Fit I I KHNAIi MATI'KKS. Hiirlii'im Trllin linlm IiiImh tint Ureal IllCuelllllHHn liUlltf.l I'ill'cUlMIN, Tim wiw ollleois of VWIinim Trlbti, No. I. O. It. M., No; 111, cImm.hi ut tint rm'cut iili'i.'liuii Hrn: W. It. Itmiin, iiiclif 111 ; J, (J. liiuillny, smiiur aiiKiiiiirti; Wit 1 1 urn Oulii, Junior Kii'n'inoic ; J. II. Howard, proplmt ; (J. W. Kully, kii('ir ol fucoriU; Juhu WhImiiiiiiiiIiiI, kHnr of WHiiium. Tuim.lay uvniilng; wuh a liltf lUy for Out Kml Mod of One Hon City. I''. II. I'lkton, lliu Krc lit In ch on no of tlio ordnr ini.l tlm trldu un of flriul visit, ami was tim:orld to tlio city by uboiit 60 tirVH8 sr-lnclutl from the l'ortluml trlbus, stllrud In ujiiriiriit urli. Tlio stttuinur Kanionu wan chsr for the voyK, Kml tilioiit nine o'clock In tli 11 evuiiiiig slio nrrlvod In k bU.o of mil Unlit. Wlniit the boat luiulu.l Kt llui dock, slin v.s boanlnd by tlm )ri'K'n City tribe adorned in frchli wttr imint. Ttie boat then pro ceeded to the fulls, which wnre illmnl tiatod with brilliant Kcnrrh light hiiJ colored fire. The scene of tlio lemming, Kiigry wutvr (warliiK oyer the falls, II Imniiiated by ulsuig electric light, nu liiili'Kcrlbubly urand. Salmon could he olmnrvcd louidiiKvut of tlie water, evi dently looking far l'eniioyer's IImIi Ud der. The bout liiiidu Kiiotlinr ltiltdintf and the grt Ineocliomteaild attendants were escorted to tlm wwum 011 Kcv vnth street, where a royal reception wits tendered tlieiu. lr. W. K. Carll deliv ered the addnnn of welcome, which wuh renpundixl to by (ireat I'n ton. 1 In ntiido a moat eloquent uiMreaa vxplulninK IIki piitilotir and worthy ob ject of tlio order. At 12 o'chxk t!ie party rssttirnad to l'ortluml. well pleimed with 'heir raid oil Wueheno Wlu 11111. Cliirkiinim Clmpter, K. A. M , held their regular uiiniml elm lion laxt Mon day niht, with tlio fiillnwintt lemilt: I). W. Kinnuird, II f; T. K. ltyun, king; tieorite 1'. Ilorton, arrilie ; II. K. Ilellmuv, Ireuniirer ; II. S. Slritne, see retury; J. II. Walker, (' II; Thonian CainpMI. T S; Ma Sclmlpiim, It A ('; V. A. llrrniuiin, M Kid vhi);M. K. Hum, M -nd vail ; W. K. CuHl, M lt Vail; T. S. Law rente, Helitinel. Die ullliiTM elect weru duly liinlulU.d. II. S. Slrannu, punt liitfli neat, iiiHlulled the liiitli prieat and lie In turn installed the otliera. Fulls Km ainpiinnit, No. sl,I. U. O. K , baa elected the following ollirers for the PHHuelti year: O I'. Miller. 0 1'; II. 1). Hirudin, II V; V. W. Midlam, senior wnnlen ; K. Loit-lilun, junior war drn; J. A. rUuart, secretary; T. F. Kyan, treaMiirer. I'on Kelhher, who will soon be liruiinht hnry (or trial on a -cliurKe of purticipat inir In the rohtwry of the Ked Front ajoro, helonirs to the noted Kellilier fam ily, who weru n often arraigned before ti e Portland courts on varioiia charts. Tno elder Kellihor, wu for a loin; tiiiiiK:iiKi'K'"d ill (he lolttiliK Iioiiku buxi ncao in I'ortlaud, and thu family boru a vory ntmavory rffuUitlnn One of the Bona is aorvliiK out a aenU'iice in I Ik atat penltenliary rt Huloin, onu lives in Ban Kranciaco, and with the excrptiou of one -daughter, Mn. C'haan, who ha been iliwluuifl froaa oualwly, the re mainder of the family, including father, mother, nuns ami dauxhtum, are all un dernprfat for complicity in the receiit rohhiwe at Vaucouwr, i'wtland aitd Oregon City. The ontrartur, who excavated the ground Jor the fuundatiuu of Hill & Cole's imvw biiikling 00 the comer ol Main and Boventh atreeUi, left caneidurable mud on the etreet, caiteed by Hrting o(T the dirt in open cnrtM, that roaulled in the paveinnoi belnn aim oat Iwtructed from view for aoino diataace almi Main ttreet, by the orcumuUUona of unadulterated mnd. To remedy this evil there ia an ordinanoe before the council making it iinhiwful to haul dirt or aawduat tliruuh the atreeta in an open wagon box, or one with hole that will allow the content!) to full through opening on the street One man bought sixteen at our Kic cloth-bound books at one timo, aad many buy from