Oregon City Enterprise. Clackamas Co. Directory. COl'NTY OFFICKKS. fiimlon E, JU.7. c.'rk f (Vuru, TrtMvtir.T, 8 .nnol rtiiperliiteiidetil, Surrey. r, Cttruuor. CuinmiKKliiiirni, IUvm1 tiHt. r. Mori K. Vari.l.x-k ft. M. Kumsliy N. I, Moon' .1. l HrmllM II, S. (iiliMiii P. V Kin list til K. L Dolman Kli'hunl Srutt FRIDAY, DKCK.Ml'.KK 27, 1m.. SPRAY OF THE FALLS. Paitlow'a cider, eleiin ami pure. K. K. Williams, 'I lie (inver. all kimlii al Men, boys ami girls ear the Racket store Fii bargain in colilots, tumblers am? other glassware at The Fair. IXm't go to Portland until you see our prices on holiday goods nt the Racket store. C. 0. t. Williams is now prepared to wake loans on good farm property. Write him. Two paper hag holders (or sale cheap t Parker & Howard's store. Just the thing (or grocers. Joiuted dolls 7 inches for 5 cents and til kinds of toys from 1 cent upward at the Racket store. Wanted. A middle-aged woman to do general housework in g private family. Apply at this office. Wedding stationery, the latest styles and finest assortment ever brought to Oregon City at the Entkkfrisb office. Good assortment of second hand achool books, same as now used, at Farker & Howard's store, all nearly new. PERSONAL NOTES. J. A. Talhort and daughters, of Cluck aim, w re in Oregon City Monday. Mrs. S. W. Siryker and child spent ChriMiuns with relative in Portland. 1). A. O.-buru, the genial sheriff of lienton county, was in the city Saturday. It. K Hayes, father of County Judge Hayes, is very ill at his residence in Sa lem. Henry Hedges and family, of Harlow, spent Wednesday in the city visiting let alive. Dr. J. W. Welch is visiting his par ents for a few ilays at Silverton, Marion county. Flour 70c; dry granulated suvar, rai sins, rice, soda 5c per pound. Elegant trimmed hats at cut prices. Red Front Trading Co. Mr. and Mrs. A. Sergeant, residiug in Falls View, were made happy by the birth of a bright girl on Sunday of last week. Uo:h mother and child are doing fine. For a quiet place to ditch your horses away from the motor line and a place to get a first class job of repairing or horse shoeing call on S. F. Scripture's shop on Fifth street. Experience and money cannot improve Dr. Sawver's Family Cure, because it rajlca'ily cures Dyspepsia, Liver com plaint and Kidney difficulty. For sale by Geo. A. Harding. W by descend those tiresome steps when vou wish pure drugs, chemicals and drug fundries? "Time is money" Sa ye both by getting your prescriptions filled at the Seventh St. Pharmacy. Choice candies, fresh nuts, crackers, coffees, teas, spices, extracts, Baker's fine chocolate and cocoa. Best ranch butter aid fresh egs, and a saving in price of 10 to 55 percent. Red Front Trading Co. Miller & Stevens, the electricians, have two larg contracts for lighting upon which they are now at work. One is for the Weinhard building and the other is the Hill & Cole building, where they are now putting in the light fixtures. If you have a job of repairing that will noj justify your letting it to a regular contractor at contractor's prices, then see Dayis, the repairer. He will do it in first-class shape and at reasonable prices. Shop in Second Hand store building. Dr. A. P. Sawyer Dear Sir: I haye been suffering with sick headache for a kmc time. I used your family Cure and now am entirely relieved. I would not do w'thout your medicine. Mrs. G. Miller, Mt. Morrel Ills. Sold by G. A. Harding. In clothing, R. L. Russell ot the Park Place store, can give lower prices than Tortland or Oregon City. The reason far thpi is, rent, insurance and other etajea are lower than bis competitors aiTthat he buys for cash. Just exam irfs hia goods and see the bargains of fered. A meeting will be held at the Baptist ltnrch in this city, on Friday of this week, of the pastors of the various Bap tist churches in Portland, Oregon City and vicinity to discuss questions pertain ing to their church work . In the eve ning a service will be held to which the general public is invited. The sermon will be by Rev. Roland D. Grant, of Portland, and well known as one of the brightest and ablest pulpit orators on the Coaat. To accommodate bis constantly in creasing trade and to make it more con venient for the residents of the hill sec tion of .the city, Chas. Albright has established a branch meat market in the Shively block. He has it fitted up in f rst-ciass shape and will keep in it as good a quality and selection