V I UK A I, KSTATE TK.INSFEKS. Fm nLIiotl Evory Wf k by t Cluckii mas Abtrart A Trust Coiniiiiti)'. J W Shaw to M Wurilin Nov 25 W V 1) lot 15 Mb 13 Annex ail to Oni:on City H"' K H Lano to L R l.ejnne Oct IS 'A) S W r 10 aiTv'!1 in L Whit romh claim ( Frank Coaitn. y to T K llyan lc 4 ':"! P inti-rost iu the estate of j John A Confer ileo o"0 . C U Cross to Pan Clitl'or.1 Nov 2, '!V, W O lot S. in tract 1 Molalla 100; I & 1 Kisli to Martha CaliiV Iiv 10 ''.; W D 100 acres in T V Ju.lson j M.C 101 i II i CiuupMl to S Cormon Oct 30 j '." W P 12'4 acres in Hector i CampWU claim WOO. Albeit Paouetto to S Atkinson lVco'lVHi CP "Oregon 1W minim: claim 100 S Matthew to Klmer Holt Aug Hi SS W P lot 4 blk S Canhy Hi Gladatou? W K Assn to Fret. Fuller IVc 1, '05 V P lots ti and 7 blk 05 Gladstone w W W May to F.vans Assn Peo 11 'tV V P 47.75 rds in claim 4s, t 5 i 8, r 2 e . Oak Grove Land Co to Anna Pakus Pec 7 '!5 S V P lot 4 and parts lots 3, 5 and 0 tract 72 and part of lot 4, tract 77 first subd Oak Grove io ooo K O Walden to Will Falls C April 2, '95 V P all of lot 4 sec 36, t 2 8, r 1 e n wly oi a line parallel with and 00 ft ee of center line of W FEU R 10 J V Shaw to V J McPerruit Dec 12 W P lota 4 and 17 blk 8 Annei ad to Oregon City 300 W B Tartlow to R H Tabor Dec 13, 'P5, W D 10 acrea in the S S Wiiite claim t 3 8, r 2 e 1350 John Berreth to Geo Scheive Dec 10 '95 W P 20 acres in sec 33 and lot 3 sec 33 also 1 acre in sec. 33 t 2 8 r 2 e 2000 Have your titles examined and ab traeU made by the CIV.CKAMAS AB STRACT TRUST CO. who have the only complete set of abstracts of title of all land in Clackamas county. Accurate and reliable work by a responsible firm. OflLe upstairs in the Cantield building. Resolutions. Hall oi Ob egos Lodge No. 3, 1. O. O.F, To the Noble Grand, Vice Grand, Otlicers and Brotlrera of Oregon Lodge Ko. 3, 1. O. O. F. We, your committee appointed to draft resolutions to express our sorrow on ac count of the death of our beloved brother, James K. Bingman, respectfully report the following resolutions. Whkueas it has pleased Almighty God in bis wise providence to remove from our midst by death of our worthy brother, James K. Bingman and we shall see his face and hear his voice no more in onr councils. Therefore be it Resolved, That we express our high appreciation of his upright character and true woi th. That we express our sorrow for his loss and recommend that the charter of our lotUe be draped for 30 days in bis memory ; that we extend to bis arHicted wife and family our fraternal sympathy and that a cony of these re solutions be spread on the minutes of this lodge and be forwarded to His be reaved wife. H. E. Straight, C. H. Dye, W. A. Hedges. Committee. . A Fifty-Cest Calendar Free. The publishers of The Yodth's Com panion are sending free to the subscrib ers to the paper, a handsome four-page calendar, 7x10 inches, lithographed in nine colors. It is made up of four charm ing pictures, each pleasing in design, un der each of which are the monthly calen dars for the year 1830. The retail price of this calendar is 50 cent. New sub scribers to The Companion will receive this beautiful calendar free, and besides The Companion free every week until January 1, 1890. Also the Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's double num bers free, and The Companion fifty-two weeks, a full year to Jan, 1, 1897. Ad dress, The Youth's Companion, 195 Columbus Ave., Boston. The Staff or Life. Bread is recognized as the staff of life, but if it is of poor quality, it offers but little support to the body. Bread from the Home Made bakery, Shively's block, can be depended upon at all times to be of first class quality and equal the best family made bread. None but the best flour is used and the utmost cleanliness is observed jn all work about the bakery. Bread delivered to all parts of the city fresh from the oven . Everv mother should know that croup can be prevented. The first gympton of true croup is hoarseness. This is fol lowed by a peculiar rough cough. If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is given freely as soon as the child becomes hoarse or even after the cough has de livered it will prevent the attack. 