Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1895)
Oregon City hntcrprisc. uiiKU'iM iti v offA r.HK Mayer, - i : i 1 1 1 ir.i),. i! K'irl"r. l.w.i uiu Ciliil nl 1'iillr - ( K. Iliiriin Aaai r, K H I II 1 1 II TrKumiMT. M I- Ilnliiiiiii ;iiy Aiiiniii y. l;' I. in in h Hir-1 ' nti ii 1 1 ' Inner, (' lliilii'nrk, -lr. Hiii'i. nl Water V or k, W. II. Il'iwi'll 'lly Knitliii'iM, II. II. I"l Culllii'lllliull - II, (!. Mlnvrllk 'I llMimlilnll, J. 5. ritiikn, lli'llj. .lilMK'ir, Murk llmvi'll, l l Purler, ili'iiry Mililiiim, J. W. Mnltnll. iinunrll miiulu llml Wtnliii'kilii) iilrarli month III city hall Kill DAY 1 1 KC KM II Kit L'O, lH)ir. CHAT ABOUT TOWN. MiHHimri Sdi kI'"". Mitlilo mi 1 1 Syrup, Hill'". Miiple Nyiup, Hock Ciuiily Syrup, Honey Drip In bulk, I'lirn Honey In citliN, Whiln inoiintiilii I'ninli 1 1 ' , New Orleans table Syrup. New Oilcan MoIhhhch, I'.. K. Wii.i.iam, Tim Grocer. Tim I 'air Iiiih Juitt received ii nice lut of leatherette iiov.-llii'B. 1( you want a sewing machine for J5 o In liclloiny A Hunch'. Tliu IiiImhI style Silver machine wil'l on tin liiHtiillmi'iit plitn at K. K. Murtin'ri. For cheap ntitiiiHi linen good lini'ii liy tin yurd goto the Itm-kut Store. I.amim. New ntix'k of all kind JiiHt received. Kino hanging lump fur '.'.2'i. Moo llellomy A Hunch. For rli'im, white cotton rag 6 cent Hr ioiinil cuhIi, will lo uil nt Tun Kn ri.Ki'iimk ullli'u. Krank I'. Welch, dcntit, graduate ol tlin I'nivcrHlly of l'oiinylvania, wil be in Oregon City ollice Thursday of each wix-k ; remainder of each w eek in l'ort Inml ollice, room "TDekiim building. l'rice on dren good will be cut Into nt tliti mmm'UI mile Nor. I'll and Wth nt K. K. M art in'ri. Machine oil 10 cent Ixjltlc, hImo needle for all kimln of machine at K. K. Martin'. Tim pleaHtiro of giving n well a the plcuHtirc of iceciving Im made greater and morn laming ly gift "f r,'H' simple elegniu-H mnl every luy iinefuhie. Such gift are, right in our line. (!ooIm limy lie elcctod now mnl delivered ut nny time. lit HMKIHTKH A ASDIIKMKN, Jewler. (iooil liun for l.'i ccntK nt l'arkpr A Howard'. When the children need Cantor Oil, give them l.nxol, it in ptilutabhi. All shade of Dennison' crcie paper IX) cunt per roll, ami nil nlutdca im-Hjrtt-l tiHHiiu at eastern price at limit luv'a ltook Store, The Novelty candy lactory open in tho Willamette limliliiitf. Chair bottom nt I'urkcr A llonurd from 10 cent up, iticliuliiiK niiiln. If you tire in douM ii" to wbut to Bond voiir frinmlH in tin Kuril or in fact, uny wlmri', for ClirlMtiiiKB, look at the liaiul ilccoratiHl china in !urinoitur A Andre- Tliu flmt hlurkmiiilli nliop that farmers Phh in coin inn to Oregon City in that of Mnplo A llotl'innn, ut tliu junction of tlin Sovmith nlrct'1 roml and Main utrcct. There in no cUhh of work they cannot handle ami at rpawmnhle price. They have an exxrt horHe-nhoer ami Kiiuran tee siitlxfAction. Illank note, receipt and order books at the Kntkrimiihk ollice Cut itii'tH ou T0 Imlii-rt HtyliHh trimiiiod hut, IllHI (jiiiit.' hat, correct HtylcH, 200 fine necktie for ladie, genta and hoy, and KX) lino towolti. TIicho aro up to date good and a third aveil in price. Full HtiH-k of Standard Put turns. Trice one-third lux than formerly. Dcceiiitier Delineator now rendy. Knd Front Trading- Co. A hot dinner theo cold, drizzly day i not compluto without a roust of meat to grace the table nnd stimulate the ap petite, with it flavor. At Albright' meat market rouHta can be had that aro juicy and tender from fut, atall-fed cattle and which aro put up in a atylu that will pleaaa both the cook and the diners. There i no medicine ho often needed in every home and so admirably adapted to tho purposes for which it is intended, a Chamherluln'B ruin Halm. Hardly a woek passes hut some member of the family ha need of it. A toothache or headache may be cured by it. A touch of rheumatism or neuralgia quieted. Tho severe pain of a burn or scald promptly treated before inflammation sots in, which insures a cure in about one-third of the time otherwise required. Cuts and bruises should receive imme diate troatmont before the parts become swollen which can only be done when I'ain Balm is kept at hand. A sore throat may be cured before it hecomos Horioua. A troublesome corn may be removed by applying it twice a day for a week or two. A lame back may be cured and several days of valuable time saved or a pain in the side or chest relieved without paying a doctor bill, l'rocure a GO cent bottle at once