iltu.l m ih.oouuly o
L'lai'iainu, tint oi Orirou, to wn: 1. it on (I),
ol bloc twenty-nil! (jy), ol Or(on ('Ity, lira
on. Now, therefor, bv rlrtu ol Mlil Meciitlnn.
Juilmnaiit ordar and dsorna, ami In roiiipllatio
wuu in oo iiiuaiiut oi .aii wril, l win, ou pat
unlay, th JUi oay n lieoomlwr, Istll, at Ih
hour ol 1 o'clock p. ra , at tn trout d..or ol th
eouutroourihuuie, In Ih ally of Hrv(ou City,
In ul county ami lata, nil at publlu auotiuu,
.ulijci'lln roJe upiiuu, l the hifU.ii bid lur, lor
I'. M. t't'ii coin, riiih Iu hand, all th rluht. lltln
and luleraal which in wllhin uanitd dfoml.
auu, or elihei ol them, ha I onthedatan! the
morta.i hi-r. lii or lue had iu aud to the
abom Jo.orlboJ mal pruiitirty. or aur oari
thi-rvof, to atlljr i.l iaciillun. Imliriuntit
oriltr. Uoftxe, tuluratt, emu and ail npirulun
coat. K. I'. Maiiihh k,
Bhtrltrof Clack4Uiu t'jiiuly.
fly K. M. Moody, Ihipiiiy.
Hated 0rKm City, Oregon, Nor. '.'J, li
U-.D, I! Z
In Iim (llri'iill I'uiiil ol Um hiiilu ol Oionoii In
t'!Hl'MIIUI 1 "liltiv.
Jiini' ii II, I'miili'liiiiik. plnlnlir, v.. Iliihoia
Iihmmoii rt'i i Mii'liiu I liiivoieu, tleli'it lautv,
Ht'ilo iif ori'unii, l iMinty ol Ciui'kiumi.i a,
N'lilini I. hiMi'liy iMvimi Unit by vltluu utitii vk
v 'iiil.'ii Mini iT'li r of aiiln i.aiiMtl out of thu rU'
iMitl iiiiit ul Iim Hiiiii. ol iiriuit for III t'oiinty
ol 1 .arkMiiia, t.oiat lug ti'iiii un .n(n ilitv of Nuv
iMiii or, IMCi, In a milt wlH'riun .Imiioa II I'rnoa
aliituka I I'lulillltr, "i lluilorit liHVori'ii n'
M i'iiHt-1 lliivuroii nro ili'li'inlniit., imiuiiimiiiIiiik
mo, iu the iiiiiiiu ol iinu riiniii ol wieiiiiii, linii mil
of ilie it'll I'linio Ihmi limili'r ih-.i-rib il, to
rta'Un a um aiiilii'luiit to a.l arv tlit ilciiia'ula
ol iU iIiiitih, tn-wlt' 911 V '-ul iiml liileieMt
iliprnoti at Iho mtn oi 111 ur ' lit. pur hiiimiiii,
Hluru Jamiarv II, IMM hiiiI for .iU. iu 4lliirtii'y a
fo a ami (ur 117 Mi cn.l., ami itlao Hie imaiauf ami
HlliMlilllllf Una Mill,
Now, Ihart'furt', Iu oli iillourii to aiii'b iliiirio, I
ttlil, ou Hut '.lull iav ol Niivenili.il, Iski, iluly
lvv upon, anil wl I, on HiluriUy UioImui ,i,y ,i(
Jaitit'tiv, In.ki, at tin liuiir ol oun o'ulnt'k It lit
of aMld ilny, at ilti .mill ilo.ir of tlto iniuii huuau
In a.il.l I'.iiini), iiilur tor anle ai imlilln t. u l I. . 1 1 .
ami .all lo Ihtt hlillieat ami ln-t Inil'lur, lur ttii.li
Hi iinii I, all tit r hi, Hie uikI iiitiruii Hut auid
ilolrll Inula nil Ihtt .'till ilny of J i.iuuiy, I -tn, IHI
ur now Imvu in an i to the ollnwluif iit.-rl l.tt l
roa. proi oiir, to wit. Iit'iiuiuiuu nt 1 1 1 uort n-
VllM OOIII 'r Ol NOlUloil OUI, IU tOWIINtllll 'i .outh
ol rum; '.'anal ol the Wilta Mi'llt iiiornllaii, ruu
lillill tlinui'ii nu.t J, Ml 'luil .a, llit'lii auillli lUI
i liu ii-. Hi rivj aa. -1 M tlialii., Iliuui'ii nor I Ii ml
etmlua to tint iitauo of I'Olnu.nif, tMiiinlultiir
ao'tta Mini altiiaied In 1'l.u'kitina. t'uiiuty, Htato
ol Ortitfou.