five to itea copiet. They're big values ; better select now from t bem, or from our I6e line. Hunt ley's Book Store. Cataract 11 oho Company pave the members of the various com panics of tho Oregon City fire dopurtiimnt a ban quet and reception at their hull laHt Monday evening. Tho occasion wus one of mirth and good tooling, and tho boys enjoyed tho reunion immensely. All who weie fortunate enough to be in vited, report having had u most enjoy able timo. TIicho gatherings are inau gurated for the purpose of creating good feeling and unity of pur pi mo uiuong the firemen, and giving them an opportu nity to become hotter acquainted. Waterproof coyer for baby carringes, nice articles for rainy weather for sale ut The Fair. The Oregon City Transportation Com pany's now time curd is out. Going north u Hteanu r leaves Independence ut (1:110 u. 111.; arriving in l'ortluml at 2 :40 doing Bouth the daily boat loaves Poitlandat i:-iru. m. j arriving at In dependence ut scvt'ti in the evening. (ireat preparations aio being inadu lor u Sunday School Chritdmu tree ut the Congregational church, Tuesday evening. Cure for lloinhiilie. As u remedy for all forms of lleadiiclm Kloetrli! Illllera bus proved to be tlm yery bent, It eH'oets it most permanent cure and Hie most dieail.'iil alck head aches yield to lis liifluonce, Wo lirgu ull who 1110 alllictoil to proiMiro u bottle and give this remedy a (air trial. In cases of habitual constipation Mlectrlc Hitters cures by giving the lieedod tone to the bowels, Ulid few cases long resist the u so .A this medicine. Try It once, Large bottles only lllty cents at Chenmin A Co 's, City Iriig Store, Cliannan llros. Illook. In speaking of mutters that received attention before tlio state board of equal ization on last Monday, the Sulein States man among other things has the follow ing: County Assessor liradley, of Clackamas, was also present and ex plained the houvy decrease in his county in some classes of proerty. He said the death of tho Iron business at Os wego had paralyzed values there; also that there wers other speculative "towns" In the connly where a reduc tion was necoswy; also that a lot of railroad luml heretofore assessed had been left out because the courts haye left the mutter in doulrt. There is a seven and six tenths or cent decrease In the valvattmi of property in Clackamas county from the assessment of last yeur. A. J. lcwthwaite, who had two toes of bis right foot cut of ut the Willam ette pulp mills a couple of weeks ago, is able to I mi out again. He also received a wt-viTO cut near the instep ol the same fool. Han't he Imposed I'pen When you ask for Unclor Tierce's (iolden Medical Discovery, (iotoa re liul.le dealer. He will sell von w hat you want. The ones w ho have something rWv to urg! upon you in its place ure thinking of the extra protit they'll make. These things pay them bt!or, but they don't cuie alxjut you. iV'.noot these substitutes "is just us ipod" us the "licoverv." That is the only blo.Hl-rleanser,', llb-builder, and tri'tigth-restorer so far-reacliing and so unfailing in its ell'octs that it can he guarauleed. In the met stuliborn skin, scalp, or scrofulous affection, or in every r.iseami (bars caused Iry a torpid liver or by impure blood it effects Hrrfoct and tariiiancnt cures. CliurclioH IMra'C 'iitfe. Your isaa tree coiiniiitteo w ill find the beat assortment of candy and nuts to select from ut the Novelty Candy Fac tory. We will (pints eutisfactory prices on fresh candies and new nuts. Not a Miund of irtulu cumins will be sold or given away I y us. Is-t correspondence CandiiMi coming night and day, candies fresh as new mown hay to the Novelty candy factory. Ir. A. I'. Sawyer: 1 have bad Khen in Hi in 111 since I was '20 years old, hut since using your Family Cure have been tree from it. It also cured my husband of the same disease. Mrs. Robt. Con-nelly, Urooklyn, 1. Sold by (i. A. Harding. Money to loun on improved farniE. W. II. Iturgbardt. Our ehore