and you will never regret it. For sale by Q. A. Harding, Druggist. CANTATA Ol' MM'KKJl KSTHKK." , Kxi'ctHil Muslim, llcniitirii! ('ti!inc li i I I'll' A( i;nf. This beiiuliflll liiiHrnl proilm lii'il by llrinlliiiiy whs ivi'ii at Hiive!' opera hoiiitu on Friday mid iSitiinluy ovciiiiiK of last week bv home talent under the iliiitilinll of l'lof. F. K. ilepbilili, one of the ablest musical illrei lnrH on the i'ui'illc cults!, fur I lie hi'iielit of the V. M. C. A, ' i ii i iitM inn 1 1,,' )rc,;'ii Cily, The sternly ihm it j mill u( ruin 'I ti mit; In, III day ull'i I'led tlin rale of sent hoiiii'W hut, V'l titer o whs u utnlteiii e In w Itltess ell 'h perfulinalire, whii li ni eined to aiM'i'i iite the I'llorls n( llie Hiiiit.iis. Aliich ciedit luii-l he uiven to Mm coininittee of ladies, the W. C. T, I' and others who weie iniliiiiiK in their ellorls tu liniku the ullittr a success, Mi. McAdam mid Miss Monroe drilled (lie ID little bov and H'trU for their miiih uud inuri'hes und must be coiiipliineiited on the successful milliner In which the children acquitted themselves. Mis Or Kpuntilcr acted u uccninpiiiiist for the entire cuiitutu ami ho well did she do her part Unit she uidud inuteriully In the success of the enterlaiiiineiit. Mr. I F. Morey kindly donated the elect tic light for both evenings Considering the limited time which could ho given for preimrution, the en titrtniiimciil wit a greater success llisn wasanticipalcil, hut the expense incurred in giving a Hrfortnance on so largo a scale a:i this was so much greater than wus ewi le(, that there will be but little margin left to be given to the gym nasium fund, notwithstanding the fact that the singer purchased their own music and costume, with the exception of those for the leading character, w hich were rented from Portland. The personation were made up from the following leading soloists of Oregon City, and never have their voices a li lies red to better advantage than at this time and particularly on Katurduv even ing, w hen the singing and acting were better executed than at most auiutetir IM'rfoiinunces : Mr. V. Harris took the part of King AhustiertiH uud looked very regal indeed seated upon the the throne cnciiKeil in an ermine trimmed robe und jeweled crow n on his head. Mr. Hum has a Hue buss voice w hich he ued with Nplendid ell'ect in his purt. Mrs. W. 1', lluwley as tiueen Ksther was very Mutely in her rich rolicof brocaded satin, crown, etc, and her full sopram) voice whs well udapled to this dillicult part. Mr. C. A. Miller as Human, appeared also In ''purple and line linen" which wu later donned by hi successor, Mor docai. Mr. Miller' acting showed him to be at homo on the stage anil hi bus voice was in good condition. Mia. K. K. Churmun as .erinh waa exceptionally good, her well cultivated voice showing a good rungo on thi part and her cos tumes weie becoming Mr. W. A. Askin was excellent as Mordecai and proved himself to he an actor fur above (ho average for an amuteur. Hi fasci nating tenor makes him a favorite with Oregon City audiences. Mr. A. K. Dresser as Mordecai' sister sang her part in a clear, sweet soprano w hich was greatly admired. 8 he was attired in au appropriate w hile dies fashioned after the style of biblical times. Mr. J. V, Gray as the l'ropholess, appeared in a sot 1 1 h re robe of black and acted her part neifoctly. She also sung another solo, "O Mother Dear Jerusalem" in very creditale manner. Mr. Herbert ilestow a Hegul and High l'riest had also a part which was one of the best rii tained. Mr. Ilestow has a good bass voice and with hi robe of white and tall cup he made a very imiosii)g appearance. Mrs. Sadie White sung the " Mains of Peace" at the close of the second act in a well trained soprano, which was much appreciated. Dr. Farnham acted as Scribe. The choruses of Jews and Per sians, the former in mourning costumes of white and black and the latter in the bright colors worn by that nationality, did erTcctivo work. The kings guards were Daniel Tompkins and Mr. Itoyle who were arrayed in niedeival armor and Melville Eastham and Honald John son served as pages. Queen Father's attendants were F.thel Cantwell and Clara Wells, while Amy Ilolluck and Maud Morey were little maids and danced a graceful minuet. Kittle Mary Hell Cheney a the child of Zorisb and Human was veiy aweet and winsome. The stage management was in the hand of Mr. A. A. Askin, of Tacoma, Saturday night. Weber Dramatic Company. The Weber Dramatic company gave three