Oregon City Enterprise. dacknmns Co. Directory. I'or.sTY oKncKiis. Gordon K. lliiyse in'o. F. Morton K. i'. VittMix'k S. M. KHtr.hv M. 1.. N.xir'o .1. O. Hrsilley II. sv tobfon li. K iimitir.l K. I. IlKllllltl) I Kiehsrd Scott I Kmnk jHwuitr C'erV if to'irt. Ktvm.lcT. Treitieirer, Ach'i, Bclvvl iMn-rinte'i li'iu, Sirvevor. Coronet, Cnmniiicnor, FKIIUY, MVKMISKK LM, 1S'.:. SPRAY OF THE FALLS. Partlow's ciilci', doan and pure. K. K. Williams, 'l lie liroccr, Money lo loan on paxl real estate security ly A. S. lressi-r. liiii Imrptinti in poWots, tumblers an J other glassware at The Fair. C. 0. T. Williams is now prepared to make loans on good farm property. Write him. "What prvtty liats!" exclaimed lady as she passed the Rod Front millinery window. Weddinit stationery, the latest styles nd finest assortment ever brought to Oregon City at the Entkri'riss office. Experience and money cannot improve Dr. Sawyer's Familv Cure, because it raJLaliv cures Dyspepsia, Liver com plaint snd Kidney dilliculty. For sale by Geo. A. Harding. For a quiet place to hitch your horses awav from the motor line and a place to get a first class job of repairing or horse shoeing call on S. F. Scripture's shop on Fifth street. Eyry pound of candy and nuts new stock and fresh at the Novelty candy factory . Why descend those tiresome steps when you wish pure drugs, chemicals and drug sundries? "Time is money" Save both by getting your prescriptions filled at the Seventh St. Pharmacy. Every pound of candy and nuts new ttock and fresh at the Novelty candy Jactory. Every one is invited to leave their orders at the Novelty candy factory for oysters for their Sunday dinner. Dr. A. P. Sawyer Dear Sir: I have been suffering with sick headache for a long time. I used your family Cure and now am entirely relieve)'.. I would not do without your medicine. Mrs. G. Miller, Mt. Morrel Ills. Sold by G. A. Harding. Every one is invited to leave their orders at the Novelty candy factory for oysters for their Sunday dinner. Two paper bag holders for sale cheap at Parker & Howard's store. Just the thing for grocers. In clothing, K. L. Russell ot the Tark Place store, can give lower prices than Portland or Oregon City. The reason for that u, rent, insurance and other charges are lower than his competitors and that he buys for cfcsh. Just exam ine his goods and tee the bargains of fered. Buy her a box of the Novelty candy factory's fine French candies for Xmas. Candies coming night and day, candies fresh as new mown hay to tbe Novelty candy factory. Good meat is' half the enjoyment of the table. Petzold & Gale have in their Seventh street market and Main street market, the finest Eastern Oregon beef put up In attractive shape and sold reasonable. The best mutton and pork to be had always in stock. Our home cured meats are not excelled while ourt lard is absolutely pure and fresh. Don't fall to see Damon and Pythias. Ladies Dr. Sawyer's Pastilles are ef fectuai for female weakness, pain on top of tbe head and lower part of the back. It strengthens and cures . Sold by Geo. A. Harding. We will hare tons of candy, nuts and fruits for the Christmas trade, and we are going to sell them cheap. E. E. Williams, the grocer, Oregon City. J. W. Welch, dentist of the Chicago College of Dental Surgery, office in the Courier bldg. near depot. Men, boys and girls caps, all kinds at the Racket store Choice candies, fresh nuts, crackers, coffees, teas, spices, extracts, Baker's fine chocolate and cocoa. Best ranch butter and fresh eggs, and a saving in price of 10 to 25 percent. Red Front Trading Co. The Novelty Candy Factory has not torn of candies, but has an ample supply of pure, fresh, home-made and imported candies to supply tbe trade of Oregon City and adjacent places. Our prices will suit. See for yourself, top ot spray Flour 70c ; dry granulated sugar, rai sins, rice, soda 5c per pound. Elegant trimmed hats at cut prices. Red Front Trading Co. Good assortment of second hand school books, same as now ueed, at Parker & Howard's store, all nearly new. PERSONAL NOTES. Mrs. J. E. Hedges loft last Saturday for a visit to Seattle with relatives, L. A. Shiplev, one of Oswego's solid farmers, was in Oregon City Monday. Mrs Helen J.. Ntalton, of Portland, was in tlejcily Friday visiting friends. Ex-Governor Sylvester Pennoyer was in Oregon City a short time last Satur day. Mr. Bert Braee, of Portland, was in the city last week, the guest of Miss Kate Ward. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. E. I.. Shaw is very ill at their home uu Sixth and High streets. Mrs. K. S. Warren, of New berg, was the guest of Mrs. C 0. T. Williams (or several days last week. Mr. Pan O'Neill, of this city, has been confined to the house for the past two weeks with a sprained back. Mrs. J. Hodges and Mrs. J. Harris, of Canby, were visitors In the city, and callers at this otlice, Tuesday. Mrs. A. Fallert and daughter and Mrs. II. W. Hageuian, of Clackamas, were Oregon City visitors Wednesday. Maud Upton and Chas. Upton, of Portland, Bpeut last week with Mr. and Mrs. C. I). I-atourette, in this city. Henry Milev and his daughter, Miss M. Miley.of Wilsonville were registered at the Electric hotel last Saturday. George Currin, the leading merchant of Currinsville, was looking after busi ness matters in Oregon City Tuesday. W. A. Askin, of Portland, has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Noble Heath for the past week, at their home in this city Mrs. Sidney Clack returned to her home at Menlo Park, Cal. Wednesday after a visit of several weeks with friends here. J. T. Chamberlain and K. II. Mars ton, of Mitchell, Oregon, were taking in the sights around the falls Sunday and Mondny. Mr. Ed Harrison, of McMinnville, was looking over our city last week with a view of locating. He returned the first of the week. A. C. Sharp and brothers, of Stafford, prominent farmers of that section, were town Tuesday, patroui.iug Oregon City merchants. Mr. A. A. Askin, of Tacorua, spent Friday and Saturday in Oregon City the guest of the family ot Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dutcher. J. E. Hedges will deliver an address before the Canemah school this after noon, (Friday), on 'Customs and Usages at Yale college." Hal A. Rands will return Saturday from the Pacific University, at Forest Grove, to remain during the holidays with his relatives here. Miss Nettie Walden is confined to her home with tonsilitis. She will not re- tarn to school at the Portland academy until after the holidays. Roy Case, who has been at home for some time with typhoid fever, left this week for Forest Grove to resume his studies at Pacific university . Mrs. David HenBley, who has been the guest of Mrs. O'Neill and Miss Holmes for some time past, will leave next week for Redondo, Cal. Miss Daisy Lawrence, who is attend ing the Agricultural college at Corvallis, will return Saturday to spend the holi. days with her parents here. Hon. John J. Daly and County Clerk B. F. Mulkey. of Dallas, Polk county, were in the city this week, on business before the United States land office. Mr. and Mrs. L. II. Cowing are visit ing relatives in this city and Portland. Mr. Cowing is now station agent and telegraph operator at South Prairie, Wash. Nello and Merle Johnson will return Sunday from Stanford University, Cal., to spend their vacation with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Johnson, of this city. Miss Eva Meldrum, who accompanied her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. George A. Steel on a ten days trip to San Francisco, returned home last Thursday. S. E. Kennedy and family, who have been residents of Oregon City until re cently, are now located on a fruit ranch in Florin, Cal., and seem pleased with the country there. County Judge Hayes and Assessor Bradley went to Salem Monday, to ap pear before the state board of equaliza tion on matters pertaining to the Clack amas county assessment. C.A.Nash, ene of the rustling citi zens of Mulino. was in Oregon City Sat urday, making preliminary arrange ments for a grand ball to be given at tbe Mulino grange ball on Christmas Eve. Word comes from Lawrence DriggB, who is attending the law department of Ann Arbor university, that he is pleased with his school and work. He spent Thanksgiving with relatives in Sagi naw, Mich., and expects to go to Detroit for Christmas. Lawrence should be home to encourage the local football game Christmas. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Awinfad Gold Mtdtl MldwlnUf Fur, San Fruuiw. J. A Chase arrived in the city Tues day from Kansas City, and will remain here for awhile looking after business matters. His family, however, will re main at I'usdeua, California, as tils daughter has not entirely recovered her health. Mrs. M. A. Plumley, of Portland, is registered at the Electric hotel this week. Mrs. Plumley visited Oregon City to witness the cantata, "ljueen Esther," in which her son, W, A. Askin took a leading part. Mr. K. Scott, of Milwaukee, has been spending the past two weeks in Eastern Oregon, visiting the various Odd Fellow lodges in that section as an othVcr of the giand lodge. He is expected homo the ast of this week. 4 M. Bablcr and Fred Gorbcr, two prominent citizens of Logan, were in the city Wednesday. They state that an A. P. A. entertainment and party will be given at the residence of J. M.Tracy on New Years' Eve. A. lilxer, who has been attending the State university medical college at Port land, for the past three mouths, has re sumed His old place at Huntley's drug store, where he will remain during the holiday vacation. G. W. McCarver came up from Port land Monday, and has resume his old place in Charman A Son's store, which he vacated four years ago. Mr. McCar ver's numerous old friends uie pleased to see him back ill his old position. Miss Alice Hayes, who has been visit ing her brother, Judge Hayes, and rela tives in Portland, for the past ten days, was called home to Salem Monday even ing oy the illness ef her father, who has had a severe attack of diptheria. R. M. Allen, a brother of Mrs. Jo seph Hedges ami Mrs. C. W. Ganong, has arrived fiom Nevada, and is visiting relatives and friends in this city and Canemah. Mr. Allen was formerly a resident of Oregon City and Portland. Mrs. Elizabeth Kinney, of Jackson ville, is in the city visiting old friends. She is a daughter of Colonel T'Yuult, a pioneer newspaper man who formerly was editor of the Oregon Spectator here. Mrs. Kinney is at present a guest of Miss Mollie Holmes at Rose Farm. Miss Emma Abliott, a niece of the famous songstress of tbe same name, and a teacher in the public schools of St. Paul, Minn., and Miss Lillie Holbrook, a teacher in the Stephens school, Port land, were the guests of Joseph Rice on Saturday last. Those young ladies were classmates with Mr. Rice in the High School at Wauewac, Wisconsin, and graduated with the class of '8:1. Miss Abliott is on her way to Southern Cali fornia to spend the winter, and ex pressed herself as highly pleased with the location of Oregon City. Company t"n Grand Bull. At lost the president bus got done with "chasing the duck" and has re turned to the capitol and sent to congress the most popular message that has been delivered since tbe days of Lincoln. A message that stirs the patriotic sentiment of every true American and sends the free blood of every admirer of our re publican institutions coursing to the brain with delight. Now is it that the old soldier looks longingly at the old sword hanging on the wall, throws his shoulders back and feels the glow of patriotism as he did wlien it hung by his side or was wielded in defense of his country. Now is the time when the national guardsman will step with a lighter step, grasp bis rifle with a firmer grasp, and adjust his bayonet with a more deter mined hand, as he feels that within a short time be maybe called upon to de fend the honor of old glory, and teach England that "America is for the Americans." But with all these feelings of pride and patriotism they must have play occasionally, consequently Company F avails themselves of this festal season to lay aside all warlike feeling, at least on Chrismas night, when