50c. Mrs. T. 8. Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tenn., says, "Shiloh'g Vitaliier 'SAVED MY Life.' I consider it the best remedy for a debilitated system I ever used." For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney trouble it excels. Price 73 cents. For Saleby O. A. Harding. JOHN YOUNGER, llEWE L, IS R, Opp. lluntleyVPruiz Store, All Kinds of Watches, Clocks and Jowolry Ropairod j FORTY YEARS LXl'ERIEXCli IX Groat Britain and America. ! Civo me a trial. iPostoilieo-:-Store. MILWAUKKK, OR. FAMILY -: GROCERIES, j Dry Goods, Notions. Hardware, 1 Boots Shoes, i Our Groceries are Fresh j and of the best quality. InPriceswe meet Portland Competition. 0.WISSINGER. Successor to GARY & WISSINGER. Let me have a trial order. EAST AND SOUTH THE SHASTA KOUTE Of the SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. Express Trains leave Portland Daily. Sou.h i i North. S'.Wi r. . 9:S5 p. U. Lv Portland Ar Lt OrwiuCltjr Lt Ar 8. Krmipiseo Lv 8 10a.m. 7:a A. M. 7:00 P.M. 10 4,-a.1. DIS1.NQ CAK3 ON OGDEN KOl'TE. Pullman Buffet Sleepers. AND Second-Class Sleeping Cars Attached to all through trains KOSEBl'KG MAIL (Pllyi. 3:30a. m. I Lv Portland Ar I 4 40 p. M 9:27a.m. Lv OrecouClty Lt J:'f. 5:21' p. . I Ar K'wehurn Lv S 09a. m SALEM PAS ENGER. (Daily. 4:i r. M. Lv P3tlanl Ar i 19 IS a. M 9:27 A. M Lv OrtitnlUtjr I.V 4 '49 P. M 6:15 P.M. Ar tin L.- 8.1)1 A. M W eat Side Divmlon. BETWEEN PORTLAND AND CORVAUJ8. Mail Train, Dally (Except SiiDdar.l 7:30a.M. 12:15 P. M. Lt Ar Portland Ar Corvallis Lv 6. an P M 1:85 r.M At Albany and rorvallln connect with traini Ot Oregon Ceu r il & Emwrn Railroad. Expre Train Dailv (Eicect Sunday) 4:45 p. M. I 7:25 p. M. I Lv Ar Portland Ar 8:a.m McMinnvllla Lt IS: 1:60 A. M THROUCH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS IN THE EASTERN STATES, CANADA AND EUROPE Can be obtained at lowett ratea from L B Moore, Agent. Oregon City. K.KOEHLEH, E. P. ROGERS, Manager. Ata't O. P. and Paai. Agent GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. The Buffet Car Route. Wli$t and Qnici Between the Pacific Coast and St Paul, Minneapolis and All Points East. THROUGH- PALACE and TOURIST SLEEPERS, DINING, BUFFET-LIBRARY CARS and ELEGANT COACHES. For Service, Scenery And all comfort in travel, purchase your tickets via The Great Northern. For information regarding rates, etc, call on or address A.B. C DENNISTON, G. P. & T. A., 122 3rd at., Portland, Or. Or R.C .BTEVEN3, G. W. P. A., Seattle, Wash. ERCURIAL POISON fa (ill realm Ol me tiaiini iii'nniMMi. in 1'nn'ii illsni dem. I'lii' avaioin l llllcd t It Mcii'iii) ami lntni-li rt'int"li',a mnn' l 1 tlivnilt'it limn ili iiIim'im mi, I in ahnii lilli l iu a fur woine i ooiuliliou ilian Iwlniii. 'i ivinniou result u RHEUMATISM .- .1. W il I. Il.it,iul Mllaliln mum A V.lW bullion n III ailni'd ivlict where nil viae liiw (illicit. I 1 autlcrt'il hum A wvimv allarktir nlci-i'iii'ial j Ulii'iiinelini. inv " nml l''K lit'lng swollen i In twice llii'ir iiiiltmil mm, rniKliiit lln limit ' pii'riit'irtliiw imiiis. I niil IiiiiiiIivi1 of ilollnra willmtil nl:if. Inn nfier I u km it lew hntiiiwur i iiiipmvt'ii rapnny mui mu .al llnV. a Vit'll llinll..ClUlipll'te. L I. ..i..l 1 ..All li.iarillV TviMiitiitii'iul It In miv nun miiiVim'Iiik fnini linn liiiliiful iIki hw. W. r. IU1.KV. liiiKiklrn Kli'vmiHl ILK. Oui Ttlm on DIO.