performances in this city to crowded houses. The company has a good repertoire of plays, most of which are written for and played by no other company In the world. It is to be re gretted that this company could not re main with us longer, but they have dates ahead and leave this evening for Pendleton where they will open an en gagement. Besides the excellent com pany of actors, Mr. Weber carries with him a line band and orchestra. The band appeurs on the street twice each day and discourses some excellent and high grade music. The Weber Dramatic company is one, If not the best that ever yisited this section and we have no hesitency in recommending them to the public wherever they may appear. La Grand Chronicle A (rand Dinner. Landlord Itubiuson, of the Fleet ric ho, lid, is piepuilnglo give finest Christina dinner ever gimed the tables of a hotel ill Oiegiin City. AI. the best the linn ke itH'onls w il! be iced, and Mrs Kobinsoii w ill give the cooking her ler soiiiil siiyervinioi, , which is a guarantee thai it will eqinil the best, hume-cookcd dinner. The table siuvice will Im liis class, and no cll'ort will be spitied to please the glleNls, Special table will be reserved for fainiliesand pri vate parlies on prior notice being giv en, The following Is the menu to be served ; Hum lijuteiit. Houp. (iri i'ii Turtle mix Qin riielles. 'Purse of Chicken. ( Hill-in of Haltuon a la Victoria. Celery, Queen (Mlven. iloiled. Hulled Chicken. Oynler hatice. Cauapef ol Hum. Champagne riutice. HIirluipKiiliiil. F.ntrees. Fillets of HiTf. Vcul Croiiietles and Petit Puis. Htruwherrv Slmrtiake. Pine Apple Fritter. Vanilla Sauce. Itnanls, Voting Turkey Willi Mushroom, Cranberry Muce, Mulled Young Pig ami Apple Hume. Mallajd Duck and Currant Jelly. Prime Kiln of Heel u Jus. Wgelables. Sweet Potato. Mafhed Potato. Sugar Corn. (irten Pens. Caullllower. Home Made, Mince, Apple, Ixuiion, Ulack- Iwrry and Huek berry Piei, Kngliiili Plum Pudding, Hard Suttee and Il.mxly Sauce. Cake. Fruit Cake, Decorated Citron Cake, Cocoa nut, Jelly Cake. Vanilla Ice Cream. (iraeii, Apples, Kanauas, Walnuts, Al monds, Cream Cheese, Mixed Candiv. Claret, Tea, Cotlce, Milk. Dinner from .IP. M. to 7:: P. M. hunch from 11 ::i0 A. M. to 1 P.M. A Dramatic Treat. Shively5 opera house will no donbt be crowded on next Fridav evening, on which occasion the Thespian Drumatiu Club will make their first apK!urance before their home people. They have been taking a thorough drill under Prof Win. Kusiiium for four weeks, and a dramatic treut is in store for their many friends. Holland Mill and Dutch Miller. The little one who attend the Christ mas exercises at the Presbyterian church next Tuesdaw evening will have a novel treat in store for them. Santa Clan huving many calls to attend to thi year will not be there hut in hi stead will send a genuine Dutch miller all tho w ay from Holland to represent him. With hi null he will grind out presents for all, giving a flour sack full of candy to each patron. A fine musical and lit erary program will be rendered. Xmu. Items. Tool chest for boys from 10 cents up; steel wheel burrow for boy from 95 cent up; steel express wagons for boys from $1 up; large rocking horse fot boys from 75 cent up; doll carriage from 25 cents up. Large assortment of other useful presents too numerous to mention at Hm.t.oMV & Brscn's establishments. When a person begins to grow thin there I something wrong. The waste is greater than the eupply and iti only a question of time when the end must come. Price candies, nut and fruits every where and then come to the Novelty candy factory and gut ours and see the assortment we have to select from. Re member our stock is fresh ; not a pound of Btale stock in our store. The presents you want at the prices you like, are included in our splendid line of Christmas novelties. CiUHMAN & Co., City Drug Store, Leaders of Low Trices. It worth your while if you need any thing iu glass or crockery ware, tubs, brooms, wash-boards, lamps, tinware ect., to visit Marr & Robertson's Btore, they are clearing out the K. Staub stock at cost. Diseases unfriendly to women are positively cured by Dr. Sawyer s Pastil les. Ask your druggist for a free sample package. It heals and cures. Sold by Geo. A. Harding. Catarrh Cannot be Cared. With Local Applications, as cannot reach the seat of the disease, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on tho mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY A CO., rropa., Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, price 75. ROYAL Baking Powder. Highest of all la leavening Strength. V. S. Oovtromeat Report I In the Wlliuinetfo Illock, I The Willamette block now presents an -aii, muted appeuruuee w ith its elegant j store rooms, lustily fitted np with new, shelving mil counter mid lurge show windows, all of modern ilei-itm, und the ; rooms urn ail supplied with the lateht Improved meih nl i,f Hteatn healing j George. A, Harding, who has been for many years one ol the solid busim-d , men of Oregon City, removed his, st'x'k of dings into the store room adjoining the Odd Fellow building Wednesday, He has also added quan tities of new goods, and holiday article in gi eat variety. Mr. Harding now has one of the most elegantly fitted up drug store in Oregon City. The shelving and counters are made of solid ouk carved in tasty design. The front counter are filled with elegant show cases under neath, in which there is a tempting dis play of wares. The large ouk prescrip tion case is of elegant design, and a large and costly mirror In front adds to its model appearance. On the right side of the store room back of the pre scription case is a neat office, enclosed with gluss J'.ack o' the main tor? room is a roomy warerooin fitted up on one side with shelving. Kverything in and around the new store is perfect in design, Adjoiiiining Harding's store is the Novelty Candy Factory' headquarters. Kverything in and around the establish ment is fitted up in a neat and tasty style. The display ol fresb candies of only the lsst quality is tempting and at tractive to the eye. The shelve and counter are all new and in keeping with other arrangement about the well appointed establishment. The dining room, where oysters are served in every conceivable style, is elegantly fitted up with boxes, all lighted with electricity. A soon a the holidays are over, they will make a specialty of serving short meat orderetc. The south store room in the block is occtipld by Piager Bro. dry good em porium, and the genial Ike Ackerman, the well known former Oregon City boy, has charge of the new establishment. Their elegant stock adds much to the ap pearance of the block. Dr. Norris hug an elegant front room ollice in the upper story, which is a model of neatness und convenience. The local member of the cast in Damon and Pythias, under the training of Prof. Kasmus, are doing excellent work in the rehearsal and will acquit themselves creditably, The druggist of this town have little book that tell all about it. Digestive Cordial creates an appetite, aids diges tion and bring about a rapid increase in flesh and strength. The great attraction to-night (Friday), is Damon and Pythias at Shively's op era house. See our new prices and new Christ mas good. The best value ever offered in Oregon City at Charman A Co.'s City drug store. Tennyson Uleakney, who was ar rested for complicity in the murder of J. M. Brown, was discharged from cus tody early in the week, as affidavit were tiled with the district attorney, showing that he could not have been at the scene of the murder at that time. Krnest Russell ia still held in custody. It was so effective in curing those who used the remedy that they were loud in their praises of it and in consequence a large demand for the cordial was at once created. County Clerk llortou has issued per mits to the following peoDie to wed: Iena Dlanken and Schuyler Piatt, Nan nie Haley and G. L. Perdue. William Montgomery, of Mountain Dale, father of Charles Montgomery, who is in custody for the niuider of Hi ram Hall, was in the city last Saturday. G. W. and B. F. Swope, C D. and D. C. Latourette and George C. Brown ell, are retained for his defense, The Mount Lebanon Shakers recently performed a great deed of charity, although it was not designed as a charity, being nothing more or less than an ad vertising scheme. It however resulted in great good just. the same. They gave away 1000 bottles of their Digestive Cordial to those suffering from stomach derangements. The Odd Fellows ball given last Fri day evening at the Armory hall by Wil lamette Rebeka Degree Lodge, No. 2, was a grand social success. About 150 invited guests attended, and the occa sion was a most enjoyable one. William George has returned from Sa lem and assumed charge of the Nickel Lunch counter, which he purchased last week from R. Stanb. Damon and Pythias tonight, Shively's hall. Full cast. Fine costumes. "A bottle of perfume for 10 cents, a Christmas card for 