of meat as fce carries in bis down town market. Mr. Albright caters to the best trade of the city and bis meats, both fresh and cured, as well as his lard, is of first quality and ia always served in the best possible shape. Major Thomas Channau is confined to his room with a severe attack of rheu matism. .Mrs. Martha lVirv, nee Marr, of VYoodburii, is visiting her parents in this citv. Miss Lena Goldsmith, of Eugene, is spending the holidays with her sister, Mrs. J. Bollack. Miss Fannie Meserve, of lVlena, Co' lumbia countv, has been visiting rela tives in Oregon City. Miss Ida Calitfand M. L. Cline, of Port land, spent Wednesday with Miss CV liffs parents in this city. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Miller and fam ily spent Christinas at the residence of William Barlow, at Barlow. Mrs. R. A. Milter went to Salem Tuesday to spend the Chiistmas holiday with her mother, Mrs. Uritfiuh. Mr. and Mrs. George Fuchs and two children, of Poitland, spent Christmas day with r. and Mrs. T. W. Fouts. Miss Jenuie Gray, the efficient money order clerk In the potstotliee, spent Christmas with relatives in Portland. Mits Nellie Younger, who is now teajhing the Marks P.aine school, came hjn.e Wednesday for a short vacation. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hamilton and daughter, of Portland, sp-.nt Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Cautield. Misses Mary and Nora Conyers left Sunday evening to spend the week with their parents at Clatskanie, Oreiron. Miss Edna Rugg, who is attending the Portland university, is spending the holiday vacation with her parents in this city. Arthur Holden of this city and one of the rising young teachers of the county, closed a successful school in district 21, on last Friday. Miss Ana Biird, one of the popular teachers of the Easiham school, is spend ing the holiday vacation with her mother in Portland. Miss Ei ma Lawrence is spending the holiday vacation with Miss Ora Spang ler in Corvailis. Both are teachers in the Eastham school. Nello and Merle Johnson arrived from Stanford university S unday, and are en joying their holiday vacation with their parents and friends. A. Mather, a Clackamas merchant, C. Otty, a prominent farmer of that sec tion, were in the city Monday looking af ter business matters. Mir s Mabelle Wiggins, one of the teachers in the Parkplace public school, went to Salem Tuesday to spend week with her brother. Richard Bradley has been very ill for the pist two or three days at his resi deuce at Ely, and bis condition is but little improved. Joseph Haynes, ot liliamoolc, was a guest of Prof, and Mrs. H. S. Strange this week. He was on his way home from a tirp to the Eaat. Mr. Skiryin, formerly of this county and residing near the Clackamas hatch ery, is now living at Wapintia, Wasco county, where he is ranching. T. W. Clark, manager of the Bandon woolen mills, is home for a week's visit with his family. He reports everything progressing fayorably At the factory. A . C. Strange, the efficient teacher of the Mink school, was in town Tuesday. He adjourned his school for one week, to give the pupils a holiday vacation. Mrs. J. W. Kartin, teacher of the Viola school, was in Oregon City Monday. Mre Kartin has the honor of conducting one of the best schools in the county. Miss Lina Nelson, daughter of J. F NelBon of Mulino, was in Oregon City Tuesday on her way home from Portland, to spend Christmas with her parents. Mrs. E. R. Charman, who removed to Portland a couple of months ago. is spending a week with Mrs. C. II. Can field, and may remain during the win ter. Mrs. E. B. Andrews and Mrs. Forest Andrews entertained a number of their friends with a splendid Christmas din ner at the former's residence in Falls View addition. N. P. Swip, of the firm of Stark weather & Swip, of ''The Fair," has re turned from a trip to Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. He reports that section of the country lively and prospering. George Ward and Jack Blount have gone to the southern Oregon mines, where they will remain during the win ter. The former owns some mining property near Grant's Pass, Josephine county, which they will operate during the coming winter. J. T, Hronn, formerly of the New York gallery of this city, hut lately of Portland, has accepted a position in the Novelty Candy Store. Mr. Brown is courteous and industrious, and will prove an etllciont man for the place. Mi