-I Ski" I'"'"" iW l l MU Solentiflo American Agency for CAVIATt. I H AY VZJf THAOB MARKS, ForlnfnrmAtlnn und frts Itandhook writ Mo MI NN ft i9 3lU HH.Ml.WAT. NW YOKIC. OUlMt burvftU for twurlnic pattuiU In Arurrlcfk patwil taken out bj u U brought bfor tlM iuLmio hf uouo giTo frw oi oWgi la Uxm ricutiftf tucrirn Larrat rlmilatloa of any aclnitJ He paper In lb vorUL 8tliulidly niumraUMl. No lntMliiriiii iu hould tw without IU WKkly, J,IO a 1rt 1H'1II moDlhi. A.Mrw. Mf NN i 14. UHUtHiMi atil iiraedwajr, ttrm turt UVM SEE D.ivies Exhibit And have your photos taken at the gallery. Third aud Morrison Sts. Entrance on Morrison Street. FOR CLATSKANIE Steamer G. W. Shaver, Will leave Portland, foot of Washington Street, for Clatskanie and way landings, Monday, Wed nesday and Friday mornings at G o'clock, and return to Portland Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays This the most direct and accessahle route to the Nehalem Vally only nine miles from Clatskanie. Shaver Transportation Co. RUPTURE Instantly Relieved and Permanently CURED WITHOUT Knife or Operation. Treatment Absolutely Painless CURE EFFECTED From Three to Six Weeks WRITE FOR TERMS THE 0. E. MILLER CO. 3ncis : Roorai 700-707. llanuam Buildup PORTLAND. OREGON. New Goods Modern Prices. (foner Grocery. Complete stock of Fine Family Groceries, Try my extra Choice Tea.-sss Richard Freytag. Main and Fourteenth Streets. JOHN A. BECK, THE RELIABLE JEWELER No. 270, Morrison Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. IS STILL ON EARTH. For general repairing he stands without a per. For first-class, re liable goods hia store is Becond to none. Try him 1 i i ,1 - StK''X ft i-II Kill IT K.VIK In llio t'ln'iill rmirt nl IhoKtiito ol Oregon lor tiu runny ni rurkuiiiii.. Tiiml. ivi nl lh ll'ii'liKt riilik'' nl Mi'Mliiuvlii, iliiliillil, v. )"1iii N. liii.ji'i', AmlnM. Ill'-w-r. K. II. I'mlli'lil, W. V, liiibliuul, I', NllllllH unit I. J. Hi I U, I f II 1 .1 1 1 1 n MtlllO Hi OH'J'MI, I'lllllllV III Cllirklllllll', , llv vlr.uo nf h JtiiliziuiMil nr.li'i, d rivi unit mi ixot'iidMii, ilmy Inniii'iI mil of hiiiI miiliir tlui hvhi ol Hi. nlHiva ini 1 1 u. '.I cmrl, In llio kimvii i'ii. llili I I'niim, o mo ilnly iIium'I.'iI, mul iinii'il llio '.ii iliiy ui Novi'iiili.it. yi. iimii h JiiiUiiimil iimiiI tv.1 mui oli'iT" ! In aiiiil flmirl on tliu Till ilniiii NovihiiIiiTi IS'.O, In tuvnr ot Tni li' ul llio Illtl'IKl I Ml I' Ml .MllMlllllYlllll, I'I'llllllll, mi I una nil Jiii'ii . Iriiir, Mirln M. Irnir, lv (I. rmilli'M, W. V. Hub nii I, V. V. Niuiliu mut I. j. fliii'n, ik'ii'iiiliinln, lur Hi" mini nl 11.111 itt, mill luii'iiMl Uii'in ui l llio ti i nl 10 uir ivnu ri'r Hiiliiini, (rum tlui 7ih itny n( Nuviiinlitir, iv..itiui t'm furtlior nun oi r.iiii niiiiriiiiv' to', unit llio liirihcr inn nl lltl, cinli Mini ill btirhitiiii'iil!, mill llio Oil. i ol mui iiio.i mi. wr.l, t'liiii'.itiuiilliu in. In inuku milo ul iliii 1 illiiiviurf ilo.i'rlli nl ivhI iriti'rly, mill ilo iu IliiM'uiliily nl I U'-k mil tit, (H i in OrniMiit, In w 1 1 . l.'tt nun (I), nl t'liH't lucuiy Hum p.i), ol i)ritiu t'lly,tir Kiiii. Now, Ihoroinro, tiy vlrtno of .niil txo Mill.iii, Jiiilcmi'iil or-liT mut iliiori'i, mill In i'ii.iiiliitui'D Willi llio on ii in m li it nl .nl I writ. I will, on Mil tirilnv, tliu tli OHy nt lift' inili-ir, lsii.1, nt llio liniir ol I o I'lurk il ni , nl llio Iriuil Unnr ol llio oiiiinly oiiurllinii.o, In llio oily of Uri'K.ui rity, 111 .mil ooiiuiy nml .into, '11 nt iiiitiUo hiii'Iihii, tllillM'l lo TO lO MlltoU. to 111'. llllltli'.l liul tor. lor I', ri. .'U1 oniti. oa.li 111 hmul, nil 111 i nuhl, tlllo mi't Intoro.t w h it'll tlitf wtlhlii iiiinu'il itofi'ti'l' mil., or olilior of llioiii, tiN.I on Uio ilnlo nf tho iiinrtiim;o licrvlti or ilni-o hail iu mut to tho ittuiYti ilo.iTltiinl runt iriifioriy, or hiiv imrl llii'roof, lo ..lUly okutiiiiiiii, JtiJiiuiiint orilor, iioor0, tnlur.(, oo.U am! nil HOi'riilnit CMlll. K, r, MaiiI'ih k, Sh.rltrol CUi k iiiih iiiiiiiy. By N. M. Miiohy. lvpiuy, lloil Oroiiou I'lly, Oroxou, Nor. : IS'l 11. 11, rj.'