selections for the Christ inas trade are now ready for inspection. Come in and be su rinsed at the splen did assortment. We iiave a Due line of silver novelties in book marks, cutters, hat pins, silver mounted purses, ir.atch iafcs, belt buckles, button hooks. Ill'KMKIKTXJI A AnUKKSKN. Lateet leatJierotte uoweltics jiut arrived from the Kant extra cUeap at the Racket krlore. Don't fail t J get Xish prices on Can dies before foil come to the Novelty Candy Facturr to prkve ireeh -candies end new nuts, btrt cor All kinds of tmys and doCls just arrived at the Racket Store. You can buy a Teacher's Bible with all too latest helps for J2.74 t Huntley's book store. Chrlstmns Kxorrlnet. The Iluptiat Kioiie are making exten sive preparations to make the coining of Christmas a pleasure to both fount; and old of their congregations. In their church in this city Tuesday evening appropriate exercises mill be rendered and presents given to the little ones. The program promises to be a highiy in- tering one. At their mission in Cane muh and West Sido tho event will lie observed with a fine literary and musi cal program and at the close of the ex orcises Drosents will be riven to the children. The celebrut 1011 at Cnnemuh will be on Monday evening nnd ut West Sideon Wednosduy evening. The pub lie is invited to all their eelobratutions. You Are Not Insured. The State Insurance Company is in the hnmls of a receiver. ill nbow you the highest rute for their policies nnd place your insurance 111 the reliable Oer- T I .C . iniui-Amorlcnii insurance voinpimy w New York. Assets ti,000,000. Surplus 1(2,000,00(1. T. I.KONAHI) ClIAHMAN. Agent, Cliarman Hros.' Block, j The ursTQov't Reports ' show Royal Baking Powder I superior to all others, I Fool Hall Notes. The ahsnrhiiix theme of discussion uiuong the boys ut this time Is the great football game to comu oil- at (iUdstonii prk ut 2:1111 on the afternoon of Chrlst mus day, between tho Oregon City Ath letic Club team and Company F's picked loam. It will be a groat event, and Oregon City will stand In the front rank with other lending cities in athletic sporls. Kvnrybody will be out to see the boys cover themselves with glory and their bright new suits with mud. It will be a buttlo of bruin, brawn and muscle, and tho voung ladies will la) out wearing the colors of their favorites, Company F's being orrnge and white, while purple and white will distinguish the Athletic olub boys. The boys are training daily for the great event, and their suits and para phernalia have arrived. They have linen at considerable expense and the money subscribed for the purpose, did not amount to what has been already expended. The game will be called at 1 :.10 p. 111., Christinas day, and the admission Including transportation to and f rout the grounds wilt be 2 cents. Tickets may be villained at Char man's drug store and Huntley's book store, also from members of the teams. The ton of the Oregon City Athletic Club is compoKed of the following players : Newton, center, of 340 pounds will be a hard man for the militia boys to buck against. He Is the pivotal front of the line, and if the men on both sides of him hold as well as be is expected to do, tho militia boys will have to give np all Imp of going through the line. The guards, Hankins and Fommer, are both bard and well seasoned men ; both good runners and will doubtless protect little l'oie on many a hard run around the ends. For taikles, Hrown and Keener will bu played, and those who know the men, are con n lent that they will do their duty w ith all the vim of old players. Tbeends.lireenman and Fro. I Hedges, are somewhat light fur their positions, but when tho ball dros in tho enemy's tor. ilory they will not be far from it. ireut hos are placed upon their floet ncss. For quarter back, the captain of the learn, I'oe, is listed, ami tbongh the smallest and lightest man in the team, he w ill certainly give the club no cause to complain of his actions un tie great day. Two men