1 cent, autograph albums for 5 cents, scrap books, 10 cents ; stationery 10 cents etc. etc. are among the articles displayed in Charman & Co's City drug store. Farm for Sale. One hundred and sixty acres in Pow ell's Valley ; one of the most desirable places in that sectioa. Will sell on easy terms on long time. Apply to Mas. Mary L. Bradley, County Assessor's office, Oregon City. Highest of all in Leavening l'o ABSOLUTELY PUKE Christmas ut M. K. Cliunli, Christum exercises will be held in the Methodist church Christmas eve, Tuea day evening Dec. 24th. The Sunday school assisted by the choir, will render an interesting program after which the present will be tuken fiom the tree and distributed. Next Sunday tho pastor will preach on some theme suited to the occasion and the choir will render special Christmas music, both morning and evening, as sisted by Mis Florence Morey and Miss Neita I'.arlow. Following is the program : MOUMMi. Organ voluntary Batlman. Gloria and invocation Responsive reading Hymn, "Joy to the Word" Handel Prayer Anthem, "Hark! What Mean Those Happy Voice." Scripture reading Ofliertory Organ Eugene Tyayer Hymn "Those Holy Voice"Von Webber Sermon Rev. S. W. Stryker, pastor. Anthem Shelly. Poitlude Batiste KVS.NINO. Organ voluntary Jean Batiste. Doxology and invocation Hymn "Hark ! the Herald Angels Sing." Prayer Anthem, "O be Joyful in the Lord". Scripture reading Offertory E, Thayer. Hvmn, "It Came on the Midnight Clear" Sermon Rev. 8. W. Stryker, pastor. Anthem, "Hark ! Hark ! my SouP'Shelly. Obligatosolo Miss Florence Morey, Contralto solo Miss Neita Barlow . Recessional Jean Batiste. Mrs. E. E. William, organist. (hurdles Please Molic.e Your Xinas tree committee will find the best assortment of candy and nuts to select from at the Novelty Candy Fac tory. We will quote satisfactory prices on fresh candies and new nuts. Not a pound of stale candies will be sold or given away by us. after hotel ar The New NoTelty Candy Factory. The Novelty Candy Factory will open for business December 12th, in their new quarters in the Willamette block oppo site the poetoflice. It will be the aim of the proprietors to supply the demands of their patrons w ith everything in the line of candies, fruits, nuts, cigars and tobacco, and will have neat and roomy dining and refreshment parlors, in which we will serve Eastern and Olym pian oysters with coffee at usual price, together with home-made pastry and all kinds of sandwiches. The business will be open from seven to 1 :30 a. m., and the public will find this the place to receive full value tor their money. The Molalla Dairy. Having established a dairy at my place on the Molalla road I am prepared to furnish pure, fi-esh'milk delivered to all parts of the city at reasonable prices. Address by postal card to Ely. A. Bai mans. Gold pen, sold pencil, toilet set, hdkf. sets, nut set, ink stand, stationery, per fume seta, etc., are elegant presents for ladies, at low prices at Charman A Co's., drug store. Balfe DeVore Johnson, favorably known in Oregon City as the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Carey Johnson, was married at The Dalles last week to Miss Grace Elizabeth Michell, a most estimable young lady of that city. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Wil liam Michell, uncle of the bride. The young couple have taken up their resi dence in Astoria, where Mr. Johnson is employed as manager of the Western Union Telegraph Company. See our announcement today. Char man A Co., City Drug store. Immense quantities of rock are being removed from the base of the cliff near the S. P. depot, by the S, P. Company. The rock after being loosened, is loaded on flat cars and transported to trestles at different points up the line, where it is used as filling. It is the probable in tention of the company to build another side track to accommodata the increas ing business of Oregon City. Notice of Dissolution. Notice is hereby given that the partner ship existing under the firm name of Charman & Co., between E. E. Char man and E. R . Charman has been dis solved and that by agreement E. E. Charman will pay all claims against said firm and will collect all bills and accounts due the firm which must be settled within 60 days from date of this notice. E. E. Charman, Matilda Charman, Executrix of the will of E. K. Char man deceased. Oregon City, December 13, 1895. Mrs. Rasmus as Calanthe is a success. wer. Latest U. S, Gov't Report Christinas (ireetlng. Oregon City Cash .Maiket, the only first-class meat establishment in thecitv, will give the people of Oregon City the best Xrna show that ha ever been given in the city. We have the best and latest stock that has ever been handled in the city. We wish to call the atten tion of the people to our thirteen months' old pigs, which will weigh over six hun dred -pound, dressed, apiece. These hogs were raised by Cha. Spangler, near Carus postolfice. We will show that Clackamas county can .aise just a large hog a can be raised in any country. Our Christmas roast wfll b the juicest and tenderest the market af fords. We are now (ire pa red to furnish our maay customer the whole year around with choicest stall-fed beef. We wish to call Secial attention to our Brooked meats. We are willing to com pare them with anv of the leading East ern brand that are in market. Wft have had practical experience in some of the largest packing establishments in the East. We are now retailing our smoked meats and lard at the following whole sale prices : Medium and breakfast ba con, 9c.; heavy bacon, 8c.; picnic hams, 8c. ; shoulders, 6c.; lard in 61b. pails, 45c.; lard in bulk, 8c. These prices are strictly cash. Petzold A Gale. The Discorery Saved His Life. Mr.G. Caillouette, Druggist, Beavers ville, 111., says: "To Dr. King's New Discovery Iowe mv life. Was taken -with LaGrippe and tried all the physi cians for miles about, but of no avail and was given up and told I could not" live. Having Dr. King's New Discovery in my store I sent for a bottle and began its use and from the first dose began to get better, and after using three bottles was up and about again. It is worth its weight in gold. We won't keep store or house without it." Get a free trial bottle at Charman A Co' Drag Store, Charman Bros, block. William Oesterie bad a heating before Justice Dixon Wednesday, on a charge of rape committed on the person of Min nie Hnerthe, of Damascus, aged 15. He was bound over in the sura of $500 to ap pear before the grand jury. Oesterlee was arrested last Sunday by Deputy Sheriff Millard Hyatt. Xmas cigars, pipes, cigar cases, knives and razors are fine presents far gentle men at Charman 4 Co's. Our holiday and Christmas stock ia full of new novelties and pleasing at tractions, from the finest perfumes to a box of pills. Charman A Co., City Drug Store. Price candies, nuts and fruits every where-and then come to the Novelty candv factory and get ours and see the assortment we have to rjelect from. Re member our stock is fresh ; not a pound of stale stock in our store. - You will miss a pretty sight if you fail to see the holiday display at Hunt ley's Book Store; and its beauty will lessen as the goods disappear. Moral go today, We are glad to welcome visitor, pleased to show our good, and ready to make close prices to all, Santa Claus' headquarters at . Charman A Co., City Drug Store. In a State of Bankruptcy ii tat condition of our system if the liver becomes inac tive to that the germ and poison can accumulate within the body. Keep tbe ltvtr and bowel active and we're in a condition of healthy imt-' . 'J parity and have sufficiently well in- - vesica capital to " draw upon in the our of need. The liver filter out the poitonout renns which enter the system. Just to aurtlj a the liver reg-ulates the system, so do Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellet regulate tbe liver. Keep thi in mind, and you solve the problem of good health and ' food livinf. The " Pleasant Pellets " have a tonic, strengthening effect upon the lin ing membranes of the stomach and bowels, which effectually cures Biliousness, Sick Headache, Costiveness, or Constipation, Indigestion, Loss of Appetite, Bad Taste ia Mouth, Sour Risings from Stomach, and will often cur Dyspepsia. The "Pel lets " sre tiny, because the Yegetable ex- - tracts are refined and oncentrated. Baar in action, m griping; as with old-fashioned pills. As a dinner pill," t promote di- ?Stion, take one each day after dinner. relieve the distress arising from over Mting, nothing equal on of these little "Pellets." Mrs. Melissa Atwatkk, of Steuben, Washington Co., Ml., writes : "As regard tn uiue - rel iefs, ' I think I could not do without them. I do not like t b without them in the house. I have spoken very highly to friends and neighbors of them, and many are tak i n f them through my advertising them. I will lias. Atwatek. say they ar th btt pill I can take, as-, Serially for an after-dinner piU, I think iey have so o.uaJ." 1