-T 8IIEttIFr 8A1.E, In 111 Clroiilt Court ol llio Hlaloof Ori;iii, lor tho county ol i lnrlt.niM. T. M. i'm, pl.tniiil, it S. I', biioom.kor mil wiftf, dtiloti.tmiia. SUt. ol Oronoti, oouuty ol ClnokaitiM, ... N'.illi'O la liorcliy iilv.ii thai tir vtitu ( exiH-'iiiniQ aiuloraorol .all..iiiit outol tliot'lr. cult 1 ourt ol ill. Hlato ol urcffiio, lor tlio cuiiuty ofClac.auia., bmrluir ilato Dm .lllh ilay of No voiiibyr 1", lua iiut whoraln T. al. I'nu. I. iilalntltt, ami 8 ('. Sliooinakar ami wlf.aroilo fomUiit commnii IIiiii me, Iu Hi. ua no ol llio Slaw ul Orooii, that out ol.lhr rval ealal. horv lualtor ii-ii'rllJ, to roalno a an in .uiliolaut to aatlafy ibe (tatnamla oi aalit tlocrav, lo-wlt; I4U40,' with ltittrail thorooti a per cent for an mini iinoa Juiu I, lini, ami the lurtii.rauin oi lll.T.'i cHmu, auJ alw tn cuata ol ami aitaml ln till. al. N iw, thpiolora, in oli'JI.uoj 11 .uoh dooroo, I did, o.i til. tth day ol Docomticr. I ''', duly lcry UHin, and will, on Haturday, the 4ill day ol Jauuary, IrcM, al llio h-.ur of l o.rlix'k p in. of la d duy, at the front door of the tnirl hoiiaa Iu .aid county, odor lor .a e al pulilic auction, and .oil lo the h .i.t aud bial tilddor, lur ca.h Iu hand, all ol the rnrhl. Hi e aud uroro.t the aid defendant on the '.'III day of iH-comlier li'Ai ha I, or now Iith, Iu anil la the folluwiuf dccilbod ral prop.rtr, tnwl: Uila i and 6. block I, I'ark I'laco, In Cla.-ka nia county. Oroxou, aci'onllng to iba roc irdod plat tlioronl. Haled till. 4lb day ol IVcemlier. A. !.. f'AV K, C. MAIUiiii'K, Sheriff ol CI. I'kamaa county, State ul Drvtfnn. By M. M. Miaibr, Deputy. 1: I.I, I H NOTI0K OK KKFKKKK'8 8AI.K. In th. Circuit I ourt of til. itat ol (irocon, for I larkamaa county. C. O. i, William., lalalltT, ra. Creod W. Hlrat- ton, aa ailiuiniairator ol the ratate of M. A. siratt'in, doceiaod, and lioiou I. Sirdimi, i roi'd W. Mirmnii. ( nir.ill K Stratinii, hay tnoud Strallon, and l.loyd L Hlmttoi, hcl'aat law ol M. A. diratlou, doi-aaaol, and K. 4. 44 arr.D, lefondaul.. Nonce ii b rvby iriven that by rlrltie nt an or der ol aal. taaiiau out of tlia C'routl ooiirt ot Ilia atate of Oreifu, for tno coutily ol llarkama. boarliiK data th. W 1 day ol November, iiy'i, In a null wherein C. (. T. Wllllama la plalnllll, and Croeil W. Strallon, aa adtulu i ra'or ol the eataie ol M. A. Mratlon, deceaaed, and Holou L blral. ton. Creed W. stratum, Carroll K. strallnu, Kay uiond Slratlou aud Llovd L. siraliou, heir, at law ol M. A. Strallon, Uvcaaed, nud K. S. 14 ar ren are defi'iidautv co.iiiuaudltiii me, aa rnforow for the sale ol ilie b.reiuafter daacrlliod real property, to aoll llio .ame, I will, on Saturday, the lub day ol January, lWi, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. iu. of anld day, at the (rout door ot lha oiHirttiou.e, In iireion City, aaid coiiuly and atale, oitor lor .ale al public auction aud .oil la tb higrie.l and beat bolder lor can, on con firmation ot the ante by the above entitled courl. ad ruhi, title and Internal of the above namod iilalntltt and dolondaiita feicent the ntoroat of delendanl E. a Warren; III and to the lolbiwluii described real property, ailuate lu l.'lacaaniaa county, sta Orcicn: Lola 1, i, i, ii, 7, H, 11,1.', i:. 14, la ana in, in Mock 1; lota 1.2, H. t), W. Hand I -'.In bl rl 1. Iota 2,4, 7 and 8, In oloca i, lol 44, Iu block ; lol.S, 4, i, ii, 7, H, 'J, 10, it aud li I i block a; tola 1, 7, a, 14 and IS. lu block 7: all ol blm k H; lota ;i, u. in and 14, iu id ck V. lota 7. H, II, 12 aud la, III bmck 11: lu'a 1, 2 and 3, In nl n k 12: lota 1, t. H, 4, 5, li, H, and 11, In block 1:1: l ila I, 2 and I.I, lu block 14: mt" 1,13 t anil X in bloca in: una i. 2, H, 4. f. and 14, lu lnok 17. all n b k 11. oia 3, 4, 5, 6aiil 7, lii b!"ei 1; loia 7, H, 0 auu 10. i n block 20 A: allol olork JOB; lot. 6, 6. 7i and u, in block 21: lo ., 4, 5 7. H, 9 am II, I i bio k 11: lou I, 3, 4. 6, 7, V . nil 10, lu bloca : nil ol block 24: mta 1. 2, 4. 