Winnie tiiiilium lost her pocket j book Tuesday evening, containing six ilol lars and a commutation East Side Rail way ticket. After searching in vain for the missing article and undergoing con siderable anxiety, i' was found at homo where it had been mislaid. .Misses Minn Joehnk, Nannie Wil kinxon, and James Lancaster, Hal Rands and Rutherford Whltlock, all stu dents at the Pacific university at Forest Grove from Oiegon Citv, am at home sK'nding the holiday vacation. Studies at lhat institution will be resumed on Thursday, January 2nd. Thos. Duncan, a son-in-law of the late J. K, Bingham ol this city, and who re sided in this city some eleven years ago, being a weaver in tho wjolen mills, was in Oregon City Monday to attend to some matters pertaining to the estate in which his wife is interested. Mr. Duncan now lives at Newhurg. Peter Weis, who has been under treat ment at the Portland hospital for the past two months, was removed to the residence of James Partlow nt Mount Pleasant last Saturday. As Mr. Weis has plenty of means to pay his way, he preferred being an invalid among his friends, to remaining subject to the rou tine regulations of a hospital, R. W. Allien and family returned last week from California, where they have been for the past three months. The object of the trip was to get expert treatment for Mrs. Alden's eyes, which weie seriously affected. She, however, received but little benefit from the trip and treatment, as she has entirely lost the use of one eye, and the sight is not perfect in the other. II. T. Sladen has fitted up, and is oc cupying an office in his building on Main street adjoining the Methodist church, where he will attend to insurance, real estate and abstract business. He w ill also do short-hand and typewriter work. Mr. Sladen, in the years that he has re sided in Oregon Citv, has proved him- sdfa reliable and upriitht man, and he should merit a liberal patronage. Price candies, nuts and fruits every where and then come to the Novelty candy factory and get ours and see the assortment we have to select from. Re member our stock is fresh ; not a pound of stale stock in our store. Williams, tho grocor, leads in fine table luxuries. - FORWARD! MARCH! Post ollico-:-Store. MILWAl'KKK, OU. FAMILY -:- GROCERIES, Dry Goods, Notions. Hardware, Boots Shoes, Our Groceries arc Fresh and of tho best quality. In Prices we meet Portland Competition. O.WISSINGER, Successor to GARY & WISSINGER. Let me have a trial order. f-BLL.QHfr J Dr. Price's Cream Baking: Powder Awvdad Gold MU1 Midwinter Fair, Su FranciwOb 1S00 miles of long dis tance telephone wire in Oregon and Washington now in operation lv the Oregon Telephone and Tel egraph company. rortiaml, Seattle, Kane, laeorna, Salem Walla Walla, Pendleton, Albany and 5)0 other towns in the two states on the line. Quick, accurate, cheap. All trie satisiaction ot a personal communication distance no eilect to a clear understanding. e Kane as easily hetird m Portland. Oregon City office at Huntley's Drug Store. J. H. THATC R, MANAGR, Portland, Oregon, Mir Him PORTLAND TO THE DALLES By the fast and com modious steamers DALLES CITY REGULATOR Daily boats, except .Sunday, leav ing Oak street dock at 7 a. m., mak ine reeular landings at Vaneonver. Cascades, White Salmon, IIoUu River and all intermediate points. Passenger and freight rates lower to these points than by any other line. b irst class meals served for 2oc. This is the Great Scenic Route. All tourist admit that the scenery on the Middle Columbia is not ex celled for beauty and grandeur in the United States. Full informa tion by addressing or calling on J.N. IIAKN'EY, Agent. Tel. 914. Portland. Or.. Office and wharf, foot of Oak St. Letters for Etta M. Maldenbauer and Miss Ida Neukirchner are uncalled for the Parle Place posteffice. Fo the Public WHAT THIC GAMMINUS WILl DO DKMVKIt AT Yoflt llol'SK: The Oambrines Pilsner or liavnrian Bottle Beer, per I)oz. Quarts at $1 .10 California White Wine per gal SO " Claret Wine tier gal. SO " Port Wine per gal. 1 o0 " Cherry Wine jkt gal. 1 .10 Best ' Grape B randy per gal. 4 00 lOyear old Whiskey, Nonpa reil jkt gal -1 00 Our goods will be found the best ever offered to the public at the price. Leavo your order. We garrantee our goods to give satisfaction or will cherfully refund your money. N. F. Zimmorman. For Keg Fleer lerive youroretcr. To McKitlrickVi For your holiday slippers and shorn. Kveiyllnng