are listed for right half, C. Mooro and 0. Urown. Moore is a hard player, but he has bad the mis fortune to strain the muscles of his left log in praclico and may not ho in condi tion to play on Christmas Day. Brown is a stout lad, well fitted for the posi tion, and whichever of the two men play, tho game will not be lost through their fault. There is a unanimity of opinion that Will l'arker, the lift back, is one of the best players on the team, and an acci dent to him would most seriously affect the team's chances in the game. Rig Jim Churcti will play, full-back, and as a kicker he is uneimalled. and when he goet against the line of the sol- dieis, they will Jieed more than their muscle to retard his progress. The substitutes, Uorris and Salisbury, have been unable to practice with the team as much as the other players, but if thev are needed -the team ill lose nothing in efficiency by their pieecnce. Tbe team is under the management of F. T. Grilhfth, am) will line up as fol lows : Cauier Naatou Weight, i8 Lull guard Souimar 1M K.glitf nUiX 11 au kiua. ....loA Ufl lackla F. Browa 1M H.fMUckui Heikuer ltt Loiluu.l F. H.Xl 150 Kiuhi and B. Grueuiuan i-'i Quarlur-batk Pop ISC UltliaK Iara.r Mu Kiflitha.t U. bruwu. 151; Moom 140 Full back J.mCburou ISO .Huballtiil 8l.ibuy aud k'urni. Company F's team will line up. as fol lows: Couier J. fcCanvpball ...Welgut, 18i Kiflit guar a K. B. iM Lfl.iiuarJ . M. Kaudi 1M KlghtUukla K. A. Miilih li5 Lcli taoklo H. K. Jones 185 K gute..d .daxwaj lJ-rd 15b Llleud J. Kjailnn 150 ... Oea hcBride 150 Ko.t8jji.oer... 145 L.u liK Kiaua iloCaua.aud lu FaU.biuk L Ig iton Kolly 15 J. W. Moirat is manager of Company F's team. It will be seen that the team is a good match for the militia team. They seem to be considera bly more confident, however. The militia men are not much given to expressing their opinion, and are Buwing wood. They train every night ut the armory and muy be relied upon in putting up a good, strong game. The town team bus other udvantugos, which will be hard for Company F's men to overcome, such as out door prac tice nnd some experienced players The game will not only decide the superiority of either team, but the losing team bus got to lurnish the winners with tickets to Compuny F's ball, given in the even ing. Cumpbell as center, Is doing fairly good work, although he cannot be ex pected to block Newton to any seiious extent. Kelly and Rands ns guards, ure ex pected to hold their own. Rands has boon u veiy valuable aid to the team us ho has had some experience while at tending 1'acitic university. Smith and Jones us tackles, are light, but Strang and hurl. Telfoid and Keating lire both inexpe rienced, but their oppi iicids will know that they are there. Mcltride ns quarter, cannot be ex pected to play like Captain I'ope, as be has not hud the experience, but then he is looked upon as the Fit .simmons of football. MoCaiislund und Spencer as half, are probably the strongest men on the team In their rosiective positions, and are ex pected to do their part in holding the town team level. U-htori Kelly (captain) at full, will also do his part, although not as heavy as Church. I'plillc, ricuae .Notice. Von ran (ave big doctor's bills by pur chssing fresh candies and new nuts from the Noyelty Candy Factory. There is nothing more injurious to the system than stale candies, which are offered for sale so cheap about Xmaa time. Our pries; will suit you. bet cor Grand Costume Ball, A grand costume ball, with or without mask, will be given at Armory hall on New Years eve, December 31st. Music by Itooss' orchestra, formerly of the Hotel Del Coronado, Cal. Many val uable prizes will be awarded. They are now on exhibition at MeKittrick's the ' Shoe Man". Tickets on sale at W. A. Huntley's book store. Gentle men, 60 cents; ladies 25 cents. The management has decided to offer a hand some trumpet to the (ire company selling the largest number of tickets. No dis reputable characters admitted. Woodmen