1 , 11 a id 1.', in b i k 2i: ail of block :ti: an t ie for. un; Iota and nlo.ka being in Kail. View Addition to Oroiro i City, In aald county and iiale, aa the - ame li ah iwn on the nci-rded nlal ol.aid Ka.l, View Addillou to Oreirou City, on file in the reoo d'r'aulllco of aid coiimjr and alale. Alao iola 2, 3, b aud 4, In block 107, ol ureeou i;uy; all tuai pirt oi oioca 1, lyliif auullio: lh mirth llnaol the A. Mi KliiicT donatln i laud claim: all nl block "5, no. 30 and ttl, ol Orouou City, acordlnr to the re- corded plat thnroof on nia lu lue omoeol earn recorder. Alao block 22 ol the County Atldl tlon to Oregon City, according to the recifded plala llieioof on file In the oltlce ol aald recorder. Alao that placa or parcel of land tuato In eecltnn 31, lu lownahlp 2 ioiith, rn 'ire 2 enat ol the Wllinmetto Meridian, in ani l county and atate, an'i more particularly dencriti'id, to-wll: BeiclnnlnR at a atoue monuinent aet nt a point where the northerly line of Proinouiory avenue, In .aid Fall. View A Idltiou to OroKiin City, In ler.oo.i the loulherly Una ol a tract of land purrhaaed hy M. A titration from Jane Kudv hy deeil, recorded at page rai, ol volume .13, of the record of deoda tor .old county aud alale, aald point belli 00 feet north, 35 den. 30 rain, we.l from the moat wealerly coruer ol lol 1, In h ook 1, In laid Kail. View Addition, running thence on th. northerly liua ol aald Promontory ave nue northerly, easterly and loutherly lo the Interaectlon with the northerly line ol Hood atroet. In ald Fall View Aifdltlnn: tlmnce aouthcaaterly on aald northerly line ot aald Hood atreet to Intertaci the weaterly line of Terrace atreot, lu inid Falle View Addition; thenea northerly ou aald weaterly llneol aald Terraoe ilroet to Interwt tho aoutherly llneol l'roapnct atreet, lu aald Falls View Ad iltlonj thence northerly on aald loutherly line ol aald Proapect atroet lo Internet tn eaaterly line ol Uiiairy atreot, in aald Fall. View Addition: thence loutherly and wealerly on aald eaaterly Hue ol laid Quarry atro il to Inleriecl the woater It Una of John O. Adami atreet. In aald FhIIi view Addition; thence northerly ou aald weal erly line ol id John (j. Adama atreet to luier aeui the loutherly Hue of Spring ftreo', In aald Falla View Addition: llienoe waiterlyon laid aoulberly llneol aald Hprlna-itre'it to InterNeet the eaaterly Una ol Jefleraon atreet, In laid Falla View Addition, at point where laid eaaterly line of JelTeraon itreet liiteraeola the northerly llnaol tract ol laud told by John Myeri to laaao Farr by deed, recor iod at paito M3, oi vwt u of the record! of deed, for aald oouuty and atate; thence aouthoaiterly on aald northerly line of aaid laaao Farr's traot to the moat onat rly corner thereof; thenoe nouth weaterly, trao Inr the aoutbeaaterly line ol raid laaao Farr'i trant to the moat aoutherly oornor thereof: thanee northwester, tracing the aouthweaterly line of anld I.aae Farr's traot to Interaeet the eaaterly Una ol John Adams street, in ur.eou f'liv. thence southerly, tracln the eaaterly line of said John Adami street to Intersect the bereliibclore uientionod aouihorly Hue of the said tract ol land aold to M. A. stratum by Jane Eudy; thence southaaat irly, tracing said south erly Hue olaald laat mentioned tract to the place ol beginning, Containing 20 aorea, mora or leas. Excepting Irom said 20 acrea that tract ol about one acre sold oy saia u u. i. "imam, ana ania M. A. Htratton to F. O. MoCown by deed, t eorded at page ii. In book 8K, of the reoords of deed, tor said county. Also the northerly ball ol lot 1, In block 2, of said Oregon City, said northerly half betug out ou" by a line running al Hirht amrlaa to Main atreet. in aaid city. Said property will be aold aa a whole, exert that the northerly half ol lot 1, block 2, ol Ore gon City, will be sold as a eeparate parcel, and subject to s mortirageof V0J to E. s. Warren, on an undivided one-balf thereof. H. U Kelly, Referee. L. L. PoBTgR, Attorney. ..... November 27, UM6. U-, Mi Hlll'lUll'r ALU. In th" fiionlt I'miil ul llw stnlo ol On' ni i li riiu'kmi'iii t"inii y. .lain.'