nrw. Tim latest styles the liuest goods llm lowest prices. Our mot tn is ' Square Pealing." We want No iiiiin's niouey unless we give lii'.n n i l. value for it. We are no respectors of persons. The poorest limn will be treated as kindly and as courteously as the president would l. FOLLOW THIS CROWD To McKittrick's 1 Next door to OroKon City Dank, Oroi j TOKon City. DO YOU WANT SUNSHINE IN YOUR HOME? Giveyotir wives and daughters Nkw Hats. I have pattern hats on hand that I will sell at cost anil below cost. All other hut it re duced. Call early and get the bergains. Mrs. H. T. Sladen, Next door South Methodist Church, Mnln Street, Orcuon City, Great Reduction Receiver's Notice Notice to Policy-Holders of State Insurance Co. All huts reduced from '.!' to .10 per cent, to close out mid make room for the spring stock. 12. MAR'IMN,-J::l5S.',AiWXK',!: LOOK THIS LIST OVER. Opportunities for Investors ;iinl Speculators. No county like Clncknmris Oregon City. no city like Favorable arrangements have been made with the Fireman's Fond tannce Comjaitf For the flnhHtitiition of policio of the STATE IXSUKANCK COMPANY, with out loss to the annured. Before canceling vou policies, call on agents of the FIKK.M AN'ri FUND IN STKANCE COMPANY. Edmond C. Giltner, Iteceiverof the State Insurance Company I'ring your policies to F. E. Donaldson, Aj-'cnt FIRKMAN'8 FUND IN.SUR. ANCE CO. at Oregon City, Oregon. NEW YEAR'S ROASTS -WILL II K- DELICIOUS -IF COOKED IN- An Excelsior Itoasting Pan FOR SALE BY W. A. ruTitow, DEALER IN Hardware, Stoves, Tinware. Near the Court House. . No man immhhkiwiI of even horno neimo ever loHt money by a judicious inveHtment in Clackamaa County. It would he nearly imHNxible to lose money by buying in Oregon City. It'a becautiful location great manufacturing cHtahlitthmentH largo and coiiHtantly increiiHing pay roll itrt great and promising future, mike Oregon City, incomparable tho beotcity on tho northwent coast for tho investment of capital. It follows then that you may have an interest in tho bargains below. 2 lots and new cottage in west side addition to Oregon City, .1 minutos from pamr mills, Halo or trade. No. 1 building lots near Presbyterian church one block from 7th St. cheap part casn, balance on timo. 4 lots near Harclay school for trade or sale. Two lots on Main struct, at Congregational church for sale. Best site in town for grocery store or private boarding-hotiso. Will build for good tenant. Another good block of land adjoining Barclay school block in Oregon City fair house and ham city water right in tho heart of tho city. .Sell cheap, or trado for farm. Will bear careful investi gation. 1 lot in Darnell's addition on Molalla road. Halo or trado. 1 lot in Park addition. Sale or trado. One block of land at Elyvillo, on main Molalla road; level and will subdivide into 8 lots; two new houses, two hams, and two splendid wells. This property is delightfully situated and would suit the most fastidious. Will sell for part cash, or will trade for an improved farm. One new and pretty 6-room cottage; hard finished; cellar, spring water, with four lots, overlooking falls, at Canemah, for salo or trade. Takes some money. House cost $1000, One lot in the thriving railroad town of Tekoa; worth $300, or perhaps a whole lot more. Will trade this lot for horses, cattlo, sheen, hogs or goats, or just anything to help you out. ThiB is a good lot and in a good town, but I don't want 'it, as I have no need for it un der the heavenn. mostly slashod and burned Columbia river. Trade or 80 acres of Columbia county bottom land, off, and in grass. Two miles from sale, One of the best modern constructed dwellings in Oregon City; wholo block of land, level, and alloruing one of the most lovely views to be had in the city. New and handsome frame barn. No finer residence property in tho city; one block from public school. Will trade for Al outside property. Will sell or rent for long term the best garden land in Oregon, on the Willamette river and Jiast hide JUectric Railroad. Will sub divide and Bell in acre tracts, or rent in parcels. 132 feet frontage on Main street, in Oregon City; Btreet improvements made; on electnc line. W ill trado for good country property, or sell at a big bargain. Carpenters, plasterers, brick masons, teamsters, mill men, loggers, wanted to buy homes and pay for it in work. For further particulars, call on or address II. K. CROSS, Oregon City, Oregon.