of the World. Willamette Camp, Woodmen of the World, will give their friends a rich dra matic treat this evening in the presenta tion oj thu great historical play, "Damon and 1'ytliias." The cast is composed of, Prof. Wbi. Kasmns and wife, the Thes pian Dramatic club and members of tbe j Woodmen camp. "Standing room only" , should be the Bign on this occasion. Tliesplun Dramatic Club. Remember the first apnearance of the Thespian Dramatic club will be in tbe grout play, "Damon and Pythias" on Friday evening. Their many friends w ill take this opportunity of showing their appreciation of these popnlaa play rs bv irivinif them a narked bouse. The Thespian Dramatic club make their first appearance this (Friday) umrr m iI.a oroaf flrama Dum,.n .nl Pythias, and the performance promises to be the best ever presented in Oregon City. The Oregon City public schools will have a vacation for two weeks, begin ning with next Monday. There are four well develoed cases of scarlatina in dif ferent parts of the city, but none of them are believed to have received the seeds of the disease at school. The scarlet fever ecare lessened tbe attendance in eonie-of the rooms, while in others tbe difference is not perceptible. As the present cases are not of a violent nature, and qaarantine regulations are strictly eaforoed, no danger is apprehended from a spread of tbe disease. A ipsetty , artistic calendar makes an ac ceptable Chiiatmas present that keeps the giver daily in mind for a year. You can get them from 10c up to fljtt Hunt ley's Book 6 to re. DonH go to Portland until yoa see our prices eo holiday goods at tbe Racket store. Jointed dolls. 7 inches forSoeats and all kinds of toys .from 1 cent upward at tbe Racket store. HEART DISEASE, us many other ail menu when they have takea bold of th system, never ret better of 1U own accord, bos Cotmtanttw grrwara acwrae. There are thousands who know they have a defective heart, bat wilt not admit the fact. They don't want their friends to worry, and Don't fciuMc arfcat to toAe or it, as they have beea told time and agala that heart disease was incurable. Such was the case of Mr. Silas Farley of Dyeavllle, Ohio who writes Jane It, 1RM, as follows: "I had hrari atiaeoao fur tS yewra, my heart hurting sue almost continually. The uretlS years I doctored all the time, trying several physicians and remedies, until my last doctor told ne It was only a question of time aa I coo Id not be cured. I gradually crew worse, very weak, and completely dis couraged, until I lived, propped half up in bed, because I cam lil n't lie down nor sit op. Think ing my time had come I told my fam ily what I wanted done when I was gone. But on the first day of March on the recommendation of Mrs. Fannie Jones, of Anderson, Ind., I commenced taking Dr. Stile" Arte Cure for the Heart aud wonderful to tell, in tun days I was working at light work and on March It com menced framing a burn, which is heavy work, and I hav'nt kwt a day since. I am SS years old, 8 ft. 44 inches and weigh 250Ibs. I believe I am fully eured, and I oin now only anxious that evoryone shall know of your wonderful remedies." Pyosvllle, Ohio. Silas Farlit. Dr. Miles IToart Care ts sold on u positive pr r.-.i.U o that t ho lirst. bol tin will noneliu Ailiirw;':isi8 8oU it at It 4 bott les for IS or a will duhoiii, preuiid on rucewt of price by Uio ir. Alilou Uouicul Co., Eikhart, lnd. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Restores Health The Weber Dramatic company will open a few nigbls engagement including a Christmas matinee in Shively's opera bouse commencing Monday Doc. II.'