. II, Ctniik.ii'ttik. lihitiillir, v., Ilonora llilllllini llil i Mi'l'lrl IlllVH'Olt, llolUII'ltlllK Htiiti' ul iiiMunii, 4 mi n I V ill I I'trk'itiiu. .a. N oi loo I. hoi oh v ul von Unit hy vlrliii' of mi ox 0 'iiti"ii mid nr.li'r of auto tiaiii'il mil of tho olr onll 0"iiil ol llio Slnl ol Uri'i,'iii fur llni rmiiily ol r:ni'kaiMa., bonrtnit il'iio I'io '.'.itn ilnv or llv oiiii'tT, Is.ii'i, in a .tin wiiiTtitu Jiiiiit't II I'rooa alinuki l nl iiatilf, a'ut MuiMrii lavtiriiu and M.i'lnu l li.ivni.iu iro di'fi'iiil.iiil., 0 iiiiuriiiiliiiK 1140, III llio iiiutiii of Olio Hlnlo of tlri'ijiilt, tlitil mil of llio roil o'tiitu liotulnaitor ilimirilinl, In ti'itlt.-' n aiilu ail'iirli'iil to ail. aiv t'ui do lunula nl .ill ilnrrov, lu-wll: 117 -Hi nml liili'ii'.l llicri'tiii al the rnl i nl 111 por o ul. nr annum. allien Jrtiiunrv II, IMH and for $MV h. allunii'y fo a ami fm HI fiiloo.!., ami alao llio onataof ami llttHllilllU Una a ilo. lw, llioii'f'ir.', Iu iih.'dli'iii'e In .uoh doi'roti, 1 did, on urn .M il ilny ol Nnvonili'i, lilM, duly low tipuii, nud w., on S iliirdny llio INih dny ol .Iiiiiii itv, l.v u. nl llio huiir nl oui-' o duoa i. i'l aahl d iv, at tin .roll! do r n( llni i lliirl liouao In a ill o.iiiiity, uttiT lor a ilo at putillo nuotlnii nnd .ad In llio hlKh.'al nnd h 't It.'l'lor, lor iln.li 111 Nan I, all luo r. hi, lillo nud In l urn. I the anld ilolt'li Inula nil llio ;JUl dny of J'liilMry, Till, had nr iiniv tiavo iu aui In llio lollnwluic iloai'rtho l rom proi-eitv, to wit: Itouiuiiliitf nl tit i nnriii onat ('.ii ii ir of NOtUliin mio, in low uiilllp J .oillh of ratuto Jotat ni the t illnmoU ' iiiiTidtait, run llluu InoliO'i wotl '.',' 'l i-lialna, tliolii'O aiilllll IH1 t'liit ni. ihi'iio t vna. '.1 .VI i1.ii 1 14 . Ih.noii mirth u ohalua In llio pliioo of li04litlliin;, oulilalnlnil HfOH mid alltiato 1 lu I'lickaiiim rnuiitv. Htato ol iiroiiiiii, HjtNQ 'Da) lirxiAIUiDili, HhnrlfT o' l lnokain ib I'lniuty. Oro oii. lly.N M, MiiniiY, litiimty. I.' to I 17 1'al.j tin. li.ilnliy ol Docoiiilnir, A, !. IU'.. SIIKUIKK'a SAl... lu llio Circuit I'mirl ol Ilia State ol Oroiioii for llli' 1 iilltitv of I lanbainaa. Knburt Koliau I, I'.aiulill.ra. John t'nrmui.. Alice V. t'lir.oos, l.ailru Koval, I. A. Knyal, iimniiud Knyal. Julia M. Hoinl, Kmiua Mi'linna d, 1, W. I.lohtviillialvr, I hoav F, K. Itvan ami llrogoii ( Itv, d ileinlaiita Slatool llrt-iiiiii, l iniiity of I lackatmi., aa llv virtue of a JiiiIkiuouI onlor, decree and an vX'H'iitl'iu, dulv laanel out ol ans iindor the ar4l O' tho almve vuiillod court, In the almve r illllod oaiiao, In mo duly dlroi tod and itaied ue Jil.li d iy ol Ni'vemlior, IvAV muni a lmU moui r-iid irod and riitoiod lu snld oinirt ou llio I Mil day nl Novomlier hltt, Hi lavnr ul llohort Ki'llaii'l, riaiiillir. an I agalnal John 1'ar.ona, Alli-e V. I'aranua, Lt'lru Knyal, I. A. Iloyal, liamiiiiil Knyal, Julia H. Kara . Kmina MrlionaUl an i Ii. l.ii'hl nithaier, no ondaul. for tho auin of 2li .'J, wuli I n toro. I therenn al Hie ralo ol a pa cent, poranutiui Irom Hie IMlidayotNovein bor livi, tn. turt nor surunf I.MUaaailiiruey'a loo, aud llio further aum ul IJ7.M, ouais Mid dta liur.ouioiila. and the roeta of and umiii Uila writ, eouiiiiaiiiliiw lue to mako aalo ol the lol lowing daaorilied roal proporiy .Itiiate III the liHinir of Claikamaa, Siateof llrosnu, to-wll: Lo4 4 ami 1 lu bliN-k in Urtiguu l ily, Clack atuaaCii intv, elaie or Orogo.i. Now. in.rufnro, bv virtue ol aald eieeutlou, Hidviuoiilnritrr and doom, and In fiuiipltnnce with the eommaiid. ol aald writ, I will, on Saturday, the 2Mh day of li.i omlur taufi, at Hie hour "I II : o'clo k a. i. al tho Iruiii dmir of Ibe Coiiuly Court Hmiae lu Hie cily ol Oregou City In aal 1 county and lalo, ao.l at pi.tnln aiict ivi, .uliloot lo rrdomiition, lu the bl 'hnal bid lar, lur I H. gold enn, raah In hand, all llu rivht, llllo and Interval wuli h the wllhin nauii'd dcfondnuia or oiltior of th m, had on the date of Ihe uiortiige horolu o- alnce tiad III nud to the aiaive do'rihod roal propeilv or any part tliored, toanll.ly aald execution, Jildguirill nnlcr, ilocroo, nil -roal, co.ta and all accruing coa'a. Hated, Orgnu City, Or., .Nov VWin, ti. K. C. .MAHHiii h, ho'lrf of Clai'knilla. I'utiulv, iireenn. Hy N, M. ,M hhI', Hopiuy. 