"liarUTii' Clai'k iiii ,a l utiiiiy. (I e run,
Hy N. M. MmiiiV. Iiopiiiy. U M I 17
lai.i IIH. H.. It ilny ot lti'rmlitr, A, U, ltJ'i.
to H
Ojku LI Xm4 lLO
. lor
notice of kkfkkkk's hai.e.
Iu th Circuit Conn of the lat of Ormioii
ciat'KHntaa county.
C. O. 1 . William., i lalnlifT, rt. frwl W. flrat
ton, aa ailuiiulatrrttor oi tie catite of M. A.
Htiatt"ti, dureiavl, a ul I! con I, rt'r tin ,
Crtd W. Siriitoi, Carroll E HtrMt'uii. Hay
moud Htrnttou, ami I. oyil I. M-nlto i, hi'l'a at
law ol M, A. Miration, doraaacl, aud E.
Warren, elend'int-.
Nolle ia h ruby give t tlml by virtue ol an or
der ol aaln li.ii I out ul Ih circuit oourt ol th
Ul ot Oronoii, for lue entity ol tlaikania-,
buiuluf lat Ih A' I ilar ol NoTembvr, imit, in a
u!t wherein C. O. T. Willlaini la ulalmlir. and
Creed W. 8iratton, aa aitnilii a ra or ttf the ta
ol it. A. Mratton, dticeMM-d, and llolott L. Btrni-
too, Creed W. Htraiton, Carroll t titration, ttay
rooud Stratton and l.lovd L rtiraltou. iielri at
law ol M. A. Hlrntton, dect-aaed, and K. . bar
ren are del.-udaut., rtiniinnii'tliie; me, as r.ferte
for the aale ol the lioelnafter ilo.crilicil real
pr"prty, in -ell ttio aatne, I wll , on raturtlar,
the lull day of January. 1-tnl. at tho hourol I
o'cluca p. lit. of .aid day, at the Irout loornl the
oourtiioii.e, Iu Orvfon City, a d launty and
atate, ollt-r for aaloal publlu auction ami auil t
Ih ' h Kbe.laoU beat but. ler for c: ah, on con
firmation ol the sale by th ab ire eutitieJ couri,
ail ruht, title an 1 lutcruat of the abovt. nmn-d
plainttfl'atid delemlauts (extvnt th Inutreat ot
defendant K. H. Warrttu) In au l to thu lull t.l k
described rtal property, sltuat Iu Ciacain
ooinity, ata e- l Orei(. n:
Ltit. i, li, 6. ft, 7, n, ii, 12, IS, 14, IS and in, in
block li lota 1,2, .1, , U, 11 ami 11, In block 2. ..ts
2,4, 7 and h, iu I..CI4. lot 6. in mock 6: lots 11.
4. .1, 6, 7, H, , 10, II aud VI 1 l block IllU 1,7,H,
14 and IS, lo b.rx k 7: all of h..ck : Int. i. li. M
aud 14, in ul Ck U. lots 7, ft, 11, Maud 13. In block
111 lo'a I, 2 and 8. In til k 12: li.ta I. 2. . 4. S. 6.
8, t a'ul 11, lo block U; l its I, 1 and I), In
blo k 14; on 1. 2. a. 4 a d 5. In blocs In: lot. 1.
2, 8,4. 6 and 8. Iu 1 1 k 17; alio b tk IK; oa
3, 4, 5, Hand 7, lo b" c 'J; lots 7, H, l and 10, in
blocs 20 A: i.ll of blo. k It; lot. a, 6. 7. 8 an I 9.
in block 21: lo a I, 2. 4, S 7. 8. ami 11. In blo k
22: low I, g, 4 IS, 7, 9 ml in. In bloc. 23; all .f
block 24; om 1, 2, 4, t r), 11 a J 11, m b.ork 2i
all of block .'f; ul. fie loreit'ona; lots and bloi ka
being in Kail. View Addition to OrtKO t City, In
said con my aud stall:, aa tint .am Is h two on
theritcurded niat of .aid Ka 1. View A l.litlon l
Oregon City, oa fll t in the reoo'dtr's olflo ol
said county and stata. Alto lots 2, 8, 6 and 6, Iu
block 107, of OrcKotiCny; all that put ol blur.