!, upon which occasion they will present that greatest of all sentimental comedy dramas in five acts entitled "Tom Roark's Vision" Carrying brass bund and orchestra traveling in own sK!cial cur, 18 people. I'rice of udmission re duced lo 25, 115 and 00 cents Reserved scats now on sule at Huntley's book store, I'rice for matinee 15 and 25 cents. Prof. Win, Itasrnus as Damon has fe,w equals. Oregon City seldom has the opportunity of seeing so great an actor. The opera "Trial uy Jury" will be the next production presented to the people of Oregon City. This opera, whenever produced upon tbe stage, draws crowded houses. The plot is a court scene, headed by the judge, juryman, plaintiff, defendant, prosecuting attorney, usher and bridemaids. The music is catchy and full of spirit. Large choruses, full of comedy, and you will laugh and laugh again. This opera is under the direction of Prof. F. K. Hepburn. Mr. Askin is making np the cast. Don't miss to watch the early late wheu this opera will be given, as this will be the last opera given this season under tbe direc tion of Prof. Hepburn. Leave your orders for oysters for your X mas dinner at the Novelty candy factory. Clackamas Kewi. Clackamas, Dec. HI. Miaa Beuiie Wells wbo is teaching school in Portland, was borne on Saturday. The principal of oar achool, Miu Agnes Matlock, wbo has been auirering with poi son oak on ber face, will star on Wednes day for her home, a few miles from Silver ton. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Knox were visiting friends in Fairview, Oresliani and lroutdale tbe first of the week. Mrs. Key nobis, of Mscksbnrg. was in town on Monday visiting her daughter, Mrs. Aana Wells. The M. E. prayer meeting will meet at Mrs. Alex. Thomson's on Wednesday evenings- W. 8. Kunyon has got in a new invoice of goods and Christmas presents, and they can be had at hard times prices. Call and ' take a look at them. i f ii Aiun ir.ii,.. i... luum !.;.;,,. he. aunties In Harmony the week. There will be an entertainment at the M. E. church Christmas eve. All invited to come, I Miss Jessie Talbert, who is going toschool '. in Oregon City, was at borne to see her mother on Saturday last. C. F. Clark is getting prune trees of tbe Clackamas nursery, and it will not be many vears till he will be one of the extensive fruit growers of this lection. He has a large peach orchard, also a large cherry orchard, that will aoen be bearing. Jacob Johnson has been on tbe sick list for some time, but is now able to get out and walk around a Utile, and is worth two or three dead men yet Mrs. Spurgeon has moved Into town, and Charles Khodermer and wile bave moved into one of Thornton Sinter's bouses on Front street Saul lmels is putting a new picket fence around bit residence which will greatly iru pjove tbe looks of it Mr. Cramer, our leading nurseryman, is preparing to fill an order for 10,000 prune to be shipped to the state of Washington. Mink Neichberaood Newt. Bcavei Carta, Dec, 16. Rain I rain! lots of it, more than we really need at present, as a good many farmers bave not finished sowing fall grain in this section of theconn- -try. Fred Karnratb has returned from Silver- ten and is now visiting at Jacob Steiner's. Frits Schwarts is now plowing for Joe Staben. Hop growers are ratber down in disposing of their hops this year. What is the diffi culty they know best themselves. We have the Assortment The preBents you Toilet sets, sets, writing razors, gold ink stands, pipes, Prefumes, money brushes, gloves and FOR ( CHRISTMAS AT Albums 6c. up; v 10c v car PRICES YOU LIKE. Albums it 50c. up, autograph-albums from scrap book at p; calling cards Is from lc variety of perfumes at 10c. lp boxes, games, station- y at 10c a box; etc. Remember CHARMAN We are head quarters for STORE holiday good 'I JA'J.TI JT rS"i,S IWIJfl lTI.'a inl t'lll fir..'A..l.i. .: s. Wg sfj Jij V 1 J .... .! t. t',.. :t.r..; -io . .-in lis. I' u am tonl I it1i fjfti'jl Hv,u ($ 1"I llMi.l hiillilrr. Sink, 's I'm n.i uml! plum. y Te'yi'l V;S . .). y ' . .n'..".tm-!-. M .rlwr; o f..r!3. i'S 5 I "isj M. '. -v. ' i.r-: ,r, .;:,-.. V r u. f. r s V-vOfJCL . w-VJ-' C-rjv''A r..-.i: ,1 s.'i.-il p.:ili; wr:ntH-r, with testimonials .r.W..r..'tt....j'.. - . v,r: .'MlT.nn.. I'm.'"-. ; 'i.-r'f -, . .;..'.' ,'f. m.-tp ut It 1P& flftVsyH .o.i.-. 