1 1 211, U-27. SIMMONS, III Ihe circuit Court ol tho .tale of Oregon, lur I Cai'ut'ia county. Knniiin lar lur plaintiff, va, 1). II. Taylor do f 'iidaul. To H. IL laylor, tho almve uainod 'lofoU'laiit. In tho name ( the tato nl iiroxuii, vuu are hereby ro'inlrt'it t aip.ar aud auawur the cuni- plaint nivd airnin.t yiui iu llio aimre eniiiiwu sun, by ilia llr.l day ul a apvolal term of Una court next auccevilliig the exiilratlnn nl ttie lime prii.orihi d fur llio pill: Icallnii of thla aum moil., Imwlt: On Monday, the 271h day of Jair unry, Iva,; and If ynu fall an tti nuawor lur want therein llio plalnllll will apply to Ilia courl f ir the re, in! demanded III the complaint, to-wll For a docro. dl.aolvlug tho Iniuda of inatrllli'iny fxl.tlug tiotweou you and the plaintiff, and (or ouch oilier and lurtlior relief as to equity aud gmnl con.eloiice may iiortalu. Pllhllahod purauaut lo au order of Ilia Hon. 1 hniiiii A. M'-llndo, JiiiUe ot the atnivo eiitlilod courl, dale! Novombor TM, froift. ii r. a u. it. Hwori, 1I-21I, 1-g Atloriivya lor 1'laliitlir. BIIF.KIFF'H 8ALF-. Io the circuit I -mil ol tho atate ot Oregon, lor the ciMiniy nl Clackamaa J, L. Hirtuian a. reooiver ol Ihe S'orthweat iAiaiiau l I rual CuuiMuy, pla uilli, va. b. 1). HriHik. and Kmnia llinnka, ni'teml uila. State i Oregon, County nt Clackamaa, aa. lly virtue of a ju igment ord-T, decree and an exeriiilou, duly Uauml' out ol aud under the a .alnf llieaMive emit ed court, In the above eutltle-l cauae, to ma duly dlrecled and dated the l-th day ol NoveiWMr. lairt, upon a )udg in nit roiid'iro I and entered lu aaid court on the I Mit day ol Nnvomiier, licifi. lu favor of J. I.. Ilar'maii, aa receiver i f Ihe Nortbweat lian ami IrilM Company, plaintiff, and agaluat K. I), iliookannd l.tii'iia lir..iiaa. doiendania, for the aumol '2a hi, with Inlereat tnereon at the rale of n pure int. iierauiium from the l.Mh day of ftovetuiMT, aM.i, i.0'i in. nirincr auiu oi e.i.s co la and d abiiraainoula, ami the coata of ami upon I. Ms writ, commanding m i lo make aate of the following deanrlneil re.l proper!', ailuate lu Ihe cotiuty of Ciac.amaa, alale of Oregon, to wit: An iindlvl.ti'd nve algtha lutere.l lu and lo the nnrthweat quarter ol lol 1, In bloca 4, In llio town ol ilarantlvd, lu said Clackamaa C'limty. as platted by William T. Matlock, and an ahowu hy the plat thereof recorded iu aald c nnty. Now ihorofore. by virtue of aald exacotloiM ludnmaiit order an I docree. and In coinnllanca with ihec immaiidaof .aid writ, 1 wlli.oneat- iir my, tne 21. t dny of December, 'fi, at the hour o' 2 o'clo kp m, at the front dmrof the cotintr court 'Oiiae. Hi Ihe city ol Oreron City, l:i said county and tale, aall at public auction, aiibjocl to redemptl m, to the hlgh.at bidder, lor oaah In hand, all the rlglfl, title aud Internet whit: ii tho wltnln iia ned uiifendanla, or either of them, had ou the date ol the mortgage licrjln or almio had In and to ihe above deacrlbed real properly er any part thcreol, toaat afy snld exe cution, llliicniem or oner, uecroo, luierean, costs and all accruing ousts E. C. Maddock, Hhorlffof Clackamas County, Orogou. ByN. M. MnoiiV, Deputy. Da cd Or 'gnu City, Oregon, November 20, lhWi. 11-22, 12-20 BIIERIFF'8 DALE. In the Circuit Court n the State ol Oregon, for the Coiiuly nl Clackamas. John Fiiataa, Plalntltr, va Kudolph Oantcnbaln, Anna tiauteubeiu and Andrew Vetscu, delou danls. Slat of Oregon, County of Clackamas, as. By virtue