84, lylug south o! the north linen: tits A. Me-
Kluly donation laud cialiu: ail ol b ock Wl. 8!i.
Mil and 91, of Oreiron C ir, act ordiii t.j the ru
corded plat Ihureof ou Die In tn olllc ol said
Also block 22ol the C itiutv Addltlou lo Onuon
City, accord ng to the lacudud plaU thereof ou
nie in tne omce oi said recorder.
Iu the Circuit Court ol llui Male ol Oroiinu lor
Hi" t utility oi t'Ui'kaiuas.
itnl- rl Kul an I. I'.aiiitifr.va John fHrinui Allc
V I'ar.oua, ltdrii Koyal, I. A, ll 'yal,
fiaintiml Uuval, Julia M. Koval, Kitiitia
Mulioun.d, 1. VV. l.lchieiillial.r, I'liua. K,
K. I)au aud tiros. in city, U luuiU la
Htale ol Ori'iiiiit, t otinly ol t l.u kam i, aa
Hv virtue ol a Judiituettt order, decree ant)
an 1's.icuil'iti, diiltr laaue I nut ol a d uutli-r the
seal oi the attov euillled court, In lite alaive
eiiilllvd I'aiisu, to ma duly iilrm-tad and dated
tn Jl ii ilny ol Nuveinlwr, If 'S, tihin a Jtulif.
itieitt rvinl rvd aud eute-vt In anlil court ou the
IMli day tl Nnvinl)r ItttiS, lu uvor ol Itoberl
Kullatid, I'laintlrr, ami analnat Johu I'ar-ona,
AII,- V l'r.,ut I a.lpn b.,vt I 1 1,
Oamtiml Hoyal, Jtilla M. Ilvta . Kiiitit M llunnlj
Ii. w l.lclit.tutba'er, iltt'tfudauta lor the sum
of 12 IIM. 2D, w.ill Intaruit thereon at th tale ol 8
. cent, pur annum Iromlhe IMInlnyutNuvotn
Kir Inuv Ilia fnrlli.r auiu of l.taiaaaltornav a ina.
anil th lurther auiu ol -T M, coats and dls
bur.einaula, ami the coats ol and upon this
wilt, oouuuanilliw ui tn tnak ale ol the lol-
lowlof tlaat'r.bed real liioperiy sltuat lu tb
Couutr ol IMat kaiiias, Htateol tiraaon, to- wit:
U. 4 and I In block 28 lu tlroa-on City. Clack-
atttaa Co inlv, ttt ol Oritse i.
Now, tiierefor. bv virtu of aaltl sieoutloii.
luttifiuciit order ami dai rve. and In eotupllanu
with in conimniids of .aid writ. I will, on
.Saturday, the llt day of Heceiiibar pttki, at the
Hour "I II .11 u'cln k a. m. al the Ir.uu ,l,t nl
tne County Court lloua in th cur of Ureitou
City In sal t county ami -talu, au I at pub If
aut't on, .iihlec! lo rrileiut'luiu, to the III beat
um ir, lor it M. (oin c nn. tiaili in naud. all
th rii'hl. title ami litleresl wnlch the within
iiaiurtl dcre;iilanls i r oillier of th to. had nu tbn
dale ot the inorW..: herein o' sun had In and
to lit abore de.cnltcd real p'opaity or any
part tmr. I, loMtlaly .al l cieciil,oli, mlinriu
onler, decree, nil .real, (Mali anil alt acuruliiii
Datel, Orion City, Or, Nov. aim, ln
K C. MAIilMicK,
he'lfT of I'la: kalllaa C.illtllv. Ilrrfon
Hy N, M. M nnly. llepllty. II 21), 12-27.