they will give their grand masquerade ball at the armory and entertain nothing but feel ings of "peace on earth, good will toward all men," particularly to those who at tend the ball. Company F is the military organiza tion of the town and should be encour aged, for even in times of peace they are useful in instilling patriotic senti ment both by precept and example into the minds of the rising generation. Tha ball will undoubtedly be well attended, as it should be, and to those who attend we bespeak a jolly good time as the following members of the company have the matter in charge : Reception committee F. S. Kelly, L. L. Pickens, W. A. Huntley. F. Metzner, C. G. Huntley, J. W. Moflatt, E. A, Leigh ton. Floor committee C. E. Hickman, H. K. Jones, E. S. Hickman, Geo. M. Mc Bride, Ross Spencer, II. E. Jones. Entertainment committee, J. U. Campbell, Leighton Kelly and Charles Wilson. Tickets, gentlemen in costume 50 cents, spectators 25 cents. Tbe reduction ot price in our photo graph albums, as announced last week, isbaviegthe desired effect In reducing our stock. If you want a pretty celluloid album for $1, or a plush one for 50c, bet tor get it now at Huntley's Beok Store. Silvern nrt. Wo cannot begin to mime the many beautiful ttilii'les show n III our holiday display of silveiwatv. We can only sk all who contemplate the purchase of gifts to come In ami see for themselves our splendid assortment of appropriate presents. We show the very latest designs and most popular styles and our prices ate voi v low indeed. Be sure lo see tbe advantages we are ottering. ItrllMKISI'KII Amuikskn. PhIiIic, Please Notice. You can save big doctors bills by pur chasing fresh candies and new nuts from the Novelty Candy Factory. There is nothing more Injurious to the system than stale candies, w hich are offered for sale so cheap about Xnuis time. Our prices w ill suit you. among live local . fliuklen's Arnica Suite. The best salve in the world for Cuts. Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapod hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. For sale by Chainian A Co., Charman Bros Block. .Honey lo I, mm. Parties intending to borrow money on their farms this fall will (1ml it to their interest to call and see me at an early day. Plenty of money on easy terms and low rates of interest. W, II. Bt'KiiiiAioir. (Ive the Hoy a Watch. It is most acceptable, of fU and will encourage habits of punctuality at school and elsewhere. A boy is more apt to he on time w hen he knows what time it is. We show- a splendid variety of watches. All accurate time keepers. BrilMKISTKK & ASPIIKSKN. Agents Wunted. For the best and latest improved washer. Has the recommendations to guarantee it. Call on Pope A Co., hardwate dealers, Oregon City. Givo your wife a rest from the endless round of cooking and make her happy with a da oil' and the comfort of eating someone else's cooking, and take her and the little ones to the Eleetric hotel for Christmas dinner. It will brighten up her life and give her that much needed rest. Special tables reserved for private families. and get our prices on candies and nuts for the ChrixttnaH trade. They are going to be way down, cheaper than ever before, and we w ill have enough to supply the whole county. Plain Candy, Fancy Candy, Nuts of all Kinds. Figs, Raisins and Dates. Christmas Tree Candles. E. B. WilliamH, The Grocer. Jobbing and Repair Shop. It. XX. D7IYI3, Will do all kinds of Bhop work, repairing and general carpenter work promptly. Store fitting a Hpocialty. Saw filing done. Shop In rear of Second Hand Htora Seventh Street. YOUR CHRISTMAS l -I TURKEY, -WILL BK- DELICIOUS -- . IF COOKED IN- An Excelsior Roasting Pan KOR SALE BY W. A. rUTKOW, "" ' ' DEALER IN Hardware, Stoves, Tinware. Near the Court House. . HUNT FORWARD! To McKiUrick'H Kor votir Xiimh (dipperH and hIioch. Kverylhing new. Tlie Intent stylcH the Intent goodH thn lowest prices. Our motto is "S,uiin liciiling." We want mi liiitnV money union wo give him Ki l t, value for it. We nre no respoclcUH of persons. The poorest man will be treated iih kindly and as courteously bh the president would be. 