'v.i ur...ui,3, i!uiH,i'!iey nna wtiut ai..ust-s cbu-u t-i .f.a. I. tut uiti iu Ureou Co Awarded Highest Honors World. Fair, Oold Medal, Midwinter Fair. 'Dli' m CREAM ME0N6 Most Perfect Made. 40 Years tbe Standard. Dehorning ca'He is getting lo le an every day piece of work. Herman Mrwhnke tie homed thirteen bead for Fritz filiihm and ten for other parties. Some ol the ia-ger school hoys played tru ant last week. The reaton for this we bare not learned. The parent onht to keep a clrwr eye 011 them if the teacher cannot. The member of the Lutheran clmrrb are preparing 10 have a gram! time Christinas eve. John Wolf sent to Portland on bnlMS last week. Ct i.osk. Beaver Creek Sewt. Bkavek C'Retk, Dec. 15. Yeitcrday wa a regular stormer. Mr. Hcanlon, who has been sick, ia now able to be about. The dance at Kirk's last night was well attended In spite of the storm. Miles Kowen is still quite sick. Dr. Paine, of Oregon City, is in attendance. Messrs. C'oiir and ILiyward, oi Cams, were the guests of Mr. Kowen lat Tuelay. Mr. Davis, of Minnesota, is vhking his son Hicharii at ibis place. Miss Margaret WiUon, who has ben vis iting her sister, Mrs. 0''en Hughes, has re turned lo Portland. W, G. ISeattie bus commence! teaching his seeond term at Heaver Creek. Every one seems te be i'ieael. Dr. Thomas ma.le a bu-iuess tri( to Ore gon City yesterday, regardless of stiinu. Everybody is invited to atu nd the Christ mas tree at the Pre-bjterian church. A good time is Hntici.ia to.l. Beiifr Crskk, D-c. iO Ijist Sunday night we were surprised 10 see the ground all covered with sno-v. The farmers are not yet prenvred lor the bad weather. Miss Sophia Thomas returned from San Francco lu.-t week where she has been she has been speiidm a number of months with her sister, and having a very enjoyable time. Rev. Williams delivered bis Christian Endeavor address ias.1 8unday. He haa left for San Francisco a here be will remain until spring; then ke will return to his borne in Chicago. BhERlFK S SALE. In the C.rcult Court of the State of Oregon, fur the Cuity o. a Wt lum fcanlan, plan. Iff vs. O J. II wl and W. . Ii. &m o . J f udauta. uie t Ureou,c uutv 01 i.i.c.mjf. a-. VfOllCE 19 H v.rtua ol au 1 HEREBY GIVES THAT BY exrcitio 1 n 1 order of lata nd ut 01 t ie tcour f ihu tut- ol Oreguu for the C juu'.y 0. Cla. km ., bear ng dv.e the t.u Uuy ot IX-cn.e-M. lSt'S, n a suit wberein ttilliaio g nine 1 1. piainoff, and O. J. H.!a id W. V.H 8 m 01 are deicn.tai.ts, eumn.aniiug 11. 0, iu :tie n.iue uf ibe Stale of O. g "n, ih t "Ut o( h:re! e-tnte h relun'f r dsiribel,t'ina lzt as-im -uflk'ient to tailsly the demands of a d ct ro, 10-w.t: tlSi.10, to.erar with ii t real -'U tnu .ama siflce sai. d Cre was erered at 10 peroenc i-t anuui... ..nd I115J eoats, aiao the' euau o! and atwudmg th aa.j. Now there;. .re, iu vu d." o- to such Serree lJii,oa:h. l.tidByot Ix-iem r,lW, luWlivy u -01. a..d w.u, .... Situr.i.iv 1- lnl. da? of January, Ui6, at tbe h ur of l:30o'c.ock P. M. of iid day, hi tl.e .r.u.t .o to. th - court Dime In sld, ff rtor it pnblic auction, and tel. 10 tbe bju.'ie-t hq . beat u 'ider, lor Casli in bu 1, all f .h riahl. tulo and Interest th ul4 Uuiuiidunt Ole J 11 , ou tne 7th day ol November, lst5. h .d or now na tn ud to the lol.ow.Dg dM:rib.d rt. p 0ity, to wit: ri.eaoutbva tqu r e- 1 a lo 1 in Towe--'hlp.Sou.h o. t bft, of Willaaien Her dlan, co..uiu.n .61 no a d tne Jii r;b we t i 01 1 .0 -o.iihwi Kt li m See n K, Towa h p 4 aoutn of Rs geSEast, of Willamette Me nd, an, couu.iiuiig - eras; aa si.uate in Clack tmai C"U uy, Or gun. Dauxi tli. a .8 b ay m D.-ecmb r, A. D.USS. E C. MADUIKK. Sh -r ffo. cla a ...... V un.y. By N. M. Moody, Deputy. 12-J0, 1-1J Our Prices are the Lowest wan sha desks pens, pei umes, purses handkerch PRESENTS, 10c; mirrors from and cases, Xmas to $5. Endless the place &CO Everybody Invited to call. Fn - nuiVrmedy euros qulrklv, permonently an .: .. Vi,.,,;;,m,..5, k.u.t Vl.ulllv. KWblly E.. cnives, pencils, yes . hair X lef boxes ,mj L'UAiviA.N' CO., Ulu'm.