Also that plc or pare of hind sltunte In
ictlnn 31. In township J south, ramie 2 east ol
the Willamette Meridian, In an 1 1 enmity un'1
No. 270, Morrison Street,
For general repairing he standi,
without a peer. For first-class, re-
lable goods his store is second to
none. Try him I
state, and more pnrtlcularlr doortbed. lo-wit
Beginning at a sloia monument set ata point
where th northerly lnf Promon orv avunne.
in ii.ii rti s new Antimon to uravnn city, in
Ursec'I th southerly Una of a t.m .1 of land
ptirchastnl by M. A Htraiton from Jane Rudy by
deed, worded at pnga DOS, ol to uiiiu il, o! In
records oi deean lor said l ountyand statu, aal l
point baluir W feet north, deg. SOrnln. wet
rom toe moat weatcriy coruar ol lot 1. in b ock
1, In said Kails View Addition, running thence
on tn norineriy nu ot said promontory ave
nue northerly, aaaierly and southerly to the
Intersection with the northerly line of Hood
treat, in aaid Falls View Addition; thence
southeasterly ou aald northerly line ol aald
Hood .treat to Intcrsec: the weaterlv Ine
of Terrace street. In said Falls View Ad lltlon
thenc northerly ou said westerly Hit of said
Terrace strai t lo litter. t th i south'irly lliieul
rrospect street, in saia rails view Adiuion;
tnence nortneriy on aald southerly line ol said
Prospect street to intersect t in en.turly llneol
uuarry street, in said rails View Addition
tlteurte aoutfierly and wttaierlyon said easterly
line ol saia quarry a trout to intersect tne wester
ly line o! John O. Adama street, In ani l Falls
View Addition; tliuuce northerly ou said west
erly lino ol said John Q. Adams streot to Inter
red the snutneriy line ol Hprlug street, In said
Falls View Addition: thenc wt-frlrnu said
southerly line of aald Rprln- street to luteraeut
the easterly line oi jerrurmn street, In "ale. rails
View Adlltlou.at a point where said eosturly
llnaof Jultursou street intersects tb northerly
line of a tract of land sold hy John Mvers to
Isaac Farr by deed, recorded at pairs M5, of book
Q, of the record o'' de'ds for said outinty and
state; thence oti h'-a-terlr on said northerly
lln of aald Isaac Farr s tract to the moat east
erly corner thereol; thenc aouthws.tttrly, trac
ing the aoiitueaalorly line ot raid laano Farr's
tract to th most southerly comer thereof;
thence northwesterly, tracing the southwesterly
line of aald Isaao Farr's tract to intersect th
easterly line of John Adams street, In Oreiron
City; thence southerly, tracing the easte-ly
line of said John Adnma street to Intersect the
hereinbefore mentioned aouthtrly line of th
said tract of laud sold to M. A. Htraiton by Jane
Eudy; thence southeast rly, tracing ssld south
erly line of said last mentioned tractto the place
of beginning, containing 20 acres, mora or less.
Exception from said 20 acres thst tract of about
one acre sold by said 0. 0. T. Williams and said
M. A. Stratton to F. O. MnCown by deed, n
cordel at page 30, In book 88, of the reiorda of
deeds for aald county. Also th northerly ball
of lot 1, In block 2, of said Oregou City, said
northerly half being cut off hy a line running at
rlirhl ansiae to Main street. In said city.
Hold nmnortr will be old aa a whole, excent
that the northerly half of lot 1, block 2, of Ore
gon City, wlil be sold aa a separate parcel, and
subject to a mortgage ol I'l.w) to E. B. Warren,
ou an undivided one-half thoreif.
H. L Ksi.LT, Referee.
I. L. Portir, Attorney.
November 27, 1896. 11-29, 1-27
lu the Circuit Cutitl of the Hlaie ol Oregon, (or
tne county oi I Inckntnaa,
T. M. Cr in, plaint IT, ra, 8. C. M.'iocmakor aud
wif , 'tuieii ama
ritate ot Otegou, county ot Clacsauin., a.
N itlue la lictcNy nlv ju that bv vl.tiut ail
tx .-ctiiioa aiul'ir tcro: .aci.. i uto: tiiccir
e ill i nuit ol the Htntu ol or. r ' , of "ie county
olClnc.ama-, ba'lui( date lint Ji't ilar o ,W
tctnlv r InM.iuasult wiieraln 1' .4. Croi. I.
plalntiD, au I 8 C. till n.ra ikur ami wife ate ile
fuiidaiit.. coinutaii ung me, in the ua no ot tlie
Hute in OrtKuii, that out ul the real eaiats hcn.
iu. 'turd trued, .o real se a auiu .uilicient tn
.atlafy the deiiiamta o .a d du re, to. wit:
Hu lo, w.ui lutirs.l llii-rmiti nt H per cent mr
auiium a nee June I. Imil, ami the lur.u.r.um
u Hl.7.'ic.ili, aud alao tne cusls of and a'teud
mil Oil- .ale.