'OLLOW THIS CROWD To McKittrick's Noxt door to Orotion City Dank, OroRon City. DO YOU WANT SUNSHINE IN YOUR HOME? (live your wives and daughters Nkw Math kou Xmas. 1 have pattern hats on hand that I w ill sell at cost and Mow cost. All other hats re duced. Call early and get the liergainH. Mrs. H. T. Slnclen, Next door South Methodist Church, Mtiln Htrect, Orcuon City. V. HARRIS STAR M GROCERY Doator In GROCERIES, CROCKERY, FLOUR. FEED. ETC. Great Reduction IjM RIlEli JTIWg All huts reduced from out and make room for E. E. MARTIN, X-MAS PRESENTS Hundreds of Fine Neckties for (!entn, Ladies and Children; Men's Hoy's Hats. On the above wc ran save you nearly one third Chniff IlluHtrutfil Hook anil Allium, I'l rfiimmj, Atomi:rrt, Purses, Harps, Toilet Setts, Dolls in Varieties, Mechanical Toys, Picture Hooks, Handkerchiefs, Mitts, Gloves, Umbrellas, Fadnalors and a host of useful articles at close rash prices. A fine lot of Choice Fresh Candies, Nuts, Fruit Extracts, Etc. A Lot of Trimmed Hats, Cut to Ji.oo- GROCERIES. 5 gal Coal Oil tl. bring rail. ('"ill (Ml per Case, Diet Ijtiiti-rri.i',; (llobo UN'. M ll4 lrv (iranulated Hugar, II. I'lnnrnr Dak Ins I'owdnr, tMilk,) . Fine unnilorwl Tva, 4m-. V Itm 70c. Kliu- iulir-owitiT Tl'U, VjC. Tea NIIih, (broken t-a) I'-", to IV. All gMxl. lliKiui tnc; Flour 70i r !,"& por tili'l. i: t Wood or tin pull, '.lie. m iiu suit mk. 25 CENTS BUYS Hit Hollrtl (lulu. ID Urn Gerii.t.'ii, 10 Hi Com M mi I. B Ilia Hli'o or IIiUmiu. ''; lii .t Hulk l.uril. 13 liuni'lim Muli hi'il. 12 tlx Sal hihIii. 10 CENTS BJYH 1 Cotton rf!ol)ii' lil up. 1 Wlilak hrooin. I atroiiK Hunt Pull. I Hi. Mixed Citncy. 4 dor. ClotluiH Plan. 1 Milk Htrulner. 5 CENTS BUY" I box Toothpick, lt-lni'h bar toilet Houp. (I tin Tea Hpooim. 4 ounce aewliiK Marlilne Oil. I pound Arm and II. Hoda, 1 medium Lamp Chlmey. I Waxlipan. SHOES- Men' flow HhoeH, bollowa tongue ll.i', Sl.riO, and 11.7 V Flue Shoe tl .ft, 11.75 find up. Iloyi Kip riveted hIichm (I and II, ir) Ladles' DongolaH, put, tip, Kolld, II,, VI, I,7(S. Ilaby HIioeH, mnall size School HIioeH 1, up- Ituhbei'K, rubber booU Ac, at clone price. The Red Front Trading Co. Court House Block, STOVES Largest stock. Best assortment ever brought to Oregon City. Pope & Co., Hardware dealers. AAA 1 MARCH! 'rrrTW 25 to .r) per cent, to close the spring stock. COMMERCIAL HANK Hl.K. I CENT BUYS I pnHT pliia, 3 papera hairpins I l ard hooka and eyra; t a k-necdle, 3 lead pencil.. 1 ixiiincl alll, 3 papera ualrplnn, 6CENT8 BUYS I lliiltle vawllne, I burp, 1 bottle Ink or me llano; I pair rtirlllm Irona, 7-Inch doll, 1 pair heavy mx-kn, I ball knitting notion, 1 iipotil linen thread, I do lamp wlrkn, I time lunik , I receipt book, 2 elilldn hand kerchief, I wlmUor tie, I nerktte or bow, 1 f;nt while handkerchief, l'J pen, I IimiIIk iniHli, I prehlliU rubber leKRln. I yd arrlm, I HH'ket comb In cae, 10 CENTS BUYS I pair bootee, 3 hunches onvelope, 1 pair Imy aiispeuders, I barlow knife, I linttls ahoc drawing, (eiUal to (lilt KiIkc but amitl ler) 4 ball tlmtcl, 1 acarf pin, 111 fun l lilli, atccl or rubber nuiih. Haxony, 4 akeln 'i'n: KnlttliiK yarn 7,'k'. AnHortini'iit of t'lnliri'llin from the maker bent make and material and low prices, ladles and Mlasea fast black hose Iw . HeamleHS fast black In me If.' up. Infanta wool hoe 5c up. Ijidlca wool Inme ITio and up. (Junta ovurnhlrt 'J5c up. Men' kcavy cottanaile pants, well made II. Iloyacotlonado plllls well sewed, 7.1c. Waterproof collaia'2 for 2.'!; culfk hh: Heavy outing flannel 15 yrds II. Gingham and calicoes to alid up. Km! wool flannel, yrd KO to 115c Turkey red table cloth, per yrd. gso .Tic Caahmere black aid color fur Tki Cashmere twills liic 4He plaid good redurcd to 25c Fine lot sample of towels, cnt prices. Full stock standard patterns, cut prices. Fine line ladles' t rimed hats, caps, baby bonnets al bargain prices. Hal In top sailors high or low crown Nm Trade lor grain wiail, chickens, bacon, dressed hogs, ae. Oregon City, Or.