of a Judgment order, decree and an execution, duly l.aued out of and under the seal of the above eiint .d court, In the above entitled cauae, lo me duly directed and dated tho 4th day nl December, 1-W5, upon ajudgmant rondor id and entera l lu said court on the Kith day ol November, lnM.ln lavor ol John Foaier, piaint fC, aud against Kudolpb Oaiiteiib.ln, Anna (lantenbeln aud Andrew Vet-oh. delen danta, for the aunt nl f2.7o4.4a, with Intere.t thereon at th rata ol per o.nt, per annum from the 80th day of November, 1899, and th further sum of 120.00 , coat, and dl.buriementa, and the costs oi and upon this writ, command ing ma ta make sale of Ibe following described real property situate lu the Couuty of Clack amas, Stalest Oregon to-wlt: The south half ol the northwest quarter aud the north ball of the southwest quarter of section 17 in town ship 2, south of range B east of Willamette mar Idlan.oentalnlng 1K0 acre, aud being sltuat lu Clackamai County, Oregon. Now thorelore, by virtue of laid eieoutlon, Judgment, order and decree, anl In oompllane with the demands olsaid writ, I will, on Hatur day, the lath day ol January; l.i'.W, at the hour ol llo'alock a. m., at the front door of the Coun ty Courl Houae In tha city ol Oregon City, In said county and atate, sell nt nubile auction, subject to redemption, to tne blgne'l b ddir, for U. B. gold eoin, eaan luhnu i.a l the rlhi, title aud intereat wiiii h ihj witulu nam'd de fendants or elih ir of tm-m, had on lha d ite of the mortgage bor 'In orsiucj nad in and to the above dsaorlbsd real pr ipnrty or any part there ol, tosatlafy aald ex cutlo i. Ju Iginrn', order, deeree, iuterjst, coais aui all nc T liny c i-ti, E. C. MADDuCK. Hh.r'ff of Clack imas Count', O'egon. By N. H. Moodt, d -puiy. 12-20, 1-17. Dated, Orogou City, Ore.on, Deoembe; 17, 1HVS. aaaaae. ' awavoaaw ' !Vy ' E. McNeill, Recoivor. TO THE E H ST (livt'S lliO fllllil'll (if TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL 3CC O U MJC TE2 15 GREAT NORTHERN RY, UNION PACIFIC RY. VIA VIA SPOKANE Minneapolis DENVER OMAHA ST. PAUL. Kansas City. Low Rates to all Eastern Cities. OCEAN STEAMERS I,ravi lVrtlanil wry live dtiv for SAN FRANCISCO. Fast mail train Iimiviih Pbrtluitil' ilailj at K: l'r . in. Tim Ditlli'M local Icuvis 1'ortlaiiil luily inolinliiig Sunday nt 8:0') a. in, cniint'ctiiitr nt Kast J'ortlaml with S. P. iticotnine uvvrlnnJ train. For full ilctftils call on or ad- Jriwrt, W. II. HUULHUItT, 0ci Pause ngtr A otit, Portland, Or. Mnii sooinjnj Fowien For Childnn Cutting thu'r Tttth. IN USE OVEinFTY YEARS. 4urlp turn jwrfotf t f f A-wsTj7Cn wWa Root. An arrtwoirila T rat Ire avul Nrwra Tnwirt. BolJ tiyliniggUta or sent ty mail. toctaJo. tad 11.00 pir packaire. Hnmplm freo. Tf TlTi Tlie rrvorlUJ TOCTH fmi JlW IlUUioXoeUiaudUroaUiio For mile liv l A. HitnliiiK, drtiKifiiit. T.r. WIIITI. w. a.WIIITE. WHITE BROTHERS Practiml Architects 4' BidlderS'" Will prepare plans, elevation., working da t lie, and apecllcatlolia for all kinds ol bunt ings Mpectnl aili'Ulion giveu lo nuatern 061 taagea. Kallmntea furulahetl on appllcalloa Call on oraddreaa WIIITK flKOS , Oregon City, Ogn .The Prairie Farmer. IS THE Greatest of A" Farm Papers. It ircwiiilH ciii li wiM'k ill tli ut itv worth know inn ctirront utrkal turiiil litiTiitiiifi. Kurh nuiiilior orJunm i"rn miliil rnailiiiK mutter tlinti any otliur agricultural i.ittr, ami coveni a broader lielil, Sobscrlptlon Price, Oat Dollar Tear. It is the Paper for the People. Sample clDbmoE Oders for 1895-6: T,,K rBAn.r FAKS"tR I BomPapersoneyear for $1.25. Tine Pkaiiuk Fahmkh antl ) U Papers one C Fear for$1.25. ClIICAOOWkltKIiT TlMKH Aildnwi The Prairie Farmer, Chicago. A. W. PHILLIPS, EXPRESS AN DELIVERY. Prompt attention to hauling to any part of Oregon City. Moving attendod to promptly and carefully. Special rates, given on hauling to and from Gladstone and I'ark-place. J tit) foi. a cam: it will, not cunc" a