N'iw, the efor. in oli 'tlli-nn tiatich tlocree,
I .ill, o.i thu lih -lay ol iH'ivnilKv. I'A duly
levy iiin, nd will, uuHalntdav, the 4 h ilay
nl Jaiiuaty, IKS), at t o h li' of 1 o.clo. k p in.
oi aa it day, 1 1 e ft out ito.r of the court lumae
111 .aid county, uiTer for .a e at puhl.c auetlon,
aud sell to the h g ie.t and h at bidder, (ur caaii
in hand, all u the rlirhl, 1 1 e and in ereat the
aid delautlaut. on the 21a day ol December
lata, ua I, or ow li vo, lu and I the fulluwiug
de.cilbed ral proptrlv, tow t:
Uita 5 and fi. nloi k 4, I'ars I'liice, In Cla.'ka
m s county, Oregnu, accunllug to the reortlcd
plat th. re.il.
neieu tni.iin nay ot uccetnncr. a. ii.. im
Mier (Tut Clackamas coutily. Hi. to of Oregon.
Hy M. M. MoobV, liepuly. 12-ia, 13
E. McNulll, Receiver.
(liven tlio clmii f
Minneapolis OMAHA
ST. PAUL. Kansas City.
Low Rates to all
Eastern Cities.
Leave Portlnml every five iluyn for
Flint until tr-iiu lt'iiven J'ortluiul
daily lit S: l.j p, m.
The DalleK Im-nl tivt I'ortluiul
Jiiily iiicltnliiiK Siimltiy at 8:U,i.
in. cnnntctiiig at Eiint I'nrtlaml
with .S. I. incoming ovcrlttiitl truiu.
For full di-tiiilu cull on or il-
I'anm'iigor Aff-nt,
rortlitnJ, Or.
Sleeamaa's sooiwu Powders.
For Children Cutting thtir Tttth. ,
fsfec fntrlth Html, areeeal fll$. Ceentifeae. aas)
rsena ktaltKii stale 0 fee cwiaff feliu
turlitg fa awrrtMf ot (a.rsfn
OfiO rca; acar.t: itwiiu n
An iWTereiWe ramtlm nrl jirwrn Tomo,
Bold liy tiruinrlstat or sent by mail. lUo, CMe,
md $1.00 pi'r pnekagw. Ham plug free
Ifrt Tin TiM 'vorlUi TOOTI fOWtll
MXyJ III tjrllioToelbajuaiireUi,il
For a.tlo liv li A. I(iriliii(, ilrtlKisit
bllKKirKl) 8 A I.E.
In the Clrnnlt O'liirlof theHtate ot Oregon, for
ine toutuy oi L.iacsam.s.
M i liatn Hcanlan, plain Iff. ts. O. J. II k1 and
. . II. cam o.i, d. MidauU.
M'i of Oregon, i; uuty of CUcKamus, aa.
yirliui ol anexcoutlnu an I order of sale
i-autd out ni in" oiton t cour' i f the Htst ol
Oruifou for the C unity nf Clackamas, bcarlns:
da e Iho g.li day ol Uucmetiu, IBJft, m a suit
wfinre.n itiiiiatn Haitian li piaiiiiirr, and
O J II telatid W. iV'.II. Himio i at dcluudauta.
com uanlniK m, lu tlie n .11110 ol tlie rllate of
O 1(1.1, Hi t 111 1 of In real 0 latu h rnlnaiter
''si r.'iC'i,t"rMllr"aa im .iilllrl.nt 10 aa' l.ly the
d'linauda of .a d do roe, to wii; 1161.10, to.elner
w 111 uii'iroai 011 me aaiu alnn
said d ore.- enured at 10
per Mill. annum, nd III SI ooat., a.lu the
ooats ol and sttudiiit th a sai.
Now thi-ri-'lore, lu on. dieuoa to such decree
I il l, 011 th In n day of I) jcotnuer, IHI"i, luly levy
II lion, aud will, ou Haturday tint Inth day ol
Janunrv, line, at the h int ol r.'tilo'oiuck I. M.
of .aid day, at the trout dour ol th t court hou.e
in s ild cou ity, "IT r for sate at public auction,
and sell to the hltfnost an I neat mdiler, (or caali
lu haul, all ul th rluht, till and Interest Iho
snld delandant (lie J ll"l, on the 7tli day ol
November, IHtfi. h id or now haa In and to the
loliowliiK de.crllM-d real protierty, to-wlt:
The anulh 'a 1 011 irier ul ae' tiou 2H, In Town
hip 4 Honth of llinir i 8 Kaat, ol Wlllamo t
Meridian, containing Ifiu nc:e., anil lit North
we 1 14 of I'M southwest '4 ol Hoc n 27, Town
b p 4 nun tn ol Its R X Kasi, of Wlllaiiit.lt Mil
ndlau, couliilnlng 4) acre.; all situate lu
Clackamas County, Orne;nn.
Dated tun INUl day of Decembtr, A. I). lttM,
E. C. M AtllKX'K,
BherlfTol Clackainaa County,
fly N. M. Mixiur, Deputy, 12 20, 1-17
In the Circuit Court of theHtate of Oregon, for
th County 0' Clackimas.
John Foster. Plalulirf, y Kudolph Onntcniialn,
Anna Uauteubeiii aud Amliew Vctsch, dufeu-
Stateof Oreiron, County of Clackamia, as.
Hy virtu of a ludrinenl order, deoree and an
execution, duly liaited out ol aud under the
seal ol the above entlt'ed ontrt, In the above
entitled oaua, to m duly dlrueted and dtted
the 4th day ol Ilecauiber, HIS, upon a Jil lKin nit
rend' red and euterwl In said court 01 in Kith
day of November, IM'JA, In favor ol Johu Foster,
piatnt.ff, asd aKalnst Kutloiph ilaiiteuheln.
Anna (lantenbeln and Andrew Vet oh. defen
dants, for the aum ol .'.7'rl (It, with intere.t
thereon at the rat ol H per ciiit per annum
from tne 30th day of November, IK'lIS, aud th
further sum nf 11.00 . co.ti and dlahnrsemants.
and th costs 01 and upon this writ, command
Inir me to make sale of the following leacrlhed
real property sltuato lu the Connty of Clack
ainaa. Btate of Orwon to-wil: The south hall
of the northwoat quarter and the nor.h hall of
the smith weal quarter of section 17 In town
ship 2, south of ranee , eaat of Wlllamett mer
idian, containing loO sore, and being sltuat lu
Clackamas County, Oreeon.
Now therefor, by virtue of ssld eieoutlon.
Judiment, order and decree, au I In ootopllane
with th demsnda olsald writ, I will, on Hatur
day, th Wirt day ol January; In'Jtl. at th hour
ol 11 o'elock a, m., at the front door of the Coun
ty Court ilou.s in Ih city of Oreiron City, in
said county and state, soil at pulillo atiotlnn,
subject to relemptlnn, to the bl(hnl bidder,
for II. fl. gold t ilu, caU In hand, a.l th right,
title and lute est wlilch the within namtd da
fendaula or either of them, had on the d it of
the mornrag nertui or sloe bad in aud to the
aiiov deacrlhed real property or any part there
of, to satisfy said execution. Judgment, order,
deere, Interest, costs and all accruing coats.
Sheriff nf Clackamas Countv, Oreiron.
By N. M. Moonr, dupiity, U-20, 1-17,
Dated, Orsgon City, Oregon, Dsoaiber 17, 1895.1
r. r. wiiitk.
W. a. WHITE.
lractioal rfrchit tints Jf- Builders.
Will prepar plana, elevations, worklug de-
lis. and apeclflcallous for all kinds of build
lugs Hpcclal attcutiun given lo modern cot
tatges. Estimates furnished nn application
Call on oraddrnas WHITE MltOH.,
Oregon City, Ogo
...The Prairie Farmer.
Greatest of A" Farm Papers.
It prcpttnlH cai h wwk all Hint n
worth knowing In otirront uricul
turiul llturuttire.
Em'li niiinhur coiituiiiH inuro
Holiil rcailinif nmltor th is ri any
(ithur airririiltural imKir, 11111I
coverg a broitlur flttltl,
Sntiscrlptloa Price, one Dollar a Year.
It is the Paper for the People.
Sample Claiming oirers far 1895-6:
Tim Pkaiihk Fahmkr ) nnth n9n
..n.l I uutu 1 uu
nun f . A, kr
Wkkki.y IntkkOckan
Tiik Phajruc Fakikk j m hm m
ciiifAfioWickKi.v timh year for $1.25.
The Prairie Farmer, Chicago.
Prompt attention to hauling to
any part of Oregon City.
Moving attended to promptly and
Special rates given on hauling to
and from Gladwtone and Park-place.